1 4 14 The Statesman. Salem, On, Final Drive Brings Stocks Out of Slump , NEW YORK, Feb.20 -P)- A terrilic recovery drive In the final hour of trading today brought the stock market out of a sharp slump. The first and last hours of trad ing were the high points of the market with the railroads playing a major part in both hours. After trading ended, the Stock Exchance reported an increase in the short interest of Feb. 15 at 2,575,909 shares as compared with 2,499,970 shares Jan. 15. It was the largest short interest since May 19, 1932. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks ended unchanged at $95.00 with the industrial compo nent off 30 cents, rails unchanged and utilities up 10 cents. The volume of trading came to 2,010,000 shares, an increase from Monday's total of 1,910,0000 shares, but not too high as com pared with recent markets. The number of issues traded 1,184 was about average. There were 355 advancing and 582 de clining only; only 16 new highs for 1950-51 were established, and one new low was reached. It was Standard Oil of California when Issued. Good Weather Promise Points Grains Down CHICAGO, Feb. 20-;P-Prom-ise of good growing weather for the next thirty days combined with a clouded export situation to drive prices lower today at the board of trade. All grains gave ground at the opening, continuing yesterday's decline. Wheat led the down swing when floor talk developed that more wheat had been com mitted to export than could be delivered in time to meet commit ments. At the finish wheat was 2 to 4 lower, corn was 1 to 3 cents lower, oats were V higher to 2 cents lower, rye was to 2 lower, soybeans were unchanged to 2Ya lower and lard was 10 to 17 cents a hundredweight lower. BETTER BEHAVED LONDON-(INS)-The National Council of Associated Childrens Homes says that Britain's children today are better behaved than their parents were as children. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time; FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490, KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 (Editor's net: The Statesman publishes la coed faith the programs and tlems as provided ay the radio staUons. bat because offtimes the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot fee responsible for the accuracy herein). ;- HOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News News Hodge Podge Farm Edition Timekeeper (KOIN fClock I Farm Time I Keep Smiling 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Minstrels KOIN Klock Mueller News First Edition Break. Gang I Minstrels IMcLeod News jOld Songs IM. Agronsky 8 KSLM Cecil Frown (Family Altar Bible Intt. KOCO D. J. Round Tb.'DM. Round Tb.'Trails West KOIN Consumer News Vaile News (Grand Slam KGW Brkfst Biscuits I Brkfst Biscuits 'Jack Berth KEX Break. Club IBreak. Club .Break, dub 9 KSLM News I Music I Pastor's Call 'Bargain Counter KOCO Net News StarsSing iPiano Patterns Women's Page KOIN Wendy Warren (Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent iGal Sunday KGW Crosbv. Frnds. I Tune Test (Tune Teft IKneass News KEX 9 a.m. Edition ! Stars of Today (Quick as -Flash I Quick as Flash 10 KSLM Glen Hardy Tello Test IBob Ebefly I Concert KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody KOIN Big Sister iMa Perkins I Dr. Malohe IGuid. Light KGW House Party House Party IBreak Bank 'Break Bank KEX Johnny Olsen 'Sweeney. MachlTrue Story (True Story 11 KSLM Ladles Fair Ladles Fair KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody KOIN Mrs. Burton l Perry Mason K"3W Doub. Noth. IDoub. Noth. KEX Betty Crocker iLindlahr 12 KSLM Top Trades j N W. News KOCO H'wood Music I H'wood Musie KOIN Macleod News 'Come Get It KGW Foster News I Road of Life KEX Baukhage I Noon Edition 1 KSLM JackKirkwood I Jack Kirkwood Music I Music KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Hilltop House 'Barnyd. Follies Strike Rich Strike Rich KGW Backstage Wife! Stella Dallas l Lorenzo Jones iWidder Brown KEX Today's Tops IKay West IKay West iKayj West 2 3 KSLM News IDickHaymea I Tenn -Jamboree I Tenh-Jamboree KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Kirkham NewslKirkham News'Howard; Orch. ITunefully KGW Girl Marries I Portia I Plain BUI i Front Page KEX To Hollywood ITo Hollywood B. Rubin Show B. Rubin Show I KSLM- High School (Tony Fontaine I News KOCO News Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Kirkham News'Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey KGW Traveler - I Travelers (Aunt Mary KEX Surprise Pkg. (Surprise Pkg. I Barney Keep 4 KSLM , Fulton Lewis Hemingway I Behind Story KOCO Dateline (United Natlons!Star Parade KOIN Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey KGW Woman's See. 'Life Beautiful IDr Paul KEX Talk Back I Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Mark Trat:. IMark Trail I Clyde Beatty Clyde Beatty 12th St. Hr. 1 12th St. Hr. I Bin Crosby Sports E. R. Murrow IGoss News IHuntlev News 'News Mr. Buttons I Foster News I Songs of Times I Peterson Merrie Circle 4 Merrie Circle I Black Hawk I Black Hawk 6 KSLM Gab. Heatter iN.W. News KOCO Candlelight ICandlelight KOIN Harold Peary I Harold Peary KGW Sam Spade (Sam Spade KEX Edwin C. Hill (Home Edition 7 KSLM Ray Block HI HiUtes Musie Jackpot KOCO R. Gram Swing KOIN Wayne King KGW Big Story UX Lone Ranger Wayne King Big Story Lone Ranger 8 KSLM Name of Song iName of Some KOCO Liberty Sports I Liberty Sports KOIN ) Lowell Thomas I Jack Smith KGW I Man's. Family (News of World KEX Fights iFights 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW ' Glen Hardy. I Fulton Lewis Liberty Sport Liberty Sports Mr. Chameleon Mr. Chameieon Groucho Marx (Groucho Marx Fat Man (Fat Man 10 KSLM I Love Mystery KOCO From Ciro's INewsreel (From Ciro's aOIN S Star Finsi - I You & World KGW News Harmonaires KEX Final Edition I Intermezzo 11 " KSLM John Steele (Music Cue KOCO Nocturne I Nocturne ' , KOIN Organ .Organ . kgw vwa " Iwax Museum KEX Good Listening Good Listening! Good Listening! Good Listening KOAC 10:00 ajn. The News and Weather: lOUS Especially for Women: )1M Oregon School of the Air: 11:15 .The Concert Hail: 12:00 The News: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: las The U. S. Story: 1:30 Classroom Broadcast: 2 :00 Growing Toward Maturity: 330 Memory Book of Music; 1:45 Oregon School of the ir. i xi i ne newt: :ia snuste or uie stars on Farade: 4:1a III I Wedn dayr Fruarr 21. 1851 The DallcsfHospitAl Condemned as Hazard rAr.T.F5 Vh 20jfviThe Dalles hospitalj a private f institu tion, has been condemned as a fire hazard and will be closed oy March 1 Unlessi improvements are made. lit But George Stadelman, . civic leader, tojd the city council last night that hejjwould aski Bishop Francis P. Leipzig of Baker to meet with thej council tq discuss the possibility of building a Catho lic hospital. 1 1 Lebanon Man Wounded in Korean War Statesman New Service LEBANON, !Feb. 20 ) Marine PFC Richarcf j Lyle Durham of Lebanon suffered a broken leg and shrapnel j wounds in fighting in Korea February 5, according to an armed: forces casualty list and a letter to his iyife, Mrs. Ernestine Durham, routjs 1. ! Mrs. Durham was notified Feb ruary 15; that her husband had been injured,! then she received a letter from him that he vas in a field hospital 'with a broken leg and "well-punctured with shrap nel." He said one was killed and the rest wounded when a grenade exploded amdng his group of six men. j Durham wis a postal clerk at Sweet Home j until recalled from the marine reserves last! Septem ber. He left Camp Pendleton, Calif., for Korea, in December. Salem Market f Quotations (A of ilate yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 .77 .73 .67 .77 .83 fr No. 2 IT BUTTER Wholesale Retail I, IGOI (Buvlnek (Wholesale prices ranee from 9 to 7 cent over buying price Large A A i .47 Large A Medium AA .44 .40 .31 .15 .32 .34 .1 .14 .34 Medium A Small la POULTRY Tp Leghorn hens L Colored hens Colored fryers ia Leghorn fry;; Old rooster Roasters li LIVESTOCK ' 5 (Valley Parking: Company Quotations) rat Dairy Cows' .21.00 to 22.50 Cutters 4I 20.00 to 21.50 Bulls .j 24.00 to 27.00 Dairy heifers '4 23.00 to 25.00 Good veal 28.00 to 35.00 rat lambs , ..; 31.00 to 32.00 Feeders 24.00 to 28.00 Mutton w 4 S 00 to 14.00 00:30 l 00:45 Farm News (News I West Melodies Net News iKOIN Klock KOIN Klock I Hodge Podge I Keep SmUIng Farm Time Keep Smiling IBreak Gang I Dr. Hamblln Gofs News IKneass News I Bob Hazen ITop Trades I KOCO Klock IBabbit Show I Sam ; Haves I Bob Garred Bible Inst. (Tabernacle I Rosemary I Dave Garroway IBreak. Club Jvieen for Day I Queen for Day Mac's Melody Ivlac's Melodv (Norah Drake I Brighter Day Millionaire Millionaire tNth'wcsterners I N. Westerners Gay 90"a Music t. New.s I Philosopher I House Party I House Party IPepper Young I Happiness I Mod. RomanceslDaviid Amity (Music Magic Melody I Art. I Godfrey I Love. Learn IBarney Keep Sam Net ! Hayes News Massey Curt Mr, Buttons Jerry lAnswer Man ISaml Hayes (News i 1 88 Ken I Bin Crosby I Bins; Crosby I Crime Not PayCrirhe Not Pay Rich. Wallace IRichj. Wallace Hisen Kid fTwilite Song (Cisco Kid IMid-ieourt I (World Forum INBC Theater lAmer. Agent World Forum NBQ Theater Amer. Agent -r 'Remember? l Sports 1 Liberty Sports (Liberty I Sports I Or. cnfisuan iGUdersleeve IFights i iur. i uiruuu IGUdersleeve I tFighta Queen for Nite IQueen for Nite I News j if.." IBarbershon Beulah 1 ! (Club 15 ; JDist. Attorney IDisti Attorney (Lawrence WelklLawrence Welk News '. 1 . I John Steel - Music U Want music u warn Flanagan Orch Flanagan Orch Sports Final" Current. Choice Good Listening Good Listening! lMelodiea ' Melodies . (Nocturne ' -' (Nocturne Bandstand ' Bandstand Wax Museum (Wax Museum On the Upbeat: 4:45 Oregon Renorter: 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:13 Chicago Round Table: 5:45 Oregon I legislature: 6:O0 News and Weather: I COS U. ot O Music Faculty: 0:45 Oregon Legisla ture; 7.-00 Farmer Union: 1:15 Evening Farm Hour: tDO Radio Shorthand Con test; M Thi Is Forestry: S:45 Mews and Weather; SKX) Music That Endures: 9:45 Xreninc .Mediations;! XSM Sign York Stock Quotations ew NEW j YORK, Feb. Ad Corp i 26y Al Chem j ,- ; -,. ,3 . Al Chalmers i . 45 Am Airlines 1 f 14 Am Pow:& Lt 4 21 V Am Tel lie Tel i.154 Am Tobacco 65 Anaconda; L . 43 Atchison T ; .165 Beth Steel 55 - 20-(J) To day's Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodyear Tire Homestake Int Harvester Int Paper Johns Man Kennecott Libby McN & L Lockh Aire Loew's Inc Long Bell Boe Airplane: 52 Borg Warner. 69 Bur AddjM i. . 17 Calif Packing 63 Montg Ward Nash Kelv N Y Central North Pac Can Pacific .4... 27 Caterpillar ... 51 Celanese : .....i i. 52 Chrysler .. 75 Con Edison ..: 30 Cons Vultee i 18 Crown Zeilerback 52 Curt Wright ; 11 Doug Aircraft 104 Dupont Ji ; 89 Eastman JCodak 45 Emer Radio . 14 Gen Electric 54 Pac Am Fish Pac Gas & Elec Pac Tel & Tel .. Packard Penney Penn R R Pepsi Cola Philco Rad Corp Raynonier Ray Pfd Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES X CD. IU 30 15 fnrluct Rail 15 60 Utils Stocks A.l Unch Net change! DJ Unch fw I - .126.4 69.1 47.9 95.0 Prev. day Week ago Month ago .126.7 129.0 .122.8 .102.5 69.1 71.1 66.0 42.1 47.8 47.7 47.2 44.4 95.0 96.8 92.1 73.5 Year ago X BOND AVERAGES : ZU in 10 Utl D.l 103.3 103.4 103.6 103.6 105.4 10 Fgn Unch 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.0 73.7 Raita Ind Net change . HI Unch luesaay .4.. Prev. day L. Week aeo Li.. ......100.5 101.5 100.6 100.3 ..., 99.7 95.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 102.7 Month ago; . Year ago Portland Grain TirtDTT AXTTt Vai 9A .(API- Cash gTain: Oats? No. 238 lb. white 65.56; barley No. ?2 45 lb B.W 62.00 Cash wheat (bid) soft white 2 37; soft white lexcluding Rex) 2.37. White club 2.37. j Hard red winter: . . - - .M . n . narv 9 T i " In niru icu wiu. . - - nr cent 2J8: 11 per cent 2.41; 12 per cent 2.44. H . Hard white Baart: 11 per ceni .oo. 12 per cent 2.40, . Today's car receipU: Wheat 2; flour 2; corn 2. ij Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Feb. 20-(AP) - (USDA)- A,Aii.. 1 fA MrVsit ctsanH V Oil rneaffer offering; cows predominating; odd commercial dairy type steers up to 33.00: light utility steers down to amjv aa JJ :..iti V. slfare 9 nfL,2ft (M: medium stock heifers 29.00-31.00; can- ner-cutter i cows mostly .u.uv-n.w; u utility cows 24.50-27.50; mostly dairy . , M nn- iitilitv Hull type cuwa i uciuw j ----- 25.50; 26.00; one heavy commercial bulls 32 W. ! Calves: Salable 23: market active - .4 ,r-.i.r MMluaoo medium 30.00-35.00; i common 24.00-28.00; culls down to 20.oo; tew mcaium calves 32.00. , , , . 235 lb truck-ins steady, at 25.75-26.00: loaa meaiuin ip chwi . u " j gilts unevenly 23.00-. 25.75: few good Znn-cao ih uimi 2 00- 50; one 735 sows 20.50; feeder piR carce. , Sheep: SaiaDie za: oaa neaa wmw steady with medium grades at 34.00: - i i 4j frlH 1 . m V"i n I If) t Kvuuuuiu. " able to 35.00: odd medium and good slaughter ewes lo.wio.w. high. J Portland Produce m PORTLAND. Feb. 20 -(AP)- Butter fat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to J5 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 75-78 lb; first quality. 73-76c; second quality. 71-74c. Valley routes and country points 2c less. Butter Wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade A A. 93 score. 71c lb; A. 92 score. 69c; B. 90 score, 67c; C. 89 score, 65c.: Above prices strictly nominal. : j . Cheese -J- Selling; price to Portland wholesaler : Oregon singles. 46'2-49c lb: Oregon; 5-lb loaf. 47',i-50,ic. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. 522c doz;l A grade, medium 50'.jc; B grade, large. 48-49c. Live chickens-(No. 1 quality, F.O.B. plants) : Broilers. 31-33c; fryers. 33-35c: roasters. 34-36'; light hens under 4 lbs, 24-25c; 4 lbs. and over. 24-25C. Heavy hens, all weights. 32c: old roosters, all weights. 14-16c. Rabbi ts-j-a vera ge to growers: Live white, 4-5 libs. 25-27c lb; 5-6 lbs. 23-25c; colored. cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. 10-12c lb; fresh dress ed fryers? to retailers, 56 -60c; some higher. S . . Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs.. $52-54- good, pOO-700 lbs.. $52-54: commer cial. $51-53: utility. $48-49; cows, com mercial. $48-50: utility, $45-48; can-ners-cutters, $44-45. Beef cuts-(good steers): Hind quar ters, $60-64: rounds. $60-62: full loins, trimmed, $78-82; triangles, $50-52; fore quarters, $50-52. Veal: Good. $60-62; commercial. $56 58: utility, $49-51 Calves: J Good -choice, $56-60; com mercial. $51-56. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. $49 51.50: shoulders. 16 lbs. down, $39-42.50; spareribs. $45-48; fresh hams. $53-55. Lambs: i Good choice. $55-57; com mercial, : aU weights, $53-54; utility. $48-49. Wool: Graded scoured wool F.O.B. Portland; Fine $25-45: a blood. $3.10 .15: a blood. $2.80-3.00; '. blood mostly $2.70-2.75. :i Mohair: B0 -85c lb. on 12-month growth, F.O.B.1 country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Hogs : Light blockers. 33-34c lb: sows, light 28 -30c. Lambs: Top grade. 4-56c lb: lower grades. 4t-50c: Mutton; Best. 28-30c: rough heavy bucks, ewes, 18-20c. Veal: Top quality, 85-56; good heav ies. 48-52c. Beef: Good cows. 45-4Sc lb; canners cutters 4l-43c. Onions;' Western Ore. yellows, med ium No.i 1. $1:85-2.10; 50-lb. sacks. No. 1 large to $2.25: Idaho yellows. 3-in min.. $1.75-2.00; southern Ore. yellows, large. $2.50-65; mediums. $2.15-25. Potatoes: Ore. Russets No. 1A, 2.75- Radio Column The Spring Valley Juniors of the Fanners union will present the Oregon i Farmers union radio program at 7 p.m. Wednesday, over station KOAC They have prepared the script and will di rect and supervise the presenta tion, includin? the musical num bers. f:- j 1 Pc T.TXaM, NJ.Dr. G. Ckaa. HJX :- bis. CHAN .'. . lam : CHINESE HERBALISTS ' . : 41 North liberty Cpstafrs above JaaX 237 N. Lib erty. Office open Saturday only 10 ia t a pm, to 1 pjxu Consutta Hon. Blood pressor and urine tests are tree of charge. Practiced since U1T. in -i - Q closing quotations: . 45Repub Stl . 49Rey Metals . 73 Richfield . 4. . 4lt. . 84 - 40 Safeway .37 . 56 . 27 ..69 - 96 36 Sears Roebuck .. 52Soc Vac 52 South Pac 77Std Oil Cal .. 9Std Oil NJ - 39Studebaker .. 18 Sunsh Mn .. 45 Swift and Co 70 Trasamerica 21Twent C Fox 23 Un OU Cal : 35 U Pac 18 Un Airlines .. 34 Un Aircraft ..107 Un Corp 5 U S Plywood 70 US Steel 22 Warn Bros ...... - 11 West Un Tel .. 24 West Air Br .... 18 West Elec 50Woolworth .102 . 33 . 12 - 37 . 17 . 23 . 38 .104 . 27 - 4 - 38 - 44 - 12 . 43 . 34 - 37 - 44 2.95; 25 lb. 70-73c: Wash, russets No. 1A. 25 lb. 70c: No. 2. 50 lb. 1.00-1. 10; Idaho russets No. 1A. 3.00-.40. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots. F.O.B. Portland. $32- 33 ton: Willamette valley grain and clover hay. $26-29. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of School District No. 24CJ. Marion County. Oregon, up to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. March 13 1951. for installing fuel oil storage tank at Bush School, i Bids must be accompanied with ac ceptable bidders bond equal to S of the amount of the bid. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved by the Board. Specification blanks mav be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 460 North High Street. Salem. Oregon. ! CONNELL C. WARD. District Clerk F. 21. 28 300 Personal 310 Meeting Noticos Salem Lodge No. 4 AF & AM Wednesday. Feb. 21. F C degree 7-30 p.m. 312 Lost and found LOST: Red billfold in West Salem. Has my marriage license and social secur ity card in it. i You may keep money. Phone 4-3443 after 5 p.m. LOST: Roll of barbed wire on Orchard Heights Road. Ph. 41008. Veneta Mc Morris. 314 Transportation PASSENGER to Laramie. Wyoming. Leaving about March 1. Phone 2-5805. 316 Personal METAPHYSICAL- Library I Sincere help with your problems. By ap- pointment only. Phone 26238 LbAKN Swedish massage. Personal instruction. Lynn D. LeBaron presi dent of LeBaron College of Mas sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd Phone S6392. Enroll now ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Pn 3-D 133 4 8-30 n m PO Bl 724 T MCA Wed STANLEY Home Product Ph 43882 JOHNNY HALE & his Magic Mysteries. Entertainment for all occasions, vn. 2-8715. 400 Agriculture 402 LWestock STALLION. Arabian sire. Phone 4-1970. BONDED livestock buyer A. F. Som mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd Ph 42617. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Ed , wards. Rt. 3. Box 899 E. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr Pr. Z-1345 BULL SERVICE reasonable. Nelson s anyplace anytime. Phone 43176 FOR SALE: 7 month registered Jersey heifer. Phone 2-5122, CHESTER White brood sow and litter $200. Martin ! W. Ward, Homestead Road (S. River Road). 404 Poultry and ftabblut CORNISH Cross chicks for fast grow ing broadbreasted fryers. Also New Hampshire every Friday. Gehring Hatchery. Silverton. Oregon NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every - Tuesday Fox's Hatchery 9830 State St. Phone 3-4 sea DAY-OLD and started chicks. E. Cen ter Street Phone 22861. Lee's Hat chery CHICKS - Jennings Rhode Island Reds. Excellent layers less than 50 Broodiness. Jennings Poultry Farm. Kt. tsox 7Q. saiem 4 COMPARTMENT hutch. 2 does, 1 buck. i mile east, ' mile S. of Liberty School. Rt. 9 Box 762. DAY-OLD New Ham p. Chicks arrive every Wednesday at Ward's Farm Store. Make more profit with Ward's Healthier more vigorous chicks. Most other breeds available on special or der. Place vour order earlv. WARD'S FARM STORE Trade Sc High St. Salem 408 Pets Canaries. Phone 38668. MOORE'S Tropical fish aquarium. Fish, tanks, plants, heaters St ther mostats. Marvel pumps. 2 miles from S. Lancaster ! on Macleay Rd. Phone 27321 TROPICAL FlH AND SUPPLIES. C. L: MANN, ! BATTLECREEK RD.. TURNER OREGON AJC.C. registered Daschund pups. 5 months. Priced reasonably. H. M. Wait. Rlckreall. Phone Dallas 3612. 3i LB. CHIHUAHUA male at stud. Phone 2-2250 425 Auction Sales SUDTELL'S LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE AUCTION WED.. FEB. 21 at 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. 6 ft. Croeley refrigerator. 5-pc. Mon terey bedroom set. davenos 6c daven ports, carpet stretcher, box springs and inner spring mattresses, chest of drawers. 2 white enameled trash burners. tables and chairs, , coil springs and beds. 6 pc. walnut dining set. 6 yr. paneled baby bed, and many misc. articles. Potatoes, onions and apples. Trailers and farm ma chinery. Chickens and rabbits. Calves and veals. Weaner and feeder pis'. Cows, heifers and bulls. 2 fresh milk - (oats. IT YOU ARX SELLING or buying furniture or livestock see us first. Open every day. Lane SudtelTs Auction Sales Yard Located !', miles east of Salem on SUverton iroaa. .pnone a-eusm. PDILGO BX&QltZSUS COLON.. turrute CrU IlwMRafstlc ftVOOMMaMaavi IMU bub. K.Wrf.M. CJ.Dm.M- FREE wUJ""" i THE DEAH C LI filC IM 40 Tl 1Meaea lAeiSia'rMMii j 14. 450 Merchandise 451 Machlnry and Tools YOUR time and effort demand good tools. Rent or buy them at Houaer f Bros 1410 S 12th KOTOTUXER sales, parts, and service Howser Bros. Ph.. 3-3646- 1410 S 12th FOR SALE: W. M. Allis Chalmers with bUde. Phone 2-8787. 455 Household Goods For Sol Used Furn., , Cheap ! TRADE - TERMS ' Valley Furn Co tM No Comt t-7472 ra r -n ,r 11 ayeiv vuiv . -eae BIG MONEY SAVINGS 3 nationally advertized Universal tank vacuum cleaners, latest models barely used, 12 piece deluxe attachments in clude hose. 2 wands, rack, rug tool, floor brush, dusting brush, crevice tool, deep dirt upholstery tool, floor polisher, demother. paint spray fun. Amazing bargain only $39. i ' Like new. a beauty. Airway SaniUzer tank vacuum cleaner, all attach ments. A beauty of a buy $45. Latest model Electrolux cleaner, com plete attachments, barely used, can't be told from new $49. Late Model Eureka or M.W. tank va cuum with all attachments, super buy at $29. Several used upright cleaners, excel lent condition, at low as $. These are not rebuilt cleaners, they are late models, some used as little as 2 weeks. Its like buying a new cleaner for savings up to $50 and $60. 299 N. Commercial Street 456 Wanted. Household Goods USED FURNITURE VALLEY FURNITURE 285 N Cwtil Ph 27472 Glen Woodry Pays Cash right now for furniture, appli ances, rugs, guns, radios, antiques, pianos, trailers anything of value. Honest prices paid. Phone 3-5110 right now for Immediate results. 458 Building Materials FLOORING, low as $8.90 hd. ft. 4x8 wallboard $1.76. Reject plywood all sizes. D flooring $12.90 hd. ft. Roof ing and insulation, all kinds. Sheet rock. Let us help plan your job. Monthly payments if desired. PORT LAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 2-0974. i mile north of underpass. This Week's Special 1x8 x RL j Fir rustic siding Regularly $95 M This week only $75 M KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Where Parking Is No Problem FLOORING Good quality oak flooring, random length, $190 per thousand. Car load supply. i c rz T rtcrz Ph. g-5821 1 mile North of Kelzer. BARGAINS FOR BUILDERS ! 1 1 Cedar Siding 4x C $60.00 M VaX C $72.50 M Flooring- 2x6 K. D. $110.00 M Sheatth 1x6 K. D. $95.00 M j i 1x8 K. D . $87.50 M Sx4'S $35 $70 $85.00 M Shiplap $35 $70 $85.00 M Aluminum O'Hd. Garage Doors 8-0x7-0 Z $55.00 16-0x7-0 $99.50 Window Frames SOi Disc. : Service Lumber Company ! Ph. 2882 707 McClalne St. Silverton PAINTED Cedar wall shakes with dry under course $16.00 per sq. No. 2 shingles $7.50 sq. No. 3 $5 00. Clear oak flooring $295.00 5000 ft. No. 2 oak $195.00. No. 1 Pecan $250.00. Se lect Pecan $275.00. Common Lumber good oualitv $30 per M. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 WANTED: GREEN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension snd one inch. Market Price. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189. Eve. 22576. Salem Lumber Sc Manu Msruifacturine Co . 90' i LOANS on remodeling, garages, rentals, roofing, painting etc. Free estimates gladly given. iiEpping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 SHOP KEITH BROWN FOR THE !i BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1x8 D. Boston pattern. Fir rustic sdg. .$150 M 4'x8'xI.i" cedar faced plywood 4 19c sq. ft. 3 panel interior doors $7.50 ea Sash: cord . .01" i per ft Iinslde door latch sets, chrome $1.50 ea KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. : Front and Court Where Parking is No Problem 460 i Musical Instruments NEW small upright piano for sale. Will sacrifice for cash. Ph. 2-7523. 462 Sports Equipment 250-3000 Savage Model 99 deer rifle. $75, 1130 Madison St. after 5, weekdays. 168 For Rent Miscellaneous DOi YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer elec portable sewing machine $6 per mo. Free pick up & delivery, singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. com 1 Ph: 33512. U bkiVe. TRUCKS FOrt ftCNT Blan- kets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 2-M62 GOOD USED Piano H L Stiff 470 For Sole. Miscellaneous" Carpenter Tool Chest Admiral Radio-Phono Westinghouse Roaster with GriU Adjustable Pipe Die Set Betty Crocker Steam Iron $ 4 95 29.50 $ 29.50 $ 17.50 $ 15.95 $ 35.00 Walnut Desk Electrolux Vac. late model $..49.50 Norge Freezer. 1 yr. old 6' $199.95 zemtn console fusri Button Radio S 45.00 S 23.50 Sunbeam Coffee Maker $ KW Thermador Heater Chrome Dinette Set $ 49.50 $ 49.50 Daveno .$ 25.00 Solid mahogany vanity 8-pc. Mahogany Din. Set New Toastmaster Oval Chrome Table ' Winchester 30J0 S 35.00 $175.00 $ 22 .95 $ 39.50 S 49.SO Foot Locker BOO Trader Louie 3055 PORTLAND ROAD " ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner $29.95, Glenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer St. 30 BALES mixed hay. about 2 tons. $25. Steel covered 30 foot van with back doors & side door. 2 inch car deck floor $150. Rt. 3. Box 968 NEW Singer vacuum cleaners. Com- plete with all attachments and hand cleaner. Only $6.93 per month. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l. FURNITURE-LINENS, DRAPES, RUGS. BOOKS. EVERYTHING. WILLIAMS, 540 Lancaster Dr. . ' BABYTENDA $7.50. Glenn, Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer St. ! Why Suffer Any Longer Wkea etbers fan, esa Chinese remedies. A amazing s ace ess for tee years ia China. No Butter with what alias enta ye are afflict1 disorders. slnasiUs. heart, luags, Ov er, kidneys, gas, constipation, a leers, diabetes, rhettsaaUssa. rail and blad der fever, skin, fessat CHARLIE I CHAN CHINCSS - CO. 2M N. CeaasaercUl I t PSeete 1-1S3 , , ! SALEM, OMM. Otnee Bnn Itat, ftas. OaJy 'aiainrs 450. Merchandise 470 For! Sale; Miscellaneous rRIGIDARi; electric range. Full size. Excellent conaiiion. tteasonaDie. Phone 3-8735 or see at 1118 Seventh. apartment 4. W. Salem OintnMSI Whits Kino - rir Hnor iniefa pairs, jjtv 0. worn , - ruuiw 2-034Z. - e 6 WAY floor lamp $8.75. Glenn Wood- ry's. 1605 N. Summer St. NEW - and Used Sewuia Machines Yeater I Appliance Co. 879 Chemek- eia 1 OIL circulators. New and used. Yeater Aoolianre Co 375 Chemeketa MAYTAG washing machine In good condition si 7 JO. valley Furniture Co. 285 N. Coml. Cc Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement. Ready mix Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing -lralnage and ditching i yd nnvei mt im nne fnone x.74 CONSOLE Radio phono combination. $69.50. Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer St. kOOFING materials Willamette VaUey Roof Co.. '30 Lana Ave. bLECTtUC Heaters. Radiant and Fan. Yeater j Appliance. Co. 375 Chemek- Ltf.&ft HkJLZt. and Westingnouse Home Freezers. 1 Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemceta 1950 Edition Encyclopedia American. Never Unboxed. 625 N. 15th. Phone .3-6726. i 5 DRAWER chest $15.50. Glen Woodry's. 1605 N.iSummer St. LATE model 7' Frifiidaire with freezer chest. $225. Also cast iron bath tub, 830. Phone 2-5122. INDIAN Lightweight 3-speed bicycles. $52.95. Ride one Sc you'll buy one. Shrock 1 Motorcycle Sales, 3007 Port- land Rd. USED Motorcycles. Indians, Harley & English). All sizes and prices. Terms and Trades. Shrock Motorcycle Sales. 3007 Portland Hr. Phone 2-123. APT. size gas range, modern. Very nice. $49.50. Glenn Woodry's Furni- ture Market. 1605 N. Summer St USED electric portable sewing machine. Good (sewing condition. Special $39.50. Singer Sewing Machine Cen- ter. 130 N. Com l. WHIZZER motor bike, very gd condi tion. $75, Man bicycle $25. New trombone Be case $85. Phone 3-700J POWER SAW. about 50 lbs. Good con dition. 3S40 S. com'l 51. A & L Garage, NEW linoelum. 5 year guarantee $3.95. Wood rv 's. 1605 N. Summer St. 1 1 : ELEC. Coca Cola dispensing cabinet $55. Elec. hot water heater. 42 gaL sss Mod. elec. range $99.50. Rolla- way bed. 116.95. Woodry's- Bargain Barn Woodry's Barn Specials Bathroom I sinks. $9. Portable S yr. crib $1!7.50. Metal wheelbarrow. a. Used 9x12 rugs, from $6.50. Daveno'g from $12.50. 4i ml. N on 99E. Wood- rv's Bargain Barn, DAVENO $29.50. very usable. WOOD RY'S. 16Q5 N. Summer St. SEAT COVERS Large stock of beautiful patterns, famous quality, fibre, and plastic seat covers. Fit slmost any make or model from 1930-1949. j $4.98 Up. Master Service Stations !365 'N. Commercial MODERN bed set $59.50. , WOODRY'S, 16Q5 w. Summer St. Fertilizer Rotted Manure - Composts 4 kinds rotted manure. Also dry chick en manure. Advise best for your purpose. All good clean quality. Give your plants a chance. Cedar Posts Telephone and elec. poles, garden stakes and pegs. Rustic Fencing Red cedar any type. Rustic rose trellis window shutters, bridges, archways made to order. Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 ELECTRIC Ranges. New and Used. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemek- eta hmjO Used pianos 7a ea H Stiff Furn Co PRICES TOO HIGH? Then give us a try. Lowest prices In town on new and used furniture, ap pliances, radios, rugs. gun. Biggest used stocK in Oregon at oienn Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer St. WASHING Machines. New and Used Yeater Appliance Co. 37S Chemek eta Linoleum S3.45 VALLEY FURN CO 285 N COM'L. REFRIGERATORS. New md Used. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek- eta Something New Has Been Added I PHILCO RADIOS RANGES REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS ABC Automatic Washers See the 1951 line now Greem Stamps - - Easy Terms Master Service Stations 365 U Coml. Ph. 34163 DI 1 CTT-VHTV RMtnir.1 nn Wavintf for y4ur floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance CO 31a cnemexeta 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous" WANTED TO BUY Rough Green Douglas Fir Clears In any quantity, thickness or size in CAcBetter. B truck to our olant at Harden Bridge about 3 miles N.E. of Springfield on Mohawk Highway or by rail to rjenancxs on zsouinern Pacific Al Clements Lumber Co. Eugene. Oregon . P.O Bex 908. Phone 5-3317 NEWSPAPERS, magazines and rags. prompt pickup, fnone jann TRADER LOUIE PAYS SPOT CASH for used furniture, appliances, rugs. tools, etc. Ph. 3-8558 474 Miscellaneous WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses McEwan Photo Shop, 245 N. High. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldg State & Com Ph 3-3311 476 fuel PRUNE. ! oak $10 per load. Phone 2-2129. BOX Wood. Immediate delivery. Frie- sen box co.. rnone a-aia. BUY WINTER FUEL NOW Plywood cores, log ends. Ph. 3-6491. DRY Second growth Fir and slab wood! 4-2941 or 3-8445. Highway Fuel Co. Clean bawdust wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stampe Ph 3444 Special Planer l.lnimlngl . SS.OO cord CAPil Thet lTOL LUMBER - FUEL CO. 3-7721 or 3-6024 "!tri-city ruEL i a-Best Fuel at A Saving i , Ask for S & H Green Stamps ak fo SrsoT PHONE 7-7443 ANDERSON Bargain. Clean handpick ed slab wood. 3 cord $12. Phone 27751. n ' ir- wood , - ! Odd and Second Growth fir s t S UNIT LOADS - ' ; Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders pleas call collect r , j Independence 42 . - ; Independence Lumber and ' ( " : Manufacturing Company . i I Independence ' Oregon j Wjest Salem Fuel Co. J W-CN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD (DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. clean; i no bark .. SCREENED SAWDUST .. ' I RURAL DELIVERIES , ! ' DIESEL AND STOVE Oil. , I Phone: Salem 2-4031 Asm pick up wood at 152S Edgewater 450 Merchandise 478 Fuel ELMER BOJE Ph. 3-9453. 2025 S. 12th. 16"! Old! Fir 4 Veneer Cores Split for Furnace If i oestreo. -- -; . nOO iiHinns& Finance 510 Money to Loan t i : I FARM and CITY LOANS 'j f : n U and S i tour own terms of repayment within - reason. Cash for Real Estate Con a)racts and Second Mortgages. I -: CAPITOL SECURITIES CO l " " m court st h inn AUTO LOANS I WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO.J 183 S. Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty it MIS9-S154 Start 1951 with' a CLEAN SLATE ! Pay off your bills with 1 a convenient I f BILL CONSOLIDATIONt loaa ! Fast, friendly servtcd. - Typical Plans is MO. Amount 150.00 - 380.00 760.00 Payments 1 . 12.00 I 30.00 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans . 118 S. Liberty Phone 4-S203 : j CASH NOW i $25.00 to '$500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own , ed loan company offers money when ; you need Itl 1 You can pay anytime to reduce net ' cost! . I . 1 I So endorsers, or help from friends 1 On cars trucks trailer homes to $500.00 On 1 furniture,! livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 I Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades" I3t05 dally KSLM 1390 KC'sll 1 -4 1 General ! Finance Corp. Ue. No S13S and M33S . ; PHONE 8-9161 136 S COM ! ST PHIVATE Monev to loan Ph. 2-0794 f Monthly Payments Too High? Reduce the amount you pay out each month by consolidating your bills and paying them in a lump sum with a PERSONAL loan. Then have Just one reasonable payment monthly. , Don't. borrow unnecessarily,! but if a loan is the best solution to a money problem, see me. I say "Yes" to 4 out of S who ask for a loan. Come ia or phone today. 1 C. R. Allen. VES MAN Personal Finance Co. . (of Salem i 105 S. High St. ph. 2-2464 Lie No. S-122. M-163. C. R. Allen. Mgr Money FHA Loansj 20 to 23 years repajrnentplan FHA -CONSTRUCnONi LOAN: 1 4',fc percent farm loans ' Personal. Furniture. & Auto Loans ! I Tor aU your money needs" i State 153 S. High St. Finance Co. 1 ! LicS216M222 Tel. 3-4121 ! Private Money On Cars. Trucks St Trailer Homes , Long or Short Terms Payments . j Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Phone 3-S1II 512 Looms Wanted WISH $2,600 private money on 26 acre farm. 5 room modern house. Rt. 9, Box 422. Ph. 4-2628. i frOO Emplovment 602 Help Wanted OFFICE Manager wanted. Must be cap able of handling General Motors bookkeeping system. Also will handle daily correspondence etc. i This is a top opportunity for a person . with ability and ambition. Position is with an established Buick dealer, offering permanent employment in a new building. Pay $300 to $400 per month, depending on Qualifications. Located in the middle of Oregon's beautiful vacationland coast Winde Buick Co., Newport, uregon. pnone 450. DISHWASHER night work. No phone call?. White's Lunch. S. Com'l. - ; Openings M Price Clerk, exp. F Steno simple bkkpg. F Secty handle fig. ... $300 20O ..Open jf steno., pbx. .$179 M Sales Insur., Sc com i.......:.$200 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT MOVED TO 411 OREG. BLDG. 490 State U . Phone 2-148 604 Help Wanted, Male" T" WANT first class painter With com plete equipment. Must be able to estimate - jobs. Willamette Valley Roof Co, 30 LanaAve. I 606 Help VVantexL female' EARN MONEY at home, full, part time. Box 125. Statesman. ; --' -. STENOGRAPHER for permanent full time lob. Teague Kaiser frazer. 35$ N. Liberty. HOUSEKEEPER in motherless home. References exchanged. Box 262, co Statesman. . .- p -:. 610 Sales Persons Wanted KTRBY vacuum cleaner, like new. Wattaehments $65. Phone 42248. WANTED: Exp. real estate agent to specialize in home. Must nave good personality Sc complete working knowledge of real estate. See Ben Colbatb bet. I Sc 2 weekdays. 1683 Center. i 612 Work Wanted. Male CARPENTRY, any kind, ' reasonable. 4240 Maciesy Rd. Phone ft-zroi. , 615 Situations Warn tea CARPENTER WORK-NEW-RIMOD- CLING, plan Service. Phone 25093. HIGH School graduate wishes to learn alteration trade, pnone 28128. Had 3 years study. - I HUSKY, ambitious man. wants any kind of work. Phone 2-7697. PRACTICAL nurse wants work, hoa pital or -home. Will work all hours. References given. Call 3-5072 BABY Sitting days or nights. Mrs. Leu t railer. Phone 3-53Z3. i Nancy8 Nnrsery 2-4940. BASY Sitting evenings after school and weekends. Capable. Phone 27093 CHILD CAE 183 S. 19 m. PH 2-6876 INCOME tax returns prepared. Your home. Reasonable Rates. - Phono 4-2033. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY PHONE 27896. ONLY First class carpenters employed in our remodeling department. Work guaranteed. Willamette Valley. Roof Co. Salem i - REMODELING and carpenter work. 1st class workmanship, phone 39694 PAINTING, reasonable prices. Phone S-7552. , ; ' CURTAINS laundered and sUetched, tableclothes and fine linens. Pnone 2-3448. J. MARRIED MAN wants farm lob, M dairy. Paul Ingold. General Delivery , WANTED": Painting, floor sanding. klS I'M finishing. Free estimates. Reasoe- able prices. Phone 4-4158. PRACTICAL Nurse, dependable Chrisk tian lady wants work. Live in. Phone 600 Employment 6 IS Situations Wanted LET me hand launder and Iron your!! lingerie. Phone 2-6666. . 1 : 620 Day and Contract i Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Roads 1 - Clearing Dltchlig . bewer & Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-94G8 Evenings 2-4400. 3-6346 1 I Salem. Oregon OUIO l-Al.N 1 iuat a snaOsj oitr Motor oy Hay tr iK CaU SnrocS to 1 -SlOl WANTED: Land clearing. buliuiUing of , au aincs. Have big caL i Phone Z-ZOB5. Sa f nl . HO Uentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board UESiKABLB steam bested sli room adjoining bath. 775 Ferry ijiuce ki, npnAu i k-,u btt; Sleeping St. r bus- iness woman. Ma Kmnkin. Phone 2-5.116 n J SLEEPINfTT liege. Ferry. 1 'nvrnigni io ante MOUget 734 MENS sleeping rooms. Privil e j en- trance ana pnone. isoa n. Capitol. PLEASANT room near Camtiil l,l.i" l?r JEntlmn. Private entrance. 74$ housekeepCTS ' room. Close. In. fhone 27600. 2 SLEEPING rooms, private home; pri- vaie emrance. uiia. Zm ueiifvue. 70S Apartments tot flenl 3 ROOMS, electric cooking, oil heat FURNISHED apartment. Electric Stove rterngeraior, pus. 7a7 s. Z3tn, ana rezngerator. Every convenience, cum oniy. m rerry St. -4J unnrp . . J ' .L piwijui iraugr nse. rn. z-vtit. t, LARGE, clean 3 room partly furnished. I Lots of bull tins Sc closet snace. CIom to bus. ' bank, stores. Will I accept j small child. 1055 Edge water. W, a-;! 3 ROOM furnished apt. with bath,' Hoi-; lywood. Phone 3-9671 or 3-93f)9. V ' j Would you like to rent a beautiful one bedroom apt. absolutely new. tiard wood floors, in one of Salem's bS locations. Has one bedroom, private' bath, liv rm, kitchen and dinette, elec. range and refrig. Lots of stor age space. Very reasonableOnlv stiB per mo. . i T ... . I - j Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Phone 4-3311 Evel 3-355S i Ii EXCLUSIVE Spacious garden court apartment. Range, refrigerator $60. AQUIM. Z-707I 3 ROOM Court apartment, furnished 1 or unfurnished. T664 S. 13thl ' l ocEvnu atio. row location, eomp. furn. Inq H. L. Stiff Furn.. 3-9IS8. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. 5i3 - N Church - I I i 1 ROOMS near down town j business aistrirr xor employed woman or ecu- oie. mone jojzj. i NEWLY decorated aoartmenU SwH . Salem! Duplex. 292 Elma. phoned 33611 REDECORATED 3 room ; apartmiTTt. rune ! in, xurnisnea. no jdrinae; 23188. 44277. 1 i : MODERN 2 and 3 room court aoti ments. Partly furnished. 1047 MadW as s sa ym a i r- HI Madlp it. 3D 8. son. Phone 25652. 1 BEDROOM court apartmenl 17th. - -1 9 ROOM apartment furnished, water. light, neat supplied. Close; in, 4Q. 340 union. i i FURNISHED small aDartmenti all ut utH lties naid. S3! SO 340 F. Whintm. COZY 3 room small unfurnished apart- 1 ment. Well heated. Electric tstove in eluded, private entrance. Main floor. ; 1437 w. 4tn. I -ii tURNISHED apartment. ' Employed couple preferred. 643 union. MODERN 3 room furnished Court p- , artment. Close In. Adults. 2-0.V46. ; : i Large 3 room apartment, partly fur--; nished- 1080 Madison. 3 blocks: fiom : Hollywood Shopping District. ; t i BEAUTIFUL 3 room completely fij s , nished. all electric. Private -bath and entrance. rnone z- juju. . I i FURNISHED 2 room ground floor. Fit- vate entrance. Ughts, water, IM.l pnone 3-5083. r - I NEW1 bedroom court apartrnenti Fur-;; nished or unfurnished, within walk ing distance. No children., 147 N. 18th St. ' , i 3 ROOM urnished , apartment. 903 S 12th. ; j COZY, clean, , comfortable. IfuinlshVd. 2 Dedroom. Close to evervthir.g. Sensible rent. Apply Apt 13. 348 IN, 12th. .' ' -T- ! l l ; COMPLETELY FURN. API $22365. APT. 7, 827 N. LIBERTY, ri- If: 707 Houses For Rent . i n 3 Rooms, bath; 1233'fr N. lgthj St J j j ' 4 B. K. Motiern house, unfurn. tnjle wood Dist. Inq. H. L, Stiff rurnl- ture. 39189 NEW 1 bedroom unt'urnbthedi houeJ 'f blocks town. Bendix washen electrle heat. $55. 591 Knapp. Phone 3-3717. 1 BEDROOM court cottage. All: ele: . trie. Range, dinette set, and utilities furnished. 1947 N. Church. j i BEDROOM houae .with oil heater. $60 per month. Phone 4-1244.; j j I UNFURNISHED clean court cottajie, modern, range, . walking distarnce. Phone 3-5Z11. I M.: 1 BEDROOM home. Electric heat. $n3. Phone 2-3594. : , I 3 ROOM house for rent. 610 Deaihoio. Possession February 23. Phone 22, 2 FIVE room houses, call 562Mil1. I i 2 BEDROOM houe, stows and water . furnished. Salem Heights, $45., 22741, LIVING-dining comhinatlon kitchen. 2 bedrooms $43.50. 935 FairView Ave. Children welcome. ' ' I WILL Lease my 2 bedroom ' f ui nii-hed home until September. 857 jN. 15th(. ! j SUBURBAN 2 bedroom bouM, gaiagi. ?:araen spot, zruii trees, s tiove. re rigerator and water .furnished.; 44121, 3 ROOMS partly furnished. : Oidef house. 825 month. ZI83 a, Cottage. NICE 1 BR. home for rent.' Elec.i,hg and heater furn. $50. CaU Rawjiug Realty, 2-4664. MODERN 2 bedroom partly i fumlthe house. Orchard, garden, gtragc. DiJ Gerth. Phone 4-4271 after 6. : i LARGE modern house. gas rare. water neater. Kent tor J montne $40. Phone 2-5738 eyenlngv ROOM unfurnished house $40 f nishet rnontTi. Phone 2-6968 after 5. BEDROOM house. Unfurnished. Al electric, garage. : Good garden spot $40. Phone 2-1251. John Satter, 434 Lancaster Dr. .. , . -. 1 j j 'j j;i 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent i H DATRY or stock rsach, will iioW carry u - neaa, wnen - aeveiopea iuv or 1 more. Phono 3-4706. j ; . j ; : 710 Wanted To Rent. Houses DESfRE 3 or 4 bedroom house, furnfchr ed or unfurnished Phone 2-7209 - . WANTED: 2 bedroom house in Hi&' lywood district. ; Phone 2-8662. RESPONSIBLE Party will rent or bur for cash 2 bedroom house or flup. Must be walking distance 'downtown Salem. Give full information Box 247 co statesman 1 BEDROOM home with refrigeration by responsible i paiv. 1 guaranteed good care. Phone 3-8856. WANTED to rent 3 bedroom modern home or large S bedroom home ttn bus -line. References. Phone 4-SRI 4. i BEDROOM house by reliable coutie. Reference furnished, i ermancni renter. Pbone 4-1292. : j.. ,. . j - 714 Business Rentals i OFFICE next to Bollywood theatre. " Reasonable rent. Lease i for sale. ' Phone 2-2147. ' i piiMN,.s Koom H L itttt ' TWO centrally located business rooir.I upstairs. 200 sq. ft. and ,900 so. ft. 439 Court St. ' j j i,: 800 Real testate $3750 PANORAMIC BUILDING FITS . only 6 ml from down town- Sfclem, 10 acres mostly in fruit Ac nuts. Nice 1 rm cabin, large garage and chicke-i bouse. Live hero while you buu4 - your home. j j Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 23849 SSO S. Coml Eve 25260 !r ; i i. w. aajem 3443, Dailaa. -.. 1: - S- ST .., , ' 1 . I,