The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1951, Page 9, Image 9

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    Nuptials Held
At Church
GERVAI S Miss Viola Mae
Bierly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Bierly of Woodburn. was
married at a three o'clock candle
light ceremony Sunday afternoon,
May 20 to Donald Norman. Hansel,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansel
of Portland. The service was per
formed in the Gervais Presbyter
ian church by the Rev. Ernest
Tremblay. Mrs. Bruce Short and
Miss Mary Jane Hall lighted the
Mrs. Jess C Adams was organ
ist. Mrs. Lloyd Dale Brown of
Aberdeen, Washington and Konaia
Lush of Salem, were soloists.
The bride wore a - ballerina
length gown with lace bodice with
small collar, and long full sleeves
with wrist ruffles. The nylon net
skirt was full. A bandeau of orange
blossoms held in place her finger
tip lace trimmed illusion veil. She
carried a bouquet of pink roses
centered with a white orchid. ;
Mrs. Richard Minson of Red
mond was her sister's matron of
honor and wore an aqua lace bal
lerina length dress. She carried
yellow roses. Neices of the bride,
Carol Bierly of Tulelake, Califor
nia and Janet Minson of Redmond,
were junior bridesmaids and wore
pink dresses and carried pink
roses. '
Mathew Russell of Portland was
best man for his brother-in-law.
Elmer Bierly and Evan Russell
were ushers. '
For her t daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Bierly wore a grey, aqua and
white sheer print with white ac
cessories. The bridegroom's moth
er wore a , lights b r o w n bead
trimmed gown and brown acces
sories. Both wore pink rosebud
A reception was held following
the ceremony in the church par
lors. Mrs. Amos Bierly and Mrs.
Elmer Bierly, sisters-in-law of the
bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Mathew
Russell, the- groom's sister poured
the coffee. Mrs. John Drake and
Mrs. Vernon Dobion were in
charge of the punchbowL Mrs,
Glen Trussell, Miss Barbara Peter
son, Miss Dawn Jones and Mrs.
Robert Holoubek assisted.
For travelling the bride wore a
rose beige check suit with white
and blue accessories and an orchid
The bride is a graduate of Ger
vais union him school and has
been employed by the state unem
ployment compensation committee.
The groom graduated from Jeffer
son high school in Portland and
has attended the University of
Oregon! He is now a student of
Western States college in Portland.
Shower Fetes Teacher
LYONS Miss Deane Thomp
son, first grade teacher at the
Mari-Linn school was honored
with a shower held at the com
munity club house Thursday eve
ning. Miss Thompson plans to be
married in August. Refreshments
were served to Miss Thompson,
Mesdames Wiliard Hartnell, Don-;
Id Huber, Eldon Mulkey, Jim
Phelps, Clyde Bressler, John Har
greaves, Vern Nydegger, Floyd
Bassett, Sam Bridges. Glen Julian,'
Leo Cruson, Robert Fetherston,
John Prideaux, William Prichard,
Art Baltzer, ; Burl Smith, George
lluffma, Alex Bodeker, Beulah
Lewis, Marlyn Baltzer, Shiela
Westover, Alice Huber, Minnie
Wright, . Keta Dysinger, Janet
Huffman, Vivian Boyce, and Mrs.
Collier. Those sending gifts were
Elva Kuiken, Hazel Wirth, Janice
Huffman, Helen Pietrok, Mes
dames Lawrence DougaU, Robert
Be thell, Phillip Pietrok, Hershel
Culwell, Thomas Putman, Ivan
Smith, Herman Free, Ben Volten,
Donald McWhirk and O. L. Jones.
SWEET HOME Mr. and - Mrs.
Neil Robertson were hosts at a
going-away party held at their
home on east L street Saturday
evening for Paul Lorimor, west
coast inspector, who left Port
land by plane Sunday evening for
New York, where he will be em
ployed at his job for the next six
months. Mrs. Lorimor and two
children will remain here during
his absence. Present at the party
were Mr. and Mrs. James Mre
head, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gar
ber, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shepherd
nd Mr. and Mrs. Lcc'-ner and
Fresh Linn Cod
Fresh Crabs and Crab Meat,
Meat. Fresh and ZScmd Prawns. Fresh Lobsters, Bppsrsd
Sfl!.-nca and Cjnoksd Salmon, Finnan Had die, Fr2t
Dressed Fryers and Hens.
'. .
Mr. and Mrs. Johni McCleary are announcing the en
gagement oi their daughter. Iris Baline, to Dale Bull, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bull of Salem. No date has been set for
the wedding. Oesten-Miller photo). !
Oleta Murphy f
New Adviser jj
Woodburn4-Miss Oleta Murphy,
Woodburn high school senior and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Murphy of Woodburn, was install
ed as worthy; advisor of the Ever'
green assembly! of Rainbow? Girls
Thursday night in public ceremo
nies. Installing officer was the re
tiring worthy advisor, Miss Eileen
Rogers. Woodburn DeMolay! boys
put on the crowning ceremony fol
lowing the installation. Mrs. Tom
DeAnnond is mother advisor for
the organization. ;
Other elective officers installed
included Miss June Polly, associate
worthy advisor J Miss Loris' Lar
son, charity ; I Miss Loris Merriott,
hope, and Miss Shirley Anderson,
faith. fif t!
Appointive; ot fleers Installed
were Miss Jane McGrath, chap
lain; Miss Joanne Schmid,: drill
leader: Miss Janet Blanchard, as
sistant drill leader; Miss Sharon
Guthrie, love; Miss Dixie Ruud,
religion; Miss Elpis Nelson, nature;
Miss Evelyn 'Becker, Immortality;
Miss Sue Paulson, f idelity; s Miss
Jean Stack, patriotism; Mis? Ka
ren Magnusort, service; Miss Lorna
Henderson, confidential observer;
Miss Dixie Bean, outer observer;
Miss Dorothy Baxter, musician;
Miss Marsha 'LaBarr, choir direc
tor; Miss Marjorie Chitwood, his
torian, and Miss Donna Becker,
custodian. 5 1 si
Members of the choir are Matti
Sue Clark, Karol Kay Rhode,! Lin
da Peterson. Joanne Gaviola,! De-
lene Seely, Julia Ann Rostvold,
Barbara Baumann and Joyce Eek
wortzel. The! drill team is Janice
Painter, chairman; Patty Luffman,
Nancy Schuler, j Joanne Mattson,
Shirley Knoxi Phyllis Roberts, Jo
anne Williamson and Irene Layne.
M1U City -Athol Cline was sur
prised when I a group of friends
honored him;, on his birthday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Davidson. Present were Betty Lou
Cree and Athol Cline, Viola Peter
son and Earl Hennes, Donna Nel
son and Jerry Larson, Lola Kelly
and Mervin Haun Patricia David
son, Jerry Swan, Birdie Larson,
Arthur Peterion. Mickie Schroe-
der, Jimmie Carey, Mr. and Mrs.
John Davidson, i ;
Orchard Helfbts Forty women
attended a kitchen shower in honor
of Miss Delores Girod on Saturday
at the horn of Mrs. Albert Bouf
fleur with Mrs. Veneta McMorris
assisting. Miss Girod will be mar
tied in June to James McDowell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDowell.
By the piece Jb.
Fresh Shrimp
and Shrimp
Outgoing Officer Feted
Women's Catholic Order of For
esters met Tuesday night at the
Salem Woman's clubhouse. Mrs.
Josephy Henny, retiring: chief
ranger, was presented the tradi
tional court pin by Mrs. B. J.
Dimelar: Plans were made for the
central council meeting of the
Women's Catholic Order of For
esters of Oregon to be held j in
Salem in August. A campship was
awarded to Mary Angela Suing,
a Junior Catholic Daughter. Re
freshments were served by Mrs.
B. Innocenti and Mrs. B. Krechter.
Auxiliary Holds
Mt. Angel Seven! new mem
bers were initiated into the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary Tuesday
night, the past presidents officiat
ing.. The new members are: Mrs.
Mike Landaring, Mrs. Philip Culp,
Mrs. Barney Kirsch, j Mrs. .Tom
Bockelman, Mrs. Louise Wei ton,
Mrs. Ray Ruscher, Mrs. Vincent
Smith. The initiation team In
cluded Mrs. Fred Lucht. Mrs. Cle
tus Butsch, Mrs. Fred Prbsser, Miss
Theresa Dehler, Miss Loretta Deh
ler, Mrs. Clifford Norton and Ma
Mae Heggie. j i
Mrs. Gene Hoffer reported that
two girls from Mt. Angel Academy
had been chosen to represent Mt.
Angel at Girls State at Willamette
university June 18 to 24. The choice
of the auxiliary is Barbara Lacy
and the girl sponsored by the Cath
olic Daughters of America is Faith
Manion of Scotts Mills. Frances
Dieker and Betsy Verboort have
been named alternates.
All auxiliary members will help
in the sale of poppies on Friday
and Saturday. Mrs. Dora Gores
and Mrs. Hoffer in charge. Child
ren of the eighth grade of St
Mary's school, will also help sell
me poppies.
GRACE'S - - now offering one OUTSTANDING
with every beautiful summer hat that has been
j greatly reduced. . ' I ' '
' . 234 North High
Family Reunion .
Sweet Home Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Houck went to Shools on
Sunday to attend the Houck family
reunion held at the home of his
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Kirkpa trick.
The Houck ' family were early
settlers in Oregon. ' Mr. and Mrs.
David. Houck, parents and grand
parents of the present day Houcks,
came from Ohio and Illinois. Dav
id Houck, bora In Carroll county
Ohio, In 1830, and Illla Lammon,
his wife, born In Green county Il
linois in 1845, came to Oregon in
covered wagon with ox team in
1847. Following their marriage at
Oakland, Oregon, they settled on
a ranch in the Illinois valley. They
were the parents of 12 children,
seven of whom are now living. Of
the seven, six were In attendance
at the reunion. They were Joe
Houck of Cave Junction;George
Houck, Klamath Falls; Robert
Houck, Sweet " Home; i Mrs. Jim
Trefrem, Portland: Mrs. Laura
Johnson, Crescent City, Calif., and
nancy ; Cummin gs, Oregon City.
Jim Houck, Ashland, was not pres
ent Fifty-three persons attended
the reunion. i - a !
Along with the family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpa trick celebrat
ed their 50th wedding anniversary.
Gilbert Kirkpa trick was born at
McMinnville in 11872, and his wife,
Clara Houck, was born In Jose
phine county in .1872. . They were
married in Portland In 1901. They
have resided on their ranch at
Shools for the past 40 years."
Rainbow Girls
Honor Mothers
DALLAS Naomi assembly, Or
der of Rainbow for Girls honored
their mothers and past mother ad
visors May 21,' following the reg
ular meeting. i
Marjorie Nelson, program chair
man, presented the program which
included a reading by Marjorie
Lute; whistling solo,: by Lorna
Lawrence and a reading, by Mar
jorie Nelson, t . :
Those attending included: Mrs.
Richard Van den Bosch, Mrs. E.
B. Hamilton, Mrs. Garland Kestler,
Mrs. A. J. Cleveland, Mrs. Bolton
Stinnete, Mrs. John Cambpell and
Mrs. George Kin-re. Wanda Holmes
was refreshment chairman. Phyllis
Ruieter was chairman of the cor
sage commitee. ;
Installation Of officers was held
Saturday night with a group of
boys from the Order of Demolay
at Independence officiating. Donna
Schroeder was installing officer;
Ann Gerling, marsh all; Mrs. Alma
Dempsey, musician and Sally Stin
nette, chaplain. i .
Officers installed Include: Jane
Hart, worthy j advisor;- Betty
Craven, 'assistant worthy advisor;
Janet Lundy, f Charity; Phyllis
Ruiter was chairman of the cor
Faith. ' I- j
The appointed officers are
Wanda Holmes, love; Mary Curry,
religion; Sara Bossatti, nature;
Lura Moen, Immortality; Mary
Gerlinger, fidelity; Darlene Parke,
patriotism; Gerry Reinemer. serv
ice; Patty Boss, chaplain; Lois
Learner, drill leader; Marilyn
Ruby, assistant drill leader; Shar
on Forrette, outer observer; Lorna
Lawrence, confidential observer;
Beverly Trent musician; lone
Cochrane, choir director; Char
lene Wiedeman, historian.
. i i
The Lyons Extension unit held
an all day meeting at the com
munity club house Friday with a
joint meeting with the Jordan
unit Virgeen Scott Mabel Down
ing and Rose -Thayer j were host
esses assisted by some1 of the Jor
dan ladies. Miss Mary Frances
Kelly was present and held a dis
cussion on the second series of
weight control,- j !
f " r
' ,t
- - '
i -
fcaiMa) ntmimti
I Mrs. Alan Haslebacher
J (Patricia Ann Hynes) who
was married on May 19 at
ISt Paul's Catholic church
jln Silverton. The bride Is
4he daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. , Edward Hynes and
fthe grobrxi is the son of Mr.
land Mrs. Edward - Hasle-,
Ibacher. (Arte photography).
Couple to Live in
lios Angeles
Buena Vista Mrs. Lucille Sadie
of Albany and John Wright of Los
Angeles were united in marriage
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Pruiett Sunday afternoon. May 20.
Rev. Melville T. Wire of Salem
read the vows.
The bride wore a white linen
suit with navy " blue accessories.
Her only attendant was her niece.
Miss Beverly Kabler of Albany.
Best man was James Webb.
'During thf reception "hour Mrs.
Frank Sadie cut the wedding cake,
Mrs. Charles Martinek poured and
Mrs. Alvin Root presided at the
punch bowL
After a short honeymoon the
Pltdlorn Dc&crs ,-fiafr
, Vi Price Lnggcgo
QXsctmnnued Patterns)
Larce Frcsnod
S2S.M YalM
Plastic Easts
CInb Cfcnirs
Ef Walnut
wii ! . or Maple
Rebekah Lodge : :
In Sessions r 4
:- t HI l - ;
Mrs. Donald; Muellhaupt, noble
grand, presided at the regular ses
sion of the Salem. Rebekah Lodge
No. 1 at the IOOF halL Mrs. Mary
Jane White and Mrs. June Thorne
were elected to membership. In
troduced and welcomed as a new
member was Mrs. George Beane
Mrs. Justine Kildee gave her
report of the. Council of f Women's
clubs. Mrs. Jane Mennls was elect
ed for recommendation as advisor
to the Beta Iota Theta Bho club
No. 57 and Mrs. Lawrence Mc-
Clure as her assistant.
Mrs. Clyde Bancroft told of her
recent visit to ML Jefferson Re
bekah Lodge at Jefferson. Mrs.
Blanche Bull and Mrs. Gavin Hill,
chairman of the good of the order
committee, presented . some - tips
on good etiquette in the lodge.
Social night will be next Mon
day evening and Almira ' Rebekah
Lodge No. 26 of Dallas is coming
to present "The Model Lodge."
Guests Attend
Guests at the dessert luncheon
and bridge party f or So journers on
Thursday afternoon at the Salem
Woman's clubhouse were Mrs. M.
S. UUman, Mrs. John Neilsen, Mrs.
Wilfred Chaussee, Mrs. ( Landers
Finseth and Mrs. George J. Scott.
A new , member welcomed was
Mrs. Eugene Olson.
The . theme for the decor was
roses , with each table centered
with a rose floating in a crystal
dish. Bouquets of roses were ar
ranged about the rooms, j
: i
' ! -
Coeds Elected to
Class Offices j
Marylhurst college students have
elected three Salem girls; to class
offices for the coming year. They
are Leonita Browne, who' will be
secretary-treasurer of the senior
class, and sophomores Doris Ron
land and .Marlene Raschko, elect
ed jls president and special events
chairman, respectively.
,iiss Browne, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.' Paul Browne, 683 N. 16th
street, is a major in education.
Both sophomores are majoring in
home economics. Miss Rohland is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Rohland, 1970 N. Church end Miss
Raschko is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Raschko, 964 Kingwood
Drive. ',
-Among next year's club officers
is Audrey Pearson, 685 Trade st,
who will serve as treasurer for the
Future. Teachers of America. She
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward H. Pearson. i
couple will be at home in Los An
geles, where Mr. Wright, a recent
OSC graduate. Is employed as an
engineer by Lockhead Aircraft Co.
Eamfis' 75fiEa IiBBfoei:sa?y
Every Pic oi Furniture In tho Store
I 1 1 I ff l i t
59,5 ia)k f
i r N. y
1 , TV
Dozn:3 or oust rQiuiiiT good vjodsi tczouczoot tes
The Statesman, Salem.
Hay esville Mrs. Jess Barnes
was honored with a handkerchief
shower Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. David Don, 3290 Lancaster
drive. She was assisted by Mrs.
Paul Wellbrock. The Barnes fam
ily is living temporarily in the
Keizer district, having sold their
new home on Ward drive. They
expect to move with their daugh
Meet Helena Rubinstein's;
Beauty Consultant
Come in for your free j
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Here is your opportunity to
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You will discover exciting new ways
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Helena Rubinstein's Beauty Con
sultant will be here next week only,
so make your appointment for your
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1 403 State
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Famous Make
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-Walnut or
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Lamp Tables, ofc -EACH;
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Oregon, Friday, tZaf 5 IS51-M?
ters, Jerilyn and June, to Colorado
Springs in late June., ;
Honoring Mrs. Barnes were Mas
dames Paul ZielinsM, Harvey
Christenson, Everett Brown. Ed
ward Zanara, A. 0.:Legler, Jack
Bunz, John Hennlng. Arvo Katka
Al Benson, Oscar Noren, Galen
SiddalL W. WaddeH and the hos
tesses. have Helena Rubinstein's personal
, Bmm ijh rtCC '
$ht at Liberty
S9Jf Taise Eacn
Gssudonnl Tt!2s
' (Glass ' Taps)"
laleqched woods.
u '
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f 1