The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1951, Page 16, Image 16

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    18 The Statement. Salem. Ortgon. Sunday, March 11. 1951
James Crosby, Marine From
Jefferson Gels Purple Heart
.'.''- J vl tuttmu News erries J . ;--:v..
JEFFERSON PFC James L. Crosby, marine corps, ion of Mrs.
Ithel Mae Fowler o Jefferson, has been awarded the Purple Heart
The recognition is made as a result of enemy action on the rfak
tone river Sept. 5, 1950, while serving with the first tank battalion,
first marine division LL CoL R. C. Burns, commanding officer of the
first provisional casual company, fleet marine force at Otsu, Honshu,
Willamina High
School Youths
Statesman Newt Service
WILLAMINA Four students
from Willamina high school will
attend the" All-Northwest music
festival In Missoula,- Mont., March
Jeanette Singletona flute play
er, will nlay in the WO-piece band.
-which will be directed by Clarence
Saw hill from the . University ox
Southern Calif ornia.Mt - .
Allie Pace, an obdeulayer, will
play in the 150-student orchestra.
to te mrectea rjy waroes nownsou
of WichiU university: in Wichita,
Kan. . - ' .
Jeannine O'Reilly and Mervin
Jahn will sing in the 380-voice
choir, which will be directed by
Dr. Maynard Klein oi tne uruver
aitv of Michigan. IV
Studerfts from Linfield college
nut on a proeram at the high
school recently. They were Archie
Holeman, Ralph . Shapler, Joy
Brock, Ruthie Latta, Pat Everest,
Pat Fritz, Juanita Rhodes, Betty
Brooks. Joy Schaake, Robbie
Ecarth, John Anderson, Don Mit
ill . Chuck Hasna. Montie Gaus-
and Dick Goss.
Four high school students are in
the running for valedictorian
honors - of. the 1951 graduating
class. They are Carrol Spicer.
Lilian Hines, Bob Henthorn and
Joetta Fincher.
Adolph Trenda, a local tailor,
Joined the Kiwanis club last week.
Diane Bailey was honored last
week on her first birthday with a
artv riven by her mother. Mrs.
Alvin Bailer. Guests were Alva
Mae and David Bailey, Mrs. Luth
er Roberts, Roy and Brenda; Mrs.
Louis Kangiser, David and Carol;
Mrs. Oscar Lee and Patty; Mrs.
Paul Bailey and Kathy, Mrs. Pat
Olson and Mrs. Ray Bailey.-
Pre-Easter evangelistic meetings
will begin March 18 at the Church
of Christ, with the pastor, Leo A.
Woodruff. In charge. Two students
from Northwest Christian college
will be in charge Of the music,
; Services will be held each evening
xceDt Saturday.
C C Robertson received word
last week of the death of his
cousin, Arlie Hankins, of Yamhill.
'Fanners Night9
Slated March 20
At Silverton
SILVERTON Farmers Night
will be observed Tuesday night,
March 20 at the Knights of Pyth
ias hall with the Silverton Cham
1er of commerce as hosts. Speak
ers will be Future Farmers of
America and 4-H club boys. Mer
chants will furnish prizes for the
Acting on the prize 'committee
will be Frank Porter, Ralph
Adams, Maurice Schnorenberg.
with James Chan general lunch
A farm labor office will be es
tablished at Kenneth Brown's of
fice in the Olsen building. Brown
is secretary of the Silverton
Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce directors
met Wednesday to hear a report
on the plans of the membership
chairman, Charles Mason. Mason
stated the membership drive
would get started Monday. '
ard Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Singer, was home on hos
pital leave from Tacoma last week
end. . '..:
Gold Arrow Cafe
Be sura and try our norm
made ra violas.
1590 Fairground Rd.
Phono 3-8868
: If
524 Stat St.
(Jsst Before Tea Get U
SZ2V1NO E.U4,. Hi
. ..Chocs From Our Famotri
; G-Jneie and American Clsha
2ZZS Fair; round Road -
I Japan, maae tne awara. . : ..
:' Calvin Hugnes wui return Mon
day as manager of Freres Building
Supply. Howard Ross, present
manager, will tase rover tne wm
City yard that Hugnes Has peen
managing. ; - J ';.""; ' '
Plans are wen under way?xor
the annual Parent-Teachers pro
gram March 30. This year's? fun
evening is advertised as " "Non
sense and Fun in 31." ; ''.
Delmer . Davidson, PTA presi
dent, has named : the following
committees for p 1 a n n i n g-; tne
event: ; . ; ' . - "
Program Mrs. William Brown,
Mrs. Varion Gobi, and Delmer
Davidson; publicity Mrs. James
Adams, Mrs. Les Shields; food'
Mrs. James Blackwell, jr., Mrs.
William Skelton, Mrs. R. C. Aus
tin, Mrs. J. fc. Bentley, Mrs.SOU
ver Stephenson; concessions
Russell Daulton, Mrs. Lloyd Mar-'
latt and Clayton Wills.
-Week-end guests .of Mr. f and
Mrs. Delmer Davidson and Pean
at Talbot were Mr; and Mrs. Jack
Armstrong and daughter Marian
of Rose Lodge Park. Mrs. Arm
strong is a niece of Mrs. David
son. $
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swartz,
poultry raisers In the Ankeny
Hill district, report a record made
by their flock, of 600 Barred Rock
hens during February. The hens,
about IVi months old, and J just
beginning to lay, each averaged
24 eggs apiece during the month.
Another Cock of 800 New Hamp
shire, six weeks younger, are just
beginning to lay.; . ; f
The eggs are sold for hatching,
and much care is taken in gather
ing, cleaning, grading and pack
ing for they bring a premium
price as hatchery eggs. fMrs.
Swartz gathers them every; two
hours during the day. Her first
pickup is at 7 ajn.f and her, last
at 5 p.m. ; -.
Forty friends and neighbors
surprised Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gilmour Friday night at a house-
warming In their honor. The! Gil
mour recently moved inta the
former Charles Meyers house at
Sidney, which they have com
pletely remodeled. A tier -table
was presented the Gilmours and
cake and coffee were served fol
lowing an informal evening.
Mrs. Edna Reeves, still in Al
bany General hospital, is report
ed some better this week.
Lincoln Folk!
Visit, Entertain
Statesman Newi Scrvlct -
LINCOLN Mrs. L, I. Mickey
was complimented with a birth
day dinner at her Lincoln Shorn
Sunday with the guest list in
cluding L. I. Mickey. Mr. and Mrs
Robert Mickey and Randy and
Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey
and Don, Larry and Stephen, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo White,' Mr. and Mrs,
Paul Libby and Walter. $
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ward Ashford
were hosts at - a family dinner
Sunday honoring : Mrs. Jason F.
Ashford, house guest from - Oak
land, Calif., and Mr. and I Mrs,
Harry Ashford, J visitors ( from
Seaside. ; f
This was the first time that their
four grandchildren were all with
them. They include Linda and
Ward Dye, Sarah Anne Ashford
and Harold Ashford. Other guests
were Grace, Genevieve and Frank
Ashford. Mrs. Sarah Feller, great
grandmother of the four children,
Mr.. and Mrs. Frank J. Dye, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Wildfong and Frank
Groh. . f
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Solle had
as Sunday dinner guests from
Portland their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. M,
Tombleson and M i c h a e ) and
Linda. i
Others who called during the
day were Mr. and Mrs. William
Murray and Larry, Mr. and Mrs,
L. Schnuelle, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Stolk and Danny Lloyd and Diane
and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brush.
- , -&
It is estimated that most human
beings can distinguish about 60
colors, s :
I i if!
Til YE'VE ET AT - - - 1
Blue Bird Cafe
Shore Am G-o-o-o-d
Schneider, Prop, and Mgr.
Phone 3-5978
the llellyw4 Steplights)
Optnt 11 A. IX to"
2 K M.
Saturday tolA.Hl
From Tho Oregon
Studies Water
System Plans 1
SUtesBUut News Icrvlce "
STAYTON Estimates of char
ges were read Monday before
Stayton's dty councU from C?lark
and Croft, Salem engineers, and
from Thomas Smithson of Bea
verton on preliminary study? and
survey of a water system for Stay-
ton. ' I
The council established an- en
ergency fund to underwrite physi
cian'f bills when lack of - a physi
cian's opinion might endanger an
accident victim's life. .. $ .
George H. Bell, Stayton realtor,
was.electet to a three-year Jerm
to the budget" committee. W. l.
Frey, former councilman; was el
ected alternate. Other members of
the board are G. W. DeJardin,
T. G. Freres and Angus Ware,
A study of the budget will be
made at a special budget meeting
Monday, March 26, at 7:30 p. m.,
in the city hall.
Fred Davie requested a permit
to build a business building in the
800 block on West Locust street.
It will be of frame construction
at a cost estimated at $3500. It was
understood a confectionery shop
would be opened in the building.
E. R. Hughes was issued a per
mit to build a $400 garage: and
woodshed at 512 Fifth street.
The council voted to hire L. M.
Wright as police chief at $330 per
month and Donald J. Johnson as
police officer at $275 per month,
retroactive to February' 1. j The
matter had been discussed at a
special meeting during the month.
A report from the office of Bell
and Devers listed arrests and lines
during the month totaling $447.
The council discussed : buying a
hot-pot" to be used to make em
ergency repairs to city streets. It
will be investigated by John
Nightingale, street superintendent.
Francis Holt ;
Elected Prexy
Of Chamber !
Statesman News Scrvic
Hot, local manufacturer of farm
machinery, Tuesday was unani
mously elected president of the In
dependence Chamber of Com
merce, i
Other new officers are Frank
Hedges, vice president, and George
Lindahl and Dee Taylor, direct
ors. The secretary is appointed by
the board of directors.
The drive to purchase uniforms
for the Central high school band
took definite shape Wednesday
night at a meeting sponsored by
the high school PTA group. At the
suggestion of Dee Taylor, repre
senting the chamber of commerce,
it was voted to stage a combina
tion basket social, carnival and
barn dance.
'"Representatives of clubs and
lodges In the Independence-Monmouth
area were on hand to help
Director Paul Dodd and the band
members fiad a way to purchase
uniforms. Dodd said $3,500 is
needed for a minimum, of CO uni
forms. -'
The Independence city council
postponed until Wednesday a de
cision on Fire Chief Ralph Scran
ton's request for new equipment
Silverton Firm j
Plans Expansion
Statesman News Service f
SILVERTON Silverton'4 Kol
stad cannery, will enlarge its
storage, working facilities; and
pack this coming year, L. E, Kol
stad, local manager, reported re
cently. Expansion - plans include
construction of , a new concrete
warehouse. In addition to green
beans, only food packed last year,
corn, prunes and pumpkins .will
be process ed,Kolstad said, i
u -
i , - r iff- -
' J J i X
Sarvlng Satan and Vicinity
as Funaral Clrtictort
far 12 Yaara'
Coavcnient location, t. Commercial '
street; bus line; oUreet rout to ce- .
snetarlea no croa , traffla, .New
modern building seating up to .
SOQl Services within your meana.
Statesman's Valley
Fepcern A meeting of register-
ed voters has been called for Mon
day at 8 pjn. at the school to de
cide on the budget, i '
S Overton Earl Newbry, secre
tary of state, will speak Monday
to the' Silverton Rotary, club. C.
H. Weiby is a new member of the
club. Weiby owns and operates a
general store at Silverton.
Qnlnaby The Keizer Farmers
Union local will meet Tuesday,
March 13, at the Quinaby hall for
a 7 o'clock covered ' dish dinner.
Entertainment will follow.
Independence An operetta,
Send For Aphais, will be pre
sented by the Central high school
music department March 16 in the
high school gymnasium.
Hazel Green -The school budget
was approved at Hazel Green
Thursday. The teaching staff for
next year will be Mrs. Cora Clark,
primary room; Mrs. Mary Harri
son, intermediate room, and Mrs.
Esther Franz, upper room and
Sheridan .The Rev. E. H. Gard
ner, pastor of the Methodist
church, will speak Monday to the
chamber of commerce on "Reli
gion in the Community."
Silverton Robert M. Kerr,
Portland attorney, has been re
tained by the group of hopmen
who are opposing the amendment
of the federal hop marketing
agreement proposed by the hop
control board. Kerr will represent
them at the hearings March 19 in
Marquam The Marquam ex
tension unit will meet at the com
munity hall Tuesday. The PTA will
meet Thursday at Butte Creek
Geraldine B. Flicklnger
services were i held Friday for
Mrs. Geraldine ! B. Flickinger, 44,
Monmouth, who died Tuesday in
Salem. Final rites were at Bel
crest Memorial: park in Salem.
Mrs. Flickinger came to Mon
mouth about 1929. She was grad
uated ' from Independence high
school in 1924.
She is survived by her widow
er, a daughter and her parents.
Katnerine G. Black
erine G. Black, 76, a resident of
Independence since 1904, died
Monday. Funeral services were
held Thursday.:
Mrs. Black was born in Miss
issippi and moved to Oregon from
Texas in 1902. She is survived
by her widower, two daughters,
two grandchildren and two great
1(24 N. Cemmerrial
Test walking
in paint ate re
l'f iitf g f a gi
Salem Hei ghts
Students Win I
Art Awards !
grade students at Salem 'Heights
school. Donna Bahr and Sue Ras
mussen, won first place , awards
last week in the art contest spon
sored by KOAC's Land of Make
Believe program. ; !
Honorable mention awards were
given to Bonnie Ireland, Douglas
Nohlgren, Darlene Hendrickson,
Betty Jean Dyke and Jimmy Raw
lings. - .
The third and fourth grades saw
the movies on highways and 'air
transportation last week. '
The Mothers club will 'meet
Tuesday, March . 13, in the school
library, Agnes j Booth, county
school superintendent, will speak.
The first grades saw the movie,
"The Circus Comes to Town, Fri
day.; I ; ; j
. The Marion county health de
partment will give the last of the
shots for this year Tuesday, March
13. j I
Marion Miller, principal, will
attend the meeting of the Central
Oregon Regional conference of El
ementary Principals March 17 at
Redmond. t : j. ...
Spring vacation! will be held the
week of March .19-23.
The school will have a paper
anve May 1-12. ..,
North Marion
Senior Class
Slates Play
Statesman Newt Service
HUBBARD The senior class
of North Marion union high
school will present the play,j "A
Lucky Penny," In the Hubbard
school gymnasium Wednesday,
March 14. at 8 pan. j
The cast includes Lylian Fount
ain, Joyce Rasmussen, Jerry iles
key, Thelma Loop, Al Bekebrede,
Aaron Wilson, jJenni Jackson,
Julette Sather, j Arnold Evans,
John Davies, Bill Muessig, Mar
lene Gianella, Margaret Menden
hall, Janet Hensel and Lois Fyock.
Mrs. Phoebe Cannell and Claire
Keltner are directing with the
latter In charge of tickets and
Canned Turkey
Trade Increases
Statesman New Service j
STAYTON The pack of Dar
ley's Plantation brand canned tur
key this year iwill reach; 120
cases, Herman Darley said.
Darley began packing the tur
key several years ago, purely for
his own use and that of friends.
Word - of - mouth a d v e r 1 1 sing
brought increased demands for it
until last year it was decided to
label the - cans and aproach j It as
a commercial venture. i b
Hello folks, March winds bring
much snow what cornea in April w .
dont know I So fueaa I make new
Chinese proverb, anyway weather
man all mixed up too. Only man
not make mistake Is me I am
always coo kins best Chinese diali In
tho world. I do not like bras : In
fact I would not brag for anything
but I would not tell lis either be
cause to tell lie is naughty. Sol if
you want best Chinese rood ! in
world you come to my place and I
personal fix for you. I
: Maybe you would like to have
first class AA ateerle steak. If so
I nave one for you in my deeper
freeze which Is very tender and
I win cook for you just like you
order, exactly. 1
; m sino
that's nay aaaae.
mm. j
r sarei ' i
ncture aot of
this my mala
i 1
I- t it.
iortb' Marion
High Enters
Music Contest
Btatessaaa News Service
. HUBBARD The North Mar
ion union high school music de
partment entered the state music
contest In Eugene Saturday for
solos and ensembles at Willamette
hljrh school. .
' Three solos and three instru
mental groups from North Marion,
directed by Harold Byers. includ
ing a corhet solo by Bobbie Diller,
vocal solos by Lylian Fountain
and Robin - Berkey, both -. high
sopranos; a clarinet quartet In
cluding Carolin Muessig, Jim
Spence, Jeani i Hurst and - Judy
Albers; a brass sextet, composed
of Diller. Dale Galloway, Keith
McNary, Kirby. Brown, Jack Ras
mussen and Bud Wettstein; and a
brass quartet made up of Galen
Pearson, Diller,. Rasmussen and
Wettstein. ; . ' .
" 'A music festival was held Fri
day at North Marion union high
school. Represented were - the
local music department, an instru
mental group from Elrriira high
school, a chorus from Woodburn
and ' an instrumental group from
Silverton. , . .; . .
Plans for a fruit shower for the
Pythian . Home, in Vancouver,
Wash., were made Tuesday by the
Pythian Sisters of Arion temple,
to. begin at .the next ; meeting,
March 20. A case of grapefruit
sections will be sent to the home
with Mrs-Harry Bartol and Mrs.
Clarence Cochran on the com
mittee. - . ' . I'
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hixson and
daughter of Seattle visited rela
tives here over the week: end.
Larry Berkey, son of i Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Berkey, Is in Wood
burn ' hospital with rheumatic
fever. . '
: Mrs.' Florence Schumacher and
three children, recent residents of
Fairbanks, Alaska, visited Louise
Vonder Aho while enroute to Ful
Ierton, Calif. 5 1 ; i
A boy was born to iMr. and
Mrs. Frank Bock at Woodburn
hospital Monday. I
Boy. Scouts Secure
Book Collection
; - . . ; -'.
Statesasaa News Serrtee
SILVERTON At the monthly
Boy Scout round table' Tuesday
night. Dr. W. E. Grodriari reported
the Boy Scout collection of books
at the Silverton public library as
now completer I
The books are occupying a di
vision of their own and are being
stamped with .the Boy Scout
stamp. However the general pub
lic may read the books, i
Austin Sanford, Ted Hargreaves
and John Schwabe were appointed
as a committee to complete plans
for a lean-to which will be erect
ed on the Abiqua camp site.
Alexander S t u r g e has been
named secretary of the Boy Scout
round table. . j.
Delicious Chinese
and American Food
Catering Service
Phene 2-9173 !
Orders To Go!
Open 4 pja. - S ajn.' Daily
Open at Neea Sat. Scot.
222Va No. Commercial
. 1 it
, .
Aumsville Soldier,
Reported Missing,
May Be Safe
States sua News Serrlre
STAYTON An- Aumsville sol
dier reported ' missing in action
may not be missing after all. i
The defense department last
week notified . Mrs. Sarah Welt
man that heH son, PFC Ernest
Weitman,' was missing in Kcrea as
of Februarv 'J2. ..ivltrl ..; ;. -".
? Mrs. Weitman, however, has re
ceived two letters from, her son,'
one dated February IS and the
other. ; during the last week in
February.- ; -:,.-: . ;
Weitman indicated . In his letter
that he and ; another soldier were
the only ones who got out f a
certain action.' He said they were
recuperating; from the battle and
were picking up ammunition to
get back into the fight: i
Ralph Bpclii er,
Mt. :; An Wei Mf rin e
Wourifjed in Korea
Statesman News Service
MT. ANGEL Ralph Eochsler,
son of Mr. and Mrs."Albert Bochs
ler, has been wounded in action
in Korea, his '.parents learned
Wednesday. , 'rf :u
Bochsler was . with the first
marine division. He was in the
marine reserve and was called
back into service last September,
Before departure he was married
to Louise Lulay of Mt.. Angel, who
accompanied him to San. Diego.
About a month later he was sent
to Korea and his wife returned to
her parents home in Mt. AngeL
The last better received : by his
parents, about three weeks ago
said he was going back to the
front. No indication was given as
to how seriously he was wounded.
- Starts Today - Cont. 1:45 '
-Lady Without Pass port"
Bedy Lanurr, John Hediak
Right Nov!
-Andr- "I"
" Hunt Th Man Down" r
lifew Today! , .
Richard WIdmark
i- Flna
Joan . Crawford In
"Harriet Crai J
Jnasattingaf .
Nationally Racognizad ShriiM Chorus
; ; - I - with . u
Miss Brunatta Mazzettnl, Soprano -Boautiful
i Talented - Professional j
1 5 p.m. I Friday, Marsh 16th
Admission $10 inc. tax
Tkktts at Many Itoras and AH ShrWrt
Ample Salem Shrina Club ;
Amity Council i
sutesaaaa ntwi service -
i AMITYA new mayor will be '
chosen at the neat city council
meeting to replace Earl Johnson,
who resigned to move to Astoria.
I The council Monday authorized
bids for a new city pump, f
t The present pumn is beuevefi to
be aboi't ?0 years old and is !deem-
ed inadfuate for service nee-'ed
at this time. j . i "
'.The Amity fire department will
sponsor its annual ball March 3J
at the hirh school srymnasium. Te
auxiliary plans a cooked-food sa'e
Saturday. J.Iarch 17, to raisef fnnds
for a pul motor. .- ., . y -
: ! Roberta S c h m a 1 z and iFrank .
Starkev incurred minor cuts ad
bruises last wrek In an accident
on the Amity-McMinnville" high- .
way- '...;-! I "
MILL CITY Mr. and Mri. .
Clyde ,H?tha way (Darlene pown
er) are parents of a child born
March 7. . -. ;
watch for!
re-opei:i::g! i
DATE ... !
Mat. Dally From 1 pj M.a
i Now! Lovet JLaoghter!
J And Lilting Musict
A Picture For All
. Free Peopiest
i i
i I
11Z 1 .2
VtrgO X. Geldea Graee 8. GaUea
r3 S. CommercUl a . FU?:Ul IZ:v:C3