1 7 0 9 t Tho Slat man, Sqlm. Qwqon.' Thnwdar May 34, 1951 . v V - 450! Sleirciian ise 470 For Sol,' MlscIlcmous . " r :USE M ORGANIC i FERTILIZER ; j The right Way to re .build the soil. O Free of weed seeds. O Odorless. 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton ... 10.00 j 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 f FT. Coldypot refrigerator. Good ord- er. 1410 Ferry. Phone 26010. FAINT sprav complete, will run two run. 14 gal. pot. See after 5 o'clock. 3645 "D" St. . jT"RESTAURANT stools. 1 metal can- opy with fan. Neon sign clock. Rt. 9 . Box 82. Inquire Mrs. Lydia Froom. DAVID BRADLEY garden tractor. disc. cultivator. Used IS hours. Price $229 50. Phone 39663. tfOGHTLY used baseball shoes. $18 when new. will sell now $10. Phone t-S5 after 5:3Q p.m. ILASTI-KOTE requires no waxinc for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. BARGAIN. Modern Crane gat fired hot water furnace. Also Unifiow pump. Albany 2Q49R. ; VACUUM. Rexair. almost new. Make offer, must yell. Phone 3-5674. CHEST of drawers $12.50. T. J. Fur niture Co.. West Salem. Flagstone Stayton flagstone from original pit. Colorful, good quality. Stepping atones, wall 6c patio rock. Also red lava rock, granite and boulders for gardens or walla. Cedar Posts Telephone and electric poles, garden slakes and pegs. Rustic Fencing Fed cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis, picket and grape stake fences made to order. Fertilizer Rotted Manure Composts Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 No Sunday Business VACUUM. Kerby. good condition. $25. Call 3-5674. Souu n-eo oian'w I7 ca H U !tif film Co . aAVE $2. Order Better Homes and . Gardens now. Price 3 years. $5 New or renewal. After June 1st 3 years (7 Phone 3-7828 or writ Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. S2S Saginaw. Additional Classified Ads on Page 15 THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1399. KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 FM: Megacycles KOIN 01.1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Btatesman publishes In good faith the i programs and time as provided by the radio stations, but because offtlmes: programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the ccurary hereto) j i HOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Morn News JTImekeenev Western MelodiesWestern News KOIN Klock Clock Watch Farm News 1 Clock Watch (Keep Smiling 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway (Break Gang Break. Gang I Top Trades Jamboree Jamboree j N.W. News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock . Macleod News IGoss News H. Babbitt Mueller News Old Songs Kneass News ISam Hares First Edition M. Agronsky Bob Garred Bob Hazen 8 9 KSLM Cecil Brown 'Family Altar ,!Haven of Rest I Haven of Rest KOCO Wildw'd church' Tune Time Minstrels Minstrels h KOIN Cons. News Valle News ! IGrarid Slam IRosemary J KGW BrkfsL Biscuits BrkfsL Biscuits I Jack Berch Garrowav j KEX Break Club " Bteak Club IBreak Club Break. Club KSLM N.W News IMusic- iPastors Call KOCO JimAmeche UimAmeche I Holly wd News KOIN Wendy Warren "Aunt Jenny Helen Trent KGW Crosby Triends'Tune Test IITune Test KEX News EUrs of Today IQuick As Flash 10 KSLM News ITeUo-Test t IGarden Guide KOCO Net News Stars Sings Mac's Meloay KOIN Rig Sister . Ma Perkins ! (Dr. Malone KGW Reynolds Show IRevnolds Show IBreak Bank KEX Johnny Olsen I Edwin C MM ' True Story 11 KSLM Ladies Fair - ILadies Fair i I Queen For Day I Queen For Day KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody j Mac's Melody Mac's Melody KOIN Mrs. Burton iPerry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day KGW Doub. Nothing Doub. Nothing Millionaire Millionaire I KEX Betty Crocker V. Lindlahr 'Northwest'rs tNorthwest'rs J 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Top Trades (Noon Edition News (Major League Macleod News Come Get It Foster News Road to Life Paul Harvey INoon Edition KSLM J. Klrkwood J. Kirkwood KOCO . Major League I Major League KOIN Hilltop House Kin eg Row KGW Backstage Wife'Stella Dallas KEX Top Tunes Kav West 2 KSLM News IChts. Trail i IConcert Music Concert Music KOCO Magle Melody Made Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Strike It Rich Strike It Rich j )Quintet "Tunefully Yours KGW Girl Marries Portia Plain Bill (Front Page KEX Welc. Holly wd IWelc. f HoUywd I Family Circle Family Circle ! 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Music Russ Morgan Kirkham News Travelers Mary McBride IMusic j Guest Star Art. Godfrey (Travelers I Mary McBride 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Frank DeVol Art Godfrey Woman's See. Stars Sing Hemingway IFrank DeVol (Art Godfrey ILile Beaut. Sauirrel Cage 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Straight Arro rrowj: m v 12th St Hr. Ed. Murrow Harkness Merne Circle 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX - Gab. Heater N.W. New Candlelight - Candlelight Suspense Suspense Dragnet I Dragnet West HeadllnesfHome Edition KSLM Family Doctor (Songs of Times! Traveler Traveler KOCO Wm.L.Shirer I Music Jackpot 1 I Track 1490 Track 1490 KOIN Playhouse (Playhouse I Choraiiers IChorabers KGW Screen Director (Screen Director; (Screen Director Screen Director KEX Screen Guild 'Screen Guua ( I Screen Guua tScreen Guild KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Tarzan ITarzaa Track 1490 (Track 1490 rll Thomas' Jack Smith I Man's Family IWorM New ! I Aldrich Family I Aid rich Family Amateur Hour 'Amateur Hour LAjnateur Hour R. Montgomery KSLM 31en Hardy t Fulton Lewis : IMusic IMusie KOCO Bandstand I Bandstand j I Dugout Dope Baseball KOIN FBI FBI - ! Beuiah Club IS KOW Father Knows I Father Knows tor. Kildare JDn Klldare KEX Roerues Gallery I Rogues Gallery I Bold Vent. Bold Vent. 10 SILM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Baseball . I Baseball i Star rinal You A World ilWoodyHerma ! Woody Hermn RrnorteT Auto Races Spcrti Pu- ' Current Cfcolct Final Editloa IPort. Meadows 1 (News . ISood Listeninjf 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW xrx Entt HurdttlMuec' Cat i IMtdn. Melodies rMtdn Metodassi BaaebsJl Nwt I Nlgtot Bona; Nlht Soo , Organ Metwdtee Organ Melodies1 Bandstana - IBandstane . News ' Henry Busse i!Ed,Brrma III3rrmaa Sood Llrtcnlng Good Uitenlnjc Good Listening Good i-iflrf EOAC-454 K.C. 19 am. The News tnd Weather: Eaoeelally for omn; 11 Tb Concrt Hall; UM Th News; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1 e JUile Ira Cowboy; 1:1$ Uncle Dona r lory; 1:4J Navy Star Time; $.0 Home Cardea iiourj IM Memory Book ef Music: 3j Oregon Reporter: 3:1S Huste of the Masters: 4Xa University JUr I St Ouidnts i IlMtlar. S JO Proud 450 MerehahdiW J 470 For Sola. MUcHctnsK)u TOP SODV river silt. Cll-cirtJaiiner Phone 4 4181. " Yeater AoDlianee Co; 178 Chemek era 1 ; . VACUUM clean for sale or trade. Wha eta have you f rnonc WASHING Machines. Mew and Used: Yeater iAonnsnce co: t' vnemea-j eta i ! Linoleum $3.45 vi i rv niRN rt yu n (um l BABY SHOES Bronzed. Avek Plating Co. 245 Oak St 1850 New; Home, cabinet model sewing machine. $109.50. T. Jy Furniture Co.. West Salem. f rXU:iHJC Ranges .New ano Uea Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta j ; RIVER SILT For lawns St gardens. Phone 3-1749 or 4-2366. ' NICE davenport Sc club chair. $49.50. T. J Furniture. West Salem. PHONE 3-S3U3 and ask to see the new Johnston power mower. 4 cycle Briggs St rat ton engine mower by Jacobsen. Absolutely the finest mower in Sa lem. We have employed 4 local Uni versity athletes to demonstrate these mowers Phono 3-9303 for free dem onstration. . i FOR SALE: 9 H.P. Wisconsin Air cool ed ; motor complete with clutch mounted on four wheel bean culti vator. Perfect snap. $250. Kolstad Canneries. Inc.. Front & "D" Streets. Silvertorf. Oregon. Walliiii! Sand & Gravel Co. I Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement. Ready mix Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing ; -Iralnag e and ditching vd shovel St drag line Phone 3-8249 CHILDS tricycle. Call 26436 after 6 p.m. BOYS white dancing shoes with capezio taps size 6. boys black patent dance shoes sizes i'i ana 3. fnont z3iz, BEAUTIFUL. black forest cuckoo clocks. C. M. Church. 4920 Crater St. Phone 25986. ; PHILCO table model radio. No phone calls. 2265 Center. ' 3 USED refrigeration compressors, will make good air compressors, $12 each. 135 S 19th. j MICRO TONE Hearing Aid, brand new, purchase price $205. will sell for $173. Frank Miller. Rt. 9. Box 30. Phone 22064. ' MAN'S tax size 38 like new $25. Phone 41743. " . ; . VACUUM cleaner. Electrolux. all at- tachments. $25. Late; model. Phone 3-5674. ' DEEPFREEZE Freezers. Yeater Ap- pliance, Co, 375 Chemeketa. 472 Wanted. Miscenaneoui GOOD rased white porcelain '' trash burner I stove, also medium size Duo Therm oil heater. Phone R. W. Crav- en. -137-M. Independence. Oregon. SAVE vour Newspapers 5 Magazines for i Crippled Children Society. Call City Waste Paper Co. for pickups g.SOS Hollywood Dr phone 22975 j Cascara Bark Valley Furn. Co 285 N. Com! 3-7472 474 Miscellaneous;. 3 MILLION ft. Timber for sale. Large second growth. Inquire Carl Smith. Rt. 6. Box 153-A. Salem. WAN'J IU tJuy used camerai & lenses McEwan Photo Shoo 245 N High r 00:30 00:45 Farm News INews Net News KOIN Klock I Farm Time 'Keep Smiling MelodleiFarm News KOIN Klock IFarm Time Keep Smiling Bargain Countr. I Women's Page IGal Sunday I Kneass News ' 'Quick As Flash! I Concert Mac's Melody iGuid. Light IBreak Bank IT rue Story IGav 90's (Morgan Music (Major League Major League j IHouse Party I House Party Pepper Young Happiness Mod. Romances, David Amity IDick Haymes Thurs. Musie- ' I Magic Melody Magic Melody I KlrkLam News Kirkham News Lorenzo Jones IWidder Brown IKav West I Kay West I News Music U Want LArt Godfrey lAunt Mary I Barney Keep ITony Fontaine IMusic U Want (Art Godfrey lln My House tBarney Keep (Behind Story J. Vandercook Art Godfrey (Dr. Paul ISautrrel Cage "Sam Hayes I Scotchman Curt Massey Music Jerry Straight Arrow' Skv King Skv Klnjf 12th St. Hr. J United Nations 88 Keys Goss News I World Todav I.Vtwi foster News J t Songs of Tiroes 'Peterson iMerrte Circle I Chet Huntley IB. Garred (Answer Man News (Playhouse ILynn Murray Armstrong! . Cam Haves Twilite Song I (Playhouse ILynn Murray ! I Armstrong j IRemember Music 'Track 140 (Track 1490 IUr Kmh vi-. . ir - I (Expert Murder iBaaall lFLKn II ly W Hail: S3. -CO New at Weather: C:1S OSC Music Deot. :M Drivers Plav nouae: S:4S Dmatr Melodies: 1 OS Heodilnes in Cbefiuatry; 1 :X5 Evtnins Farm Hour: Szttt "Bound tb Camofire: -M OSC Library: S:45 The News and Weather. tXO Musle (hat LnHirs: :$ Et-enirg Meditations; 10CJ Uusie that Endures: 10:44 Mews and Weather: USA sUcra Cut. ; . 450 Merchandise TTT 474 WacUaamomart ?-- - Dental " Plate' Repair - TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST -CASES ' Bring or Mall -Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLKR. DENTIST Adoloh Bide State Js Com Ph 3-3311 t76 fuel GOOD clean sawdust for furnace and sawdust burners, can be used for humis. nursery 4c berries. $82 unit load. Kiln dried shavings, excellent for animal tedding or fuel $82 unit load. Independence Lumber & Mfg. Co.. Independence 42. collect. May Special "DOUBLE Green Stamps Hand picked 16 slab wood Screened sawdust. 12" mill ends. Ph. 2-7442. ; lb Wixkj , Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem , $12.00 For order olease call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oreerm West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 In. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL: DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pck up wood 'at 1523 Edgewater St W Salem ' Special j Planer trimmings .. 1 $8.00 cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO 3-7721 or 3-6024 ORDER Anderson's choice slab wood now. 2 cords $12.00. Phone 2-7751 or 2-5952. ; j ELMER BOJE Ph 3-9453 2025 S. 12th 16" Old Fir Veneer Cores. Split fori Furnace If desired '! Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils Ask for Penny Saver Stamps Ph. 36444 j (H) Rusine. & Finance 510 Money to Loan Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer-Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St "hone I-MS AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1S2 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty tli- MH9-S1M Start 1951' with 4 CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills with ' a convenient "BILL CONSOLIDATION" loan Fast, friendly service. Typical Plans ; 13 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.00 380.00 30.00 760.00 - 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans lis S Uhertv Phone 4-2203 PRIVATE Money to loan Ph. 2-0794 CASH? $25 to $500 A fast and friendly loan service to men and women, married or single and It s Yes" to 4 out of 5 who ap ply. Up to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on ' furniture Salary and conven ient payments arranged. Don't bor row unnecessarily, but if you need cash for any good reason, phone hte Yes Manager or come; in today. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 105 S High St. Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen. MgT CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest' and oldest home-own ed loan company offers mone j when you need It I i You can pay anytime to reduce net costl No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars, trucks ; trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture. livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to 8300.001 i Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades ' 12:05 dally KSLM 1390 KC'sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No i S138 and M33S ' PHONE 3-9181 138 S COM! ST $$ ! CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Road (next door to bank) Free Parking lot 291. m 369 Call 2-7033 FARM ana CJTY LOANS 4'iT4 and 5i Tour own terms of repayment within reason. Cash i for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 687 Court St Ph. 4-2283 515 Investments" FOR SALE: Good first mortgage on real estate. Box 411, co Statesman. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted Now-Jobs! ' F Ass't Bkkpr but of town $250 F Bkkpr. full charge $250 F Graduate lab teen. S2504- F Office nurse. Dr's ass't . Open F-Reg. nurse. Dr's office i. $200 F Secretary, ex. wkg cond. $200 F Steno. several to $240 F-Legal Sten.. several to $200 F-Steno. gen. office. 5 days F-Cashier tvDlst. 5 davs .4200 .$173 r-ftwi. itecep-xyptst ..$195 F Sales elk.. 20-35. wmn's wear Open F Typist, elk. several $150 M Jr. acc L some trg. & exp. Open M Bank teller, single. Alaska $400-1- COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494state i Phone 2-1488 FRY cook, experienced, top pay. San Shoo. Portland Rd. BOOKKEEPER wanted Male or fe- male. Seasonal work In local can nery, six days' per week. June through October. Apply In person. Hunt Foods. Inc.. Front & Division St.. Salem. 1 - WANTED: Strawberry pickers. Reg ister now. E. A. Kurtz, 4389 N. River Rd. Phone 4-1203. 3 604 Help Wgrnfd, Mode NEED man for established route. In quire 58S N. Church, evenings after S. Dc T.TXaaa, (LXXDe. O CTsaa. tiji DZS CHAN . . LAM v CinXTSS CESIIAUSTS ' 4JL Nertk Uberty DnattBfrsi JaB"Bt S3? ft. TLfTB- erty. Office open aVaturday etUy 10 a jk. tn 1 da. ie 1 tua. usuixa- rioa. LMnod rrexsure and rtr.t ttsts are tree ef caars rTacurea tail. - -i .i RTT".r mmi 1 600 Employment 604 Help Wmt4ti, Mdl; WANTED: School janitor for; (North Marion Union High Schoot 'tt 4 the Hubbard-Aurora area. Man. or man and wife. Apply Pat Beal. Aurora. Phone 7613. j : - MAN for steady work at Belcrest Me morial Park. Must be able to do dig ging. -Apply in. person. MEN to hoe beans. Start today.: RU 3. Box 30 (Brown's Island). Rlensche. Stockroom and IReceiving Clerk I WANTED k EXPERIENCE PREFERRED ' AGE s 30 TO 50 ! APPLY: J. C. PENNEY C6. SALEM. OREGON WANTED: A-l cat operator with log ging experienced top wages, long job. ? mAHAUUl i for retail lumber and bid, material store at Silverton, Ore. Age 30-45 yrs. Exp. necessary." Apply 11X15 S.E. 3rd Portland. Oregon. j Look! If you are a salesman you cad earn more money with us. If you are not a salesman we can train you to earn more money. Phone 25364 tor japp t. ice station aiicnuanv. dux U9 co Statesman. i i . HIGH school graduate to assist and learn retail jewelery business.; Must be willing and able to furnish refer ences.:. Se Mr. 1 Brown. Brown; Jew- elers. 184 N. Liberty. DIESEL - HEAVY EQUIPMENT ! We need several -mechanically Inclined and reliable men to train for posi tions in the Tractor and Equipment industry. If you are not making bet ter than $90 per week, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts with out obligation, about this training and our Advisory I Placement Service. Tractor Training Service. Box 399 Statesman. 606 Help Wantea. female) GENERAL office' work with some typ ing. Permanent position- 40s hour week. 1 Insurance and hospitalization plan at no cost vacation, sick leave. $1 per hour starting. Gould-National Batteries Inc. 576 Patterson, W. Sa lem. I 5 SCHOOL girl ot young woman. Per manent home to right party. To as sist in light housework. One who is willing to be a good companion; Good home more than wages. Call after 4 p.m. 38856. j 1 SEAMSTRESS experienced in the mak ing of : draperies. Apply Mrs. Weger. Montgomery Ward and Co. Salem. SALESLADY with experience for hos iery and lingerie Dept. Montgomery Ward and Co.. Salem. COMPANION and housekeeper or couple I man employed) for elderly Salem i widow; References. Phone 21354.;: ; ; WOMAN for office work. Typing re quired. See Personnel manager. Sears Roebuck 8c Co: ? Age 25-35 Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs days. Saturday 10:45 to 6:00. Sunday 4 to t ; pjn. Ice Cream counter ser vice. Local references expected. Non smoker. The Pi ke. 138 S. Liberty. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses, j Union wages, i steady : job. Also woman, fry cook. Call 961. Bandon. Ore USHratrrTES for Capitol Theater by manager. ! ', EXPERIENCED l bakery clerk. Apply pensort panery. zo in . Lom 1 PART time woman baby sitter for three lively; children, in this vicinity or with own transportation. 534.' Rose. Phone 21582. ; ; WANTED: 2 waitresses and janitor. Night shift. Apply in person after 7 p.m; George's Cafe. Silverton, Oreeon WAITRESS. Golden Pheasant, 248 N. Liberty. See Mis Steffany. i FRY cook's helper, age 25-45. -: Night work.: - Please apply in person be tween $ and 4 p.m. White's Drive In. 1138 S.' Com'l. WAITRESSES wanted. Part and full time. ; Only experienced need apply. No phone calls. Blue Bird Cafe. EARN nioney at home. full, part time. Box 125. co Statesman. ' EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Min- ute Cafe. 166 S. Liberty RELIABLE housekeeper for modern city home, best of conditions.; room, board Ac wages. 2 children. 1 school age, 1-4 yrs. Phone 3-4319 alter 6. 508 Pickers Wanted SCHOOL teacher organizing platoon for full summer field work in straw berries, cane berries and beans. Se lected j fields. Call 29815 after 5:30 p.m PICKERS wanted for platoon work. Must be 13 years or older. Mrs. Cran dall 37126. 610 Sales Persons Wantedf WE need high calibre, experienced salesmen to sell Hot Point, Crosley. Bendix & other established & leading brand appliances. Apply Ralph John son Appliances. 355 Center St. "At Salem finest appliance store BROKER -or real estate salesman seek ing a connection. Phone 43601. S12 Work WoniecL Male MARRIED man wants farm Job. fur nished cabin. Paul Ingold. Gen. Del-. Salem. ' ; k RESPONSIBLE; man wants any work or part time. Box 410. co States man. ! : ; CARPENTER Alterations, finishing. cabinet work. Hour or contract; 4-2780 LAWN , mowers and saw sharpening. All work guaranteed. 391 Gerth. 2-1656. Free pickup and delivery REMODELING.' finishing, cabinet. Call after 5. 4-2780. ' CAKPtNTRI any fund, reasonable 4240 Macieay Rd Phone 4-2054. 618 Education Want ! A BETTER JOB STUDY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Machine Shop Auto Mechanics Mathmatics j Drafting Engineering Building - Business Hundreds- of other courses GJt. approved Phone or write Carl F. Jensen, representative INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 1960 Market, Salem Phone 4-4546 6 lb Situations Wrated CHILD care. 1180 Shipping; (Holly- wood). Phone 39924. YARD Work; s flowers cultivated 6c transplanted. Bed spading, new lawns nut in. Phone 41402. PLASTERING, patchwork or new work. Free estimates, rnone zxsi. CARPENTER work wanted. CaU after 5. 43874. YARD work. New lawn put In. PhoneJ 4-2941 or 3-6445 evenings. ROTOTH.I.ER work wanted. Prompt ac expenencea work. mon a-Z7Q9. THE 11APLES Home for Elderly Per sons. Telephone Monmouth 383. CHILD CARE IN MY HOME 183 S. ( IBTH. I'H 2-Wa. LIKE to bid on your spray pauiUng. any orana oz paint you uae. pnone 3-4246. M. L. Gottenberg. 1450 N. 19th. LAWNS: prepared & luent tmctor witn dowr etc PAINTING 1MTLNC and uecoratina. u years xperience in Salem.-Phone 3-7552. PLOWING, discing gardens; orchards. Call evenings4-31g8. W. F. Crenshaw. GOOD iokkTof lawn mower sharpen in. Howsrr Brae. 14 IO S. lltfi LlCUT bulldozer, by bour oe contract. Phone 3-653Q or 2-2673. EOTOTILLLNG. Large tOer. Poone EOTO TUXEB work. 2 machines with xraerleneed operators. Phone 1 0594. 1145 Hood. WANTl: Any type work at my borne Including baby sitting, boor, day or week. 2 --50. 363 S. 17th. TaLTLNG. Can furnish A-l local ref- erefves. Work risranteed. S-frf94. CA&PLNTER work. We know our bus-. .600 Employment 1 .iy 620 Dorr ond Coatroct TJTO PAINTING 1us shade jbetUM by Ray ETTCR CaU Shryck 4'o ' Co ' VQTt ' . . . I ', . j "1- .?' Salem Sand j Gravel Co. ' Contract Work 1 ' ttoads - - Clearing . DrtctUng - Sewei tt Basement . . Eouipment Rental . '? Ditching- b the-Toot Phone day 3-40t Evenings 2-4400 3-8344 Salem. Oregon - . - : . 700 Re-ntal.i 702 Sleeping 'Rooms. Board ROOM for man. Close to state bldgs. $22 month. Phone 36050 or 1474 Court St. evenings. - NICE room. Wonderful creek view. 795 N. Winter, SLEEPING rooms. Double or single'. Nicely furnished. Clean. 653 N. High. NICELY rum. sleeping room. H. St C water. 255 Center. SLEEPING room Hot and cold water' 737 Center ROOMS with kitchen privileges. Close to State bldgs. 754 Ferry. - 703 partmente tot Rent FURNISHED. .3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, bath, electric range, refrigerator, garage. Ground floor, private, entrance. Phone 25323. VERY desirable apartment. 3 rooms St bath partly furnished., bus by door. Hot water heat, water included. $55. Phone 38413. UNFURNISHED 4 rooms and bath. 330 Mission. Furnished 3 rooms and bath. Adults. 692 S. Capitol. Phone 3-7018. APARTMENT for rent; . also office space available. Phone 33711. REDECORATED furnished small apart ments, utilities paid. $32.50. 340 E. Washington. REDECORATED 2 bedroom unfurnish apartment. Living room, dining room. 1 block from Post Office. 658 Ferry, fnont 3Z73 after 5 p.m NICELY furnished 3 room apartment, Call 1490 Chemeketa. Phone 43624. APARTMENTS for rent in large down town apt, fnone 3-7440. 3 KOOM court apartment, refrigerator, stove. West Salem. Phone 23997. ; . 2 ROOM furnished apartment. Private entrance and bath. Refrigerator. 39073. 355 N. 18W. ALL utilities furnished. Electric Range Sc refrigerator. Parking lot. Carpet ed, private bath. $55 month. 168 N. 12th St. PLEASANT 3 room furnished. Near Capitol buildings. Available June 5. 35323 evenings. 3 LARGE furnished rooms. Frigidare 3 blocks town. 730 Mill. AVAILABLE June 9th: lovely 3 room ana bam court apartment. Stove, refrigerator. 1348 S. 12th. 3 ROOM apartment, ground floor, fur nished. See at 590 N. 12th. NICE 2 room apartment, close in. $25, Phone 3-5222. DUPLEX, clean, close in. with circu lating heater, gas range, automatic water heater. Employed woman or couple. 3-5323 evenings. - 1 DUPLEX apt. close in partly furnished, nice and clean. Large living room with fireplace and hardwood floors. One bedroom. Frigidaire. Electric range. 472 South Winter. NICELY furnished apartment for rent. 585 S. 12th. LARGE 3 rooms and bath, electric range, refrigerator, utilities fur nished. Phone 3-8421. eves. 3-7781. FURNISHED apartments $30 up. No pets. Z310 N. 4th. 1 3 ROOM apartment, private bath, en trance. Garage. No drinking. 1277 S. Commercial. FURNISHED 3 room apartment, pri vate bath. Adults. 590 Union. Phone 21094. 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 2165 Maple ave. Ad u Its only. 2 ROOM furnished apartment. -Room for 3. ?Z7.5. fnone Z84Z4. COTTAGE: 3 rooms, bath, partly furn ished, garage. Also basement apt.. 2' room furnished. Shower, side : trance, no jets. 1840 Court St. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. Pri vate bath. 993 S. 12th. 2 ROOM furnished apartment one block from State House. Inquire 354 N. winter ST THREE 2 room unfurnished apart ment. Utilities paid. 1130 Oak St. up stairs. NICELY, furnished three rooms, bath, utilities, near University, walking distance. 450 s. Capitol St. FURNISHED apt. 522 N. Church. 1 & 3 ROOM clean apartments. Adults. Close in. 666 S. Summer. SMALL nicely furn, close in. bus. Business woman or man. Ph. 4-1636. 3 ROOM court apartment, electric stove Se refrigerator. 1664 S. 13th. SEVERAL APTS. good location como fum Inq H L. Stiff Furn.. 3-9185 The Lee Salem's most distinguished address of fering the ultimate in gracious apart ment living. Bachelor 1 & 2-bedroom units, unfur. $68-125. Electric Range Sc Refrigerator. Union at Winter St. 4-1641. Ambassador Ants. Nicely furnished apta. 550 N. Summer. COMFORTABLE basement apartment. Private bath and entrance. Reason able. Phone 34706. ULTRA-MODERN, new apartment for adults. Laundry, range, refrigerator Z-7071 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT avall able June 7, new electric range, new refrigerator. Beauty rest mattress, steam heat, fireproof building, $ short blocks from U. S. bank. Fisher Apart ments. Phone 2-9157 ' Georeene Cables ; One bedroom apartment, refrigerator. ranjt. aurofiwmc laundry, wi s. I3th, 3 ROOM furnished apartment, refriger- axor. ous oy poor. 355 S. 14th. 2-6761. NEW large 2 6c 3 room court apart ment, wewiy decorated, automatic laundry- $43 and up. Phone 2-5652 or 3-4528. 707 Houses For Rent CLEAN S room house. Just off State on zjro. Close to bus. Z7 506. NEW 1 bedroom house. AU electric. hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. In small court in nice neigh bor hood. 1533 Court. 6 ROOM modern home near Leslie school. Family fruit. Available June 1st. 1743 s. cottage, 2 BEDROOM furn. house. Hoilvwood uisi. oa mo. rnone jjiui. SMALL house, wired for range. 1605 iT. Uberty. - i BEDROOM fully modern. Furnished or unfurnished, freshly painted. Call 36691. 2 BEDROOM partly furnished. Enaie wood District. References. 3-9855. FURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex. All electric. Phone 34097. - 2 BJL home, suburban $35 mo. Immed. poss. See Colbath Land Co. Phone 24552. , . RELIABLE couple desire small bedroom house. Phone 4-2669. FOR RENT 3-7589. bedroom house. Ph". 1 B.rm. hse.. Furn.. Sub, North. $53. Willamette Real Estate. Ph. 37113. CLEAN 2 room cabin $10 week, 308? Williams Ave. - NEW 1 bedroom house for couple. ?M N. 14th. 4 ROOMS, private bath. yard, furniah ed or unfurnished, child., welcome 9 miles from downtown. Garden. Par dise Island Farm. FUHNISHE 1 bedroom ail electric. Anuiu. xo drukan aaa. areis nines. SMALL house, lease basis.- $173 per year. Garden space. Inquire 534 N. Wmter weerrnflf or eveninf 2-1 87S. CLEAN suburban 2 bedroom house. Phone Completely 4 furnished. 70. z-zzS J. - - - NEWLY decorated court, close In. adults. No pets. 4SS N. Winter.. Ph. 2-71M. ru&MSHZa cottage. 2 rooms, bath $40. Imruir rs Pmoks St. 37943. 1 BEDROOM bouae. inquirel5 Che- Rentals 1- 707 Housuya Fog Beat LARGE house near Brooks. .Ph. 43983. 4 - ROOM, furnished bouse, electric .range, -washing machine, refrigerator, garage. Adults. No pets. $50. After i:3, mn Highway Ave. OH LEASE: X bedroom unfurnished, in aulated. fireplace oil furnace, garden space.. Children welcome. Call eves. 41820 I BEDROOM ! house, newly decorated. - Electric "range and refrigerator. 1723 Madison. BEDROOM 'house, unfurnished. Near Memorial Hospital. Phone 37123. SMALL house for rent. $30 month. 4450 Sunnvview.' Phone 32057 after 5. I BEDROOM all electric house. Unfur nished except for range. Inquire 1173 Sixth SL Phone 20986. 710 Wanted To Rent. House' 2 BEDROOM house In Keizer District. Phone 27385 after 6 p.m. WANTED to rent or 'lease with option to buy. suburban; property. 4-1537. 712 Wanted To RenL Apt. CHRISTIAN lady in need of ground floor apartment with .utilities furn ished. Prefer close in. near bus line. By May 29th. Phone 37320. 714 Business Rentals SINGLE room 12x16 Livesley Building. Phone 28382. j i.i M.vUia Koom M (u Suit. mm? Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 Fresh Listings, Excellent Values on Homes 3 Bedrooms New restricted district. Paved st. Au tomatic forced air oil furnace. 14 x 20 living 1m. 10 x 14 dining rm. Fire place. This home is very spacious and extra weU built. You won't need to do anything but move in. Total price $13,100. Terms. Sparkling New Extra well built. Large dining and liv ing rm. Automatic forced air oil furnace. New restricted dist. Fire place. Have the pleasure of wearing off the newness yourself. Total price $12,500. Terms, i Leslie District Almost new. Forced air oil furnace. Insulated, weatherstripped. 1 blk. to bus. 2 blks. to McKinley school. Fireplace. This Is a real buy for $10,800. Terms, i Northeast Just like new. Enjoy city conveniences and have lots of room to stretch and plant a large garden. 63 x 308. Insul ated. 5 cherry and 3 walnut trees. Price has been reduced to $10,250. CALL FOR MR. VAN KLEECK. EVE. PHONE 2-0511. Driye-In This Is equipped with deluxe equip ment. Bldg almost new. Large park ing lot. Beautiful upholstered booths inside. Owner will accept frontage on 99E or farm near Gresham as part payment. Total price $21,700 plus in- tory. Industrial Site Inside city approx. 'i acre land. Small house. Only $1500 dn. Total price $4,000. This would make a good trailer park, small factory, or what have you? : Home Plus Income 2 very modern rental units. 3 bdrm. home with 2 bathrooms. Units com pletely furn. Owner will accept 2 bdrm. home as part payment. Total price for everything is only $15,000. Office and Apts. Building in excellent repair. Income $190. per mo. Only $5,000 dn. with total price of $15,000. This is worth your investigation. RING FOR MR. BELL. EVE. PHONE 4-3505 Peppermint Farm 27 acres with 20 acres in mint. 2 houses. Complete irrigation system. Very good well.: lots ; of water. Owner reports income over $5,000 In 1950. Mint market is ver yfirm so investi gate this. Total price only $23,500. ' 25 Act es Berry Farm Modern 3 . bdrm. home. 20 x 60 barn, chicken house, garage. 4 acres boy senberries. ; 2 acres blackberries. 1 acre loganberries. Buy this farm now and harvest the berries. Total price of $9,450. i 58 Acres 1 mile from ; very ' prosperous town. 3 bdrm. home, chicken house, brooder house. 1 tile bldg. 20 by 50 and one 12 x 24; 2 garages. 1 cow. 2 calves, full line of farm machinery; all household goods;: 1 truck.. Very good soil. Total price $30,000. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. , EVE. PHONE 3-4733 Mortgage Loans Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve. Phs. 2-0511. 3-4735 or 4-3505 $1800 4 RMS. SUB. WELL. ELEC. PUMP $6500 NEW SUB. CLOSE. TERMS. $5575 NEW SUB 2 LOTS. $650 DN. TAKE CAR AS PART DN. BUS. NORTH. $7850 5 RMS. PREWAR. BUS AT DOOR. $13,000 8 RMS. LG. LOT. ZONE 2. OTHERS $6000 TO $14,000. ALSO AUTO COURTS. COTTAGE COURTS, APTS. CROC. STORES; CAFES St BUSI NESS BLDGS. ! WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. LD3ERY PH. 37113. SALEM NELSONS' TJVE WITH YOUR BUSINESS Here is your opportunity. Business In Jour nome--siso large garage on ai ;y. ideal I for shop. Home has 2 bdrms, and large living room, base ment, oil furnace. $6600. 2 BRM. MARKET ST. Ideal family i home with dining room, good sized living room, attractive fireplace, hwd floors. Piped furnace, garage. Englewood district, on bus fine. Price $10,800. GARAGE & CAR STORAGE A very reliable income from storage and service on state-owned cars. Un limited possibilities. Fireproof build ings. Sound investment, whether leased or operated. NORTH 4TH INCOME 12 apts.. .12 of them furnished, plus furnished 4 plex. $6000. income plus home for $30,000, on easily handled . terms. i 10 AC. S5500. Ten acres, good well, fenced, family fruit. Two bdrm home, small barn, etc. Near Eld ridge school. CREEK ACREAGE Ideal for secluded country living. Eight acres in rustic setting on Battle creek, on acre cultivated. Two bdrm home, elec water heater, hwd floors, well, and septic tank. $8000. - RIVER FARM SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Thirty acres Ladino. 30 acres alfalfa. S acres ajpararus. 23 seres open. Two ''modem homes, larro barn, rradc A equipped. ; Implement shed, green--t house. Four irrigation WeU. all river bottom Kewberg soil. .Only $35,000. for 110 acres. Ideal for acreage sub division. .- run BUYTR-S GUIDE Send us names and addresses of friends and relatives for free copies of our Buyer's Guide. Spring edition. From - ous files, with duaipUons of more then 1O00 1 properties, we east help them make wis selectiona. Nelson & Nelson Multiple Mstina Saaltors J m N. itiah Street. ytx.x-yu 700 800 Real Estate 1"..'ti,:- KlUmDP Sm fpALiVALlJES; Special for :Tolay Good Income from berriea. family or chard.. 3 B R. home, handy, shoo. ch. house, garden spot. Over an acre of cnoice. sou. .well landscaped. $8430, some .terms. Wonderful buy 2 B.R. ranch type. Less than 3 yrs old. Att. gar., utility room. Ige. lot. elec. wall heaters, a fen oti floor furn. owners moving, will sen tor seaau. terms. Just right 4 B.R. family home, only yrs old. Choice location. Very good condition. Nice lot. $1800 tin.. $70 per mo. L. E. Klumpp j Realtor ( 480 North Church -Phone 27642 Evenings Sc Holidays Ph. 21907. Ralph Stewart 24429. Dick Cox 27642, Clyde Foulk 801 Business Opportunltiee WHY NOT own the best's unit cottage j court in Salem? H.w. firs., fireplaces ' in each. 4 blks. from downtown Sa lem on lot size 82 x 165 ft., with a garages and 2 storage rooms ' on ' lot approx. 73 x 50 ft, income more than $500.00 per mo. Terms $18,000.00 down, reasonable on balance. 1 ' Lawrence Real Estate' 404 South High Phone 3-7508 ROOMING HOUSE '. Hollywood district. $200.00 per month income, plus owners apt. Only f IS.OtiO. Call Dauc. Kenny Real Estate. 1410 Broadway. Phone 2-2497. , Ma & Pa Fish 'n Chips cafe In Taft. If you see tHiai sun.sll 4 IB 41 a .r -"is,y ss. tttc $ sr Eirsfu. k 1 IDor T A trrnu -"Mut a" m xmw Close in on busy highway. Nice equip ment 1 iunf cease, snuiiieooard & other I amusement games ' pay over head. Selling about 35 kegs per mo. Joe Noonchester 1 REAL ESTATE 1463 N. Capitol Ph. 20103. Eves. 28237 GAS station, tube room. Sale rheap. acTount or illness. 1705 N. Winter. $12,500 APT. house. Business rone. 9 apartments. 4 furnished. Income $220 monthly. Consider trade in on 4 or 5 roorh modern house. Close In, or trailer house 21 ft. or more. Terms. 3 blocks town. 730 Mill. 27656. GOOD business opportunity for man wim sales aoility. ft. r. Lock ha it. 3165 Silverton Rd. FOR SALE. Salem cafe. Central loca tion, good business. Seats over fifty, Full price $6000. Some terms. Box Anil CtAtACmaM i ' FOR LEASE: Tavern Lunch, good bus iness. -Some equipment to buy. $120 complete investment. Write Box 405 Statesman. RESTAURANT $500 DOWN -fully equipped, showing nice income. Open 9 to 12. Small living quarters. $1995 or take trailer house or ear in trade. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR t 231 N. High Ph. 35738 MOBILGAS Service Station for lease. $1,500 required Return $400 and up per month. H. A. Simmons, Distrib utor. 655 S 15th St.. Salem 13 Unit Apt. Court , Owner leaving for Army. 4 furnished units rents for $65. 8 units with elect, stoves Sc refrig. rents for $60. ' Elect, heat paid for by renter. Large wash rooms. One of Salem's best rental districts. $25,000. will handle. Owner will take in Salem home. C. W. Reeve Realtor 980 S. Commercial Ph. 34590, Eve, 39S36 802 Business Propertr OHMART Sc CALABA. REALTORS Nearly new rental court. 4 units plus new owner's home. Well-located. It's a good investment at $35,000. OHMART & CALABA, I REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4113 CLOSE in business lot. small building. Phone 3-8801. 804 Suburban 2i Acres South on Pringle Rd. with lots of young fruit trees. S room house, small barn. Price $7950. 10 Acres about S ml. SE with large room . house about finished. Has most of the material there to finish. Also another small house on the place. Husband died about a month ago. Widow must sell. Price $8500. with --terms. ' Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030 Eves., 3-8314 806 Houses For Sale 2 Bedroom Bungalow type house. Close to Winter St Marion Sts. Walking distance to churches & shopping center Has large comb. liv. St din. room, hwd. floors, fireplace, basin t. St oil furnace. Price $13,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030 Eves. 3-8314 Near Swegle School 2 A. N. East. Small hse. Barn. Chicken hse. Very neat St clean. Some fruit. Full price $6300. Terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 980 S. Commercial Ph. 34590. Eve. 3H536 2 BEDROOM South. Garage. 3 years old. newly decorated, new paint, large lot, paved street, near bus St school, new lawn, garden, berries, oil heat. - electric range, hot water heater, Fri gidaire. ven. blinds, $5750, terms. Phone 29915. 8 to 4 p.m. FOR only $6100 you can get a home with 3 U.K.. ou heat, ideal location. Easy terms. Kenny Real Estate, 1410 Brdwy. phone 2-2497. $13,500 NEW THREE BED ROOM RAMBLING SHAKE on a large cor ner lot. nice floor plan with dining room St utility, nook, price has been reduced from $14,500. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2384 or 25260 960 S. Coml. NOW reduced to $9000. 2 bdrms.. large LJt-. hwd. floors, single garage, con crete ' drive. Large lot. $3000 will handle. BaL FHA. $52 per mo. CaU Ed Smith. KENNY REAL ESTATE Ph. 2-2497 Evening 2-0938 LIKE LIVING AT t GRANDMA'S An excellent value fa a family home. Complete with nice furnishings. Can luviin frmmdiatelv. Growlns? ear- den ready to eat. Flowers, Three 1 1 I I a - fUMiMtf wtm tlll . to wall carpeting. Open bouse Sun day U unsold. S75O0. Edw. A. Dyck, i REALTOR f 22 No. Coml St, "Of. TeL 2-521 J Eve. 4-2f4 2-e3 2-er0 sTEDng atTKruice. ixavTnZJ 2 BJL house, not completely finished insider all furnished, will take to trailer house la West Salem, belling price $2X79. Easy terms. Win. E. Moses 231i State Ph. 3"1 or 4149 Fy"" '-? a O r. tt 1 bedroom house, $4iw R00 Rest ErAzls 80S House For Sola To apply toward the purchase cf three bdrm home northeast; Ut4 lot: fireplace, oil floor furnace: U tfcl price SS730.. balance j V per mo. Ine. , Trade J - 20 acres about nine miles oit, full set buildings, exchange t'jr three bdrm house in city. ; Gootlwin-McMillin Ph. 34707 . S41 N. Ijigh S. - Ph. 37fj $500 down. Unfinished h4 3 bedrrnS on one floor. a A. in KaUer ut. C. W. Reeie Realtor 980 S. Commercial Ph. 341V). Eve. S bEUhOOM houwe. f B H Phon e4 2b jJ. S3000Down 3 bedrooms, all on I- floor. In our near ly new house. Compact . . vtt plenty of privacy Hardwood floors, oil heat, screens. '12x1$ living room, dinette. large kitchen chuck full i built-ins It's a terrific buy at tillK). Come on out and see! Turn right at Keller school, first roai to the left. avis win vt. irnnne 4-HI17) BY OWNER. 8 Englewoo-1 ! district. 2 oca room name, unrtniiiied upstairs. Term. Phone 2-WK9. 2 BEDROOM home. 1C yearn Old. 2 clocks from city liml- East. Lft 80x160. See Saturday ant Sundav cr after S p.m. weekdays, til Ediua Lane. Phone 2-222. . BY OWNER: 2 bedroom house, tir place, hardwood. Fnglwfod dittiltt.. For aooointment. 'Plione 3-:i848. COLBATH LANti BARGAINS TERMS $350 DN. New 2 rm. cottage wood ; shed, large lot. NOT BAD FOR tlJM and n.t in within the week. i $7500 INCOME PROPERTY on N. 24th St. Large old mansion with apt. Rent ill or live in one and rent the -rest. TERMS H6 down to right party. $18,00(H-DELIGHTFUL EXCELLENT 9 BEDROOM HOME. Lo cated on Shoreline Drive. THIS IS ONE OF" THE FINEST HOMKS IN OUR LISTINGS. OWNER LEAVING STATE AND WILL GIVE SOME BUYER WONDERFUL OPPORTUN ITY TO MAKE THIS THEIR HOME. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. i 1 i S A - - 'VI 77:: . ( t v v - - - i ACRE. (NJE.I Good modern 3 td- . rm home, nice lawn. Garden, I'lt.'O. TERMS j ' S ACRES." (N.E.) 2 Bdrm Mod. Hurr.e. barn. Etc. some Slice fir trees. Off Lancaster PHMMJ. i 10 ACRES. iSlLVERTON) 1 Rm Mcd- . ern Home. All cult. $aV)0. 20 ACRES. (SJ:.) All cult. 7 rm Home, creek, spring, sheep tight, lots of Fruit. This is a buy for $0,100. With $2500 down. ! ' 86 ACRES. All Cult. (NORTH . Ne buildings. $11,500.1 With U:"Xj Down. IS ACRES. (AT BROOKS). Good sell, no bldgs. $8000. TERMS $r00 down. 22 ACRES (NEAR DALLAS. IM PROVED. I I ' SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE, PHONE 4-2714 COLBATH! LAND CO. REALTORS 1883 CENTER ST. ' PHONE 2-4652 Eve. Ph 252 19. 4188. 42714 or CLOSE IN ' Older 4 B. R. Him This Is an UNUSUAL VALUE. $Si50 - total price. 'Terms can be arranged. Good district. Close t school and stores. CaU Daue. Kenny Real Estate. 1410 Broadway. Phone 2-2V.il. $850 Down Buys this I year old 2 bedroom home. Large kitchen with utility. Balance $43 per mo. j Hobsoh's Real Estate Ph. 26308 ' $8500 Full Price New mod. 2 B.R. home, spacious rmij hdwd firs, oil fit furnace, attained garage. Lge lot. nice location. Will go G.I. $1100 down. II. E. CoYeyj Real Estate 1365 Broadway Ph. 203)t. Eves. V13 South River Road Neat 2 bedrrrt' home. Bath. Gar. Work shop, 'a acre. Shade trees. Shrubs. Good garden spot. On pavement ov erlooking Willamette river. $15t0. Easy terms.ll .. j C. V. Reeve Realtor 080 S. Commercial Ph. 34390. Eve. :if.S'8 Furnished 2 bedrm home East. 1 acre. Chicken hse. Barn Variety of fruit Sc beriies. Water system. An excellent buy at $6800. . j C. W. Reeve Realtor 080 S. Commercial Ph. 34390. Eve. 365 Hill ton ProDertv A recently-built. 4 bedroom ranch- type home on Tinie roaa is iu w aoldr mile from south city llmtt-i overlooks Salem and valley to north and east: living i room In hemlot Is 18x24 with 8-foot high windows; two bathrooms; ( three fireplaces; master bedroom has own front door, bathroom and fireplace: fireplaces al so living room and kitchen; trill lit kitchen; big utility room; basement; oil heat: playyard. patio, city water, many small nut, fruit trees; some shrubs: driveway to rear site 13)x2ta feet, room for at least 2 more view homes or valuable lota. $Jl.5oo. Phone S.tt4R $4750 VtftY NEAf 6.Nli hlSTtCiX: rLASTLHtU numc wun (ari au work shop, pretty lawn with a Urge toak tree, park across the street, lus near by. Hus la modern, plantered. inauLited. electric heat, large living: rm, kitchen ec utility. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2384S or 20 1 W1 9. Coml. $1000 Down $5500. Near McKinley school. 2 bedrm. D. R.. Large lot. Flat4. Tile diaia boards. Bath. A real buy. C. W. Reeve Realtor S. Commercial Ph. M"l, Fye. 3r" HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT You can be the proud owner of this very modern 4 bedroom home. 'Wail to wall carpeting in C.mnr gt living rooms, hail 8t 1 bedrm. lUd fltri. cheerful fireplace, nice bertir,t with oil furnace. We have the key. Ph. 230S1. s V. Omer iHuf f REALTOR til Chemeket it I f i