i ( '" i i j "i ii j 1. AT ' 1 . I ! I I in t i ; t f ,J ' l I k i 1 2 4 5 6 7 0 New York Stock Quotations NW YORK, April 27-(JPy-To 'Ad Corp"r At Cheih 23'Gen Foods 65iGen Motors 45 H! Goodyear Tire 1634'Homestake . At Chalmers Am Airlines Am Pow & 18H!Int Harvester Am Tel & Tel 154ilnt PaDer Am Tobacco 64 H! Johns Man Anaconda 41i'Kennecott Atchison L.63lUbby McN & Beth Steel . 58 ILockh Aire Boe Airplane . . Bore Warner Bur Add Mi Calif Packing Can Pacific Caterpillar . Celanese . 48? Loew's Inc 70 !Long Bell 17!Montg Ward 68i!Nash Kelv .. 26!NY Central . 49 JNorth Pac . 50 Pac Am Fish Chrysler 81 H Pac Gas Ac Elec. 32 .Con Edison 30; Pac Tel & Cons Vultee Crown Zeller Curt JWright .. Doug Aircraft 18 H Packard 53 Penney 10 Perm RR Pepsi Cola Dupont . 96'Philco Eastman Kodak 44 Rad Corp Enter Radio 13 Raynonier Gen Electric , 55Ray Pfd 300 Personal 31 S Personal AlCoHOLfCS Anonymous Ph 3-9133 PO Bx 724 MCA Wrt Frt W o rn bl AM.i;v Uom Product Pa. 4342 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock Extra Special! good fresh, Ac Sprinter cows, t good calves, to be sold Sat. April 38 at 1:30 p.m. at Scotty's Auction House. X ml. East on Center St.. Salem. JERSEY COW. fresh weeks. Sound and gentle. Good milker 3250. 42310. IVANTfcD: rat lambs, feeder lambs and ewes. Also all types ' ox uvestocK. Olen Cannoy. Ph. 4-1361. Call eye- nines. . 1 HEREFORD red rilta. Phone 2-7103. BONDED LIVESTOCK uyer fc C . McCandhsh 1127 a !h Ph 3-8147 XUTmUKD Livestoclc ouver Claude Ed wards. Rt 3. Box FP9E. Ph 4-1113. Lli'KNSEO Livestock buyer H. E. 5-1345 Snethen. 1940 Lap..ter fir Pr SERVICE reasonanle Nelson's anyplace anytime. Phone 4-2349. B(i;l)KD livestock buyer A F Sons- sner. 2130 Cbemawa Rd. Pb 42411. 404 Poultry and Rabbi DAY -OLD and started chicks E. Cen tM Street Phone 22381 Lee's Hat- Kr HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every Tuesday Fox's Hatchery UN State St Phone 3-4 . (VERY FRIDAY New Hampshire chicks sexed or straight. Also Cornish Cross Chicks Gehring Hatchery. ..Silvertoiwi Oregon. Phone Black 193. 403 Pt PUREBRED Collie, tnot registered 114 years old. Wonderful pet. 1 mile South Pringle school on Battlecreek Rd. Phone 2-0042. Salem. H. W. C. Hoirup. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1338). KOCO 1490 KQ1N 70. KCW C2. KKX 11 Pacific Standard Time ' FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 , (Editor's note: The Statesman pabttsbes la good faith the programs and times as provided by the radio stations, but because effttaaes presrams are banged without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible tor tha neenraey It e rein X- BOUK 60:0 0:15 6 KSLM not KOIN KG W KEX News News Hodge Podge Dawn beat Timekeeper KOIN Klock Hodge Podge Dawnbeat 7 KSLM Hemingway (Break. Gang I Break. Gang (Top Trades KOCO Minstrels I Minstrels I Jerry Sears Ex. Service KOIN . KOIN Klock IMacleod News IGoss News I Cons News KGW Hear This Hear This (News Sam Hayes KEX Roundup Boys I M. Agronsky tNews ICoffee Time 8 KSLM Leslie Nichols ; Leslie Nichols IHaven of Rest Haven of Rest OCO Radio Kids (Radio Kids I Proudly Hall Prourtlv Hail KOIN News (Let's Pretend iTheater ITheater KiW A. Andrews I A. Andrews ISmilin' Ed ISmilm Ed KEX No School INo School INo School INo School 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN xr.w KEX N.W. News Science Theatre No School Farm. Home Alan Holmes Theatre Public Affairs No School 10 KSLM N.W. News KOCO Aunt Sophie KOIN Stars Hlyd. -KGW Symphony KEX Tom. Stars 11 KSLM Dunn. Discs KOCO Baseball KOIN Music Girls KGW Mary Tavlor KEX Concert Hour (Dunn. Discs Baseball I Music Girls IMary Tar lor I Concert Hour 12 KSLM Gay 90s KOCO Baseball KOIN News KCW Farm-Homo KKX Pan America KSLM Man on Farm Man on Farm IBand Concert I Band Concert KOCO Baseball IBaseball Sat. Matinee iSat. Matinee KOIN Johnny DoBar ! Johnny Dollar Galen Drake Overseas KGW To be Advised To be Advised ICity Serenade idty Serenade KEX Horse Races I News I Perm Relays iPenn Relays KSLM Air Force Hr. IIAlr Force Hr. IIGeor. Crackers IGeor. Crackers KOCO Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee KOIN Kirkham News' Cross Section ICross Section KGW Living 1951 iLiving 1951 1 Piano Quartet I Piano Quartet KKX Pass in Review Pass in Review (Vac. Land I Fascin. Rythm 3 KSLM Concert Music Concert Music KOCO Sat. Matinee ISat. Matinee KOIN Kirkham Newsl Peace Price KGW News Earl Godwin KKX Jr. Junction IJr. Junction KSLM John Flynn . (Hemingway (Melody Portrait! Twin Views KOCO - News- Chin-i4 Assembly God Assembly God KOIN Schools St You Schools & You Uohnnv Spot I Johnnv Spot KGW NBC Orch. TNBCOrch. I Folk Music I Folk Music KEX Rex Koury ISqulrrel Cage I Squirrel Cage Una M. Carlisle KSLM Sing. Marshall iSing. Marshall Chris. Science IMusic KOCO Khvtnm Ranchl Rhythm Ranch! Jerry Gray Encore Sides KOIN Gaston Fischer Barnyard I Danger Ahead Goss News KGW Bands of Land (Bands of Land! (Serenade E. Peterson KEX Navy Hour (Navy Hour IChet Huntley I lira Blue Sots. KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hawaii Calls Dinner Music Hop. Cassidy Dixie Jazx Sptlito Salem (Hawaii Calls Dinner Music (Hop. Cassidy Dixie Jazs (Home Edition KSLM Sage Riders IMusic (Reservists IReservists KOCO Balladiers Playhouse I Bandstand ! Bandstand tOIN Sing It Again (Sing It Again iSing it Again (Sing it Again KGW Judv Canova (Judy Canova (Ole Opry lOle Oory KKX World Opinion (World Opinion I Shoot Moon Shoot Moon KSLM Reporters Rdupt Reporters Rdu pi Music ISquare Dance OCO Dugout Dope Baseball I 'Base bail (Baseball OIN V Monroe IV Monro I Gene Autry (Gene Autry iGW Brian Don levri Brian DonlevylMan Called X Man Called X . iX Lone Ranger I Lone Sanger I The Sheriff iThe Sheriff 9r;sLi ;oco KKX News Baseball Gang Busters Hit Parade Dancing IPop Edwards IBaseball . Gang Busters Hit Pared Dancing Id KSLM Family Theater (Family Theater IN W News (Orchestra KOCO Baseball. jBaseball (News iRuss Morgan KOIN Night rinaJ Asia Spotlit j Orchestra JOrchestra KOW News - Danc Music ISports Pag ISoade Cooler KKX Taft vs. Douglas Taft vs. DouglasiDanc Tim Good Listening 11! KSLM Ooen House tOoen Hons KOCO Dane Party 'Dane Party Dane Party Dane Party KOIN Organ Melodies "Organ Melodies! Bandstand (Bandstand GW Wax Museum Wax Museum KEX Good Listening (Good Listening (Good Listening (Good Listening Koac $58 k. e 100 ajn. The and weather: 10:15 Especially tor r- 11.-08 Th Concert Hall- 12 M Tt "ews: U :1 pm. Noon Farm ' 19 Ride 'era Cowboy: 1:30 Stars e: 1 M5 Excursion In Science: I-Cv . asebaU U. of O. vs. U. of W4 day's Closing Quotations: 4 53 a m m r Repub Stl .!... 44 Rey Metals 4 Richfield ,. 56 76 38 Va Safeway 38 - 34 53 Sears Roebuck, 56 Soc Vac , 30 South Pac 68 58 76 Va L 9y Std Oil Cal 49 Std Oil NJ 114 37 Studebaker 31 Sunsh Mn 11 Swift and Co 35 Transamerica 13 is v v 4S 70 20 Twent C Fox 21 21 Un Oil Cal 39 U Pac . 101 38 17 Un Airlines 30 Ua Aircraft 39 TeL10o Un Corp 4 US Plywood 37 US Steel 45 Warn Bros .... 13 West Ua Tel 42 West Air Br 33 West Elec 40 Woolworth 44 H 7 21 11 23 19 Sl 40S Psts COCKER puppies for sale. Otto Yunker. Rt. 2. Box 444. ,' mUe North of Kelzer School. CANARIES A gift for Mother's Pay 38668. FOR SALE: Golden Bear Strain Ham sters. Phone 2-0610. atooKe.'b frooicai fish aouarium Fish, tanks plants, heaters ther mostats. Marvel puma 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleay Bd Phone 27321 EXOTIC aquarium fishes. Aouariums and aquarium supplies. Salem Seed nd Implement Co. Front and Stat. Phone 3-403 ' IKUftCAI. ft-H AND SUPPLIES C L MANN BATTLETREEK RD TT1RNF.R OREGON REGISTERED Toy Pomeranians 8 weeks old. Phone 3-3380. and Plants LAUREL 15c. Rhododendrons and etc. Phone 2-2182 2491 Hollywood Dr. CLOSING Out Panaiea. Clark's Jumbo 75c per dozen Address 4828 Bailey Rd.. Keiser. Come out N. River Rood turn right Dearborn Ave., left first street N. Phone 4-2750. Walker, DAPHNE 50c. Heather 40c Tuberous begonias 35c. Geraniums. Fuschias 23c and 35c. Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. PACDT1C wild black berry plants. Nice to have tn garden. Phone -3yr. FUSHIAS, geraniums. Colombine. per ennial popples. Canterbury bulbs. Azalea, hanging baskets, flower pots etc. Arthur Oppen'f Greenhouse. Auburn Rd. Phone 41S33. bAHLlAS - Price list. Hazelhlll Car dens. Rt. 2. Dallas. South of Falls City Camp Kilowan Road. ; 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery TooU ROTOTILLERS. 1 early 1948. 28" 8275 1 late 1948. 20" 8295. 1 late 1949. 20" 8350 All in top shane. Howser Bros. 1410 s. iz. ELECTRIC muffle furnace at discount $175. complete. Write Box B04-J. Capl tal Press. Salem. l,a HP. garden tractor, plow. disc, and cultivator. Excellent condition. Phone 2-1378. 00:30 00:4S J Farm News I Andy Parker KOIN Klock Hodge Podge Dawnbeat I News (Net News KOIN Klock I Hodge Podge Dawnbeat IPastor Call 14-H Club I Grand Central IGuest Star (Toyland Tunes Bargain Ctr. iKids' Komer Grand Central I News Toyland Tunes jLand o' Free IMusic IMusic Aunt Sophie lllnq. Parent Prin Melody (Stars Hlyd. I Alias J. Doe ! Alias J. Doe (Symphony IRadio Citv-USA Radio City-USA tTom. Stars (Tom. Stars ITom. Stars I Dunn, Discs i Baseball Meet Missus IY. Oregonians I Concert Hour I Dunn. Discs I Baseball (Meet Missus Y. Oresonians I Concert Hour (N.W. News I Man on Farm (Man on Farm i Baseball Baseball IBaseball .Guest Star. iMort Downey I Morton Downey IFarm-Home lArmv Band Army Band Pan America lExhibit "A" lExhibif'A" IMusic I Music ISat. Matinee Sat. Matinee ISports Review 'LeSueur News )NBC Orch. (NBC Orch. I Guest Star IIYWCA Forum (West Ramblers! West Ramblers (News I Assembly God I Brdway Beat I Brd way Beat (Dennis Dry (Dennis Day Stars Parade I Bert Andrews I (Music I Music (Baseball ! Bate ball IIO'Hara kyBara (Life of Rilev (Life of Rllev liTaft vs. DouglasfTaft vs. Douglas lOpen House iOpes-. House I wax Museum I Wax Museum tM Jimmy Martin: 4: On the upbeat: 4:45 News & Weather: lt Children's Theatre- S Defense Report; 5:45 London Letter: 8.-00 Th News and Weather: 8:13 Broadway Hl-lites: IM Grand Opera Tonight; trtO News and Weather; 9 JLS pane Parade: 10:08 Sign Off. 450 ftlprchand ise 451 Machinty and Tool fiOTOTLLLEH sales, parts, and service Howser Bros Ph. 3 3646 1410 S tnn rOuH time aiaa etturt deiitanaa gwuu toots Rent or buy them at Housei Bros? 1410 S Uta 455 Household Goods For Sal ROLL BACK davenport & chair. This is a very good buy for only 379. CaU z-a.iz. MISCELLANEOUS household items. Jars, vases, lamps, dishes, etc. Sat. Be sun- 1993 s. cottage ELECTRIC range refrigerator, washer. like new. 441 S. High, Phone 4-1708. DINETTE set, medium size Lang wood range, roll-away- bed. Phone 2-8147. Used FurnM Cheap TRADE - TERMS VaUev fSim Cn 1ft No rami -4T HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. New tc used furniture at retraced prices. Hall's Furnitre Co. 1179 Fair- "rmind" Rd. Phone- 4-3481 46 Wanted. Aoasvnoid Good T. J. Furniture Co. For top prices. Ph. 27427 UatlJ I'UMNU UHfc VALLEY FURNITURE m r..mi fh 7ry CASH (or your furniture. - One piece or houeful LAMBKRTS. 3-T100. TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture and anise. Phone 3-8558 or bring to 18TO Lana Ave. WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Cash for vour furniture arvi appliances. Hall's Furniture Co. 1979 Rainrrounds Rd. Phone 4-348L 45S BuOdlso Material PICKETS low as 7"ic aa. 3x4 and box ing $39.50. Maaonite. sheet rock, wall board, low as 31.78 4x8 sheet. Celling tile 12x13 room 14.80. Reject plywood all thicknesses. Medium Fiberglass 35.21 roll. Stained shakes and under course 814.85. Pioneer-Flintkote roof ing of all kinds. Screen door. Jamb sets 83.93. Easy monthly payments, only 10 down. North city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 2-0974. LEAKY ROOF Costs money. Re roof now for KEEPS. Enjoy tne best in comfort, beauty 8c permanence. Reasonable cost. Call 2058 for details. HERE 42 gal. elec. water heaters, fiber glass luted, drain valve. 3 yr. sua ran tee ..S84.S0 S ft. bath tubs, complete with fit tings SS5.50 Cast iron wash basins 313.00 Metal garage doors with over head hardware 850.00 Large metal medicine cabinet S 8.65 Screen doors S 7.73 Hardware S.95 i" plywood OA. 4x8 jl Water proof wallboard $ 7.68 3 2 .20 S 1.78 insulation board 4x8 rirsi quality painted snakes with undercourse $14.50 New asbestos siding , $10. s. Birch entrance doors 420.00 No. 1 shingles . $10.50 and $11.50 sq. C. G. LONG Ph 2-5821 1 Mile N. of Keizer BARGAIN I Plumbing fixtures, pipes & fittings for home, all new. Phone 2-8147. Roofing Steel & Aluminum Limited sizes & quantities. Saffron Supply Co, 325 N. Com'L Phone 2-4189. v i TKf): (JRKKN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and on Inch Market Price. End trimming, not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189 Eve.. 22578. Salem Lumber At Manu- Msnitfaptunnr Co RED CEDAR shingles .all grades from -Coast or Mountain Cedar. $3.00 per sq. up. 18 in. No. 1 Carton packed Cedar shakes and undercourse $15.00 per sq. 2 foot. Oak shorts $150 M RL No. 2 nationally advertise! Bruce and Lockwood Brand $183 per M. Common lumber S30.no rvr m Call Ted Muller. Ph. 2-119S evenin es! REMODEL REPAIR IMPROVE" ' ON E-Z Terms iow down, 30 months to pay on the n.eitn Brown building loan plan. No mortgage required KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front & Court Phone 3-9163 460 Musical Instrtunenta GOOD USED Piano. H. L. Stiff. 462 Sports Equipmsmt 7i HORSE Firestone outboard motor nasn 1 over 10 hours of running nine imnu, j gaiion gas can. cover all like new. New machine guarantee. r.q nannie. Ana remand Rd. 2-7471 14 FT. WELD WOOD boat motor and trailer, aoa in. front FOR TRADE 13',i foot boat. oars, all-steel boat trail er, and 3i h.p. outboard motor all in good condition. Trade for garden imimr or liner, f none Z1J59, LOTS of used boats and outboard mot ors. some good with guarantees, some as is" $20 up a few canoes left at $25 up. Chris Craft boat kits. We have 3 or 4 New Johnsons left and we are now on 60 allocation. In vestigate now. Salem Boat House. 100 cncnwseia. 468 For Bsmt, Minciuaneons DO YOUR sewing now Rent a Singer elec portable sewing machine $8 per mo Free pick up Sc delivery Singer iwacnm to 130 N Cora 1 U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- acts turn. 137 5. Liberty. Ph. 2-9082 TOOLS & equipment to make a good ipb better Rent or buy at Howser Bros. I4ia s lZlh. Pnone 33848. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous LOVE SEAT, pair feather pillows, new i tn at. CAR RADIOS, your choice of 3 differ ent kinds, prices from $10 to $25. AD ln rood working order. AYNBEX Mzrrvms, sao Union street. Phone KIOR1GERATORS New md Used Yeater ADn'-anc Co 375 Chemek et OIL FLOOR furnace and tanks $65. 2275 Broadway call after 12 noon. DAVENO 850. 4 nc. bedroom suit box swings and turtles mattress $100. ooa t errr. STJGHTLY Used Gibson $ h.p. tractor dozer. Priced to selL 830 N. tol St. Ph. 4-1591. Cap NEARLY new 4-700x1$ Rayon tires. Phone 2-8147. Khr T TJan. K.D D o. Cnan. NJ DR& COAN . . LAM . CHINESE HERBALISTS Ml North Uberty Upstair abov Jan's. 23? N. Lib erty Office open Saturday only 10 a-jn, t 1 pa, I to 1 pjn, Oonsuita ttoa Blood pressur and urin tests ar (ro of charg. Practiced sine lSlL I U. - " -V, 450 Merchandise 470 Fog Sal. MTscellanaou Clearance Sale Used Singer Sewing Machine TREADLES FROM 827 JO. ELECTRIC CABINETS FROM 859.30 INCLUDES SEWING COURSE Singer Sewing Machine Company . 13 N. COMMERCIAL - WHEEL trailer. Sleeps S. Phone 4-287. New tires, steel frame PKXLCO car radio. R, McDonald. 125 Gerth. Phone 2-83S3. NEARLY sew Montgomery Ward de faze washer SSS. 1930 Laurel Ave. FOR SALE or trade: 500 lb. garlic. 1947 Salisbury motor scooter. 13 ft. boat, Make offer. Inoolre- 878- Ford. 39909 1 SINGLE bed coil bed spring. Phone 2-3949. " SIMMONS twin beds. Hollywood style springs . it mattresses included. 330 each. Small walnut buffet. 825. Baby stroller S3.' Pfieue 3-9909. 2 YEAR old Frigidairo deluxe electric range. Hke new. Lamp- or clock fully automatic. Maytag washer, square tub. rood condition. Platform rock or. Phone 9-5752. 354S Hollvwood Ave, ONE WHEEL Trailways trailer, like new. WAS. or trade tor good a wneei trailer. Phone 1-OlTI. BABY SHOES Bronzed. Avek Plating Co. 34 Oak St.- 18MM BeU 8c Howell 179 sound tc silent projector. Cordamatlc . reel projector tc sneaker covers. Extra bens 8r lamps. New machine guar antee. 30. off list price, used very little. Ed Handle. 3373 Portland Rd 2-7471. BJEU-HOWEU UMM 70 liJK.. camera. 3 turrent and lens. Like new. Have no use for camera, will sell at coat. Ed Randle. 3373 Portland Rd. 2-7471. LARGE size dehneascope. Combination reflector Sc slide machine with ease. Only used few, times, like new. Also 8 ft. daylite screen. Both for 8123. Good for educational purposes. Phone GAS Pump t 580 gallon tank and all nttiags. uooa condition. S293. Also 1 air compressor brand new (85. Phone Z3S2. Dallas. USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER O The right way to re build the soil. O Free of weed seeds. O Odorless. 6 sacks 5.00 Bulk 1 ton .. 10.00 2 tons ........ 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 M.M. wheel tractor model V. lots of extras, raont z-7ios. WEBBER bobtail fountain. Taylor soft ice cream machine with Hardening cabinet attached. 3 section horse shoe counter. Refrigerator salad table. Globe slicing machine. Phone 2-9342 WASHING Macmnes. New and Used Yeater AoDiianc Co. Mi Chemek eta Linoleum S3. 45 tfAMFTY FlfRN CO MS N rtlHt ALtiYUtNt welder. almost new DeVilbiss compressor, floor lack, air sander, fender grinder, spray guns, other body 8c fender toools. 1055 Glenview (off Glencreek Rd.). West Salem. EYERLY designed horse trailer, ex cellent condition $650. Call. Cecil Edwards. 4-2523 evenings or 2-3631 business hours. FLASH-NOTE Requires no Waxing for your fit ors or linoleum Yeater .ool:anc-e Co. 37ft Oiemeketa UKtl'f KtAZt ana Westinunouse Home Freezers. Yeater Aoollanre Co. 375 Chemeketa SXECTKIC Ranges New and Used Yeater Aoolianre Co. 375 Cbemek- ets RIVER SILT For lawns & gardens. Phone 2-1749 or 4-2366. PHONE 3-9303 and ask to see the new Johnston power mower, 4 cycle Briggs O .... ..i My....A. W.. T...K... Absolutely the finest mower in Sa lem. We have employed 4 local Uni versity athletes to demonstrate these mowers. Phone 3-9303 for free arm onstration. 4. 450-500x19 TIRES and tubes. 3 of them almost new, one new. the hard to get size, priced to sell. AYNBEE MOTORS. 540 Union. Phone 2-0703. Fertilizer Rotted Manure Composts 4 kinds rotted manure. Also dry chick en manure. Advise best for your purpose All good clean quality. Give your plants a chance. Cedar Posts Telephone and electric poles, garden stakes and pegs. Rustic Fencing . Red cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis, picket and grape stake fences made to order. Flagstone, Flatrock Stayton flagstone from original pit. Colorful, good quality. Stepping atones, wall 8c patio rock. Also red lava rock, granit and boulders for gardens or walls. Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 No Sunday Business Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads tc driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing -Iralnag sad ditching 4 yd hovel A- drae Hne Phon 3-8349 Oil. circulators.. New and used. Yeater Aon1ne Co 375 Chemfket ELECTRIC Heaters Radiant and Fan Yeater AopUanc Co. 275 Chemek- eta NEW and Used Sewin Macnw.es Yeater Apolianc Co. 37S Chemek -eta ' HJi Uaofl Dianas !Mff Furn Co 87 TOP SOIL, river silt, fill dirt Millers. pnon 4181. Why Suffer Any Longer wnen otnsie rail. remedies. Aaaaslag snceess for s8 years tas Calms. No smarter with what ailments yon ar sf Dieted isorders. stastttt. neart. Inngs. nv CHARLIE CHAN CtUNCSE - CO. tS4 K. Com Pnon 2-1838 f ALE M. OKX. Offlct Honrs 9 to C Sat. Only a - 450 Merchandise 172 Wanted, MlscenansKms GOOD used rug. 9x12 or larger. Phone SAVE your Newspapers & Magazines for Crippled Children Society. Call City waste PaDer Co. for pickups. Z39S Hollywood Dr Phone 22975. 174 NHscoIlarsKmo Free Black Soil 880 N. 18th. Phone 2-8087 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for fteoaii On HARRY SEMLF.R DENTIST WAN a. 4XJ atuy not a camerM 4k lenoea atcanvan pnoto nnop24SN uum 476 Fool GOOD clean sawdust for furnace and sawdust burners, can b used tor humis. nursery Ac berries. 88 2 unit load. Kiln dried shavings, excellent tor animal reading or fool ss 2 unit loaa. snopononc lAunber nt Mfg, Co.. Independence 42. collect. 8 FT. slab wood. $2 per cord at miH platform. You haul.' Independence Lbr. Sc Mfg. Co.. Independence. Ore, ir wooo Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders oleas call collect Independence 48 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Inrtenv1enr Oreen West Salem Fuel Co. tS-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 18 in. clean no bark -SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOTE OO. Pnon: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood st 1529 Edgewator St W Salem Special Planer tiinunlngs . 88.09 cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO. 3-7721 or 3-6024 TRi-crry fuel Th Best Fuel at A Saving Ask for S a H Green Stamp PHONE 2-7442 ,. ELMER BOJE Ph 3-9453. 2025 S 12th 18" Old Fir Veneer Cores Split for Furnace if Highway Fuel Co. -71n sawdust wood green Srove-Diesel oita Ask for Saver Stamp. Ph. 98444 Penny no Rnin8ii A Finance 510 Monsry to Loan PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 Stat - Room 125 LIv. - S-122 M-185: C R. A Hen. Mgr AUTO OiANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 18$ S Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty t ic MtW-SIM $$ ' Money $$ FHA Loans 20 to 25 ' years repayment plan -CONSTRUCTION LOANS" FHA AM percent farm loans Personal. Fumltur Sc Aut Loans your money needs" Finance Co. -For all State 153 S. Hieh St Lie S216 M222 Tel 3-4121 CASH $25. to $500 A fast and friendly loan service to men and women, married or single and It's "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who ap ply. Up to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on furniture Salary and conven ient payments arranged. Don't bor row unnecessarily, but if you need cash for any good reason, phone hte Yes Manager or come tn today. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 105 S. High St. Ph. 2-2484 Lie. No. S-122 M-185 C. R. Allen. Mgr. Private Money On Cars lYucks & Trailer Homos Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons i. 16 S Commercial S; Phone S-9181 5 Net Interest on your investments, first mortgages, improved real estate. Sa lem & vacinity. we make ail col lections & service loans for invest ors, no charge. Mortgages in amounts of $1000 to $5000. Call or write us for any Information desired. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. $$ CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Road inext door to bank! Free Parking lot S291. m369 Call 2-7032 FARM and C1T1 LOANS ', and 5 four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estat con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 687 Court St Ph 4-2283 Start 1951 with 4 CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills with a convenient "BILL CONSOLIDATION" loan Fast, friendly servic. Typical Plans 15 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.00 380.00 30.00 780.00 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S Uberty Phone 4-2203 CASH . NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largost and eldest horn - wa rd loan company offers money when you need rtl You can pay onyttxn to redue not cost I No endorsers, or hels from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On fumltur. livestock, equipment. salary or otner. personal property up lO S3PO.SW1 Phone or visit our office todavl Bear "Top Trades" U dally KSLM General Finance Corp." Llo. NO SU and M338 PRONE 3-9181 138 8 COMT ST PRIVATE Money to loan. Ph. 2-07M 600 Employment 604 Hslp Wantsd. Mali EXPERIENCED waitress wantod. Ex- pcrtonoed bus boy wanted. Apply in person. Marlon HoteL TRAVEUN'G SALESMAN. lUpcrienceo! in auto trimming supplies, western riding goods, shoo repair supplies. Straight commission. Travel Wash ington and Oregon. Old established house. Writ Mr. Arthur, Keys ton Bros., 755 Mission St. San Francisco 3. Calif. DISPLAY man for window and interior work. Experience preferred but not ssmtlaU Montgomery Ward. Salem. 600 Employment 604 Hslp Wantsxt Mais WANTED: Donut man. Sunset Donut Co.. 2362 N. FronL MARRIED man, dairy St general farm work. 2 room cabin furnished. Phone 504 Jefferson. SAW mill help wanted. Burkland Lum- - ber Co. Ph. 1123. Turner Or. "CAT Business Is goodV-W need help. Top wages. Ideal working conditions, see Servic Manager Friday or Saturday morning. INTERSTATE TRACTOR Ac EQUIP. Co, 2355 SILVER TON ROAD , SALEM. OREGON TRAINEES Telephone Workers Quip. meat installation with Western Elec trie Co.. Inc. Applicants - must be ingle. 13-28. High school grads. or equivalent. In good health and will tag to travel as required. Progress iv wag seal in effect. APPLY Oregon State Employment Servic . TW Ferry St. 602 Hslp Wantod Wanted Bookkeeper For large retail firm to direct office. Splendid opportunity for advance ment and good salary to start. Write Box 376 Vo Statesman. 60ft Help WcmtsXL wnakT SCHOOL girl who wants permanent horn to help with housework and baby sit. Phone 3-8840. WANTED: Elderly lady to care tor 2 children. Room, board 8c small wages. Easy work, week ends off. Phone 89X1 or write Box 261. Dayton. HOUSEKEEPER who likes children. boys ages 9 and 5. Live In. 3-8707. PART time stenographer mornings. Monday thru Friday. State experience in hand written application letter. Box 375. Statesman. - GOOD Christian family wants middle- aged lady to be companion for elder ly semi-invalid mother at Beaverton. Comfortable home. Good food. Some wages. No washing or cleaning. Phone 39542 Salem. EXPERIENCED Sales ladies, apply General office 2-4 p.m. Montgomery Ward. Salem. CHRISTIAN woman, near 50 years old to Keep nouse tor family. Two ooys. Parents working. Call 4-2320 between 8 p.m. Sc 9 p.m. EXPERIENCED office girl age 25-35 needed to work in Insurance office in Eugene. Excellent opportunity for right glrL Call 1743 Chemeketa after 5:00 p.m. 610 Sales Porsonn Wantod Look Well known N.W. Firm has opening for local representative. No invest ment reauired. We furnish our complete line of tangible mdse. on consignment. Plenty of leads plus valuable sales aids and on-the-job training. Immediate earnings. Car is necessary. Write Gene W. Magee. 800 S.E. Hawthorne. Portland 14, Oregon. Interview will be arranged within 10 days. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Extensive travel with seasons. Excep tional income. No peddlers. Repeat Dusmess. if you are over 3o hi' acr, free to travel, see Geo. E. Gustaf son. Senator Hotel. Sat. p.m. - Sun. 9 to 2. Wanted Married men with car who needs to earn at least 875 weekly. Must be type who can work without Watching the clock and genuinely ambitious to get ahead. For appointment call 25364. NEW CAR agency has opening for salesman. Experience not necessary. Fine opportunity for aggressive and energtic man Stat age. experience, etc. in ltter. Write 335 co Statesman. 612 Work Wanted. Mais CUSTOM tilling with Howard Rotary- noe. can Z3&37 eves. CARPENTER - Alterations, finishing. cabinet work. Hour or contract. 4-2780 CAKPKNTRT any kind, reasonable Phone 4-2054. 4240 Macleav Rd LAWN mowers and saw sharpening. All work guaranteed. 391 Gerth. 2-1658. Free pickup and delivery. 6 lb Situations Waausd ROTO TILLER work wanted. Prompt service, nione z-zvoa. ROTO TILLER work. 2 machines with experienced operators. Phone 2-0594, 1145 Hood. CHID care, my home, anytime. Good references. Phone 3-8628. WANTED: Any type work at my home including baby sitting, hour, day or week. -28050. 363 S. 17th. COMPLETE bookkeeping service in cluding payroll accounting. Daily. weekly or monthly. 1509 N. 4th. Phone 3-5285. SMALL child care. 8 months to 2 years. Mr. Cone. Phone 2-1991. ROTO-TILLING wanted. Any type. CaU 4-3118. HOME biulding ic carpenter work; new or repair. Phone 2-2093. - MickenhamsX)ay Nursery State Licensed Ph. 2-7896 WOMAN wants hour work. Also ChH3 care. Phon S-5805. Mrs. Skinner. CHILD care In my home. Phone 28052. CHILD care day or night. Pnon 4-4548. 1598 s. Liberty, YARD- work, flower bed cultivating! Flowers removed 8s transplanted. Spading'. Lawn mowed 4c fertilized. Also new lawn nut in. Phone 4-1402. PAINTING. Can furnish A-l local ref- Work guarantee d. S-9094. - CARPENTER work. W know our bua- iness. Lars or small Jobs. Phon LIKE to bid on your spray painting. atny orana os paint you line, moo 3-4248. M. L. Gotten here. 145 NJ 19th. BABY sitter. Anytime, bay. or Bight. Pnon 3-53Z3. t PLOWING, discing. Orchards, s. gardens. . F. Cren can after s pan, 43168. w. shaw. CONCRETE work done. Free estimate. Phone 27183. GARDEN work don. M. Z. tUlx,Ca& 2-984. LAWNS: prepared t seeded, i light tractor with dozee etc. 2-8127. ' child Care In mV hom las s. lrrrt ra 2-87n. ' EXPERT lawn mower sharpening. Sat laf action ruaranteed. delivery. Howser Err Fre Dlclruo At Bros. Phon 33645- YARD work. New lawn put in, Pnon 4-241 or 3-8445. f Ths Statesman. Seism. Oroaon. Saturday. Aprfl ZT. 1SS1 9 60U Employment 700 Rentals 615 Situations WaatsKl fishes a FU-R Shop. Lswn mowers sharpened. 8115 Portland Rd. Phone Z-438L . . - , 620 DaycnKl Cctitract" Salem Sand 5 Gravel Co. ' - Contract Work - - Clearing . Ditching hsii at- Basement Eouipment Rental Ditching by th foot Pnon day 3-8408 Evenings 2-4400 3-8348 Salem Oregon HOME SERVICE 4ous hrrenng V foundations, remod ling, eon erst work of all types. An Insured-sad Bonded company Pnon s-wry - VW 1 1 lAXN I lNte fust oy Say ETTFJt Call Co S4QSL snad oettoi 700 flentaU 703 SltWpfaui SLEEPDtG room ' for working glrL Horn privileges. Pnon 3-Svli. fLKAaANT front sleeoin room. Very crose in. sax a. wnurcn. NICE ROOaf for employed man. dose oowwtonn. pnon s-ssis. - CLfcAN lighi housekeeping' room. T3 BUS. dist. nicely furn. room. Hot At c crater. Meat. 255 Center. ROOM to ladies or couple and soar home. Call Sat. a.m. 2480S. SLEEPING room. Phone 3-40J5, N. Choren. CLEAN attract! v rooms, close in. Reasoa 2-7481. bts. Prtvat ntranc. Phon NICE 73 ea Outside trance. Call S-S7S. SLEEPING rooms. Hot and Cold water clean 853 N High. -VACANCY for Christian girls. Newly decorated. Kitchen privileges. Us of nur nous, ots m. winter, pnon 3-4372 or 3-S480. - ' ROOM for ladies, share kitchen with 8 girls. Cloos to General HospitaL Phone 3-958. DESIRABLE sloe ping room adjoining bath, private entrance. 775 Ferry. BOARD AND ROOM. PHONE 4-4548. ROOMS with kitchen privlleses. Close tn state bides. 734 rerrv. SUITPING room for gentleman. Pri- vate entrance. Phone 2-4427. WEST SALEM: 2 furnished rooms. quiet location, prtvat entrance. Ph. 2-7554. 70S Apoaimsnts Foe Rsmt NICK larr 3 room furnished apart ment. 359 N. Liberty. Employed adults. Call 4-7 om. Phone 37124. CLEAN quiet apartment. Everything furnished but gas, ill Chemeketa St. COMFORTABLE basement apartment. Private bath and entrance. Reason able. Phone 34706. ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath. 54. Phone 33530. APT., stove and refrigerator furnished S33 month. 1835 Lee St. ROOM furnished apartment. Steam heat. Apply 205Q N. Capital, apt. 3. Ambassador - Apts. Nicely furnished apt. 550 N. Summer. MODERN APTi SUITABLE FOR I OR 2. NEWLY DECORATED NICELY FURNISHED Very close to State Bldgs. Ac city vate entrance. Reasonable, At Prl I N. winter. - APARTMENT in modem downtown apartment house. Phone 27440. CLEANT auiet I room apartment. Kit- chenette. closet. Electric heat. Em ployed woman. Mo smoker. Phone 35848. NICE furnished apt. Close in 1075 N Caprtol Pnone 3-S7Q8 MIDDLE-AGED widow wants female companion in modern home. No chil dren, housework or cooking. Phon 34319 after six. FOR RENT: Apartment reasonable. 1210 Tile Road in Hollywood NICE clean large furnished apartment. utilities furnished. Reasonable. Child care for working couple. 365 S. 18th. NICE modern furnished 3 room apart ment, and 1 Pullman apartment. Phone 3-8490. CLOSE to Capitol Shopping Center, fully furnished Frigidaire At Sim mons Beautyrest equipped .Private bath. AU utilities included. No extras. 1369 Center. VERY nice, clean, comfortable and furnished z room apartment. Reas onable. 841 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-3000. Georgene Gables One bedroom apartment, refrigerator, range, automatie laundry. 907 S. 13th. 5 ROOM court apartment, electric stove and refrigerator. 1664 S. 13th ULTRA-MODERN, new apartment for adults. Laundry range, refrigerator 2-7071. APARTMENT, private bath. 850 Phone 3-5838. dose in CABIN house frigidaire. Private house trailer soace. Quiet. 3 large rooms. frigidaire. Bach a lor apartment, all electric, adults. 3 blocks to town. All separate. 730 Mill. FURNISHED apartment court, 2 rooms. bath. $30 month. 1340 Lee. LARGE 3 rooms Ac bath. elec. range, refrig. utilities furnished. The best in town. 860. Ph. 3-8421 or 3-4897. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, refrig erator, bath, adults. 970 union. NICELY furnished 4 rooms apartment bath, utilities, walking distance. 450 S. Capitol. 2 ROOM apartment In heart of down town Salem. Phone 3-3711. FURNISHED studio and kitchenette for business glrL Furnished 3 rooms for couple. 1370 Chemeketa. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. 3 blocks to Capitol bldgs. Newly deco rated, automatic Bendix. Ph. 2-628. 2 ROOMS furnished. 825. On woman. Phone 3-5222. MODERN spacious 4 room apartment. Range, refrigerator. Phone 2-8429, 1718 N. CapitoL COZY 1 bedroom cottage with garage attached. Electric fireplace heat. Completely furnished. Hollywood dis trict. Call 3-6708. 2 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath, clean. 419 S. 19th. Phone 3-8004. S AND 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Children O.K. 2310 N. 4th. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath, also partly furnished S rooms and bath. 2O0S M. CapitoL Phon 3-8Q58 or 4-4Q89. TWO LARGE furnished rooms. One newly decorated. Refrigerator, heat, electricity, hot water, good ventila tion. One or two women or couple. No drinkers or smoker. 879 N. Cot tare. - - 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private both. Gas range. Oil circulator heater. . Wash, machine. Innerspring mattress. Refrigerator. Adults 835. 1250 N. Winter. MODERN 1 bedroom court apartment. Va block from bus and store. .Phone 2-3526. - ATTRACTIVE large 3 room apartment with fireplace. Private entrance. 880 N. Commercial. - 1 ROOM furnished apartment. 84 week! Elderly gentleman. Available May 1st. Ffcone 3-5276. NICK .clean light housekeeping room for one or two. 828 for one. Clos in. No smoking or drinking. S23 N. Com- trtercisL Phone 3-3577, 3 ROOM furnished apartment, refriger tor. electric stove, prtvat bath. Adult. 845. 894 N. Commercial. 3 ROOMS privat court apartment. Furnished, clean, garage. 3560 Port land Rd. NEW large 3 and 3 room partly fur- nisned. satomati launones. a ana up. Phone 2-5A52 or 3-4528, Well furnished 3 room apt. S blocks to Post Office - S4 N Cottar ruaXISHED apartment, rang and re- frigerator. own oatn. nuuoea rur gushod. doe to CapitoL 845. 2-2266. 703 Apartmsnts tot Esnt 2 ROOM anfurn. apt. Main Br. oil best. 1437 N. 4th. - . Auto 2 ROOM furnished apartment, prtvat bath At entrance. Downstairs. 944 S. 12th. . - CLEAN 2 room furniahod aoirtnuai. yg o. uin. cu oy poor. SUVEUAL APTS. ooo location cornoL turn, inq, H. L. stiff Fum. S-ilUi. 707 Hoo for Asrct MODERN bedroom nous. Xadeco. ton. Eloctrie stove. Inquire 1138 Rug St. 1-8277. - - iiODE2U4 2 bedroom nous near Laaiit schooL Phone 2-8491. 2 BEDROOM borne iumishedT yard 378. References desired. 8-53 .L i BEDROOM. Just outside city. Mo- ern rurntsanu. automatie washer. 85S ssotttn. Phone .S-289L or 3580 Fair- haven. TjtUklnSHXD one bedroom duplsx. . fully modem, adults, no pets. Oaa " t70S. i&XDROOM modem, 2 car gar, one acre. East. $50. Ph. 2-8811. 1 . MODXAN suburban 2 bedroom house. attached garage. 833. pnon 4-2571. f EW 2 bedroom duplex. 3345 HadleyT. BEDmOOM nous for rent. Venetian bands, hardwood floors, fireplace SX. pnone noia. SMALL clean nous new gas range Heater Garden not. 38519. fOCW furnished 3 room house, all eUc tric. Gexage. utility. No children. 4543. - . 2 bedroom unfurnished modem country home 980. Phon 23031. , 2 BEDROOM ground floor. Brey SU Garden, nic yard. Newly cleaned. 1 or 1 children. $80. Rang only, phono Vergets res. 27838 or 33748. SMALL cabin furniahod. Clean, ail util- ItiCSMid. bos S21.W Id. Ga coosung ana nat. nar JbO month. 29348. f URN1SHSD motel cottsg. utUitie mlA a-a?S or S-OSC7. a ROOM cottage, partly furnlaoed. close In. 492 S. Higft. f 1 VtAA old clean Sc neat 2 bedroom unfnTSMsned nous garae n nvro new surroundings. Elec. heat hard wood floors. Venetian bUnd. 8f5- ' mil E. of 4-Corners. Keys at 4X75 Stat. Phone 4-175. No 710 Wontsd To llsm. HosxswS S OR 2 BEDROOM nouse lsi Grant school dtrt- fnone 3-3 SMALL furniahod apartment or bonae. reasonable. A valiant juds 1. wJ" lng women and child 14 months. CaU 3-5700. ; 2 BEDROOM unfurnished nous. children, juacx ui, suvcrura. 714 Bttatooas Rontols IH!INS!S Wnwn W L Stiff ok RENT 2 room ouic 400 sq. fL electric light iniDU natural ana newly decorated. TIU floor. 184 S. Commercial sl nwai R00 Real Rotate Sale or Trade 1 of th cleanest 2 BJL homes for the price we nave nao us a , Strictly modem with Inside jF room. smaU shop Ac g sraee. North side close to bus. Price 8490O. or will exchange for good home priced up to 23000. $1000 Dn. Very clean 2 BJL home with attracttw viirhM Sr dinette, shady corner ss. Close to bus Ac school. Price 8635. 3 Bedroom Lste built spacious home In veryga. neighborhood. Engiewooa wisi, n $13J)00. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edeewater Ph. 3-81B9. Eves. 3-93CW "Specials" 3 BDRM. hdw firs, fireplace .attached garage, big lot with garden in bade 88500. $1250 down, terms. Business Opportunity 8 LOTS, 270 ft. front on paved st. tu bus, sone 3. only S2500r Also 2 bdrm home and large lot Joint the 8 lots. 55950. This is a very good buy. Some terms. HAVE large apt. house doing very Rood bus. in walking dist. of city all. Could be convert Into boarding house. This is mint for couple. See Leo Wortx for full information. 5 2-BDRM. homes, some with base ments, for Just $1000 down. Good terms, thes and many other horn. CALL LEO WORTZ. OFFICE PHONE 24552. EVE. PHONE Z33CS. FARMS & ACREAGE 73 A. stocked and equipped, ss in grain, ail lies fine. Almost new o room modern home. Large machine shed. barn, hog houses, 'etc. Live stream, can Irrigate. 1947 A At C trac tor, plows, discs, spreader, mower,, rake. etc. 9 head white face cattle. 52 head hogs, chickens, crops a", in. Buy this and watch your Income -grow. Only $25,000 for all. 30 An 14 in' cult. Jots of fruit, tarns nice timber, live stream, can irrigate, good barn, henhouse, 2 -car garage. 4-bedroom home, on paved road, must sell. $8500. $2000 down. Irriga tion pump and pipe Included. 50 A 12 in spring grain, balance alt tillable, now In pasture, fenced sneep tight. fine building site, cant beat this for $5000. only $1500 down. S A. east of Keizer. nice 2 bdrm stucco house, til roof. 8 stanchion barn, ground all in spring grain. This could be subdivided for building. Only $8500. would take good house tn town up to $7500. 3 HOUSES on Sunnyview Ave. and t acre ground, all for $5000. Good rent al property. A 8 in cult. 5 rra modem house, barn, put me in beans Ac com and pay for me 1st year. Only $4000 31000 down. Irrigation rishts. See us for these and many more good buys. T. T. ANDERSON. PHONE 24552, EVE NING PHONE 21519. Just listed 14' acre farm 8 mL' from Salem S JC. Good 2 bdrm house, bora, chicken house, double garage. 2 wells, nice oak Ac fir trees. Owner must selL Price only $8,500. Might consider good trailer house as part payt. or $3000 will handle. Imm. pos session. . Also ' acres about 7 ml. from Salem S.W. Fair bldgs.. well, farm all fenc ed. Price $8,000. Will trade for a small home in Salem or $1000 down. CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM 2-4552 Evening 25219 Colbath Land Co. REALTORS 1M3 Center St. Ph. 2-4552 E01 Business Opportunities" ESTABLISH FJ location for beauty shop. Sheridan Hotel. Sheridan. Or. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED! Due to government restrictions on chrome plating, we hsv created S chemical finish for automobile bump ers that looks bk chrome. Possibui ties ar unlimited with, a small tn vestment os $500. which will be cov ered with merchamfiso. This can bd operated as mail order burin trmr office by man or m rana t For interview and further informs.' tion call 3-7771 for appointment. Polk Co. Tavern Boat tavern in Stat with rood pury ana xeuni aocaaon. .Restaurs ant and apartment. Phone Dali4 2831 after o.- WLLL equipped garag Ac servic st tlon. $6500. Terms. 3. O. Sellers. ) ' O. Box 221. Turner. Oregon, raons I OR TRADE Becauso of TTlness. must sell my bust nos Ax move inland- New Biors leased cafe, store space. Shall 8rV. St. As good S BJL apt. on pai hi way. good business. Win take f. bom or hsc at acre in trad or near Salem. CaU 1-&K3 Coos Ba; Copley's Servic As supply, Co Bay, Fart si rl II. Oregon.