13 The Dcdosmcm. Calom. Owgon. Sunday, Aptfl 8. It31 Joyco Lulay Married on Satui rday ' St. Joseph's Catholic church was the setting for the marriage of Miss Joyce Lulay, daughter of Mn and . Mrs., Walter Lulay and L norn Wilson, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, xm Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Father John O'Callaghan performed the double ring ceremony before setting of yellow snapdragons and white stock. Verne Esoh was the soloist and Mrs. Raymond Barton the organist Altar boys were Gil bert and Melvin Lulay, brothers of the bride. , . - Of white satin was the bridal fown fashioned with a lace Peter an collar and lace bodice. The full skirt ended In train and the short pointed pepium was of laee. A wreath of orange blossoms held In place her fingertip net veil and she carried a bouquet of oalla lil ies and green and white caladium leaves. , Mrs. Robert Wallace of Oreen leaf, Oregon was her sister's ma tron of honor and wore am lte green satin and marquisette gown with matching cap and mitts. Bridesmaids were Miss Lenola Wilson, twin sister of the groom, MUs Mary and Miss Ruth BUakoff, who wore coral satin and marquis ette frocks. They carried nosegays of carnations and sweetpeas ed ged in laceloa and in tnelr hair were marquisette braided head dresses. Flower girl was Shirley Ann Lulay, sister of the bride, and Michael Mlnogue, nephew of vie groom, was ring bearer. . ; Ray Lulay was his brother's best man and groomsman were William ' BrunkaL Mllo Beibelheimer and Michael Loekner. Ushers wera Ad rian Lulay and Gerald Bullock.: Mrs. Lulay and Mrs. Wilson both chose navy ensemble with matching accessories for the wed-- ding and their corsages were of pink rosebuds and stephanotis. -J- Breakfast, KeeepUea Fellow A wedding breakfast was held immediately after the rites at the Catholic Center for the bridal par ty and two families. In the after noon a reception was held at the Center. Pouring wera Mrs. Ford Loekner and Mrs. Jamas Minogue. Mrs. Aloysius Lulay of Mt. Angel cut the cake, assisted, by Mrs. Ada Fa ris. Assisting were -Miss Made line Loekner, Mrs. Fred Goffin, Mrs. Minrod Gerard, Mrs. Ray mond Ditter, Miss Joanne Lulay, Mrs. Walter Breitensteln. Miss Charlotte Wood, Miss Oeraldiae Jarvis, Miss , Agree Kooh, Miss Dolores Koutney, Miss Mary Pit trok and Mrs. John Drake. When the ooupla left on their wedding trip to Wesdoo the bride changed to a navy blue suit with white accessories and oomage of orchids. On their return they will make their home at It 18 Huge . street. Club-Women Will Attend Institute Salem Woman's olb members will meet on Friday afternoon at the clubhouse at 2 o'clock with tee Junior Woman's club in oharge of the program. Mrs. C. M. Collins is arranging the program, which will be a recording of the national board meeting of the General Fed eration in Washington, D. C Nom ination of officers will highlight Vie business session. Hie tea chairman is Mrs. Rob ert Hutcheon, asisted by Mrs. C. L. Bowes, Mrs. F. L. Brownell, Mrs. H. G. Carl. Mrs. J. -M. Devon. Mrs. C. H. McCullah, Mrs. Mary Lach elle, Mrs. Chiton Mudd, Mrs. Verne L. Ostrander, Mrs. L. M. R a mage, Mrs. J. Howard Shubert and Miss Antoinette White. Institute la Portland A number of Woman's elub members will be In Portland on Thursday to attend the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs In stitute at the Multnomah hotel. The honor guest and speaker at the all day session will be Mrs. Oscar A. Ahlgren, first vioe-pres- nieni oi tne uenerat Federation, - who is arriving from her home in Indiana for the occasion. Registration opens at 9 a. m. and Mrs. H. M. ZeU, president of the state federation, will nrirf There will be a noon luncheon and banquet in the evening, v Salem women making reports at the institute and appearing on the panel will be Mrs. Fred C Cast, third vice-president of the Oregon Federation, and Mrs. George Ail ing, state treasurer. There will be panel discussions in the afternoon vith Mrs. Ahlgren serving as mo derator. Those wishing reservations for the luncheon or dinner ere saked to call Mrs, Carl Chambers. r-.'-r.. -M--: -;' ' Jason Lee WSCS Slates Meeting The Woman's Society of Christ Ian Service of Jason Lee Metho dist church will meet in the Kirkby room at 11 o'clock on Wednesday. The general business meeting will be conducted by the president, Mrs. Joe Klinger. At noon a luncheon will be served by the April-October circle. Circle reports and introduction of guests will be given at this time. Following the luncheon a de votional meeting will be held. Mrs. Glenn Prather will play the opening piano prelude. Mrs. E. J. Williams will give the devotions. Mrs. Carl Gies, program leader, will be in charge of the special rogram to follow. Mrs. A. E. Ut ey will sing a sole, "My Task," accompanied by Mrs. C A. Mc Clure. The speaker for the after noon will be Mrs. James Sidney Stiers from Seoul, Korea. All fcnembers and friends are invited to attend. , .. . ,. CLU3 CALETIDAB MOXDAT ' s ' J' Salem Ftna elub with Mrs. Jsek Brown, B. street, psA. I v ClMtdwiuk A mmMy. Order of Rlx- nr cor o y p m airla, meet et'lCaaoale Temole, elub recreatioa meeting. Salem Woman's clubhouse. 136 p.m. WKDN&SOAV - " t : ' PLB end T elub wittt Mr, rraneea Neld-Hr9r. S South 14tn t, S p.na. ur elub iwltW Mrs. prlve. (HLuDAf f .aural &octl Ho B. W. Smmctt, Ciena Creek: HirhXeMl school hobmci au nvmm iooi. 1:18 1 t schfi pjn. Parties Honor Brido-Elect j Several parties have been ar ranged in compliment to Miss Pa tricia Maonamara, whose marriage to Joseph MacDonald will be an event of. April 28. f Saturday afternoon Mrs. How ard R. Post and her daughter, Mrs. Harold MoCauley, entertained at the .former's home on Candalaria Heights In compliment to the bride-to-be. A dessert " luncheon was served by the hoitesses fol low by a miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect. i : -U- -I Honoring Miss Maonamara were her mother, Mrs. H. M. Maona mara, Mrs. R. T. Mslin, Mrs. Jsan Ma?Le,a and Mrs. Charles Achats of Portland, Mrs. Qrval Boyle of Vancouver. Wash., Mrs. Paul Bell of Forest Grove, Miss Lola Burris, Mra, Donald Baker. Mrs. Frank CatvtA and the hostesses. Lisa Maonamara was honored at a pre-nrpn'l shower in Portland on iSaraa 5 when Mrs. Charles AahatL wko will be her honor at tamdact at tu wedding. entertaU ad at kar home for twenty of th brtde-elaers former olassmates at St. VlnoeaVs hospital. . t Junior CluS Style Show Wednesday SELVERTON The Utast styles In cotton frocks, afternoon prints, after-five o'clock ..dresses, suits, skirts, : blouses, slacks, jackets, shorts and swim suits will be on parade at the Junior . Woman's club fashion show set for Wednes day night, April 11 at T o'clock at the Palace theater. ; , A regular feature will be on the screen. "Beauty on Parade" star ring Robert Hutton and Ruth Warrick.:;--. ; ;' . '; -Vl; i;-"' Mrs. Craig Clark will be com mentator for the "Bon Voyage" show of the junior women. Acces sories shown will be hats, bags, gloves and luggage. - Sets are being built by Larry Crennel and La Verne Bergerson. Mrs. James Ekman, Mrs. A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Kenneth Olson, Mrs. Jeanne Gilbert, Aria Tofta, Louise Smith, Cherul Syron, Len ny Olson and Charleen Frank will go aboard with styles from J. C Penney oo. Weibys will send Mrs. Carlton Hands, sr., Mrs. Leland Morgan, Mrs. LoweU HobUtt, Mrs. Alan Foster, Diana Hobart. Louise Smith, Deanna Taylor, Mark and Freya Martin, and the Style Shop will outfit Mrs. Norman Kastman, Mrs. Carlton Hands, Jr, Mrs. Orval Frank,1 Mrs. LaVerne Ber gerson, Mrs. Wallace Satern, Mrs. Robert Burr, Norma Parton and Louise Franklin. - Proceeds from the show will be used to send girls to Scout Camp 5i the summer and to meet the ubs donations and obligations. but there somsthl ngr daflnlioly' wron? witfi Oregon. What oilier -well regulat ed atats would get free cravel from the rlvar a law feet away (aven delivered by the government dredge) when it could hire a lot of men to haul gravel from a few miles away' and then raise the taxes on the men whom It hired? - Equal rights Better get out the lawn mower Mama, maybe Dad will clip the lawn . once this season he usually does the first time or two, unless it pushes too hard. Tie late . Here it Is almost the middle of April, and in a month it'll be past May Day and by Jxzly things will be drying up and we haven't even got our garden plowed yet -W:';;:-T H""-' :::, Ulspkr la found . . We found a young man who is satisfied - he has everything, and he's only In his twenties. His home Is paid for, his garden Is perfect and he has gone to every place he wishes. What a hor rible state to be inl We give thanks for the things we wish for but cannot afford, our de sire for leisure and travel, the anticipation of belter days and the zest for life that comes with dreams as yet unfilled. May we never have everything we wan! life would just be too, too dull . , .Marine Buren. i . YWCA Week to Be Observed Plans have been formulated for the observance of National YWCA week by the local group, accord ing to the president of the board. Mrs. A. A. Schramm. A special guest here for the week, April 22 to April 28, will be Miss Ruth HilL national executive of the YWCA. On April 21 the Trf-Y girls will give their annual Cotton ball at Salem high school from 8:30 to 11:20 o'clock. A feature of the af fair will be the crowning of King Cotton. Three events are slated for Thursday, April 28. The Tri-Y Teen Mothers club will hold a no host luncheon at the YWCA. La ter in the afternoon the annual membership silver tea will be held at the Fairmount Hill home of Mrs. Sidney Lewis for all YWCA members and friends. In the eve ning a banquet will be given by the Salore and CO clubs at the Pine Inn! , '-: ' v' '- On Friday, ApriL27 there will be a display of crafts at the YW. For Sunday, April 29 is the dessert for Tri-Y seniors to be given by the Y-Teen committee. Young ad ult committee and the Willamette university YWCA. The affair will be held at Lausanne hall at 1 o'clock. ' Son is Born A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Travis Cross at Sacred Heart hos pital in Eugene on April 8. accord ing to announcement made to fri ends here. The child is the grand son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cross, Salem, and Mrs. Walter Apel, Long Beach, Calif. . Playground ea.aisneat at Bash pasture which was donated by the Salem Soroptimist dub will be dedicated at a ceremony at 1:30 on Wednesday. Miss Gurrier ; Tells Troth Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Ruhl are announcing the engagement' of their daughter, Miss Virginia Dale Currier,' to Barnes Deering Rogers, son of .'Mr. and Mrs. Emmet T. Rogers, all of Salem. No wedding date has been set. 1 ' The bride-elect Is a Salem high school graduate and a freshman at Oregon State college, majoring In science. She is a member of Delta Delta i Delta sorority. Her fiance Is also an Oregon State student1 majoring in business' ad ministration. I His fraternity is Sigma Chi. The betrothal news was : first told at the Tri Delt house on the Oregonf . State campus, when a nosegay was brought in with the ring and a clever poem revealing the couple's engagement. " t n n -! - o : o r-"?ri ri ir o 3 it n n r? &!et-0-DIal Dot. storythlttg to Yoari kbe proper washtAa fesie en tKe Select O-Dlolset enee cmmJ the PHoklolre WoeHer does eH the rest. It eve ksetf and shuts off owtomotfeaNy. Nw Ctyltng and Convn!wftee) I - ti t - si t - Ma 999 esrW MOUTIfwsiy IMC HOW WOMif HI eCSty rooms and leMwdries. PHs eioee te tfce well... sew Kion bock panel puts oil controls bi easy, safe reock. : Uv-Watr Wathliag and Rinsing I Surging, penetrating eorreets el kot, aeeey woter get dothes reaflf gentiyl dotkec ore la water aH the time, not kail la, kef twice swtomuticuNy I bctrc-II!sh-Spwd Drying I Frigkiaire't Kapldry pU gets dome far drier khan eteet eSKer Many dstKss are rseeV e Ire mt ! -j-i - ,'W& r; OH. AM are liaie X I 1 Uftaedaavry. . ' ! Porcnlatn Finish Intldm and Oat I Exdvrfv wWi Priaidalrel eawtifwl fahk protects ageletf as qwtddy, easQy as a china plaseJ FrfaMalrs) Clectrfa AiitofoiS Clothe Dryer , cfc-ies dothss as fast as you waefc ifici la any idscJ of weather. New Tess perateve Control and new bvHt-tn Ozone But on Uaejg Bros. Tcanous Easx Jarmj 222.70 frrflldalre tUstrts trewert Serve Time Work Twa new ssodels eaefc wtefc eaeredva rVessM-Monc root Control. Z$- or SO-lndi log Proof BoH wKk open ends. 2a975! Til 0 Pit zuiziizm nun's mzizz affuacce c n:::: inznsnrss .SALEM 273 COTY. IIS Couli Ccr -rrzlzl rm. 3-2143 L!i!:n lo , To Tea Ecri:: IIUIiII t:fSBUBS, l londar Csm Frliar ' C I f - . i t t 1 from Paris to J i---- you ! f- . ,t - -. . . . . ... .ii. A- Alwynn j Croivri'Princo I of Fashion j designs your j Spring-thru- Summer ' i ' - "Forever-Young dress tear dr oho 1 sizes .-v-'v.i:' 4fk m 3trr to 1 TSi f T c fiY ' ' 44 r:at threat . A.i ALWYNN'l SILK SHAf. TUNO BOULEVARD SUIT with a beautiful shimmer. Unusual pepium buttons bade on It self. Navy, bronze, aqua; beige, rose, grey. 14V to 22Ta. . . ' i b: pure siuc obliquely TUCKED, the light - ground print of . fashion significance. Brilliant scimitar pins accent the softly cowled neckline the skirt wraps in a fluid tine. Outsize African daisies in beige, royal, - green or - lilac. 12ft to 22ft. - V ; j Ci SOMETHING NEW THf LACE DRESS cotton ' lace that's fragile looking but staunch friend. Sparkling star dust buttons follow the ob lique lines. Linen-look rayon bandings. Navy, aqua, pink, lilac, bronze. 14ft to 22ft. i