Thm Stat smcm. Salem. Oregon. Now York Stock Quotations ---tir vi-m- e. 11 mm HP.- Ad Corp 22 34 1 3 err Foods" Al Chem 69 1 2 Gen Motors Al Chalmers Am Airlines Am Pow & Lt Am Tel c Tel Am Tobacco Anaconda . 45 5 ! Goodyear Tire . 16 IHomestake 18 7 tint Harvester 1555i Int Paper 64 3 'Johns Man 43U'Kennecott 159 Libby Met, Sc L. 54' ,ILch Aire 46T'Loew,$ Inc : 69 lLong Bell 18 jMontg Ward CG'i Nash Kelv Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner Burr Add M Calif Packing Can Pacific Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler Con Edison Con Vultee Crown Zellerback Curt Wrieht 25'i!NY Central 4S34'orth Pac . 49 Pac Am Fish . 77 'Pac Gas St . 31 Pac Tel & . 18 Packard 56 IPenney . 10Penn RR Doug Aircraft . lOl Pepsi Cola Dupont .. Eastman Kodak Emer Radio Gen Electric 98 Philco 46 Rad Corp ... 13!"aynonier 5 5, Ray Pid IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION , No. 14450 In the Matter of the Estate of LENA HEISING. Deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Know all men by these presents that Kieka Gottschalk. the duly appointed, Sualified and acting administratrix of 1a above entitled estate will , hold a Srivate sale of the following described eal Estate to-wit: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot six. Block 10, North Salem with Additions. Marion County. Ore gon. (See Volume 1, Page 34. Records of Town Plats for said County and State), which is 44.00 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner of said Lot six. running Southerly along the East line of lots six and Five. 44.00 ... feet- thence Westerly parallel with the South line of lot Six. 48.00 feet: thence Northerly narallel with the East line of Lots Five and Six. 44.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the South line of kit Six. 48.00 feet to the place of beginning. That said sale will be held in the office of Elmer M. Amundson. Attorney at Law, 06S N. High Street. Salem. Oregon, between the hours of 9 AM. and S P.M. on the 9th day of June. 1951, to the highest bidder, in accord ance with the order of the above en titled court issued on the 3th day of May. 1951. All bids must be submitted r writing at or prior to the hour of P.M. on said dato. (signed) Rieka Gottschalk. Administratrix of the Estate of LENA HEISING. Deceased. Kay 3. 12. 19. 26, June 2. y No 12-12 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT fnr the Tr er.JerTeeeiler 31. 195 Of the CSNTFNNIAL IN8URANCB COM PANT of Ttw York, ta the Stele of New York, mad t the In.uranee dimi-iaaio-er of tba State af Oreeoo. pursuant to law: ADMITTED AP9ET lmt . . , fling" MStT Nona Mortease loans oa real estate estate Cas and bank deooeits in' balance fr urn enlleeted premiums Interest, dividend and reel estate income due and arrraed .- Nrtm None 1.948.7TA.M B20.STX.SS 34 30 258.329.2S -ner unu Total admitted aeeets S1-9S3MS.8S LIABlLfTIFj). SITRPLX'S AND OTHER FUNDS Loaaea . 2.399. 67T M m aatuatment ex- Pl'WWl -- TJn-rne4 premiums AH other liabilities 117.04 .M f2.1l2.39 062 419 01 Tntat -abilities, ex rett capital . Cenllal Mid SI. SOC. OOO OO oe.-lal urntua .funda S34.53S.0O Vwa-a(aa4 fttnda ( ar- Mnat .5T.7e.5 3 3.441.273.20 Svrrtite aa reearda pot tcvholders $ 4 94 J 243 99 Total S12 9S3 S18.8S HTATf. ENT OF INCUMS Pre. niumi earned S 9.C38 113 92 1 mm m lacur red a 2.K. I.'we exoensoa Incurred Vter anderwritiDa xam Incurred 2 23T.113 23 Total nndarwrltlDa do- duettone . Met iinderwritina calm , S.S43.431.2S or lose Invest anent tnooma . Other iaeome Total, before -federal liwoma taxea Pe1rral tacooa taxea lorurred Net larome XMideda to atocknold' era XMvideoda to dcUct- holdera S Camtal rhanae irttl. Other ttema afftCtlBR avrotua iaet) - S 17 SO S14.9O0 2 1.14S.79 210.729.11 89 494 1A 241.23S.01 None 1 SI 770.99 None 4S.333.S1 Total racital and aur- plua Heoui ' net ) 12S.124.SO vorreasa in eumiua aa recarda no!lcvhoidrra S6 889.49 BUSINESS IN. OREGON rflR THE fliR Iet prenaluma rrreivedSl ' (134 423 33 Bet loaaea sold Ivldefkda noid or ereA- S.b-.lS Hed to potle-holriera ' None mod Mi 0.000 to Oroaoa- PerUaad No. 13-13 TNOP9I8 OP ANNUAL STATEMENT tOr the year ended Ptctmbtrjl, 1930. Of the ATLANTIC MUTUAL, INSUR ANCE COMPANY of 49 Wall Street. Hew York ft. In the State of New Tor. Made to th Inaoranea Coramla. mer ec tne etata of ore iron, went to law; ADMITTED A89XT9 ffciwda MrtaaiiWIoaa oa reI ootate Real eatata I ao aacaa r oeea ) Ooah and hank decoetta Aaents', oalooeoo or oa eollerted premium Intereet. dlvtdenda and reel eotale Ineeme due and see rued , - , Otteer aaaeta , ,.... A4.-11.TSX.SI Hoae 3.839.033.23 ...9.S0S.0S L42a.S0O.2S S0.S21.S4 1.407.412.34 Total admitted aaaeta S40 372.32S.39 LlABl-JTIFS SURPLUS AND OTHJC R .S S.S71.32S.00 Looa adjtiaU-Ont a- - na 484. tfneorned premlumm 9.24$ ah other uauua -. a.os .753. M Total Habnttloa. am rem eep4UU GOntrat id P (ausranty ni-d. Snerial - . wroliia tfnda S S7S.09S.4S Unus.ned fu-do uia) T.OOO.OOO.OO S33.S9S.431.9 Oorpl-a as tacaida vol terWd." !1I1S.ST9 09S.4S Tata! .- 240.372 328.3 STAl-alM ur iuua& Ptmiama earned, . Lweese tnc-tred m 33.A71.T 03277.79 i-j.-aso tjtmw oaoenaea ineurred Otner onderwritiax as Him t-curred 4.T98.3S1.93 -nderwritiAK do- . dorttona S11.987.-9a38 Wet andorwrlUaa sala moot lacoma Z ?0.763f 4-.S10.42 M1. before feerml mr nee tse 3.SOO.-3T.T3 422 SWS.50 SaTIJUJ.14 X0O9.S1LTS . . Keae S94.99XS1 tmome taxea lnw-il et CM-vdeoAl to StockiM-S- &i-ei4a""4e" "iSuf- 4ers , ,. . :m mrl rHaaaes net ine Hmmm a-XMtUMI malae a) Teal eaaMal ana soew . a we ttefa -o XT2S.S19.0S Mirreese eorcue . CMar4t 'vK-4ers l 1 P4 Ik en urns racetvM ii i it raitA. ' f et Wesii aJ Un4wi S ta .-evn. -.- . ... 1 1 1I M Pr,-. M I CrtAus raruaai The French established s small colony near present-day Jack sonville, Fla, in UC1, tut It vu destroyed bj the SfsniaurdJ the next year. " Saturday Mar 12. 13S1 9 . I Mncins i'ftttin 45nepub Stl -..-. 3H 51 Rey Metals j 3474 76 Richfield - 56 , 354 . 33 33 51 564 76 Vs 9 39 16 Safeway . Sears Roebuck U 56 SOC Vac ..:. -L 30 . outn -ac 68 Std Oil Cal 48 Std Oil NJ 118 Studebaker - 30 Sunsh Mn 11 42 Swift and Co 33 72 ITransamerica 18 20 Twent C Fox 20 Uri Oil Cal 39 U Pac 106 Un Airlines 29 4 Un Aircraft 31 .. 19 . 38 16 Elec -..32 Tel lO-Vi 5 Un Corp - 4 TIS Plywood 68 21V4 US Steel 44 Warn Bros 12 West Un Tel 40 West Air Br 33 West Elec . 33 10 Woolworth ,. 44 312 Lost cmd Found MALE Red cocker spaniel .. named "Sandy." childs nt. Lost or stolen. Phone 3-9773. 1922 rt. Commercial LOST: Pair of glasses, clear plastic . ft A , fft OCi ruiia riiwt j-tuoi t --uu.- 316 Personal FROM this time on I will not be re- sponsible for any bills but my own. Martin Geier. ; ' ' ' iiAnl.KY Home PriKlucta Ph 43HS2 i.t tHoilCl Anonymous pri a-vi33 PU Bi 724. .MCA Wed fri S 30 pjn 400 Ajrriculture 402 LrrostocV HOGS. 12 large feeders! sow and litter. Rt. 4. Box 932. Turn right 2nd road beyond Witael school, before II a.m. 3 YEAR old spotted Shetland mare. Very gentle for children. 2149 Fisher Rd. 2-00M. WANTED: rat iambs, feeder lambs and ewes. Alio all types of livestocks Olen Cannoy. Ph. 4-1361 Call eve nings. . - TONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E. C. McCandiish 1127 S "3th Ph 3-8147 bONU-D Livestock buyer Claude Ed wards. Rt 3. Box 899E Ph 4-1113. LICENSED Livestock buyer. , H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr Pr . 2-134S BULL JkERVlCE reasonable Nelson anyplace anytime. Phone 4-2949. BUNDED livestock buyer A t. Sora oner. 2130 Chemswa Rd. Ph 42817. 404 Poultry cmd Rabbits 28 RHODE Island laying hens. $2 each. Phone 4-2919. PEACOCKS 2 young hena $10 -each. 1 young peacock 15. Call 4-2979. NEW HAMSHIRE 6c Cornish . Cross ' chicks every Friday. Gehring Hatch' ery. Silverton. Phone Black 193. OA V -OLD and started chicks E. Cen ter Street. Phone 2261. Lee's s Hat chery. . . S I 403 Pots UUCIU-t puppies. IK. SO 444. iv mile North of Keizer school. )' ; COCKER puppies for sale. 1547 Mill, CANARIES A gift for Mother's Day. Ph. 3-8668. MALE Cocker Spaniel, black. 4 months old. Phone 2-0941. IRISH Setter.. E purebred, 2 months. 3 . females. 215.: 415 Cununings Lane Phone 4-4103 ' REGISTERED Pekingese puppy. Phone 3-3598. 22S0 Claude. FOR SALE: Pure bred Springer Span iel pups and cattle dogs. Pure bred Tree hound 2 years old. Rte 1. Box Z3. Aumsvuie. Adelaide reter. MOORE'S Tropical fish aquarium Fiah. tanks. ' (slants, heaters St ther mostats. Marvel pumps 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Phone 27321 EXOTIC aquarium fishes. Aquariums and aquarium supplies. aiem ea and Imolement Co. rront and state Ptinne 3-4903 IKUflCAL SlftM AND SUPPL.ES C L MANN BATTLECREEK RD" TURNER OREGON 410 Sds and Plants HENCHEI4 barley, rec leaned and treat' ed. S4 per hundred, pnone z-zazi CAUREL 15c, Rhododenrons and etc. Phone 22182. 2497 Hollywood Dr DAHLIAS - Price list. HazelhUl Gar dens. Rt. 2. Dallas. South of rails Cltv Camp- Kllowan Road BURBANK Netted Gems & White rose seed spuds. $1.25 bag. Hood River apples SI box. Onions soc bag. mo. l spuds $1 50 lb bag. Al Ped. 2x miles north of underpass on .Portland high way. GERANIUMS, named, scented, fancy leaved varieties. Phone 3-9490 or 3-3S40. BURBANK mountain grown seed po tatoes. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem BEAUTIFUL plants for Mother's Day, Fuschias. Calcalaria and others Arthur Oppen's Greenhouse, Auburn Road. Phone 4-19-3, ; 414 Farm Equipmsnt SALE or trad model H Farmatl tractor and 3 bottom disc ploy with hydro matic lift both almost new. Priced to sell. Can be seen at Rt. S Box 117 (!. miles east of Pen 4 Comers). TD-14's R&G T-9 R St G TM New : Will equip to suit D-2 W Traxcavator A yard FarmaU M. FarmaU H : John Deer M SMITH KTJEHL CO. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DLRS. 1103, Lebanon. Oregon VERM TOWNSEND 4-1896. Salem, Oregon 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools ROTO-THX.ER.: 1948 modeL Recondi tioned. 2740 Cherry. Demonstration 1 St 1 only. This machine must seLL First $25Q takes. 194a A.R. John? Deere tractor on rub ber. Good condition. Phone 21331. tto I UTILLEM sates, oarts. ana service - Howser Bros Ptu- 3-3S4 1410 S - mn - f VouR time ana eflort demandt uuo tools. Rent or buy them at Houser Bros. 1410 S: UUt 465 Household Goods for Solo DAVENPORT recovered in Chinese red and green. - 345. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave. Sew and used furniture at reduced prices. BALL'S FURNITURE CO, 1979 Fairgrounds Road. Phone 4-3481. T PC walnut dining set. iiM. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana XFiTIQUE roll top desk. Stripped for refiniahing. 943. Trader Louse. 1370 Lana. - - y 1 - - - TR A D S your oil furniture for new. at HALL'S. FURNITURE STORE in Hollywood. 1979 Fairground Rd. Plu 4-3481. ' - - - fCrjKiGAfGH iLVt, 6ood r.i. ptZ PIANO. U sines, square fraivd. Roae wood. Beautiful eoodiUou. 3273. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana. 0TIQU-Tl-ve seat. Refuii-had. 343. Trader Iove,-' 1870 Lana Ave. . Used Farn Cheap ' ' TIADC " TERMS '. ite Pttrs Co No Coewt 9-T47J ANTIQCS spool bed. Kce condition. V9. Trr toue. 127) Laws. ll CuTYT. Norge re-risrator. Cuar- aateed- , xrader Louie. U70 22 19 501 IS3 WcnrtdL ftcmswSgcld Goodi USED APPLIANCES. Woodry 35110. WANTED USED furniture, appliances, rugs, any thing of value. Glen Woodry pays top cash prices. Bring to Woodry Fur niture Market, 1605 N. Summer or Ph 35110. T. J. Buys Furniture, appliances., guns, trailers. antiques Immediate appraisal. Phone 20402.- CASH : for your furniture and appli ances. HALL'S FURNITURE STORE, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481. USED FURNITURE. Woodry. Ph. 35110. i Highest Prices Valley Fnrn. Co. 2-7472 ANTIQUES. CURIOS, guns. Woodry. 35110 GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT 1603 N. Summer St. pays hiirhest cash prices for your furniture St appli ances or what have you. - Ph. 3-3110. USED RUGS. Woodry. Ph. 35110. CASH for your furniture. One piece or houseful LAMBERT'S. 3-7100 MOTORS. TOOLS, trailers. Woodry. 351 10. - TRADER LOUIE offers fair eaab prices on furniture and misc. Phone 3-eoas or brln to lino Lans Ave i USED RADIOS. Woodry. Ph. 35110. 158 Bufldlnci Mcrteiicds 352 N. Summer Wrecking extra good house. Building tile, all plumbing. No. 1 Fir flooring ' Nice built-ins Nice windows, large 3c small Several good doors 2 stairways Brick tile fireplace Extra good oil furnace steel supply tank Harry W. Parson Open 7 days weekly, BUILT-IN bath tub. 2x4 and 2x8. some windows & frames, also 2 car garage 350. Madson Wrecking Co.. 342 N Liberty St. Roofing First quality 3-tab. 210 lbs composition roofing. 37 30 sq.: No. 1 cedar stung les. 210.90 and 311JW so.: painted ce dar shakes, with undercourse, 314 JO sq.: plywood 24c ft. 37.68 sheet: -. i 21c ft. 38.72 sheet: waterproof wall board. 4x8 Sg-20. New and used windows cheap. I C G. LONG Phone 2-5821 One Mile North Keizer SHEETROCK - ROCKLATH i SERVICE LUMBER CO, Ph. 2882 707 McClaine St. ' Silverton PICKETS tow as Ifec ea. 3x4 and box Ins 339.50. Masonite. sheetrock. wall board, low as 31.78 4xS sheet. Ceiling tile 12x13 room 314.80. Reject plywood all thicknesses. Medium Fiberglass gS-21 roll Stained shakes and under course 314.83. Pioneer-Flint kote roof ing of all kinds. Screen doors. Jamb sets 33.93. Easy monthly payments, only 10 down. North city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 2-0974. Roofing . ; Steel & Aluminum Limited sizes & quantities, Saffron Supply Co. 323 N. Com'L Phone 2-4189. WANTED. GREEN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and one inch Market Price. End trim minx not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189 Eve. 22573 Salem Lumber Si Manu Msnufartiirtne Co Lower Prices Cedar Shingles best quality all grades delivered. 18 in. No. 1 carton packed CEDAR WALL shakes, painted all colors. Oak and Pecan hardwood flooring all grades. Common lumber, Call 2-1196 Salem, evenings. Ted Muller. REMODEL REPAIR IMPROVE ON E-Z Terms 10 down. 30 months to pay on the Keith ttrown building loan plan. No mortgage required KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front 8c Court Phone 3-913 You can finance your remodeling, re pairs, garages, barns, painting, i etc with 10 down 36 months to car Call for free estimates and Informa tion. ... : Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 -60 Musical -Z-S-T-anenta SPINET piano. Bargain for cash. Phone 3-4041. I PIANO accordion. 120 Bass. $95. Phone 3-4041. i I Beautiful Organ Music For Music Week. Hear the H-mmnnrf Spinet organ at the First National Bans. Played by Mary Barton. 12 to 3 pjn. daily. STONE PIANO CO. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Ph; 2-5281 GOOD USED Piano. H. L. SUffTi 462 Sports Ecpapmsnt 14 FT. BOAT and trailer. 3 h.p. motor 3170. 1970 Lana Ave. FOR SALE: ModeT39A Martin 22 rifle. Ph. 3-7768. ; i NEW light car top boat or trade for Arbor bench saw or gas power lawn mower. 1090 Glenn Creek Rd, West Salem. (S3 For RsnL Misca&ansous TOOLS & equipment to make a good job j better Rent ox buy at Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Phone 33840 UO XUUR sewinx now Rent a Singei lee portable sewing machine 86 per mo Free pick up delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 tt. Coml fn STI51 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- kets fum. 197 S. Uberty. Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sals, Miscellaneous PYRAMID tents 1SX1S. 343. 10x10. $20. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana. ; VACUUM cleaner. Hoover, late" model. Make offer. Phone 3-5674. ELECTRIC Guitar. Real i Bargain Phone 3-4641. ; i TWO 8x12 Wilton rugs. Good. Cheap. call at 750 m. i:apuoi. JENNY steam cleaner, household fur niture. Phone 23935. - LEAVING TOWN: Must sell 24' ' fish ing boat, 22 h.p. air cooled -Wisconsin engine, cabin. 2 bunks, only 1 3750. Phone 153 Astoria. ' 1 MOVING: Must sell all household foods. See at 2223 N. Church. Phone -3590. - ' ' ' ' I . SAVE 32. Order Better Homes and Gardens now. Price 3 years. 35. New or renewal. After June 1st 3 years 37. Phone 3-7828 or write Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 8Z3 sagmaw, WASHING machine 323. 4-30-3 before 9, after . NEW and used Sewuu Maclun es . Yeater ADoliance Co. 371 Chamek eta ' : WASHING Machines. New and Used Yeater Aooiiaaa Oa T7 Chemek- ' eta ' Linoleum $3.45 1 -i .urr rtni m sss h com K KiiiLHA I Oiti New xod Used Yeater Apn-ane Co 273 Chemek- et PLASTl-KOTE fnr ffflur fk-ora or UnoMum Yeotes T7S e"Tief-!e fiABY SliOIS Broiucd. Avek FUUng Co. 245 Oak St. hJaATi HiC B-nm New and Usexl Yeater APDuuue Co. 373 eta VACUUM cleaner, compact. Sales St Swrrtr4. Make fr. PtmM 3-5CT4... JLC1 AiCf' iieatera. K-"t and Fasi Yeater Ap-ianco C- 313 t 450 , Filercandise 470 For Sal. Hansons r US it1 . ORGANIC FERTILIZER ; P The right wajr to re build the soil. O Free of weed seeds. 4 O Odorless. 6 sacks .J..$ 5.00 f Bulk 1 ton . 10.00 2 tons .-I.. 17-50 j Free, delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 38127 Soft Tee Creem ' Machine. Sweden treeeeri double head. X gallon capacity. eeueni conai tion,. Viv's Steak Boute. Mill City. Phnn SR07. - I t TABLE saw 4 h.p. motor. RT lawn mower. 4 pc. 2-0294 after 3. bedrooo- set. Phone ' I I : 1 IS MM Movie camera- Complete with 12 magazines, carrying ease, etc. F3J1 lens, i Excellent quality pictures. 3187.50 cash. Phon 4-1203. PRIVATE collection Antique dolls and buttons. 3580 S. Commercial. Tip Top MoteL Cot tare No. 4. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. 7.3 cu. ft, Excellent condition. , Phone 3-8535. 1460 Trade. BOY'S 20' bicycle. Excellent condi- tlon. 324.50 Trader Louie. 1870 Lana. A-l TEARDROP auto trailer. 3100. Phone 3-5222. METAL cabinet sink, also wood range. Good condition. 2145 Yew. LATE model Bendix automatic wash er. flat top, 3100. Folding Steer-O-Matlc baby buxry. 313. Phone 3-9605. RIVER SILT For lawns 3c gardens. Phon 2-1743 or 4-238S. Do It Right Roof with lifetime aluminum and SAVE 10 DOWN. 30 MONTHS TO PAY CALL 2-3053 . WILLAMETTE ALUMINUM SHINGLE CO. 3023 PORTLAND .ROAD SALEM. OREGON Flagstone Stayton flagstone from original pit. Colorful. rood quality. Stepping stones, wall St patio rock. Also red lava rock. , granite and boulders for gardens or walla. Cedar Posts Telephone and electric, poles, garden stakes and pegsv Rustic Fencing Red cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis. picket and grape stake fences made to order. Fertilizer Rotted Manure Composts Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 no Sunday Business UUJ(K- and Wesuntnouse Home Freezers. Yeater Appliance Co 275 Chemeketa PHONE 3-9303 and ask to see the new Johnston power mower. 4 cycle Briggs Stratton engine mower by jacoDsen. Absolutely the finest mower in Sa lem, we nave employed local uni versity athletes to demonstrate these mowers. Phon 3-9303 for free dem onstration. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement. Ready mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing Iralnage and ditching 4 vd shovel & dras Mne Phone 3-9243 OIL circulators New and used. Yeater Aonlianre Co 375 Chemeketa - hju Useo piaiMMt S7 ea H tiff Furn Co TOP SOIL, river silt, fill dirt Millers. Phone 4 4181 HOTPOINT refrigerator. 5. ft. Excel lent condition. 375. 1695 Saginaw. HOLLAND trash burner incenerator combination, burns : wet garbage, Make an offer. 3 INSIDE Colonial doors. 2 outside doors with window panes 310 each Leather folding baby buggy, fair condititon 35. twin size iron oed with coil springs 35. 186- Childs Ave. VACUUM Cleaner. Electrolux model 30. Late model. Offer. Phone 3-574. DINING set. gas range, bed. complete. 1075 Erickson St, Phone 2-8760. FOR SALE: Good used automatic gas water heater. 310. 2037 Nebraska. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous SAVE your Newspapers St Magazines for CrioDled Children Society. Call Citv Waste Paper Co. for oickups. 2593 Hollywood Dr Phone 22973 Cascara Bark Valley Furn. Co. 2S3 N. Coml. 3-7472 474 Miscall axt Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE DC MOST CASES ' Bring or Mat! Yoar Plates for Repair UR. HAHKl Sk-JkU-I-K. unii AHnmh RMf -State fnm Ph S-M11 VAN1 ro bus used camera St McEwan Photo Shop. 243 N. High. 476 Fuel GOOD clean sawdust for furnace and sawdust burners, can be used for humis. nursery 3c berries. $33 unit load. Kiln dried shavings, excellent far animal t eddinc or fuel 36 2 unit load. Independence Lumber St Mfg. Co.. Independence 4Z. cotiecr. FREE planer ends. Bring your trailers. Frelsen jbot t,o.. saw waiiace rta. May Special "DOUBLE" Green Stamps Hand picked 16" slab wood Screened sawdust. 12" mill ends. Ph. 2-7442. 16' ttooa , Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect - Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Inlerf1ence Ore-eon " " r West Salem Fuel Co.. 1S-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 1$ in. clean no bark ' SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH." Phone: Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgewster St W Salem ORDER Anderson's cio;ce alab wood now. t cords $12Ml Ptoooe 2-7751 or 1-5951. Special Planer trlmmlnrs -SSJW CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO- 3-7721 OT 3--CJ24 iXMSM BOJg Ph S-S453. 02i & 12th IS" Old FCr Veneer Cores Sotlt foe Famace if denlred Highway Feel Co. Oan sawd-at srped grsas w dry Stww-ZMeee. il Ask foe Pesu-y 500 .Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan! PERSONAL FINANCE CO. ' 313 State - Room 123 Llv. - S-122 M-165: C. R. Allen, Mgr. PHIVAle VI i me v to loan Hn H-417-4 Start 1951 ; with 4 CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills .with a convenient 'BILL CONSOLIDATION Fast, friendly ser Typical Plans IS Mo. Amount 150.00 - 380 CO - 760.00 Payments . 12.00 -30.00 30.00 - Pacific Industrial Loans 11 S Liberty Plume CASH $25 to $500 A fast and friendly loan service to men and women, married or stngis 1 and It's "Yes" to 4 out of S who ap l ply. Up to 3500 on Auto, up to $300 on rural tm e Islsiy and coeiven e lent payments arranged. Don't bor I row unnecessarily, but if yoa need : cash for any good reason, phone bte ; "Yes" Manager or come ta today. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem . , 103 S. High St. Ph. 2-2434 tic. No. S-122 M-163. C. R. AHen. Mgr CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own-i ed loan company offers money when 1 you need Itl You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or help from friends i On ears, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 00 furniture, livestock, equipment, 1 salary or other personal property up to 3300.001 Phone or visit our office today I Bear "Top Trades" 12:05 dally KSLM ) 1390 KCsll ; General Finance Corp. Urn. No S133 and M333 PHONE 3-3161 136 S COM! ST j -f Private Money i Oa Cars Trucks St Trailer Homes Long os Short Terms Payments : Roy H. Simmons t-S S Commercial St PtMtne S-S1SI $$ CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Road (next door to bank I Free Parking lot a 291. m 369 Call 2-7033 ARM and CI 1 - LOANS and 3 four own terms of repayment within . reason. Cash tor Real Estate Con i tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO WJ Court St Ph 4-22S3 AUTO -UANS WILLAMETTE CREDI1 CO. ttt S. Church St Ph. 2-2431 Parking Aplenty Lie M159-S154 ' 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Have opening for real estate salesman : or saleslady. Experience not essential j II otnerwlse quauued. . Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE 1463 N. Capitol BOOKKEEPER, stenographer. Make ap- plication in writing atating educa tion, experience, references. John J. Kooerts -c-jo- r.u. box 1ST. saiem M IDDLEAG ED couple part time, to ; manage small apartment lor renL i Box 392. co Statesman. 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Barber at 377 Court St. WANTED: Pensioner who will fire furnace and keep up yard for part ox rem. r none s-ao-a NEED 2 route men. Drive established routes. Call after 1 except Friday. tv m. cnurcn THE B. F. Goodrich Company will in- terview on Friday Sc Saturday 2 pjn. to 3 pjn. Men Age 21 to 40 who will be interested in joining our retail organization, beginning their train ing in our sales Sc service depart : ment. Good salary and working con ditions with excellent opportunities : for advancement for an industrious i and ambitious man. See Mr. Bolanos ' at 198 S. Commercial St, Salem. Ore gon DAIRYMAN, single man. 3150 per : montn. plus board and room, xf t. a - Box 342. Kiecks Bros. WANTED: Experienced man for stock : and general farm work. House, milk, ; electricity furnished. M. B. Findley. one mile East Kicxreaii TRAVELING SALESMAN. Experienced in auto trimming supplies. Western ! riding goods, shoe repair supplies, i Straight commission. Travel Wash i lngton and Oregon. Old established house. Write Mr. Arthur. Keyston : Bros.. 733 Mission St, San Francisco 3. Calif. MAN experienced in lawn mowing and ' Slower cultivation, rnone 4-14U2. 608 Help W-mteC femcde EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Night s s nut. Apply m person, j. is. rive- in, ZZ3Q Fairgrounds Kd. WANTED: Typist with good telephone v voice who can learn use of Burroughs do. ting machine. Aooly Coca-Cola Bottling Co.. 1220 S. 12th St, Monday. 8 A.M.-S P.M. HOUSEKEEPER for man and 2 school age children. Room, board. and wages. Rt. 3. Box 743. Alpany. STENOGRAPHER, four hours daily. j Monday to Friday, June 4 to Sept. 1. f Must be experienced and accurate. ; Telephone supreme court Library for appointment. TYPISTS urgently needed to f ill exist ing vacancies In Salem. Starting sal ; ary 3170. Obtain application no ' State Civil Service Comm. 102 Public Service Bldg.. Salem RELIABLE housekeeper for modern city home. Best of conditions. Room. ! board Sc wages. 2 children, 1 school age. 1-4 years. Phone 343 IS after six. CAR Hops for Saturdays Sundays! : Transportation nome provided, rarm 1 ers Drive-In. ta front of Salem Drive- in Theatre, WANTED: Young lady to work In our ; office. Prefer recent H.S. graduate. Good job. good hours, congenial ft DeoDle. Good oav when lob is learn- . ed. Apply in person to Mr. Williams. : Cherry city tsaxmg t,o, tsroaoway and Market. RELIABLE woman for housework, no washing. Private room Ac bath. As sist with 2 chllden. Phone 34704. WAITRESS wanted. Talbot's Coffee , Show, formerly Pade's. 1241 State. MIDDLE aged woman to work in sum 1 rner home Inquire Hogg Bros. EARN money at home. full, part time. Box 123 State-man. BIO Sales Persons Wanted WANTED: Car salesman. Kaiser ex. perienee preferred. Phone 4023 Stay- ton. Oregon. NEW CAR agency has. opening for : ealesxnaEL Exnerience not net'csiai f Fine oonortunitv for agxresaiv and i eoeretic man . Stat age. e-roeriemce. : etc In Itter. Write 333 co Sta teaman. 12 Work Warned. Male ROT ART tilling. Satisfactory work ; guaranteed. Phone 1-35-7. 13 s. I4tf WLlAODELXSG. finishing, cabinet. Call after 3. 4-.TS9. . LrAWH mowers and saw sharpening. All work guaranteed. 391 Gertn. Free Dickuo and deliver . CABINET and L-u-h work, a-l iot t ruaranteed to ssti7 1123 hour. Phone 1-t"S. CAkT-i- -bi Marieay K-L pnetie e-xu--. 6C0Cg.p.oymcnl.-fr; 61S itnat!o-s: Wbs-ted: SEWING."' Ironing tfcme la" my home. . rt.MML tlTI!t KmMfnm i . n m v v. ALTLRATIONS for men and women. Also dressmaking. Mrs. J. W. Weekly. Phone 3-2913. WILL care, for children of summer workers m my home. See me early at 353 Jefferson. Hollywood-Highland district. ROTOTILLXNG. Large Uilcr. Phone 3-489S. t, " KXP-jNii accountant desires part time DooKKeeping worn. Ph. --P331. PAINTING, papering, roof spray. Best work, best material. Brown. Phone 29229. N W. CAUDLE SPRAYING . AND PRUNING. Phone 4-1461. LIGHT bulldozer, by hour or contract. Phone 2-553Q or 2-2OT3. CURTAINS washed. 'stretched, table- cloths. fine linens. Phone 1 2-3443. 395 S. 22nd. YARD work. New lawn put in. Phone 4-ZH4I or 3-44 evenings. EXPERIENCED cleaner wants work- Phone 2-9901 before & after S. ROTOTHXER work wanted. Prompt 8c experienced work. Phone 2-2709.- ROTO TILLER work. 2 m -chines with experienced operators. Phone 2-0594. 1143 Hood. BABY sitter. Anytime,. Day or night i . . ... Phone 3-5323. WANTED: Any type work at my home including baby sitting, hour, day or week. 38050. 363 S. 17th. : YARD work, flower bed cultivating. Flowers removed. & transplanted. Spading. Lawns mowed St fertilized. Also new lawns put in Phone 4-140Z. PAINTING. Can furnish A-l local ref- erences. Work guaranteed- 3-9694. Carpenter ifork. we know our bu iness. Large or small jobs. 3-9694 LIKE to bid on your spray painting, any brand of paint you like. Phone 3-4246. M. L. Gottenberg. 1450 N 19th. COMPLETE bookkeeping service in cluding payroll accounting. Daily, weekly or monthly. 1509 N 4th. Phone 3-5283. PLOWING, discing Orchards, gardens. Call after 3 om 4316S W. F Cren- shaw. CONCRETE work done. Free estimate Phone 27183. CaWnsI prepared St seeded, light tractor with dorer etc. 2-8127. CHILD CARE IN MY HOME 133 S 13TH H 2-SS73. EXPERT lawn mower sharpening. Sat list action guaranteed. Free pickup St , delivery. Howser Bros. Phone 33343. 618 Education WANT A BETTER JOB -STUDY IN YOUR SPARE .TIME Machine Shop Auto Mechanics MathmaUca Drafting Engineering - Building - Business ' Hundred of other Courses GI Approved Phone or write Carl F. Jensen. Representative INTERNATIONAL . CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 1580 Market. Salem Phone 4-4548 620 Dot and Contract UTO PAINTING lust shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Moeot Co -.l1 Salem Sand S, Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Basement - Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot ' Phone day 3-3403 Evenings 2-4400 3-S34S Salem. Oregoai 700 Rentals SHADY trailer space. Also furnished 2 or 3 room apartment. 2803 Maple Ave. Phone 2-aos-. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board ROOM with private bath. 1183 Court. FRONT bedroom. - Gentleman prefer red. Outside entrance. 1321 McCoy. ; Phone 3-33-4. CLEAN attractive rooms, .reasonable. Private entrance, dose in. . Phone 2-7481. ; VERY nice lge. room, grnd fir. Close tn. Lady preferred. 3-44-S. SI .F.EPING room lor man. Close En. 269 Marion St. ROOM for emp. man. 540 S. Liberty. SLEEPING room for one or 2. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4335. SLEEPING room. Hot and cold water. 737 Center. SLEEPING rooms. Phone 3-4335. 790 N. Church. ROOMS with kitchen privileges. Close to State bides. 754 Ferry. . WEST SALEM: 2 furnished rooms, quiet location, private entrance. Ph. 2-7534. 70S Apartments For Hen. ROOM for rent. S73 N. Cottsgfe. FURNISHED' apt. 523 N. Church. 2 BEDROOMS, electric range, refrig erator. Large living room, kitchen. ' bull tins, bath. Completely furnish ed. Ground floor. Private entrance. Garage. Phone 2-5323. 3203 PoCtlai -d Rd. WALKING distance. 2 room modern. all electric utilities furnished. 535 N. Winter. REDECORATi 1 room and kltchen ette. Utilities paid. 340 E. Washing ton. FURNISHED 2 rooms. Close in. Ideal for 1 or worknig couple. Ph. 3-3768. 2 BEDROOM furnished aartment. elec trie refrigerator, range, private ent rance, bath. Adults. Phone 2-O808. 1773 N. Front. 3 ROOM court apartment, refrigerator and stove. W. Salem. Phone 2-3997. FURNISHED trailer house. 325. 1963 N. Commercial. NICE furnished apartment, range, re ' frigerator. own bath, utilities furn ished. Close to CapitoL $35. Phone 2-2268. i - PLEASANT 3 room arartment, private entrance and bath, ground floor, close in. Call 670 In rear of 674 N. Church. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. Pri-' vate bath St entrance, garage. No drinking. 1277 S. Coml 1411 STATE ST. Small ground floor furnished apartment. Heat, water. lights. -""ROOM basement, clean, partly furn ished. Close In. utilities furnished. No children. Phone 27469. ' FURNISHED 1 bedroom. $70. Adults. Inquire 315 Bellevue. X St 3 ROOM clean apartments. Adults. Close In. 666 S. Summer. &MALL nicely furn, close in. bus. Business woman or man. Ph. 4-1636. S ROOM court apartment, electric stove & refrigerator. 1664 S. 13th 2 ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance and bath, refrigerator. 353 N. IBth. Phone 3-9073. NICELY furnished 3 rooms. Furnished 2 rooms. 1370 Chemeketa. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance and bath. 1 or 2 quiet , 1360 M. adults. Sheldon Apartments. Liberty. 3 ROOM apartment with bath. 330. Off -street parking. Hollywood 3-0350 or 3-9671.' CLOSE in 3 large rooms. 581 N. Church. LARGE. 4 rooms. fur-Lishhed apt. 2 email fiimi-H( ants. 1411 Court. i-ODLRN, 2 large rooms funusheX Private entrance and beta. 203 Bush. flRST floor apartment, large living room. " dining, kitchen, beta, range. refrigerator, utilities- eeOy furnisi-rd. 450 S. CSWtOl St. 2KOO:Li. daveno. large living room St kitchen. Bull tins. bath, elec tric range, refrigerator, rurniahed. Ground floor. Garage, rrtvaie t. r irm TVn-tisnrl Rd. BcTVi'N STAL5 3 room newly decor- ted apartment, prtrstt entrance, re virir,'.; l nam aoartmenL nicely furnislMtd. private entrme. Close i . ru.o. 1 and S rooms. peU. N. 4 STI-iAL APTS. good locauo ST"1 gum. i-t. u. a. kuzz a i:c----!-r:!!: 70S Apartsienss or,i ATTRACTIVE apartment near Cap-tot, Living room, kitchenette, rou-o-way bed. dressing room, hot water heat. Well furnished, newly decorated, electric range, refrigerator, nice gar dens. Call at 245 N. 14th or phone 3-6408. The Lee Salem's most disttnguls-ied address of senng im uxamate tn gracious apart ment living. Bachelor 1 St 3-bedroom units, unfur. 383-123. Electric Range ' St Refrigerator. Union at Winter SL 4-1641. LARGE 3 room apartment, partly fur n ished. 1210 Tile Rd near cannery and tiinen mm. pnone 3-7514. 5 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Re. decorated 265. 653 Ferry. Ph. 3-275. 3 ROOM apartment furnished or un- rurmsned. Near Capitol bulldlnrs. Lighta. heat furnished. Bendix washer. Phone 2-6286. 2 ROOM clean furnished apt. Refrig erator. 879 N. Cottage. 1 LARGE and small apt. Outside en- trance. Private bath. 3-5323 evenings. Amhassador Ants. Nicely furnished apta. 350 N. Summer. COMFORTABLE basement apartment. Private bath and entrance. Reason- able. Phone 34703. Georgene Cables One bedroom apartment, refrigerator. range, auiomauc m unary, vui ,. lstn. ULTRA-MODERN new apartment for adults. Laundry range, refrigerator 1-7071. APAKiMENT. private bath, dose to. Hiew 3-M3B. 2 ROOM apartment in beart of down town Salem. Phone 3-3711. NEW large 2 3c 3 room court apart ment. Newly decorated, automstie laundry. 343 and up. Phone 2-3-52 or 3-4528. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath, clean. 419 S. 19th. Phone 3-6004. ROOM unfurn. apt. Main Or. oil heat. 1437 N. 4th. Auto Rental Saving Plan New unfurnished 1 bedroom apts. Call 2-7071 for appX . 707 Houses For Beat NEWLY decorated 3 room furnished house to 2 or 3 responsible adults. 734 N. High. t BEDROOM duplex. . Close in. Near Capital Bldg-. and shopping center. Clean. Phone 3-3178. REDECORATED 3 room duplex. West Salem. 2 bedrooms. Kec. beat. shower. Phone 3-8980. 3 ROOM modern, garden if desired. RfclBox 386. (Waflaee Rd.) 1-7132. MODERN 2 bedroom, furnished or un furnished. Garage. Phone 3-6631 after 6. CLEAN 2 bedroom house. 380 mont-u 973 N. 3th. Phone 4-1336. SMALL house Phone 2-2057. for renL 330 month. 2 BEDROOM, living and dining room combination, kitchen, utility, double garage, floor furnace, water furnish ed. Newly decorated- $73. 1191 Hiw. thorne. Phone 2-123. CLEAN 3 room furnished, close in, rent 333 month. Phone 2-3694. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom cottage, very nice, ideal for couple. 1163 S. j perry, 2 BEDROOM cottage: also cottage for single person or couple. 2360 S. Com- mereiaL. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex. SJ4 naoiey St. pnonc --4.14 S ROOM modern house, electric stove. 1132 Ruge St. 2-5-77. rOR RENT or sale: New 2 bedroom, fireplace, lowered attic, attached gar age. Nice lawn and garden in. 870 month or will sacrifice equity. 3343 June. RENT OR sale. New 2 bedroom, large living room, fireplace. ' hardwood floors, attached garage, nice yard. 870 - month or will sactsfic equity. 3175 t-orai Ave. : FURNISHED motel cottage. UtUiUi paid $10-50 weekly; Phone 3-9623 or 1-0507 DRIVE by 2105 University. Newly dec orated 2 bedroom, mostly furnished including -lendlx S'a. (Jail Joe Hut chison. Realtor. 2-3S29. CLEAN cabin suitable for 2. $25 month. Partly furnished. Not modern. 3397 Williams A j BEDROOM furnished house. Couple only. Garage. 363 month. Inquire 737 SPACIOUS clean duplex. 2 bedroom. living room, kitchen ac bath. Modern. wice yard. sa. call 37-77. 3 ROOM bouse, near Shopping Cen ter, all electric, no drinkers. Ref- ence required. 671 N. 20th. Ph. 9-3323. NEW 1 bedroom unfurnished bouse with garage. 1793 Market. 1 BEDROOM all electric house. Unfur nished except for range. Inquire 1173 Sixth St. Phone 20966. i BEDROOM. Within 3 blocks of court house. 562 MilL 710 Wanted To BonL Housm FIRST of June, partially furnished 2 bedroom house. Mary Mulligan. Box 803, Seaside. PERMANENT reliable renters desire 2 or 3 bedroom house. Phone 4-1533 evenings, WANTED Immediately. 2 bedroom fur nished house for 3 responsible work ing adults. Phone 37508. - 7-4 Btuinesa Rentals AVAILABLE May 20. single room. 3rd floor Lives ley Bldg. l!xll. over looking Liberty street. Can be need aa unit r divided. Rent 347 per month. Application by mail only stating Intended use. etc. Address manager. Llvesley Bldg., Salem. BLDG 33x9 at 1230 State. Phone S-5-2. MIIMMIWM Niwm H SUff 24x36 WAREHOUSE wlU small office. $30. Phone 3-7373. BOO Real EMale BARGAIN Metal Building 34x30 Recently built structure, steel frame, all welded. Cement foundation. City water, lights 220 V. or 110 V. Lot 30x100. Good territory for garage or radiator shop or can easily be made living quarters. One block from high- ' way. 17 miles from Salem. AD for only 31230 cash. Write Win. L. MOey. 302S S. E. 82nd. Portland. Oiegon. Duplex-Income Two apartments, one or-them furnish ed. On paved street. Close to school and stores. Units are nice and rocny. Double garage. Gross income $83 mo. $9500.' Trade Three bedroom home, well built, on l'i A. tract. Large 'living room, dining ' room; hardwood floors. Plastered. Clean appearance. Inside and ouL Lota of shrubbery, garden space. Combination barn and chicken house. Want larger home $11400 . Edw. A. Dyck REALTOR 323 W. Coml St. Of. TeL 2-5.11 Eve. St Sun. 2-3688. 4-2234. 2-6053 Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fail, nse tsr Chieese remedies. Asaarn sneeese fee Sees years in CUat. No saattee wttn wbaS ailsaeets yee are affa-cted diserders. sinnsi-ts. keart, tnnga, v er, kidneys, gas. micers, diabetes, .keen Mem, gail and kUi ee lever, ak-n. t CH-VRLIE ( CHAN C3UXXSS CO. ZS4 Ft. Ce rseat 3-1 tit . vi IALI .'4. CZZ. Ctr-re tisers $ ts C Tse-SUtO. Otf 1 You T7on't Es Sorry BUY ONE Of tl.l EaPECXALS " 4V2 Acres C3950 i BJUn. late built hse, batft. dinettn. large livtag rm, gu-age. 1- s-c. prunes. View, 0 mUes south. $iaa down. Look Here at 5650 M ac. with attractive modern 2 BJt. nv, dinette, kit, pert hdwd. furnace, bus serv, garage. $1500 down. Look- 3 Rentals S10-500 A 3 B. Km. modern one floor and X rentals, on hi way, trees, garage, eta. Variety, Hardware, Cafe Under one roof, also living rooms. Cafe Jeaaea a yr. si month, other gross ed over $-3,000 in 1S50. Yoa can buy stocked, equipped at $13.500. 10 Unit Court $21,000 Loc on coast. AH have baths, cooking. s xurnisnea. . casa or trade lor nee. 40 Acres North Willamette son. 3 BJtm. modern house one. floor, all tillable, S me. berries. price 1 14.00O. Stock. equipcneaA evaU- .Li. . a-w. ee.wvy wn. $ 252 Acres 7 Miles Salea IS ac. oats and clover. 14 ac cherries. SI ac oats and vetch. Creek, springs, older SBJtm. hose. Wio-r must sell and consider hse. or Income foe equity. , , , The Star Realty 303 Mission St, Klumpps REAL VALUES Top This Only $350 down. $63 mo. Extra Ire. LA extra lge. Kit. and dining, 3 EKS, closets and bath, lge. atu. gar, lge. lot. SOxl30 only 2'. yrs. old and newly decorated. For Sale or Trade 3-BR .home. IR DJt, kit, with buiitins. Close in commercial. Osiv 36350. Owner win trade for 1 to 10 acres with 2 or 2 BJEL horns near the same price. t Here's A Buy 2 bdrra. all modern home on S. acre-. mje. saiem. Right for su --division en paved st. Barn and garage; Priced at 311400 for aJL Will take 3 bdrm. home on lot tn city to $7000. It's A Dandy Yum-Yum an kinds of berries, famf-v ' orchard, chicken house 3c shop. Ail on this l' acres plus. 3 BJt. mod-en home with garage, nice lawn, shrybe . St garden space. $3450. Terms. Hollywood Home 4-BJL and everything else to make this - family nome very comfortable nring . cory LJR. with fireplace, aep. D.a, full basement, high cethng. oil frm, double gar. 3c patio. 112JHM ternta. Home of TomoiTOrV Very beautifully styled 3 B.R. bouse. South. 1SX24. U-R. IZxlS. You&O- town Kitchen srith dishwasher St nook, double garage. Bendix drier St washer, carpeted LR DJL St halls. Venetian, bhnds St drapes. Thle ie " view property oa a large lot tn' a quiet neighborhood. Shown by ap- .paintment only. Call Dick Cox. North liberty New 2 BJL. house oa N. Liberty, beta tiful pecan floor. LJR, Dinet, kit chen, bath with lovely tile. Oil floor furnace, attached garage. Price $8350. Builders Attention SEVERAL NICE LOTS AVAILABLE L.E. Kliimpp Realtor! OPEN 3 AJM. to 3 PJM. 480 North Charrti Phone 3-74 Rixe Realty Won": Number Did you know that San Francisco's Chinatown telephone book lists 2S7 Wong numbers? Motel f Over here hi the hunting and fishing , country we nave n 9 unit setup wvm 2 bedroom quarters for the owner. Located close to city center of Bend. . We can sell you thia one for S-Oj0O0M) down with good terms. Will accept . good home on down payment. Sporting Goods Store Why not go out on a limb? Isnt that wnere tne trult is? This one ts lo cated In Redmond. Includes build tag with living quarters Or personal fur-' niture. All store fixtures, signs, etc. dt guarantee of $3300 la cost in ventory. All you need to move In ts your suitcase. Total price . $21,300.03. . Farms If you want m good SO acre trrlxate-t place that lays perfect, don't miss seeing this one. New 3 bedroom, home with hardwood floor-, fireplace, bass ment. and furnace. 317.300.0S with terms. Also a 120 Acre place with Sd irrigated. good 4 bedroom home for $13 XX) .00. We have some large ranches and also 1 good resort. RIXE REALTY Phone 335 ' Bend. OrtfH Furnished 5 Rm. Home !4 bDt off State St. Modern home with ood furniture, eiec range, refrig. bedrm sets, Hv rm set. etc. Full basement with new oil furnace, gar age Sc nice garden. 3T750 as la or may sell without furniture. t 20 Acres All in Cult. $8750 i Large 4 bedrm home. Insulated St weather-tripped, good barn 3c ma chine sheds, chicken house, etc. Soil Olympic loam, bus by door on pavement. IS M. from Salem. Would uxe a oeorm home Woodburn trade. in Salem or 12 Unit Court & Home Very modern St nearly new, over 3S00 monthly income, payments S2f.l ma. oei mortg. WiU trade my e-qiuty lor "7Sd Sakan pro. Price around t&SfiOQ. Call Art. Art Madsen Realty Co. LM SUte SL Ph. 255$o' - 2SS12 801 Bu-dns OppcTtu SERVICE SUtion. stock. Inventory St equipment approx. S1500. No . bSue moon. In a fine location.' RAWLINS REALTY Phone 2-434 sd 4-171 REXT a restaurant. fy ??I CO ?!- BT. eouipoed Bcnr AUTO repair ah op. Lc-se a il teceary equipment. Good location. SU f?r half of actual Tmlue. Boat 4L VL1 Oty, Oregon. V Ds. T.T lass KJO-Et. G. C-an. KJX Da3. CZAX ... LAII Stl i:cri L.r.: tfaetat-e a bore JX S7 erty. Office epea .arr : H im. t 1 p xa, I U 1 P-n. C;-t.s.. - Lea. 1do4 rresmt i tr-s i " : -i sr (rt si crf-. i'Tsc:,-iJ f..:.n Lil. D