The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1951, Page 8, Image 8

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The Skrtea man. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday. March 21
4 round
By Jerjmc En Iwh - -WELCOME
HOME . - . for Mrs.
Lester C McLeod, who returned
to the capital Monday night from
month's trip to the east and
south. . . . She went by train and
tnade her first stop in Denver and
Colorado Serines, where she vis
ited friends . . . and then spent
a few days in Charlotte. North
Carolina with relatives before go
ing on to Surf City, where she
visited with her son and dauzhter-
On-law. Li. and Mrs. Carlton J.
McLeod and grandchildren. Franca
and Scott, for a week. . . . Lt.
McLeod is stationed nearby at
Camp LeJeune. N. C- with the
marines. ... Before heading west
the traveler visited la Washing
ton, D. C. and Chicago.-. . . She
came home by way of ' Berkeley,
whore she remained a week with
MD is the right tablet tissue
because it is absolutely safe
and free from impurities ... a
luxurious toilet tissue at a
money-saving price. Get a roll
of MD today.
Hold a sheet of ordinary toilet
tissue up to the light. See how gray
k is ... with mm abre aad rough
l spots. Then com
para a sheet of
snowy white MD
Toilet Tissue. It'e
free of irregulari
ties, aad it's safe
for tender skin.
Plenty Fro Parking
rpnniQ -
(ttttirr. until.
j CO . 4 j 7
t j : 1 1 j
if' .s VtAD FOR EASY h- I
05- See how sunpla design Jj
her other son,- and daUghter-in-
law, Mr. and. Mrs. George Mc
Leod. . . . On her arrival here
she was met at the train by ' her:
daughter, Irene, who is home from
the University of Oregon for the:
Easter vacation. . . . - ; j
A vacation In the seeth . . .
the nast month far ' Mr. aad 'i
Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, Who have F
Just returned bane. .; . . Tey
aajaarned la Kena, Las Vegas,
Tucson, Phoenix aad Apple Val-f
ley, Calif. . . ; and repartee' beau- g
tiful weather at all the desert
resorts. . . 4 While la FheeaixK
the tra velera saw Jae DiMacgla
hit a home ran far the Yankees j
when they played the Cleveland i
Indians. ... Mrs. Lewis Isn't an
ardent baseball fan, but tald her
husband she weald ga 4 the
game If Jae was playlag, not 3
expecting him ta pat an an ea
hibitien far her. . . . f
Seuth bound ... oh the dayl
light today will be Mr. and Mrgf
Thomas Lawson McCall, who ar
headed for Sacramento, where Mrf
McCall will attend civilian defense
meetings. ... The McCalls will
then go on over to San Franciscd
to be with friends for: the week
end.. . . . ;
A college tear ... is en the 5
spring vacation agenda for Shar-
en Claire Hamilton, daughter of j
the .. Ralph Hamilton. Who is
attending Stephens Callege at
Columbia, Mo. ... She will ae-
company 85 of her elassmates
on tour of the eastern United;
States from March 2t ta April;
S. . . . The trip will Include!
stops at Chicago, Detroit. NiagJ
ara Falls, Boston. New York J
' City and Washington.! D. C. . .
Inncheons, dinners, style shows!
dances aad meetings with alum-
nae in several af the cities are?
scheduled far the ceeds. ... I
Vacation notes . . i Josephine
Caughell and her University p
Oregon classmate, Marion Moore
of Cotruille, will arrive today fcjfir
the Easter vacation at the Johh
Caughell home. . . . Incidentally,
the Caughells returned Tuesday
from a trip to John? Day. . . j.
Patricia Ullman, daufhte of the
A. E. UUmans, will also be home
from the University of Oregon
and her Easter vacation hou$e
guest will be a classmate. Patricia
Raybold of San Mated, Calif. . .
Ta the tourney , j. Mr. anf
Mrs. J. A. Fehler will beamon
thaae la Eugene attending the
state basketball tearaament. . . 1
Mrs. Fehler will remain for thl
week at the home af her son-ln
law aad daughter. Mr. and Mrs!
Ameeee M. Smith. . . Mr,
Fehler and Dick Rata will drivf
down each algbt for the games!
A little bay - . . Frank Pri
ley, was born to Lt. Col. and Mrs.
Jack Napier on Monday at the
Salem .Memorial hospital. . . . rje
has a sister Janet, and a brother,
Michael. . ; The grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAl
lister of .Salem and J. H. Napier
of Klamath Falls. . r. . Colonel
Napier, who is currently in Japan,
expects to : arrive in the states
snoruy ana to greet tus new sqn
' ' ' r ' - i'- i- I I
Degreo af Honor Protective As
sociation will meet tonight at tfe
Salem Woman's club fat 8 o'clock
for the regular monthly session.
The regular meetings of the asso
ciation will be held hereafter the
third Wednesday of each monjh
at me woman s ciud.
Improve tho Looks
stool siats,
Coatptofo .
Only 594j
84. foot I
.Uaday and
Xt& Thurs.,
i I
550 il.
Vows Read
t .
Of interest to the groom's many
Salem and Silverton friends is the
wedding of Miss. Patricia Louise
Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter M. Nelson of Newberg, and
Floyd Theodore Fox.' son of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd T. Fox of Silver-
ton, which took place on March
17 at the Friends Church In New
The Rev. Thomas M. Mitchell of
LaGrande officiated at the I
o'clock rites. Ms. Donald Marin,
Coos Bay. cousin of the bride, was
organist and Mrs. Charles Jobin,
North Bend, also a cousin, sang.
For her wedding the bride wore
the traditional white gown of lace
with satin redingote with train
and fingertip illusion veil, which
was caught to a halo headdress.
She carried a j white Bible topped
with a white orchid and bouvar-
dia. J
Miss Betty Elaine Nelson. Port
land, was her! sister's honor maid
and wore a pastel green lace and
satin gown and carried white car
nations. Bridesmaids were - Miss
Frances Carolyn Fox, Silverton,
sister of the; groom, Mrs. Roy
Peterson, Reedsport, sister of the
bride, and Mru Ray Myers of Sil
verton. They Wore pink sa'tin and
lace frocks and earned pink car
nations. Joy Nelson of Longview
was flower girl for her aunt.
Ronnie Kraus, Corvallis, was
best man and ushers were Alan
Townsend, Troutdale, cousin of the
groom. Guy Scott, Sublimity, and
Ray Myers, Silverton. Candlelight
ers were Mrs. Jack Wood worth
and Mrs. Howard Newton of Coos
Bay. !
Mrs. Nelson! wore a violet gown
with matching accessories and or
chid corsage.! Mrs. Fox attended
her son's wedding in an aqua
gown with pink hat and acces
sories. She pinned an orchid cor
sage to her gown.
A reception followed the nup
tials, after which the couple left
on a trip to California and Mexico.
For going away the bride changed
to a navy blue suit with white ac
cessories. Mr; Fox and his bride
will make their home in Portland.
Mrs. Thpmas to
Head Rotanas
Rotana met Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. L. H. Mittendorf
with Miss Gladys Tipton and Miss
Lorena Jack! assistant hostesses.
Mrs. J. D. Fair was a special guest.
Contribution was voted for Ore
gon Society for Crippled children
and adults.
Election of officers was held
with Mrs. Lester Thomas as presi
dent: Mrs. Li H. Mittendorf, first
vice president; Mrs. W. E. Greif,
second vice -; president; secretary,
Mrs. Wilmer Weils; treasurer, Mrs.
George B agnail; board member,
Mrs. Jack Brown. Mrs. Grant Far
ris will automatically be on the
board as past president.
Mrs. M. F, Low, club member,
read portions of letters from her
daughter. Miss Marianne Low, tell
ing of experiences in Japan while
she was assistant to Captain Ger
ard who was in charge of public
weiiare la- Prefecture 01 Mara,
She is now in the- foreign service
in the department of state at Ran
goon. 1
of Your Homo!
ffyra Feet
r ..
SUDiffG UACXETS oltoW odiwstment In
' width of blind from K in loss to in. more'
mon sie indkoled. This extra sefogwerd'
gives 0 precise, tailored appearance
ed to 'Resist rest. Cord lock b automatic,
holds hfind aecurely. Self eqvoitzing tilt of
keeps lot hanging even with one another,
STURDY SLATS have; balced-on eno
els. Steel b the most strong, flexible, easy
to degn, "bonderixedl against resL AIm-.
ngntwetght, qtner, rest resuronr.
has- mod or n.
grooved -design front i
f ' v j ' ... - - , ;
This Venetian Blind is a value-plus buy
for your homeJ For, these superior de
luxe features including the simplified
slot removed are lower-priced at Sears!
Stats fdose tighter than conventional
typefglve better control of light and
ventifptioa. Choose from Harmony'
House "go-together" colors at earsl
Friday, 12f to 9-.C0 P. M.
Sat., 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.
Capitol i Phone 3-9191
fBeverlee Jory
Tells Troth
The engagement of Miss Bever-
lee Jory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis L. Jory of Silverton, to Ed
ward J. Koutny of Salem, was an
nounced at - a surprise birthday
party for Mr. Koutny at the Lade
Koutny residence Sunday after
noon. ' ' ' i .
The ring was revealed in the
center of a daffodil by Delores
Koutny while she was singing
Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Cake
was served with the couples
names on it, j
Those present - were: Mo and
Fitting i and
Done in Time
f 'UoufoN
I k - ski
' l .'i f
:k'.i , ,l i.-
Mrs. belmer Hopkiiiv.woodburn;
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Vaughns, Car
olyn and Gall, and Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Jory 1 Silverton; " Lynn
Thompson, Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Brick Morgan, Valerie and Mari
lyn,' Corvallis; Louis Doubrava,
Cyril Doubrava, Misa Lent Dou
brava, Mrs. Wencel Doubrava,
Frank Koutny, and Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Sanders, Hubbard; Mr.
and Mrs. Lade Koutny, Shirley
and Dolores, Rainis Krigens, Ferd
Zercher, Miss Peggy Watte rson,
and Jodelle Parker, Salem; and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zeiinka, Port
land, 'r ,- ! . '! v ' ' '
The wedding is planned for mid
summer. The bride-elect " is a
graduate of Silverton schools and
is now attending Willamette uni-
Shop Miller's for Quality
Suits . . . plus j
Blouses, Footwear,
Millinery, Fur;
Scarfs, Lapel :
Flowers, Fine
Nylons, Gloves,
Hand Bags . . .
ah are to oe louna
at Miller's
Bride-Elect Honored
1 Miss Betty 'Pearson, daughter: of
Mrs. Harry Pearson, bride-elect of
Pfc James Stanley, was honored
at a kitchen, shower ITnursday
night at the home of Mrs. Norman
Clark on Pringle RoadU Honoring
Miss Pearson were Mrs. Harry
Pearson. Mrs. Noel Kellogg, Mrs.
Ed Zitzow. Mrs. Betty I McClaln.
Mrs. Bernie Reding, Mrs. Roy
Yung, Mrs. Ruth LovealL ' Mrs.
Paul Walreth, Miss Irene Kricken,
Miss-Mary Flagg.and the hostess.
versity. Her finance attended Hub
bard schools and is now in bus-
inea in btiem. . j ! i
arid Assortment
A,. I w S& v
cur 0 0 4 wSmmmm
; j w b A 1
mi :
Gardeners Meet
At Vernon Home
The March meeting of the Oak
Grove: Gardeners was held at the
home of Mrs. A. W. Vernon with
Mrs. John Vernon and Mrs. Anna
Howard as co-hostesses. Mrs. Ben
Maxwell gave a talk and demon
stration of the preparation of soil
for the planting of seeds. "Mrs.
Homer Trowbridge displayed
collection of framed pictures that
were formed from dried, pressed
flowers. :l. -v
Attending were Mesdames Ben
Ma x well. Homer Trowbridge. Wil
liam Ashby, John Vernon, Thelma
Stewart and Miss Connie Vernon,
guests; and the following mem-
Store Hours 9:50 to 5:30
1 3 -t
- - tr r . -pit. rm .
0 '.!
The most talked about fabric .
fn the most talked about suits.
eferjn the. Easter Panda and through Spring. Come find this
star fabric skilfully manipulated Into the stem slim suit silhou
ettes you adore! With a wonderous aura of feminity created by
softening collars, pockets, gently arched hlplines and enchant
ing colors of the new season, r .
y 1.
acsmy taws aiaujv m wnan 1 1 m j m
Frank iPicha, Stephen Hills, Fred
Gibson. Clyde Picha, Davis Allen,
W. B. Allen, E. L. Herrell. Lloyd
Fleener,. Ruby Hayden, " Florenea
Ragsdale, Paul Schwyonoch, Nellie
J. : Ferguson, J. Ray Fawk, Ora
Lantz, Madge Mayhood, R. W.
Hogg, I Clara E. Brunk, W. C.
Lewis, Nellie V. White, Marine
Adams, Miss Bertha Allen and the
sleek sheen Gabardine ...
" !
make you the loveliest lady
w a a k iV' 1
1 -