The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1951, Page 6, Image 6

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C The Statesman, galena. Orew Wednesday. March 14. 19S1
By Jeryme English -THE
SOCIAL WHIRL. . . . Mrs.
Charles Gray and Mrs. William C.
Ci others are entertaining with the
second of a series of parties on
Thursday afternoon at the formera
Candalaria Heights home on Boice
street. . . . Guests have been bid
den to a one o'clock luncheon with
several hours of cards to follow.
. . . Bouquets of spring flowers
will provide the decorative note.
Bidden by the hostesses ...
re Mrs. ' Brace Knapp, Mrs.
Horace MeGee, Mrs. C. Ronald
Hedktns. Mrs. Dsnald Freel,
Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. Gerald
VVInr, Mrs. - Kenneth Sherman,
Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mrs.
Richard .Upjohn. Mrs. Douglas
Chambers, Mrs. R asset E. Pratt,
Mrs. Owen G. Miller. Mrs. P. H.
Brydon, Mrs. Harmon Harvey,
' Mrs. William L. Lidbeck and
Mrs. F. N. Taong. ...
For a visitor . . . the dessert
luncheon for which Mrs. P. H.
Brydon was hostess on Tuesday
afternoon at her Park avenue home
for the pleasure of Mrs. Ron Buick,
wt:o is visiting here from Master
ton, New Zealand. . . . The Easter
motif was used in the decor and
table appointments. ...
Geests Included ... a rreap
t the visitor's farmer Willam
ette university classmates. ...
Fram Portland came Mrs. Her
bert Hardy, Mrs. Robert Cnl
bertson and Mrs. Neal Hamil
ton ... others were. Miss Mary
White, sister of the honor guest,
Sirs. Rot Harland. Mrs. Panl
Heath, Mrs. Wilmer Wells, Mrs.
Floyd Albln, Mrs. Harold Rose
braueh, Mrs. Robert F. Wolf,
Airs, vera snay and Mrs. Rich
ard Smart. . . . .
Special meeting ... for mem
bers of the Salem branch, Ameri
can Association of University! Wo
men on Thursday,! March 22 in
the Carrier room ! of the First
Methodist church at 8 o'clock.'
The guest speaker to be Mrs Eric
Johnston of Spokane and Wash
ington. D. C, who is regional
vice president of AAUW and wife
of the national economic stabiliz
er. . . . A dessert iupper wi"l be
served by the committee . .
members will be 'contacted, for
reservations. . . . p
Front Lewis and Clark ?; . . .
eifflei news that two Salem
coeds have been pledged to -sororities
... Donna- Beard, daugh
ter of the J. R. Beards, and Bon
nie Stewart, daughter of he
Ivan Stewarts, have pledged
Theta Kappa, local sorority on
the eampns ... both girls fare
Salem high school graduates,
where they were popular in
school activities and clubs. . . .
.Date Is set . . . -Easter Supday
has been chosen by Jo Anne Pal
leske and Bruce W.. Moorhead for
their marriage, which will li take
place in Eugene at the Central
Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock.
. . . The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of the Milton Palleskes of Eu
gene and her finance is the son
of Mrs. Jennelle Moorhead of Eu
gene, formerly of Salem, f and
George R. K. Moorhead of Salem.
. . . Bruce and Jo Anne are; now
attending the Oregon College of
Education at Monmouth. .
From California . . . eames
. word of the birth of a little girl
to Mr. - and Mr. Llndley; H.
Iehmann (Patricia Ryan) on
Monday in Eureka. ... The baby
has sister, Linda Ann . . v the
grandparents are iMr. and Mrs.
Herbert - Lehman n af Stockton
and Mrs. J. IL Ryan of Salem. ...
Returned . . . to the capital for
a stay is Mrs. Rudie Wilhehn of
Portland, wifa of Rep. Wilhelm . . .
she was here for the first part of
the session, but returned to Port
land for several Weeks. . . XI The
Wilhelms are at the Ted E. Reed
home during the current session.
. . . i
Mrs. William Schlitt haa In
vited members of her club to her
North 18th street home Thursday
afternoon for a bridge luncheon.
Birthday Week
Is Observed I
i ' i 1
To commemorate the 39th birth
day of Girl Scouts and in observ
ance of Girl Scout week several
radio programs are on the agenda
for this week. The Louisa Frese
intermediate troop will present , a
skit, "How Important Is: a Pen
cil", overlKOCO Thursday plght
between 5:30 and 5:43 p.mJ
On March 17 the Girl Scouts and
Boy Scouts will give a joint) pro
gram over KSLM at 10 a xa. Dur
ing the week Mrs. Eleanor Roose
velt will j interview the national
executive of the Girl Scouts,: Mrs.
Dorothy Stratton, over a national
hookup. ;
The Senior Girl Scout troop cel
ebrated its 8 th birthday and the
39th birthday of Girl Scouts; at a
dinner Monday night at Nohl
gren's. Mrs. Hal M. Randall is
leader of the group and the; girls
are studying to be service tides.
Following: the dinner the girls at
tended the city council meeting In
connection with their studies. ;
The district meeting scheduled
for Thursday morning: at the
YMCA has been cancelled.
A Girl Scout leaders! training
class was held Tuesday at the First
Methodist church. Another class
will'' be given next Tuesday In
completion of the training course.
i : !
Independence Cloverleaf Re-
bekah lodge met here Tuesday and
entertained Mrs. Helen Davis,
president. Prior to the meeting,
a banquet in her honor was held
at Monmouth.
Other guests Included: George
Naderman, grand Junior warden
of grand encampment; Lor a Wood,
secretary of association of ladies
auxiliary Patriarchs Militant; Vera
Newbaur, Salem lodge, and Kath
erine Olsen, assembly chaplain.
The Dorcas Missionary Society
of the Christ Lutheran church will
meet on Wednesday with Mrs. V.
Gerling with Mrs. G. Gerling as
hostess, i i
YWCA Rejects
Bids on New
Although bids for the proposed
YWCA building have been reject
ed by the building committee and
trustees, it doesn't mean that the
YW Isn't going ahead with plans
for the proposed building.
At a meeting of the board of
directors of the YWCA Tuesday
morning Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
president, announced that . after
due consideration the trustees and
members of the building commit
tee regretfully rejected the . con
tractors' bids, which were opened
on February 15, on the proposed
Kuilding. The contractors, how
ever, have been asked to hold their
work sheets until sQcb time build
ing is possible. .
The bids were in excess of the
present funds available. The firms
submitting bids included: T. V.
Peterson company, Portland, $75,
993; Erwin Batterman, - Salem,
$498,580; and Robertson, Hay and
Wallace, Portland, $582,429. Mean
while, the YWCA has made appli
cation to the National Production
Authority to build and plans will
continue to raise additional funds
for the building.
To Go Ahead With Plans
Membership at the YWCA Is
constantly growing as is interest
in the various activities of the YW,
which means a new building is
much in need as the present State
Street structure has become in
adequate. Members -of the build
ing committee are determined to
go ahead with the building, but
due to high costs and problems of
construction arising there will be
a delay at this time. On the build
ing committee are Miss Dorathea
Steusloff. chairman. William L.
Phillips, Reynolds Allen, Mrs.
Richard Slater and Charles A.
Sprague. Members of the board
of trustees are Miss Steusloff, Mr.
Phillips, Milton L. Meyers, A. C,
Haag and Dr. Frank Brown.
During the business session
Mrs. Schramm announced com
mittee chairmen for the year as
Finance, Mrs. George W. Ai
ling; membership co - chairmen,
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Mrs.
J. C. Annpriest; personnel co
chairmen, Mrs. Chester M. Cox,
Mrs. Robert D. Gregg; publicity
co-chairmen, Mrs. William Croth
ers and Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett;
public affairs, Mrs. Robert E.
Gangware; Y-Teens, Mrs. Carlton
E. Grelder; young, adults, Mrs.
Harold O. Schneider; house, Mrs.
Extension Agent Talks : .
Mrs.! Marjorie I White, Marion
County home extension agent, dis
cussed: the basic I wardrobe with
accessories, and clothes that are
appropriate for women to wear
on different occasions at the. Fri
day afternoon meeting of Swegle
home extension Unit held at the
home of Mrs. Mary Swingle. Mrs.
Oscar Forgard, - chairman, named
as her nominating committee for
new , officers, Mrs. E. E. Brandt,
Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson and Mrs.
Menno Dalke. i i . . '
- ', The j unit has been assigned the
Azalea house project for the spring
festival. ; iK-
Auxiliary, at '
Jones' Home
The country home of Mrs. Ron
ald E. Jones at 1 Brooks will be
the scene of the Salem Lions aux
iliary! meeting Thursday flight at
8 o'clock. The guest speaker will
be Mrs. George Rhoten, who will
tell of her European travels last
fall. Mrs. John Ramage Is presi
dent of the auxiliary.
Mrs. LeRoy Stewart heads the
hostess committee and assisting
are Mrs. Roger Hoy. Mrs. Lee Can-
field, -Mrs. Milan Boniface, Mrs.
Howard Jenks, Mrs. C. A. Schae
fer, Mrs. Morrell Crary, Mrs. Wil
liam Scandling and Mrs. Marcus
Seal. -
Due to limited parking space
at the Jones home auxiliary mem
bers are asked to fill their cars.
i ' .i
' The Maeleay j Woman's eltob
school benefit card party scheduled
for Friday, March 18 has been can
celled, j
Field Director
' Miss Beatrice A. Patterson, na
tional field director of the Na
tional Federation of BPW clubs,
was guest speaker : at the BPW
workshop Monday night at the
Mayflower hall with women at
tending from Oregon City. Med
ford, Silverton and i Salem. ,Miss
Patterson's subject was "Better
Business Worneen for mil Better
Business World." .
1 The speaker emphasized four
objectives of the club: to elevate
the standards of the business wo
men: to promote her best interest
in the business world; for coopera
tion of all business i women; and
to exteend opportunities for edu
cation to women. ' ! ': -
' A tea hour followed and pour
ing were Mrs. Byron Herrick and
Mrs. Arthur Weddle. The commit
tee in charge included Mrs. Mar
ian i Wooden, Mrs. Maxine Law
rence, Miss Merl Dimick, Miss Mil
dred Yetter. Mrs. Lu Verne Hard
wicke and Mrs. Clark McCall.
I Miss Patterson was guest speak
er at meeting of all the BPW
clubs In the Central Willamette
district in Sweet Home Sunday.
Present from Salem were Mrs.
Marion Wooden, Mrs. Sue Booch,
Mrs. Grace Clark, Miss Vada Hill
and Mrs. John Versteeg. t
On Etiquette
By ! Roberta Lee f
. Q. Does a Woman employee ever
call her employer by . his first
name? .,,.,(:.
A. This depends upon their res
pective ages, length of their ac
quaintance, jand whether or not
the office is conducted .informally.
However, to clients and visitors
she must always speak of him as
Mr. Gordon.
' Q. What should a girl do if her
family cannot afford an elaborate
church wedding?
A. She can plan a very simple
ceremony in her own church, and
Invite only ! relatives and a few
close friends. V . '
Q. Whea two men and two girls
are eating - together In a public
place, at a small table, how should
they be seated?
A. The girls should be jeatei
opposite each other. . . 3 , .
Auburn Mrs. Melvta Shaw
was hostess for seven members of
the Monroe Avenue Sewing club
at her home Wednesday afternoon.
. 4 ; -1
Armena Felt of Sneneer Sup
port Shop in Portland will be
at the ; -(..- i r ;; -
Senator Hotel, Friday,
;'. March 16th ;
.Come in or phone far
I : ; appointment ' ;j
G. Herbert Smith; telephone, Mrs.
A. E. Ullman. i
During Passion Week the YWCA
and YMCA will jointly sponsor
services at St. Paul's Episcopal
church Monday through Friday be
tween 12:15 and! 12:45 p. m. Na
tional YWCA week is slated for
April 22 to 28. i
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