notice or nrrtwnoM to imp-rove Ain OAKS WAT rROM CASCADE fmiVE TO WESTERLY UNE, IT PRO JECTED KOHTHERLY.Or LOT 3. BLOCK a. KRUEGER ADDITION NOTICE HEREEY IS GIVEN that Common Council of th City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary end expedient and hereby declares its pur , -pom and intention to improve Pair Oaks Way from the southwesterly Mae of Cascade Drive to the westerly line. If projected northerly, of Lot 3. Block X Kruegei Addition to the City of Sa lem. Hoik County. Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property.- except the street Intersec tions the expense of which will be as asumed or the City of Salem, by bring ing s-ikl vorUon of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a 2.a asohaltic concrete pavement -30 feet in width. In accoi dancer with the plana and spec ifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 23. 1931. which-are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the a be' described improve ment by and through the street Im provement department. " Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final - publication of this notice by owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council April 23, 1931: ALFRED MUNDT. City -Recorder Date of first publication hereof is April 25 1851. . ; Date of final publication May 3. 1951. A 25 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. M 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for furnishing all material except that which is speci fied in Detailed Specifications, and furnished by the City of Salem, and remodeling the City Jail will be re ceived at the office of the City Man ager, City Hall. Salem. Oregon, until 2.D0 p.m. Friday. May 11. 1931. and will be publicly opened at that time by the City Manager at his office. This proect outlined above includes approximately the following quantities, which are given here for information only. - 25 $ c.y. reinforced-concrete floor slabs , 3.4 c y. plain concrete 575 L.F. concrete blocks walls Ventilation Lighting Plumbing Heating Steelwork ... Painting I Miscellaneous Appurtenant Items ,j Plans. Specifications and ether docu ments required for bidding may be In verted at the office of the City Engi neer and copies may be obtained by qualified prospective bidders upon a deposit of 10. which amount will be refunded In case the documents are returned, but otherwise will be re tained Attention of bidders la directed to Section M-103. O.CX-A. providing for pre-ouaHfication. AH proposals must be upon regular Uank forms furnished with the speci fication, and must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equal to or exceeding five percent (3) of the total bid. A 1001. Corporate surety bond will be required to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract together with insurance in such sum aa mar be necessarv to protect the Citv a r Inst loss or damage bv reason of injuries to person or property. The right is reserved "by the City to refer! any of all bids, or to accept proposal which appears most ad vantageous. Alfred Mundt City Recorder M.J. 4.1. The brittle star, a cousin of the starfish, is so fragile it is seldom found in shallow water disturbed by waves. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 139t. KOCO 1190. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 Pacific Daylight Time FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 (Editors note: The Statesman pabllsbes In good faith the programs and awes at provided by the radio stations, bat because off times programs are hanged without notification. . this newspaper cannot aa responsible for tbe necaracy herein). DOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KSLM KIH'O KOIN ,KRW KEX New News Hodge Podge Dawnbeat (Timekeeper I- KOIN (Clock Hodge Dawnbeat 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KCiW KEX Hemingway -Minstrels KOIN Kloch Hear This Roundup Boys 8 KSLM Leslie Nichols ILesli Nichols (Haven of Rest lHaven of Rest KOCO Radio Kids IRadlo Kids (Proudly t Hail Proudly Hail KOIN News (Let's Pretend iTheater : (Theater Kf.ff A. Andrews A. Andrews tSmilin' Ed ISmilm" Ed KEX No School (No School (No School (No School 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. News Science Theatre New No School I Farm. Home lAla 10 KSLM N.W. News KOCO Aunt SophiO KOIN Stars Hlyd. KOW Symphony KEY Tom. Stars 11 KSLM Dunn. Discs KOCO Major League KOIN Music Girls KGW Mary Tavlor Dunn. Discs Major League Music Girls Mary Tavlor Concert Hour Concert Hour 12 KSLM Gav 90s KOCO Major League KOIN News KOW Farm-Homo KEX Pan America I N.W. News (Major League IGuest Star (Farm-Home IPan America 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Man on Farm Major League Johnny Dollar To be Advised Horse Races (Man on Farm iMajor League Johnny Dollar To be Advised I News 2 KSLM Air Force Hr. I! Air Force Hr. KOCO Sat Marine -at. Matinee KOIN Scratchpad Ky. Derby KGW Living 1931 Living 1951 KEX Pass in Review iPass In Review 3 KSLM Caribbean (Caribbean KOCO Sat. Matinee fSat. Matinee KOIN Kirkharn News! Peace Price KGW . News .Earl Godwin KEX Jr. Junction Ur. Junction KSLM John Flynn Sr , (Hemingway IMelody Portrait Twin Views KOCO " News 'rV4 Chin- Assembly! God (Assembly God KOIN Schools A YOU "Schools 6c You Uohnnv Spot , (Johnnv Soot KGW - NBCOrch. tl (NBCOrch. IIFolk Music v I Folk Music KEX Rex Koury , (Squirrel Cage ISauirrei Cage Una M. Carlisle 4 KSLM Sing. Marshall tSlng. Marshall Chris. Science IMusic KOCO Hhvthm Ranchl Rhythm Ranch! Jerry Gray ' Encore Sides KOIN Gaston Fischer I Barnyard I Danger Ahead Goss News rn.r-.ym n,.w4 n Land I Rands ot Land) Serenade) E. Peterson 5 KEX Navy Hour (Navy Hour 6 Kt M Hawaii Calls lHawall Calls KOCO Dinner Music ! Dinner Music KOIN Hop. Cassidy Hop. Cassidy KGW Dixie Jaza (Dixie Jazz KEX Salem Spotlight Home Edition 7 KSLM Sare Riders IMuste KOCO Balladiers iPUyhouse KOIN Sing It Again Sing It Again KGW Judy Canova Uudv Canova KBX World Opinion (World Opinion 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Reporters Rdup! Reporters Rdupl Music Dugout Dope Baseball I Baseball V Monroe IV Monro IGene Autry Brian Don levy Brian DonlewiMan Catled Lone Ranger ILooe Banger (The Sheriff 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KtiW KEX N (Pop Edwards : (Baseball IGang Busters (Hit Parade j Dancing Baseball Gang Busters .Hit Parade Dancing 10 KSLM family Theater KOCO Baseball koin Nurht Final KGW News (Family Theater IN W News (Baseball News I George Fisher (Orchestra Da nee Music I Sports Page (Intermezzo .Dance Time Final Edition 11 at at aa n stan rMa Sfausa KOCO Dance Party I Dane Party Dane Party IDanc Party KOIN Organ -Organ Melodies' Bandstand (Bandstand KGW Wax Museum I Wax Museum I Wax Museum I Wax Museum Good Listening (Good Listening ICiood Listening lood Listening KOAC -IMk c- IS S4 son. The weather- Id 01 Especially foe ; 11 9 Th Concert Kafl- UM The New: 12:13 sun. Noa Farm Hour: 1 Ride 'em Cowboy; 1 J Stars on Parade; 1 5 Tjcmroons aa Science: 1 0 Must of th Masters- 40 notice of nrromoit to improve SOUTH cottage street from McGlLCHRIST- STREET TO JUDSON STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that that Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur pose and tutentioa to Improve South Cottage Street from the north line of McOilcnrlst Street to the south line of Judson Street. In the City of Salem, if art on County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2Va as ph attic concrete pavement 30 feet in width la accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 23. 1931. which are now on file In the office of the city f recorder and which by this reference 1 thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and inten tion to make the above described im provement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against ' the above proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten ; days after the final publication of this notice by owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council April 23. 1831: - ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is April 23. 1951. ! Date of final publication May 3. 1931. A 25. 29. 27. 28. 29. 30. M 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MER DEL AVENUE FROM HANSEN AVENUE TO SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF MERDEL AVEUE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedi ent and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve Merdet - Avenue from the south line of Hansen Avenue to the southerly terminus of Merdel Avenue in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the established ; i grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2.'a" as phaltic concrete pavement 24 feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 23. 1931. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and inten tion to maze tne above described Im provement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed ; improvement may be fUed with the citv recorder at anv time within ten days after the final puoiicauon of this notice by owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council April 23 1931: M ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la April 23, 1651. i Date of final publication May I. 1931. A 23. 2. 27. 28 29. 30. M 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 300 i Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Gallery House of Representative crown shaped, leweled Din. Senti mental value. Reward. Box 386 co statesman LOST: On State Street between 12th and High, lady's Croton wrist watch with black band. Phone 2-3031. PARTY is known who took Pekingese in vicinity of Market Bt 17th. Please return and no questions asked. 1343 N. 17th LOST: Black billfold containing money Phone 22709. 13 reward. Badly needed. LOST: Brief case with money. Finder return. 415 N;-Cottage. Reward. LOST: Man's gold wedding ring. Ini tialed. Phone 39073. 00:30 : 00:45 Farm News j Andy Parker News . Net News KOIN Klock Hodge Podge Dawnbeat IK.OIN Kiock Podge I Hodge Podge Dawnbeat Break. Gang I Break Gang ITop Trades I Minstrels I Jerry Sears Ex. Service Macleod News IGoss News J Cons News Hear This (News ; j Sam Hayes M. Agronsky (News J ?: I Coffee Time IPastor Call Bar rain Ctr. Ian Holmes 14-H Club. Kids' Korner (Theatre (Grand Central Grand Central (Public Affairs IGuestStar (News INo School tToyland Tunes Toyland Tunes Land o' Free IMusic IMusic I Aunt Sophio lllnq. Parent Prin Melody (Stars Hlyd. I Alias J. Doe I Alias J. Doe 1 Symphony IRadlo City-USA Radio Citv-USA ITom. Stars ITom. Stars iTom. Stars I Dunn. Discs Major League Meet Missus IY. Oregonians I Concert Hour I Dunn. Discs I Major League (Meet Missus Y. Oreeonians I Concert Hour Man on Farm Major League IMort Downey lArmy ; Band lExhibit "A" I Man on Farm I Major League I Morton Downey lArmy Band lExhibit "A- IBand Concert Sat. Matinee Kirkharn (City Serenade Uazx Concert IBand Concert 'Sat. Matinee I Kirkharn I City Serenade Jazz Concert IIGeor. Crackers IGeor. Crackers Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Ky. Derby (Feature I Piano Quartet I Piano Quartet I Vac. Land I Fascin. Rythm IMusic i IMusic ISat. Matinee Sat. Tktatlnea ISoorts Review !l.eSueur News BCOrch. I NBCOrch. IGuestStar IBill Watson tChet Huntley (Sports Edition (West RamblersI West Ramblers INews I Assembly God IBrdwayBeat IBrdwayBeat IDennis Drv . ' IDennis Dav (Stars Parade (Bert Andrews ( Reservists : Bandstand Sing It Again lOl Opry I Shoot Moon I Reservists (Bandstand tSing It Again lOle Onry iShootMooa ISouare Dane IBaseball IGene Autry iMan Called X (The Sheriff (Music Baseball; I O Hara i rule of Rllev (International IMu (Baseball tO Hara (Life of Riley I International (Orchestra I Dane Party Orchestra ISpede Cooler " Good Listening tOnen Doca Ho Jimmy Martin:! 4:15 On th Upbeat; 4:44 News St Weather: Children's Theatre? 3:30 Defense Report; 3:43 London Letter- S.-00 The News and Weather: as Broadway HMites: 1.-09 Grand Opera Tonight: IM News and Weather; 90s Dane Parade: lM Sign Off . i l 300 Personal 318 Personal i I AM not responsible for bills made other than myself. Margaret need Luklnbeal. - il Hmne Hi tKlHft Ph WW uUOliOLlCb Anonymous fm a-SUS PO Bz 724. tMCA Wed. Frt 8 pjn. ! 400 Aricaitiire 402 Urtistocir S YEAR old Gelding, fat at gentle, for lady or child. Phone Z8187 WANTED: Fat lambs, feeder Lambs and ewes. Also all types of livestock. Oien Cannuy. Ptu, 4-13S1 Call eve- ' BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer fc. C. McCantllish 1127 S Mh Ph S-S147 oUAuu) Livestock buyei Clauoe IM wards. Rt 3. Box BOTE Ph 4-H13. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster d? Pr 8-1345 BUU. StMViCJt reasonanie Nelsons anyplace anytime. Phone 4-2949. BONDED livestock buyer A t. Sum met. 2130 Che maw a Rd. Ph 42817. 404 Poultry and RaDblVn Colored Fryers. Ph. 41090 NEW Zealand does and does with Ut ters. Rt. 4, Box 672. East of Colonial Steak House. j FOR SALE: 100 geese: all or part: year old; $5 each. Chester Cook, Rt. 5. Box 217. Eugene Oregon DAY -OLD ana started chicks . Cen ter Street Phone 22861 Lee's Hat chery EVERY FRIDAY New Hampshire chicks sexed or straight. Also Cornish Cross Chicks Gehring Hatchery. Silverton. Oregon Phone Black 193. 408 Pets COCKER pappies. Otto Yonker. Rt. 2. Box 444. I',4 North of Kelzer School.) REGISTERED male pointer. $30. 1070 Oxford. Phone 2-0653. GORDON t setter, female. Champion stock, registered. Phone 33901 IRISH setters, purebreds. 2 months old $13 Sc $20. 415 Cummings Lane. 44103. REGISTERED Boxer dogs, fawn fe male. 4 years, daughter. Int. champ. Hitter Von Aberennhof. Average lit ter S pups, in season July. Fawn male 2V yrs. Proven sire, grandson Int. Champ Ritter Von Aberennhof. Must sell immediately.' will sacrifice pair for $130. Ryeroft. Highland Way. Cor vallis. Oregon. Phone 2-0533. MOORE'S tropical fish aquarium. Fish, tanks, plants, heaters 4c ther mostats. Marvel pumps 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleav Rd Phone 27321 EXOTIC aquarium, fishes Aauariums and aquarium supplies. Salem Seed and Implement Co.. Front and Stat. Phone 3-4903 TROPICA. MH AND SUPPLIES C L MANN BATTLECREEK RD TURNER OREGON 410 is and Plants PANSY plants. $30c dozen. 3833 Mld- way Dr. Phone 2-6811. ' - STEELE'S pansy plants. 4330 Portland Rd. FUSHIAS including all 1931 Introduc tions. tuberous begonias, gloxinia, geraniums. 23 varieties of ivy ger aniums. New location Claggett's Greenhouse, 4i miles N. on Wallace Rd. Turn right at foot of Polk County bridge. W. saiem DAHLIAS - Price list. Haielhill Gar dens. Rt. 2. Dallas. South of Falls Citv Camp Kikwan Road LAUREL 15c. Rhododendrons and etc. Phone 22182. 2497 Hollywood Dr. 425 Auction Sale SPECIAL AUCTION Sunday, May 6, at 1:00 At Eola Auction House Lots of new and used furniture and tools to be sold to highest bidder. Take advantage; of this 'sale. One complete house j full of furniture. Something for I everyone. Regular sale Monday night at 7:00.' "Location 4 miles W. of W Salem. Phone 44385 Saleih. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools POWER tools, excellent condition. Delta drill press, jigsaw, router . At etc. Phone 3-5297. 555 s. Liberty KO'i'Oi'lLLEH sales, parts, and service Howser Bros. Ph. 3 364S 1410 S 12th YOUR Lime ana eflurt demands good tools Rent or buy them at Houser Bros 1410 S 12th 452 Wanted Machinery; Tools WANTED to buy. 20" Rototiller. Rt. 7. Box 409-G. 455 Household Goods for Sale i ALWAYS Lowest Priees In Town 9x12 LINOLEUM RUGS 9x12 ALL WOOL RUGS OCC. TABLES - REG. $9.93 J 4.95 .$29.93 ..$ 3.00 8-WAY FLOOR LAMPS $10.00 5-PC. CHROME-PLASTIC SET $593 j OPEN FRI. TIL 9 PJl HARE FURNITURE CO. I I 255 N. High USED davenport $25. Phone 3-8267 eve nings. BLONDE dinette set withh chairs, al so small table. Simmons 8-year crib and mattress, 2370 S. Cottage. Phone 28806. AB APT. type electric range. New. used very little. One fourth off former price. 555 Union St BUY your new Ac used furniture or trade1 your uld for new at Hall's Furniture Co, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481. - Used Furn., Cheap i TRADE TERMS aOey Furn. Co 285 No Coral 2-7472 456 Wanted, nousenold Goods Highest Prices Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 WE pay cash for your furniture & ap pl Lances at Halt's Furniture Co, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3487. ' GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1603 N. Summer St. pays highest cash prices for your furniture & appli- ances or what have you. Ph. 3-5110. CASH for your furniture. One piece or houeful LAMBERT'S. 3-7100 TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture and misc. Phoo S-855 or bring to 1870 Lana Ave. Da. Y TXaaa. MJI Ds. 42. Cnaav M J DfcS. CHAM . . . LAM j CHINESE OIXBALXSTS -t Nerth Liberty Opstatrs above ' Jan's. 237 N. erty Ofnc open Saturday only 19 a jds. t 1 pav. I m I pjm Consulta- 117. jr. tlxv '450 Icirhan2sa 4S8 Bnfldlnq T-lcnearlats SHUTROCX " ' atOCKXATH SERVICE LTTMBER CO. Ph. 28S2 j 707 McClalne St. 1 S Overton Lower Prices Cedar Shingles best quality, all grades delivered. 1 In. No. 1 carton packed CXDAS WALL shakes, painted ail . colors. Oak and 1 Pecan hardwood flooring aU grades. Comenoa lumber. Can 2-11 9S Salem, evenings. Ted Muller. PICKETS low aa Hie e. zx4 and box- ing $39.30. Masonite. ahee trocar, wall board, lew as $1.7S 4xS sheet. Ceiling tile 12x13 room $14S0. Reject plywood all thicknesses. Medium Fiberglass $51 roll Stained shakes and -under course $14jB3. Pioneer-Fhntkot roof ing of all kinds. Screen doors. Jamb sets $3.93. Easy monthly payments, only 10 down. North city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 2-0974. i- Roofing : Steel & Aluminum Limited sizes & quantities. Saffron Supply Co- 323 N. Com'i. Phone 2-4189. !NTKi- i;rk.ri I.BR. Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch. Market Price. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189 Eve. 22578 Salem Lumber & Manu- REMODEL REPAIR IMPROVE ON E-Z Terms 10 down. 30 months to pay on the Keith Brown building loan plan. No mortgage required KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front & Court Phone 3-9163 You can finance your remodeling, re pairs, garages, barns, painting, etc. with 10 down 36 months to pay. Call for free estimates and informa tion. Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2034 SPLIT fir and cedar shakes 24 and 30 inches. Split cedar panels S and 8 ft. V. Compton. Alsea. Oregon. 480 Musical Instruments BEAUTIFUL rosewood mahogany square grand piano. $250. 2890 S. 12th or call S-634S. FOR SALE: Beckwith electric spinet organ. Also Hammond Solovox with mini, mojig aaiem. Toueh Blonde The beautiful Wurlitzer Spinet finished in blonde mahogany and tolex. A blonde your wife will fall for too. (We don't mark up for "special dis counts) its a bargain at list price $530. bench, delivery, tuning included. Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1340 Fairgrounds Road : Ph. 2-3281 GOOD USED Piano H. U SufZ 462 Sports Fxiurpment WINCHESTER Model 94. j .32 special. Winchester 33. special and .32 auto matic pistol and holster. Rt. 7. Box FOR SALE: Model 39 Marlin 22 rifle. Ph. 377. ) LOTS of used boats and outboard mot ors, some good with guarantees, some "as is" $20 ap a few canoes left at $25 op. Chris Craft boat kits. We have 3 or 4 New Johnsons left and we are now on 60 allocation. In vestigate now. Salem Boat House. 100 Chemeketa. i (64 Bicycles FOR SALE: Man's Elgin I bicycle, ex cellent condition. Phonej 3-8648. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous TOOLS & equipment to make a good Job better Rent ; or buy at Howser Bros 1410 S I2th Phone 33646 OO XUUK wwuiK now Kent a SittKei elec portable sewing machine $6 per mo Free pick up & delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Coral Ph MSI I U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT- Blan kets furn. 197 S Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous PHILCO car radio. Universal mount. 1985 Royal St., Salem, i BOY'S bika $15. Phone 2-7830. KUPPENHEIMER light weight brown overcoat, large size $10. 2833 Brooks St. Bargain Donut equipment for sale. Bargain price. Phone 3-384Z. 1950 FRIGID AIRE for sale. Cheap. Terms. Phone 4-3842. BABY buggy for sale. Phone 2-3038. GOAT milk for sale. 3718 Hollywood Ave. Phone 2-0279. APARTMENT size, electric dryer. $15. Phone 3-0956. GOOD used washing machine. $20. Duo-Therm oil heater with fan. $40. 3-7818. 2193 Park Ave. USED sewing machine. Reasonable. Apt. No. 1. 463 S. Capitol. Call Sat urday, Sunday. ' WHITE ROTARY treadle i sewing ma machine. Excellent condition. $23. zw rieun si. ONE wheel "trailer with hitch, needs Ore. $20. 3-7265. BOY'S bicycle and lawn mower. 2604 Hulsey. ; Roof For Life With Aluminum-Lock Shingles, actual ly pays for itself In savings. 10 down, terms. 30 months. Call 2-8058. Willamette Aluminum Shingle Co., 3025 Portland Rd.. Salem. Fertilizer Rotted Manure Composts 4 kinds rotted manure. Also dry chick en manure. Advise best for your purpose All good clean quality. Give your plants a chance. , Cedar Posts Telephone and electric poles, garden stakes and pegs. i Rustic Fencing Red cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis, picket and grape stake fences mad to order.: j Flagstone, Flatrock Stayton flagstone from original pit. Colorful, good quality. Stepping stones, wall t patio rock. Also red lava rock, granite and boulders for gardens or walls. Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 ' No Sunday -Business FINE upright piano. Reasonable. 1630 S. Cottage. j BEAUTIFUL new Lee rug. rose design tone on tone, carved effect. 44 square yards. Must sell. Reasonable. 410 GUPPIES 5 and 10c. While they last. ,2381 State. Phone 2-8361. ELECTRIC Heaters Radiant and Fan Y eater Appliance Co. 373 Chcmek- , t i SOLAR enlarger. 35 mm to 24x34. F 4-5 lens. Phone 2-72L I Why Suffer Any Longer waen ners rau. as ear cidwm fee sees Cklsa, Mo saatter with what ailsaenta yw are axfncted i rders. stansitls. heart, tangs. Uv v. kMoteys, gas, eMstlpatiM. aleers. dUaetaa. rnenssstlssa. gan and alad- cr sever, utn. r CHARLIE CHAN ( V chtnssc atrxs i i CO. J tM H. Csaavmal . t-3 V ( Offia BMW to S, w Twa. aaat Sat. OaUy C-- 1 450 Tilfrrchandise 473 Tor Sale. MWwRmMMWM Guaranteed Appliances Automatic Frigidair Rang. -slightly used $173 JO Automatic Admiral Range, iignuy 1 1 aa la T" Norg Upright Freezer. ft $179.93 Nurg Late Model Washer, with Stump J a S9.S0 e Norg U Cu. Ft. Refrigerator $14340 o Coldspot 7 Cu. Ft. Refriger ator y 93.00 Westlnghous 7 Cu. Ft. Refrig pvac new glSO.OQ A-B Ant. rUriri. U UI GX Zice. Rranga. whit porc- elain $ S9J0 e Leonard 1 Cu. .rt. Refriger- tC , $ 39J0 Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. BEDROOM set like new. Phon 2-0294 . after 8 p.m. MAKiGOLD. Allyfum. Snapdragons. i dozen for $1.00. Geraniums. Fuschias 25c at 35c. Merrills Greenhouse. Brooks. NEW ana Usea sewing Machines Yeater Aoolianc Co. 371 Chemek eta PORTABLE steam cleaner, ft h. elec trie motor. 2 swings. House full at furniture. 38 Olds sedan. Phone 23933. GOOD used boat trailer. Also detach able rack, fasteners A bunkers. 2 one 6" Auger type post hoi digger. Phon 24503. DO your sewing now! New Singer elec. sewing machines as low as $89.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. com 1 65 ft. i in. gal. iron pipe. 30 couplings. 40 gal, hot water tank. 1605 N. Capitol. TABLE top Wory enameled gas range. A-l condition. Persian WUton rug ll'-3xl5'. Chinese pattern, not worn. Phone 22805. . 1946 BENDDC deluxe washer. Phon 25485 Call between 9 8c 6. APARTMENT size gas range. 20 gallon gas water heater. Phone 22366. 393 Hanson. WIRE recorder, radio-phonograph com t bination. 1360 N. Liberty. Apt. 3. WASHING Machines. New ana Used Yeater AonMane Co V75 Chejnek 'eta j Linoleum S3 .45 VAI LrV rtTRN CO 2SS N CtMT. KEFK1GERATOKS. Sew wi Used Yeater ApoNinc Co. 223 Chemek eta PLASTA-KOTE Requires n Waxloa ; for your fkors or Unoteum . Yeater !a.otManc Co. Trs Tierea BABY SHOES Bronzed. Avek PUting Co. 345 Oak St DfcJLPrK&aZ; an Wssuiuhumuc Uom i Freezers. Yeater Aaonance Co. 375 ELKC1 B1C Ranges New and Used ; Yeater Aoolianc Co. $73 Chemek- jRIVER SILT For lawns Jk gardens. Phon 2-1749 or 4-Z366. FRYERS for sale. 33481, 2161 N. Front. PHONE 3-9303 and ask to see the new .Johnston power mower. 4 cycle Brlggs ? Stratton engine mower by Jacobsen. j Absolutely to finest mower in Sa- lem. We have employed 4 local Uni- versity athletes to demonstrate these mowers. Phon 3-9303 for free dem 1 onstration. W alii us Sand & Gravel Co. l Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement. Readv- mix Concrete Garden Sand Bull : dozing Iralnage and ditching 4 vd i hoveT Sr drae Hne Phone S-9248 OIL circulators New and usea Yeater AroHnce Co 375 Chemeketa t iuu iiseo oianos 7 ea H L 8tff rum Co TOP SOIL, river sUt. fUl dirt Millers. ' Phone 4 4181. j Ralph j Johnson ! Appliances j HAS GUARANTEED USED j APPLIANCES AT PRICES 8c I TERMS YOU CAN AFFORD i - Guaranteed s Refrigerators COLDSPOT. VERY i CLEAN $119.93 DUAL-TEMP. SEPAR- ATE FREEZER. COLD WALL , $119.93 p OTHER NAME BRAND i GUARANTEED RE- FRIG ERATORS FROM $ 44.50 tc up j Guaranteed Ranges HOTPOINT. EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 $ 84.50 HOTPOINT, JUST LIKE i NEW . $129.30 MONARCH. WITH GRIDDLE. CLOCK & S TIMER $109.93 ' MANY OTHER GUAR ANTEED RANGES FROM . $ 29.50 & up i Guaranteed Washers WRINGER TYPE GUARANTEED WASH- I XR ; $ 19.99 AUTO. WASHERS. I PRICES AS LOW AS $ 29.50 & up ! ALL ABOVE BARGAINS CAN BE j SEEK AT Ralph Johnson Appliances PHONE 3-3139 353 CENTER SALEM. OREGON 4,72 Wanted. Mincenaneone WANT tent. Prefer 8x10. Phone 2-7778. WANTED: Office desk and chairs. j -Phone 2-8611. SAVE your Newspapers & Magazines r for Crinoled ChUdren Society. CaU 1 City Wast Paper Co. for pickupawl ' 2595 Hoi! t woof Ur pnone WANTED: SmaU girls bike. 24 inch wheel. In good condition. Phon zaowr. Cascara Bark Valley run. Co.. 283 N. Com"L 2-7472 474 Mlscellaveou ! Dental 'Plate Repair ' TWO-HOUR SERVICE DC MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for fteoah- DR HAR4Y SEMLER. DENTIST ArtnlnH Bid tate a rr Ph S-tait WAN1 IXt Buy usee cameras St at McEwan photo Shop. 243 N High. 478 Fuel - May Special "DOUBLE" Green Stamps Hand picked IS" slab wood. 12 mill end. Ph. 1-7442. IS wooo Old and Second Growth fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Saiem $12.0 , Far orders pleas call coUoct L Independenc 42 I Independence Lumber and . Manufacturing Company West Salem Fuel Co. M-Ct. DRY OX CXETJt SLAB WOOD DRY PLAN Eat ENDS Old growth block wood IS lav risen no brk i SCREEN ED SAWDUST RURAL. DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OTXr Phoaas: SaJaea 2-4031 up wwad at t32 Edgewater go. w. 450 flarciisnSha 471 Fuel ORDER lUaderson's eboice slab . now. a cords iUJe. Pneae J-HSl or 2-5951. FT. alao wood ss mt cord at tnOX platform. Yoa hauL Independence Lbr. 8 Mfg. CO- Independence. Ore. Special Planer trtmaalng CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO 3-772! or 3-6074 - ' ELMER BOJaT Ph 2-S453 202S S 1 2th IS" OM Itt Veneer Cores Soilt toe Furnace If I Mr(y ' Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust I frees or ery Ask for Pnsvy Stov-Dtesl 41 . Save Stamps. Ph. 2S444. 'H1 RuineAA & Finanrr 510 Money to Loan PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 31$ Stat - Boom 123 Uv. - S-122 M-H5: C. R. Allen. Mgr. CASH $25 to $500 A fast and friendly loan service to t men and women, married or single and It's "Yes" to 4 out of 3 who ap ply. Up to $500 on Auto, up to $300 .' on furniture Salary and conven ient payments arranged. Dont bor row unnecessarily, but If you need cash for any good reason, phone hte "Yes" Manager or come in today. PERSONAL Finance Company 1 of Salem 10$ S. High St. Ph. 2-2464 Lie No. S-122 M-163. C. R- Allen. Mgr nivAir innev u tomn Pn t-r7H Start J951 ! with a CLEAN SLATS Pay off ..your bills with -a convenient "BILL CONSOLIDATION" loan 1 fast, friendly service. Typical Plana B ' - u Mo. : Amount Payments 154.09 12J0 330.00 30.09 Pacific Industrial Loans tit S Libert? Pbone 4-2503 Ainu LUANii WILLAMETTE CUDH CO. US SV Church St - Ph. S-S4S1 Parking Aplenty Lie M1S9-e514 Private Money On Cars lrueka A Trailer Homos . Long e Short rrma Payments Roy H. Simmons iSS 9 Cnmmfftitl St - Ptwiw S-SlSt $$ CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 19M Fairgrounds Road (next door to bank l Free Parking lot 291. m 369 - Call "2-7032 EARS ano Ul Y LOANS H and four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash tor Real Estate Con tracts and Serond Mortcares. CAPITOl SECURITIES CO on rmirt st Ph CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem a -largest and oldest home-own ed loan company offers money when you need Itl You can pay anytime to reduos net cost I No endorsers, or help from fi lends? On cars trucks trailer homes to $300.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to $300X01 Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades' 12-05 daily KSLM 1390 KC'sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No S13S and M33S PHONE $-9161 136 S. COMX ST MM) Kmnlovment 602 Help Wanted WANTED: Companion. 8-5 five days s week for elderly man, forgetful and ' confused but good natured. Likes to walk. Board and room or comparable wages. Box 385 co Statesman, EXPERIENCED sign painter & sketch artist for neon plant. Steady em ployment, good working conditions. Pacific Neon Co.. Newport. Oregon. Phone 330-J. ; LOCAL Cannery requires experienced full time bookkeeper. Please give qualifications in own handwriting. Box 380. Statesman. Wanted Bookkeeper For large retail firm to direct office. Splendid opportunity for advance ment and good salary to start. Write Box 376 cA Statesman. 604 Help Wanted. Mais" MAN wanted. Golf course work. Phone . 2-0184. - Farm Equipment Mechanic Should aKave experience In tractor re pairing. Also knowledge of repair and operation of complete line of farm equipment. Steady lob. Good pay. . Farmers Union Co-op. RickreaJ. Phone zois Dallas WANTED: Bus-boy. Marion Hotel. EXPERIENCED Neon service man for coast plant. Good salary 4r working conditions. Pacific Neon Co, New- port. Oregon, pnone 3J0-J. EXPERIENCED lumber grader. Burk- land Lumber Co- Turner. Phone 1123. WANTED: Barber. Al'S Barber. Shop; 377 Court. ECS Help Vcrrrapq. I SINGLE lady not over 4$ to contact ntoyeity owner. Must bav good car. B neat in appearance and able to anoet puhUc Start at $4 per week plus percentage and mileage. 9 days per week. CaU mornings after S ajn. WANTED: Bcliabl middl aged t I so manage nouscsssping auues - of modern country bom involyin 3 elementary school sr children. In terested, writ box 343 giving refer ence, salary expactatloa s quaiiii cation. EOUStiCEZPEa for modern bnTaTl rhilflren on of school ag en 3 rears. Boon, board s wages. Pbon 3431 after six. BOUSSCTiPta wks Lkes child rn." i boys ages t and 4 Lire la. $-4na7. 600 -Crnplbrrnesxt 110 Sals Persons T7cstsd IfXW CAR ancy aa ' alsaiiian ajtriawoa Fin op sect unity for aggr lye and eaergtle man Stat are, experience, etc. tn Itter. Write 333 co Statesman at Work Wameo. Alede CARPENTST any kind, reasonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phone 4-2Q54. LAWN mowers and saw sharpening. All work guaranteed. -3S1 Carta. X-U5. Ft pickup nd delivery. (15 Staaotlotxs Itcmteft LAWN MOWERS, machine sharpening ' st your door. Work - guaranteed. 3-3072. CHILD car in nyy home. Phone 3-$73. pvj lAPLt-K christian gui to baby sit evenings. Vicinity State Hospital. Call I-OMCTT KOTO-TILLING wanted. Any type. Prompt Servtc. Call 4-3114. LAWN and garden rotary tilling. Satia- factory work guaranteed. 2-337 eve- ntnrs. - IRONING neatly don in my bom. PLEASE phone 432C7. -ROTO TILLER work. 2 machines witS experienced operators. Pbooe 2-3s4. 1144 Hnrwl COMPLETE bookkeeping service in chiding payroll accounting. Dairy, weekly or monthly. 1508 N 4th. Phoo 3-5283. BABY sitting evenings, Mrs. Hog an. Phone 27765. HOUSEWORK by th hour or baby sitting. Phone 34962. WANTED: Any type work at my home Including baby sitting, hour, day or week. 28050. 33 S. 17th. YARD work, flower bed cultivating Flowers removed at transplanted. . Spading Lawns mowed Ac fertilised. Atw new lawns pur m tnoti vitoi. PAINTING. Can furnish A-l local ret erence. Work guaranteed. Phone 3-9694. CARPENTER work. We know our bus- loess. Large or small, lobs. Phoo S-96SH LIKE to bid on your spray painting, any Brand of paint you like. Phoo S-4T4. M. L. pollen perg. I45Q w. isth. BABY sitter. AajrUm. Day or night. Phon 3-3323. PLOWING, discing Orchards, gardens. Call after Dm 4316a. W. F Cren shaw. CONCRETE" Free estimate Phone 27183. - LAWNS: prepared Ac seeded, light tractor with doter ete 7 -sin. CHILD CARE IN Mr BOMS 183 S taTH H EXPERT lawn mower aharpeniag. Sgt Lsfactioa guaranteed. Free picktrp St dehverv Hoarser Bros. Phon 33S4S. YARD work New lawn put in." Phoo 4-2S41 or S-S444 FISHER'S Fix-It Shop. Lawn anowTS sharpened. 4113 Portland Rd. Phon Nancy's Play School Phon 2-4S4S C20 Dory end Contfad t7TO PAINTINO fust I by Ray HI ES CaU Sarock MeAor Co S-SlSI HOME SERVICE rfous leveling & foundations, remod eling, concrete work of aU type. An Insured and Bonded company. Phone S-5072 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract . Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer ox Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by th foot Phon day 340S Evenings 2-4400 3-C344J Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals TRAILER space $19 per mo. AH mod ern conveniences. Roth's Trail.-' 43 'Court. South aide Paulus Cannery. S GARAGES for renL Phon 2-42, . 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING room for gentleman. Phone 2-4427. SLEEPING room. Li?ht housekeeping if desired. 481 N. Winter St. Phoo 3-8293. FURNISHED room, gentleman pre ferred. Also baby sitting. Ph. 3-4351. NICE sleeping room. heat. H St C water. 255 Center. LADY share apartment or rent sleep ing room. Close in. 3-4815. SLEEPING room. Hot and cold water. 737 Center, WELL furnished sleeping room. 472 N. Liberty. Board and Room Phone 3-3730 573 N. Capitol SLEEPING rooms. PhonaJ-tXii. 7M N. t-nurcn. . CLEAN attractive rooms. . close in. Reasonable. Private entrance. Phon 2-7481. ROOMS with kitchen privileges. Close to State bides. 754 Ferry. WEST SALEM: 2 furnished rooms. quiet location, private entrance. Ph. 2-7554. 703 Apartments for fleet" FURNISHED, first floor, private en trance, excellent location, fireplace. i4 ff . lttn. pnone a-eoaz. NICE furnished apt. dose in.-1073 N. Capitol. 3-8706. j 1 ROOM furnished. Lights, water, fuel furnished 323. Phone 3-3429. 437 S. Commercial. CLOSE IN. NICE CLEAN ATTRAC TIVE FURNISHED APT. 243 UNION. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room. near bus. 1113 Ruge. Phone 2-0388. FURNISHED 1 room and kitchenette for business girL 3 rooms for couple. 137B Chemeketa. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat. Apt. No. 3. 2Q5S N. Capitol. 3 ROOM furnished apartment with bath. S50. Hollywood distract. 3-9671 or 3-S3S9. LARGE modem furnished . 2 room apartment, utilities paid, consider small child. 2QS Bush. Phone 3-3393. 3 BEDROOMS, electric range, refrig erator, large living room and kitchen, bull tins, bath, completely furnished, ground floor, garage, Pbon 1-3373. 32s Portland Kd NlCE. convenient. 3 room furnished apartment, adults. Bendtx. Apply 359 N. Liberty 4 to 7 pjn.- or pbon 3-T134. 3 ROOM modern furn. apartment, close to State Capitol. Inquire 964 MiU. Phon I-3T96. 2 ROOM clean furnished apt. Refrig"- erator. 67 N. Cottage. FURNISHED small apartment, all utH- ities included. 13X50. 344) E. Wash- lngrton. 3 ROOMS, furnished court apartment. close in. garage, a quits, pnone 2-Q546. 1-THREE room. 1-Flve room apartment in w. staiem. pnone s-iss or s-sut 3 ROOM furnished apartment, private . bath at entrance. Downstairs. 943 S. 12th. 3 ROOM furnished apt. Private bath. izst w. coimweictal. Pn. 3-35J0. 3 BOOM fucuOtod apartment, fully equipped, private bath. 1259 N. Win ter. UNFURNISHX3 modern. be droom. nvrng room, dining kltcztea. bath, laundry facilities, newly a ted. foa. 3133 S. Commercial. Pbon 3 TTTT. 2 ROOM furniahed apertnaent. cloa in. aauits. mon S-sfss. 3 ROOM fumohed apartmont. private bath. Frigidair and electric stove. S4 month. 54 N. C-wimei eisi. 4" &OOM amrurniahed arrtmt. newly completed. Located 374 Sihswrton B4. Phone 3-254 days. 4-23 ewnMyV; 3 ROOM furniahed apartment, uulies inchided. Pon 3731 A mVnir?nr ADtS. m Nlcly rurnisbed ap- " 7CD Hcatl STEAM bted. Eg. 1 twdrweca te. rang a tec. rwnrxn uy. eaw at ha arty. UtUltaa ftiraishod at aaa. Pro s-ecn or 3-4;?. nomd Poor. 11 MirMit 3 BEAj5oM uvfWTjAfl apaxtaML 5 Ferry St. Phon S-rT or - T. COMFOkTABLS baaameat apartjaamt. Private bath and 4Dxraoc. Saaaon able. Pvm 2470. JLPARTMSv7 in modern dwuawl a ta i Iiik M bous. Phone T74. lURNI in r baaemeot apartment, Inetitr 1815 N 9t-h. Georrene Gables On bodroom apartment, refrigerator. rang, automatic laundry. 901 S. l?"v I ROOM court apaxtttvanT elerira stove and refrteerator. I4 S. lrt'y ULT&A-MODLRN aw apaxtottot tog adults. Laundry rang rfrisra. 2-7OT1. A-AMI' MINT, private balh. dose In. NICELY furniahed 4 rooms apartment bath, utilities, walking dlstanc. MI S. Capitol. 2 ROOM apartment in heart of down- town Salem. Phone 3-T7H. 1 ROOM apartment. Light, beat, water furnisred. Close in. $21 JO, 34 Unton St NEW MODERN BRICK COURT AP ARTMENT. 392 S- lTth. NEW Urge 1 a 1 room court apart ment. Newly decorated, automata laundry. $43 and up. Phon 2-353 or 3-4528. ' 3 ROOM furnished apartment, newly decorated, eaectrlc stev. cloas tn. TTOSO. SINGLE puUmaa apL Beautifully furax. close in. AU conveniences. 444 N. cottare ax center, rrtone iiaei. i 4 ROOMS uaUuxnished. Devereeux. 14 State UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom d 3343 Hadley St. Can 214. 3 ROOM court apartment, refrigerator and rtoe. W. SaVem. 1 2397. 3 ROOM furuaned apartment. Prrvaca bath. dean. 41S S. 19th. Phoo S-004. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Privato bath, also partly furnished 3 rooms and bath. 3O03 N. CapitoL Phoo S-SOSS or 4-4Q6S. 3 ROOM uafura. ape Mam fir. Asia oil best. 1437 N. 4th. CLEAN 3 room furnished apactatssif. S5S S. mh. Pus by door. SV8AL APTS, ckxj toc-ataoo eomo. furn. tnq H L Sttff rtrrn, 3-SS. ROOM apartment. 1st floor, gardcav. 3 bedrooms. CaU evenings Torn for neat FURNISHED motel cottsfs. Utdtles paid. Cag 3-9S29 OT 2-0W7. j BEDROOM houa in eoort- Eieetnj stov and refrigerator. Phoo 2-923. 1947 N. Church. NICE 3 room horn on back of la. tsm. Can 3-470T befare noon. MODERN unftzrnasbod 1 bedroom eaa- plex. adults. No pets. 1-4.05. . 3 ROOM unfurnished court newly rated, quiet, clove In. adurts. n 485 N. Winter. Phone i-iifr. NEW 1 bedroom unfurruihed with garage. 1T Market. 3 BEDROOM older uniuratahed. elec tric water beater, wired for range. Phone 3-7493. 590 Willow. Sundays r eventngs. 5"Mr furnished bouse, reasonable rent. Adult only. 1 or 2. CaU 1S33 Maple Ave, or 3-5578, , 1 BEDROOM, aicc and deaau Garage. JPhone 3-30O0. FUK-N'LSSED bouse for rent. No chil dren or pets. 139 McNary Aw. W. Salem. SMALL attractiv house. 3 room wtth. shower bath, electrtc heat, campletelv furnished. Ideal for two. Water and sanitary aciiic furnished. -0. Phon 3-41708. - 3 BEDROOM house, insulated c-eiUns. " fireplace. Venetian blinds, electric not water, wired for range, full base ment, furnace heat, ampte ckaart room, fruit, garden, charten house. 1 miles South of 12th St. cut off on old highway. Immediate posses sion. Open for tnspertion Sunday 9 a m. to pm. Rent 350. Phone 2-1607 after p.m; 2 BEDBOOM houw recentlv reoeco rated. 93. CaU 1339 N. 19th after 9 'ekrk-- , . MODERN country home. 2 bedroom luifuraishcd. 969 roc lodes electricity, water. Phon 1-Tft3l. WILL sublease 1S35 Fir St. S9S per month or nearest acceptable offer from lesoorunbte party. Phone 4-1731. 3 BEDROOM duplex. Yard as tree tor chiWren. Pnone 35h85. 1460 N. Summer Almost new garage house apartment and garage. Insula t ted. Lots of closets. Electrie heat. NEW duplex. 2 bedroom 4S2 S. 20 La or call 2-5211. tTQ-m Per mo. 3 BEDROOM. Within 3 blocks of court house. 52 Mill. NEW furnished S room houscu all elec- trie. gar a re and utility. No ehildrem. Phone 4-2543. NEW 1 bedroom cottage, unfurnished enrat stoye. Adults. 113 S. Liberty. CLEAN, modern 4 room house, wirei for range, garage. J. C Henry, m. s. Box 784. Ilt house N. Liberty Seol 3 ROOM house. 773 Bcevue. Pbooe 2-4804. 2 BEDROOM houa. call 21411 after 9 pjn. 2 BEDROOM. -Garden. mil out Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 19. MODERN furnished on Led room house, newly decorated, laundry, wat er, garbage service o. mono jjtct. CLEAN fumisbed 1 bedroom, living room combination, kitchben It imoIc x bath. 945. R. V. Stoops. Rt. 4. Box 228 on 12th St. cutoff, call after . NEW 1 bedroom house in court. Stov and refrigerator furnished. Phone 3-758S. . WILL teas two bdrm. house. Has fuxn basement apt. Two family bom. Ph. 29352, . fURN'liHCT) 4 room house. EWtrical- ry equipped. No children. S37 r. com merrtal St. See Saturday and Siwirr. 1 BEDROOM all electrtc house. Uafuf" nished except for range. Inquire 1173 Sixth St. Phone 3P9M. NEW 3 bedroom bouse, electric raace. utomane heat, hardwood Doors. 223 Maple Ave. NEW 2 BJL unfum. hse. tc gar. Tiwd of cleaning aameone elses oust? A new one you should rent it rent you must. Living with old tired floors? Ours are new & hard and not eve-aores. Venetian blinds, elec. heat. You 11 admit it Is really neat. No pets. 963 mo. Keys at 4573 State. Pbon 4-1973. 710 Wasted To Rest. HonseT MODERN, unfurnished 2 or 2 bedroom, with basement, on bus. Phone 2-9837 after 6 p m WANTED: 4 or 9 room house to fix so and rent or lease W me. Electricity some acreage and out "buildings. Phone 43194. 714 Business Rentals HtyiNSMg Kbiwi H L Staff FOR RENT: 3009 aq. rt. of storae space. Low rate, also first class of fice space. Prior asi. BUTLDLSG concrete Eoor. fiooreseeot lights, electricity, beat. 15 S. Uia St. - 800 Real Estate Late Built 5 Rms, Priced Utbt Bus st Door $650Dn.LateBant2BH. " 2 LOTS. NORTH SUB. BUS. $1009 M MOD. 9 BR. WEST MXDS. - ABOUT 4 A. BUS. 3959 2 BR- SOMTS raTLNTTCTS. CiSB 9 RMS. WEST SAIXiL HSxTT LOTS SOee. NR. LTLl SC3. "rrLLAMETTS RIAL til ATX 172 S. Ubertv Pe. ! I f 1 . MILL Ci III iV " I KleeJy rursushad Dapiex. on Kew r- 'hway. Rented SUi.eo Month, 14.00, om terms. Tax Houa Compirt Equipment Sad 4'4 yr. Le-n weU located Restaurant. Only i ""c. T. CX1V1U.E. BSOKXn SCa City. Or. i ao xrrT