The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1951, Page 12, Image 12

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    f2-The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Saturday. June 9, 1951
More Groups to
J junior class at Calvary Baptist-Leslie Methodist vacation Bible school Joins In tinting led by Vivian
Boyce and accompanied by Mrs. Martin Johnson. This one-week school will have its closing procram
at 7 pjn. Sanday In Calvary church. (All photo by Don Dill. Statesman staff photographer.)
Occupied with a variety of things are members of the p re-school class
at Bethel Baptist vacation school. Ins tractors are Mrs. Chester Hed-
berg (left) and Mrs. Henry Newman, Jr. Children (clockwise from
left) are Carol Lee James, Duncan
' Jean Harmon, Janice Lee Evans.
Junior girls class at Court Street
pon learning from Instructors,
Blanche Seipp, Mrs. Doris Badeaa
: . ; tA
A project related to their Bible study at South Salem Friends vxca
tlon Bible school Is worked on
they are Sally Sea mater (back
cvenstser. Larry Harris, Darrell Nordyke. Xonnle Feller, Tom Don
ham, Kenneth DeCamp, Mike Mills, Robert Meighen, Carolyn Bish
op, Judith Foster and Nancy Gear
struetor. Is standing at the rear.
S teacher, lira. Peter Leewcn. momentarily loces the attention of
Jker claaa at Kingwood Bible chnrch vacation achooL Members
clockwise from left) are Jimmy Donaldson, Kanald Stewart, Johnny
Drake. Naomi Fast, Sheryl O bertha w, Mary Habert, Jonnell Goen
ther, Wallace Vohland. Richard Young, Gregory Benson, Mary Ea-t-ier
Becker, Joaane HaagtBsoa mud Neuter Pendleton. ,
Vacation Bible
'4 1 :
Start Prog
. ... j ! ... - ; - .
yw, v-... ss-L
s ' ; i!
Brighten, Michael Troax, Inna
Donna Crowly. Favtann Potts.
Christian vacation school Is Intent
from left, Mrs. Jessie Smith, Mrs,
and Mrs. Faith Morris.;
by this class. Clockwise from left
to camera), Dick Chandler. Eddie
hart. Mrs. James F. Bfehop, in
XvATv,. a Ail
rams on Mo nd ay
Valley Areas
Plan Vacation
Bible Schools
KEIZER, June 8 Keizer church
of the Nazarene will have its va
cation Bible school from July 23
through August 3 for children
from 4 to 14, with Mrs. John
Lynch and Mrs. J. L. VanArsedel
as co-supervisors. Refreshments
will be served and there will be
supervised recreation.
EOLA, June 8 James Larson
is directing a daily Bible school at
the Eola schoolhouse June 4-15,
inclusive, under auspices of . the
American Sunday school union.
Children from 3 to 18 years old are
welcome. The theme is "Bible
Bees, and hours from 7 to 9 p.m.
MARION, June 8 The vacation
Bible school for Calvary Luther
an church will be from 9 a.m. to1
noon each day next week.
JEFFERSON, June 8 Daily
vacation Bible school started Mon
day at Talbot Community church,
with enrollment now at 58. The
school meets from 9 a.m. to noon
each day and will continue to June
TK T . t T t - i
"rj:Jr.e" "w."h J"?-
tor, is superintendent, assisted by
six teachers, Mrs. Maxine DeVil
biss, Mrs. A. E. Cole and Mrs.
Rickard, Mary Gaxiola, Mrs. Ir
win, and Mrs. Oakley Cochran.
Lread Revival
For Baptists
The Rev. Ben Goddard and
Jimmy McCaleb are leading in
special revival services from Sun
day to June 17 at Capital Baptist
Goddard has served as youth di
rector in churches in Kansas and
Missouri, and in encampments in
Wisconsin and North Carolina. He
served as an evangelist in the
mountains of Oklahoma and is at
present a student in Southwestern
seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas, and
associate pastor of Park Cities
Baptist church, Dallas.
McCaleb has served as music
director in churches in Mississippi,
Texas and North Carolina. Both
Goddard and McCaleb have been
leaders in Baptist Student union
work on college campuses and in
youth revivals. The pastor, Rich
ard E. Hunt, has invited the pub
lic to hear these men each eve
ning at 8 o'clock and the regular
services on Sunday.
Children Get
Special Plan
Children's day will be observed
in aU services at Calvary Baptist
church this Sunday, according to
tne pastor, Omar N. Barth.
In the Sunday school a presen
tation will be given by the Junior
church group led by its superin
tendent, Clara Isaak. ,
At the 11 o'clock worship the
program will center around the
theme "A Child Grows Toward
God," directed by Mrs. A. L. Frost,
and including many children and
youth of the church.
Turner Chaplain
For Guard Camp
The Rev. G. Wesley Turner, pas
tor of Leslie Methodist church,
will leave today for the two-week
national guard encampment at
Ft Lewis, Wash., as 162nd infan
try regiment chaplain.
Speaking Sunday morning at
the church will be the Rev. Ralph
Ohling, while the evening service
will be dismissed for the vacation
.-.- a ra
scnooi program at i;aivary cap-
Sunday evening, June 17, For-
rest Cammack will show pictures
and talk on his visit to Bolivia.
CE Rally at Lebanon
. MILL CITY Lebanon First
Christian church will be hosts for
a Willamette Union Christian En
deavor rally on June 17. The. pro-
gram wui oe announced later.
"Christ h The Aiisver"
Corner N. Sammer A Hoed -atleltard
K. Hurt, Faster
Revival Meeting Service June 10 to 17 -Rev.
Ben Goddard, Preacher
Mr. Jimmy McCaleb, Singer -Bear
them each "evening at t T. JdC
Snndays: A. M.' 741 T.M.
Bring Your Family and friends
Draw Many;
563 Enrolled
In Salem for
" By Winston H. Taylor
Church Editor, The Statesman
Enrollment in six Salem daily
vacation Bible schools had reach-
ed 563 Friday as the first week
closed. Five of the schools are to
continue next week,-along with
five additional within Salem.
Classes are underway or slated
for the coming week also at Eola
schoolhouse. Calvary Lutheran J
church in Marion and Talbot Com- I
munity church. West Salem Meth-
odist's wUl be June 18-29.
Enrollment included 178 at Cal-
vary Baptist - Leslie Methodist, I
which has finished, 69 at St. Mark
Lutheran, 119 at Kingwood Bible,
47 at Bethel Baptist, 102 at Court
Street Christian and 46 at South
Salem Friends.
Plans for the coming week are
detailed below.
n . fVAH.HtA I
A vacation Bible school at the
Evangelistic temple, Assembly of
God, will be held June 11 to 22,
from 9 to 11:30 a.m with Dorma-
unn XtJi7?!
d,1"10" - A8 wiU be 4 to 15, m-
Themes will be: Beginners,
.m.vvj uoja, Limiaij, c 1
for Jesus:" junior, i"Our Treasure I
Chest;" intermediate,
'We Accept
a Challenge (.
First (Baptist to Start
Baptist church will open Monday
and continue through June 22. at
; tV: .:;:,TT'r":. 'T t;
VT'ri 7 r:Sl I
program will include Bible stories,
music, handwork and recreation.
Closing program is set for 7:30
p. m., Friday, June 22.
Enrlewood Flans -
Daily vacation Bible school will
begin Monday at Englewood Evan
gelical United Brethren church
on4 ...ill 1..) 4VA,,nk T.m. tt
oiii wui iui uuvuni vuu .
Classes will be from 9:30 to 11:30
m. Monday through Friday.
"Eat treats" will be furnished
each day. Those with perfect at
tendance for two weeks will be
given an imitation bee. An assem
bly will be held each day, includ
ing movies, magic tricks and funny
Mrs. Melvin Propp Is director.
Others serving are Mrs. Earl Ma
son, Mrs. William Pero, Mrs. Will
iam Knight, Mrs. L. S. Shuford,
Mrs. Floyd lung, Mrs. John Spong,
Mrs. Chester Waite, Mrs. Willard
Bear, Mrs. Guy Eades and Mrs.
M. B. Frank. I
St. Mark's Underway
Periods of worship, - stories,
handwork, play, quiet time and
other features comprise the pro
gram tor children from 4 to 14
years at St. Mark Lutheran
church s vacation church school,
being conducted from 9 to 11:30
each morning through next Fri
day. Enrollment to date is 69.
Mrs. Weston LaMunyon is su
perintendent of the beginners
Mrs. Arnold Olsen of the primary
and Mrs. John Glenn of the jun
The theme is "The Cities Jesus
Visited." "
Parents and friends have been
invited -to an open house at 7:30
p.m. Friday, with all classes par
ticipating in a program and dis
playing projects.
Naxarenes to Open
The daily vacation Bible school
of F;rst Church of the Nazarene
will open Monday, directed by
Aureta Smith.
Assisting her will be Mrs. F. A.
Riedesel, juniors; : Mrs. Eugene
Stowe, primary, and Mrs. John
Friesen, beginner, i
school will be held from 9 a.m.
to noon, June 11-22, with songs,
crafts, classes, recreation 'and - a
visual aid feature each morning.
Closing exercise will be during
the Sunday school hour -on June
United Brethren Set
First United Brethren in Christ
church will begin its daily vaca
tion Bible school Monday for two
weeks, from 9 to 11 a.m at 1145
Mission st.
Frank Benson will be superin
tendent. All children of the com
munity, from 4 to 14 years of age,
were invited.
European Crusade
speaker at lalbot
Statesman News Service
JEFFERSON. June 8 Miss Bess
Cornell, deputation worker from
1 . v - ...
we. European evangelistic cru-
isade, with headquarters at Buf-
falo, N. Y- will speak at the Sun-
day morning and evening services
at Talbot Community church.
The annual conereea tional meet
ing of Jefferson Evangelical Unit-
ed Brethren church will be Tues-
day night at 8 o'clock. The work
of the narf vnar will ruiw
together with the election of
church officers and plans for 1951-
"5Z. ,
iMethodists Set
Conce H
New DS Slated
Methodists of Oregon -are pre
paring this week end for the an
nual Oregon conference, wnicn
will open Tuesday on Willamette
university campus.
A feature will be the closing
service at 10:45 ajn. Sunday, June
17. in the gymnasium, when Bish
op Gerald H. Kennedy will speax
and read appointments of pastors.
Dean Melvin H. Geist of the urn
versity will direct a massed choir
from nine -churches of the Salem
Except for committee meetings,
the conference will begin Tuesday
evening with a memorial service.
Dr. J. Richard Sneed, pastor of
Los Angeles ; First - Methodist
church, will speak each evening of
the week - at First Methodist
, One Salem man has virtually
ended duties ' in preparation for
a new assignment. Last ; Sunday
Dr. Rov A. Fedie. Salem district
superintendent for the past six
years, baptized a baby at Albany,
preached at Toledo and gave a bac-
calaureate sermon at Oak Ridge,
in a typical week end.
After conference his successor
will be Dr. George Rose berry, now
pastor of Rose City Park church in
Portland and formerly . a district
.UUCiUlWliUCilt ill lUOIlV. ilC IMS
i.r. ?rZ ZaTJZZ
tional unit at the church. Another
change will be replacement of the
Rev. Oliver Gill as Forest Grove
district superintendent by Dr. Mil
ton Marcy of Tacoma Fit church,
formerlyof Oregon.
Dr. Fedje, whose next appoint
ment has not . been announced,
. v.: . XT
T. . "."1 "J
as a young man after four years
in the merchant marine After two
years' work he entered school nd
Ui,i ; ion xr- i,,-
' JS' T Tw
York City, four years In Dakota
and 20 years in Oregon-Rainier,
and Salem. He and Mrs. Fedje
have four children, of whom two
are preparing for the ministry.
Programs Set
For Children
At All Services
Children's day will be observed
Sunday, at First Evangelical
United Brethren church, with
special features for and by the
children in all the services, be
ginning with Sunday school at
- The Rev. Wilmer N. Brown wil
bring a special Children's day
message at the morning worship
service in which all children of
the church will unite. The Junior
choir, directed by Mrs. R. H,
Ermel, will sing, "C h r i s ti a n,
Forth! as the anthem. Children
will be baptized.
The lower departments of the
Sunday school - will . present the
annual Children's day program at
7:45 p.m. on the theme, "Children
of the Bible." ;
Church Picnic Sunday
Annual picnic of St. Paul's Epic-
copal church is planned for Sun
day at Stayton park, under the
chairmanship of Dr. . i Dean
Brooks. Groups will leave follow
ing both junior church and the
regular morning service.
ter. I
Central 315l,i N. Commercial.
Evangelistic Tempi ; Park
Market. ...
The chapel 12 in ana ueiue.
Bethel Cottage and D. ,
Calvary Liberty and Miller.
Capital Summer and Hood.
First Liberty and Marion.
Immanuel Hazel and Academy.
Bible Fellowship Memorial hos
pital chapeL
St. joscpo'a cottajco ana tntmn-
eta. . . . . .. .
St. Vincent ram Myrua ana
678 N. Cottaee t : :
940 S. 22nd
Coart street lTin ana i-oun.
First Cottage and Marion.
8th and Gaines. .
First Liberty and cnemeiceta.
Central Cottage and cnemeacta.
Cottage and Hood.
First Cottaee and Marlon. -KniKht
Memorial 19th and Ferry.
St. Paul's Church and Chemeketa.
, - .
'ATTH tabernacle-1309 N. Mh.
I e HixhiaaJ
Areas ' Church and
K '
.-You Are, Invited to the
' y " '. ; ' . -
Hon Firsts Christian Church
: Marion an4 Cottage Streets .
; 1&45 A. M.-Sviday-7i43 P. M. '
Dndley Strain. Minister
First Christian to Occupy ' :
New Edifice Sunday Morning
First service of worship in the
new structure . of First Christian
church, , at Marion ' and Cottage
streets, will be held Sunday morn
ing at 10:45. The sermon to be
preached by , the, . Rev. Dudley
Strain, pastor, will be "Bless This
House." -
The choir, directed by Melvin
Geist, will sing "There' Is a Balm
in Gilead" with Walter Naff sing
ing the incidental solo. Betty Pugh
Hagen will sing "Repent Ye" by
Scott. The new structure provides
Church Boys'
Group Leaders
Here for Meet
National leaders of the Sky Pi
lots, interdenominational group to
prevent juvenile delinquency,
were in Salem this week to meet
with the local chapter. They plan
to meet Monday and Tuesday at
7:45 . p.m. at Kingwood Bible
church with all men interested in
starting " the program in other
Elmer B. Sachs, founder and di
rector and a former police detec
tive, leads the group, touring in
its own small cabin plane. The
others are Eddie . Motter, though
blind a former champion gymnast,
and C. H. Bussert, former chap
plain of Walla Walla penitentiary
and a ventriloquist
The Salem Sky Pilots comprise
35 boys and 10 men, meeting each
Monday night at the airport under
leadership of Sidney Haagenson as
.captain. They are one of 80 squad
rons lormed in seven years in i
states, Hawaii and South Amer
ica. -
Sachs said, the principle is to
harness the hobby of model plane
building and flying among boys.
from 9 years up, and of real fly
ing for men. Related fields are
radio and Dhotoeranhy. with the
Skr Pilots' own "ham" network
being established. j
The work encourages both air-
mindedness and - Christian char
acter and citizenship as the prop
er solution to Juvenile delinquen
cy and . super-taxing to remedy
men in prisons after the damage
has been done. The leaders de
clare boys are America's most val
uable asset.
The program starts with men.
leaders who are recruited before
bovs are. They earn ranks and
special awards and have uniforms
Both Junior and senior members
must attend some Sunday school
three Sundays of each month.
The organization plans an in
vasion' or san r rancisco on juiy
4 for its national convention.
Speaker Due
Ethel Hubler, nationally known
sneaker on the alcohol problem
and editor and , publisher of the
National Voice, America's oldest
temperance weekly, published in
Los Angeles, will speak at First
Methodist church on Monday eve
nine at 8 o'clock.
"It is my conviction," says Miss
Hubler, "that the liquor traffic is
the greatest blot upon our civiliza
tion today. Furthermore, I am con
vinced that it could not continue
to exist without the tacit consent
of "the church. When the church
awakens to the fact that since the
loath Salem Commercial and
FOURSQUARE 490 N. 19th.
Calvarr Chasel 1143 N Libert-
' Jesus Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis.
United Pentecostal 44S Ferry.
SCIENCE 4AQ N. Cottage.
JEWISH Broadway , and Madison.
Central Capitol and Galnea.'
Christ 18th and State.
St. John's 16th and A.
St. Mark 343 N. Church.
First Church and State.
Jasoa Leo Winter and Jefferson.
Leslie Commercial and Myers.
West Salem 3rd and Gerth.
NAZARENE First, 13th and Center.
Winter and Chemeketa.
17th and Chemeketa
Summer and Hood.
460 N. Cottage (Woman's clubhouse).
Memorial hospital c ha Del.
1145 Mission.
for two choirs, adult and youth,
who will participate in each morn
infc service. -
i Sunday school officers have been
working desperately to get every
thing in readiness for classes Sun
day morning. Much -new equip
ment, made by men in the con
gregation and painted by work
ers, will be in use for the first
' Much of the final decorating will
be finished during the next week
to make everything in readiness
for Dedication day, June 17. -
Infants Will Be
Dedicated Sunday
i unuaren oi cnurcn lamines Dorn
within the past year are to be
dedicated at 11 a.m. Sunday at
Bethel Baptist church. Parents
will be at the altar with the chil
dren and hear the vows.
The choir will sine the anthem.
A Prayer for Children," and the
pastor will talk on "Baptismal
Obedience." Six children between
the ages of seven and 11 are to be
baptized by the - Rev; Rudolph
Woyke. Sunday school begins at
45 a-m.
Special Music
Planned for
Children's Day
A special children's observance
at the 9:45 service at First Pres
byterian church Sunday, will tea
ture several departments of the
church school in special musical
Invocation will be given by
members of the primary depart
ment. Mrs. Robert Wulf, super
intendent, has. arranged for these
children to sing several songs
and present a litany.
The nursery deoartmenL direct
ed by Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, sr.,
will sing three songs.
The beginners' department, di
rected by Mrs. Maynard Sniffer,
will present several songs and
recitations. Mrs. J. H. Brydon has
arranged for the junior depart
ment to put on a presentation of
memory work. Dr. Chester W,
Hamblin, pastor, will conduct the
worship. The 9:45 program has
been arranged by J. J. Fitzsimons,
superintendent of the church
school. ...
At the 11 o'clock service.. Dr,
Hamblin will preach. The choir
will sing 'As,. Torrents in Sum
mer by Elgar, and Bertrain
Sturm will sing "Repent Ye' by
Gliildren's Day
Honors Toddlers
An Infants' and toddlers serv
ice will highlight children's day
lor tots 3 years and under at West
Salem Methodist church at 11
ajn. Sunday.
Grandmothers will be ushers
and hostesses. A prize awaits the
youngest infant.
The Rev. Harold Black will talk
on "The Best Start in Life."
liquor traffic is the greatest enemy
of the church, the church should
be the greatest enemy of the liquor
traffic, a moral and political revo
lution will occur in this country."
Glorify God
Throngh Worship
Two Morning - Services
9:45-A. M. Children's Day
11:00 A. M.
"Candles in the Dark"
Sermon by the Minister
First Presbyterian
Chemeketa at Winter
Chester vV Hamblin, Pastor
Coo Th BfllT
JC6 . Graham FUm
'The Portland
Sun. Evening 8 P. M.
Morning Message
The Parahle
oi the Dragnet
Dally Vacation Bible
School Starts Mon, I in.
Victor L. LobcIls, Pastor
4 Corners Baptist
State St Elma Streets
On Hour Special SmgsMusicians Singen j
Also Ersldno Holt and Ronald Sitser J;
- Sunday School Classes for All 10 K. M.
FiliTn mDEmmcL ,
1305 North. 5tlK at Gaines ; .
Special Rites
Due in Ghurcli
At Silverton -
tatessaa News Servleo 1
: SILVETJTON. June 8 While
some of the vacation Bible schools
will continue through next week,
the Calvary school will close Sat
urday, June 9. y - r
The enrollment during the ses
sion .has numbered 48 children
with the Rev. and Mrs. Arvid Ho
konson and Mrs. Joseph Stanton .
as the teachers. At the regular
Sunday school hour, the vacation
school will give its program, to
1t . .... .
wmcn m parents ana mends are
invited. Confirmation services will
be held at the 11 o'clock service.
I At First Christian church, a fU
lowship dinner will follow i the
morning worship. Monday night
at 8 o'clock the church board will f
meet For the summer months the ' '
Christian Endeavor groups will '
meet at ( and 7 o'clock Sunday,
nights. " ? r
I New officers of Trinity Luther 1
an church will be installed Sunday
at 7:30 pjn. Donna Olson will pre- :
sent the topic "Bible Camps" fol-1
lowing installation. Sunday school -staff
will meet at the Samuel Tor-
vena home Wednesdav at S n.m. :
Luther league members who in-.
tend to attend the convention , at
Seattle are to meet at Trinity par .
sonage Thursday night at 8 p.m. .
The vacation Bible school program
will be held Friday night at 8 ;
o'clock. t , . ;
Immanuel Luther learners in
planning a recreation period' for
Sunday night starting at 7 to be
followed by the league program
at 8:15. Immanuel church council -
wui meet Tuesday night at. the
parsonage. ;
Harold Jenks. nrincioal of tv-
ingstone school, Salem, will be the
guest speaker Saturday morning
at the 11 o'clock worshiD at tho
Seventh-day Adventist church.
Along with "other Methidirf
churches, the Rev. Douglas HarreU
of the Silverton church will ob
serve Methodist Student day Sun-
day. Youths will take part in the r
monung worship and will bold
youth fellowship program t - S -
p. m. to include recreation with a
film. -ft . ,
Independence Sets
Dinner for Pastor
Statesman News Service
no-host fellowship dinner will fol
low the morning service Sunday
at Independence Methodist
church, ' ;
Honor guests will be the Rev.
Myron Pogue, pastor who is com
pleting his service to the church
Sunday, and the Rev. F. R. Sibley,
pastor about 20 years ago. :
Attend Church I
With Your Children
On Children's Day
Sunday, I June 10
Message by Minister
"Heart Direction" !
" Anthem by Junior Choir
v "Christian, Forth!" ;
' r 11:0a A. M. ;
Children Present
- "Children Of The Biblef
7:45 P. M.
First Evangelical
United Brethren.
. Church
Marion it Summer "
Assembly of God
Market St & Park Ave; .
Full Schedule of Services
During Summer Months
- : : ," J"
9:45 a. m. Sunday School
11:00 "God Loves the Cheerful"
6:15 Youth Groups & Vesper '
7:43 A Great Sunday Night
Service j-
Vacation Bihle !
Scnooi 1
Begins Monday, June 11 thru
22. Daily 9-11:30. Children 4-15
years. Bible stories. Hand work.
Illustrative teaching, singing.
Your Child Will Leve It .
CaU Church Office 2-7tl
School Directors ;
E. Molander St D. Buns assist
ed by Tempe .SJS. Staff.
W. S. Frederick, Paster
in the Ilighl'