Ihm Statesman, Salen. ursayorju onagcry. Apra zxt 93117 HI Sasent ft peon aS 4 Medford Loses By 1-3 Point Salem Places Fourlli; Four Records Topped EUGENE, April 21-W-Klamath Falls nosed out Medford, the de fending champion, today to win the Class A title in the annual Hayward Relays here. The Pelicans scored 58 Vi points . only a bare V more than tbe Medford contingent. Eugene was third with 34 and Salem fourth with 26. Klamath Falls took first In the hot put and broad jump, tied lor first in the 440-yard relay and icored econd places in the high jump and shuttle hurdles to chalk up the triumph. " Four new records were set, one In the shuttle hurdles, a - new event. Dean Parsons, Eugene, estab lished a new discus record with a toss of " 157 feet 1 inch. The old record of 155 feet 11 Inches was set last spring by Dean Koch of Shelton, Wash. D. C. Mills oi Medford whipped the javelin 174 feet 810 inch for a new mark, surpassing the 170 foot 2Y4 inch throw set by Chuck Missfeldt of Milwaukie In 1947. Gary McFarland of Grants Pass broke the pole vault record by soaring 12 feet 4 inches to best the 12 feet 2 inches vaulted by Lyie Dickey of Lincoln of Portland in 1947. : -u- Medford won the shuttle hur dles, and in doing so set a new record. The team of Frank Mor ris, Hal Fullknen and Don Spinas chalked up a time of 34.2. Victory in that event, the last of the. day, nearly brought Medford to victory. But Klamath Falls managed to .come through with a second and that was enough to Win. . Salem's only first, came in the two-mile relay, with Buzz Covalt, Dick Glascow, Dave Casebeer and Dick Adams heading all the way. Their time was 8:29.9. , , Other teams finished .behind the first four in this order: ' Grants Pass 22, Grant of Port land, 211&, Jefferson of Portland 18 s, Roosevelt of Portland 18, CorvalHs 15, Lincoln of Portland and Marshfield 11, Springfield 9, Franklin of Portland 8!4, Bend BYt, Albany 4, Washington of Portland 1, Benson of Portland 1. Salem took third in the shotput and broad jump, the Vikings' Lar ry Martin was second In the jave lin and Salem tied for sixth in the shuttle hurdles. Coyotes, Badgers Split 2 Games CALDWELL, Idaho, April 21 -CP)- College of Idaho and Pacific university split a baseball double header today in the opening Northwest conference game. Col lege of Idaho won the first game 6 to 3, but Pacific came back on the four-hit, 11 strikeout hurling of G. Miller to win the second game 10 to 8. Double Header Today! 1:30 P. M. SALEM SENATORS VS. TRI-CITY BRAVES PHONE 34647 FOR BOX SEAT RESERVATIONS IT'S YOUR BALL CLUB - LET'S GO! d7 (Just Before Tea Get to the WE ARE LUNCH SERVING LUliVn Choose From Our Famovs Chines and American Dishes 2055'Fatryrouncfs Road 1H . Tern walking mr paint si ti . , .1 Meet Salem Y i a si. s. 'jo, .: v til V -1.. r th. wt V4fW 1 1 " if 11 i A l t ' ming tourney, held la Seattle, an these fire Members ef the Salem YH. From left U right are JUalmar Davis, Walton Turiey. Captain . Martin Nelson with the ehaaupieashlp plaaue, BUI Daswrth and Don Ullman. ! sporomsixiraisB (Continued fronv preceding page) Come to think of it Tilden once tried his hand at acting, and did a bit of Shakespeare. He apparently couldn't apply the musts of a champ at it, for he lost a pot full of dough before he decided to stick with tennis . . . - i . - .. . US and Olympic games decathlon champ Bob Math Us didn't . ge to Annapolis after an, mostly because he flanked the naval academy's math exam. lie's now firmly entrenched as a student at Stanford and is being- counted upon to be the In i lasts' first line fallback next fall. In the meantime he's on the Stanford traek team and the ether day unfurled a discus heave of 179 feet . . interest in Club Definitely Revived ' r T The coldness of the night doubtlessly kept the Senators Inaugural crowd below record-breaking- figures. But even so the 4500 who did welcome their home-owned heroes amounted to reason enough to believe that interest in the townies definitely has been revived. The gathering missed by less than 300 of ! bettering the all-time opening night attendance record of 4750 (racked up in 1940 for the first pro fessional game in Waters field history), but got H. Lubys men off on their way toward luring well over; 100,000 into the big ball yard for the season. There was little hope of lowering the park's overall record of 7790 for a single game, however. That total jammed the arena in June of 1946 for the Sal em-Portland exhibition tilt,' a bene fit for voung Tommy Edwards, son of the late 'Frisco" who died -in May of that year. Tommy is now one of the Solon batboys, along with Bobby Levy incidentally. " -t Good chance , for some more king-sized attendance figures to enter the corporation books today also. Given a warm and sunny afternoon, which Is the US weather, bureau forecast, the 1:30 o'clock double bill should pack em in. And net only will the customers ret their two games for tbe price of eae. hut they ussy also have their long-awaited chance to see for thr rives if Bill Sevens' arm is one again sound. BUI is scheduled to hurl either : today or .Tuesday night when Victoria comes la. Bury the Beaver Nigh? Thursday Then too there-is the Bory the Beavers Night" planned for next Thursday when Victoria' is here. That's the one during, which city and corporation officials will officially ' and gagfully) bury, the former Portland Beaver ownership in center field, or hang it from the flag pole. There is to be casket, appropriate music, etc woven into the program. So don't miss it. Victoria is the club now working with Portland, you know. It is also the one in the league which keeps all its own gate receipts when at home, and gets not a single dime when it plays en the road. Jamming the park Thursday night will mean much moo la for the Senators corporation coffers, as well as a chance to pass along an appropriate haw-haw to yon Beavers ... Hollywood Stoplights) DINNER! and Opens! 11 A. M. to I 2 A.M. Saturdays to 3 A. M. Phone 65U . Belle my good friends, glad or seatag so many peopla up at my fplaea. ws brm Sots fun her no body crab head off if talk lead or em sing. ovet jttody Sony good mt-; tow becauM up her they get extra aa world ta esse you net near me ! tsCtag about it beforaj If you Bk top grade, deuhl AA 2yNe w4 feed taste. Ye ere ke I; TX3 CZfO t Pletar aC of hml! m'mem., rraak v. . : ei ia. ; Swim Champs 1 1 Northwest TICCA Jasitr A Santiam Skiing Reported Good SANTIAM LODGE, April 21 -(Special)- Good spring skiing is reported in the Santiam area with a total of 70 inches of snow on the ground. The chair lift and rope tows win be operating Saturday and Sunday. Reads are wide and free of snow and parking space is said to be ample. Top Quality work clothing ur siijir ft r tbtst Advanfagtt UMOKXSt FABJBCS... .CKAUa7E0 PATTSM$...e eWtfl ffll AND LOOK race CfOtK f ANTS e SHIRTS i HATCHED SITS Weer tk the dress eon) eee em smi f Hard Tops 1st Program Today Huge Field of 49 Cars Due for Races Salem's 1051 auto racing season gets under way today at Holly wood Bowl when the hard tops, one of the prime favorites here last year, give forth with a full program of speed. Time trials will eet way at l pjn. wun main races to start at 2:30. t The trials have been moved up one-half hour because of the rec ord number of ears registered for tbe Inaugural- jrortjr-mne In all have now been, signed tn by spon soring Valley , Sports promoters. Over SO showed up lor a hard top program at Portland Speedway two weeks ago.': "?: Today's starter, which will set off u series of weekly programs in the big Portland road bowl, will be climaxed by a 35-lap Class A main event featuring the fastest cars In the arena. A 10-lap Class B rnainer and 15-Lap consolation race will precede the -main event. ::r. ;"j Most of the Worthwesrs foremost drivers will be in the action, in cluding many of the old favorites who have buzzed the local traek in the past couple of seasons. What with last year's state racing war now , ended,' drivers ! and ears of both factions are entering the same races. , and consequently are pro viding keen competition and bigger thrills. Such vets as Bob Gregg, Johnny Fuller. Wild Bill Hyde. Herschel McGriir, Crash Timrmngs and others are sure to feel the press of competition from the new drivers and their hopped-up buzz buggies. The bowl track and stands have been worked into top shape for the opener. The sponsors intend swing ing to night racing later on, when' the evenings become wanner. - f . Hard tops are; the souped-up, jalopy-looking cars whose owners and drivers have little regard, for bumps, bruises and ? crackups so long as the highly mechanized mo tors keep running in? top shape, j Repetoire amaica NEW RORK, April 21 -W)-Repetoire, the Vu-ginia colt with the misspelled name and the fly ing feet, won the $49,800 Wood Memorial at Jamaica today and became the easfs leading contend er for the Kentucky derby two weeks hence. r Mrs. Nora MikeU's Sags-to-Riches galloper flashed under the wire by a head margin over Cain Hoy stable's Battle Morn, with Brookfleld farm's Intent third, an other length, and a quarter behind. Sparkles; Trojans Victors LOS ANGELES, April 21-P)-Illinois great Don Loz today be came the third man in history to vault 15 feet out of doors, soaring to a bar-brushing 13 feet, 14 inches in Memorial coliseum. Holding a crowd of 9,197 spell bound long after the rest of a triangular meet between Illinois, Michigan and Southern California bad finished, Laz tried again and failed to clear the crossbar an inch higher. Laz took the, play away from a smashing Southern , California victory. The Trojans, defending NCAA champions scored 75 points to 41 for Illinois and 35 for Mich igan. : Table of Coastal Tides TIDES rOR TAFT, OREGON ! (Compiled by U. S. Coast & Geodetic Surver. Portland, Ore.) rACITIC STANDARD TIME APRIL. 1951 Rica Waters Low Waters Time Ht. Time Ht 22 1:19 p.m. BJ 6:52 a.m. -1.2 6:29 p.m.; 1.9 7:38 a.m. -1.5 7:10 pjn. 2.3 S JZ7 ajn. -1.6 7:55 pjn.: 2.6 9:19 ajn.i-1.4 8:46 p.m. 2.9 10:18 ajn.i-1.2 8:51 pjn. 3.1 as 24 25 12 JO a.m. 2:13 p.m. 149 a.m. 3:11 p.m. 1:53 a.m. 4:14 p.m. 2:43 a.m. S21 p.m. 13 9.2 7J 4.9 7.1 AJt 6.1 4.7 rrfyi9 o iiiiur RuPfltSfaT AnrMIe1 Wlllsp ttutaf luMfMCt 3 Event 4 Cbeck uM edd fsreke luid M aeeeWL I redamsfuav T7E ALSO SFECZAI2ZZ CT OrXIPIEIlS OJUQS nZYSCZ J122 T7HZZL BALATTCCIQ VYB GIVE AND TtTDHIA ph::iy sAvei stat.i?s OtJOQO Center ami N. Liberty Tetena Northwest drivers Cod Bob Lents (IS) wfil he among For Twist Tittle Tuesday Arnle Skaaland. the stoetly erected Swede who came close to lifting the Coast Junior heavy two week age, gets a seesud abet as cne, armory - xuesoay 1 k shnding Jack last week's stormy brawl Eddie Williams. Gorky Gorky and wis, but Williams still believes when the time ben rang. Overall It was s match good enough to be recast a la the Tuesday main event, Maurice LaChapeBe will again handle the refereeing duties. Prizes Handed Out to Winners In Big Mill Creek Kids Derby By Den Harser A small but enthusiastic group of Mill Creek Kids numbering 150 strong whooped and cheered Saturday as they sat through a morning of entertainment in the Izaak Walton League Clubhouse on So. Cottage, which included nearly everything from, funnies,' to In dians on the movie screen, awarding of the prizes to the winners of the annual Salem Lions club-Izaak Walton-sponsored Mill Creek Junior Fishing - tournament, : a friendly word Of warning from Judge Joseph Felton and ice cream cups. It was a small gathering when compared with the 1,000 strong that whipped the waters of Mill creek the preceeding Saturday in search of a fish that would give them a prize. Regardless of size however, the small 'flock of Jun ior anglers and amglerettes, some of whom were, accompanied i by parents, were - none the less en thusiastic when Judge Felton started the awarding of the priz es. "One of the things you had better learn right at the start, grinned Felton, .is the value of the little annual angling synopsis put out by the game commission. Get one and study it well or you may be spending some morning coming in to see me." Jerry Coon, whose 'booby prize' entry was listed as "Just barely 6 inches long," was given a fish De Liar along with Felton's advice that he would have no excuse in the future for entering a fish that was "just barely.' When the awarding of the prizes was fin ished with the handing of a hand some spinning outfit complete In every detail from lures to rods and reel to Richard Boedigheim- Delleieus Chinese and American Feed Catering Service Phone 2-917S Orders To Go! Open 4 pjfl Open at N - S ajta. Daily m Sat. A 222M No. Commercial SIPS j(Regs450Vc!u3 -( i .-e tteetawe f I I Any Make Car WUa Ilydraaule STOalO j St. . Pftone 2-2491 a mm SAB (lit Eabinson (O), Ivan Booth (SI) sad the 41 er neve bard top pilots today 1951 speed mat title belt from Frank Stejaek sdgbt. The rasged amd smutshrnc -S tojack ducked she rematch last week while boldinr out i for s larger guarantee from Matchmaker - Elton-, Owen. He had ased ens ef his gigantic airplane spins tn the first match to spill the hustling Swede, ell- srmitn. The retake is expected Three matches snake up the prelims, first one starting at S3I pu nu la that one Jack (Tiger) Klser, always popular and spectacular here, toes erf with Cowboy Ace Abbott, Grade-A nasty. The No. 2 mix puts Ted Bell, opposite CoL Frank Murdeek. Bell looked very geed here a week ago. The semifinal will he a rematch also, carried over between Seldat (Big Russian) came out ef that one with the he had the bearded nastie pinned er, age 16, of Stay ton, -for his largest (14 inch) fish, there was a cheer that could well have come from 1,000 throats instead of 150.' Plans were voiced for a; bigger and better tournament next year that may take in two days over the weekend. Among other im portant changes planned was the acknowledged necessity -of hav ing a better hl-way policing sys tem to prevent heavy footed mo- BETTE DAVIS BARRY SULLIVAN Jd: Vemand "FOOTLIGHT VARIETIES' NOW SHOWING! Open 9M - Sfarts 70S DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS ' POLLT BERGEN "AT WAR WITH THE ARMY" ) James Whitmore Nancy Davis "THE NEXT ! VOICE VOU HEAR Mat. Daily From 1 P. 1L) MOW! SAVAGE THRILLS! a Strange Adventure! cot. rrcn 1 r. u. JLAST TX22Z3 TODAY! Abbott and CosteDo XM ITY1N0 TA1CCVSOY- U- L 1 1 . TTiTsMmtTCJQSsia- unrn laz'-au era jjJJ u nx. races foremost drivers will appear la 1 ' (Cost from prev. page.) . Willamette finished one, two three in the shotput, mile, 440. the sprints and broad jump. ' A double winner .for the Bear- eats was Bog Goff with triumphs in the 440 and 880.' -? r -" The 'heralded javelin duel be tween Willamette's Bob Hall and Lanfield's John Grundhauser ended in favor of Hall on a toss of 191 feet, IVx inches. WITs Stan Nepe rud was second and Grundhauser third. -i Shotput: Hitch man fWI. Gnson W1. Smith (W). Mark: 43' 8U". I . torists from speeding across bridg es and througn areas wnere the kids . were congregated in fishing spots. STARTS TODAY - CONT. 1:45 1 41'1 --1 8ECONO FEATTJKE . "HEART OF VIRGINIA Janet Martha, Robert Lowery Time, trials start at 1 p. a - HELD OVER! 1 AND MOVED TO THE) V ! j THC UTTLE HOUSE nrTr;nr O PH. 3-3721 .0 CONT. FROM 1 P. M. &' NOW! YOU CAN STILL SEE iTI j Tta funnies! beck to tcms DAW S VH t9fK . nun m itMJMuvw ttonox tmsa -. . .-rfssusp- a a 'vY- i L'tkh'l DAVID WAYNE oJm- TOM EWELLes-V.'rs' CO-HITl RAYMOND WALTER NEW TODAY! F- Don't Miss Judy HoDday Winner of the Academy Award for Best Acrtess of the Year In the Funniest Picture Of This (Or Arty Other) Year ... Bl0fjest Thing V 9 V TV ffCUslf CaI13 AfjCIiii ILtarJrla. lUyiielii at Z3I. Most ef the Northwest's the inAuXBral. . I . ' SCOer' . Bow (W). " Stewnaoii CW. SUnfier (W). Tune: 4:4SX i " -440; CoH'(W), mkg m, Cwhia (W). Tisae: AJ. j - ien Mcrts (W). Snllko W1. Van Bon W Tima: iSO. ! HiSi barUIcs: Mull IW). Staaaito (W. SeWtw L). TtaM: :lS.t. i Javelin: HaU (W). Neperud (W), Grundhauser L). Mark: 191 HVL. f: Ooff (W). MiUer (WJ.lJsefer (L). Time: Sd4A f ' " Pols vault: Thr way tie f&r first . betw a Yowsgbers (L and Moa aad Cottoa (W). Marfc: irr. I - aa: Van Horn W). Cwalike fW). Bltehman (W). Time: :taa. j -- High Jump: Mertz (W). Teanrberf (L). Standlier (W). Mark: t. - Discus: Beater (L). Hnghes- (D. Porter (W). Mark: 118' 2ii". Broad Jump: lisodlln W). Saaakle (W). starts W). Mark: 21' li' . . Two-mil: stsuifer (W). Stfveamn (W). Lapp (U. Time: i Low hurdles: Hertz (W). SchWwe (I.). SUndlfer (W. Timet as.T. i - Sunday Dinner POT: ROAST AMERICAtl LEGION CLU3 1 Members, Auxiliary Members and Their Guests Only WfTH TH"pT"rWTS ' est cf the tsrer... W ALBURN CATLETT Ifs the In Townl $ G V SIPECDADi f tt 77 : ) ( 1 I s til -if rc: 4 ;