Portland Lives lock PORTLAND. May 10-IAP1 ( USDAr Cattle salable 100. good demand for scattered lota of canner to -ulillty cows,; fully steady; other closes hardly suf ficient to test market; odd head utility Steers 2eX utility cows- 23 00-25.50; canner and cutter cows 20.00-22.50; few Utility bulls 23.00-19.00. Calves salable 25. vealers in good de mand, fully steady; good and choice vealers 36.00-58.C0; few utility to com mercial 28.00-34.00. Hogs salable 100; market active, ful ly steady; bulk good and chdfce 180-235 lbs 23.50; mostly 23.75: odd head 28S lbs 19.75; good and choice sows 19.50 21.00; odd head medium feeder pigs 21.00; choice lightweight feeder -pigs quotable up to 27.00. Sheep salable 25; market fully steady on odd lots shorn old crop lambs; sev eral lots good 90-103 lb No. 1 pelt old crop slaughter lambs 31.50; with some No. 2 and 3 pelts 29.00. few shorn feed ing lambs 27.50; good shorn ewes quo table 14.00-15.00. Portland Produce ' PORTLAND, "May iO-(AP)-Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate Change: Premium quality, maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 73-76c lb.; first quality. 70 T3c; second quality. 69-?2c. Valley routes and country points 2c less. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, 93 score. 69c lb.; A. 92 score, 68c; B, 90 score. 63c; C, 89 score. 61c, Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 46,,2-48VaC lb.; Oregon 5-1 b. loaf. 49-50c. - Egcs 4 To wholesalers): Candled eggs containing no loss, cases included. FOB Portland. A large. 59-60c; A medium. 7!i-52c: B grade. 55-56a. Live Chickens (No. 1 quality. FOB ?lants: Broilers. l3i-2,i lbs., 29-30c; ryers. 2V-3 lbs.. 30c; 3-4 lbs., 30c; Soaoters. 4 Ids and over. 30c; light ensj all weights, 27-28c; heavy hens, all weights. 31-32c; old roosters, all weights. 15-17c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-5 lbs.. 23-29c lb.; 5-8 lb.. 2-29c;- colored bucks. 12-16c; few higher; fresh dressed fryers to. retail ers. C0-63c; some higher. Ceeotry dressed meats: ' Beef Good cows 45-48c; canners and Cutters 40-43C lb. - Veal Top quality 55-57c lb; good heavies 48-50; others 45-47c lb. Lambs Top grades, 53-55c; lower grades 4S-48C. Mutton Best 60-90 lbs 28 -30c; rough heavy bucks and ewes 24-26c. Wool Willamette valley $1.13 fct country shipping points. Fresh dressed meats: Beef steers choice 500-700 lbs $57; good 500-700 lbs $33: commercial $50; utility $45; cows, commercial $49-50: utility $43; can ner and cutters $43.50-45. Beef cut (good-steers) Hind quar ters $61.50: rounds $58; full loins trim med $82-88; triangles $52; forequar ters $48.50. I-amtw Good choice, springer $56-57. Pork carcasses $33.34. Onions: Western Ore. vellows. me dium No. 1 $2.50-3.00: 50-ib. sacks No. 1. 3-inch mln., $3.25-$3.50, some to $3.75: Idaho, 3-inch. $3.50-3.75it50-lbs.; Calif. White wax. $3.00-5.50, - 50-lbs. Potatoes: Ore. Russets. No. 1A. $3.50 4 00; 25 lbs.. 90c-$1.00; Idaho Russets. No. 1A. $4.00-425. Hay: U.S. No 2 green alfalfa, de livered car and truck lots, FOB Port land, mostly $30 ton: Willamette valley grain and clover hay nominally $25 ton, baled at farm 300 Pomona. 912 -Lost and Found LOST: Pair of glasses, clear rims. Phone 3-9081 or 3-8676. plastic 114 Trcmspoi tutlon INTERESTED In one way EASY trip In private car. Salem to Chicago. Man and wife. Ph. 2-8611. ; - 8 16 Personal FROM: this time on I win not be re sponsible for any bills but my own. iwariin ueier. tM KY Home Pr.xUlcts Ph 43882" llltHUUICS Anonymous Ph 3-9133 ru M 724. (MCA wen. m. 8 30 pjn 400 Agriculture 402 LiTSstocV BOGS. 12 large feeders, sow and Utter. Rt. 4. Box 932. Turn right 2nd road beyond Wltzel school, before 11 a.m. I YEAR old spotted Shetland mare. Very gentle for children. 2143 Fisher Rd. 2-O068. - IS WEANEH pigs $15 each while they last. Joe Porter. Rt. 4. Box 462. 2 miles So. 12th St. Junction (old high way!. - WANTED: Fat lambs, feeder lambs end ewes. Also all types of livestock. Olen Cannoy. Ph. 4-1381 Call eve ning. BONDED LIVESTOCK buver E. C. . McCandtlsh 1127 S Mh Ph 3-8147 iONOKD Livestock buyer Claude Ed- wards: Rt a Rnv IMF! Ph 4.1111 LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. K. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr Pr 2-1343 BULL SERVICE reasonable Nelsons anyplace anytime. Phone 4-2949. iONDED livestock buyer A W. Soto mer. X13Q Chemawa Rd. Ph 42817. 404 Poultry and Rabbits M RHODE Island laying hens. $2 each. Phone 4-2919. PEACOCKS a young hens $10 each. 1 oung peacocK sis, call 4-1878. W HAMSHIRE St Cornish Cross chicks every Friday. Gehring Hatch ery. Silverton. Phone Black 193. DAY -OLD and started chicks E. Cen ter Street Phone 22861. Lee's Hat chery. 403 Pets t6give way Bird dog to good home. Phone 3-5247. KALE Cocker Spaniel, black. 4 months old Phono 3-Q941. ' IRISH Setters, purebred. 3 months. 2 females. $15. 413 Cummings Lane. Phone 4-4103. aCEGISTERED Pekingese puppy. Phone 3-3598. 2260 Claude. FOR SALE: Pure bred Springer Span tel pups and cattle dogs. Pure bred Tree hound 1 year old. Rte 1, Boat 238. Aumsvillc. Adelaide Peter. KI l' 1 ENS to give away. 2225 Broadway. FOR SALE: Purebred black Cocker Spaniel pupa. Reasonable. ' Phone 2339. CooRtS Tropical fish aauarium. Fish, tanks, plants, heaters St ther mostats. Marvel pumps X miles from S Lancaster en Macleay Rd Phone 17321 . tXOTIC aquarium fishes. Aquariums end aquarium rupplies. Salem Seed and Implement Co Front and State, ptinrw 3-49A3 Tropical rtf-H and supplies c L MANN BAT-TLECREEK RD TURNER OREGON 116 Seeds and Plants LAUREL 15. Rhododenrone and etc Phone 22182. 2497 Hollywood Dr. lAHUAS - Price list. HaselhiU Gar dens. Rt. 1 Dallas. South of Falls City Camp Kilo wan Road. Or Y.TXaam. NJ Dt. G. Caan. N J DU. CHAN . .;. LAM CUZXZSZ. nXSHALlSTS 2U North ilberty Upatatre" above Jana. 237 N Lib erty Office epen Saturday enly 14 a as. te I is, (is) pan Conau Ra tion Blood pressure and ertne testa re tree ef chaxge, fracucee Wit. 400 Afjriculture , 410 Seeds and Pltmtsl M f ' i BURBANK Netted 'Gems irf White rose seed spuds. $125 bag. ' Hood River apples $1 box. Onions 50c bagi No.' spuds $1 50 lb bag. AJ Petl. 2 miles north of underpass on Portland high way GERANIUMS. named, scented, fancy leaved varieties. Phone ,3-9490 . or 3-3640. - t ' x- . i BURBANK mountain grown seed po tatoes. Puritan Cider ' Works. West Salem. -" BEAUTIFUL plants for Mothers Day. Fuschias. Calcalaria and others. Arthur Op pen's Greenhouse. Auburn Road. Phone 4-1933. 414 Farm Equipment TD-14's R&G . T-9s R St G -I T D- New I Will equip to suit D-2 W Traxcavator i yard Farmall M. Farmall H John Deer M SMITH KUEHL CO. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DLRS i 1103 Lebanon. Oreribn I VERM TOWNSEND 1 4-1896. Salem. Oregon 425 Auction Sales SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 2 MILES EAST ON CENTER.. SALEM Now. Sales 2 days a week - Tues. evenings at 7 p.m. St Saturdays at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. This Sat.. May 12, owner sold home, Sc leaving city. Therefore all furniture Sc. tools go to highest bidder for cash.- No re serve bid. i ' I 5 ft. Gen. Elec; Refrigerator Thor Elec. Washer Kenmore Elec. Range 8 pc. Dining Room Set 3 Beds. Coil Springs Sc Matts. Com. Deck Sc Book Case . 5 pc. Dinette Set 2 Davenport Sc-. Chair Seta Dressers. Chest, Drawers ' Pots 6c Kettles, many Farm & Shop tools. Also at 1:30 p.m. live stock. 5 big 160 lb. gilts Sc boars. can be registered. Ch. W. rabbits. New Ham p. fryers. 12 nice Hansen pullets. 8 buff Bantys. Cows, veals or what have you to bring. Many gooa Duyers. PH. 26274, COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT, AUCTIONEER 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery? and Tools 1940 A.R. John Deere tractor on rub ber. Good condition, phone 21331. ttO 1 U 1 ILl-CK saie, uarts. ano service Howser Bros Ph. 3 3646 1410 S 12th ; f: VUUK time and etlort demanus goua tools. Rent or buy them at Housei Bros. 1410 S 12th 455 Household Goods For Sale NEW and used furniture at reduced prices. HALL'S i FURNITURE CO., 1979 Fairgrounds Road. Phone 4-3481. TRADE your old furniture for new. at HALL'S FURNITURE STORE in Hollywood, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. WHITE Enamel Wood-Oil Range. Good. $30. to move quick. Ph. 29917. 9-12 a.m. ; ADMIRAL radio phonograph combin - ation, - cabinet model. Good v condi tion. Ca U between 7 and 9 p.m. 26915 REFRIGERATOR M.W. Good $75. Ph. '4-3808. :- - '. i - $" MAHOGANY wall display ! cases cheap, tapesttry love seat with ad instable - arms. Super box spr. 8c " loner spr. ; matt, LAMBERT'S, 220 rWtt.TJrw.rtv. . . Til SEE antique chests, need refinish--- tne. chean. 664 Norway. JTrC WAL. bedroom set $59.50. in ner- ; JIMinK matt. 14. SO, odd Jtnv. chairs .95; -Maytag washer -44.50. 'two -9x12 : tents, "four burner - oil stove 11.50, : ' five dr. chest 7.50, other bargains. The Furniture Mart. 419 Ferry. FT. FRIGIDAIRE 69.50. Hotpoint cab. range, chrome dinette set 34.50. an tique cherry bed half price, three pc wal. bedroom set 59.50. all gift ware at closeout. LAMBERT'S, 220 No. Liberty. i Used Furn.. Cheap TRADE ' TERMS Valley Furn Co 285 No Com! 2-7472 45S Wanted, hoosehold Goods USED APPLIANCES. Woodry 33110. I WANTED USED furniture, appliances, rugs, any thing of value. Glen Woodry pays top cash prices. Bring to Woodry Fur niture Market, 1605 N. Summer or Ph 35110. ; 1 T. J J Buys rniture. appliances, guns, trailers. Immediate appraisal. Phone antiques. 20402. CASH for your . furniture and appli ances. HALL'S FURNITURE STORE. 1 1 979 Fairgrounds i Rd. Phone 4-3481. OSED FURNITURfiTWoodry. Ph. 35110. Highest Prices Valley Futri. Co. 2-7472 Antiques, curios, guns. Woodry. 351IO ' 5 GLENN" WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1605 N. Summer St. pays highest cash prices for your f furniture St appli- ances or what have you. Ph. 3-5110. USED RUGS. Woodry. Ph. 351107 CASH tor your furniture. One piece or houseful LAMBERT'S. 3-7100 MOTORS. TOOLS, trailers. Woodry. 35110. : TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture anrl misc. Phone 3-8558 or brine to 1870 Lena Ave USED RADIOS. Woodry. Ph. 35110. 45S Building Materials I Roofing First quality 3-tabf 210 lbs composition roofing. $7 SO sq.f No. 1 cedar shing les. $10.50 and $11.50 sq.: painted ce- , dar shakes, with nndercourse, $14.50 sq ; i" plywood 24c ft. $7.68 sheet: 21c ft. $8.72 sheet: waterproof wall board. 4x8 82.20. New and used windows cheap. JK C G.i LONG Phone 2-5821 One Mile North Reiser SHEETROCK , s ROCKLATH i SERVICE LUMBER CO. , i PbJ2882 707 McClaine St. 1 Silverton PICKETS low as 1,c ea. 2x4 and box ing $39.50. Masonite. sheetrock, wall board, low as $1.76 4x8 sheet. Ceiling . tile 12x13 room $14.80. Reject plywood all thicknesses, t Medium Fiberglass 88.21 roll Stained shakes and under course $14.85. Pieneer-Fhntkote roof tng of all kinds. Screen doors. Jamb sets $3.95. Easy i monthly payments, only 10"i down. North city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD : LUMBER YARD. 2-0974. ' - - - - Roofing Steel & J Aluminum Limited sizes & I quantities. Saffron Supply Co 323 N. ComX Phone 2-4189. ; - WANTED. GREEN LBR. stesaw casta, dimension and one Inch Market Pnce., End trimming not necessary. CaU Olnsyr Bacon 39189 Eve 22578. Salem Lumber at Uanu Maniif acturine Co Dont Neslect Shipping FALSE! TEETH Do false teeth drop. sUd or wobble when you talk. e$t: laugh or sneeze? Dont be annoyed and embarrassed bv such handicaps. FAS TEETH, an alka Baw (non-acid) powder to sprinkle on your plates, keeps false teeth more firmly set. Gives confident feelina? of security and added comfort. No gummy. fooer. peaty taste or teenng. Get TA5 ETH today at any exuc store. . .450 Merchandise 453 Building Materials i . H Lower Prices (Cedar Shingles best quality all grades delivered. 18 in. No. 1 carton packed CEDAR WALL shakes, painted all : colors. Oak and Pecan hardwood flooring all grades. Common lumber. Call 2-1196 Salem, evenings. Ted Muiler. REMODEL REPAIR IMPROVE ' ON E-Z Terms 10 down. 30 months to pay on the Keith Brown building loan plan. No mortgage required KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD front fit Court - Phone 3-9163 You can finance your remodeling, re pairs. : garages, barns, painting, etc. with 10 down 98 months to pay Call for free estimates and Informa tion, i Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 460 Musical Instruments Beautiful Organ Music For Music Week. Hear the Hammond Spinet organ at the First National Bank. Played by Mary Barton. 12 to 3 pjn. daily. STONE PIANO CO. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 2-5281 BEAUTIFUL rosewood mahogany square grand piano. $250. 2890 S. 12th or call 2-6248. GOOD USED Piano H. L. Stiff. 462 Sports Equipment FOR SALE: Model 39A Marlin 22 rifle. Ph. 3-7766. LOTS of used boats and outboard mot ors, some good with guarantees, some "as is" $20 up a few canoes left at $25 up. Chris Craft boat kits. We have 3 or 4 New Johnsons left and we are now on 60 allocation. In vestigate now. Salem Boat House. 100 Chemeketa NEW light car top boat or trade for Arbor bench saw or gas power lawn mower. 1090 Glenn Creek Rd.. West Salem. 1 (68 For Rent. Miscellaneous TOOLS & equipment to make a good fob better Rent or buy at Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Phone 33648 LXJ (OUR atewuig now Kent a Sumei elec portable sewing machine $6 per mo Free pick up & delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com! U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. 197 S Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sole. Miscellaneous TWO 9x12 Wilton rugs. Good. Cheap. Call at 750 N. Capitol. - PRIVATE collection Antique dolls and buttons. 3580 S. Commercial. Tip Top Motel. Cottage No. 4 JENNY steam cleaner, household fur niture. Phone 23935. CHROME kitchen set $25. 1555 Norway. AMPLIFIER and automatic record player. Must see and hear to appre ciate its tone and value. Reasonable. 1691 Market St. MUST sell practically new sewing ma chine. Real bargain. 2355 Evergreen Ave. USED Singer treadle sewing machine. : Round bobbin, good condition Sc. guaranteed. Bargain $24.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'i. LEAVING TOWN: Must sell 24' fish ing boa t. .22 h p. air cooled Wisconsin engine, cabin.! bunks, only $750. Phone 153 Astoria. : 10x12 WALL tent $15. 1795 N. Cottage 1 after 5 P.M. - MOVING: . Must sell all- household goods. See at 2225 N. Church; Phone 2-3590. SAVE $2. - Order Better Homes and Gardens now; Price 3 years. $5. New or renewal. After June 1st 3 year $7. Phone 3-7828 or write Mrs. Paul H. Mauser. 925 Saginaw DELUX gas range, excellent condi- tion. 8150. Phone 3-5347. '- WASHING machine $25. 4-3033 before 9. after 8. - NEW and Used Sewing Machines Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemek eta : - WASHING Machines. New and Used Yeater Aonllsnre Co TT5 Chemek eta . Linoleum $3.45 : vai.trv rrrRN m ?w n coml KEF RICJ ERA TORS New ind Used Yeater , Aon' anoe Co 375 Chemek et FLASTI-KOTE Requires no Waxint: for vour flt-ors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co T7f f'hfrnekT BABY SHOES Bronzed. Avek Plating Co. 245 Oak St - : kU-ECTRIC Ranges New and Used Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta VACUUM cleaner, compact. Sales St Service. Make offer. Phone 3-5674. Ki.ECTKlC: Heaters Radiant and Fan Yeater , AoDliance Co 375 Oiemek tit RIVER SILT For lawns St gardens. Phone 2-1749 or 4-Z386. I VACUUM cleam-i. Hoover, late model. Make offer. Phone 3-5674. : : Do It Right: Roof with lifetime aluminum and SAVE 10 DOWN. 30 MONTHS TO PAY CALL 2-8058 WILLAMETTE ALUMINUM ' i i SHINGLE CO. 3025 PORTLAND ROAD j j I ! SALEM, OREGON ; j Flagstone ; Stayton flagstone from original pit. ColorfuL good quality. Stepping stones, wall St patio rock. Also red . lava rock, granite and boulders for gardens or walls. 1 Cedar Posts Telephone and electric poles, garden stakes and pegs. j Rustic Fencing ' I Red cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis, picket and grape stake fences made to order. . Fertilizer Sotted Manure Composts ; i Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 No Sunday Business utu'Ktt 1 ana WestinuMniw Home Freezers. Yeater VAoouance Co. 375 Chemeketa PHONE 3-9303 and ask to see the new Johnston power mower. 4 cycle Briggs Stratton engine mower by Jacobsen. Absolutely the finest mower in Sa- . lem. We have employed- 4 local Uni versity: athletes to demonstrate these mowers. Phone 3-9303 for free dem- onstration. ' r ' , Walling and & (gravel Co. Crushed Rock i VU ; For roads St driveway Cement. Ready. - mix. Concrete Garden Sand. Bull dozing drainage end ditching "4 yd shovel A dra hne Phone 3-9149 OU. circulators New and una. Yeater Aoohance Co 373 Chemeketa -vi Uaeo otamak CT aa H stiff Furn Co tOP SOU. river silt. fUl dirt VUSrZ KOTPOINT r.friratoc. 5', ft. txceT- lem con qi iion. ai. io aagmaw. HOLLAND trash burner tncenerator combination, burns wet garbage. Make en offer. 9 INSIDE Colonial doors. S outside doors with window panes $10 each Leather folding baby buggy, fair condmtoa $5, twin size Iron bed with coil serines H ! C!!?s Am. VACUUM Oeaner.lectroux model 4. Late model, offer. Phono X-M74. . 450 RIerchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous 1 DINING set. gas rangei bed. edmpiete. 1075 Erickson St. Phone 2-87B0. i ; FOR SALE: Good used automatic 'gas water heater. $10. 2037 Nebraska. 472 Wanted. Mlscellaneoun 1 USED rolled top desk. Phone 2-7780 after 6 p.m. ' - SAVE your Newspapers St Magazines for Crippled Children Society. Call City Waste Paper Co for pickups 2595 Hollywood Dr Phone 22975 Cascara Bark Valley Furn. Co.. 285 N. Com! 2-7472 4 MJsceQcneoqm - Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for keuait DR. HARRY SEMLF.R DENTIST WAM'l ID Buy used cameras Se mom McEwan Photo Shop 245 N High 476 Fuel FREE planer ends. Bring your trailers. Freisen Box Co., 450 Wallace Rd. May Special "DOUBLE" Green Stamps Hand picked 16" slab wood Screened sawdust. 12" mill ends. Ph. 2-7442. ' v lb Wooo Old and Secund Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders olease call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon . West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St W Salem ORDER Anderson's choice slab wood now. X cords $12.00. Phone 2-7751 or 2-5952. - Sp ecial Planer trimmings ..'$8.00 cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO 3-7721 or 3-6024 ELMER BOJE Ph 3-9453. 2025 S 12th 16- Old Fir Veneer Cores SDlit for Furnace if desired Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils Ask for Penny Saver Stamps Ph 36444. "00 Rusinea & Finance 510 Money to Loan PRTVATT Money to loan Ph 2-0794 Start 1951 with j CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills with a convenient -BILL CONSOLIDATION- loan Fast, friendly service. Typical Plans 13 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.00 380.00 30.00 760.00 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans lis S Liberty Phone 4-220S CASH $25 to S500 A fast and friendly loan service to . men and women, married or single and It's "Yes" to 4 out of S who ap ply. Up to $500 on Auto, up to $300 . on furniture Salary and conven ient payments arranged. Don't bor row unnecessarily, but If you need cash for any good reason, phone hte "Yes Manager or come in today. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 105 S. High St. Ph. 2-2464 Lie No. S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. CASH . NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need Itl You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or help from friends r On cars, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office todayl Hear "Top Trades" 12 05 daily KSLM 1390 KCTsll General Finance Corp. Lie. No S13 and M33S PHONE 3-9181 136 S COMT ST Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes , Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 S Commercial St Phone S-91S1 $$ CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Road (next door to bank I Free Parking lot s 231. m 369 Can 2-7032 FARM and CITY LOANS and 5 'our own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOl SECURITIES CO Bt7 Court St Ph 4-2283 AUTO UOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT. CO. US S. Church St Ph- 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M159-S154 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Jobs! Jobs! i Steno-bkkpr exp ymri Bkkpr.. full charge f Steno. ins exp pref $175 1 Steno-bktrm- vn F Bkknr- full r)ur F-Steno. ina yn mrt r ieno, legal, will train open F Sec. exp $200 St bonus F Office nurse, exp. pref. opert F Clerk, figures, typing $160 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY ' Ph. 2-1488 MIDDLEAGED couple part time, to manage small apartment for rent. Box 332. co Statesman. , 604 Help Wanted. Male" WANTED: High school or college stu dent to wash trucks evenings. Phone 2-2436. t THE B. F. Goodrich Company will in terview on Friday Sc Saturday 2 pan. to S pjn. Men Age 21 to 40 who will - be interested in Joining our retail organization, beginning their train, lng in our sales St service depart, ment. Good salary and working; coo--ditions with excellent opportunities for advancement for an industrious and ambitious man. See Mr. Bolanos at 198. S. Commercial St. Salem. Ore- DAIRYMAN, single man. $150 per month, phis board and room. Rt. S BOX 342. Hiecks Bros, WANTED: Experienced man for stock , and general farm work. House, milk, electricity furnished. M. B. Jladley. TRAVELING SAXESMAN. Experienced u wis uimmaif supplies, western riding goods, shoe repair supplies. Straight commission. Travel Wash Ingtoa and Oregon. Old established house. Write Mr. Arthur. Keystoa Bros, 753 Mission St, San Francisco MAN experienced In lawn mowing and uower cultivation. Fhone 4-1402. 60Q EmpIb5Trien 6C8 Help WanteaJ female WANTED: Typist with good telephone voice who can learn usees! Burroughs : posting machine. Apply Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 1220 S. llth St.. Monday, HOUSEKEEPER for man and 2 school age children. Room, board, and wages. Kt. 3. box 74Z. Albany. STENOGRAPHER, four hours daily. Monday to Friday. June 4 to Sept. L must oe ' experienced ana accurate. : Telephone Supreme Court Library ior. appointment TYPISTS urgently needed to fill eist ing vacancies in Salem. Starting sal ary $170. Obtain application now State Civil Service Comm. 102 Public Service Bldg.. Salem. RELIABLE housekeeper for modern city home. Best of conditions. Room, board Sc wages. 2 children, 1 school sge. 1-4 years. Phone 34319 after six. CAR Hops for Saturdays. Sundays. Transportation home provided. Farm ers Drive-In, in front of Salem Drive- in Theatre. wanted: Young lady to work in our office. Prefer recent H5, graduate. Good Job. good hours, congenial people. Good pay when Job is learn ed. Apply in person to Mr. Williams. Cherry City Baking Co, Broadway ana warner. RELIABLE woman for housework, no - washing. Private room Sc bath. As sist with 2 childen. Phone 34704 WAITRESS wanted. Talbot's Coffee Shoo, formerly Pade's. 1241 State MIDDLE aged woman to work in sum mer home Inquire Hogg Bros. EXPERIENCED waitress full St part time. iMonigrens. 440 state. EARN money at home, full, part time. Box 125 Statesman. . BIO Sales Persons Wanted NEW CAR agency i has opening for salesman, experience not necessary. Fine opportunity for aeeressive and energtic man Stat age. exnerience. etc. in Itter. Write 335 co Statesman Sty. Work Wonieo. Male CARPENTER work.1 finish or roueh want, rt. c Tnomas. 4683 Niles Ave. REMODELING, finishing, cabinet. Call atter 5. 4-2780 LAWN mowers and saw sharoenin. All work guaranteed. 391 Gerth. Z-I656. Free pickup and delivery, CABINET and finish work, all Jobs guaranteed to satisfy. $1.50 hour, Phone 2-8691. CAKPUMTRT any land, reasonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phone 4-2054. 615 Situations W anted ALTERATIONS for men and women. Also dressmaking. Mrs. J. W. Weekly. Phone 2-2915. WILL care, for children of summer workers in my -home. See me early at 653 Jefferson. Hollywood-Highland district. i ROTOTILLING. Large tiller. Phone 3-4895 EXPERIENCED accountant desires part time bookkeeping work. Ph. 2-0331. PAINTING, papering, roof spray. Best work, best material. Brown. Phone 29229. L. W. CAUDLE SPRAYING AND PRUNING. Phone 4-1461. HOUSEWORK by the hour to May zutn. z-voaj can mornings or eves. LIGHT bulldozer, by hour or contract, Phone 2-5530 or 2-2673. CURTAINS washed, stretched, table cloths, fine linens. Phone 2-3448. 393 S. 22nd. HAVE you ever had your' rugs sham pooed? Makes them like new. For details call 2-6575 after 6. Appoint- ment only, YARD work. New lawn put in. Phone 4-2941 or 3-8445 evenings EXPERIENCED cleaner wants work. Phone 2-9901 before "8 after 5. ROTOTTLLER work wanted. Prompt & experienced work. Phone 3-2709. LAWN MOWERS, machine sharpening at your door. Work guaranteed. 3-5072. RELIABLE Christian girl to baby sit evenings. Vicinity State . Hospital. Call 2-0937. ROTO TILLER work. 2 machines with experienced operators. Phone 2-0594. 1145 Hood BABY sitter. Anytime. Day or night Phone 3-5323. WANTED: Any type work at my home including baby sitting, hour, day or week. 28050. 363 S. 17th. YARD work, flower bed cultivating. Flowers removed & transplanted. Spading. Lawns mowed St fertilized. Also new lawns put in. Phone 4-1402. PAINTING, Can furnish A-l local ref- erences. Work guaranteed. 3-9694. CARPENTER work. We know our bus iness. Large or small jobs. 3-9694. LIKE to bid on your spray painting, any orand of paint you like. Phone 3-4246. M L. Gottenberg. 1450 N 19th. COMPLETE bookkeeping service in cluding payroll accounting. Daily. weekly or monthly. 1509 N 4th. Phone 3-5285. i PLOWING, discing Orchards, gardens. Call after 6 om' 43168 W. F Cren shaw, CONCRETE work done. Free estimate Phone 27163. LAWNS: prepared & seeded, licht tractor with dozer etc. 2-S127. CHILD CARE IN MY HOME 183 S 1BTH H ; Z -ft 88 , EXPERT lawn mower sharpening. Sat isfaction guaranteed Free pickup & delivery. Howser Bros. Phone 33646. 618 Education ; WANT A BETTER JOB STUDY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Machine Shop ; Auto Mechanics Mathmatics Drafting Engineering - Building - Business Hundred of other Courses Gl Approved Phone or write Carl T. Jensen. Representative INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 1560 Market. Salem Phone 4-4548 620 Day and Contract AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray ETTER CaU Shrocb Moor Co 9-9101 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot i Phone day 3-9408 : Evenings 2-4400. 3-8346 Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals SHADY trailer space. Also furnished 2 or 3 room apartment. 2605 Maple Ave.: Phone 2-5093. . - 702 Sleeping Room. Board" VERY 'nice lge. room, grnd Cr. Close In. Lady preferred. 3-4469. . SLEEPING room for man. . Close in. ztso Marion St. ROOM for era p. man. 540 S. Liberty. GIRLS only newly decorated modern. close in. kitchen privileges, use en- ii re nouse. pnone 3-4372 or 3-O460. SLEEPING room for one or 2. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4335. - SLEEPING room for gentleman. Phone Z-4427, SLEEPING Hot and cold water. Phone 3-433, 730 N. ,737 Center. SLEEPING Church. ROOMS with kitchen privUeees. Cloae to 8tate wars. 754 rerrv. WEST SALEM r a furnished rooms, quiet location, private entrance. Ph. 3-7554. , - . . 705 Apartaents Sot fleet FURNISHED 3 room apartment. Pri vate Da Lb Sc entrance, enrage. No ormrnng. lxn s. comL 1411 STA7X ST. Small ground floor furnished , apartment. Heat. water, hrhta. i ROOM basement, clean, partly fum- snto. vMse in. utilities zurntsoeo. No children. Phone 2749. rUiLSiiXJ 1 bedroom. $79. Adults. Inqqire 315 Bellevne. fee 3 &OOM clean apartments. AduiU. Close in. Ss s. summer. 000 Real Estate' ' 2 BEDROOM BEAUTY This one you must see if you want nice home. Has large living rm. Wardrobe closets tn each bedroom. Sunny cheerful kitchen Sc dinette. Lge. plastered garage with utility. Believe me, it's your best dollar value m Salem. Close to school, bus. Only $8250.00. FJLA. or GX terms. See Mr. Simpson j , 2 BEDROOM NEAR LESLIE Owner moved- east and must sell this lovely near new home 3 Bdrm. large living rm. with fireplace. Dining rm. Hardwood floors, utility. Att. garage. This home has all the new features you expect to find In the home you have been looking for at a price you win hardly believe, but Investigate and you will agree this is a bargain. P.S. Just reduced $500.00 Price la now $10.MXU0. See Mr. Rawlins. $700.00 DOWN A very liveable S bedroom home at a fair price and excellent terms, Not Van Dussen mansion, but It sure Is a rent beater. See Mr. Tibbetts. CAFE-TAVEIIN fpOSSTBnjTY 1 ' Now operated exclusively as a restaurant In busiest section on Salem's busiest highway. Ideal location for beer license and other great possi-. bill ties. Illness forces sale. No phone Information please. See Mr. Engel. Dreit 1 ; ; : ; ; ;,.;'.;;- 30 ACRES; SILT LOAM Hazel Green district, close in. 5 yr. old ranch type 3 bedim, home with lge. living rm.. dining im. kitchen and breakfast nook. This home has full burnt with forced air sawdust furnace Be fireplace. 30 ae. Willam ette silt loam, all land cultivated. Crops are in and go with place. 39 ac. of new strawberries. Good barn, machine shed, chicken hse.. garage. Can aU be Irrigated. A good buy at $2200X0. See Mr. Todd. RAWLINS :REALTY (Hollywood District. Realtor) 2060 N. Capitol St ' - Otfice Phone 2-4664 or 4-1761 Eve. Ph. Simpson 3-8239. Tibbetts 2-7486. Todd 2-1731. Engelbrelt 2-9089 ' Rawlins 2-6013 700 Rentals 705 Apartments tot Rent SMALL, nicely furn.. close In. bus. Business woman or men. Ph. 4-1636. 3 ROOM court ' apartment, electric stove St refrigerator. 1664 s. 13th, S ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance and bath, refrigerator. 355-l N. 18th. Phone 3-9073. - NICELY furnished 3 rooms. Furnished 2 rooms. 1370 Chemeketa. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance and bath. 1 or 2 quiet adults. Sheldon Apartments. 1360 N. Liberty. 3 ROOM apartment with bath. $50. Off street parking. Hollywood 3-9359 or 3-9671. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room. near bus. 1118 Ruge. Phone 2-0388. CLOSE in 2 large rooms. 581 N. Church, LARGE. 4 rooms, f urnishhed apt. 2 small furnished apts. 1411 Court. MODERN. 2 large rooms furnished. Private entrance and bath. -208 Bush. 3-8393. FIRST floor apartment, large living room, dining, kitchen, oatn. range, refrigerator, utilities only furnished. 450 S. Capitol St. 2 BEDROOMS, daveno. large Eying room Sc kitchen. Buutlns. Datn. elec tric range, refrigerator furnished. Ground floor. Garage. Private en trance. 3205 Portland Rd. DOWNSTAIRS 3 room newly decor ated apartment, private entrance, re- frigeration. 551 N. 21st. 2-6697, MODERN 1 room apartment, nicely furnished, private entrance. Close in. Employed person. 495 w. summer. FURNISHED 2 and 3 rooms. No pets. Z310 N. 4tn. - ATTRACTIVE apartment near CapitoL Living room, kitchenette, roll-a-way bed. dressing room, hot water heat. Well furnished, newly decorated. electric range, refrieerator. nice gar dm Call at 145 N. 14th or phone Rental Saving Plan t New unfurnished 1 bedroom apts. Call Z-7Q-M tor app I. The Lee Salem's most distinguished address of fering the ultimate in gracious apart ment living. Bachelor I Sc 2 -bed room units, unfur. $68-125. Electric Range 6c Refrigerator. Union at Winter St 4-1641. LARGE 3 room apartment, partly fur nished. 1210 Tile Rd near cannery and Linen mm. pnone 3-78J4. 5 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Re- oecoTated sea, nss ferry. Ph. 3-6275. SEVERAL APTS. eood location como furn. Inq H L Stiff Furn.. 3-9185 3 ROOM apartment furnished or un furnished. Near Capitol buildings. Lights. heat furnished. Bendix washer. Phone 2-6286. NICE, convenient 3 aoom furnished apartment, adults. Bendix. Apply 359 N. Liberty 4 to 7 pan. or phone 3-7124. 2 ROOM clean furnished apt. Refrig erator, b ; in . cottage. NICE furnished apt. Close in 1073 N. capitoi. 3-8706. 1 LARGE and small apt. Outside en trance, n-ivate natn. 3-53Z3 evenings. FURNISHED small apartment, all util ities included. $32.50. 340 E. Wash ington. Ambassador Apts. Nlcelv furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. COMFORTABLE basement apartment rnvate oatn ana entrance. Reason able. Phone 34706. Georgene Gables One bedroom apartment, refrigerator. range, automatic laundry. 907 S. 13th. ULTRA-MODERN, new apartment for adults. Laundry rsnee refriserstor 2-7071 APARTMENT, private bath, cloae tn S!W Phone 3-5838 2 ROOM apartment in heart of down town Salem. Phone 3-3711 NEW large 2 6c 3 room court apart- ment Newly decorated, automatic laundry. $45 and up. Phone 2-5652 or 3-4528. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath, clean. 419 S. 19th. Phone 3-6004. ROOM unf urn apt Main Or. Auto oil heat. 1437 N. 4th. 707 Houses For Rent UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom cottage. very nice, ideal for couple. 1163 S. ii Deny. 2 BEDROOM cottage; also cottage for smgie person or coupie. zao s. Com mercial. SMALL house. $43. Phone 3-3530. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex. ma namey at. raont Z-4ZI4 S ROOM modern house, electric-stove. 1132 Ruge St 2-5277. FORT RENT or sale: New 2 bedroom. zu-epiace. lowered attic, attached gar age. Nice lawn and garden in. $70 month or will sacrifice equity. 3645 June. RXNT OR sale. New 2 bedroom, large living room, nrepiace. hardwood floors, attached garage, nice yard. 270 .month or will sacrifice equity. 2173 Coral Ave FURNISHED motel cottage. Utilities paid $uuo weekly. Phone 3-9829 or Z-OWT, DRIVE by Siva University. Newly dee- oraiea a Dcereom. meetly rurnlxned including Bendix 17 S. Call Joe Hut- cftison. Realtor. 2-3629, NEW 2 B.R. cottage. Youngs town ki chen with electric range Ac refrig erator. Bendix . washer. Located 1 block W. of Salem Gen. Hoap. 631 Jayson. Phone 3-S103. CLEAN cabin suitable for 2. $25 Jth Partly furnished. Not modem. 3397 Williams Ave. 2 BZZaOCU furnished house. Coupie only. Garage. 963 month. Inquire 737 -d St. SPACIOUS dean duplex. 2 bedroonw nruf room. Kttcneai t natn. Modern. Nice yard, i'. can 37rr7, 3 &OOM bouse, near Shopping Cen ter, all electric, no drinkers. Ref- enee required, m N. yh. Ph. 3-iJ2i. CLEAN 3 room house, wired foe range. electric tank. Ft l. box 19. WILL suoieaae liS Fir St $0 per month or nearest acceptable offer from responsible party. Phone 4-1X14. i 800 - Real. Estate ms I You Won't Be Sorry f BUY ONE OF THESE SPECIALS 4V2 Acres $3950 3 BJtm. late built hse, bath, dinette. - large living rm. garage. 1 ac. ' prunes. View. 6 miles south. $1000 ; down. ' ; Look Here at $5650 ' ac." with attractive modern 2 B.R. liv, dinette, kit. part hdwd. furnace, bus serv, garage. $1500 down. Look, 3 Rentals $10,500 A 3 B. Rm.' modern one floor and '2 : rentals, on hiway. trees, garage, etc. Variety, Hardware, Cafe Under one roof, also' living rooms. Cafe : leased 3 yr. $150 month. Other grocs : ed over $25,000 In 1950. You can buy ' stocked, equipped at $18,500. . t 10 Unit Court $21,000 Loc. on coast. AJJ have baths, cooking. . a furnished. I'm cash or trade for hse. . 40 Acres North , Willamette soil. 3 BJtm. modern house , one floor, all tillable. 6 ac berries, price $14,000. Stock, equipment avail able. -$3,000 down. . 252 Acres'7 Miles Salem 15 ac. oats and clover. 14 ac. cherries. ; 61 ac. oats and vetch. Creek, springs, i older 5B.Rm. hose. Widow must sell : and Consider hse. or Income for equity. , . The Star Realty 305 Mission St. Ph. 24649 Klumpp's ; . REAL VALUES Top This Only $350 down. $63 mo. Extra lge. Lit extra lee. Kit miut riininv bps closets and hath ' 1m. att m l. lot. 60x130 only 21, yrs. old and newly. For Sale or Trade 3- BR home. LJl DJL. ldt with : builtins. Close in commerctaL Only . $6850. Owner will trade for 1 to 10 acres with 2 or 3 BJEL home near the same price. Here's A' Buy 3 bdrm. aTJ modern home on S'i acres. : N Salem. Right for sub-division on paved St. Barn and garage. Priced at , $11,600 for alL Will take 2 bdrm. home on lot In city to $7000. . It's A Dandy . Yum-Yum all kinds of berries, family orchard, chicken house St shop. All : on this 1 acres plus. 3 B.R. modern home with garage, nice lawn, shrubs 6c garden apace. $8450. Terms. - Hollywood Home 4- BJL and everything else to make this family home very comfortable living, cozy LJt. - with fireplace, sep. DJL. full basement, high ceiling. oU furn, double gar. St patio. $U00 terms. Home of Tomorrow Very beautifully styled 3 B.R. house. South. LJL 16x24. D R. 12x19. Younga town Kitchen with dishwasher 6c nook, double garage. Bendix drier 6c washer, carpeted LJt.. DJL Sc halls. Venetian blinds & drapes. This Is - view property on a large lot in quiet neighborhood. Shown by ap pointment only. Call Dick Cox. North Liberty New 2 BJL house on N. Liberty, beau tiful pecan floors. LR Dinet kit chen, bath with lovely tile. OU floor furnace, attached garage. Price $8850. Builders Attention SEVERAL NICE LOTS AVAILABLE L. E. Klumpp Realtor ' OPEN 3 . AM, to t Pit 480 North Church Phone 2-7641 BARGAIN Metal Building - RecenUy built structure, steel frame. mil w 14 M a . L'JfZ: "Kht' 220 V. or 110 V. Lot 50x100. Good territory for range or radiator shop or can easily be made bving quarters. One block from hgh ay. n miles from Salem. An for only $1250 cash. Write Wm. L. Milev 302ST S.E. 82nd. Portland. OregonT7' 700 RentaLi 707 Houses For Real 2 ROOM house $30. No pets. Phone -v3engr a. NEW 1 . bedroom unfurnished house with ara I T u.m FURNISiiED house for rent. No chit cren or pets. UV McNary Ave, W. Salem. " NEWi l bedroom house in court. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Phone 3-755. f'BLDiiOOM ail eledric house. Unfurl nished except for range. Inquire 1173 Xivth St Phm. 9na& . fSbiOOM. Within 3 baacaa el court 7iQ Wanted To Berg. iT WANTED Immediately. 2 bedroosn fur- nisned house for 3 responsible work- tfesjlts. Phone S. 2 Cui 2 EiD&OOU. ChriaUan faaaUv. .bert reff wwn t-T977. 3 E-H. L.i Uxv.;;Hii beuee. Pbona after pjn, 3-7230. 7l4 Lsisisess lslals BLDO 3-errj. at l3 State. S4au Phone 3-U . , . 800 Real Estala1 HKV. Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-TSiS HOMES FOR ALL TASTES AND POCKET BOOKS. TERMS YOU CAN AFFORD $750 Down, I Small home Inside city. Apprx. 12 yrs. old lt blks to bus. Wired tor range. Total price only $3250. -j . 1 $1000 Down Modern suburban. Very close to school. , Only 2 yrs. old. ,j acre lot. Att. gar. Lawn, flowers and shrubs. Inm, posa. . Total price only $5500. ; $1500 Down 1 Good location. Very good surroundings, - Att. gar. Only 2 yrs. old. Lawn and shrubs. 100x108 lot. Private weU. Jus outside city. This Is worth the total " price of $7500. i $700 Down I : Modern 4 rm. home Just outside city. Good sized lot. Near school. Garage. . private well. 1mm. posa. Total price ' only $3500. . i . . $1200 Down i New 3 bdrm. home, with 134x106 lot. School bus front door. Spacious h vhasj ; and dming room. Hdwd.- ftrs. Pay 1 ments on this are only per mo. . Why pay rent? Total price only $3900. . $7400 Full Price! Hollywood district. Wall to wall Carpet. . Paved st. Lawn, sidewalk, aevejat trees. FHA terms if desired. Let tea arrange to show you this home. St. Vincent DePaul Really a bargain home. 2 bdrm. wffH . unfinished upstairs. Basement. Fire- Elace. Wan to wall new-, carpets ta ving and dining room.: Paved at. Forced air oil furnace. Lsrge back yard with lawn. Hdwd. ilrs Ven. blinds. FHA terms. This is a real buy -for $12,500- j Garden Road j 3 Bedroom home with full basement. Very well built. acre lot jdbl. gar. Chicken house. Several fruit and wal nut trees. Forced air oil furnace. Fire place. Hdwd. firs, throughout. Lots of flowers and shrubs. FHA 'terms. Total price $14400. ; $2000 Down Almost new home. Very lovely knotty pine kitchen and breakfast nook. In sulated and weatherstripped. .Hdwd. . firs. Ven. blinds. Att. garage. This one is priced at only $8350.- . Lots One lot 60x190 hist outside city. WeO. Near school. Total price $750. j - No. 2 Zone i Highland district. 52x15a ft, City water and aewer Total price $1500. : Hollywood district. Garage. " Paved St.. Sewer. Apprx. 50x100. Total price 3X000. ;i j . BUSINESS TRADES Volume Market ! In' Salem, wen equipped end stocked. Owner will exchange for motor court. . income property or what have you. Very good long lease. Inventory plus fixtures apprx. $20,000. This is really . worth your investigation. Resort 1 This property consists of acreage. Sev eral cottages. Tavern. Home.; Picnic grounds. Playground . for children. " Softball diamond. - Swimming pooL . Located on well traveled hwy. Owner will exchange for other property. May consider a nursing home. In vestigate this if -you want te ' make good mony without too much hard work. Priced at $30,000, : i Tavern i And cafe. This Is really a buy If you are interested in the tavern business. Several pool tables. Card tables. Bar. Several refrigerators. Counter stools.. Restaurant equipment. Doing excel lent business. Very dean. Low rent. Priced at $9500. j Garage and Station Sacrifice. This consists of fully equipp ed garage. Stock, equipments Valve grinder. Forge and blacksmith tools, press drill, welders. Hoist. - gite guns, vices, hand tools, battery char ger, floor Jack. 4 truck hydraulic Jacks, bench grinder, small: press, steam cleaner, brake liner, reamers, elec buffer, oil tanks and purrroa. Total price for everything only $65aa. Big Income j Small Investment. Potential Income $259.00 per mo. Furnished. Very good location for schools and stores. Bus front door. Paved St. AU rents very rraaonable. Paved driveway. One bldg. only 4 yrs. old. one T yrs. old. Liberal terms, with a total price of only 17.000. 3 Rentals Phis one furnished. No. 3 tone. Clone tn on Fairgrounds Rd. Owner will . accept home as part payment, pre fers a basement. This property is growing in value daily. Price at $20 000 i CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK. EVE. PHONE 4-3533 OR MR. VAN KIXFOC. EVE. PHONE 2 -05 11. ACREAGE AND FARMS 58 Acres ! Very good sod. Orchard Nuts. Berries. 3 bdrm. home built In 1925. One barn 23x36. one 30x42. Chicken : house, brooder house, one tile bkir. 20x50. 1 one 12x24; one garage 14x18: on 12x20. Hoc house. 10 acres strawber ries, leased. Full line of farm machin ery. AU v household goods. . Chew, truck. One mi. from very prosperous - town. 20 minutes from Salem. This farm is la very rood shape-; Priced at $30,000. i 73 Acres IS minutes from Salem: home built In 1947; large 40x60 barn. New machine shed, chicken house, dble gar. Lo cated east. Deep welL Owner icpoira plenty of water. FuU line of almoss ' new farm machinery: several Here ford cattle: pigs. Owner forced to sell because of tflness. Priced at $34J0e. 80 Acres I No bufldlngs. Only 9 ml. from Salem. Dark soil. 10 acres cherries. 4 acres pears and peaches, some almond, very good view. bldk. site. Priced at 115.500. i CALL FOR MR. - LEAVENS, EVE. fttuna. moi, - Mortgage Loans; Al Isaak Sl Co., Realtors 3035 Portland R4. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-733 Eve. Phs. i - ' 2-0511. 4-3533. 3-4735 or 4-SW9 Furnished 5 Rm. Home 4 tux off State St, Modern home with rod furniture, elec ranges nw. bedim sets.- liv rm set. etc. FuU ban limit with new oil furnace, apar age ac nice garden. $375d as or may sell without furniture. 20 Acres All in Cult, $8750 r ? Large 4 bodUin nonae. insulated Si weatherstripped. good barn t ma chine sheds, chicken house, etc. --Giympie loam, bus by done en pavement. 10 M. from Sajem. V?ovu4 take 2 bedim home in Salem os Woodmsts in trade. 12 Unit Court Cl Hons Very modem Sc hearty tew. ever f"J monthly lneotnc. payments I J r-a. osi mortg. V.lJ traoe rry eqw.y t r .arty rood Saiem pro. i Ties arouaU $ciUl. Can Art. Art Msdsen Realty Co, 232S State St. . Th. - IZZH