The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 08, 1951, Page 2, Image 2

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    - a
ITliV CW!emcaa; So2d; tirades, Thntd&y. MarcV33:-frS3i
Solon Charges
Bribe Attempt
At Olympia
OLYMPIA.' March 7 -V
charge was made on the floor
Hm hnM of rem; cscntatlves
night that a member-bad been of-
lerrd i bribe for bis vote ana rui
influence in swirigin votes to pass
- OLYMPIA. March 1-4JP)SUtm
Patrol Chief James A. Pryde
disclosed tonlxht J. J. TJlemaa.
nat 5. box 598. Tscoma. was
arrested tonirht en a enarre ef
rrerint; a bribe to a public el
the so-called Spokane power bill.
The measure was aeieateo, sa-n.
Th rhr. made during nearly
two hours of heated, bitter and
sometimes tearful argument, was
, made, by Rep. Kenneth Simmons,
Sumner democrat. ,
Simmons, reading from a paper
lie said was a transcription oi i
tmman bad' offered him $25 for
OtltT VUkC UJU AMU MUU AfcA M... .i.m.
mtiv hi organization, will Day
as high as $300 to $500 apiece for
a vote." '
The steenographer who took the
-r- conversation, Simmons said, was
hidden behind a committee room
bookcase. Simmons then said that
'not ten minutes ago Mr. Kno
blauch and I walked into the men's
lounge and .approached a man
there whoasked come off
:- the 'floor.
-I said "what's the deal? The
man said there were two envelopes
and there will be $25 in each for
both of you if you vote yes on
bouse bill so 7 as ll came irom uw
i. . senate.
! acVixf him where the money
came from and he replied this
. 1
I not my money, xi is opo&uc
- power money." . .
Knoblauch is a Sumner demo
cratic house member also.
- TV Cimmnni remarks came aft
er the battle opened over approval
of nouse dui wiui a kuic
amendment attached. This amend
ment would forbid any public util
ity district or group of P.U-D.'s
from buying the Washington Wa
f Pnvw Cn - facilities in Sdo-
kane without a vote of the peo-
Ashland to
on Issues
ASHLAND, March 7-ff-The
Ashland city council has tentative
ly agreed to submit five issues to
ity voters -in a mid-Anril elec
tion. City Attorney Harry Skerry
aid today. . . '.
V He listed the issues as fl) the
city budget, which requires a levy
In excess ox me o per cent iimiia-
tion; (2) a one-mill levy for the
' JJthfa park improvement plan; (3
ra new chamber of commerce
building; (4) annexation of the
Walker school district and 9 a
proposal to shift responsibility for
- improvement of intersections from
the city to property owners.
ROBERTS - Mothers club of
Roberts school netted $45 from the
card party Friday. Prizes went to
8. Millian, Joan Haney, Gail Wil
liamson. Mrs. Gail Williamson,
Mrs. - Glenn Bidgood. Herbert
Miller, Nina Castor and Glenn
Bidgood. Proceeds will be used
for schoolhouse equipment. Mrs.
Harry Eyerly, Mrs. Carl Heyden
and Mrs. Alfred Kleen were in
charge of arrangements.
No adequate explanation has
been found for the annual migra
tions of birds and animal.
s y
Byron Steela
yaa Count Ahnarira fcr
Bossinfs Gay Opera
Salsa niVScHscl
A Qiarlea L. Wagner
Translated Into English
by Georae Mead -
All Star Cast. New Set'
. tings and Costumes
Complete Orchestra
end Male Chorus '- ; -
Ctadente $L5i Adnlts $2.41
" Iteaei ted $Xt ' :
Tlfxeta an malm at TfeUea.
VVUa Music. Etevens Jewelry.
fponsored by Associated Sta-
cts ef VTIamette University.
- - 3 .5 -1 . . . $ ' ' " ' 1 - I j .
yc- '-y
uv U A y ,y
T ll f Jf 4::-
. y : : r( v " J
Jy-1 V . "w,. i'
"w r
1 6TH CENTURY CUSTOM - Members ef Coa
fraternity af Saecoal wear sackcloth garmeats la Leaten eeremeay
:t Kerne. Confrateraity Is composed largely of Berne's leading
famnifi aad sackelata tradlUaa dates back te 16th ceatary.
Doctor Put
Relief Rolls
WALLA WALLA, Wash, March
7-4tp-A Walla Walla doctor and
his wife have been added to the
state's relief rolls much: to their
surprise and consternation.
Dr. George Herbert offered the
proof today. He displayed checks
of $54.47 and $54.48. One was for
him and one for Mrs. Herbert.
With' the checks ' came ; a notice
from the state social security de
partment that their monthly wel
fare ; payments had been approved.
Just like that. No . questions
asked. ' ; f f
The If mildly Indignant doctor
said ill he'd done was send a no
tice to the department of a change
in his home address. . His only
dealing with the department had
been treatments of welfare pa
tients. , i
The checks will go back, he said,
with a "proper letter to send under
such circumstances.'
He didn't say whether he'd re
mind, the social security depart
ment, that one of its announced
goals is to trim $50,000,000 from
state welfare costs la - the next
two. years.
Salem Air Police
: - I
May Get Plane for
Civil Defense 'Use
: Possibility that Salem's aerial
police may get a light plane for
use in civil, defense popped up
Wednesday. ' ij
' The city of Salem has come into
possession of three Lusoomb two
seater planes in satisfaction I of
hangar space and license fees
owed to the city by a commercial
operator. The past-due i bill bad
amounted to nearly $3,000. jj
One of two 65-horsepower
planes has been sold by the city
for $800; the other and an 85
horse power plane are being held
tor offers. i j
. However, civil defense leaders
have their eye on one of the re
maining planes for emergency
work, and this possibility will j be
suggested to tne city council. City
Manager J. L. Franzen said Wed
- . u ,- ... 1
to Die
federal jury decreed death today
for Oscar Collazo who stormed
President Truman's home Novem
ber 1 in the name of Puerto Rican
Actual fixing of sentence in a
federal court is in the hands of
the judge but the jury found the
little 37-year-old revolutionary
guilty on two counts of. first de
gree murder. The . law .makes
death in the electric chair manda
tory on each such count. ;
Both the charges were based
on tne deatn or Private Leslie
Coff elt of the White House guard,
shot to death in the furious gun
play outside Blair House on Penn
sylvania avenue.
Police Catch
Car Prowler
A city policemen caught a car-
prowler red-handed Wednesday
A patrolman said he arrested
the prowler after watching him
take fishing tackle from a car
owned by James B. Crenshaw.
335 South st It was parked in
tne downtown area. ;
Held on a larcenv charee is
John William Howard, 39, a tran
sient. !:
Reds Want to
Renarvle Peak
HONG KONG, Thursday,
March 8-4P)-Red China wants to
re-name Mount Everest, highest
peak in the world.
The Peiping magazine. "Open
Minded Youth, contend, the 29,-002-foot
mountain should be call
ed Chu Mu Long Ma Tibetan for
"Mountain of the Waters of the
Sacred Mother." : , r;
The magazine said the peak was
discovered by Tibetan explorers
in 1717 "135 years before it was
seen by Everest."
It was named for Sir George
Everest, British military engineer
and surveyor general for India,
1Y18a the Bowery Boys
Iran Premier
TEHRAN. Iran, March " 1-Ph
Premier Gen. All RazmaraJ a
tough anti-communist whose re
form program was backed by the
United States, was shot td death
today by a religious fanatic at a
funeral in a Tehran mosque.
The assassination was the cli
max of weeks of political agita
tion in which nationalistic Iran
ans showed growing resentment
against the premier because !he
opposed nationalization! of the
Anglo-Iranian Oil company. The
best sources, however, ; believed
communists were not involved.
The gunman, Abdulla Rastegar,
a 28-year-old carpenter, and three
suspected accomplices were ar
rested on the spot. !
Informed sources identified
Rastegar as a member of Fada
yam Islan (Crusaders of Islan),
a fanatical Moslem sect.! i
Speakers at a Fadayam rally
last Friday cursed Stalin, Presi
dent Truman and King George; VI
in demanding an end to foreign
interference in Iran. j j
Young Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlevi immediately named acting
premier 70-year-old Khalil Fah
imi, who ordered the armed forc
es and all officials to carry
with the "utmost care'
strength as a precaution against
inspired disorder among Iran's
15,000,000 people.
Telephone Toll
Delay Strike
Long line! technicians of the la
cific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany agreed tonight to another
day-to-day extension of their
contract, which had been ached'
uled to expire at midnight. The
agreement barred the possibility
01 a strike tonight.
:i Leslie Monahan, Seattle, presi
dent of the Independent' Order of
Repeatermen and Test boardm en
said the continuation was gran tea
at the request of the state and
federal mediation services, and in
recognition of the "vital service
performed by the union members
in our national defense.";
I Salem telephone toll' test' men.
Whose union; is involved in con
tract negotiations with JT&T,
wm continue on the-Job today
pnd In the future unless contrary
orders are received from the un
ion, ; Ronald V. Miller, area vice
chairman of the union, said Wed
nesday. -.: ' I, '
Salem experienced no difficulty
Wednesday as some other cities
did, according to Elmer Berglund,
local manager.
:! The only long distance techni
cians here who are involved are
five toll test men concerned with
maintenance and operation of
radio circuits, teletype : circuits
and long distance lines. :
Lebanon Girl in
Contest Finals
! PORTLAND, March 7-(P)-Ore-gon
winners to compete in a na
tional scholarship contest were an
nounced today by the state board
of directors of the Oregon council
of churches.
t They include Ronald H. Bayes,
Freewater; Susan Fox McAndie,
Eugene: Donna Plymale. Lebanon;
Joan Wood, Portland.
The four will be entered witn
other state winners in a national
contest for $400 scholarship
PRINEVTLLE. March 7 -flP-
Oregon and Washington will be
free of spruce budworm within
three years, members of the Cen
tral Oregon chapter of the Association-
of American i Foresters
were told here last night. I
Secret Cache
In Stone Lion
LONDON. March 7-CffV-A la
borer proved today that It pays
to be fnice to animals even an
eight-ton; stone one.
i He scratched the back of the
famed old "Lion of Hungerford"
now being refurbished for ex
hibition at the Festival of Britain
and discovered a secret com
partment. The niche, long sealed
by dozens of coats of red paint,
yielded a bottle containing some
coins dating back to William the
Fourth (1830-1838) and a note
which hasnt been deciphered yet.
For more than a century and
a quarter, the red lion graced the
roof of a Thames-side brewery.
; NEW HAVEN -((P)- A frank
furter and beans dinner for 10
cents once was a luxury to Sin
clair Lewis, famed novelist who
died recently in Rome. Arthur J.
Sloane of New Haven recalls the
days when he and Lewis, fellow
employes of the New Haven Journal-Courier,
felt fortunate to be
able to afford such a meal at
their nightly dinner hour. Sloane
Is now managing editor of the
There are more than 20.000 spe
cies of trees in the world.
John -Wayna j,
Mrs. OTtfalley i
And Mr. Malone
Dana Andrews Farley Granger Jean Evans
- la Samuel Goldwya's
... t .
'UMHU it
arsaa wsysssj
t vfxRxza Csos.
m - w-n I
' 4 .A1S0!..;,
Tha Fry's Ust Nlghr
Court Continues
Washington Power
Sale Injunction
COLVTT J.K. Wash.. March l-UPS
A court order restraining the sale
of the Washington Water Power
company to a group of public
uuiity districts today jwas. con
tinued temporarily. '
Judge B. B. Horrigan continued
the temporary order br two or
three days" until he can render
a decision on today's hearing on
a show cause order. '
The restraining order was issued
February 26 after seven Spokane
citizens filed suit against the
Chelan. Pend Oreille, Stevens and
Douglas county PUDS to stop the
sale on grounds it is illegal. .
GrasH Throws
3 Children
From; Auto
Three, youngsters bounced out of
a moving auto Thursday in a col
lision on North River i road, but
all escaped! serious injury.
First aidmen said Sherry Boy-
er, 3, tumbled out first and skin
r.ed her hips, head and elbows.
Jimmy Boyer, 4, landed on Sher
ry. He suffered a cut lip.
Terry, 5, flew out last. He land
ed on his brother and twin sister
and didn't get hurt at all.
State police said the children
were riding with their mother,
Mrs. Marie Boyer, 4119 Filbert
st, when her car collided with one
driven by Lloyd Stoltenberg, Ger
vais route 1. Neither was cited.
Fire Atop House
Caused by Paper
Flames leaping from the top of
a house near the east Salem fire
house startled city firemen Wed
nesday night. -
Firemen,: who first noticed the
blaze, sped to the Charles Sumner
home, 1725 State st, geared for
action. But r there wasn't much.
Someone had! burned some papers
in the fireplace and they shot up
through the l . chimney, firemen
said. i "
Mat. Daily From 1 P. M.a
New! Love! Laaghter!
And Liltiag Masie!
A Picture For All
Free Peoples!
Ami Moved to Tha
OPEN 6:45 P. M.
It if ir
Stcrycfiha Greet
mill lllf flrillll 1
'III ttiu M WW I III
- y
f : ta!
RFC Director
Dunham Admits
Being Used7!
': WASHINGTON, March i7P)
Walter L. Dunham, a director of
tne , iteconstrucuon finance cor
poration, acknowledged today that
some members of a White! House
social : circle in which he ! moved
tried to use him in angling for
huge government loans.
! "Somebody took me in, I 'guess,"
he told the senate ; banking- sub
committee, which is investigating
alleged favoritism and political in
fluence in RFC lending, f 'i
"I think I am entirely lacking
in political sagacity." . ;
1 Dunham, a 68 year old IDetroit
banker who has been a republican
all his life, said the soda group
he referred- to ' included Donald
Dawson, one of President Tru
man's aides; William E. Willett.
another RFC director; E. Merl
Young, wellrto-do husband of a
White House , stenographer, and
Rex Jacobs, a Detroit industrial
ist who Dunham described as hav
ing some degree of White House
entree." ; - - .
But Dunham stated "I am posi
tive no one has succeeded In exert
ing any improper Influence upon
my decision on any RFC matter."
Senator Capehart (R-Ind), a
subcommittee member, commented
to reporters at tha close of the
hearing: ; . - :
I think he was used, but they
didn't have to twist his arm Very
hard.. ; -.,f Vty, - A- - -
Dunham ; acknowledged ' in I his
statement that WiUiam M. Boyle,
jr democratic national chairman,
had sent him . many loan appli
cants, and that at least one came
to him from the White House.
St. Paul Lions
Club Organized
gUUsaaaa - Ktws f wvlea
ST. PAUL, .March .7 A St
Paul Lions club was organized to
night under sponsorship of the Sa
lem Lions club. The charter-night
meeting is slated for May 12.
- Officers elected were J. Ri
chardson, president; William
Bowers, first vice-p resident;
George Settelmeyer, second vice
president; Claude Smith, third
vice-president: Jerry Connor, secretary-treasurer;'
Carl Smith, lion
tamer; John Smith, tail twister;
Lee Dugger, Lester Ernst, Leslie
Weatherd and Karl J. Kuhn, dl-
rectors.'.. , ,
Salem Lions who attended were
Edward Kajekr R. W. Land, Ei
Burr Miller and Charles Schmitzi
James TindaH,- Hollywood Lions
member and Lions zone chairman,
also attended.
'open :45, Starts 7:15
: Fred MaeMnrray
; Irene Danae
, - Andy Devlae
! -NFra A DUU
' Aadle Murphy
, Brlaa Dealevy -i
- la , TechnleoUr -
ICaiuas Raiders"
S3i j """
3 (ft" N
TffiMfHtiij InlMiViv AVi1tti Vyillu.
1 : I
s - -
t - : -
" if
f ' "
All natal' step - on
can with n-titij
wataiaacet, in
lovely springtlma
bouquai ottam !
Fancss Feci Chopper
AH metal construction Willi strong
clamp ond cam-dzip Ifeatura
I 0 ?A 0 6
V '! O V -
: : ." " ! ' s'l.-, '
Sturdy, reinforced
splint znapla clothes
basket la large size.
28x16x9 Inches i
$11 39
5 Pc Dish Towel Scl
17x14 in. white eetton fievr sack towels.
Seff. absorbent, takes te water like a
20 incb decorated nmnon
.Selected Quality,
board backed with
- metal nanaers ' cd-
tacLed. - . !
12 Pc. Ilcfrxgcralcr Scl
. Crystal dear units, 6 coxnpleta nest
ad Jars and covers
Sal begins at 93 Thursday, Marca 9, unfil llama ara sold. TJmliad
- i rpirni a.!t mi !!ftrr ftff a lrfnH to nutamif.
mm mm mm ui
ctiM't'ttJ- :!MUt:.:ru;..