.,....,4-'. IH'SMryVar M 1WU1 mux ilffi- v t ! - t ' The Stefecfcha. SaleA' Oregon: r&Sar. I !ay S3. 1S5I 7. Non-Farming Employment At Top Mark More than 450,000 persons are engaged in non-farm employment, the biggest May total on record, the state unemployment compen sation reported Thursday. The total is 20,000 more than a records will coatinue to De proxen in the Bummer raonths. . New records J are beipg set in every main line of activity, with lumber, construction, metals and machinery manufacturing in the lead. ! ' The commission said its employ ment office , listed 3,445 unfilled jobs this month while 4,761 per sons drew unemployment compen sation. - r Spain for centuries was the world's greatest lead producer. PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY Regular $9.75 WAHL OR ACE ELECTRIC Hair Clippers 951. Smooth clipping of home bar- berinq. Adiustable, operate witn complet ions. si j. ; Drugt to irec 1.29 Sun Glasses Aviator Style 98c Plastic Travel Kit i Zinc Oxide Ointment iJ. 35c 'TSSS Shave Mirror 75c Swimming Cap Fluffy Cleansing Tissue Moth Flakes Full Strength Sea Siren 10-oz. 69c 59c 12c 19c 39c 16c 13c 2.95 Gilbert Alarm Clock $.159 1.25 Pint Vacuum 98c Canasta Set Double Deck 79 c 59c TOILETRY Fresh Fruit Flavored ; Gum Drops 1 19c CANDY 79c Lambs Wool CAR POLISH VASHMin 33c VARIETY , King. LU1IWIICUII JC1 4 Saucers Deach Ball Bowl Set Colorful 4-Piece 98c 49c 88 c Electric Hot Plate $1.98 $4.95 Electric Fan I $3.88 $1.49 Aluminum Sink Guard 79c $1.29 Cake Safe With Carrier 69c $1.29 Aluminum Percolator 79c $2.98 Picnic Jug 1 -Gallon $2.33 VARIETY 2.19 14-Inch Tool or Tackle Box $1.79 Cantilever Tray ' Regular $4.98 Offset Handle ' CASTING I ROD ! , $2.49 1 $3.98 Lavn Chairs Sling Seat $2.69 10c Flashlight Batteries j 4c Canvas Work Gloves - 19c Straw Hats Assorted Colors i 29c Plastic Sand Pails 25c 98c "iSr Camp Stool ; 79c 15c Paper Napkins i 5c $2.90 Jumbo Picnic Basket $2.29 VARIETY f Jew Crop Valencia ORAtlGES 4 do. 90c 233 Size TOILETRY 46-0uncc I Ubby's or My-Te-Fine PINEAPPLE JUICE : 27c TOILETRY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P. M. rot rntirrr surf as U . .' WE RESE2VE THE RIGHT TO ILVJT QUANTITIES m mm .m p n fl a j n cJ 9 lc..;:t 3 3 l r isr i ::: ,::.. SALEM'S LOWEiST DRUG PRICE e e I ' ! j - it oooo 1 Reg. $1 .00 iffl 12)3m- . .Cs-esii Shampoo t ' ; i . I . v . - - -i - i in-: 2 I jars easier to manage, ideal tor use permanent. j TOILCTR1ES . vMsSfS3ES!rl w .ii in .... jZSSXTTzr. ; aNmr 1 . . t , .i',ii' u.l.x'.lLuL'u ill is M ' 1 j " for U fMild, lanolinajed creme shampoo to give P!: you - new. lovelier hair. Makes your ha.r before home ll Si - i -i i i Limnm III ' "' i i ' ilMMW i 1 i. " .M r r : 1 ; : : 7 ! f iK' 1 I Easy to use. and it's so M M L V Creates ocean, of biltewlng lather, cleanse, 3 your hair completely, even w7,k.. . ;i """vvi afjeciai i rnses. Leaves your hair with naturaf sheen M Jirvl l...fr ' TOILETRIES 5-DAY DEODORANT One Pad lasts five days PADS i i 75's 3S, 59c f I i PLUS TAX It's so easy to use 5 day deodorant pads . . . They'll keep you 4 fresh, all day long. One pad lasts five days .; . . For real economy get five today. ' TOILETRIES I The remarkable emerild green shampoo in easy to use I I tubes. Nothing to spill or break. Does wonders for your I I hair. Rinses out completely, leaving hair easy to manage. I Save more . , get : , "'-m "J I I the large tube today ; (4l( 1 I TOILETRIES . I .5 U Mnrt" MENNEN SKIN BRACER 11 -Or. 5-Or. $1.15 59c Plus Tax Bracing lotion for after shave. Keeps men's skin supple and smoojh. LUCKY TIGER SPECIAL FORMULA KAD2-nik PIu Tax Specially created hair tonic, antiseptic formula for those of j -you who prefer a hair dressing without oil. Conditions your I I scaip, kiiis aanaruTT germ ana grooms ine nair perrecriy. . fna ai rreo vwyer lowesi prices. r i-s i ! - f ETIQUET CREME DEODORANT 59c 39c, 25c PLUS : TAX i It's good etiquette and manners to be safe end sure with ETIQUET deodorant creme. AH day protection at thrifty price. : . SPRAY BOTTLE, 59c Pins Tax !'.. Lustre Creme SHAMPOO $1.00 TOILETRIES Your , hair's a dream, when you use Lustre Creme. n n t f j if 5 16-Ox. Kreml Hair Tonic $1.49 Plus Tax Stimulating hair tonic to improve hair and scalp and keep your hair well groom ed. TOILETRIES ojc 4-Ox. Plus Tax - Pins Tax Good grooming all day for unruly hair. Non sticky or greasy oil . . H. Q. Z. Hair Oil is a blend of nature's finest oils that supple ment and aid your natural scalp oils. Keeps down dandruff. Ideal for training your children's hair. TOILETRIES . w i d DEEP CUT HAIR NEEDS j ' . i ' j Parliei Herbex- G. O. S. Shampoo 6-Ox. Sta O indard YaUow Yff)) intment. 1 -ex. OJ V0-5 RAYVE SHAMPOO Tube or Jar i So easy to use and' it's so economical. Everyone in your family will OQ enjoy it. TOILETRIES M II .1 I " 1 ' lO-oi. LADY ESTHER 4-PURPOSE CREAM ! - '-'!' A complete skin treatment in one cream. l3 6x. 03c 3.7-oz. 55c icalp ComiditioiniGir 91 . II -V Conditioner No. 3. 6-ox. VA-Ox. Plus Tax 0CH2C i U Plus Tax : O Shampoo Curl Just shampoo and Set with Shampoo Curl TOILETRIES Plus Tax on ?- u Plus Tax PLUS TAX TOILETRIES I Richard Iludnut HOME j Ftiy.TflllEIlT nEFILL $1.50 Complete"' Plus Tax Contains all essentials for a home permanent with excep-' tion of curlers. The same ingredients as used in Hudnut's New York salon. 3 .v ". ' -; - ! :,:J TOILETRIES 1 90 c Hind's Honey and Almond HAND LOTION NESTLE COLOR TINT Pkg. Plus Tax Shades to enrich your own natural hair color, or to add sparkling highlights to any color of hair. Easy to use rinses, shades for all types and colors of hair. Rinse will last through sev eral shampoos. TOILETRIES and WEnsimnp m-m Pl ucporrcr PciJ Plus Tax Rich lanolinized cream with delightful fragrance. . . . TOILETRIES ' . t . i rot tHtmr wrtt r . f r mm ami i ' l4 .wowh UZZSTt I ; ! In Downtown Salem -V.litre Everyone Shops and Saves .. Plus Tax Automata -jr..... vidual writing pre Sure " fe- - .ifSSr1..-; m w I r t 1 7 C