The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1951, Page 12, Image 12

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    f ' ' , . .
It 1 HII1M
12 The Statecacm. Salami Orsxron. Stmdar JL3 32 1
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HfEmn Piluso has hung up his whistle after 27 years of It,
be But Steven the moustachioed little stylist himself that
iemeExt November he'll be right back at it. We know him too well
TO OSCs I?JveMann, the halfback sensation with the Rooks last
fall is now the No. 1. left hall lor
Kip Taylor's spring touchdowners
while on -offense and the safety
man on defense. Salem's Cub
Houck is listed as a first string
linebacker also, along with tackl
ing expert Bob Redkey. Bill John
son, another Vik grad Is a third
string defensive guard. Line coach
Len Younce says the kid has great
possibilijties-. . . Speculation around
OCE now that Bob Knox has sur
prisingly resigned says Bill Mc
Arthur will assume the role of ath
letic director, but will continue
coaching the Wolves footballers . . .
Forty-nine entries for the opening
auto race at Holly-bowl today, the
largest field in Salem motor speed
history. Indicating that plenty of
cars and drivers are now available
to the Northwest, and that the
Holly-bowl season could be its best
ever. . . Top shot put mark in the
niro Nnrtkarn TVvieirm fnrior to
yesterday's meets at least) is the 46 8" effort owned by Silverton
grad Duane Eby who now attends Oregon State . . . Senators First
sacker. George McDonald has a personal record ; of which he
Justly proud. For his 12 seasons in the Coast league with San Diego
and" Seattle 'Mac" biffed a lifetime .305. When he leaves the WIL. we
hope it'll be .405 . . . Hearty laff: Portland wouldn't sail for the
FCL's home-club-keep-all-the-receipts plan when offered this sea
son. So the sillies then turn around and lead the entire loop to date
In attendance! (Wonder upon which hand B. Mulligan bit himself?) . .
Beavers Aren't Good- League Just Bad ' -
f Speaking of the astonishing Beavers and their total disregard for
the . preseason opinions of the "experts" up and down the line,; we
were talking with a highly-regarded baseball man while in California,
and asked him what he figured was the reason the Bevos were leading
the league. "
They have pretty rood pitching." said he while asking not
to be identified. "Bat they're not so sharp elsewhere. Frqpi what
I've seen of the Coast league so far, the Portland club isn't that
rood. It's Just that the other teams are that bad this year. The
- league has slipped a lot"
Our commentator happens to be one of the most widely known
major league baseball scouts, incidentally ... J
While buzzing with us the other day tennis great Bill Tilden, who
must have studied dramatics, elocution and diction along with his
set game volunteered the following:
"I was talking with Jack Dempsey one day and asked him,
'Jack, what makes a champion?
- "Dempsey pondered a long time and then replied, A champion
must be an athlete' who can arrive at his very best effort at a given
time. If it is to be at 10 o'clock for a fight, it must be 10 o'clock, not
nine o'clock or 11 o'clock. The same goes fori a tennis player, or
a golfer or a baseball pitcher. He can space himself through the pre
liminaries, but when it is time for the chips to go down he must be
at his peak.
"To which I thoroughly agree," chimed Tilden.
(Continued on next page j
Seattle Racks 11-6 Win
leavers Suffer Second
Stefoht Loss to ! Suds
PORTLAND, April 21 -(Jf)- The Portland Beavers saw their
Coast league top-place margin hacked down to three games tonight
as the Seattle Kaimers topped them for the second straight night,
11-6. The Suds unloaded 15. hits off four Beaver hurlers and poured
over eight runs in the first four
Innings. Portland got all its runs
In the second and fourth frames.
Sacramento's Solons climbed
up to second place with an 8-6
win over the slipping San Diego
Padres who fell down to a tie for
fifth place with Hollywood. The
Twinks lost to the Los Angeles
Angels, 6-5 and the San Fran
cisco Seals again jumped over the
Oakland Oaks, 9-5.
The teams close out the. cur
rent series with the usual Sunday
VerbatUb 5 12
Rackleyji 2 0 0
Rivera .cf 9 3 3
vuanlchjf 5 S 2
Vico.l 3 3 9
Ehecly.e 3 17
fcnichjb 5 11
O' 5 0 2 0
0 BsinskUb 5 2 12
OIThomasb 5 4 2 1
OBroviaJx 2 10 0
0 BarrJ-f
9 0 3 1
4 Austin
0 Lynn.p
2 Mclrvln ,p
9 0 S 2
0 8 0
Hamnras 4 11
2 2 3
0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
Martin.p 2
flamsev.ll 2
0 0
1 1
Eoriano.p 3 0 0
Christ! .c 10 1
4019 37 8Helser.p
10 0 0
I Total
37 10 27 12
a Bockman walked for Mclrvln in
b Dierck grounded out for Helser
In Oth.
Seattle 112 400 12011
Portland 030 300 000 6
Winner Soriano. Loser Lynn.
Id Ab R HErBbSo
Ip Ab
Lynn 2, 14
H ErBbSo
7 4 11
3 4 12
S 1 1 2
.3 2 12
Creel l
Helser .
Martin .
3i 11
3 17
-6 20
8 0 9 9
2 0 4 3
E Gladstone. Krsnich. RBI Jud-
nlch S. Krsnich 2. BadnsU 2. Thomas
M. Sheely. Rivera 2. Brovia 2. Vie. 2B
Judnich X Thomas. Austin. Rivera.
SB Rivera. HR Basinskl. Krsnich,
Brovia. Sac Vico. DP Hamner to
Vico. LOB Seattle 7. Portland 13. PB
Salkeld. Unrips. Carlucd and Engeln.
T 2:47. AtL 5394. .
gollywood ?(V1 002 0105 10 2
os Angeles . 000 040 0026 12 0
Sena Hoc k. Wade (5) and Dapper; Ad
ldns. Marino (). Dobernie (9) and
Oakland , ., ' 000 000 0145 10 3
-fcan Francisco 400 030 20x 9 11 1
Shoun. HtUle (7) and Malone; John
son and Oriels.
Sacnmcnto. 040 001 300 S 14 0
Cm Diego ! ,.013 000 O03 6 0
Cress. Klieman (9) and Hairston:
Santiago, Kerrigan (7), Malloy (9) and
SEATTLE, April 21 - (Special)
Bob Hamblin of Salem was one of
IS University of Washington fresh
men to win his numeral during the
Baxter Early Medalist
Floyd Baxter Is the early med
alist as initial firing opened Sat
vrday in the annual Elks-sponsored
Mid-Willamette Valley
meet. Baxter carded a 38-25 73,
law among the first 14 cards
tsrned in.
Deadline Tor qualifying play la
the big tourney Is Sunday night.
April 2Sth. After, all qualifying
cores are tsrned In the field will
be divided lata flights far the
drive teward titles.
george Mcdonald
Certainly one of the blrrest catch
es taken since the epeninr day
of flshlnr season was the 29
inch rainbow trout hooked by
Chock Mode! (above) of Hop
ville. The fish, a 6i pounder,
was taken on the South Santiam
river with a Ford Fender spoon
and a flatfish plug.
1940-51 swimming season. Com
peting In the backstrokes. Hamblin
helped the Husky Pups to a suc
cessful year and showed promise
of becomnig a point-getter for fu
ture Washington varsities.
Play Opens in
t . r -
.of &f .
' r
Other early I qualifying scores:
Glen Lenrren 76, Ken Uoxle S2r r
J. W. McCallister 85, Dick Wolf e t
84. Boh Parker S3. Paul Sundial
81, Stan Smith 85, Bab- Thompson
88, Ken Potts 79, J. R. Wood 88,;
Bob Price 80, Frank Ward 84. i
A host ef swingers are expect-
td to record their qualifying
scores today. Officials expect the -field
t number above 15 whem
qualifying deadllas unw eooaes
abaat. w .tr'!.- v r-H -
' . 3
Stone, Wig Frame
Ruin Solon Gluh;
! By Al Urhtner !
proving they're just as human as they are heroic, the town Sen
ators last night dropped a 5-0 decision to the Tri-City Braves in their
second game of the season at Waters field, therein allowing the TC'r
to tie the series count.' The resident nine could do next to nothing
with' the soft but accurate serves
of Righthander Dick Stone, who
got by with a five-hitter. A five
i fifth inning at the expense of
Jerry Barta brought about the
Solons' undoing.
With things now even the clubs
wind up the four-game stand to
day with the 1:30 o'clock double
header. Mgr. Hugh Luby will call
upon Lefty Ludwig Lew, one of
the heroes of the opening night
win,- and ; Johnny Burak to face
the Columbia river club. Skipper
Charley Petersen will counter with
Augie Zande, a newcomer ngni
hander in the learue, and the vet
eran Lefty Cy Greenlaw, i
And inasmuch as the attendance
fell off to a rather feeble 830 last
night, the Senator corporation
heads are hoping for a hefty af
ternoon at the turnstiles today.
The husky Barta toiled on even
terms with the tantalizing Stone
for the first four frames last night
but succumbed in the fifth. Three
singles, a walk and Third-baseman
Neil Bryant's bases-loaded
triple into right-center brought
about Barta's demise with but one
out. Sal DeGeorge was called in
to douse the flames, and that he
did after Bryant tallied the fifth
run of the inning on Nick Pesut's
fly-out to right field.
DeGeorge hurled efectively the
next three heats, yielding but two
singles, and then after he was
lifted for a pinch-hitter young
Jack Hemphill twirled the ninth
inning and got through in fine
shape with a 1-2-3 performance.
But there wasn't to be any run
making for the pride of 25th street,
using control instead of a strong
arm, Stone gave but four hits
along the way. Other pitches were
hit hard off him occasionally, but
always right at some waiting Tri
City defender. It was just one of
those nights.
Even at that Stone needed help
in the ninth when it looked as if
the Salems were to burst forth
with their only real argument of
the game. Stone hit Dick Faber
with a pitch to start it and then
George McDonald spanked a line
double into right field. When
Norm Grabar walked to fill the
sacks Skipper Petersen called in
Big Jim Olsen for one of the fire
laddie performances he was noted
for many times when a Salem
Senator. Jim didn't fail. He whiff
ed Johnny Hack, got Glenn Tuck
ett on a foul-out to Bryant near
the stands and then ended it all
by getting Bill Beard on a fly to
It was a nifty piece of relief
ins to say the least.
Tri-City had nine bingles all
told, two by Rube Navarro who
only signed with the Braves yes
terday. Navarro is the former U
of California fullback who play
ed in the 1950 Rose Bowl game
against Ohio State.
On the brieht side for the Sa-
llems, Pitcher Ray McNulty has
reported ana indulged in a work
out last night. He'll be ready for
action in another week. Also, the
Solon infield checked in with
three double plays, all of 'em dan
dies . . . Glenn Stetter saw his
first action for Salem in the game,
pinch-hitting for DeGeorge in the
eighth. Glenn promptly spanked
a hard single to left field, one of
the few thrills the gathering had
. . Bob Goldstein, with the club
last season, has been released out
right. The I)axxml
Spaeter.2 2 11 4 Myers. 4 0 3 2
Buccola.l 3
Peterson. 5
ULuby.2 3
4!Faber,m 3
O McDonld.l 4
0 Grabar.r 3
0'HackOf 4
WTuckett.3 4
0 Beard.c 2
0 Barta.o 1
Cameron.r 3
BryantJ 4
Pesut.c 4
Navarro.lf 4
Edltin,m 4
Stone, p '4
Olson, p 0
OiDGeorge.p 1.0
btetter l l
Semphill.p 0 0 0
Totala 30 4 27
Totals 33 9 27 8!
a Singled for DeGeoree in 8th.
Tri-City 0OO 050 000 5 9 1
saiem ; ooo ooo wo o 4 o
Winning pitcher: Stone. Losing pit
cher! Bart.
Pitcher Id Ab H
R Re SoBb
0 0 3 4
0 0 10
8 S 2 S
0 0 0 1
Stone 8 27 4
Olson . 1 3
Barta 4i 18
DeGeorge 3a 12
Hemphill 1 3
0 0 0 0
Hit bv Pitcher: Faber by Stone. Wild
pitches: Stone. Left on bases: Tri-City
pitch: Stone. Left on bases: Trl-Clty 7,
Salem 8. Error: Pesut. Three-base hit:
Bryant. Two-base hit: McDonald. Runs
batted In: Peterson, Bryant 3. Pesut.
Stolen base: Spaeter. Double plays:
Tuckett to Lubv to McDonald. Spaeter
to Peterson to Buccola. McDonald un
assisted. Myers to Luby to McDonald.
Time: 2:00. Umpires: lacevetti and
Hanich. Attendance: 830.
LOS ANGELES. April 21 -UPh
Royi B. Brashear, 77, who played
baseball in the early 1900's with
the St. Louis Cardinals, and later
with Louisville, Kansas City and
Los! Angeles, died yesterday. He
was an umpire in the Paclfio Coast
league for several years.
Ellis Meet
The Salem coarse saw s hale
In -one chalked this week. Hunt
Krech hitting an ace en the 135
yard eighth hole. Krech did the
trick with a Na. 8 Iran and was
playing with Bill Stevenson. Bob
Parker and Claude aXartin.
Final title was decided in the
SGC Handicap tourney en Thurs
day . as Floyd Hatchings topped
Win Needham to captor laurels
ia the second flight.
Yakima, Caps !
Loop Leaders !
Tacoma Loses Pair;
Vies, Indians Split
By The Associated Press
The Yakima Bears opened the
Western International league cam
paign Saturday with a double win
over the Tacoma Tigers in the
Tiger ball park. Yakima took the
afternoon game, 6-1 before 3,300
fans as Ted Savarese scattered
nine hits. In the nightcap the
Yaks won 11-1 as Hunk Anderson
twirled a seven-hitter. !
The Victoria 'Athletics and Spo
kane Indians split an opening pair
at Spokane. The Vies took the aft
ernoon go, 6-2 before 2759 fans
and the Indians notched the night
tilt, 4-3. , 1
Vancouver's Capilanos racked
their second straight over the
Wena tehee Chiefs, 11-3 as George
Nicholas went the route.
012 032 12011 13 3
000 020 010 3 10 4
Nicholas and Cheso. Dahlc, Rounds
(9) and Len Neal. .
SPOKANE, April 21-AP)-rirst fame:
Victoria 000 010 4100 10 1
Spokane 000 000 0112 12 3
Smith and Marcucci; Nonant, Weaver
(8) and Nulty.
SPOKANE. AprU 21 -AP)- Night
game :
Victoria 000 000 030 003 7 2
Spokane 010 001 001 014 9 0
Hedgeeock and Martin; Bishop, Rob
ert (7) and Hinz. Nulty.
TACOMA. AprU Jl-(AP) -Afternoon
Yakima 002 100 0308 9 2
Tacoma 000 000 0101 2
Savarese and Brenner; Clark, Goldi
xen (8) and Sheets, Watson (8).
TACOMA, April 21 -(AP)- Second
Yakima 140 010 20311 18 1
Tacoma 000 100 000 1 7 1
Andersen and Tiesiera; Amador and
Fierro (8) and Watson.
Bowling Star
To Show Here
Harold Asplund, rated one of the
top ten bowlers In the country,
will be In Salem Tuesday to show
the technique which has won him
ln laurels throughout the land.
Asplund, who has ABC singles and
all-events titles to his credit plus
a number of perfect tunes, will
roll against Salem's Frank Evans
in an exhibition at Capitol Alleys
Tuesday night at 9 o'clock.
Asplund is scheduled for dem
onstrations at University Alleys
during the day Tuesday. The pin
standout is travelling under spon
sorship of the Brunswick company.
Oilers Snare j
Bowling Toga j
The Randle Oil team captured
the Women's city crown Saturday
night at the annual. City tourney
at University Alleys. Randle Oil
totalled 2649 and second was Cup
board Cafe with 2555. Lutz Florist
stood third via a 2541 score.
Doubles and singles action is
set today starting at 2 and 4
Other leading team scores: Good
Housekeeping 2509, Capital Drug
2498, Brydon's Nursery 2492, May
flower Movers 2479, Elwood's Ma
son's 2453, Senator Beauty Shop,
2431, Chuck's Steak House 2411,
Curly's Dairy 2306, Pades Coffee
Shop 2176.
Point System
EUGENE, -April 21 (Special)-
The Bix Six prep athletic league
will continue as at present with
one modification. That was de
cided at a meeting of Bix Six offi
cials here today. j
The one change is introduction
of the point system in grid play.
Vern Gilmore of Salem proposed
the point idea for football as a
means of overcoming difficulties
arising from a change in the prep
district setup.
Under the point system, to be
introduced next season, a win
brings two points, a tie one point
and a loss no points. District com
mitments will make impossible the
round-robin type of schedule in
Business today also Included
drawing up of next season's bas
ketball schedule. i
Whitman Takes Pair j
WALLA WALLA, April 21-(ff)-Whitman
college took both games
of a Northwest conference double
header from Lewis and Clark of
Portland here today, i wining the
opener 8-4 and -the Seven inning
nightcap 6-1. - Ken Wright and
Dick Coon were the winning pitch
ers. .-
Auto and Horn
O. T. (Ted) Panzer
ZS Center St. - Ph. 3-8233
Middle Man
j; ; Fv
This Is Dick Faber, new center fielder for the Salem Senators. Dick
hit .301 and drove in 88 runs for Tri-City last season. A native ef
Orange, CaL, Faber was purchased from the New York Yankees
chain by the Solons a few weeks are. Hell be In the Water field
action today when Salem and Tri-City play their 1:30 p. m. double
header. I
Mertz Leads Stackhouse Crete
Bearcat Cindertnen Kip
Oilfield Sipad, J05-2J
Willamette's Bearcats, showing an impressive amount Of all
around strength, crushed the Linfield Wildcats 105-21 Saturday in a
Northwest conference dual meet held on McCulloch field. !
Sparked by versatile Ted Mertz, Coach Chester Stackhouse's
W L Pctl W L Pet
Vancouver S 0 1. 0OO; Victoria 1 1 .5O0
Yakima X 0 1.000 Spokane 1 1 .500
Salem 1 1 -5001 Wenatchee 0 2.000
Tri-City 1 1 .5001 Tacoma 0 2 .000
Saturday results: At Salem 0. Tri
City S; At Wenatchee 3. Vancouver 11;
At Spokane 2-4, Victoria 6-3; At Taco
ma 1-1. Yakima S-ll.
WLPct. W LPct.
Portland 17 9 .654 Hollywood 1212.500
Sacramen 14 12 .538 San Diego 1213.500
L Angeles 13 13 .520 Seattle 11 14 .440
Oakland 13 12 .520 js Francisco 8 17 .320
Saturday results: At Portland 6. Se
attle 11: at Los Angeles 6. Hollywood
5: at San Francisco . Oakland 5; at
San Diego 6, Sacramento 8.
W LPctl
Brooklyn 3 1 .750
W LPct
St. Louis 1 1 .500
New York S 4,333
Phlladlphia 1 3.250
Pittsburgh 2 1 .667
Chicago 2 1.667
Boston 4 2 .667Cincinnati 1 3.250
Saturday results: At Cincinnati 8,
Pittsburgh 3: At Philadelphia 6. Boston
8; At New York 3. Brooklyn 7. At St.
LiOuis-cjnicago, rain.
W LPctl W LPct
Washingtn 4 1 .800 Phlladlphia 1 3 .250
Chicago 3 1 .750! St. Louis 1 3.250
Cleveland 3 1 .750! Detroit 1 3.250
New York 3 2 .6001 Boston 1 3,250
Saturday results: At Boston 6. Phila
delphia 3: At Cleveland 1. St. Louis 9:
At Washington 7. New York 8; At
Chicago 8. Detroit 7. -
National League
001 000 1013 7 0
003 041 00 10 0
Chambers. Walsh (5). Muir (7) and
McCullough, Fitzgerald (6); Fox and
Boston . 004 010 0038 14 1
Philadelphia 010 012 002 2
Bickford. Hogue (6), Estock (9) ana
Cooper; Roberts. Crisante (5), Candini
() K-onstanry (8) ana senumcK. -1
000 200 1317 8 2
New York
100 200 OOO 3 1 2
Van Cuyk. Branca (7) and Campan-
ella; Jansen. Kramer (8) and Westrum.
For Bcnl I
Tnxclu I
Tans. Stakes, Pickaps
D Tour Own ITaaling.
Save H I
Paeklng Pads and Hand t
. Trucks Furnished.
Ccnlrd D-Drivo 1
TrncI: Servico
Coc Ferry and Ubexry
for Senators I j
i " '
t '
- ' i i
' i
5- -r-.f
' r
" i
j . t
1 i '
... . ." 4
, ' 8 s .
men rolled to 12 first places in
14 events and made sweeps: in six
Mertz racked up four wins and
a third for a total of 21 points
easily the standout individual
performance of the day. j Mertz
captured both hurdles ,the cen
tury and the high jump and was
third in the broad jump.
Only Linfield first came In the
discus as Heater tossed 119 feet,
2Vi inches.
(Continued on next page)
Beavers Edge
Vandals. 3-2
CORVALLIS, April 21 -(vP)-Oregon
State college squeezed out
a 3-2 victory over the University
of Idaho here today in a Northern
division, Coast conference base
ball game. Yesterday the Staters
toppled Idaho 8-4.
OSCV Carlos "Cub" Houck tied
the score in the last half of the
Time Trials,
Oregon! newsboy derby
Konstanty Belted: Yanks Nose j
'' Nats; Tigers, Bosox Get Wins
' By Ralph Roden i I
- NEW YORK, April 2l-(JP)-The relief pitching of Jim Konstanty,
1-A last, year, has been 4-F this season. ' . . 4
i The veteran -righthander, who appeared in? 74 rescue missions
in 1950 has been severely tagged in two outings this season.
! Konstanty was , charged with a defeat in his first appearance
against Brooklyn and today he was hammered as the Boston Braves
defeated the Phils, 8-6. . t
Konstanty appeared in the eighth inning with the Phils trailing,
5-4. He : got by the eighth but was belted lor three runs in the
ninth; The Phils came back with two in the last of the ninth but the
' : . 1 j ;
Sanford New Prexy;
Confab Ends Today
An unprecedented itep .was
taken by state Izaak Walton league
members at their state convention
Saturday as they named for the
first time salaried executive
secretary to coordinate the activi
ties of the various chapters.' The
man named to fill the post Is CoL
Ronald L Ring, retired army offi
cer from Corvallis, who has de
voted much time to Walton activi
ties in the past several years.
Rex Sanford of Salem was elect
ed state president and Robert EL
Brown was named a director from
the Salem chapter. Sanford has
been president of the local group
the past year,
Edgar Smith, member of the
state board of higher education
and president of the Portland
chamber of commerce, told Wal
tons that America needs to "re
dedicate itself to the ideals of the
founding fathers' in the principal
address at Saturday night's ban
quet at the Salem chapter's club
house. Concluding state convention
business today includes a meeting
of the State board of directors at
9 a m. and trips to the Detroit dam
and Silver Falls State park start
ing at 10 ajn. ,
EUGENE, April 21 -(flV The
University of Oregon turned back
Archer Pipe and Blower, Portland
semi-pro team, 6 to 3 in an exhibi
tion baseball game here today.
NEW YORK. April 21-(AP)rProbable
pitchers for tomorrow's major league
games (last year's won and lost rec
ords in parentheses):
- National learue: Brooklyn at New
York Ersklne (7-) vs Magll (18-4).
Boston at Philadelphit Sain 20-13) vs
Church (8-8). Pittsburgh at Cincinnati
(2 Wehmeier (10-18) and BUckweU
(17-13) vs Dickson (10-15) and law
(7-9). Chicago at St. Louis Rush (13
20) or Melish (0-0) vs Brecheen (8-11)
or Boyer (7-7). j
American league: Detroit at Chicago
Rogovin (2-1 vs Pierce (12-16). St.
Louis at Cleveland (2) Johnson (8-8)
and Fannin (5-8) ve Wynn (18-8) and
Garcia (11-11). New York at Washing
ton Raschl (21-8) vs Kuzava (8-10).
Philadelphia at Boston (2) Scheif (3
10) or Fowler (1-5) and Wyse (S-14) vs
Scarborough (13-18) andNbcon (8-8).
American League
100 000 002 S SO
200 000 04 10 0
Hooper. Harris (8), Coleoan (8) and
Tipton; Totobs. McDermott (8) and
100 020 810 11 1
000 001 0001 S 2
R,nr anrf Moss: Lemon. Zuverink
(7). Chakales (9) and Hegan.
New York 014 100 1108 11 0
Washington OOO 007 0007 10 2
Shea. Reynolds (8). Ferick (0) and
Berra: Bearden. Brown (3). Rose (6),
Harris (7). Moreno (9) and Grass.
023 001 1007 13 3
004 001 0018 9 3
Ncwhmucr. Hutchinson (3 and Gins
berg: Kretlow. Dorlsh (3). Dobson (8)
and Nlarhos. Mas! (9).
ninth with a walk, a sacrifice by
Bailey Brem and a single by Dan
ny Johnson, second baseman.
Johnson came In for the winning
run on a single by Pete Good
broad. -
1:30 P. M.
1. 1
, rally fell short.
The Braves clubbed starter
Robin Roberts and three relief
pitchers for 14 hits. Earl Tofgeson
and Walker Cooper led the attack
with three hits each. Roberts was
the loser and Vern Bickf ord the
winner. . -s
Jackie Robinson drove in three
runs on a homer and double to
spark the Brooklyn Dodgers to a
7-3 victory over the New f York
Giants. The Dodgers broke a 3-3 ,
tie with three runs in the eighth
inning. Gene Hermans ki singled to .
start the rally and Duke Snider
and Robinson followed with dou
bles. Robinson then stole j third
and scored as Catcher Wes, Wes
trum threw low attempting to nail
the Dodger speedster. Ralph
Branca, who held the Giants
scoreless over the last three in
nings, was the winner and Larry
Jansen the loser. s.
The Cincinnati reds posted their
first victory of the season, whip
ping the Pittsburgh Pirates, 8-3.
Howie Fox scattered seven hits
in outpitching Cliff Chambers.
Bobby Adams led the Cincinnati
assault with a home run and pair
of triples. t :i ,
l Rookie Mickey Mantle doubled
home . the winning run in the
eighth inning as the New t York
Yankees staggered to a 8-7 vic
tory over the Washington Sena
tors. The triumph snapped a four
game Washington winning streak.
Frank Shea, bothered with ! a
sore arm the past' three years,
started for the Yanks and enjoyed
a 6-0 lead going into the i sixth
inning, when he blew up. The
Senators shoved seven runs across
against Shea, Allie Reynolds and
Tom Ferrick. Gil Coan began the
rally with a triple and climaxed
it with a three-run triple. Coan's
two- triples in one' inning tied the
major league record. 1 i .
i The Detroit Tigers, Boston Red
Sox and St. Louis Browns posted
their initial victories of the season.
The Tigers defeated the Chicago
White Sox, 7-6. Boston turned
back the Philadelphia thletics, 6-3,
and St. Louis trounced Cleveland,
9-1. - - Is
: fTed .Williams, with a two-rim
homer, his first of the season,
and Lou Boudreau and Bobby
Doerr led the Red Sox drivel Bou
dreau and Doerr banged out three
hits each. Chuck Stobbs, -with
help in the ninth from Mickey
McDermott, was the winner. )
Ned Garver stopped the Indiana
on five singles while the Browns
hammered Bob Lemon and two
rookie relievers for 11 hits. The
Browns drove Lemon to j cover
with a five-run game-clinching
rally in the seventh. i 4
: The Tigers pounded out 15 hits
in their nip and tuck struggle
with Chicago. Johnny Groth with
a double, triple and two singles
led the way. Hal Newhouser start
ed but left in favor of Fred Hutch-.
inson during a four run Sox rally
in the fourth. Hutch lingered un
til the ninth when Earl Johnson
I took over to preserve the victory.
1 A night game between the Chi
cago Cubs and the Cardinals sin
St. Louis was postponed because
of rain.: ! i
BERKELEY, Calif, April 21
(JP) UCLA trackmen took J 17 oul
of 18 sprint points and swept the
880-yard run here today against
the University of California to de
feat the Bears in track and field
events 77 to 54. r - I
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