!' i t ' : Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Mar. 2-WVToday's 'A a rnm ' - ' 2SA;Gen Foods , Al Chem 65 'Gen- Motors Al Chalmers 45Goodyear Tire Am Airlines 15 jHomestake Am Pow & Lt 21;int Harvester Am TpI A: Tel 157ilnt Pacer Am Tobacco 64 'Joans Man Anaconda 42IKennecott Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner 165Ubby McN Sc 55!LocJi Aire 52!Loew's Inc 70 ILone Bell Bur Add M 16tMontg Ward Calif Packing . 64 Nash Kelv Can Pacific 27 MY Central Caterpillar Celanese - 52 'North Pac J 35 U Pac . ; 53y4Pac Am Fish 17TUn Airlines 79 y4Pac Gas & Elec-34'Un Aircraft Chrysler Con Edison rvns Vultee Ji-UiPac Tel fie Tei 2u!Packara . , . . . Crown ZelTback 54 'Penney uin wngni . Doug Aircraft Duoont . ll!Penn R R 'Pepsi Cola 89y8'Philco Eastman Kodak- 45 IRad Com Emer Radio 14Raynonier Gen Electric 56 Ray Pfd Salem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday) UTTtKFAV Premium No 1 .77 .73 .7 .77 Ko. t SUITER Wholesale Retail KCR1 (Having) (Wholesale prices range from I cents over buyln orvcel Large AA to 7 .48 .45 .45 .41 32 .25 J31 M .11 J4 trie A Medium AA Medium Small rODLTRT Leghorn hens Colored hens Colored fryers -Leghorn fryers Old roosters Roasters I.I VF STOCK (Valley Packiat Company Quotations) Fat Dairy Cows Cutters 29.00 to 22.00 19.00 to 21.00 24.00 to 27.00 24.00 to 27.00 28.00 to 35.00 32.00 to 33.00 25.00 to 29.00 24.00 to 28.00 10.00 to 16.00 Bulls Dairy heifers Good veal Lambt. wooled Lambs, sheared Feeders Mutton Portland Livestock PORTLAND. March 2-(AP)-(USDAl-Cattle salable Friday S3; market steady. Few -commercial steers at 34.00; can-er-cutter cows . 21.00-24.00; utility $5.00-27.50. For week: Salable 1415; market uneven, steady-50 lower: most ly steady to weak on short supply. Load choice 1023 lb fed steers 36.50; other mostly choice 1000-1159 lb fed food 35.75-36.25; commercial-it o o d 1.00-35.00; utility 26.50-30.00. Few (food 13 lb feeders 33.75. Good heifers lim ited at 33.00-50; commercial 31.00-32.00: utility 25 .00-29. 00. Canner-cutter cows to. 00-24 00, mostly 22.00-24.00: shells down to 18.00 or under; utility cows $4.50-28 00; few commercial 29.00. odd head 30.00. Commercial-rood bulls g .00-31 50. odd head 31.75 32.00; utility 00-2S 00. Calves: Salable Friday 15: steady; medium-good vealers 30.00-40.00. For week: Salable 240; market active. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS I Kilecycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 149. KOIN 970, KGW 620. KEX 11M Pacific Standard Time f Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 FM: Klt-s aete: The Statesman pnhUshes ha (M4 faith tha nrorr.-. .- O as previded by radl staUoma. t .ffUme, Jr.J.. Jli SZfZy IlVe",. "tmCUO"- JMS. -wspap eanoV CT SI nouR 00:00 00:15 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News News Hodge Pods Dawnbeat jTimekeeper KOIN Kloek Hodge Podge Dawnbeat 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Hemingway Minstrels KOIN Klock Hear Thla Roundup Boys l,w7'kl P11 iBreak. Gang II Minstrels J Jerry Sears Macleod- News JGoss News Hear This (Kneass News M. Agronsky INews i 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Leslie Nichols Radio Kids News A. Andrews No School 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX N.W. News Science Theatre News No School Farm. Rom lAlan Holmes Theatre Publle Affalra No School 10 KSLM N.W. News KOCO Aunt Sophie KOIN Stars Hlyd. KGW Symphony .KKX Tom. Stars Land o Free Aunt Sophie (Stars Hlyd. (Symphony I Tom. Stars 11 KSLM Symphony KOCO Music Room KOIN Family Party KOW Mary Taylor KKX Metr. Opera Symphony Music Room Family Party I Mary Taylor I Metr. Opera 12 KSLM Gay 90s KOCO At the Opera KOIN News KOW Farm-Home KKX Mter. Opera I N.W. News At the Opera I Guest Star (Farm-Home IMUr. Opera 1 KSLM Man on Farm KOCO Sat. Matinee KOIN Fun Young KOW 6ong Festival KKX Metr. Opera Man on Farm ISat. Matinee (Fun Young I Advised I Met. Opera 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Air Force Hr. II Air Force Hr. 1,'Geor. Crackers IGeor. Craekera Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Sat. Ma" . Sat MauSe Kirkham News Kirkham News'Cross Section I Cross Section Piano Quartet Piano Quartet lUving 1951 ltJvlng-19l Met. Opera I Tea. Crumpets Vrea. Crumpets i I Rhythm 7 3 KSLM. Dunn on Discs Dunn on Discs Sports Parade ISports Parade KOCO Sat. Matinee Sat, Matinee ISat. Matinee IsSltuiee KOIN Kirkham New. 'Lake Success LsoorU KevTew ILeSuel? N?w KGW News I Earl Godwin iToscaninl i Toscaninl T I KKX Jr. Junction Ur. Junction (Tommy Dorsey fWatson Show 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX John riynn I Hemingway (Melody Portrait Twin Views News Chln-up Assembly God (Assembly "God Schools t Vou Schools & You IJohnny Spot (Johnny Snot Toscaninl Toscaninl I Bands of Land Bands ofLand Rex Koury 1 Squirrel Cage ISquirrel Cage - lUna M. Carlisle 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Sing. Marshall (Sing. Marshall (Chris. Science - I Music Bhvthm Ranch) Rhythm Ranch I Jerry Gray i Encore Sides Music U Know I Barnyard (Danger Ahead Goss Newi Bands ot Land I Bands of Landl Carson-Stern - ( E. Peterson Navy Hour Wavy Hour IChet Huntley I IGuest stmt 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX HawaU Calls. Dinner Musie Hop. Cassidy -Dixie Jazs Sptlit Salem Hawaii Calla Dinner Musie Hop. Cassidy Dixie Jacs Home Edition 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Sage Riders BaUadiers ; Sins It Again Musie Playhouse ; Sing It Again .Judy Canova uuay canova Merry Go RndJMerry Go 0 KSLM Reporters Rdupi Reporters Rdu pi Music j I Sou a re Dance KOCO Liberty Sports Liberty Sports I Liberty Sports (Liberty Sports KOIN V Monroe V. Monroe (Gene Autry 1 (Gene Autry KOW Brian Donlevy' Brian DonlevylMan Called X (Man Called X KJLX Lone Ranger Lone Ranger IShoot Moon - IShoot Moon s KSLM - News I Pop Edwards ( Hoos. Hotshot (Muste KOCO Liberty Sports (Liberty Sports INews i Dick Jurgens KOIN . Gang Busters (Gang Busters (Yours Truly - (Yours Truly KGW Kit Pared (Hit Parade ILUe of Riley I Life of Riley Mjvmy nomm lujeaj am 10 KSLM Family Theater IFan-Oy Theater IN W News (Orchestra; KOCO From Ciro's irrom euro KOIN Night I Si KOW News Sootlt on (Dance Musie IWrangleral t ttn milieus iDanca Time rinal Edition 11 KSLM Open House (Open House ; Open House (Open House KOCO Dance Party (Dance Party Dance Party (Dance Party KOIM Orgs Melodies Organ Melodies7 Bandstand (Bandstand . KGW Wax Museum (Wax Museum (Wax Museum (Wax Museum KXX Good Listening (Good listening (Good Listerilng (Good Listening KOAC S5S k. e. ISM ajn The fews and weather: ltilS Especially for Women; 11 AO The Concert Hall; U-M The News; 12:15 nan.. Noon Farm Ziour: 1M Rid'em Cowboy; 1 Stars on Parade; 1:45 Excursions In Science; IM Music of the Masters; 330 U. S. Vavy Band: 3:45 Here Is Australia: AM ; . ( 1i .-: .hi : t i closing quotations: .,. 46VklRepub Stl 50iRey Me'' 78 Ya 40 IRichfie'd Safeway ... i..L. Sears Roebuck Soc Vac iSouth PaC iL . 36 54 75'Std Oil Cat L. 9td uu nj 38Studebaker,-L IRii Sunsh Mn .! iswm ana t;o iTrasamerica Twent C Fox 224?Un Oil Cal ll2iM"v1' v- . 7 II f Ulor 5iiiU S Plywood ,TT C Ct1 227iiWarn Bros-.. nv"iWest Un Tel 24'West Air 9r 19 V, West Elec L. 50 TiWool worth i .. ftiS00 valr M "ht calves 38?-40.00; few good stock calves 40.00-42.00! moriium .. i ' 30.00-35.00: utility 24.00-29.00: eulla down to 20.00. i Hon alahlo rrli4- 1 . i- ers unsold held - higher, , For week: . , nurwi closing mostly 1.00 lower; sows weak-50 off. Good- ehnir- 1 ftn IK K.. . m e mostly 2o.0O late: early top 25.50: heav ier weights uneven with fat type sharply discounted; 260-330 lb 23 00 24.00: few 150-170 , lb 24 00-50. Good 400-600 lb sows - 21.50-22.23: lighter weights to 22.50 and over. Few good feeder pigs 25.00-50; choice scarce. Sheep: Friday none:' market nomi nal. For week: Salable 150: slaughter lambs steady; slaughter ewes 1.00 and mm" rtfflkAw 4a. 4k Ail' --. . L fleeced ewes. Good- choice fed wooled i"auv os.uv; mraium-fooa 33.00-34.00. Good feeders 31,00-32.00. rw4 .ltt.VtA. a... .a AA carrying heavy wool crop 20.00, hew ivuiu uiKii. tummou sown o ii.uu; culls down to 12.00. j Stocks and Bonds 4 Compiled by the Associated Press March 1 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS IS RA Indust Rails Utils Stocks Net change Friday Prev. day Week ago Month ago Year a no A.6 AJ A 3 : A 4 127.8 68.9 127.2 68.8 126.9 68.9 127.1 71J 103.4 42.6 ISO n tt 49 5H: SSJ2 49.3 48.6 47J 44.5 49.3 I 95.6 95.4 95.9 74.1 96.9 1950-51 high H New 1950-51 high; : BOND AVERAGES 20 Rails 10 Ind Unch 101.2 101.2 101.4 , 101.8 102.6 102.8 101.2 10 Utl Unch 102.8 102.8 103.2 103.6 105.4 105.4 102.8 Fgn Unch i 72 .2 72.2 72.3 72.1 ! 73.6 j 75.4 68.9 Net change Unch 99.9 Prev. day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1950-51 high 1950-51 low 99.9 100.5 100.1 95.3 100.6 92.5 Portland Grain 5 PORTLAND. March. 2 (AP) Cash grain: Oats No 2 33 lb white S5.50; barley No 2 45 lb BW 61.00. Cash Wheat (bid): Soft white 2.32; '00:30 ; 0045 i 1J News INews i -Wn Melodies! Net Newa 1 KO Oock KOIN Klock I Hodge Podge ) Hodge Podge Dawnbeat i . Dawnbeat t ITop Trades .Ex. Service ICons News ' (Sam Hayes I Coffee Time .'41 71 I ' 41V I if Jfi01 Kivn of Rert 'Haven of Rest ?.d- IPfo-d'T Hall Proudly Hall lljets Pretend (Theater iTheater i J A. Andrews ISmilin' Ed - ISmilin' Ed iNo School fNo School? iNochool? Jf'tor CaQ Bargain Ctr. IJ:H 9"b ' . Kid' Korner ICrand Central I Grand Central IReading la Fun (Kneass News (Toy land Tunes IToyland Tune IMuslc ( (Music i Jlno- Parent JPrin. Melody (Give St Take (Give & Take Radio City-USA'Radio CityUSA Tom. Stars ; (Torn. Stars! I Symphony! ! Sk. Henderson Music Girls Y. Oregonians : Metr. Opera Symphony; Natl Guard music oiru y. oregonians Metr. Opera I Man on Farm Man on Farm News Navy Stat! Time Mort . Downey Army Band Mter. Opera . Morton Downey Army Hand Metr. Opera (Band Concert, iBand Concert Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Galen Drake I West New City Serenade City Serenade Met. Opera I Met. Opera tWest RamblerslWest Ramblers Newa . I UiHnhi n4 Fav. Husband IFav. Husband Ijennf- n -m I T. I - t. IStar Parade ; tBert Andrews iReservistai' U?Mrviat.i Navy Band I Mid-Court Sing It Again (Sing It Again' (Ole Opryl - lOle Opry . IJay Stewart I Jay Stewart Rnd. imnnuiujir. uaicrna I Hr. s isaiute Heservessaiute Reaerrest Asia I Orchestra 1 Orchestra IWrangkers (Good I -sterling Jimmy Martin: 4J3 On the Upbeat: 4:4 Oregon Reporter; SM Children's Theatre: 5:30 Defense Report; 8:45 London Letter: i 6)0 The News, and Weather: S05 OSC Town Meeting: 7 Grand Opera Tonight; 7U Basketball UofO vs OSCi SM Zkanco Ppraoe; 18M Sign O-Cl : oft white 'fexcfusMng Hex) t3 White club zja. Hard Red Winter: ordinary zjz: is per cent S3; 11 per cent L33: U per cent L37. 1 . ' .1 Hard White Baart: 11 per cent 2J2; IS per cent 8.37. - U Today's car receipts: Whehat 43: bar ley , flour . com 4, oats 2. mill feed 8, flax 1. rye 1. i BPR ENGINEER RETIRES i PORTLAND,! March 2-iir-TQm Davis, who has been with the fed eral bureau of public roads, re tired yesterday as district t engi neer in charge of all 'federal! high way activity in Oregon. jj 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Large amethyst i brooch. (Thurs day evening at High school. Reward. 2-2493 or 2-5312. LOST Brown leather' billfold. cn taining important papers and cur rency. Wm. Lester Anderson. 123 Cascade Drive. Ph. 3-8698. j SUBSTANTIAL reward for return i of red male cocker dog. white spots on nose, answers to "Corky" j Please ti aes ! V.11U icWw. LOST Feb. 23. black cloth purse down town. Return to 735 N. CapltoL Reward.-" . h 314 Trtmsportcrtlon" LEAVING for Los Angeles- next week. WiU take rider. Phone 2-7565.! - 316 Personal "OLD AT 40. 50. 60?" MAN I S You're crazy ! Thousands peppy -at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown I feeling many met, women call "old.T Intro ductory, "get-acquainted" size! special reduced price, only 45c. At all drug gists in Salem at Fred Meyer's and OwlDrug. LKAKN Swedish massage. Personal instruction. Lynn D. LeBaron presi- dent of LeBaron College of Mas sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd : Phone Enroll now ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph 3-8133 PO Bx 724 YMCA Wed Frt 8-30 ami STANLEY Home Products Ph 43882 ' DORINE Jenkins, formerly at Bonita Beauty Salon, beginning March; 1, will be located at Senator Hotel Beauty salon, rnone -bib NOT responsible for debts other than my own. L. W. Spidle. i , 400 Agrirnlturp 402 Livestock BONDED livestock buyer A. F. Sem mer 2130 Chemawa Rd Ph 42617 " BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer Ei d McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph 3-8147 BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box 899 E. Pb 4-1113. LICENSED Uvestock buyer, j H. E. Snethen. 1948 Lancaster dr Pr. 2-1345 BULL SERVICE, reasonable Nelson's anyplace anytime Phone 43178 j GOOD 6 yr. old mare, saddle, bridle, martingale Cheap. 2375 Brown Rd. (Swegle Dist.) i i i 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every Tuesday Fox's Hatchery SS30 State St Phone 3-49SS DAY-OLD and started chicks E. Cen ter Street Phone 22861. Lee's Hat chery. ' 1 ;i 408 Pets COCKER puppies. Very reasonable. 1 mi. N. of N. Howell school, Watch ior sin WIRE-HAIRED terrier. $35. Papers. 131 W. Powell St.. Monmouth. Phone M-796 ' : 1 11 MONTHS OLD stallion, reasonable. Phone 4-1970. MOORE'S Tropical fish aquarium. Fish, tanks, plants, heaters Sc ther mostats. Marvel pumps. 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Phone 27321 IROP1CAL FlSH AND SUPPLIES C L. MANN. BATTLE CR K RD AJC.C. registered Daschund :PUp. 5 months, priced reasonaDty.i n. m. Wait. Rickreall. Phone Dallas 3812. A.K.C. registered collie pups. ! weeks. rnone a-ov v. n ; 410 Seeds and Plants GARLIC for planting 25c lb. B70 ford St. Phone 3-9509. . j j STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Northwest strawberry plants. : High-producing, disease resistant. (4 per hundred. Fred Duris. Rt 4. Box 690A, Puyal luo. Wash. ! j ALTA FISCUE seed. High test Pasture mix. Reasonable. Nathan J. Kirth, Brooks, Oregon. Phone Salem 2 2627. ill 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools) W M ALLIS CHALMERS with blade. Phone 2-8797. YOUR time and effurt demands good tools Rent or buy them at Houaer Bros 1410 S 12th I i i ; ROTOTILLER sales, parts, and service. Howser Bros.. Ph4 3-3648. 1410. S 12th JEEP pwer take-off with pulley J Also governor. Dan zeh. 329 Salem Heights Ave. Phone 2-299S. ! i 1941 CLE-TRAC tractor, completely overhauled. 2 bottom 14" plows.- Sac rifice at $1250. Terms. Contact f. ,T. B rower, rnone z-sbi- oays. i 152 Wantsd Mack inmrf. Tools WANTED by private narty. i fork lift truck; also Hyster. or similar, lumber carrier, also large planer. Spot cash. ATwater 0630. Portland, ore. 455 Household Goods For Sal MANGLE Hot point ! flat. 2 lyrsJ old used very little: cost new $229.95, for only $150. See at 194$ N. :24th. Phone 4-1894. j s! i ! CU. FT. refrigerator. 1 year old. $150. Sec at 190 S. 25th ) ' " I LEAVING town, must sell jmy; 1950 model Bendix Gyramatic I No; bolt down model. Reg. : $259.95 for $193.. 9i9 w. cnurcn FOR SALE: $ pc Daveno, chair and matching hassock. Call mornings or evenings. 2-2837. ' ; ! ' Used Funi., Cheap j TRADE i TERMS! Valley Turn Co 8S No Coml S-7478 Used Rugs !j ! Aren't cheap at any price. When Glenn Woodry can offer a brand new 9x12 beautiful all wool faced ran at the amazingly low price of $29(5i You must see this outstanding i value ; to appreciate it Don t delay--:om in today to Glenn Woodry 's Furniture 46 Wantaxl. Roasehold Goods LAMBERT'S will pay you I cash for your furniture, rugs, appliances, one piece or a Houseful. - Just pnone 37100. -i- VALLEY FURNITURE ? 2S9 N. Com! : i Ph. i 27472 , 458 Building Materials I i i Vt"' Imported mahogany plywood. 25c aq. n. jarge stock plywooa xoc SHAKES SIDING IS cedar painted snakes wita under- dei course $l4-o sq. t i - If ew asbestos siding, c b a 1 e o of colors $10 aq. - j- ' ', i 1 IXXRS - f t New 1st ouatity 1 panel doors SSJO; glass doors. $1130; entrance doors. ilSJM. Lowest price pa door "hard ware. - ' : : .11 C C. LONG f!' i r Phone 25821 - & Mi. M. KaLcsr Mahogarry Plywood i f 4 450 MercLaridiie 158 Building MmsffialK " Plywood Flooring! Inch plywood for flooring 16c ft - $5.76 sheet C. G. LONG PHONE 2-5821 one Mile North of Keiser CONCRETE septic tanks. Drain tile, sewer and culvert pipe. Eola i Con crete Tile and Products. 3 miles West of Salem dn. Dallas Hiway. Phone 2-5834. i This Weeks Special . THIS 1 WEEK ONLY Window frames , price. 1 All window - and sash frames In stock at 50 discount. j KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front 8r Court i Where Parking Is No Problem WANTED: GREEN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch. Market Price. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 1 39189. Eve. 22576. Salem Lumber 8k Manu- ManufacTurlne Co PLYWOOD, low priced good rejects, free cutting. 4x8 waUboard j $L76. Stained or natural shakes. Fir floor- . lng from $8.90 hd. ft. Roofing and insulation of all kinds. Cement and and lime. Paints. Monthly payments if desired. PORTLAND ROAD LUM BER YARr-0974. mile north of underpass 90 LOANS on remodeling, garages, rentals, roofing, painting etc. Free estimates gladly given. I Epping Lumber 'Co. 3740 SUverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 Building Material We sell only the best, nationally ad vertised Bruce. Memphis. Lockwood brands oak flooring. An grades. Pric ed right. A car load No. 2 on hand. Coaster Mountain cedar shingles, all grades. $3.00 per sq. up. Cedar Wall shakes with ; undercourse $16 per sq. Painted 18 In. No. 1. Complete line Celotex products. Common lumber $30 up. Call Ted Mutter evenings. Z-I19Q saiem HOME OF QUALITY LUMBER Cedar Siding, Vsx6 C. RL per M ..$60.00 Cedar Siding. i,ix8 C. RL per M 70.00 Sheetrock. 4x8-V per Sht . 2.08 Sheetrock. 4xfl-.i. per Sht 2.32 Sheating. 1x8. K.D. per M 87.50 Shakes 18" No. 1. per Sq. . 12.50 Window Frames 50 Disc. Everything To Build With SERVICE LUMBER COMPANY Ph. 2882 707 McClaine St SUverton 46(1 Musical tnstrranents PIANO accordian. 120 bast. Best offer takes. Ph. 3-4641. B-FLAT Ebonite clarinet, like new. never been used. $100. 1215 S. 19th. Apt. I. BUFFET wood clarinet with case. $150. Call 3-8470. SPINET Piano, Mahogany, used 2 mo. Save $350. Ph. 3-4641. 462 Soorts Equipment GUNS 38 Colt special. 16 ga. pump, 410 Stevens pump. 2 wheel trailer. 851 South St. -68 For Rent MisceDaneous DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer elec portable sewing machine $6 per mo. Free pick up 8c delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l Ph 33512. 'J DHlVfc TRUCKS rOh RENl Bian kets furn 197 9 Llhertv Ph 2-MM2 GOOD USED Piano H U Stiff. 470 For Sale, MLscellaneous CHARIS CORSETTERE Mary. E. Bales Phone 3-5918 UP RIGHT vacuum cleaner, nearly ' new. S-O. rnont Z-5-4B. WHITE enamel gas apt. range. $45. Used walnut bedroom suite, very gd. cond only $59.50. Walnut coffee table, used, a good buy at $9.50. Gal vanized tubs on stand. $8.50, Solid oak large 4-dr. chest $15. Like Certa box spring and mattress at. a saving of over $40. Only 159 .50. Coldspot re frigerator, runs like new. $99.50. 7 tube Phil co radio, push button model. 45 r.p.m. phono jack $27 JO. Glenn Woodry'a Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. Terms and trade. 6 YEAR babv bed. high chair. Good condition. Reasonable. 3345 Abrams. MUST sell a Duo-spin washing ma chine in excellent condition. See at 356 Try on after 6 p.m. MAN'S small tire racer bicycle. 28x1 'i in. $15. Phone 2-1028, WARD Eclipse i. electric drill set. $15. Phone 2-1028. LATE model 7 ft. Frigidaire with Freez er chest. Phone 2-5122. ' PIGEONS. White Kings. $3 pair. Guar anteed pairs. 3320 S. Com. Phone 2-0542. NEW and Used Sewing Machines Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemek eta OIL circulators New and used. Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock for roads 8c driveway. Cement Ready. mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing lrainage and ditching 4 vd shovel & drag line pnone ROOFING materials Willamette Valley Roof Co.. 30 Lana Ave, ELECTRIC Heaters. Radiant and Fan. Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemek eta : OEEPFR-U-ZE and Westingnouae Home Freezers. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa ELECTRIC Ranges. New and Used Yeater i Appliance Co- 373 Chemek eta OAK library table. Ideal for desk $9.50. Kouna mk aimng xaoie su. a araw r chest of drawers $15.50. Da-en port 8c chair, a real buy at $99.50. portable typewriter km-mi. liiii selection of new swing rockers at bargain prices. Wardrobe trunks $19.50. Inner-spring mattress $10.50. Used rug. $12.50. Vacuum cleaners to fit your needs. Woodry's Bargain Barn. JEEP power take-off with pully. Also governor. Dan Zeh. 525 Salem eights Ave. Phone s-ae. TRAILER house 27 : ft garage and driveway, sewer, hot water tank, and shower. Lot 50x100 on paved st Phone 2-0313. BOX springs. Cotton mattress $0. Phone 4-3033 evenings. . Something New Has Been Added! PHILCO RADIOS RANGES :; REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS ABC Automatic Washers See the 1951 line now! Green Stamps - - - Easy Terms Master, Service Stations 363 N. Com! Ph.3-4183 Fertilizer Rotted Manure ' - Composts 4 kinds rotted manure. Also dry chick en manure. Advise best for your purpose. All good clean quality. Give your plants a chance. : - Cedar Posts Telephone and elee. poles. ' garden stakes and pegs. . , Rustic Fencing. Red cedar any type. Rustle rose trellis window shutters, bridges, archways made, to order. Phillips Bros. Ph, 43081 WASHING Machines. New and Used Yeater APfMianc, Co. T7 urnnir eta Rj-FKIGERATOKS. New ind Used Yeater Anoyance Co. 375 Chemek. eta PLASTI-KOTE Requires no Waxin for your fl ors or linoleum. Yeater Aopliano Co. 37? Oiemeketa Linoleum S3. 45 tfAi.t-s-T rtmft nt sw w. comi CENERAI. E-rctrie lefrigerator. 6t cu. ft older model. ood finish. $80. Phone 3-8790. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal. Miscellaneous nooD Used pianos i 87 ea- H L stiff rum co ' SEAT COVERS Large stock ot beautiful patterns, famous quality, fibre and plastic seat covers. Fit almost any make .,. or model from 1930-1949. J $4.98 Up ; Master Service Stations 365 N. Commercial SUN Lamp, Sperti pedestal type. Clutter Appliance Repair Shop. 310 s. High. Phone x-4587. 8 IN. Craftsman Jointer, nearly new. ANTIQUES: Pedestal base mmahogany table, lamp and oval walnut mirror. 407 NjlSttl i HOLLYWOOD twin size cotton mat tresses and box? springs. $30 each. Swivel armschalr. 88. 2-8754 i FRONT seats for Chevrolet sedan de livery. Practically new. Clutter Ap pliance Repair Shop, S10 S. High. Z-4587 A LARGE new used stock at bargain prices. We take trade-ins or buy out right woodry s Bargain Barn. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY i -Rough Green Douglas Fir Clears m any quantity thickness or six La CScBetter. By truck to our plant at Hayden Bridge about 3 miles NJC of Springfield on Mohawk Highway or by 'rail to Hendricks on Southern Pacific. Al Clements Lumber Co Eugene. Oregon P O Box 90S. Phone 5-3317 TRADER LOUD- PAYS SPOT CASH for used furniture, appliances, rugs. tools etc Ph 3-R558 HONEST prices paid for used furniture. Ranges, refrigerators, bed sets, trail ers, antiques, guns and anything of value. Don't delay. Call us today. Glenn Woodry's. 3-5110 or bring to 1605 N. Summer. WOULD like to buy restaurant equlp ment. Candy cases, bakery cases. Phone 4-1596. 474 Miscellaneous WANT TO Buy used cameras St McEwan Photo Shop. 245 N. High. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE CM MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolob Bldg State & Com Ph 3-3311 47b Fuel AVOID RUSH. Buy Andersons Hand picked 16" slab wood now. 2 cords only S12. Phone 2-7751. PRUNE, oak $10 per load. Phone 2-2129. . " BUY WINTER FUEL NOW Plvwood cores, loe ends Ph. S-6491 DRY Second growth Fir and slab wood. 4-2941 or 3-8445. : TRI-CITY FUEL " The Best Fuel at A Saving Ask for S & H Green Stamps PHONE 2-7442 BOX Wood. Immediate delivery. Frie sep Box Co. Phone 3-9189. Special Planer trimmings $8.00 cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO. 3-7721 or 3-6024 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny nver Stamps Ph 36444 16' Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 ' For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater 5t. w. saiem ELMER BOJi Ph. 3-9453. 2025 S. 12th. 18" Old Fir Veneer Cores Split for' Furnace If desired. 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan Start 1951 with , a CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills with a convenient -BILL CONSOLIDATION" loan Fait, friendly service. Typical Plans 15 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.00 380.00 30.00 760.00 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State - Room 125 Lie. - S-122. M-165 C. R. Allen Mer. CASH . NOW S25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need ltl Tou can pay anytime to reduce set costl No endorsers, or help from - friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 8300.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal ptopei ty up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today 1 Hear "Top Tn'm" 12:03 dally JCSLM 1390 KCsll General Finance Corp. Lie. No S13S and M33S PHONE 8-9181 138 S COMI ST PRIVATE Money to loan. Ph. 2-0794 $$ Money $$ ; FHA Loans 20 to 23 years repayment plan "CONSTRUCTION j LOANS" ; ' j Sis percent farm loans Personal. Furniture. .. "; Aute Loans - : "Tor an your; money needs" State Finance Co 153 S. High St Lie S216 M222 Tel. 3-4121 rARM ana C1TV LOANS t . and n -four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real - Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. -687 Court St - : Ph 4-2283 LOANS For Easter Shopping and to pay bills j $25 to $500 ' - On Auto ' -f ' ' ': TJp to $300 on Furniture or Salary ; and convenient monthly payments ar ranged. Dont boiiow unnecessarily, but when a loan is the best solution to a money problem, see tne. I say "Yes" to 4 out of 1 who ask for a loan; Tndorsers not needed. Come In or phone today. - i , PERSONAL l Finance Company t of Salem -10S S. High St. Ph. 3-2464 lie. No. S-122 M-US. C R. AHen. Mgr. 512 Loans VVaztted WISH $2,800 private farm. 9 room sncx 2S Box 422. Ph. 4-26.8. t00 Rnsfn'ess & Finance 510 Mon ey to Loan ? if AUTO LOANS I WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ta 8. Church St - Ph. $-3437 Parking Aplenty ' 1 ' Lie M159-S154 ' 4 Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Lone or Short Terms Payments i Roy H. Simmons! m m fln-imfi-t.1 Wf 1 Purine Wtti i'.tifov'men. 602 Help Wanted WANTED: Route salesman, dry clean lng route open. You own your own truck. Very liberal commission. - Can start St once. Box 280 co States- man.' - I t FREE RENT of three room apartment i, heat - and water for looking i after j trailer court Box -379 eo Statesman. F-PayroU clerk M-Press operator F-Typ-rt. bkkpr. at-Asst Mfr, F-Legal Sed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGNY. i MOVED 411 OREGON BUILDING 484 SUte ' Ph. 2-1488 JANITOR and wife for maintenance of Apartment building. Salary and lap i artment give age. experience, refer- ences and telephone number. Box l an. co jaiaicaznan. i i 604 Help Wanted. Male" MAN to work on poultry farm,! small nouse. mux, eggs, ngnts. water fur nished and salary. - No phone calls. Must apply In person. Atchison Leg horn Farms, ll&.milea North of Can. by. Oregon. , j j OREGON concern needsj 3 men who are interested in above average earn ings. Must be neat and willing to travel. Apply 10 to 134 343 X. Bush LIVE wire manager who has! or lean get salesman in fast ; selling I item. Farm, homes. Industry. Universal iap : peal and a must in j many leases. itoo required, ruuy protected. g -70. o talesman, i 6C8 Help Wanted, female" HEED' 3 middle aged ladies for part time work, making telephone jap- polntments. Salary. Write Box '275. eo Statesman giving home address r: and telephone number.' : I 6FFICE GIRL for general office. Exp. : not necessary. Apply Hogg Bros.,! 260 state st. WE HAVE a-position for an account :. lng clerk or clerk-typist. See Mr. , Pfouts at Oregon Flax, Textiles, 859 7th St.. W. Salem. ; Salesladies No experience necessary. WIU Phoae 35918. , train. 610 Sales Persons Wanted SELL ; MAYTAG, -EASY, ; FRIG ID AIRE -ohe appliances, our growing organization is in need 6f a high type salesman. Here is your opportunity to align yourself with the leaders in the appliance fielcWas well as an Out standing dealer Organization. Salary plQs commission. Transportation fur nished. Apply Hogg Bros, Salem. uregon. TO REPLACE men taken; by the; Army we need z men or women tor full ,or part time work. Accepting en rollments in leading 'hospital and medical plan. Free leads, high earn ings. Opportunity to advance un limited. See Mr. Tabor between hours of 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 348 ;N. Commer cial, room 22. i M 612 Work Wanted. Male CARPENTRY, any kind, reas sbnable. ; 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 4-2054. 61S Siruanons Wasrted 1 CURTAINS laundered and stretched, : tablecloths and fine linens, i Phone LAWN MOWER and saw sharpening. All work guaranteed. 391 GerthJ Ph. 2-1830. YARD WORK. AU kinds. Free esU- mates. Phone 4-2941. BABY Sitting days or nights. Mrs. Lela rraner. rnont 3-53-3. ! Nancy's Nursery 2-4940 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18TH. PH 2-6878. INCOME tax returns prepared. Your home. Reasonable Rates; ! Phone 4-2033. ; 1 ; TAX returns. $4 each. I We pick! up. Dial 2-6010. ' j ONLY First class carpenters employed In our remodeling department. Work guaranteed. Willamette Valley Roof Co. Salem REMODELING and ' carpenter! work. 1st class workmanship. Phone 39694 CHILD care, my home, day or night Phone 44548. 1596 S. Liberty. CHILD care by day or hour. Phone HUSKY, ambitious man wants any- kind of work. Painting. Phone 2-769T . BABY SITTING. NIGHT OR DAY. PHONE 2-7371. : CARPENTER. Alterations, i finishing, cabinet work. . Hour ! or contract 1 4.27M ?'!:!, CUSTOM Plowing and discing, j New ; Ford equipment Phone 4-3168, 620 Dcry and Contract ! Salem Sand & Gravel Co. : Contract Work I i Beads - Clearing - DUching Sewer M Basement Equipment Rental i Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9404 I Evenings 3-4400. 3-8348: ' Salem. Oregon AUTO FAINTING, fust a shade betlei by Ray ETTEH. Call BnrocK . Co. 3-919L j j Motor 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooxns. Board HEATED, furnished room. : close In. near bath and phone. 1 of 3 em Dloved persons. Light cooking. Ga- rage available. 60S S. Church. 3-7370. NICE large room for employed! tnan. HM. In. 3-5919. QUIET pleasant room, j very close to business center ana; siatei nouse. t-none --ion. MAN'S sleeping room,; private ibath. entrance, automatic neat rnone 3-9643. GOOD Food and Good Rooms, iti n". Capitol St. Phone 3-3750 ROOM for gentleman. Cloae in. Winter, call before 9:30 a. m MENS aleeoins rooms. Private en trance and phone. 1503 N.j CapltoL 33425. $ FURNISHED rooms, heat! private - entrance. rnone z-iss. J. WARM sleeping rooms for : men. 140 Chemeketa. working 70S ApcfTttnents iat fiertt FULLY furnished with Frigldairji utill ... tie and Beautyrest mattress! for two. ana cuiTra iisku v i w i e to Capital Shopping; . Center. Center. ' 1 ! , CI os 1369 VACANT, close in. 1 room kitchanettaT &. heat 053 venter. f DUPLEX dose in. Urge livlftgroom, ,. fireplace, partly furnished, j Key at 472 s. Winter st 1KTRA large 3 room, very clean, lots of builtlns and closets Will aceept : small child.- 1053 Edgewater. West Saiem. X ROOM furnished. Bus. Prefer- work ing couple. No children. Ph. ; 3-9719, 1 ROOM apartment employed ladies, CloM to state buildings. S6S; S. Sam. mer. APA-RTMXNT court, partly AimWihaa. Irwruire 1833 Lee. j j EiDHOOM apartment partly fur- wtsned., 837-W. Edgewater st;s-es.'S1 2R OOMj part ment 103 Marlon,. FUKNI.SHIJt 3 rooms for coupl .pie. On? room and kitchenette for business girL 1370 Chemeketa. ApCj noons onlv. 1 sftcr- FU-N'SHi-3 apartment near iTate i Jobs ---lijim 1 - , I ,i219 : . , - i I $5 Imit lr ins , bmuunci. MS ft. izuw -I r, i 4 - T ..! 'r . ........... . , ..... . The StatesnB-ecau Salem. Oregon. Scrfurday, I larch 3. IC31 f i700 Rentals 705 Apoxtrnents For Bent 3 ROOM furnished apartment, refrig erator, utilities furnished. Close in. Phone 3-7773. ' MINNESOTA Motel open under new management i Cottages newly aec . orated. Phone 3-9381. j 3860 S. Com- mercial. ' I SEMI-BASEMENT apt 3 room nicely furnished. Refrigerator. Private bath. Adults only. 1118 Oak St Phone 3-5834. . APARTMENT, private path,' close in. U Ohm. t.R- - : , CLEAN 2-room. furnished, refrigerator. Close i in. north. $44 and references. Phono 3-3000, Would you like to rent a beautiful one bedroom apt, absolutely new. hard wood floors. In one of Salem's best locations. ' Has one bedroom, private bath, ; liv i rm. kitchen and dinette. I etec. range and refrig. 'Lots of stor age space. Very reasonable. Only $63 . per no. ; : ' ' ' - ' Al Isaak & Co.i Realtor t Phone 4-3311 ' ' I " Eve. 3-3558 SEVERAL APTS. good location comp hirn. , Inq H L. Stiff Turn., 3-9185 NEWLY decorated apartments West Salem Pupl COMPLETE!? Salem Duplex. 291 Ehna. Phone 33611 Y FURN. i APT. $22.00. - APT. 7. B27 N. LIBERTY. 3 ROOM court apartment Electric stove anq refrigerator. 1664 p. 13th. i ROOM apt : Private bath, electtric heaL Private entrance. Adults. In ' quire 715 Ferry. LOVELY - room furnishehd apart - ment private bath and entrance, ; ground floor. Walking distance. ' Phone 3-7754. . I 1411 STATE STREET, 3 vacancies, fua? rushed, single and i large private -baths. f- - : i -UPPER duplex 4 rooms, modern, furn ished, all electric. 2210 Breyman. CLOSE in 3 large rooms and bath. Phone 2-7800. . ; 3 ROOM, first floor, near downtown. Has range, automatic j water heater. circulating oil heaterj Phone 3-5323. 4 ROOMS and bath. Stove, refriger . a tor, utUitiea furnished. 450 S. Capi- toi 3 ROOM apt. Close In ground floor $23. rnone -44C8. MODERN 3 and 3 room court apts. .1047 Madison. Phone 3-5652 or 3-4328. FURNISHED 3 room. and 1 room , apartments. Private path. 330 Mis sion. 3-7018. ' i CLEAN quiet warm 3 room apartment, lady preferred.' 645 Ferry. FOR MAN or ; 1 or 3 girls. Attractive modern apt' Newly decorated. Pri vate entrance. Very close in. 488 N. Winter. 1 ( FURNISHED small apt. All utilities Included. $33.50. 340 E. Washington. CLEAN 4 room Apt Private bath and entrance. $38. Phone 4-1619. . CLEAN 3 room furn. 'apt. Close In. Very reasonable. 180 Division St Corner Front and Division Sts. UNFURNISHED court apartment 386 s. iTtn st after a pjn. - . NEW 3 room apartment, range, refri- rerator. Isundrv. 2591 N. 5th St- MODERN" large furnished 3 room apartment utilities paid, adults. Con sider small baby. 208 Bush St. Phone 3-9331. " - j - - 3 ROOMS, private bath: and entrance. clean, close i In. unfurnished except stove snd ice box. 492 S. High. - ULTRA-MODERN, new I apartment for adults. Laundry, range, refrigerator. '2-7071. ! . ! 3 ROOM steam heatedTwell furnished. 1st floor apartment 472 N. Liberty. ROOM or apartment close in. Mature lady. Phone 3-4606. ! NICE : clean 3 room furnished apart- ment. private bath. 660 N. Commer cial.! : - - FURNISHED" T bedroom iDartment, steam heat, 2050 N. Caoftol. Apt 3. CLEAJS 3 room furnished apartment at 959 S. 12th St. FURNISHED $ two and three room apartments. No pets.! Children O.K. 2310 N. 4th. ! - 3 ROOMS furnished. Adults. $50 Phone --ana, ctu at laaa wj vapitoi. 3 ROOMS and bath furnished,. $43. Ph. 3-310L , .-i. ' j . . 75m ouses for Itent NIC-I DUPLEX. 3 bedrooms. nished except electrie range, erator. Garage. Inquire 358 , un fur re frig Tryoo. s--24. SUBURBAN modern 4-room house. electric heat. Adults. No pets. J. J. Broas. Rt. 1 Box 234. LARGE suburban home, partially fur- nlsneo. Gar-en space, fnone 4-1003. . 3 ROOMS and garage. Hollywood dis trict $50, - t REIMANN REALTORS Sol 1 South Hlrh Ph. 3-9203 3 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, ADULTS. MODERN unfurnished i court cottage. range, walking distance down town. Phone 3-5111. MODERN furnished 1 bedroom house. garage, laundry, water, garbage serv- ice.-$60. Phone 3-3282. NEW east Suburban house for 2 with garage, unfurnished ! except -stove and refrigerator. $59. Box 378 eo Statesman. FURNISHED 1 bedroom home, imme- dlate possession. Call 2-1642. IN KEIZER. unfurnished 5 room house. Clean, modern. 855 mpntn. n. .--jbo. 3 ROOM cottage, suburban. $25, Phone , 3-5838. - ' - For Rent . Brick home located N. 34 BJt.'s. Lge. liv. rmH din. room, kitchen, party room and basement Fireplace. Love ly; yard.: '! : - i, ; Al Isaak & Co.; Realtors 3039 Portland Road -43311 or 37820 3 BEDROOM house, floor furnace. 2313 . 8 CommerciaL inquire 395 N. 19th. FOR RENT or sale, modern new 3 bedroom stucco house on ",4 acres. See owner at $040 Newberg Drive, b mile West Kelzer School. 1 BEDROOM modern, partly furnish ed. garage. $55. month. Phone 3-0386 for appointment ; ' NEWLY papered 2 room cabui. Garden spot. $20. 4-t263. Rt . Box 361-F. 3 BEDROOM modem home. Phone 3-4516. SMALL cottage partly furnished. l35$ Clearvtew Ave. " ' NEW 3 bedroom home. Suburban. Elec trie beat Desireable for children $65. 1660 N. Cottage. i SMALL modern unfurnished, electrie water heater. Phone 3-8731. LARGE nearly new 3 bedroom home, north $70. Murphy and Kent Phone 4-2293. ; 3 BEDROOM home j to responsible party. Phone 3-7754.1 3 BEDROOM house, partly furnished. wired for range. 483$ Dierka Rd, Salem. Oregon. 710 Wanted To Rent, Houses BUSINESS MAN WANTS TO RENT t , BEDROOM HOUSE, UNFURNISHED, t WITH GARDEN SPOT, PREFER ABLY IN W. SALEM OR POLK COUNTY. WILL GO 7 OR $ MILES OUT. NO SMOKING OR DRINKING PHONE 2-5508. MANAGER of local business wanta 3 or 3 bedroom home. Upkeep and re pair guaranteed. For sensible rent. Phone 4-2248. -; -i f 714 B-tsdness Ilentals WISINCSS Boom H L Stiff TWO centrally located busineaa rooins upstairs. 300 sq. - ft and 900 sq. ft 439 Court St. b'UStNESS building in sane 3. 40x50 ' floor space. Formerly used for danc ing school, at 189$ Mission. Pnooe 3-8987. . - 'v -.. ' ! 1 000 - Real Estate : 01 Easiness Oytui-Itles SOOD NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY with Bvtng qmrter. good equipment reasonable rent Buslnsas can b In creased. Total price $6,000. Can Joe Vatlooek at Al Bell Real Estate. 475 Center St. Ph. 41601. Eve. Ph. 44345. Of flee opea aat anq sun, anemoorts. S3L or lease. Trailer Park. Rosa- ber district 995 Vista Ave. SEa VICE station for Highway utlAB: Handle any brand ox gas. Between $500 and $600 for equipment and stock. Take ear ror part or au .t .-. i t 1 1: !.;... ii i . 000 Real Estato IJk ! Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 , LARGE FAMILY HOME I f Close to State house and Capitol Shop ping center. 4 Bedrma, Fireplace. Full basement. Oil furnace. 'Older type in very good condition. 2 car farage. Lots of shrubs and I trees, arge lot Liberal terms. Total price $13,000.00. ' i . NEW SPACIOUS Bedrra. suburban home. Well built. Utility room inside of house. School bus front door. Lawn. See this one for $9000. Terms. t DONT MISS THIS - I ' Inside city limits. 3 Bedrms. fireplace. InsuL At W5 attached garage, party room. Very close to schooL Lawn Garden space. Extra large lot FJ-LA, terms. Owner will exchange for South Salem 3 Bedrm. home. The price is only $8950.00. t t PRICED BELOW VALUE 1 Almost new home, approx. 900 Sq. ft. floor space. Large attic, 100 x 97 let. Garage. Insulated. Several fruit and walnut trees. Lawn, garden space and ahrubs. The price Is only $7 450 .M Call for MR. VANKLEECK. Eve. i Ph. 2-0511 or Mr. DAN ISAAK, Eve. 1 -Ph. 4-3533. 1 ! SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 5 Just listed this one. 10 Bendix Wash ers. Extractor. Dryer. Oil fired Hot Water heater. All equipment In firs class conditio-- Very low overhead. Doing fine business. Rental plus liv ing quarters. All furniture. This la a bargain for $13,500. 1 NO. 2 ZONE ' I With older typo borne. Choice loca tion. Could .be remodeled Into apart ments. Total price $8500.00. i FEED STORE la prosperous town. Very low; over head. Dealer In feed, garden tractors, ' tools, etc. The total price is only $265000. i 1 t BUSINESS FRONTACE I Plus several very good buildings; Each. -tenant is ooing a tnnving bugneaa Choice corner lot. Long leases- Own er win accept other property as pert payment. The total price of this one U $150,000.00. -4 i MOTEL .1,1: 15 Units plus living quarters. One 08. saiem s pest established motels. Room for ..expansion. Most i units equipped for permanent rentals. On ly $15,000 DO down. Total price $S3. 200.00. . - -RING MR. BELL" Eve. Ph. 3-355S j . FARMS 8r ACREAGES i i COUNTRY BEAUTY I - i Extra Modern 3 Bedrm home. 3'i acres in Strawberries. Very good barn. Lots of frontage on 99 fc; 3 ear garage. Lovely yard and shrubs. 4 acres in- alfalfa. Deep well. If you. like country living, this Is it! $205OO. I 40 ACRES 4 e 15 minutes from Downtown Salesn. Extra good set of buildings.' especial ly the home is very good, has t Bedrms, fireplace, hdwd flrs.Ji base ment Beautiful view. Paved 1 high way. Good water system. This would make an excellent berry or turkey mi, inro. ioum price sis.x). tJAU, FOR MR. LEAVENS. F!1 tn. S-4739 Mortgage Loans Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve. Ph. 30511. 43533. 34735 or 33558 ; Bargain. 2 Uses. 3 Lots; Total $6950. double garage. Davtnsr. t rented at $100 month, absent Owner. $1950 down $50 month. ; f Attention Grocers i Tile bldg. with 3 B-j-ms. modern' in rear, double garage, near ac. locat ed 7 miles Salem, near schooU Com munity needs grocery. No competi tion. - Only $6000. terms or might xraae. 3 Acres 3 B.Rms. $7,000 A full basement . house, furnace, lry. and din. kit comb. Close store. scnooi. view. Stan Thinking 11 unit court for only $18,000 and rents week mostly, over $4,000 yr. Liberal : wrmi or nugnt traae. j t Must Sell 58 Acres Owners too old to farm, email new nse lge. barn, tractor, etc. r avail able. This is a food farm and might trade. $11,500. I f Listings "Wanteds 1 ! The Star Realtyl ! 305 Mission St. Ph. '24649 " WANTED MORE LISTINGS T " Need fine 4 bedroom home near shop ping center: Also Homes id Can dalarta. . i Wor Sale: Nearly new clean 2 bedroom borne east front hardwood floors, fireplace, attached garage. Lot $3x13$ ' lawn. j WALTER B. MINIER REALTOR S ? Member of Multiple Listing Bureau Farms . liOans Insuranpe -Inv Care of Pioneer Trust Co. I Phone 3-3138 1 Home $-548$ Suburban Close In i ',4 acre of wonderful garden soil with1 oemes ana rruit, lovely s bed rm. home, lge. liv. rm. and din. rm. com bination, mod. bath, nice kit. hard wood flrs Inside utility, 3 car gar age. Price $11,000. CaU Mr. Wallar. i ! 3 Bed Rm. Ranch Type Large liv. rm- flrepl- separate din. rm. beautiful kitchen, nook, up to the minute bulltina.. ventilating fan,' extra closets in bedrooms, complete bath. Inside utility, oversize garage, lot 88x150. Price $16,500. CaU Mr. Wallar. i Owner Says "Sell" : bedroom home on pavement, lge. liv. rm. nice kit. builtins, garage. Act quick. Price $4500. Some terms. . CaU Mr. Wallar. -1 5 - : ' South ' i i Cottage style, home. 3 bedroom, bath. liv. rm. combination kitchen ana dinette, auto, water, Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, art. garage; Bosh" school dist price $7500. Call Ted Zwasrhka, , i Englewood -J 8 bedrooms. Hr. rra.. kitchen with eat ing space, nice bath, hardwood floors. -electric water heater and cooking, att garage, paved street. Price-111.-300. $1500 down. CaU Ted Zwaschka. Investment Property? Located on State Street, 50x136. close to Capitol and State Bldgs. 3 1 bed room, bath. liv. rm, din. rm. kit chen, garage, close to school. . bus by door. Price $7500. Make offer. CaU Mr. ByrUt f i Ed Byrkiti j &:Go. 418 IV. Hlght Phone 30181 E01 Business Opportun!lss BY OWNER, garage and aervleo- ra- tiooL, good btnkllng or largo lot. -Hue f good business r cords to.r-eve 1. $6508. WiU consider terms. Statesman. " ; 802 Business lij"ieH f i Tou cant beat this anywhere. I ar-s weU built busineaa bldg. eve B&.J J. ft. floor space, good for eorar- o 'Other business. Large lot. paved t This can be bought for half of what you would expect to payJ A rl honest to goodness laves unent Cl Ray Davis at Al Bell Peal Ftate. Center SU Ph. 416.U Eve. la. 4:- i -Ml t .i . J - ! 1