IS The Statesman. tSalem. Cagoiv sunccry. Apnl 8. 135 1 ElectsStuck In Sheridan BUtesmaa Nw Service SHERIDAN Frank B. Stuck has been elected president of the Rntarv rlnh. Other officers: Vin cent Russell, vice president; Char- les Gould, secretary; Dean Hol mes, sergeant at arms: .directors. Frank Stuck, Vincent Russell, Dean Holmes, Bert Webster and; John Duerst. The. high school has announced chairmen for May day. Ann Beard glee and Vernon Brandt will - be general chairmen. Others will be: Decorations, Lois Ann Calkins; open house, Rosella Braden and Helen Daeges; publicity, Mary Ann Mowery and Byren Wood; coronation, s Kenneth Frack" and Louise Jones; concessions, - Betty Wheeler and Violet Green; dance decorations," Bill I vie: building, Junior Event and Don Cooley; ports, Larry Johnson; grounds, Floyd Stuck and Palmer Byrkit; program, Wilbert Shenk and Dor othy Berkey; dance programs and refreshments, Bonnie Ellis, and dance orchestra, John Peterson. Jesse Donald Duncan, 20, son of Mrs. Mary Duncan, is now serving as storekeeper on the USS Con solation, a hospital ship. He at tended Mill Creek grade school and Wniamina high school, grad uating in 1948. He is aboard the " name hosDitai shiD as his brother EarL ' The Hiway cafe on east Main street will open this week with Mrs. Frank Raines and Mrs. Le- Roy Wilson in charge. The cafe formerly was operated by Bruce Croghan, who. was recalled to na val service. About 250 persons attended the meeting of the WSCS of the Meth odist church last week, when Mrs. Henry Roe Cloud American Mo ther of 1950, was guest speaker. Patricia Whitfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Whitfield of Sheridan, received her cap at a ceremony for student nurses from the Good Samaritan hospital at St. Mark's Episcopal church in Port " land last week. She entered .the hospital of nursing in September of 1950. She graduated in 1950 from the Willamina high school and received the Yamhill County Medical auxiliary's scholarship in nursing. Hie Bellevue Garden club met at the community hair last week with Mrs. Leslie Buffington as a guest. Mrs. Vina -Pearson spoke, Mrs. Pearl Taylor won the door prize and . Mrs.; Mildred Russell and Mrs. Barbar Russell served refreshments. " Adjoint meeting of the officers of the FOE in Sheridan was held at the Luther Hyder home last week. - -,- '. The Garden club met at the Methodist church last week with 35 women present. Mrs. Callie Heider presided. Mrs. Mabel Wil loughby of McMinnville was guest speaker. Mrs. George Eisenhower of Portland, state president, Mrs. Karl Unger of Beaverton, district president and Mrs. Ritter of Port land and Mrs. Olstein of Portland were other guests Following the meeting a tea was held with Mrs. Cora : Wilbur and Mrs. . Yolanda Swail at the tea tables.: Music was provided by Mary Ivis. Hostesses were I sa belle Smith, Rhoda Smith and Carrie Montgomery. Mrs. John Van Sindern was hos tess to the Neighborhood Nine pic ochle club at "B dessert luncheon and an afternoon of cards Thurs day. Mrs.- John Talbott won hlgh Mrs. Cust Gustafson " second and Mrs. A. M. Gill and Mrs. William Mehlhof f pinochle prizes. The Sheridan PTA presented its You Elay Hoi Know This.. There's more to filling a pre scription than mixing the cor rect amount of the correct In gredients. For the best results we use reliable branded phar macats only. SCOilEFER'S DRUG STORI 1899-1950 . Phone 3-5197 135 North Commercial 1 Delicious Chinese . and American Feed T Catering Service ' Fhone 2-1 17 J Orders To Gc! 1 03 econd- annual) IMper Dotngr last week with Bob Wells as' master' Of ceremonies. Vocal 'selections, band numbers,' readings, tumbling and basketball games made up the pro gram which made $140 for the PTA. The next meeting, April 18, will feature nomination of offi cers. Mr. andj Mrs. Bert Webster, who recently mad. a trip to Hol land and other European countries, will speak. . ij f- t Willamina Folk Attend Meet In lUtftman Niwi Service WILLAMINA Attending the district Rebekah f convention in McMinnville were Golda Ramey, Sadie Brock, s Edythe I Richardson, Alberta Smelser, Gayette Barnett, Hazel Olson, Ann Call, Thelma Edwards, Mamie Edmlston, Doro thy Dill, wilma Thomason and Amy Fox. Florence I Markee of Sheridan won the prize for her vice grand's charge, f : Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myers were in ? South -Bend,! Wash., last week, where her father, Elbert Pedersen, died at the age of 88. Funeral 5 services wer held Mon day afternoon. The PTA is holding a series of teas to raise money for the treas ury. A small charge is made each person. Mrs. Gus Swanson, Mrs. Ross Wright' and Mrs. Al Endres had the first j teas at their homes Wednesday, i' Connie Sisk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sisk, was hon ored on her third birthday this week. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Neva Lee and Patty, Mrs. Lois Burnham, Larry and Keith of McMinnville; Mrs;" Paul Hed lund, Judy and Johnny of Sheri dan; Mrs. Frances Herron and Darrel of Sheridan; Mrs. Dorothy Puckett, Donna i and Carolyn; Bobby Bus well and Mrs. Herman Bate. - -;. i. Beta XI Theta Rho club 62 will meet Monday, April 9, at the Re bekah hall. The Corbett Acreage Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Schwab this 4 week. The next meeting will be April 12 at the home of Mrs. Emil Kluth. 1C2H NiComacrtlil Tea walklas Tr ;peJ stere Vsuev McMinnville I'M end thm facts spock for thmmsmlw It's tONCIST tn the low-price field, a full 197 Inches of spirited' action end clean, 'sweeping fines. It's KZAYIIST In the low-price f!e!d( a staunch and solid 3140 pounds In the model Illustrated, ft hoi the wi&ZST 1TZAO In the low-price field, a rood-taming 51 Inches befween centers of the rear wheels, .longer, heavier, with. wider, treadN.3 that's the measure of Chevrolet's rock-eoKd value big In fools, big Iri handling and riding ease big In road-hucjing performance. Why settle for less than a Chevrolet ... when Chevrolet Is the lowest priced line In the low-price field. Ccsdrcssen 3 Revue Tops P-TA Program SUtesmaa News Service . JEFFERSON The men's fash ion revue, featuring the "Sours Models," stole the show at - the Parent-Teachera association pro gram, "Nonstrise n Fun in '51" In the school gym Friday night, Men were assisted by Mrs. Hal Reeves as Madame Irene and Ir vine Wright and Mrs. William Brown as a song and dance team. Delmer Davidson and Joseph Rowe escorted the models. The revue opened with Blondie (Clayton) Wills showing how mi land looks early in the morning, with 'cold cream and curlers; Babe (Varion) Goin modeled a shopping costume consisting of dirndle skirt and of f-t he-shoulder blouse (Scotch tape holding the blouse in position); Greta (Fred) Graham, in snug white sweater and plaid skirt, the latest in golfing outfits; Gussie Moran (Joseph) Rowe, in tennis outfit complete with lace panties; Sarong (Doug) Bradley, a plump Bikini bathing beauty; Fifi (Harold) Wynd, wearing costume suitable for afternoon tea; Flossie (Douglas) Olds, bridal white gown (with bride eating her corsage of radishes); Carmen (Allan) Wiede mann, dancing costume with head dress trimmed in various flora- and fauna; and Susette (Russell) Daul ton, modeling black lace nightie. Also presented to the audience was the Backward Quadrille, cal led by Colleen Bailey and put on by Euclid chapter members, the flag drill by Mt. Jefferson Re mekahs, the Euclid chapter S&W boys, Irvine Wright, Roland Wall and Edwin Swartz, assisted by Josephine Getchell, the Marion Women's kitchen band, and Danc ing Sambos featuring Wayne Johnston and his electric guitar with Gary Zehner, George Mar latt and Robert Bostrack. Mrs. Varion Goin was master of ceremonies.' ATTENDS DANCE FESTIVAL MONMOUTH Mrs. Faye Knox, OCE dance and rhythmns instructor, attended the recent Mills college Folk and Square Dancing Festival at the Mills campus in California. You wanting to nave good time and good food you come to my establishment I am always cooking best Chinee food In whole world or Salem too. That la not to brag or lie 'cause to lie to bad. You not believe me come up to my place, I show you I am best Chinese cook personal. Whether you are want top Grade AA steak or finest Chi nese food, you soma see us we fix juat like you like. rn sufo f that's my aaaae. ivra) Picture aet f . this any emata rraak Ameiricca's Largest caocfl FflniesC' Low-Meed Car. Wftyf.'.Ona FZOPLB CUT DOUGLAS McKAY; ' p ex - I ' ' ' East Salem Cubs : Stndyriilailroa ' , . Statesman News Service f ' j ? : EAST SALEM j 'Washington school Cub Scouts and den mothers and fathers met Friday night when Cubmaster 'August Fate presented awards to several boys from each den. ; vr-?--" - A W v - ' v. During March the cubs , studied the work of scouts ' in foreign countries and on tables were dis plays ' representing several coun tries, including Africa and Mexico. The boys all made bird houses and many of these were on display. ' i Railroading is the project being sxuaiea tms roontn. ans .1 ' Statesman News Servlee INDEPENDENCE The Inde pendence city ! council was per suaded Wednesday night by a committee of local women to help finance a summer recreation pro gram for children in the city park. The women, led by Mrs. Mar shall Powell, gained $150 from the city's general fun d, and ! the council appointed a committee to work out details' of a city recrea tion board. Appearing with Mrs. Powell were Mrs. Bev Walker, Mrs. Ralph Scranton, Mrs. j Ed Taylor and Mrs. j J. A. Rombough. The committee appointed by the council includes Councilmen H. G. Storlie and John Pfaff and Mrs. Powell and Mrs.i Taylor. In , other action, the council turned down a request to operate a pool hall for minors as a recrea tion project without a city pool license, made minor changes in the garbage franchise and author ized a contract with the state (Jost Before Tew Get to WE ARE SERVINO LUNCH Cheese From Our Famous Chinese and American Dishes 2055 Fairgrounds Road arm Indep - el T-fl ciin Youth Worl 1 : i , r9 m mm mm mm m I m rTW mm m rmtm m I K . . . m . . Salem s Most Beautiful Down Town Restaurant FDR YOUR SUNDAY DINING PLEASURE Grilled Salmon Steak i Virginia Baked Ham Baked Swiss Steak Roast Young Turkey Swift Premium Fried Spring Chicken Open from 8:00 A.M. til 8:30 P.AA. MARIE SCHNEIDER, Prop, and Mgr. 524 State i Phone 3-5978 or ICsef Ye$, mizsn . . and hmrw or thm plalnspokmn rmasons fiZHZSL BODY QUALITY, renowned for solid end lasting good--ness. UNITtZZD KNU-ACTION RIDf, smooth and c'dlng. YAWI-IN-IOAD CNOITa ECONOMY, spirited perfbrmonce ot lowest co$t. PAlOaA7JC YIIISILTTY, with a bjg curved wind ' shield I and lorg'e window orea. JU7.t20-DSUAl C2AKIS, biggest 'la Chevroiet'a field, f AITTY-SICHT INJTRUMTMT PANEL, .with shielded Instrument lights. POWZZtCUSI AUTO.'.IATIC TRANS ' IA1SZ10.1, bniknne-proedcombined wUh. 1 05-h.pV volve-ln- head engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. CHIYuOLTTS THAN AT1Y CHEVROLET CO. niL,:.way cocmis. Ion to Install : a flashing beacon at Main and Mon- Mixtm.k t&UXje. appearea beioxe the council on behalf of the fire department and his. request that bids be called for, on a chassis for the i city's new fire truck was granted. Bids are' to - be closed April 20. , Valley Birtha " SHERIDAN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burck of Sheridan are parents of a daughter, born April 3 at Wil lamette hospital in' Newberg. ; r Mr. and Mrs. Mervtn Berkey of Sheridan are parents of a daugh ter, born March 23, at McMinnville nospital. -. .. ,. WILLAMINA " Mr. and Mrs, : Starts Today Coat 1:45 . -im the nM.' . Co-Feature K .s0-n - r-.vT l the HeUrwoei StopliarfaU) .id DINNER! Open: 11 A. M. to 2 A.M. Saturdays to 3 A. M. Phone 2-6596 The Sfvhnse De Use 4 Dssr Mm iMMrtse ef rtrfsrrf iphnwt W trim fffw tt i i r -f ea mtrntlmhiltly ef 1 OTHZt' CARI l ' . .wis the noA- . ' fx 1! e 14 r Valley Students ; nriTifiTri nri 11 .w.tih 1 MONMOUTH The winter term honor roll released recently names 33 OCE students. -i The roll included:. Mildred P. DeVos, Mary Li Henry, Peggy D. Neal and Wanda TL Nelson, all of Monmouth; Joan AJtken and Seth Underwood, both of Salem; Will lam E. Bear, Turner; Jean Darby, Silverton; Margaret C. Mills, In- Lawrence Baker of Willamina are parents of a daughter, born March 22, at McMinnville hospital. : NOWI Martin and Lewis "AT WAR UTTII .THElARMir . Tlam Humphrey - Beg art as "rnie Enforcer" 1 Held -Over! And ' Movcdifo Tho I THE UTTLE HOUSE ! Ph. 3-3721 Cont. from 1 P.M. " i NOWI LASHING THRILLS! I'll MI you, ; Owens.Lfor this I'll kill you!" Mh HOGH JUtLOK KM JAGGS Co-Hitl Secret HOWARD Counter J Spy Meets Scotland : Yard 55 N. Uberty 5S " -.i depenaence; Btvcrly A. Mulhol land. Sweet Home, and Twilo J. Ty fit tjM smMAf W . wme -mw -m vm W I TP F V RHONDA VJ.VV ' JUIDI J53 WITH THE BKi HTS Weapons Stolen! . . ST llOHN CATALOG SALES DEPARTMENT $ - X j?, r-f zzZj I Z-vL prlr. j Dock 1Z CI . toiTeiekf Wali :'. f7 ."SJ- - TYRONE - Vw"sK: X: - . S- f' ' - ... . r t Would You like a Copy of .Wcurds New MidspringBook? A free copy Is yours on, request cf the Catalog Department la1 our store; come In. and get today. These popular Catalogs hvoys go fast,' and our policy b "first come, first served. Seasonal Items at attractive prices make It possible' for you to pur chase a variety of of Spring needs earfy, and save. Order at our Catalog Department or call our direct-En phone service. We9 handle) everything from order-writing to helping you make your selection; It's a personalized service youll enjoy. - , ",. Now Showing! Open :45 SUrts 7:15 GARY COCPZ.1 RUTH ROMAN RAY3IOND MASSET la Technicolor "DALLAS'! ALEXIS SMITH SCOTT BRADY TJNDERCOVEK CIKL- j sJ rp r ry p f. - -(... .1 r Mat. Daily from 1 P3L e NOW! . Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride -M and P Kettle Back ea the Farm" Co-HM Evelyn Keyes "KIUER THAT STALKED - NEW YORK - Cent, from 1 PJM. LAST TIMES TO0AYI . : Roddy McDowell -"GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING" ..-l : . . The Marx Bros. "Night the Opera" 7 Phone 3-3197 i i t ? - - It:- - .I) r Hours: 9:30 to 50 P. M7. Friday 9 JO A. M. to 9 P. M. Open 4 BJ9B. - 3 aJta. Daily. Open at Nmi Sat A Sob. 510 N. Commercial : St. i. " jh'y ''l!f-, . -1 - ... , Salem, Ore. 222 No. Commercial