U.S. Rejects Russ Plan for Jap Peace Iact By Jahn M. TllrhUwer WASHINGTON, May 19 - (flV The United States flatly rejected today a Russian plan for a Japa nese peace treaty which, among other things, would strip Japan of 11 American defense forces. ' The Russians had proposed that the United States and its allies scrap their own largely-completed program for a Japanese peace set tlement and start anew, with red China cut in on the treaty-making. An American ' translation of the Russia proposal, which became available here today, showed what the Soviets want in the way of a treaty. . For one thing, it would call for the departure of all foreign troops from Japan one year after the treaty was signed. This would mean stripping Japan of American defenses. For another, the Soviets would sharply limit Japanese armed forces, whereas the treaty draft proposed by the United States would permit Japan to rearm in accordance with its own estimate of its defense needs. The Rusian note was delivered to American ambassador .Alan Kirk isSSoscow on May 7. It sug gested the calling of a Big Four foreign ministers conference in June or July to undertake "pre paratory work" on the peace treaty. The four foreign ministers to be represented would be those of the United States, China, Brit ain, and Rusia. China, in Russian usage, means communist China. The day after Moscow's disclo sure that it had sent a note pro posing a Pacific Big Four confer ence on the treaty, state depart ment press officer Michael Mc Dermott denounced the move. He called it an effort to "stall" work actually going forward on the treaty and to gain a double veto for Rusia her own vote and that of red China. The text of the formal. Amer ican reply was handed to Soviet Ambassador Alexander S. Pan yushkin today by assistant secre tary of state George Perkins. The text will not be published until tomorrow night (6 p.m. eastern standard time), but it was learned the effect of the reply to Panyush kin is the same as the remarks made by McDermott a rejection. 3 Services for A. A. Schramm Held in Salem 'I The, company attending the funeral services for the late Alfred A. Schramm overflowed the cha pel of the Golden mortuary Satur day afternoon.' Friends from Cor vallis, Albany, Portland and other valley points gathered to pay tri bute to a friend whose death oc curred suddenly from natural causes the night of May 15th at his mountain retreat. Rev. Brooks Moore of the First Methodist church,- his pastor. spoke feelingly of the deceased as one who cultivated friendships and saught to give service to his fellowmen. Mrs. Josephine Albert Spaulding sang two numbers. Interment followed at Belcrest memorial park. Polk Extension Agent Resigns DALLAS. May 18 The resig nation of Doris Bee be, county ex tension agent in home economics on the Polk county extension staff was announced today by N. John Hansen, county extension agent in agriculture. . Miss Beebe has resigned to ra turn to Carthage, Mo, to serve as extension agent in home econom ics for Jasper county. She came to Polk county in September, 1950, and has been in charge of home economics extension work for both adult and 4-11 club workers dur ing that period. Wanda Hughes, extension agent-t-Iarge, will be in Polk county May 21 through June 12 pending the selection of a . permanent re placement for Miss Beebe. The rim of the Dead Sea is the lowest land land surface on earth. Prolong Your Li! 3 Good health means- a hap pier, longer life. Follow, the advice cf your doctor and tay welL When medicine Is necessary, you can bank on U3 for the best. ,' Sctacfcr's Drug Sfsra Phone 3-3197 135 North Commercial ' ' ' f ? ii i ,V i ' -if tx: f h ! i : The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Sunday, May 23. 1S51 13 t . t - . l , ' ) " 1 1 i , t jC t ' , v 1 1 i i t l)f ) : l ' tjj '. r & ii w is ft lr ii V " iui is u n fi HER PLAY SHOES HAVE WORK TO DO! ' PENNFTS SHOES footprints or uuan SUMMER'S -HEREI GET READY FOR HOT WEATHER AT PENNEY'S! WOMEN'S FABRIC OXFORDS STURDY, ONE STRAP SANDALS 249 SUN Flexible j platform soles mean'comfort and smart styling. Here's an open toed number In green, red, white, that will go fast. ! Values Iri a big wayl Sturdy cofton, so well made they'll take wet weather, j Rubber soles. 4 to9. White & Red only. PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORI SHOE DEPARTMENT FOR HOT DAYS ... WELL-MADE SANDALS Multicolor strap sandals in sizes 4 to 9 for cool oemfort. Well-made and sanitized. These finds come in leather also for: 3.49. i PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORI i l WARM j, WEATHER FASHION ff l ? r I FOR BUDGET JAINDED WOMTNI i i, -f j Gorgeous new styles . . light, airy and cool as an evening breeze and very little ironing re quired for these hand-washable styles! Look at the price . ; . . budget-low for dress values ' such as these! AH sizes. PENNEY'S STCOK3 FLOOR NEWS IN PLAYWEAR! HEAVY-WEIGHTr SANFORIZH WOMEN'S FADED BLUE ! i DENIM REVERSIBLE HALTER SHORT SLACKS J I: :-! i a k BEAT THE HEAT . . SOAIC UP THE SUN IN A PB4NEYS " SWIM SUIpT TOP: ELASTIC SHIRRED SUIT f - ' - ' fi This smooth-fitting fabric in f rayon satin weave sparkling in i 6 h a rainbow of royal colors. Lined . i nf fin bra elastic leg openings. - Dottom: 4-GORE S17II71 SUIT Sanforized sturdy "Balboa Blue" heavy blue den ims, styled with a flare for versatility, style, com fort and low cost! See this combination! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR Bl omses COTTON BROADCLOTH FEASANT BLOUSES WITH LOTS OF TIER EMBROIDERY. SHORTS 111 ! i i i - i 98e 1.98 2.79 ry- J 0i aw : ! 90 Delustered acetate nylon fabrle. Quartar skirt front, lastex inner paneL t lioatlnf bra lnslda with elastic Insert. 32-38. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR COTTON SJC12TS IN A ' WIDE SELECTION CF B2IGHT PRINTS AND PLAINS. N8 Wear these peasant-style cotton blouses on many oc casions. . Embroidery eyelet tier trimming around elastic neck and sleeves. Blouse sizes 32-32. Penney Seeand Flaar All the color, frill and swoosh you want for fiesti time in Salem or anywhere. See these popular cot ton swing style skirts nowl 10-18. rtHHtri SECOND FLOOR - ' 1- j! ! DATJD2AUX Siimtnrr la the sun Is fun in a Penneys colorful, coton bandeaux for CC ma 1 1 mum tanning. . PEXXTTS SECOND FLOOZ CrL7 cotton tn!irLr delicately tr: chad with eyelet embrcUcry. n . r ' v . chad .Hastlc ton ntottora. 4