J- Tixm Statesman! SJeln. -&qoil- Ultuidcrri May-' 7 lftil Russia, China': Said Agreed on Korean Policy By Spencer M odea TAD7EH, Formosa, May MV Reports put out in this Chinese Nationalist capital today said the Chinese Beds and Russia had con cluded a secret agreement an new manpower to drive the United Na tions forces out of Korea. " The reports are said to have come from underground sources on the mainland. Confirmation and more specific attribution are im possible. The reports declared the two main points of the alleged agreement were. 1. Red China would send an ad ditional 600,000 troops to Korea; and 2. Russia would provide an 'in ternational volunteer force" of ten Soviet-equipped divisions for use In Korea. - Six of these international divis ions, the reports said, would be composed of Japanese taken pris oner by the Russians during the last week of World War II; two would consist of Mongolian cav alry: and the remaining two would ' be drawn from Poland, East Ger many, Czechoslovakia and other Soviet satellites in Europe. The Nationalist sources which . circulated this story - said the agreement was made in Moscow after direct talks between Premier Stalin and the Chinese Red chair man, Mao Tze-tung. Tito Trees' 1,097 Political Prisoners To Build Rail Line BELGRADE, May 6-fP-Yugo-clavia today freed 1,097 political . prisoners who were jailed on char ges of supporting the Russian led cominform. The decree of amnesty was is sued through Interior Minister Al exaqder Rankovic, boss of securi ty police. The former prisoners will go to work the official press reported on a "volunteer" basis ,tj prove their loyalty by building a railway line between Breza and Vares, two industrial centers in the g Republic of Bosnia. In telegrams of repentance, as quoted by the press, the prisoners recorded their loyalty to Tito, tate and party and claimed they saa Deen misled by, propaganda from Moscow. ! The cork oak tree takes 20 years to produce usable bark; New Shewing -Open 6:4S - - - Second Feature! TOUGH ASSIGNMENT" Den Barry, Marjorie Steele - PHONE 3-3721 OPEN 6:45 P. M. STARTS TOMORROW! Tin Entertaining lHovie T " " 0KB EKilfff 5 nnrvtfa W " Vv At Regular Admissions! Co-Feature Fourth Screen Packed V.1:h C!sl 4-Year-Old Quid Cut By Falling Lawn Shears A pair of rlawn shears slipped from a garage wall and injured four year oia wauace voniana about noon Sunday, city first aid men reported.1 Wallace incurred a forehead cut that -required four stitches. His parents are f Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vohland, 1243 Elm st. Holds Fail to Protect Lady Wrestler BOMB Ga4 May 6-(JPyA. tall, at tractive blonde walked Into , the ordinary's office and announced: "I want a pistol toter's license." "Why?" Ordinary Hillis Hol lingsworth asked. "I work at! a restaurant she related. I get off late at night, and I walk about a half a mile to my home. t H "Some men know what time I come by every night, and they've been " bothering me. The other night, one of them grabbed me around the neck. I threw him over my shoulder; but he kicked me in the ribs and broke two." Further questioning disclosed her name was Becky Taylor, her age 19, that she has been a profes sional wrestler under another name and that she had won 18 of 20 bouts, j .i; Miss Taylor said she had figured she was able to take care of her self, until she got her ribs broken when she applied the hammerlock to the man the other night. She got the license. Workers End Textile Strike DANVILLE, Va May -(P)-Union workers voted late today to call off their five-week-old strike at Dan river mills, customarily the pattern setter for the southern textile industry. " By an almost unanimous stand ing vote, Dan river employes ac cepted yesterday's recommenda tion of the i CIO textile workers union of America that the south wide walkout ! of 40,000 persons be halted. -' f f f There was -no immediate com ment from - Dan river officials, who only- yesterday turned down a plea front Federal Conciliation Director Cyrus Ching that the wage dispute in the southern tex tile industry be submitted to a three-man mediation board. STERLING OUT OF DANGER DENVER, May 6-P)-Donald J. Sterling, managing editor of the Oregon Journal at Portland, was reported out of danger today from a heart condition that caused his hospitalization here April 28. SHIRLEY TEMPLE ILL TULSAifOkla, May 8 - VP) Movie actress; Shirley Temple un derwent an j emergency appendec tomy at Hill crest Memorial hospi tal here tonight. Hospital attend ants reported the 23-year-old screen star was recovering nicely. ...... - '4 . n Making A f Treat! Gasl Funl ; Pretty I I'--. : . . f k I r nrn r-n n JHr:1-r : V II "I 11 Jf f cswtiitetl! HattjatMt tantitolpsfKt J ftaiiZai m W ' Deputy DA ! " 1, A. Joseph Meier, wh has been ap pointed depnty district attorney for Marlon county. He Is a vet eran of World War n, command er of a national guard company and a 1950 graduate of Willam ette university college ef law. Booklet Tells How to Survive In Prison Camp CHICAGO, May 6-JPhA hand ful of sugar is a weapon for sabo tage, a clump of weeds is dinner, a canteen a pressure cooker. These are tips on survival for the living dead of 1941-45, former prisoners of war in Japan and' Germany. Here are a few samples from a booklet, "How to Survive in a Prison Camp, planned by the American Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc., now meeting in Chicago: All meat is edible, regardless of the kind of animaL And weeds and tree bark 'have food value, too. Sometimes, the trick Is In the preparation. A j tin can makes a good stove. A canteen is a pres sure cooker especially good for cooking green things to prevent precious vitamins from draining off. A little sugar ruins a gasoline engine a simple way to sabotage enemy equipment. A razor blade is a handy flint when matches ; aren't available. A - man can ! drink, cook and wash with just a quart of water a day if he knows how. (The ex prisoners say the IL S. daily aver age per person is 300 gallons.) Double up, and live. One man under one blanket may freeze in cold weather, but two men under two blankets , stand a better chance. " 1 BOY DROWNS IN POND . VANCOUVER, Wash, May 6 (AVRobert Joe Butterfield, 12, drowned Saturday while swim ming in a farm pond near here. A friend, John Harvey, 13, also of Vancouver, said he - and Butter field had crossed the pond and were swimming- back when the boy disappeared. The body was recovered. ENDS TODAY (MON.) "Abbott A Costeno Meet The Invisible Man" Roy Borers "Sunset In The West" X Dj tsij&cj.assi v tZxIua ts&s tat " Plus! Color ; Cartoon -1 -. ii Porky Chops it - ) t Tk lmr$...wi 'Investigated Pastor Chides ! tion PORTLAND, May 6 - UPi- "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." A That was the text of the sermon preached here tonight by the Rev. Fred W. Mueller, pastor -of the Laurelhurst Baptist church. He told police recently a private detective had warned him to re sign or face a scandal involving a woman: Sunday school teacher. Mueller told i the congregation he had met the woman to discuss mysterious phone calls they both had received. They were ap proached by a detective, Mueller said, while sitting in his. car at a drive-in restaurant. The detective. It later devel oped, was hired by six members of his congregation. "We've had some In our midst here the last month who were no peacemakers ..." Mueller said, apparently referring to the six. The congregation gave him a vote of confidence the text of which was prepared by the church deacons. It contained a statement that Mueller would leave the church soon to enter another Held. Sweet Home May Day Fete Next Friday Statesman Newt Serric SWEET HOME May Day exer cises will be held Friday, May 11, on the high school grounds, both high and grade schools taking part. The program will begin at 9:30 a. m. with the crowning of Queen Donna Casebolt. Princesses will be Alice Cook, Bonnie Anderson, Bar bara Atkinson, Delores Moore, Penny Norquist and Barbara Ben nett. Following the coronation of the queen will be two May Pole dances. The afternoon program will consist of games and music The Richfield Service station cat highway 20 and Holley road, oper ated for the past five years by Robert McLean, has been leased to E. G. Chambers of Portland who took over operations. Jack Gibson, who spent a 10 day furlough visiting friends and relatives, left -for San Francisco Thursday. Donna McSerley, who has been critically ill in a Salem hospital, is reported as Improving. NO NECKTIES IN TOKYO TOKYO, Monday, May T - (JP) American soldiers uncomfortably viewing the approach of Tokyo's sizzling summer got good news to day: The new order requiring neckties has been rescinded. Mow hitch your wagon automobile business. A Consresra i ii n i N ' . of what America likes that no other oaf shows such a vast percentage of new owners In the last five years I Something basically good must underlie this popularity. It may be the) ' whip-acflon eagerness of Mercury's famed Indianapolis Pace Car engine. It may be Mercury's wonderful gasV economy winner In the Mobllgas Economy Run for two straight years I Or It may be that the 1951 Mercury b available with Merc-O-Matlc Drive the revolutionary new crutomctic transmission that Is simpler, smoother end mere eawaakseaBBBBnanaBBBBBBBj efficient. Corn take th Drive of Your life" In the most ' exc&ing car of 19511 There's ust nothing Lke It on the roadl thrifty Toud-0-MrSe iierc-O-Maflc Drive, cam Farm Operators' Join -Critical Occupation9 List ft WASHINGTON, May 6 (ff Farm operators - are among the workers, added today to the labor department's?list of "critical oc cupations." -ji. v-s .--4 I The list, now revised to include 58 categories, serves as a guide to draft boards in passing on appli cations for occupational defer ments. It serves in similar way in the defense department's con sideration of reservists and nation al guardsmen. (Jr,. -'-r:y; CYCLE RACERS KILLED ; i FERRARA, Italy, May 9-(JPy Two motorcycle racers were killed and five other sever ly injured in & National Motorcycle race here today. Duido Leoni and Raffaeole Albert! died after one racer skid ded and six others piled on top of him. r . j 18th STRAIGHT FOR OSC i McMINNVTLLE, May 6 - (JP Oregon State college marked up its 18th consecutive baseball victory here by defeating Linfield 15 to 7. . The losers led Oregon State twice at the end of the first in ning 4 to 0, and at the end of the third 5 to 4. Oregon State took an 8 to 5 lead in the fifth and never relinquished. BIGHT II0Y7! And! Rnth Roman In "Lightning Striki 2) -LULLABY OF BROADWAY TftAWHIDE"' TOMORROW "BEDTIME ' FOR BONZO" D. O. A." 0 to the fastest-rising star in the rugged and beautiful car with OtmrdiU wbldh. Dam ea ejore eqrwana) m Twice)"" 200.000 TO TAKE TEST " v WASHINGTON, May 6-(Pr-The man in charge of the forthcoming aptitude tests for i draft-eligible college men estimated today that 200,000 wiU : take the first one May 26. ' .) ..-::u' West Gives Final Terms To Russia at Bis 4 Meet f ...): . ' ... -v.v . LONDON, I, May 6-a?-BritIsh Foreign Secretary Herbert Morri son said tonight the western pow ers have made-their final conces sions at the deputy foreign min isters meeting in Paris, r It is strictly up to the Russians now to decide whether there wiU be a meeting of the four power foreign ministers, he declared. ? TOMMY LUKE STRICKEN, s " i PORTLAND. May 6-CAV-Tommy Luke, Portland florist, suffered heart attack; today while cruising with friends on the Columbia riv er. He was taken to Physicians and Surgeons hospital j where his con dition ! was i reported as "fairly good." !,: i . . ..j -: Open -Staxto at Piakt John Wayne i Pgtricla Neal Ward Bond "OPERATION PACIFIC Gertrude Berg Philip Loeb -MOUY" ! era tjcyi i ) t Mat. Daily from 1 PJVL NOW1 A Picture You ! i Will Never Forget! : Damon Ronyan Co-bit! afono.'s-Em tsjiHiij'AlaWHfe 'Aisled so much hi -. l f NOW SHOWING France Expels Iranian Official PARIS, May MVThe French government expelled IradJ Eskan dary of Iran from France last . Chuck's Si oab EIonrD WILL . BE CLOSED EI0IID21Y AIID EVOY MONDAY TZXESEAFTE3 Open Days a Week for Youx Dining & Dandng Plecgcrt . JUNE 4th TO JUNE 17th .14 DAYS ONLY! NIGIITLY AT S30 MATINEES 2:39 MATINEES JUNE 10, IS AND 11 Prices: Nltes and Matinees, $L50, ZZ9, $3.00, $3.60 (Ut IncL) Let the Postman Boy Your Seats THE PERFECT GUT FOR GRADUATION! Ne Phone Orders, Please rS'r u Mail Orders Now! ! X am tacloslnf money order ( ) la tho amount of f ' for check ( ) Mat. t ) arfmaaco ticket at $ tt the , Nit : (BBBiber) i at) Nam , ' : . (Please Print) . AddrcM ' "' . m"'.--',. Pleate Print) - ry . ' ' " ' Zone State , ' sure to caeloco tamped!, self -addressed enTelopo. OA. UUUuaUOLUiJllll j ) j : night. E&kandary is secretary of the Progressive Tudeh (Communist) party and was an adviser to the World Federation cf Trade un ions (WFTU). f is - No reason was given for the expulsion. a ADD, OHDEH DYOIUL Shipstads and Johnson MMMfM FD95t WARNER TvlOTOR CO. C3 IL Ccmmsrclil IC:!:a Nsv of Tho AVorld!