Stock-Prices i:i : ? Recover After 3-Day Decline NEW YORK, Feb. 18 A modest recovery today in the stock market ended a three-day decline. Ther- was nothing spectacular In the upturn. The best gains among the leaders went to a little more th: a dollar a share.". Only one of the 15 most active issues declined, but only one had a plus it bigger than 50. cents. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced 30 cents to $98.40. The industrial component .... ka , tK rails 2(1 rnts. and utilities 10 ats. The volume expanded a little to 1,860,000 shares as compared with yesterday's l,7"n,000 shares. The Increase in the trading pace was 'welcomed by tl bullish contin gent, r :t the volume didn't expand enough to be impressive. The comparrtfve narrowness of the market also was a disappoint ment to the bulls. There were 1, 1J7 individual issues traded of which -574 advanced and 317 de clined. The total number traded was the smallest since December T. There were 66 new highs and only one new low. Corn Leads Grain Rises CHICAGO, Feb. 1W-A rush o get hold of some cash corn pro vided the background for another advance in grain futures on the board of trade today. . Wheat figures closed V-V higher, corn lil-H higher, oats L. lower to higher, rye V4 low- r to 3ty higher, soybeans un changed to IV4 higher and lard 18 to 27 cents a hundred pounds hlzher. Both new crop wheat and oats deliveries developed quite a bit Of weakness toward the close, however. These wheat deliveries finished about a cent under their aarlier highs. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press stock averages Feb. 16 ,30 IS 13 80 Indust Rails Utils Stocks Net . change A 5 AJ A l A 3 Friday 128.4 70S Prev. day 127.9 70 4 Week ago 128.2 722 M nth ago 123.4 66.9 Year ago 102.6 42.3 48.0 47.9 47.6 47.5 44.3 94.4 96.1 948 92.8 73.6 New 1950-51 high. BOND AVUACES 20 10 10 10 Rails Ind Utl Fgn Nt change t'nch DJ Unch D.t Fridav 160.6 101.5 103.4 72.2 Prev. day 100.6 101.6 103 4 72.3 Wert ago 100.5. 101.6 103.5 72.6 Month aro 9.4 101.7 103.4 72 1 Year ago 95.3 102.7 105.2 73.5 195A-51 high 100.6 102.8 105.4 73 4 150-51 low 92.9 101-3 103.1 66 9 SATURDAY'S Kilocycles: KSLM 1399. KOCO 1490. Pacific Standard Time -44 FM: -Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100 3; KEX'S-.S .. fKSKoCS note: Tha Statesman publishes la good faith the programs sad ttmes as sanded ky the radio stations, bat because ofitlsae Vracrams notification, this aew.paper cannot b. respeutkUMts? tk. tec racy herein). hour 00:00 00:15 6-; KILM News News Hodge Podge Dawnbeat Timekeeper KOIN Klock Hodge Podge Dawnbeat - oco KOIN KGW KEX 7 KSLM KOCO nom KGW KEX VSFT7 iBreak. Gang 1 Break. Gang Minstrels I Minstrels I Jerry Sears KOIN Klock Macleod News JGoa- Net, Hear This Hear This IKneass News Roundup Boys I M. Agronsky News 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGff KBX "JJ "chols I Leslie Nichols Haven of Rest IHaven of Rest Radio Kids Radio Kids I Proudly Hall Proudly HaU News (Lets Pretend I Theater iTheater A. Andrews I A. Andrews .iSmilin" Ed ISmilm Ed" No School (No School iNo School lNo3chool 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. News Farm. Home . IPastor Call (Bargain Ctr Science Ulan Holmes'. (4-H Club BtfdJ KornVr Theatre I Theatre Grand Central (Grand Central Cw Public Affairs I Reading Is Fun IKneass News Toyland Tunes iToyland Tunes (Tom. Stars Tom. Stars 10 KSLM N.W. News KOCO Aunt Sophie Land o Aunt Sophie siui.-v stars HI j a. Stars Hlvd. w Symphony Symphony Tom. Stars Tom, Stars 11 KSLM 8vm phony Symphony KOCO Music Boom Music Room Family Party KQEN Family Party Mary Taylor Metr. Opera Mary Taylor Metr. Opera 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO At the Opera tW. News : the Opera ttMore rm-Home ter. Opera jvews lis Farm -Home Mter. Opera 1 KSLM KOCO son . KGW ' KBX ' Man oa Farm Sat. Matinee Fun Young Advised Metr. Opera Man on Sat. Matinee Fun Young Advised Metr. Opera 2 3 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX : KSLM KOCO kod KGW Air Force Hr. IIAIr Force Hr, CGeor. Crackers IGeor. Crackers Sat. Matinee ' Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat: Matinee Kirkham NewsiKlrkham News'Croas Section ICross Section Piano Quartet (Piano Quartet I Living 1951 ILfvin 1M1 Met. Opera I Met. Opera Dunn on Discs Dunn on Discs Sports Parade I Sports Parade Sat. Matinee I Sat Matinee Sat. Matinee I Sat. Matinee Kirkham News, Lake Success , ISports Review I LeSueur News News - I Earl Godwin rroscanini Toscaninl Jr. Junction I Jr. Junction I Tommy Dorsey Watson Show KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW John Flynn (Hemingway (Melody Portrait Twin Views News Chln-fec Assembly God JAssemblv God Schools & You (Schools & You Uohnnv Soot I Johnny Snot Toscaninl iToscanini Rex Koury ISquirrel 5 KSLM Sing. Marshall ISing. Marshall Chris. Science KOCO Rhythm Ranchi Rhythm suii music u -flow i maim Arnold loanger A&eaa Goss News KGW Bands of Land I Bands of Land! Carson-Stern IE. -Peterson KBX Navy Hour (Navy Hour I Blue Sports (Guest Star RKSLM KOCO KOIJl Hawaii Calls Dinner Musie Hi Sports Dixie Jazs Sotlite Salem (Hawaii Calls 1 Dinner Musie (Memories (Dixie Jan ' I Home Edition W KGW 7 0 KSLM Musie Coast Ramblers Bobby Benson Bobby Benson KOCO Balladiers (Playhouse (Navy Band (Mid -Court KOIM 6mg It Again (Sing It Again (Sing It Again (Sing It Again KGW Judy Canova IJndy C nova - lOle Opry lOie Opry KBX ' Merry Ge RndJMerry Go Rnd J Ernest Gross (Ernest Gross KSLM Renorters Bdupl Reporters Rd up! Musie (Square Dance KOCO ' WU-Idahe iWU-Idahe - . JWU-Idaho JWU-Idaho KOIN . V. Moaree ' (V. Monroe IGeoe Autry IGene Autry KGW , Brian Dot-Wry Brian DonlevyjMaa Called X (Man Called X KBX Lone Banger (Lone Ranger (Shoot Moon IS hoot Moon sf KSLM News Pos Edwards IHoos. Hotshots (Music WU-Idaho ' JWU-Idaho (News Dick Jurgens Hop. Cassidy (Hop. Cassidy jGangbusters ' ' IGangbusters Hit Parade (Hit Parade (Life ef Riley . ILUe of Riley Gypsy Rose ' (Gypsy Rose llnternatl Hr." I Internal Hr. - KOIM KGW 101 S-s-C KSLM M. Whalen (Danca Orch. lrront Ore's - Spotlt cm Asia KOCO From Ciro'8 op Night nnai W News riaal KdtOom 11 KSLM OeeB Hoeaa fOsest House lOoen Ho KOCO Dane Party (Dance) Party Dance Party KOI4 Organ MelodJea Knran MelodleaJ Bandstand KGW Wax Museum J Wax Museum (Wax Musemst KXX Dance Time (Dan Ttane (Dance Time KOAC IS fc. . 18 M aotu. The news and wee thin 10:11 Especially for Vomen: 11 M The Concert Hall; 1XM The News; 12:15 pjsc, Noon Farm f'oun 1.-O0 Fid 'em Ccwboy; 134 Dad's Weekend: Musie of the Masters; M V. at. Marina Band; 3.4 Hera is Liberty Brownies Visit Statehouse . ... , l'., . !j Statesman News Service LIBERTY Liberty Brownies troop 112 Thursday delivered ma gazines, cards and quilt ' scraps to Fairview home and visited the state capitol. ft Brownies on the adventure were Deanna Schendel, Peggy Peterson, Carolyn Griffis, Mary Ellen Em ery and JoAnne DeZort. ;They were accompanied by their; lead er, Mrs. Walter Schendel, assist ant leader, Mrs. Anne DeZort, and the neighborhood chairman of the scouts, Mrs. Lewis Clark. TWO FIRES QUELLED MILL CITY The Mill City fire department Wednesday quell ed a grass fire near the Ben Koten residence and a mate in the apartment occupied by the Vic Herrons. r IOWA WOMAN VISITS SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Dale George of Coon Rapids; Iowa, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Morns. Mrs. George has been in San Diego where her hus band is stationed with; the ma rines. ;? PORTLAND. Feb. 16-(APr - (USDA) Cattle salable Friday 39: market steady. For week: Salable 1410: market active on small supply: generally steady - st rone; cows and heifers stronR-50 higher: bulls steady. Truck lot choice 1.090 lb steers 36.25 and individual light steers 36JM; around 4 loads - mostly choice 33 .50-36. 00; good steers 33.50 35.00; commercial 31.00-33.00; : utility mostly 26.00-30.00. Good -choice fed heifers 33.00-34.00; commercial heifers 30.00-32.00; utility 26.00-28.50. Canner cutter cows 22.00-24.00; shells down to 19.00: utility cows 24.00-27.50: odd com mercial 28.50-29.00. Commercial bulls 29.00-3030: odd heavy bulls 31.50; util ity ZS.00-2S.00. Calves salable Friday S: mostly nom inaL for week: Salable 180:: market ac tive. steady. Good vealers Ac light calves 36.00-39.00: odd choice 43.00. new record high: medium 30.00-33.00: com mon 24.00-28.00: culls down to 20.00. Hon salable Friday 85: includes load late arrivals not shown: market nom inal. For week: Salable 915: market mostly steady. Good-choice 180-235 lb weights 25.25-73; food 250-350 lb sows 23.50-25.00; few 150-170 lbs 24.50-25.00: good 250-600 lb sows 21.50-22.50: good feeder pigs 26.00: small lot choice 85 lbs 28.00. Sheep Friday none: market nominal. For week: Salable 205: market active steady: ewes 50 higher. -! Good-choice fed wooled lambs 34.00-50; medium- good 32.00-33.75: culls down to 23.00 Odd rood feeders 31.00. Good slaughter ewes 17.00-50. u Portland Grain PORTLAND. Feb. 16 (AP- Cash grain: Oats. No. 2. 38 lb 'white 65.50 barley. No. 2. 45 lb B.W.. 62.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft, white 2 33: soft white (excluding- Re) 2.38; white ciuo -.. " Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.40; 10 per cent 2:40: 10 per cent 2.41; 11 per cent 2.47: 12 wr cent 2.53.: s Hard white Baart: 11 per cent 2.40; 12 per cent 2.44. Today's car receipts: Wheat 163: bar ley 56: flour 29; corn 11: Pat 12; mill feed 26. n BROADCASTS KOIN 970. KGff 620.FKEX 1190 00:30 00:45 IFarm News (News (West MelodiesiNet News KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock I Hodge Podga I Hodge Podge Dawnbeat Dawnbeat I Top Trades Ex. Service I Cons. News Sam Hayes I Coffee Time Free IMuslc iMoslc iPrin. Melody ICfVe Ac Tk In a. Parent (Give St Take Radio C1ty-USA!Radio City-USA in- pera ateu opera fymphony k. Henderson Music Girls Svmohonv Nafl Guard Music Girls r. Oregoniana Metr. Opera Y.; Oregoniana Metr. Opera Man on Farm Man on Farm News Navy Star Time Morton Downey Mort Downey Army Band Army Band Mter. Opera IMetr. Opera Farm Band Concert (Band Concert Sat. Matinee (West News Ilf Must Fight iMetr Opera set. Matinee Galen Drake If Must Fight Metr. Opera IMet. Opera MeC Opera I Bands of Land Bands of Land Cage (Squirrel Cage (Una M. Carlisle (Music Ranch! Jerry Gray lEncore Sides (West Ramblers I News Fav. Husband I (Dennis Day I City of Hope West Ramblers Assembly God Fay. Husband Dennis Dav (City of Hope IN W Mews rOrchestra Salute ReservecSahite Reseryeal ! Orchestra , (Orchestra Wmukn IVmulm IDaace Time) iDeatce Tim Ha Deuce Party Bandstand Wax Museum (Dance Time Australia: (SI Jimmy Martin: 4:13 On the Upbeat; 4:44 Oregon Beporter; 1st ChBdresi's Thentre; tW Defense Report; S:45 London Letter; S0 The News and Weather: :15 Broadway HiUghts: TH Grand, Opera Tonight: 7A5 Bsketball-OSC "ysi WSC: iWJ Dane Parade; MM SXm Off. Portland Livestock 1 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Feb.' 16 -flP--'To Ad Corp Al Chem Gen Foods Gen Motors Al Chalmers Am Airlines 27 Mi ;10 15 (Goodyear .Tire . 7 1 4 Homestake 4 Am Pow & Lt Am Tel Tel Int Harvester Int Paper Am Tobacco Johns Man Anaconda Kennecott J Libby Men Atchison Beth Steel . Lockh Aire Boe Airplane 52 Loews Inc Borg Warner ... ;69 Long BeU i Montg Ward Nash Kelv Bur Add M 16 Calif Packing 64 Can Pacific 28 NY Central Caterpillar .... - 52 North Pac i Celanese - Pac Am Fish Chrysler - - Pac Gas Ai Con Edison Pac Tel & Cons Vultee Packard i Penney , Crown Zellerback -52 Curt Wright 11 Penn RR Doug Aircraft Pepsi Cola Philco .... Dupont M Eastman Kodak 45VRad Corp Emer Radio ; 1 5 Vt Raynonier Gen Electric 54 Hi Ray Pfd Portland Produce PORTLAND. Feb. 16 -CAP)- Butter- fat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to .33 to 1 per cent aciauy aeuverea in Portland. 73-78 lb: first Quality. 73-7e: second quality. 71-74c. Valley routes and country points ac less. Butter Wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 71c lb: A. 92 score. 69c: B. BO score, 67c: C. 89 score. 65c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 47-49'sC; Oregon S-lb. loaf. 48',a-51Vac. Eees To wholesalers: A grade, large. 50c doz.: A grade, medium. 48,,ic; B grade, large. 4546c. Live chickens-(No. 1 quality. F.O.B. plants): Broilers. 31 -33c; fryers. 33 -35c: roasters. 34-jec; ngni nens u n a e r 4 lbs. 24-25c; 4 lbs. and over. 24-25c. Heavy hens, all weights. 32c: old roosters, all weights. 14-lftc. Rabbits average to growers: Live white. 4-S lbs. 25-27c lb: 5-6 lbs. 23-25c: colored. 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. 10-1 2c lb: fresh dress ed fryers to retailers. 66-60c; some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs. S54 55: good. 500-700 lbs. SS2-54: commer cial. 251-53: utility. $48-49: cows, com mercial. $46-50; utility, $45-48; can-ners-cutters, $44-45. Beef cuts-(good steers): Hind quar ters. $60-64: rounds. $60-63: full loins, trimmed. $78-82; triangles, $50-52; fore quarters. $50-32. Veal: Good. $60-62; commercial. $56 58: utility. S49-5L Calves: Good-choice, $56-60; com mercial. $51-56. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. $47 51.50: shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $39-42.50; spareribs. $45-48: fresh hams. $53-55. Lambs: Good choice. $55-57; com mercial, all weights, $53-54; utility. $48-49. Wool: Graded scoured wool F.O.B. Portland: Fine $3.00-30; 4 blood. $3 10 .15: . blood. $2.80-3.00; blood mostly $2.70-2.25. Mohair: 80-85C lb. on 12-month growth. F.O.B. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Hogs: Light blockers. 33-34c lb; sows, light 28-SOc. Lambs: Too grade, 54-56c lb; tower grades. 48-50C. Mutton: Best. 28-SOc; rough heavy bucks, ewes, 18-20c. Veal: Top quality, 55-5$; good heav ies. 48-52C. Beef: Good cows. 45-48c lb; canners eutters 41 -43c. Onions: Western Ore. yellows, med ium No. 1. $1.85-2.10: SO-lb. sacks. No. 1 large to $2.23; Idaho yellows. S-in min.. $1.75-2.00; southern Ore. yellows. Urge. $2.50-65: mediums. $245-25. Potatoes: Ore. Russets No. 1A. 2.75 2.95: 25 lb. 70-73c; Wash, russets No. 1A. 25 lb. 70c: No. 2. 50 lb. 1X10-1.10: Idaho russets No. 1A. 3.00-.40; Fla, new crop triumphs. 3.73-4.00; 50 lb. Calif, reds. 3.00-.23. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots. F.O.B. Portland. $32 33 ton: Willamette vaDey grain and clover hay. $26-29. STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF MARION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Joint Airport Zoning Board of the Salem Municipal Airport, in Marion County. uregon. will conduct public hearing to be held at 7 JO P.M. on the 27th day of February, 1951. in the Council room of the City Hall in the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at which time and place parties in in terest and citizens shall have an op portunity to be heard in reference to the establishment of the boundaries of hazard areas and the various cones to be established and the regulations to be tdopted therefor, appertaining to the Salem Municipal Airport as provided by Chapter 542. Laws of 1947 of the State of Oregon, the Air port Zoning Commission having filed its final report which may be exam ined in the office of the City Clerk of Salem. Oregon, by any interested party or citizen having an Interest in the zoning of said Salem Municipal Airport area. Dated this 8th day of February. 1951. JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD By R. L. Houck Chairman Feb 10.17 Salem Obituaries FRURCHTTNO John Fruechtlng. at the family resi dence at Salem route 2. box 260. Feb ruary 13. at the age of 68. Survived by the widow. Mrs. Anne Fruechtlng of Salem, and son. Raymond Fruecht lng of Pheonix, Ariz- and a sister. Mrs. Mary Leppke of Owaaso, Okla. Member of tne Baoust church and lodge zz AF Sc AM. Littleton, Colo. Services wUl be held at i p.m. Saturday. Febru ary 17 at HoweU-Edwards chapel. Ritu alistic services by Salem lodga 4. AT Sc AM. Z3TZOW Henry T. Zitzow. late resident of 674 Pine st at a local hospital February 14. Survived by wife. Mrs. EL F. Zit zow. and a son Edwin H. Zitzow. both of Salem; two daughters. Mrs. M. O. Granville. Port Angeles. Wash- and Mrs. Ford Keppen. El Cerrtto. Calif.; two sisters. Mrs. William Voecks of Sturgeon Bay, Wis- and Mrs. John Diederichs of Dent, Minn, and five grandchildren. Services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden chapel Saturday. February 17. at 1 l30 p.m. with the Rev. H. W. Gross officiating. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. SEVERN S " ' Ami Frank Severns. at the residence at 2013 Hazel ave February 14. Sur vived by wife. Mable Severns. Salem: a daughter. Mrs. Lillian Siefkem. Hem brant. Iowa; two - sons. - Everett D. Severns. Jamaica. Iowa, and ML D. Severns, Glendale, Califs and a sis ter. Mrs. Mary ' VaaGeadem. De Moines. Iowa. Set sices will be held at 10 JO a.m. Saturday, February 17, at the Virgil T. Golden chapel with the Rev. James L. Wilson officiating. Ritu alistic services by Hal Hibbard camp. Spanish American war veterans. Ship ment will be aaade) to Osceola, Iowa, for BS1X Mrs. Etta Lucille Belt, fate resident Of Kiddie, at a Eugene hospital. Febru ary 15. Survived by husband La Von Belt of Riddle: sister, Mrs. June Gar rett of Salesn; Brat-tor. Staadey Viawe of Calif oraua, and eaeaas. Oral and Joseph Greer, both of Washington. Services will be held at the Oough Barrick chapel Monday. February 19. at 1:30 pan. Xatcrment at Belcrest Memorial park. , --.. ROWLAND f- U'v" 4 Mrs. Frances Kowunxl. late resident as? 2230 N, 4th st- in this city. F ary 15. Survived by husband. Roy Bow land f Salem. Servicee wlU be held et the W. T. Rlgdoa Chanel Monday. February 19. at 1-4 pjav Interment at Bakrest Memorial park, Dr. Lioyd T. Anderson officiating. , 21 154 ; 66 AAXL. 168 57 ,54 ... 70 18V4 day's closing quotations: 44 Repub Stl Rey Metals 48 42 56 38 50 Richfield , 41 Safeway , 36Ts Sears Roebuck 57 Soc Vac 28 South Pac .71 Std Oil CALi 98 u. 54 - 54 78 Y & L 10 Std Oil NJ Studebaker .104 . 33 . 13 41, 18 Sunsh Mn 4iy4 72 22 Swift and Co 37 Transamerica Twent C Fox 23 Un Oil Cal Un Pac Un Airlines Un Aircraft Un Corp US Plywood US Steel 37 18 Elec 34 Tel ..108 5 69 23 Warn Bros 11 West Un Tel West Air Bf West Elec Woolworth 25 18 50 Salem Market Quotations (As of lata yesterday) BUTTERFAI Premium No. 1 .77 .75 JS1 .77 2 No. 2 ... BUTTER Wholesale Retail EGiS (Bar Int) (Wholesale prices range from $ to 7 cents over buying once) Large A A .46 Large A .44 Medium AA .43 Medium A .40 Small -30 POULTRY Leghorn hens Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Old roosters M 2 31 .19 .14 J3 Roasters LIVESTOCK (Valley Parking Company QnotaOom) Fat Dairy Cows 21.00 to 22.50 Cutters ..20.00 to 21.50 Bulls 34.00 to 27.00 Dairy heifers Good veal Fat lambs feeders Mutton .13.00 to 25.00 . 28.00 to 35.00 . 31.00 to 32.00 24 OO to 28.00 8 00 to 14.00 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of School District No. 24CJ. Marion County. Oregon up to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. February 27. 1951, for installing asphalt tile at Englewood. Highland. McKinley and Richmond schools. Specification blanks may be obtain ed from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 460 North High Street. Salem. Oregon CONNELL C. WARD. District Clerk F 10-17 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Black Chevrolet wheel & tire 8.25x20 between Jefferson and Sa lem. Ferres Bldg. Supply. Jefferson. Oregon. LOST or straved from 1399 Saginaw St., 1 large black asthmatic torn cat. Absolutely worthless but we like him. Please send him home. Phone 3530V LOST: Feb. 8th. Elk's tooth on tie clasp. Notify Loreta Roshelm. U. S. National Bank. Reward. 316 Personal METAPHYSICAL Library I Sincere By IP- help with your problems. POintment only. Phone 26238 LEARN Swedish massage. Personal instruction. Lynn D. LcBaron presi dent of LeBaron College of Mas sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 9fiKJ" F.nrftll now ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 3-9133 PO Bx 724 riiCA Wed Fti 30 era STANLEY Home Products Ph. 43882. 400 Agriculture 402 LWastock FOR SALE OR TRADE for cattle or sheep. One nice gentle Palomino mare and one light cream stud colt Will make a real horse. CaU 2-2471 Evenings 4-2960. Salem. NICE Guernsey heifer, fresh 4 weeks. sound and gentle. Phone 4-zaio. Locker beef 49c. Locker pork 39c. Phone 34858 O. WJ GREEN BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Sonv mtr. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Ph 42817. 1 B6NDED LTVXSTOCiC buyer. E. C McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude '-a warrta. Rt 3 Rnx 899E. Ph. 4-1113. LICENSED Livestock buyer. W. fc. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr. FT. z-1343 BULL SERVICE, reasonable. Ntoooi anyplace anytime. Phone 43176 WANTED: 2 or more Chester white grade bred gilts. Also 2 bred milking shorthorn neuers. itoy stampiey. tn, L Box 332. woodbum. Phone isoe. 404 Poultrr and Ra-bt- CORNISH Cross chicks for fast grow lns? broad breasted fryers. Also New Hampshire every Friday. Gehring TIatcherv. Silverton. Oregon NEW HAlZPSHlRE CHICKS batches every Tuesday Foars Hatchery. state St. tnone DAY-OLD and sUrted chicks. X. Cen ter StreeC Phone S2S6L Lee s Hat chrv. CHICKS - Jennings Rhode Island Reds. Excellent levers less than 50 Broodiness. Jennings Poultry Farm. Rt. 8 Box 70. Salem zo RED nullets. 3 months. $2 each Call after p. m. RL 2, Box 149, Phone 2Q045. SMALL Chicken house. 12 Uying hens. 1005 Cascade Drive. Phone asssa. 412 Fruit and Farm ProdnaT STRAWBERRY Plants. Orders taken on Northwest strawberry plants. hundred. s0 thousand or S26.50 lots of 2000 or more. Fred Duris. RL 4, Box SBOA. Puyallup. Washington. 425 Auction Solos AUCTION Consisting of XT head cattle on the farm located 1 miss south of South Prairie school. 14 - miles North of Hebe or S sniles south Tillamook on Old Highway lust across from BUmp base an Tuesday. Feb. 20th. 12 30 aharp. This Is fine hard ot high producing dairy cows, mostly Guernsey's, ail double tested and clean. Butter fat test AM on herd. Individual health eerttfieatea will he given with each cow on day of sale. Milking p to St lbs. now. Several heavy springers to freshen within a few days. These cows must ha seen to be appreciated. a Untt Barge m wring m outer equipment. John Bushmen, owner Termer can be arranged by sarins' the clerk, Auctioneers Wilbur Bios ISA Pots MOOKXS Trecaeal fish Fish, tanks, plants, beaters ac ther mostats. Marvel pumps. miles train S. la water oa Mac tea y Bd. Phone 27??! TKOWCAL fiiH AND SUPPL-S. C L. MANN. BATTLJCRFXK RD TURNER. OREGON 17 . 23 39 - 105 28 39 4 39 48 12 45 35 37 45 400 Acricnltnre 403 Pats AJCC. registered , Daschund put up. S months. Priced reasonably. Wait. RickreaU. Phone Dallas 3612. TO GIVE away to good home 4 month old male dog. 4-2427 Saturday or Sun- - day. . . . PUREBRED Cocker spaniel puppies. Parti-color. Phone 14F2 Independ- 450 Merchandise 451 MacbinTy and TooIb SOS ALSO 200 Lincoln welding machine, grinder with 3 horse motor, bench grindeo. power hack saw. threading ' machine, acetylene torch, drill press, electric drills. 150 lb. anvil, forge hoist, about S ton steeL etc, Harold A. Thompson. 403 N. Church. Sil verton. Oregon. VOUR umm ana eflurt demands good tools. Rent or buy them at Bouser Bros 1410 8 12th faOTOTll.l.r.R sales, parts, and service. Howser Bros. Ph. S-3646. 141. S. 12th S TON Budget chain hoist. Phone -2-6268. 4S5 Household Goods for Sal HOTPOINT electric range. 400 Wayne ur. ( m ManDrln Gardens). Phone 2-8229. Used Furn., Cheap TRAD! TERMS Valley Furn Co 289 No Com! -74Tt DAVENO. perfect condition. Vs price. Also 1950 refrigerator, never used. 2-8001. HOME SOLD; Furniture, equipment. china, everything at private sale. The Williams. 540 Lancaster, between state and center. LEAVING Town selling my house and furniture by March 1st. Any reason able offer will be accepted. Here re a few things that I have. Blonde Dinette set. blonde desk, red mohair T.V. chair, 4 piece sectional set. Elec trolux -vacuum cleaner, box springs and mattress, pictures and planter lamps, all these are only a year old or less. Also Carpenter tools and work bench, punching bag and many other personal things. Drive east on Sunnyvtew one block past Fisher Rd. to 2194 Vaughn St. or call 2-3278 after 2 n.m. APARTMENT size electric range, 3 burner, white enamel. Phone 2-3870. KOEHLER Davenport. Si years old. Reasonable. Phone 36317. 754 Ferry STARKS of Portland desires a live wire salesman In' Salem to represent in this area. Leads furnished. Com missions, earnings above average. Give Qualifications Sc references. Write Statesman. Box 235. 456 Wantwd. housofctold WANTED a good used table top elec- trie range. Phone Z-lZga, WILL store furniture for 4 room house for use. No smoking or drinking, no children. Phone 2-9382 before 4 p.m. USED FURNITURE VALLEY FURNITURE N Cwtil Ph 27472 285 Glen Woodry Pays Cash right now for furniture, appli ances, rugs. guns, radios, antiques pianos, trailers anything of value Honest prices paid. Phone 3-3110 right now for immediate results. 4S Building Mala rtala FLOORING Good Quality oak flooring, random length. 8190 per thousand. Car load supply. C. G. LONG Ph. 2-5821 1 mile North of Keizer. BARGAINS FOR BUfLDERS Cedar Siding xS C . 80 00 M 4x8 C - : 872.50 M Flooring 2x8 K. D. Sheating lx K. D. S11 00 M . S83 00 M 1x8 K. D. $8150 M 2x4's $35 $70 $85.00 M $70 $85.00 M Shiplap -.$35 Aluminum O'Hd. Garaae Doors 8-0x7-9 S59.0O l-Ox7-0 .... .809.50 Window Frames . 50 Disc. Service Lumber Company Ph. 2882 70T McClaine St. Silverton This Week's Special Approx. 200 sheets 4'xrx" reject olvwood. Regularly 13','jC per sq. ft. While they last only lOlxC per sq. n. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Where Parking Is No Problem 90 LOANS on remodeling, gara. rentals, roofing. Painting etc estimates gladly given. Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 WANTED: GREEN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch, Market Price. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189. Eve. 22576. Salem Lumber St Manu Manufacturing Co PAINTED Cedar wall shakes with dry under course $16.00 per sq. No. 2 shingles $7.50 sq. No. 3 $5.00. Clear oak flooring $295.00 5000 ft. No. 2 oak $195.00. No. 1 Pecan $250.00. Se lect Pecan $275.08. Common Lumber good quality 830 per M. Ted Mull ax. Ph. Salem 2-1 19B BUILDING SPECIALS, plywood for every purpose. Full sheets or cut to your sizes. FIBERGLAS or Zonolite insulation. SPRED SATIN, paints and enamels. Sheetrock and ceiling tile. PIONEER roofing of all kinds. Let us help with your building or remod elling problems. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 2-0974. 'i ml. north of underpass. LONG'S BARGAINS 4" plywood 24c foot, 4" 21c foot. New asbestos siding $10 sq. If painted cedar shakes $14.50 aq. 1st quality doors $9 JO. Glass doors $12 JO. Birch front doors $20. Fir front doors $16.50. Door hardware, low price, overhead garage door hardware $11.50. New and used windows and sashes. Insul ation board 4zt $1.92. Large metal medicine cabinet $8.65. 42 gal. electric water heaters $87 JO. New bath tubs complete $90. Toilets $39 JO. 500 gal. steel septic tank $75. American stand ard lavateries $15. C. C. LONG Ph. -5821 1 Mile N. of Keizer . Aluminum overhead garage doors with hdw. $52. X molded door St window trims 4c per fot. No. 2 oak flooring' shorts. SIM per M. No. 1 oak flooring shorts $300 per M, Epping Lumber Co. 8740 Sllveton R. Ph. 22054 " 6BOP KEITH BROWN FOR THaT BEST BUYS IN TOWN tat D. Boston pattern. Fir rustle sdg. ; $150 If 4s-xV cedar faced plywood i 19e sq. ft. 3 panel Interior doors , Lao'ee, . MVm per ft. Iinside door latch sets, chrome $1 JO se, KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Front and Court - Where Parking at No l4 For EaaxL DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Stager alee portable sewing machine $4 per mo. Free sack up as delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 139 M. ComX Ph. 333T2. . u fiaivs tRucKl tOh MSt aets fom 1ST Liberty Ph S-fcueg GOOD CsjO rhas ML l fciL ? ill For ScU LIiacn 3S GALLON power spraysr oa rubber tirad wheale ae skkla. Sprays large , areas at S o hnndred tos pressure. SGPMpump. l4 HP gas engine, skid model $207 JO. WARD'S TAXU TTOKX TrMe E?g?i St. St!gra WOOD circulator heater. Lke Phone 4-3930. JaVWlXERS walnut UuF rourhs Fiactrie. 221 Court. ITEMIZING cash register. Sm. 1-79TS. SAVE ILU nth. Ladies Home Journal S3 months Country Gestleman $1. Mrs. Paul H. Itstacr. SSa Saciaaw, 450 errnnnrlifle 470 For Solo. IZlMcmQanmcna LADIES coats. S suits, gaberdine. Sum 1 and 12, Very good condition. SS. Slz. 455 Univeralt-'. BABY carriage, fine condition. 180 N. 5th. afternoon. ; " DLSK telephone $20. Sideoven. electric range $20, Phone 4-23S4 mornings or evenings. EQUITY in new S cu. ft. refrigerator. 79 lbs. xreeser. sectional Durane oav enport set $65. Trailer house dolly $50. Phone 2-2. 1081 Third SL. ' W. Salem. - 1 ' YEAR crib, finest Quality. Inner soring. Kantwet mattress, like new $23. New singie flat metal bed spring S3. Blue upholstered ehab -chair. $5. Kitchen work table, draws, inlay top. Good condition. S7-M. 330 E. Mo-t. HOT plate $3-50. Woodryg Barn, CHEAP. Large quantity brooder house litter. 44382. NEW and Used Se Maelujaea. Coemek- Yeatar Appliance Ce, eta LOCKXR Beef 49c Locker pork J8c Phone 84858. O. W. Green OIL circulators. New and used. Yeatar AoQiiance Co 375 Chemeketa LARGS Irrigation pump $75. Call after 5 p. m. Rt. 2. box 149. pnone zoo4, SOIL and water pipe, complete . bed. .haet drawers, record cabinet, trall- er rug. China cupboard. Phone 27830, MAYTAG washing machine in good condition $17.50. vauey rurnnure t-o. S f . Com!. LADttS Bulova wrist watch $25. Lad- ies ice Figure skates, size siz. 3350 Triangle Drive Walling Sand & Gravd'Co. Crushed Rock For roadt at drtvewsy. Cement. Beady mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. 4 vd hn-I a, drss tine Phone 3-9249 ROOFING materials Willamette Valley Roof Co- 30 Lana Ave. ELECTRIC Heaters, Radiant and Fan. Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemek eta DEEPFREEZE and Wesungbouae Home Freezers. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa Something New Has Been Added 1 . PHILCO o RADIOS RANGES REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS ABC Automatic Washers See the 1951 line now Green Stamps - - - Easy Terms Master Service Stations 385 N. Coml. Ph. 341SS ELECTRIC Ranges. New and Used. Yeater Appliance Co. S7S Cbemek- eta PLASTI-KOTE Requires no Waxing for your flt-ors or linoleum. Yeater 4,ppflance Co. 375 Chemeketa SEAT COVERS Large stock of beautiful patterns, famous quality, fibre and plastic seat covers. Fit almost sny make or model from 1930-1949. $4.98 Up Master Service Stations 363 N. Commercial (MuU Used pianos S7 ea a lt stiff rum co : WASHING Machines. New and Use-. Yeater Appliance Co. S7S Cbemek. eta Linoleum $3.45 VALLEY FTTRN CO MS W CO MX, RET RIG ERATO RS. New od Used. Yeater Appliance Co.. 875 Chemek eta Fertilizer Rotted Manure - Composts 4 kinds rotted manure. Also dry chick en manure. Advise best for your purpose. All good clean quality. Give your plants a chance. Cedar Posts Telephone and elec, poles, garden stakes and pegs. Rustic Fencing Red cedar sny type. Rustle rose trellis window shutters, bridges, archways made to order. Phillips Bros. Ph. 43081 LOOK at these tow prices. Dependable guar anteed used appliances. At the lowest prices. Refrigerators 6 ft. Norge 6 ft. Kelvlnator S ft Kelvins tor T ft. Frigid aire .. $ ft. Frigidaire ColdwaU Others priced from .$74 50 -$129.00 $29J0 Ranges Hot Point late model with lamp. clock and mln. minder SIM.SO Hot Point flat top on legs, good cond. a .90 6 burner Monarch with gnddle and clock a real buy at S139 JO A. B. apt. range -$ 74 JO Others priced from . $ 39 .50 Automatic Washers Bendix automatic. guaranteed good cond $129.95 Bendix automatic, 2 yrs. old. ex cel, cond. Installed $339 .95 Bendix automatic 2',fe yers old, non bolt down wttn soap injec tor. The world's most Deluxe washer ; $269.95 Wringer type washers priced to seU from $19.95 to $49.99. See these specials at Ralph Johnson Appliances 353 Center St. Salem. Ore. Ph.3-3139 WHITE treadle sewing machine in ex ceiient condition $30. 430 Jefferson St. : ELECTRIC range Sc refrigerator like new. Jayhawk Trailer sales, ssw Portland Rd. 472 Wcffitod. MlKOo-asKws WANTED TO BUY Rough Green Douglas Fig Clean tn any quantity, thickness or size In C& Better. By truck to our plant at Harden Bridge about 3 miles NJC of Springfield on Mohawk Highway or by rail to Hendricks- on Southern Pacific Al Clements Lumber Ca- Eugene. Oregon. P.O. Boa 90s. Phone Eugene, S-331T. NEWSPAPERS. magazines and rags. Prompt pickup. Phone 33071 WANTED; Machine for making wood .. cross arms. Spot cash. , Teeph collect AT 2408. Portland. Oreeon. Trader Louie payS Spot Ca5H for used furniture, appluu sea. ruga. ; tools etc. Ph 3-S55B ! WAN'lE: To wreck old building Ibr lumber. F. G. Huston. RL $. 330. Sa-asa. 474 Mlcsasoai WANT TO Buy was McEwan Photo Shop, 243 gitw JJentai riate JteDair TWO-HOTJat' SXWVTCX Cf UOST Bxtr or Msft Yowr prates fr ree-t ; LA. HAUT S MLS j. DLJT-f7 Adelph Bg State 4s Com Ph $ 1T11 BOX Wood. denvery. Fits- r"na a-ft. Oregon Fuel Co. Sawdust hr tuba or dusnp. . very. Good hand picked dry slab. Pteoie 3-?' I r'T Tty BUY wE3TtT oTr.a i Prtwd cctts-s. log en-. Ph. t-g!. DA Y Second growtq lig and a-sO wood. -a94y or a-g-Ha. Highway, Fuel Co. Stoeo-Ptssai otie, ask sot Sbnaaa. Pa, a44.r Thm ricrtttmoau ZcHnx. Orsvi 450 Merchandise 76 Foal GREEN dry plywood split . for e- lr oestrefl. tL ALLEN Phone TTZtt 1260 Candlewood Dr. ;::.Vr.Specinl': Planer trfmmuigs $4 s cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO. 3-7721 or S-OD24 ; TRl-CTTY" FUEL The Best Fuel at A Savtng Ask for S ac H Green fiUmps PHONE 2-7442 ANDERSON Bargain. Clean hand pick ed slab wood. 1 cord $12. Phone 27751. 1ST Wood Old and Second Growth fir , a UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem f.0t For orders please call collect : Independence 42 ; Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company . Independence Oregow West Salem Fuel Co. lS-m. DRY OX GREEN SLAB WOOD - DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 1$ in. dean - 'i J'- no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES " ; XXIESEL AND STOVE OIL ' Phone: Salem 2-4031 Asm pick up wood at 1529 Edgewater j St. W. Salem ! ' " ELMER fiOJK Ph 2-9453. 3025 S. 12th. XV Old Fir Veneer Cores Split for Furnace a desired IS' FIR wood. $14 cord. 16 oak wood" $16 cord. Prune wood 16 As 2. $14 cord. Wood sawing. 1940 Chev truck. Its ton flat bad. Eaton rear-end, $500. Phone 35841. curu, i, vmm . wwv , 500 Business & Finance 510 MonT to Locra 1 AUTO LOANS wtlLamettx CREDIT CO. . US S. (Church St. - Ph. $-247 . Parking Aplenty '? IJc Ml-S154 Private Money ; Oa Cars. Trucks At Trailer Homes Long er Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons - tit 1 Commercial 8t Pty-y -8f J Start 1951 l with a : CLEAN SLATE Pay off your bills with M COOVSJTlixfTj X -BILL CONSOLIDATION- loan Fast, friendly service, , Typical Plana i 13 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.0 340.00 ( 30.00 ao.oo ( 60JK I :ific Ind 760 JX) 60XK Pacific ustrial Loans 11$ S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 CASH . NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest eMest home-own ed loan company offers money when ttl Ton can pay aaytlma h reduce net cost I No endorsers, or hem from ' friends I On ears, trucks, trailer homes to SovOXO On furniture, hvestock, equipment. salary or other personal ptuueity up to S30til Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades' 12 OS dally KSLM 1399 KCsll General Finance Corp. Lie. No SUM and M33S ; PHONt 3-9161 13S COMTI IT FARM and CXTT LA) AN a tkL. and S- Four own terms of repayment within reason, cash lor Heal Estate con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIL3 CO. 6J7 Court St -j-TSSS PERSONAL FXN ANCS CO. . SIS SUte Room 125 . Lie. . B-122 M-1BS. C. R. Allen. Mgr. PRIVATE Mooev to loan. Ph. 2-&T84 $$ Money $$ FHA Loans SO to 25 years repayment " plan. "CONSTRUCTION , LOANS' 4V4 percent farm loans Personal. Furniture, j at Auto Loans Tor aO your money needs' State Finance Co. 153 3. High St. Lie -218 M222 Tel. 24131 Monthly Payments ! Too High? Reduce the amount you pay out each month by consoudaung your otus and paying them in a lump sum with a PERSONAL loan. Then have Just one reasonable payment monthly. Dont borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan is the best solution to a money problem, see me. I say "Yes" to 4 out of S who. ask for a loan. Coma in or phone today. C R. Allen. YES MAN Personal Finance Co. I f Salem j 10S S. High St. Ph. 8-244 t Lie. No. S-L-f. M-MS. C. K. Allen, Mgr. SIS InTsattrnoTits" OWNER will sell 1st Mortage on te acre a room mooern nouse on cnerry Ave, $4700 will setll for $4300. payments SSO month including interest . See owner L. M. Chris tensen. Room 6, Wright : Bldg- McMinnvUle. . Oregon. Phone $721. , 600 Employment 602 HsJp Wcmlaxl OFFICX Manager wanted. Must be cap able or handling General Motors bookkeping system. Asm will handle ally correspondence etc. this as a top opportunity for a person with ability and ambition. Position la with an esUbuabed Buick dealer, offering permanent employment In a new building. Pay $300 to $400 per month, depending on Qualification. Located In the middle of Oregon's beautiful vacarionland coast. Winds Buick Co. Newport, Oregon, phono 490. 604 Harp VVcmtod. McdV FIRST class auto mechanic. Good wsges and working conditions. State aga and experience. References will ' oe remi 'r a. Box TP. co State-man, tXPEetliSiCCD diahwaaher wait led. The S ret 32 g . X-i TNtlNAT) AL tractor ' ana truck mechanic. Top wages. 1st class shop. -Bee Art - Orr. Shop foreroaa Coolia I-Rplement Co- Corvallls. Ore- aiAM SUat t boo.: kesniag ob hs Ore. Must be 3 and 44 years old. Phono Dallas BaiCgUA-O. Phono tsar Why Suffer Any Longer ta Ca'lio'alr w. what lisiinls yeei are al.eted CHARTiTFi CHAN i CO. ISM St.! ALi 4. 0-. frCUee Le-rs t to 4. .and Sat, CaJf . laanasa, asssairt. aaeae, tmmr. X SatnrdcfT rcbrcsrf 17, 1 S 3 1 0 600 ErarJloyuent S04 Tlmtp V7cmf d, Me!t WANTED: Boy in Hollywood DUtr1 to sell ana oeuver oregoniana. v- ninrs Phone 2-5972 WANTE ) boys as doormen Apply Ca iiai -neaire. r huo Holp VVcmfC. f orocilo ELDERLT lady to' stay with ' lady, name mora loan wages, lis Jt. ; lil it. itr artatrm. AONDa-rUL OPPORTUNITY tW i ': 5 ladies. Must be neat in appearance. i good personality and be able to meet people. Guaranteed salary wilo f i-.inln Yrv .rwwUnt nt r a It 9 ! WOMAN wants to share her city homo i , with woman companion either pay r, board or share. Give age. address, g f health, income. Box 258, eo States- man. - . i Civil Seicrppealing . 1 1 tor more worBers. -ypuns. iwisanroiw t era, bookkeepers most neeoeo. yea can learn shorthand, touch typing la 13 weeks in your own home at lew cost. Start training for positions (eg open,. Send name, age, address and nhone to Box 2S5. eo Stateman. STENOGRAPHER for permanent f 1 time lob. Teaguo Kaiser1 Fraser. M M. liberty. . 810 Solos P VVcmtod KTRBY vacuum cleaner, like Wattachments H5. Phone 42248. ' SAI-CSMAN with car to take char. ) " of our flat root dept. ciu moratiui. r WilUmette Valley Roof Co. 34 Lana f ' SALESMAN or take over business wi.l t: small investment or terms. I me ru-t . . ..oa r a.w .. AM - ' Sell Maytag - Easy - Frigidaire Home Appliances Here is your opportunity to a 1 yourself with an outstanding prod uct and a reputable dealer of long standing. Salary plus commission. Transportation furnished. Apply: Hogg Brothers. 115 S. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. , 1 ol2 Wcvk Vcmhad, Maim WANTED; Plaster patching. CaU T. O. . j Tanner. Phone s-eesu. r f IS Lituo-OT-B Vf A- ItlDV artHn a4avtl t-Mllsa Cr4Wl v4ei t DAOI ailwiHi as as J w. e--t.w-a.-p --a---rn a- lntty. Phone 4-1831. ' ' BABY sitting 50c hour. Phone 4-1415. PRACTICAL nurse wants work, bos pital or home. WUl work all he-cat References given. CU 3-5072. BABY Sitting days or nights. Mrs; Lsla Frailer. Phone 3-5323. Nancv's Narserv 2-4940. BABY Sittina- evenmgs after aerttl 1'- and weekends. Capable. Phone 37ife3 ChlLD CARE T I 183 S. IsTH. PH 1-S87, 1 tNCOMX tax returns prepared. Ye T f home. Reasonable . Rates. Phene 4-2033. PAY. NURStRt PHONE 27890. S ONLY First -cUss carpenters employed f in our remodeling department. Work ; guaranteed. Willamette VaUey Roof; Co. Salem i REMODELING and carpenter work. 1st class woramao nip, mont yj., WOMAN wanU housework for wid ower or motherless home. Home more . than wares. Bog 257. care Statesma-.J FAINTING, reasonable prices.. Phone 3-7552. zJ. '' HIGH school boy desires work in stores after school and Saturdays. WUling .to learn, 3-9723 afternoons. Ask for,; Ernest. ' WAITRESS work, dishwashing, eve-- nings. Dependable. Box 254. States ' man. ' . f; CURTAINS laundered and stretched.f tableclothes and fine .linens. Phone; 2-3448. BABY sitting wanted. Evenmgs. atoo Sunday afternoons. Phone z-uti, . 620 Dorr and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co Contract Work ; Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone dav 3-9408 Evenings 2-4400. . 3-8344 ; Salem. Oregon - i' AUTO PAINTING- lust a shade CTtT by Ray ETTER. Call onrocn asovor ; Co. B-914L ; ' ' .1 700 ftenfaU TRAILER space, across street south aif-t'Pauius Bros, (.snneryi io monin with aU conveniences. Roth Trailer. . - Court, Phone 8-8883. 702 -Uoopq Bxorn-, IkxrrjT A SUNNY bedroom fer working girt or gentleman. 1 block to pus. no emo--- mrm IRQ. S 11 lia St. i SLJXPXNG room. Call 790 N. Church NICE room for employed man. Cloae I tn. 30 Marion. ' - 3 LEPLEYS Room 4c Board. 171 N. Canttol. Phone 33750. ; ; . SLEEPING Rooms, kitchen privileges, j Convenient to State House. 79 Ferry, j NICE large room with small kitcbaow Also small room, pnvaie aosDi v 4 blocks from shopping Center. Call f afternoons' 36726. ; ' s SINGLE room 4s room for 2 mnk i cloy in. 790 N. ComT. Phone 22.' J3. MENS sleeping rooms. Private on- trance and pnone. lsoa n. capnoi j 33423. fSTVi i A KfT ' nwwn nur ranitol bids for rentleman. Private entrance. 149 N. Capitol. j. - ui ApartiTxt roa Bont ROOMY S room and bath, fireplace. AU 1 ntilities- furnished. A Homey Apart ment. 670 N. Churoh. i 1 1 rISwLY decorated S room furnished J- apt. Private entrance, ravate oeuit f ta R 19th. r i t ROOM furnished apt. with bath. Hoi. I Iwafood. Phone a-9ff7I OT 3-91S9. ' 7 "ROOM ' furnished $30. down tow4 Trail r Ytmia snare. 2-9835. ROOM furnished apartment, clean. ,1 . wly-. ltns M fanilnl i NEW 3 room apartment near Capitol!. '. Stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, auton tic laundry. Adults. $72. n ROOM upstairs furnished1 apartment, Phone 2-6107. , ijr Would you like to rent a beautiful one ;.' bedroom apt, absolutely new. hard wood floors, in one of Salem's best if locations. Has . one bedroom, private ; bath, liv-rm. kitchen and dinette, elee. range and refrig. Lots of stor- ' age apace. Very r-aaonabla. Only $6$ v " P mo. t . ; Al Isaak & Co., Realtor I Phone 4-3511 Eve. S-3 8 5 fUiailSHTn 2 room apartment $T1 f. rowf is one 29083. PULEaN Apartment. Close in. frigerator. Employed lady, so Mm r CCLL-TPT Spacious garden co apartment. Range, refrigerator, Adults. 8-7071 OUChea t,MJ. era. cri . . . um . cr r 3 " ai ?Ti til Kara Utrtf C 4-J a novo J-it. fT If. li at.y. C3ca opea rw-y only Hi rvtil pan- 4 to t p-a. CbosuI'- I 1 1. a, -.load I ass-fa urwe . - a tree of t.a, I-tact-sad a as s 6 s i ;1 ;l 1 I i -A