.11 I ' - T : ..-.-'iut4V" "V i0 rwav Sinks in Storm Nearlwojima PEARL. HARBOR. T. H Feb. Il-iVThe Norwegian cargo ship Florentine tank last night In a storm about 150 miles southwest of I wo Jim, the navy said today. The British steamer Silvermap le picked up the master and M crewmen of the 4.896-ton vessel. The name of, the master was not Immediately available. Hampered by rough seas and poor visibility, the Silvermaple and the steamship American Mail were searching for two lifeboats, the navy said. Information from the air-sea search and rescue headquarters at Guam said 10 men were reported to be in one of thejifeboats and 11 in the other. (At Seattle, American Mail line headquarters said CapL J. R. Wil liamson, skipper of the American Mail, radioed he had rescued 10 Florentine crewmen. This presum ably left 11 in one boat still un accounted for.) The navy's information did not specify .the number of persons aboard the freighter. It was pre sumed on the basis of reports so far received there were 32. 10 Plaintiffs in fEgg and F Suit Seek Retrial SEATTLE, Feb. 21-W-The 10 rlaintiffs who lost a consolidated 500,000 libel suit over the best selling novel. "The Egg and I," aid today they will seek a new trial. - They directed their attorneys to file a motion for retrial in super ior court. Losers in the half-million dollar suit were nine members of the northwest Washington Albert Bi shop family and Raymond H. Johnson, Seattle. Defendants were the book's author, Betty. MaeDon ald. her husband. Donald, and her publisher, J. P. Lippincott. The Bishops contended they were the real-life counterparts of the novel's "Kettle" family. John son said he was the Indian char acter "Crowbar. All held they were libeled by the portrayals. A superior court Jury denied damages to each of the plaintiffs in a verdict brought in last night after two-weeks of testimony. Mrs. MacDonald testified none of the characters in her book de picted any real person. Salem Obituaries Baby boy Tetter. Infant ton of Mr. and Mr. Joseph J. Fatter. Lebanon, at a local hospital. February 19. Private ervtcea were held Wednesday under direct! oa of Clouj h-Barrtck chapel. SHARP William A. Sharp, late resident of . aValem route 4. box 190. at a local hos pital. February 19. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Tlmm of Salem; brother. Liu; Sharp of CorvaUls; granddaughter. Miss Doris MacRey aolda of SpniMllield. and several niec- and nephews. Services will be held Thursday. February 23. at 130 p.m. at the Clough-Bamck chapel. Interment t Riverside cemetery, Albany. The Kev Dudley Strain will officiate. CRINGLE " Robert Raymond Crancle. at the residence at 22bO N. Liberty St.. Feb ruary 20. Survived by wife Mrs. Mary C Crancle of Salem; nieces. Mrs. Mud red Wyncoop. Mrs. Grace Dalton of Dallas. Mrs. Bessie Smith of Portland and Mrs. Lots Crawford of Lincoln, and a nephew. Jack Spong of Salem. Ser vices will be held Saturday. Februarv 84. at 1:M p.m. at the Clough-Bariick hapet with Edward T. Harmon offi ciating. Interment at I OOF cemetery. ' MEVFRS William Karl Mevers. late resident of aJrm route 9. box 7M. in this citv. FrVruary 20. Survived by wife. Helen . Meyers, and children. Edward David. Peter and Kaphy Meyers, all of Salem. Bervires will be held at the W. T. Rig don chapel Friday. February 23. at 1:30 S.m. with concluding services at Mt. rest Abbey. OLSON Ellen Louis Olson, at the residence at Ml J Mission St.. February 20. Sur vived by husband. Alton Olson of Salem. ant a brother. Earl Blrks of Kverett. Wash. Christian Science ser vices will be Held at the W. T. Rig- fom chapel Saturday. February 24. at JO pm. Concluding set lees at Bet Crest Memorial park. AMANN David Hamann. 4. late resident of 4M . 24th t at a local hospital February so. Survived by hi parents. Mr. a Mrs Harvey Hamann. Salem: two brothers. Charles and Thomas Hamann. RaJem; a slater. Mart Hamann. Salem: B -and parents. Mr. and Mrs. C rover amano. Salem, and the Rev. and Mrs. K. Scharlemann. Lake City. Minn. Sef Vtce wiU be at Christ Lutheran church. Friday. February 23. at S pjn. inder the direction of Csough-Barrick funeral nome with the) Rev. C. R. Schulx officiating. Interment at Bel crest Memorial park. raxxoN Time TeDoa, Ut resident of Ash land, in this city. Shipment has been mad to Portland by the Virgil T. ootaen cnapei tor services ana inter' ment. TICTOR - Mrs. Ansa Chrtstin Victor. 1st res ident of Loagview. Wash, in that city. inrviry Al. sumrta oy two aau en ters. Mrs. Malmi BonesteD and Mrs. Klaa McKenney. both of Long-view; two cons, ttert victor and Robert Victor, both of Salem: a sister. Mrs. Carotin Sweden. Long Beach. Calif .: two broth, era. William Farm. Axetell. Neb. and John Farm. Xlngsburg. Calif.; three grandchildren. Perry Boaestelle. Long tw. Robert Victor. Jr, Salem; and J a a L. Victor. Washington. D. also one great-grandchild. Services Win be held at the Virgil T. Golden chapel m iiair. irasary aa. as wm-jm ajn. wim in Rv. crg H. Swift officiating. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park, Mrs. K0 Frances WetaeL at the rsaidsMC at 5S3 &. Commercial at, February 2L Survived by daughter. Kva M. Rush. Salem; nieces. Mrs, C Merrill. Spokan. and Mrs. IX Aj """I. waan, nepoew. Hex Newton.- Seattle; also several nieces and nephew la the cast. Services will k held tram the Virgil T.. Golden cnapei Friday. February 23. at 1:30 p-nu. with, the Rev. Dudley Strata officiating. Interment In Belcrest Me morial park. Ritualistic .service by Uaxion auxiliary. VrW post ML ORKXSEM " " Carta Sorenaen, at a local hospital. February 21. AaaouaeencBt of service aster by Clough-fiarrick chap!. snip i v - Ki X pis 1 "t I BALANCING THE FAMILY B U D C E T a Haitian famUj walks along a Port-as -Prince street balancing hogs wicker hamper baskets atop heads which they hops ts sell by day's end! New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Feb. Jl--To Ad Corp 26 pen Foods Al Chem 64 Gen Motors Al Chalmers 46V4poodyear Am Airlines Am Pow it Lt Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Anaconda Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner Bur Add M .... Calif Packing Can Pacific 14HomesUke ... 22 Int Harvester 36 Bears Roebuck -.154 tnt Paper - 65ffohns Man 43kennecott .164 Libby McN 56 Lockh Aire 51Loew's Inc 69 Long-BeU 174MonU Ward 71 rrasamerica Caterpillar Celanese 51torth Pac 53 Pac AmJFish Chrysler 75 Pac Gas & Con Edison 30Pac Tel & Cons Vultee 18 Packard Crown Zellerback 53 Penney Curt Wright 11 ?enn R R Doug Aircraft 105 Pepsi Cola Dupont 89 Philco Eastman Kodak 45Rad Corp Emer Radio 14ftaynonier 3en Electric 54Etay Pfd .. Grain Market Turns About After Decline CHICAGO. Feb. 21 The grain market did a turn-about to day, rallying late in the session to close with fair-sized gains af ter dipping early in a continuation of the otownward trend of Monday and Tuesday. A complete tie-up In the entire export trade caused scattered li quidation at the start, but it was notable that selling pressure was much less urgent than yesterday. This in itself indicated the im mediate selling may have run its course, brokers said. Toward the close commission house buying expanded, showing up first in oats and rye. North western interests appeared to be good buyers. This caused some of the local shorts to close out their positions, particularly in view of the holiday tomorrow, Washing ton's birthday. Wheat closed unchanged to 1 cent higher, corn 1 to 2 cents high er, oats to 1 cent higher, rye 2 to 4 cents higher, soybeans un changed to 2 higher and lard 10 to 20 cents a hundred pounds higher. Main ' reason for the rally evi dently was the fact that the mar ket's technical position had been strengthened. At the lows today, this week's slump had sent wheat down 10 cents, corn nearly 6 cents, oats 3 cents, rye 5 cents and new crop soybeans 5 cents. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 21-(AP-Cash grain: Oats No. 2 3S lb whit &3.X); barley No. 245 lb BW 62.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 2StVt: soft whit (no Rex) whit club 2J7,. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 37i: 10 per cent 2.38; 11 per cent 2.41; 12 per cent 2.44. Hard white Baart: 11 oer cent 2 3S: iz per cent a.4. 0. I Today's car receipts: Wheat 7S: bar- 5iJS.UA5L" - LA 5 ?. S. - - .' , S. II6 . , j J"i nauoaai CaancfJ of Camrcbe of Christ ts I'- wUD Dr. Samuel McCrea Carert. ulFZyrF11 actr- eofmcUormed la ' "rvr2 "f"0""" " aad fear casters j wwww- mum sjcany ft . v yr , - - day's closing quotations: 46 Repub Stl - 45 - 41 - 54 - 37 - 56 - 27 68 96 104 33 - 13 - 37 49Rey Metals Tire 73Richfield 41 Bafeway 52Boc Vac 52Bouth Pac 76ptd Oil Cal At L 10 Btd Oil NJ 39ftudebaker 18 Bunsh Mn 45 pwift and Co 17 63 Nash Kelv .. 21fTwent C Fox 22 26 N Y Central 22Pn OU Cal 38 36 Pac 104 VJn Airlines 27 38 Elec .. 34 un Aircraft Tel . 107 Mn Corp 4 38 44 12 43 34 36 44 5J S Plywood 70 u s steel 22V. fWarn Bros Hiwest un Tel 24west AU: Br 18 Va west Elec 51 rwooiworth Salem Market Quotations (As f 1st yesterday) BUTTE FAY Premium , , , No. 1 .77 .75 .67 .77 JB1 No. 2 RUTTKR Wholesale Retail IGRI (BoTtaf) (Wholesale prices rang from I to 7 cents over buyina oncei La rite A A . .48 Large A .45 Medium AA , .49 Medium , .41 Small M POULTRY Leghorn hens M .32 M J J J4 Colored nens Colored fryers -Leghorn fryers Old roosters Roasters LIVESTOCK (Valley Parking Company Quotations) Fst Dairy Cows - 21.00. to 22.50 Cutters 20.00 to 21 JO Bulls 24.00 to 27.00 Dairy heifers Good veal Fat lambs Feeders Mutton . 23 00 to 25.00 . 28 00 to 33.00 .31.00 to 32.00 24.00 to 28.00 . 8 00 to 14.00 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Feb. 21-(AP) - (USDAI Cattle: Salable 150: market less active, generally steady to week; few lota com mercial and good steers 33.00-35.00; commercial good heifers 31.00-34.00; utility heifers mostly 25.00-28.00; can-ner-cutter cows 20.00-24.00 but largely 22.00-23.50; shells down to 18.00; utility cows 25.00-28.00 including odd Holsteins at 26.00; commercial bulls 30.00-31.50; uUlity grades 26.00-28.00. few good vealers 36.00-39.00; odd head 40.00; medium grades 30.00-35.00; com mon 24.00-28.00. Hogs: Salable 200: holdover 200; mar ket generally .25 lower: good-choice 1SO-235 lb 25J0-.75: negligible lots 26.00: 260-275 lb and 160-175 lb mostly 24.75: few 25.00: sows scare: few good around 400-500 lb 22.00-JO; feeder pigs lacking: Sheep: Salable 25: market steady: few good-choice fed wooled lambs 33.00: medium and good 34.00; good alaughter ewes quotable to Tuesday's record nigh of 1B.0O. In Kashmir, India, there are street bridges, actually lined with small shops, spanning a river. ley 18: flour S: corn S: oats 6: millfeed 24. 1 SherrlU jfUH I Stocks Gain Despite Threat Of Late Selling NEW YORK. Feb. ll-iJPh-Hes- nite the threat of late selling, the stock market managed to advance today in the slowest session in more than three months. The pace of business was at its peak while prices were advancing in the fore part of the session. but when quotations steadied or started to decline the amount ol business dwindled fast. In the final hour a great num ber of the gains were cut back and some changed over to the losing side, but at the close the plus signs still had a three-to-one edge. A considerable share of the quietness of the market may be ascribed to tomorrow's holiday for Washington's birthday. Such a mid-week holiday has a habit of promoting long week ends for those fortunate enough to get away, and there are undoubtedly a number in Wall street in that class. There was no over-bidding news to influence the course of the mar ket, and that left the field wide open for corporate developments to have their greatest effect. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced 30 cents to $93.30. The industrial component added 50 cents, rails 30 cents, and utilities 20 cents. The volume of trading came to 1,670,000 shares, the slowest since Nov. 15. Yesterday the volume was 2,010,800 shares. There were 1,161 individual is sues traded of which 606 advanced and 291 declined. There were 47 new highs and only two new lows. Commissioners' Court. The following Is the official public tion of the record of claims before the Marion County Commissioners' Court for the December term for I960, with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc.. according to the records in the office of the county iierg. Ladd a Bush Salem Br. U.S. National of Portland, withholding. 4.623.08; Pub. lie moloves Retirement system. re tirement. 5.266.00; Alfred Klamp. dray- i 7.00: Cedric ScharK. drayage. a.uu; State Industrial Accident Comm. ins. 602.03; A. C Gragg. Postmaster, post age. 50.00. Assessor's Office: C. A, Lewis, deputy. 231.64. J. L. Siegmund. rin 107 15 Henrv Jungwirth. do. 210.55, Leo Quesnel. do. 231.55. Grac N. Bab cock, do. 174.79. Ida M. Baillie. do. 154.-71- Kathleen Macuire. clerk. 159.65, Mary E. Strayer. do. 150.40: . Grace N. Babcack. deputy. 118.47. Ida M. BaUhe. do. 66.13. C. A. Lewis, do. 114.48. Kath leen Maguire. do. 23.87; Gordon E. Tower. drafUman. 2464. Clerk's Of fice: M. Reznicsek, deputy. 150.13. F. Nibler. do. 188.87. R. Howard, do. 199.60, norm Ran-ett. do. 174.84. Vernon Wind sor, do. 221.24. H. L. Mulkey. do. 186.10. W. M. Cifford. do. 167.05. R. J. Stanton do. 61.70. Joy Doyal. do. 57.63. A. M. Brandvold. do. 81.92. Court Ac Commis sioner's: M. Reznicsek. clerk. 57.50; Joy Doyal. stenog, 97.50. court House: Edw. Brasher. Janitor. 171.79. W. A. Gritton. do. 175.03. Wh. Moriarty. do. 160.13. Edwin Booth, do. 162.90; Ruth Hutchlns. elev. oper.. 80.55. M. E. Lind sey, do. 88.15. District Attorney: Doris DeVaU. sec, 14631; Val. D. Sloper. deputy Diit. Atty.. 30.00. District Court: Barbara Smith, deputy. 182.10. Helen Gregg, do. 165 JS. District Constable : Joyce Rowland, deputy. 200.10. Health Department: W. J. Stone. P. H. Phy. II. 545.34: W. B. Quinn. Sanitarian II. 247. 80. L G. Lermon. do. 260.05; F. R. Cole man. Sanitarian I. 261 JS. Batty Cooper, do. 157.73; Berate Yeary. PJ1J. IV. 237.28; Merwyn Darby. PJ1J. n. 21702; Jan Domkowskl. PMJS. I. 166.99. Jean Wright, do. 207.60. Claudia Donnelly, do. 211.28. Helen Steyaert. do. 210.34; Joan Schneider Davis. fJ N. u. am; crna Berstecher. Grad. Nurse II, 19930; Mary Lois Mondloch. PMJi. I. 205.15; Lynda 11 Birkbeck. P.H.N in. 234.70; VioU Eiaenbach. P.H.N. I, 104.13. Mar garet Couper, do. 204.10. Delore Abbey, do. 196.10. Evelyn Krueger. do, 197.08; Vera Wood, clerk-ateno XI. 19430; Odessa Melby. clerk-steno I, 180.00; Ruth Coleman, clerk-typist L 139.68. AUce Bergmann. do. 136.40. Fidelia Washburn, do. 158.40. Breitenbush Jus tic Court: Edison Clckers. Justice of Peace. 89.10. Jefferson Justice Court: E. E. Howell. Justice of Peace. 12135: Geo. F. Armstrong, constable. 1435. ML Angel Justice Court: N. M. Lauby. Jus tice court,' 930: Joseph L. Fauihaber. constable. 930. SUverton Justice Court: AM O. Nelson. Justice of Peace. 171.28; F. N. Burch. clerk. 49.50; C J. Jackson, constable. 8035. Wood burn Justice Court: T. C. Gorman, Justice of Peace. 22035;' W. C. Miller, constable. 4930; Mary V. Gorman, clerk. 3435. Juvenile Department: Nona White. Probation of ficer, 223.03; D. J. Jepseo, asst. proba tion. 231.13. Jo-Allen Bradley, do. 181. 60: L. M. Johnston. stenoK- 91.76. Re corder's Office: Virginia Gritton. dep uty. 172.77. Irene Johnson, do. 16930. Ramona Evans, do. 15931: Corinn Bergstiom. cleric. 15938. Edith Lind horst. do. 4930. Patricia Dry. do 11132. Reg. 8c Election: Gladys Whit, deputy. 19930; Anna Davis, canvas board. 6733; Ruth Hutchlns. elev. oper.. 836. M. E. Lindsey. do. 12.18; Helen T. Kleihege. deputy, 833; Naomi Rehfusa, canvas board. 9430; Vernon Windsor, deputy. 1437.- Circuit Court: A. A. Richards, see. for Court Reporter. 28030. R. B. Hughe, do. 27135. School SupL: J. F. Remington, deputy. 17839; Vivian S. Hoenig. supervisor. 21130. Marruerit R. Burton, do. 22830; Christine V. Mor ley. sec. 53.73; Arlenc B. Meyer, clerk. 143.45: Chrtstin V. Morley. sec, 158.40. Sherifra-Legal: A. X. Malztrom. deputy. 21530. B. R. Smith, do. 21600. , Wm. DeVaU. do. 216.10. John Harger. do, 219.60. Leo - Zahar. do. 239.60, Edrar Scott, do. 218.10. Morgan Trott. do. 222. 10. Everett Atkinson, do. 232J0. Milton Libby. do, 19830. Glenn Conklin, do. 19238. Shrifrs-Tax Office: H. F. Domogalla. chief tax deputy, .23835: H. T. Evan, cashier. 22238; Lydia Matt son, asst. cashier. 19538: Vioiette West, hoolfkg. super, 197.77; Evelyn Mennia. fdoT li7; Dixie Meyer, deputy. 1737. t'tMiy Hsttorf. do. 17639. Surveyor's Office: S. I. Smith, aacretary. 17834. Tnuunrl Office: Audrey H. Ewtng. deputy. 17538. Veterans Serriot: Lill ian KUppert, 'Stcretary, 6830; H. S. Saalfeld. serrie officer, 2730. Dog Control Fund: Jtrvin a. wara. aog con trol officer. SO .69; R. J. Stanton, clerk. 107 JO. County Property: Val. D. Sloper, deputy. 188.02; H. Wm. Thielson. land agent. 11833; L. M. Johnston, stenog, 5730. Engineer's Office: H. S. Swart, Co. Engineer. 30234; A. M. Presnall, sec, 194.72. Microfilming: Helen T. KJelnege, deputy. 18130. District court: Jessie G. Hoffman, etork. 10532. Rc. at Election: Katherin Jelderk. dep uty, 1013L Muriel L. Purh. do. iisjz, Gladys White, do, 32.75, Clarence Hov er land, do. 159.65. .circuit court: K. U Howard, deputy. 6.79-. Floy Mudd. bail' trr. 44JS. stayton Juitice court: Henry Smith, constable. 19.80: W. H. Bell, rustic of peace. 17335; A. F. Aymong. stenographer, 29.70; J. P. Asp in wall. labor, 295.00; Dcibert J. satr. ao, 22334; J. A. Burns, do. 150.42; Robert Hart. ao, Z29.10; Harry H. - Lawrence, do, 280.48; H. A. Martin, do. 21338; Harold L. Martin, do. 22734: Edward Schmltt. do. 205 .98; Frank Woelke. do. 25437; O. D. Binegar. do, 213.84; Henry Bower, do. 181.18: James R. Burgess, do. 131.69: Wm. P. Croker. do. 209.75; OnrOl L. Dumgan. do. 23935; Harvey M. Girod do. 214.08: Erie Gustafson. do. 211.48 Clair Harvey, do. 19233; Roy Hatfield, do. 209.98; Harold Keppinger. do. 226.78: Ben Kerber. do, 22632; Barney J. Ifrn,n 9n T r.l T mK Ai 91 M- Floyd Lauber. do, 17339; E. A. Law rence, do. 232.49; W. R. Massey, do. 199.86; John McAllister, do. 20231; R. E. McAllister, do, 200.47; D. P. Scbarf. do. 244.08: Wm. Shaw. do. 185.85; Au gust Smith, do, 22639: Robert Smith, do, 21237; G. L. Spencer, do. 19339; Earl D. Standley. do, 198.08; Lloyd E. Taylor, do. 227.40; A. M. Theis. do. 29474' Nick Theis. do. 223.78: Orvill L. Trussen. do. 22433: Hugh Webb, do 23636: Sam Weese. do.' 19338; Lee A. Wells, do, 21739; Tony Woelke. do. 214.17; T. Kuenzi. do. 263.19: Wm. R. Brenner, do. 228.37: Jesse R. Carter, do. 255.17; Menno Dalke. do. 205.96; Lloyd Jarman. do. 204.48; Leo McCaHlster, do. 22638; Tom Ritchey. do, 2Z2.B3; Joseph A. Robl. do. 228.18; W. Shelley, . 991 m- citmm fihillin. do. 210.43: Arthur J.'Tackmler, do, 21538! L. W, u7.v,Kr iIa 90S.66: J. C. Cornutt. do, 944 42? John Anderson, do. 23838; L. R, rMn.r . rin 93S38: E. J. Coover. do, 195.98: Axel Johnson, do, 195.98: James R. Patten, do. 20338: M. J. -eterson, do, 25736: C. O. Ross, do. 21538: A. B, Rostad. do. 224.47; Philip J. Solle, do, 107 Jt- Bivmnnd Swerson. do. 25237 TmA W Stnlle. do. 247.80: M. J. Me- Cormick. do. 818.81; Leo A. Andreas, do. 181.63; Joseph G. Debacon, do. 157.64; David Dubois, do. 196.14; Virgil R. Fahey, do. 19838; H. t Unhatft. do. 212.10; Virgil Inr. do. 236.46; S. M. Martin, ao. ioo.; wm. IJmii mnt di. r-.1 o Ttnvston. do. 208.19 fCTivU r fih-ititn. do. 185.77: S. K. Ely, do. 22538; Arthur BUekburn. do . . a . m.ikhurn. do. 160.41 r,;Ktu. do. 20938: Arthur Th.v.r do. 200.74; Kenneth Watts, do 236 88: L.. A. t-ODine. -. iVSbyrdo.08.ffOrn i09: Rickard TZo. do. 19230; Rich ard W. Wallace, do. 30.44; J. Walter j ni at Sheriff-Tax: H. F. do, 233JT9: yeorge a -Soogaiu; deputy. 272,10. H. T. Evan.. VTOWTo. EyegnMen nls. do, 13131. Marian Maas. do. 137.11. May Holtorf. do. 12932. IHxi M do! 2133. Sheriff-Tax: MyrtlaEvana. i . ..TT j ' 11 Vireinla M. Fel- -J. oicwici, "v,. - Jl A. 71 ton, do. 1243. weo rS' Elsie Simiia. ao, st.w. w do? 80.19. G. M. Whittock do. 58.90. Doris Scott, do. 30.06. Patricia J. St. CUUr. do. 6730. Phyllis Casey, do. 6739. ii 'rt... An 1S34. Miscellan eous: Burroughs Adding Mac nine Co, O suds . 2.59; aimer a. ?tty fee. 0 00. Howard J. Blanding, do. 10.00; Golden Pheasant, meals. 14.45. Hanks fring c , mAl 9435: John wm. Stortx. atty. hire. 45.00. Reginald S. Williams, do. 45.00; Mark Binary, civu defense. 41632; Royal Typewriter Com pany, equip, 10938; Roy J. Ri TJL iii m v i. Roeers. do. 37.10. Grant Murphy, do. 4230: Judson'a. bklg a- rtM. ciMtitar Co.. sup. a s.m' R Harbison. TJZ.. 8.16..-Earl .'m. An M U: Dr. D. L. Calncrat, 'iaimv RlaAi Electric, garbag disDosaL 164.41. Paramount - con trol Serv. of Ore, do, 2530. John cn- loo oa. suverton aaaiiazr on- vice. do. 50.00: Delom Abbey, trans, mn T vrl3ll Rirkbcck. do. 1933: Biah- op-Modern Studios. O. sups, 5.00, De partment OX fUOllC acuu, - Dr. M. K. Crothers, med. serv, 41.68. Dr. Margaret DoweU. do. 30.00; VioU Eisenbach, trans, 637; R. L. Elfstrom Company, o. sups, 26.85; Dr. Lucille v-ortner. med. serv, 15.00. Dr. John Goldsmith, do. 15.00: A. C. Gragg. post mit.r noataee. 49.00: Hendrie Medical Laboratory, lab, 125.00; Hutcheon Paint Store, equip, 8.00; Johnson Siewert 8c Aldrich. pnnung. ia: yr. o. . Knapp. med. serv, 1530; Mary Lola Mondloch. trans, 6.73; NaUonal Ap pliance Company, equip.. 4530; Na Uonal Organization for Public Health, o. sups, .81; tan newory, src. State, trans, 16.00: Oregon Blue Print, o. sups, 17.50; Salem Masonic Temple Assoc, rent. 250.00: Salem Meaicai uo oratorie. med. serv, 50.00: Schnepp & Barnes, o. sups, 2.00. School District at. do. 1.15: Dr. Leslie Stone. MJ3, mxl urv . 74 00: W. J. Ston. MJJ.. O sups, 6.09; Tide Water Associated Oil Co, trans, 13130: Nora Wood. o. sups, 91 37- John W. Hanrahan. fees. 14235. Dr. E. L, Henkel. do. 15435. Fred W. Tjinrr do. 347 DO. Dr. K.. j. rtcrson, ao, 9AS so A. W. Simmons, do. 271.00: Dr, Roscoe C. Wilson, exam, io.uu. ut. rim S. Wolfe, do, 5.00; W. Jay Denham. 8 grade. 64.00; John R. Hinaeruter. nd. 176.00: Charles A. Johnson, i erade. 8.00. C. Theodore Lorenzen. do. 8.00. William J. Meier, do. 20.00: Will iam F. Krenz. 2 grade. 15.00. Cart J. Soderquist. do. 10.92; Tom L. weoo, aj grade, 264.00; Painless Parker Dentist, med. suds.. 4.00. Red Cross Pharmacy, do, 1.02; Salem Surplus Store, sups. 58.80: Salem Willamette Supply o.. equip., 25.00; Denver Young, board of prisoners. 1.017.84; E. E. Howeu, misc. 20.00. A If O. Nelson, do. 55.72: Home seekers Agency, bond. 25.00; Emery J. Jackson, T.E, 29.43; Mrs. E. J. Jackson, misc., 4.00; W. H. Bell, rent. 30.00; W. C. Miller. TJ:, 234; J. 1. uecxer. rent, 70.00: Mr. C. T. Barton JiospitaL 25.00, J. A. Braunberger. do. 14.00. Mrs. Will- lam Johnson, do. 76.72. Mrs. Paul Lena- bur, do. 90.00. Mrs. Frank ateier. do. 25.00; Mrs, Nona White, postage. 230; Albertlna Kerr Homes, court com mitted. 935. Boys 8c Girls Aid Society of Ore, do. 2336. catholic cnanues Inc, do. 45.00, Children Farm Home, do, 5.00; Herman Wm. Lanke. trans, 1235: M. B. Lucas, delivering ballot boxes. 2030; Henry C. Mattson. T.E, 630; Salem Tent At Awning Co, sups, 5.00; C. G. Long and Sons. rent. 70.40. McGilchrist St Sons, do, 635. School district No. 24. do, 1,09539; Marguerite R. Burton. T X, 39.06, Vivian S. Hoenig, do. 2430: Oregon Stat System of Higher Education, institute. 39330; Rex Putnam, o. exp, 2230; J. F. Remington, T.E, -J33&; School Executive, mlsc, 3.00, Burkes Camera Shop, do, 20.79; E. D. Atkinson, trans, 9.53; City of Salem, radio, 6.00; McEwans Photo Shop, mlsc, 338. Harry W. Scott, do. .70; Denver Young, uniform allowance, 30.00; Den ver Young, xnisc, zo.oo; at. r. Domo galla. TX, 3.78: Frtden Calculating Machine Co, o. exp, 74X0; National Cash Register Company, o. sups, 4730; Paymaster Corp, o. equip, 11430; Roen True witter Exchange, o. sun.. 1430: A. D. Graham. TX. 29.11; A. Lietx Co, sups, 6.44; Salem Blue Print Co,- o. sups, 3.07; S. J. Butler. TOS, 1732. Er via A. Ward. do. 83.76: Moor Business Forms Inc, dog books, 54.73; Salem Navigation Co, frt, 2.70; Mrs. Ida Beutler, bens killed. 16.13; Mr. AJvin Roth, turkey killed, 92.07: Mr. Sid R. Seim. sheep killed. 65.00: Mrs. Frank C way. corn shop. xooJOOi Aaaresso-graph-Multtgraph Co, offic exp, 1333; Addresaoerapn-Multigraph Co, equip. fete, 860.4O: George E. Allen Hardware, mlae, 10.X3: emu J. Anderson, gravel. 6030; Ballou at , Wright, reps, 1834; Bancroft-Whitney Company, law books. 10.00; Walter Berg, gravel. 2134: Bill and Chuck Repair, reps, 2.15. Bills Machine Shop, do, 3837; Broadway Tire Service, mlsc, 1.09234; X. H. Bur rn. reps, 4330. Capital Auto Parts, do. 29.49; Capital Journal, adv, 136.03, Cap ital Journal, do. 419.47; Capital Lumber Co, lumber. 30438; Capitol Office Equipment Co, mlsc, 4.40. Capital Of fice Equipment Co, do, 730; Capital Tractor c Equipment Co, rep, 2333; City . Water Department, water. 7731; Columbia Equipment Co, reps, 8532. Col year Motor Sale Co, do 6 J7; Commercial Book Store, sups, 505.48; Commercial Sand at Gravel Co, gravel, 458.45; Cooke Stationery Co, equip, etc, 20334; Doughton Hardware o. sups, 14.13; G. A. Downs Glass Shop, mise, 257; Epping Lumber Co, reps, 736. Ray I Farmer Hardware Co, do. 838. s ytugliry MCBtjiry co- eo. .437: Flrastor Store. miac 338 it Cell and Van Handel, lumbar. 129.47 J. X. GUI Caw sups, tJAl. The Haloid Comoanv. do. . 87033; B. 1. Goodrich Company, misc. hui; w. a. rtasciun c uk, ren- 18731. Herrold-PhUiDDi Motor Co, do. 3334; Myron Hoar, mlsc, dis allowed; Howard Cooper Corporation. International Businea Ma- chin Corp., mlae, 3030: Interstate Tractor 6c Equipment Co, reps, 84139, Ira Jorgensen, do, 20030; Henry Jung, wtrth. TX, 12302 Kay Typewriter Co o. sups, 535; T, L. Kuhns Co, mlsc, .52; C. J. Lewis Senrlc SUtion, fas. 16033: Claud Lewis, rent. Z330: log ger 8c Contractor Machinery Co, rep, 11Z.1B. Master Bervtc Statton. do, 530, Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co, do, 7532; Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co, trans, 33.45; Dr. Horace tt. MUier, mlae- S7330: Minnesota Mining Be Man ufacturing. sign. 82433; Montgomery wra ax co, mise, bo.ou; Mountain States Power Co LAP. 8733: Need hams Book Store, o. sups, 104.01; Nel son Equipment Rep. 8, 4430; Earl T. Newbry. See. of ore, licenses, 44.00; Northwest Industrial Laundry Co, mlsc, 5.70; Oregon Gravel Company. gravel. 1 .359. 10; Oregon Physicians ser vice, sal. ded, 448.10: Robert S. Oslund. TJC, SOS: The P. T. 8c T. Co, 41, 46436; Pacific Building, rent. 200.00; Peck Brothers. reps, 42833; Perry Drug Company.: sups, 235; Philip pi Tire Service, reps, 3.50; Portland Gen eral Electric Co.. L ae P. 202.42: Rem ington Rand Inc, equip. 8c sups, 3, 20734: J. H. Rigdon, gravel. 18.10; Er rol W. Ross, diesel. 54.11; Saffron Sup ply Co, misc, 4.70, Salem Concrete Pip 8r Products, do. 8336: Salem Auto Parts Co, reps, 8233; Salem Memorial Hospital, med. serv, 172.43: Salem Nav igation Co, frt., 130: Salem Steel 8c Supply Co, mise, 59.69; Salem Tent 8c Awning Co, reps, 8.00: sanitary ser vice Co, Inc, san. serv, 4.90; Santiam Oil Co, gas. etc, 3630; Scotts Mills tjimher Cnmnanv. lumber. 820.88: Sec retary of State, law book. 430: Shell Oil Co.. gas. 136830. Shell Oil Co, do. as- Shenard Citations, law books. 45.00: J. L. Slennund. TJE, 736; Silver Wheel Motor FreiehL rD, 130: H. A, Simmons, oil. 311.65: Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, bond. 630: Smith Sand 8c Gravel Co, gravel. 41.40: Snap-On Tools Corporation, reps, 5.13: Standard rMl n California, trans.. 150.10: Stat Public Welfare Commission, car of poor. 6832230; Statesman Publishing Co, adv, 228J1; Stayton Sand 8c Gravel Co, gravel. 11730; Stevenson & Mefford. battery. 6130; H. L. Stiff Furniture Co", sups, 4.50. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, do. 8330: H. S. Swart. T.E, 2330: E. G. Sr R. H. Syron. miac, 1373.40; Thornton Stationery at Print ing Co, o. sups, 1805: Tidewater As sociated Oil Co, grease. 28.88; Truck Sales 8c Service Co, rep, 8635; union Oil Co. of California, diesel. etc, 50.50; Valley Concrete Co, mise, 156.00; Valley Motor Co, trans, etc, 1.48308; Valley Motor Co, reps, 10.69: VDy Welding Supply Company, mlsc, 5530; Walling Sand 8c Gravel Co, fratrri. 1571.80; Gil Ward. reps.. 1633; West ern Union, tele.. 1S.46. Western Union Tel. Co, do. 831: West Publishing Co, law books. 2430: Willamette Valley Transfer Co, -misc. 630; Merton O. White, gravel. 137932. Woodburn Sand 8c Gravel Co, do, 1330; Woodbury Company, reps, 8930: Your Town, sups, 6.60. ZeUerbach Paper Company, do. 7138;. Walter H. Zosel Company, raise, 175.43; Walter H. Zosel Company, trans- 264.97: Leston W. Howell, per diem, etc, 92.80: Denver Young, trans, 430; W. R. Massey. gravel. 87038. PROCEEDINGS December 1. 1950: Final hearing on liH.mnll, claim at . Tom I- WeDD: PeUUon to Improv "Lynn Ave." tabl ed; Petition to improve "Bruce Ave. tabled: Beer license. Arnold A. Krueg er ct al. Dec. 2: Quit Claim deeds from John Stcnger et al to Marion county. Dec. 4: Beer license. Jake M. Cuts forth. Glenn C. and Stella C. Jones. S. E. Orcutt and Jess A. Nunn. John F. and Bess L. ZurawsU; permit to haul logs. Fred C. S levers. Dec. 5: Indem nity claim of Harold E. Murray, final iwiriiM set for 123050: Court to enter into contract with Warren Northwest Inc, for improvement or moneer Drive: Beer license. Frank R. Pfaff. E. E. Baird et al. Clarence O. Jones. Ray- mond E. and Wilms Russell. Marvin R. and Rose C. Lone. Alexander c. ana Cora Stein ka; Pole line permit. Port land General Electric Co.: Permit to haul logs. SUbernagel Bros, uwreaci A. Hamilton. 'Dee. 6: Permit to mov ahnvel and cat.. Flovd Graham Const, Co.; Pol tin Dermit. Pacific Tel, and Tele: Co.; Pipe Una permit. Frank P. Adelman: Beer ncenae. J. A. ana sues M Honftr: Permit to Maul too. m C. Marshall. Dec. 7: PeUUon by road crew in regard , to hours and wages; Permit to move building. Fred Bales; Contract with Ruby B, Hughes regard ing maintenance en I33C Dec. 8: Permit to haul logs. SUbernagel Bros, Dolph Heater and son. Diamond kock Co.: order for surveyor to prepare esi imate on E. Frederick street: Order for surveyor to prepare estimate on Glen wood Drive: Beer license, Francis and Myrtle Mathlot. Arthur M. Erickson; Quit Claim deed to Ma Crow. Dec. 9: Final hearing on Indemnity claims of Wm. T. Krenz. cnas. a. jonnson. wm. J. Meier. C. Theodore Lorenzen. W. Jay Denham. Dec. 11: Order in re pay ment of funds to tax collector paid by Chemawa Indian school for testing cattle: Beer license. Richard W. and Betty V. Satterlee. R. S. and C. D. Christenaen. Jacob S. and John W. Kaufman. American Legion Woodburn Post 46. Frank Masser et al. Chester R. and Helen L. Mulkey, Frank B. and Margaret Nicholls, Frank Vlasic and Floyd Maddy; Permit to haul logs, Mike Lackner; Pipe line permit. Salem Heights Water District: Pole line per- .mit. Sublimity Tele. Co. Dec. 12: Beer license, nenry ana v.arioa uicni. Harry and Alice Glsholt. Dec. 13: Order to table petition of county road crew for wage and hour adjustments until Dec. 27; contract signed with Warren Northwest Inc, on Pioneer Drive; Permit to haul Jogs. Walter L. Rale: Beer license. Harold and Fran'-e Williams. Dec. 14: Copy of annexation ballot - Salem Heights Water District election; Beer license. W. F. Cole; As signment of contract 665 to Fred Viesko. Dec. IS: Engineer ordered to post Notices of Hearing. Road Proc. 1024; Permit to haul logs. Cliff Side- bo thorn, Wendell Weaver. Dec. 16: Beer license. Clifford L. Ambers, L. L. Rynearson et al, Jacob Fischer; Permit to haul logs. West Salem Lbr. Co, El- son c. Reynolds. A. M. Wennlsen. Dee. 18: Pet. to improve "Glenwood Drive" continued till funds are available for improvement: Order for payment of assessment for Improvement of Brad ley Drive and refund of balance to Robert Holman; Permit to haul logs. Wm. R. Taylor;; Beer license, Kenneth Kelly et al. Decs. 19: Beer license. Law rence O. Ha wring. Charlie C. Nielsen; Permit to haul logs. Leon York. Tom Pfau; Order removing Reforestation Classification Order No. 98. Dec 20: Certification . of territory annexed to Salem Heights Water District: Order vacating Feller's Second Subdiv.; Cer tification of election results In Keizer Rural Fire Protection DisL election: Permit to haul , logs. A. M. Dennisen; Order cerurying- to assessor the amount of assessment against Jelden street; Beer license, Don and Lorraine Mar shall. Dec. 21; Approval of plat of "Resubdiviaion of Second Addition to City View Cemetery; Temporary Dance Hall license to Aumsville Rural Fire Pro. Dist.: Permit to lay tile. Chas. Gilbert, Jr.: Beer license. Alvin L. and Iva J. Williams: License to operate pool tables. W. G. Flood.. Dec. 33: In demnity clair, f Lester W. Erb, final hearing set for 1251: Order to aband on old wooden bridge across Whitman Creek on N. Santiam Hwy.: Order in re Loan from general fund to public road improvement revolving , fund; Permit to haul logs.' Edward V. Duman. Dec 26: Pipe line permit, - Morningside Water proct: Beer ncenae, Salem Golf club. E. W. Kay and John B. Varley. Ralph" W. and Gladys V. Mayden. Dec 97: Beer license. J. G. and Edna Jones. B. A. White. Dec 28: Order vacating unincorporated area of Marion; In demnity claim Of Steve Schmidt, final hearing set for 1951; Oath of office of Ray J, Glatt as County Judre: Pro ceedings on improvement of . Fred- erica: street tabled till Jan. 10. Dee. 29: Indemnity claim of C. Theodore Loren zen. final hearing set for 1951: Bill of sale to Orvill TrusseU for Ford deliv ery; Transfer order; Permit to haul logs, wagner at Bevter. A. H. Sacher. Edward V. Duman. T. W. Mmden. Leon York. Cha.-A. Schiedler. E. G. and Ronald H. Syron. Frank. J. Pokorny, Geo. Fitch; Permit to mov tractor and bulldozer. Frank J. Pokomv: Petition for increase in salary by Emery Jack- Constable - mt SUvertaai district: Beer license. Elbert E. Dickson: AddII- eation and bond by Weed Control Ser vice, Dec 80 Final hearing eat indem nity claim of Harold E. Murray; Beer ttnmt, Earl and Ben Ida Miller. Bruce C. Houck and J. P. Andrews; Permit to haul logs. Everal St. Peter. Date S. Larson. Eidon C. Keraoids. KalDh sor ing. Howard Neal , . Tm i f 400 ArrricriJtoi j iNTew Ferguson Tractor ONE LEFT AT OLD PRICE. THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET A NEW TXACTOX F AT TBX OLD VKICX. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty - Salem Ph. 2-4173 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Feb. 21 (AP) Butter fat tentaUv. subject to Immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to 33 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. 75-78 lb; first quality. V8-76c; second quality, 71-74e. Valley routes and country points 2c less. Butter wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers r Grad AA. 88 score. 71 lb; A. 93 score, 69c; B. SO score, 7c; C. 89 score,. 65c Abov . price strictly nominal. ,,,-. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers:' Oregon singles. 46,,-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 47i,-50'ic. Eggs (to wholesalers) A grade large, 534c; A med. 51a-52.sc; B grade large. 43-90C - - Live chickms-'No. 1 auailty. F.O.B nlantal: Broilers. 21 -33c: fryer. 22-35c: roasters. 34-36c: light '. bens u n d r lha. S4-2Se: the. and over. 24-25C Heavy hen, an weight. 82c; old rooster, all weights. 14-16c Rabbits average to growers: Ltve white. 4-8 lbs. 25-27 lb; 5-6 lbs. 23-25e; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. 10-13e lb; fresh dress ed fryers to retailers, 55-60e; some higher. Fresh dressed meat (wholesalers 8 retailers; dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, choice, 800-700 Rt. 882- 54; good. 500-700 lbs.. 852-54; commer cial. S51-33; utility, 848-48;. cows, com mercial, 848-90; utility. 845-48; can-ners-cutters, 844-45. - Beef cuts- good steers) : auia auar- ters. 880-84: rounds. 860-82; full Iain, trimmed, 878-82; triangles. 850-82; fore quarters. 850-52. Veal: Good. 860-82; commercial. 858 88; utility. 849-51. calves: tiooa-cnotc. b9-o; com- mercUL 851-56. Pork cuts: Loin. No. 1. 8-12 lb. 848- 8130: snouldors. 1 lbs. down. 839-4230; sparerib. 845-46; fresh hams. 853-85. Lambs: Good choice, 855-S7; com mercial, all weights. 853-54; utility, 848-48. Wool: Graded scoured wool r.o.B. Portland: Fin 825-45: blood. 88.10- .18; blood. 8230-830: V blood mosUy 82.70-2.75. ; i Mori air: so-ase id. on u-montn growth. F.03. country shipping points. couniry-3uea mcais: Hogs: Light blockers, 23-34 lb; ugnt ss-aoc ibs: Ton grad. 84-86 lb: lowr grade. 48-50. Mutton: Best. 28-30c; rough heavy bucks, ewes. 18-20. Vl: Ton auailty. 88-88: good heav ies. 46-Slc. Beef: Good cows, as -u n: eannrs- eu tiers 41-43. Onions: Western Or, yellows, med ium No, 1. 6135-2.10; 88-lb. sacks. No. large to 83: laane yeuows. s-n min- S1.7S-2.00: southern Ore. yellows. larg. 82.50-88; mediums. 82.1S-2S. Potatoes: Or. Ruaset No. 1A. 2.78 2.88; 28 lb. 70-18: Wash, russeta No. 1A. 25 lb. 70c: No. 2. 88 lb. 130-100; Idaho russets N. 1A. 238-.40. Hay: U. 8. No. 2 green alfalfa. d llvered earlots. F.03. Portland. 832 33 ton: Willamette v alley grain and clover hay. 888-28. Stocks and Bonds i Compiled by the Associated Pre STOCK AYUAOBf Feb. 21 80 18 IS M Indust Rails TJtils Stocks Net chane A3 A3 A3 A3 Wednesday 1263 88.4 48.1 853 Prev. day 126.4 88.1 473 95.0 Week ua . 12S S 70 S 473 965 Month ago 1223 853 473 tM Year ago . 1025 42.1 44.4 733 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Ind D.l 101.4 1013 1013 184.7 102.7 10 Utl D.l 1033 1033 1035 103.4 105.4 16 Fgn Rails . Unch -1005 .100.5 -.1005 99.8 95.4 Net chang Wednesday Prev. day Week ago . Month ago Year ago A.1 72.4 723 723 723 73.7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that the undersigned was on the 24th day of January. 1831. by the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon. . duly- ap pointed Executrix of : the estate or Benjamin F. Logan. Deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persona having any claims against said estate hereby are notified to ; present the same duly verified to th undersigned at room 306 Pioneer Trust BuUding. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ' Dated and first published this 28 day .of January.. 1951. pearl A. swain ' Executrix of the Estate Of - BENJAMIN F. LOGAN. Deceased. BRYAN GOODENOUGH 306 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon. Attorney for Executrix 4. za r. i-s-13-xa 300 Personal 310 Mswtlna NoOom LOYAL Order of Moose, lodg No. 144. 193 N. ComT. Thurs. 8 pjn. 312 Lost ana Found LOST: Red billfold in West Salem. Has my marriage license and social secur ity card in it. You may keep money. Phon 4-8443 after 5 pjn. 314 Transportation PASSENGER to Laramie. . Wyoming. Leaving about March 1. Phone 2-5805. 316 Pemonal METAPHYSICAL Library I " Sincere help with your- problem By sp pointmpTTf" tmlv. Phone 26238 LEARN Swedish massage! Personal 1 instruction. Lynn D. LeBaron presl : dent of LeBaron College of Mas i sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd Phon i VVirnll nrtw ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph 8-8132' i PO B 724 tMCA Wed Frt '8 "30 D.m KTAnLEV Home Prnducte Ph 43882 JOHNNY HALE tc his Magic Mysterie. Entertainment for all occasiona. rt 2-6715. I j 400 Airrltrnlrnrf) 402 Uvsrtock STALLION, ' Arabian 1 slrv ' Phone 4-19V. BONDED livestock buyer A. T. Som- mer. 2120 Chnw Bd.; Ph. 42817. I ihbiidj, v.t iwi Mki,,i I'in . 543 f iorth Cpl:zl Att2 tJvsocT BONDED LTVESTOCK buyer. E. C. ' McCsndltsh. 1127 S. 2Mh. Ph. 3-lTf BONDED UveAock1 buyer. Claud fc& WalTrrttl Rt 9 TRsvv aTKaCt 8T tM. a i uyiLV dr Pr. 3-1341 bi. Niaoai 8aA3UOaaaV3 aUsllTfV83VK Snethen. 1840 IjnnUr BULL SiHVlCE. rcasonabia. . anyplace anytime. Phnna 117 FOR SALE: 7 month registered Jra heifer. Phone 2-6122. - t CHESTER White brood sow and litter 8200. Martin W. Ward, Homestead Road (S. Rivr Road). 1 .i 404 Pcmltry and Itabblts I CORNISH Croe chick for fast grow ing broad breasted fryer. Also New Hampshire every Friday. GehrinaT , Hatchery. SUverton. Oreron KtVII HA Lff Sin&l c5il (ZK.& halc very Tuesday Fox's Hatchery. 28 Stete 8t Phon 8-48. . DAY-OLD and started chicks. C. CmJS ter Street Phone 2286L Lae's HaU chery. i CHlcks . Jnning RIhhU Island Red. Excellent layers less than 50 i Broodlncssv Jennings Poultry Farm, : Rt. 6 Box 70. Salem t 4 COMPARTMENT hutch, 2 does. DUCK. Liberty U mile east, V nUe S. BCbooL alt, 8 Box 768, 408 P)tS Canaries. Phone 38668. MOORE'S Tropical fiah aquanuin. Fish, tanks, plants, heaters t thr m os tats. Marvel pump. 2 mil from S. Lancaster on Madeay Rd, Phone 27321 1 ikoPiCAi, tiLA And isOpPLEtS.' i L.MAN, BATTUCKEEK TUKHW OREGON AJCC. registered Daschund pup. 1 nwnua. ' rncea reasons di v. h. m. 'Wait. Rlckresll Phone Pallsi 3611. ) U LB. CHIHUAHUA mal at stueC Phone 2-22SO. WANTED: Home", small' whit " male dog, Phon 86203. ; rOR SALE: Register Manchester mal dog. Perfect type 8c markings Mr. : Geo. Alklns. Pen 4 Corners 205 Mahrt Ave. , ( 450 Merchandise 45 1 Machinery and Tools YOTJR time and effort demand)1 good looia. Kent er out tnem at Ho user Rna 1410 1th ROTOTILLER sale, parte, and service. nowser tiro. rn s-as. ii. a, 12th I 1 6R SALE: W. it. Alii CnaU... with blade. Phone 2-8787. , 455 Honhold Goods For Sale) Used FtirnU Cheap TRADE TERMS Vanev rurn Co T88 No Com! -747 KOEHLER Davenport. 4 years oldt , Reasonable. Phon 36317. 754 Perry BIG MONEY SAVINGS ? SALE 2 nationally advertized Universal tank vacuum cleaners, latest models barely ; used, 12 pice dclux. attachment in ' chid has. 2 wand, rack, rug tool, floor brush, dusting brush, crevice tool, deep dirt upholstery tool, floor poitsner. demother, paint spray gun, "I Amazing bargain only 839. Like new. beauty. Airway Sanitlzer tank vacuum cleaner, all attach ments. A beauty of a buy 849., 1 Latest model Etectrohix cleaner, com- K st attachments, barely used, can't told from new 849. i ., f t Late Model Eureka or M.W. tank va cuum with all attachmenta, super buy at 829. Several used upright cleaners, excel. tent conaiuon, at low as 88. t These ar not rebuilt cleaners, they are xaie moaeia. some uasq as iitue a 2 weeks. It lik buying a new cleaner for savings up to 830 and 860. .' 1 299 N. Commercial Street LEAVING state March 1.' Musi sell Frit gidair refrtgerater, 8s washing mat chine. Call 23281. I PROPANE gas rang for sal at about ",i price. Good condition, i mil South E. Witzcl School. John Vet trus RL 4. Box 840, Salem. I 458 Wcmtod. PlcmMnold Goods USED TtJRNrTTJRE VALLEY FURNITURE 285 N. Com! Pb, i 27472 153 Building Materials This Week's Special f 1x8 m RL Fir rusUc si din r n .1 l . . . . , ! nciuiui ava aa i Tli(iM.kuil.l1f ' KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD f Where Parking Is No Problem FLOORING Good quality oak flooring, random length. 8190 per thousand.. Car load supply. . long I '''' Ph.2-5821 . 1 mile North of Kelreff BARGAINS FOR BUILDERS , Cedar - Siding t4x8 C L-860 00 M 272.50 M .81 10.00 M J3 00 M ixe c Flooring 2x6 K. D. Sheeting 1x6 K. D. . 1x8 K. D. -2x4 1 887.58 M 870 683.00 M 670 885.00 58 .835 Shiplap .335 Aluminum 0HdL Garaae Doora 8-8x7-8 tiMf 18-0x7-8 . i Window Frames -30 Diag. Ser trice Lumber Company 2882 707 McClsln St. ' Slrverten USED clean brick 2c delivered close. Phon 25845. 2191 Teas Are.. Thurs- W ANTED: GRF.EN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch. Market Prio. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 29188. Eve. 22578. Salem Lumber 8s Manu Manufaeturlng Co. mmm