The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1951, Page 10, Image 10

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0 The Eta!
Salem. Oregon. Sunday. May 8. 1331
llutic for Today ;
Farrell, Thomas, Pons to Sing on
Programs Scheduled for Week
By If axis Bva ;
Statesman Woman's Editor i
; Your invitation to Music, one of the CBS serious music pro
grams, returns to the air today at 10 a. m. with James Fassett as
host and commentator.. This series, which will feature recorded
performances of the world's greatest music and! informal inter
views with music-makers, will have as its guests 6a the first pro
gram coloratura soprano Lily Pons and Yul Brynner, the King
; in the current Broadway success "The King and I"
NBC will broadcast voices of Eileen Farrell, Thomas. I.
? nomas, and Valerie Lamoree, young northwest soprano.
5 a. m. on CBS Your Invitation, to Music, James Fassett, host
and commentator. Guests, Lily Pons and Yul Brynner.
The Faithful Shepherd Suite L .it Handel
London Philharmociic Orchestra, Sir Thomas Beecham
Les Oiseaux dans la Charmllle, from "Tales of -
Hoffman" ,, ; ..Offenbach
Les Roses OTspahan . '. ...Faure
Apres un Rere ,1 Faure
lily Pons, orchestra conducted by Andre Kosteianetz
The Swan of Tuonela .. .
Philadelphia Orchestra and Eugene Ormandy
" Violin Concerto in D major 44 Paganini
fcino Francescatti, Philadelphia orchestra conducted by
Eugene Ormandy Is T
JX:S0 on CBS The Symphonette," conducted by MUhel Piastre,
ohn Wummer, flute soloist. it
Selectiona from "The Mikado JiSullivan
Oriental Dance iUSecunda
Solo: Morena LChaminade
Finale from "Aida" ; ,..Verdi
- Pictures at an t
Exhibition: Promenade MunrgLcy
The Troubador
Ballet of the Chicken
Nocturne from "Peite Suite Mod erne"
Apache Dance 4
S:S0 on NBC Standard hour, with the Seattle Symphony
rected by Manuel Rosenthal and featuring Valerie Lamoree so
prano. The program Includes:
Symphony in C Major (Jupiter) 14 ..Mozart
- Allegro Vivace a
Minuetto fl
Finale - ;
Don Giovanni: BattI, batti, o bel Masetto --LL Mozart
Miss Lamoree
Academic Festival: Overture ' , j Wfahm.
The Prodigal Son; Air da Lie
' Miss Lamoree
Le Rol Malgre Lui: Fete Polonaise .
Monday, Good Music Night, on NBC youH hear:
1:10 on NBC The Voice of Firestone with orchestra and chorus
directed by Howard Barlow; Thomas L. Thomas, baritone, guest.
.rung voiion ftiarcn , Sousa
Chorus and Orchestra
Look for the Silver Lining
Czardas ("Coppelia") .
Drinking Song ("Hamlet")
Another Mila
LA. Thomas
Thomas and Chorus
The Enchain ted Lake ;
i Orchestra
Rogue Song , : , .
S Tkmfla tin A rl..M..
TlOO on NBC Boston Pops orchestra conducted by Arthur Fiedler.
Overture to "The Secret of Susanna" Wolf-Ferrari
Les Preludes TJt
Selections from "Carousel" r Trarfgai-e
Treasure Waltz ("Gypsy Baron") L
Brunoniana (Brown University Songs)
Ever True to Brown i.
I'm A Brown Man Born
On the Chapel Steps
Brown Cheering Song
Commencement March
U Jackson
14 Chaffee
U Dow
U Young
8:30 on NBC The Railroad hour starring baritone Gordon Mae
Rae; with Carmen Dragon's orchestra and the Norman Luboff
Ihorus; Margaret Whiting, guest in "High Button Shoes' by"
Ityne. . , i l .
8.00 on NBC The Telephone hour with I Donald Voorhees and
the Bell Symphony Orchestra; Eileen Farrell, soprano, guest.
Guitarre .. Moszkovski
Let My Song Fill Your Heart
, s
Jardin D'Amour
May Day Carol .
The Year's at the Spring
- Farrell
Bacchanale "Samson and Delilah
Un Bel Di "Madame Butterfly"
-Trad.; Arr. Taylor
., Beech
St. Vincent dePauI mothers ham dla
eec at church. 11 jut to 3 p.m.
Sayal Neighbor Past Oracle clue
soost41'" Srn Petr,n. 253 W. Wu-
Delta Delta Delta, alumnae, with Hr.
Alan Siewert. I jm .!.
. Salem Garden clut. Woman's eluk
fcouae. 2 p.m.
Kr,'vrl; of Oregoe MoUiars at Mar
- rta D. Obluig horn. X p.m.
Chad wick chapter, OBS, aocUl after
oan club M-ic'TemplOB
snoving pictures to follow.
h?rry Court- Order f Amaranth
social evninC. VTW hau. p m.
Junior CxxHi. SL Paul's KpUoopal
Rainbow Qtrla m t at Maaatila Tm.
pie. T:1I p-m reception for mothers.
Salem usit Ut. American Lagtoe sirs
Uiary, meet at Salem Woman's tlui
house, S auai. - s '
Woman's Miaalonarir aooietr
rrnnyicrian snuisa, p.m.
Cattoolte Daughters at Ameriea.
at Cathoue Centar. I p.m.
Jaaon Lea WSCS meat In Kirby ream
II a.m., noon luncheon, program.
PUt and T olab wtth Mrs. K.
Cans. SSS4 Lee aareet. a poav. Mn. L.
Decatur assisting. f
Circles of First Methodist WMI -ular
meetings, j
CbapUr CB of PCO, with Mis. H. B.
Phelps. Dana. T .
Sojourners. Salem Wwntn't ahab-
houae, t sun. i,
ruiDAT I S
League of Women Voters board meal
ing with Mrs. Nora Thoraowm. 4Ct
North Winter it, 7:M svm.
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Mrs. Jameet Joseph
Bochsler (Claret Marl Man
ning) who wtb xnotrrtdd on
April 21 at Sacred Heart
Catholic church in Ger
vais. Th brlda Is th
daughter of the Fred Man
nings of Gervais and the
groom, is the son of Mrs.
Emil Bochsler of. ML AngeL
Gesten-Miller photo).
Jason Lee WSCS
Will Meet
Regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Society of Christian Ser
vice of the Jason Lee Methodist
church will be held Wednesday
in the Kirby room. Bars. Joe
K linger will preside at the 11
o'clock business session. Luncheon
will be served in the church din
ing room by the ' May-November
circle at 12 o'clock. Reports of the
circles and introduction of guests
will be made after the luncheon.
The 1:15 afternoon session will
open with Mrs. James Wilson play
ing the prelude. Devotions will
follow, led by Mrs. C M. Roberts.
The program will include the les
son, "Be Strong in the Lord,' with
A. E. Boyle in- charge. The ladies
chorus will sing and the yearly
thank offering will be taken dur
ing the afternoon. All members
and friends are invited to attend.
Members of aaxiliary te aaiiitaxy
order of the Purple Heart will at
tend a conference in Portland to
day. National president of the aux
iliary, Beatrice Parmenter will
conduct the discussion period.
There will be a no host dinner at
the heme of Mr- and Mrs. Sam
Lanquell. gu N. E. Cook st. for the
Salem delegation. ; I
Seen and Heard
e e
. . By Jeryaae ZaajlUh
' wmnivfJ ECHOES . . . Pa
tricia VIesko and Richard Gahls-
dorf exchanging their vows at
hnuKfuI atxinstime wedding
week ago Saturday at the First
Presbvterian church . . Many
ohs and "ahs about ; the gorgeous
finral arrangements 1 . . masses
of white lilacs and stock at the al
tar . . . So colorful the large
white baskets, filled with varied
shades of lilacs and tulips rang
ing from the pink to purple tones,
carried by the attendants . . . -open
crown halos of lilacs and m
line in their hair k . - Pt end
Dick all smiles as they walked up
the aisle . . . nd stoppin in the
foyer, where they greeted the
guests as they left the church
such a nice custom as no long re
ceiving line to wait in at the re
ception . . . I
Tee Mirrar Room - . of the
Marion hotel the setting for the
reception ... Here again exquis
ite flower arrangements . . . The
tiered cake adorned with tiny pink
bells and one of the most beauti
ful we have seen . i . topped with
lilies-of-the-valley and white li
lacs . . . The cake table arran
ged before the mirrors ... a pret
ty setting to see the reflection of
the young girls walking by as they
served the cake and Mrs. Kenneth
Bell and Mrs. Ray Basset t, who
cut the cake ... The coffee ta
ble centered with a handsome bou
quet of white roses, lilacs and gyp
sophelia and flanked by white ta
pers in silver candelabras . . . .
Outstanding ... the punch table
... two large punch bowls at ei
ther end and in' the center a huge
hollow stemmed glass filled with
Johanna Hill roses and while lilacs
... In the center of each punch
bowl e mold of Ice filled with pink
carnations . . The newlyweds
en joying the reception and min
gling with their guests for over an
hour . . . and then quietly slip
ping out of the hotel with only a
few seeing them off ... Sara
Ann Ohling the recipient of Pat's
pretty bouquet . .;.
Ameer the geests ... So many
of the young married set here from
out-of-town for the occasion and
much reminiscing . . . Reed and
Mary Ana Vollstedt up from Eu
gene . . . Fred and Betty Brad
shew down from Portland - . . .
they will be in Salem until the
middle ef May at the home of her
parents, the Leo Childs, until they
leave for San Diego, where he will
report for navy duty ... Also
from Portland . . i John and Car
ol Jerman . . . Bland and Bev
erly Simmons . . . Don and Peg
gy Pickett . . . he an usher and
she assisting at the reception in a
beceming pink pique and marquis
ette frock . . : Donald Bur ling
ham and his pretty blonde spouse,
Patricia, also of Portland . . .
Mrs. Dorothy Michelson of ' Port
land smart In a black suit and pink
chapeau with frothy maline on the
brim . . . Elizabeth Johnson la
a violet coat and hat home from
the University of Oregon for the
weekend and squired by Allan
Mann of Portland ... the Wil
liam Duncans over from Silverton
. . . In pretty ankle length sum
mer' frocks . . . Mrs. William
Shlnn's of burnt sugar organdy
with all over design of embossed
white roses ... Mrs. Lester Pear-
mine, Jr. choosing white strap-
fiQaiinfhfk (US
less1 frock with a stole and black
velvet bows adorning the full skirt
. . . and Mrs. William M. Smith
in pink organdy . . .
in the decor for the wedding of
pretty, brunette Gloria UcClintock
and Glen Holden last Saturday at
the First Congregational . . . .so
sweet the bride's imported Swiss
organdy and lace wedding d
. . !. Gloria carrying white lilacs
and the same flowers holding her
veil in place . . . The feminine
attendants all attractive brunettes
and wearing yellow organdy frocks
and. carrying lavender lilacs
The matron of honor was Gloria's
twin sister, Barbara, (Mrs.' Phillip
Welling) and the bridesmaids were
Glen's two sisters ... Lilacs re
peated In' the decor of the 'bride's
table ... arrangements ef deep
purple lilacs on either side of the
cake . . . The groom, best man
and ushers so handsome in their
white dinner jackets, the first we
have seen this season . . .
Ajneakg these present .... A
number of the bride's Kappa Kap
pa Gamma sorority sisters and
Glen's Beta Theta Pi fraternity
brothers (he a pest president of
his house) up from the University
of Oregon for the occasion . . .
Joanne Fitzmaurice squired by her
fiance, Joseph Gerber, jr., of Port
land ... Richard and Harriet
Laird down from Portland
Charlotte Alexander among the
Oregon coeds home for the wed
ding ... Frank and Midge Brown
leaving early as they had weekend
guests . . . The Brazier Smalls
. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones
and son, Ronald . . Mr. and Mrs.
F. Ivan Brown . . . she smart in
a black ensemble to which she pin
ned lilies-of-the-vslley , -;. . . A
duo . . . Miss Mabel Robertson
end Miss Beryl Holt J . . Assist
ing pretty, blonde Lorraine Well
ing in a full skirted turquoise tulle
frock with matching stole . , . .
Petite Mrs. Hubert Williamson in
a crisp pink organdy with ankle
length skirt . . A number of
the guests later going on to the
Gahlsdorf-Viesko reception . . . .
some a little confused as to where
they bad seen each other . . . at
the church or the reception ...
. .' . noted at the Town dub din
ner dance a week ago at the Sen
ator hotel ... The dinner tables
springlike with bouquets of doc
wood and lilac and lilac tapers
. 4 Dancing by . . . Mrs. Chan
dler Brown in a navy blue and
white polka dot . . - . the
line edged in red . . . . red dan
cing slippers and e polka dot stole
. . . A pretty white net and lace
frock for Mrs. T. Harold Tomlin-
son ... A short buck and white
print with black velvet sash the
choice of Mrs. Robert Burrell . - .
& Exceaxwaal opportunities arc ff
present nir roung wuuiiii us o
search ef s career. Investigate 9
dsBStl aarsiag tec your career, s
$ career ie wkkh lb eerp frT.y"''
yt satisf action ef efeiee worthwhile
by see se
lf can grre. Complete course oofy
Illustrated catalog stalled oe request
Writs Faroe Draenaaoad. Rafters
(Note Lrrtee aaan
steak tar year aoeei
Urn it roe ocsut)
The Dental Nurses'
g Training School -"
roooaaa iyt
Stl Marks. See Fraociac ft. Csllf.
A Wonderful
"Gift" For
, it ' - .
? - - . . - ! . . ; -
k 1 : i ' ': : - . ; - ; j
A pastel spring sflk print with
stole for Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst
. . . Mrs. Carl G. Collins chic in
a short cocoa brown and white
polka dot dress with, dramatic one
shoulder bow . . . Reminiscing
with Salem friends ... Dr. end
Mrs. Louis R. Schoei of Portland
. Gail in a becoming tunic
style gown of grey lace . .. . and
the Bill Hemenways also, down
from. Portland with his brother-in-law
and sister, the Edward
Roths . ... Mrs. Hemenway at
tractive in a grey organdy enhan
ced with white embroidery . . .
Brunette Mrs. George Neuman
smart in a short white cotton lace
dress with geld metallic thread . .
. . . and again we say that
spring is the loveliest season of all
. . . budding romances, weddings
. . . dances, teas . . . flowers in
bloom for the first ttme . . . end
ifs lilac and blossom time ...
Miss Hare
Engaged to
Mr. Wilt
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden R. Hare ere
announcing the engagment ef their
daughter; Miss Shirley Marie Hare
te Wilson J. Wilt jr, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hare sr. of Eugene.
The engagement was revealed
Saturday night at Chi Omega
house. Miss Hare Is freshman
at Willamette university and her
fiance is a junior at University of
No date baa been set for the
wedding. -
Susannah Westeyaa Service
Guild of the First Methodist
church will meet Monday night
at the home of Mrs. Eric Horlin,
IS IS Trade street, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. James Wilson of the Jason
Lee church will review "We Seek
Him Together." There will be
election . and Installation of offi
cers. Mrs. S. A. Wheetley will be
the co-hostess.
. ,TeUa Delta Delta alanmae . wf!I
meet: Monda 1 night' with Mrs.'
Alan' Siewert at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.
Robert Sprague, Mrs. Fred Mox
ley, Mrs. Clifford Hill and; Mrs.
R. B. Jenning will assist
: Miss Edna Ultke, w?-s has tt
living for, the past two years In
Hawaii. Is in Salem for about a
month, visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. (Phillip Littke at I23J
North 16th street.
fA- V
tlCDaOIC F0I3Y 020
, i It projects brilliant images;
' up to 7 feat wide, j Hat
.' imnmutmd fJ.I : lens, and
150-wett lamp. Bring! In
few of your own slides and
see them projected with the)
"Mode! tA." O n I y
S29.t3t including Feder- -
" ' ; al Tax- . ' -1 '
f fat at U&ertf I
Second Floor
' .'JracZ foshfom fTottarla versctl!ev
. tvmmar's own I AIroeU vafuaa r this useejoi
ttg brimmed nutans In klodk cad
hem-1 Vv I f f ' s i I f
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rr.Irac!o priced
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