10 Thm Statetmcm. Salem. Of, Stock Market Eases Lower NEW YORK, Feb. 6 -(ff)-The ctock market eased lower today under the pressure of general sell ing that touched almost every sec tion of the list. There were a number of indi vidual issues that bested the trend, and motion pictures as a group stood out on the upside. Despite the losses running from a few cents to more than j$2 a share, considerable underlying strength was exhibited by the list. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost 10 cents at 596.70. The industrial component of the average was off 30 cents and rails were down 10 cents. The utilities section gained 20 cents. The volume of business con tracted to 2,360,000 shares as com pared with 2,680,000 shares yes terday when the market advanced to a new high for 1950-51 and the best average level fn more than 20 years. There were 1,207 individual is sues traded with- 346 advancing and 600 declining. There were 69 new highs established, and one new low. Grains Sag in Heavy Trading CHICAGO. Feb. 5-P)-Soybeans advanced at the board of trade today, but grains sagged in fairly heavy trading. The advance in the bean pit was attributed to export demand, and an early firmness in oil. Although there was a fairly ac tive trade in wheat, the commer cial demand was offset by promise of moisture in the southwest. The heaviness of the deferred con tracts acted as a drag on the March and May deliveries. i At the finish wheat was to 1 lower, corn was Vs to Yi low er, oats were V to lower, rye was 1 cent to 4 lower,, soybeans were Y to 2 cents higher and lard was unchanged to 8 cents lower. NO-HOST SUPPER HELD PRATUM Members and friends of the Methodist church gathered for a no-host supper Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold de Vries. Honored guests were Noble Bash er, who leaves this week for army service, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Earl Parker. WEDNESDAY'S Pacific Standard Time FM! Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the ororrants and tlems as provided by the radio stations, but because off times the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible fartha ........... w hmlNk HOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News News Hodge Podge Farm Edition (Timekeeper 7 KSLM Hemingway KOCO Minstrels Break. Minstrels KOIN KOIN Klock i McLfod KGW. Mueller News I Old Sonn KEX First Edition M. Agronsky 8 KSLM Cecil Brown IFamilv Altar Bible Inst. KOCO D. J. Round Tb.!D. J. Round Tb.'Trails West KOIN Consumer News Vaile News ! Grand Slam KGW Scandia Music IScandia Music 'Jack Berch KEX Break. Club (Break. Club , Break. Club 9 Jw5. IMusic Pastor's Call (Bargain Counter 5 E.et ?ews (Stars Sing iPiano Patterns Women's Page KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent IGal Sunday SW Crosby. Frnds. I Tune Test Tune Test IKneass News KEX 9 a.m. Edition I Stars of Today I Quick as Flash i Quick asf Flash 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Glen Hardy Mac's Melody Big Sister House Party Johnny Olsen Tello Test I Ma Perkins 11. KSLM Ladies Fair Mac's Melody Mrs. Burton Doub. Noth. Betty Crocker Ladies Fair Mac's Melody (Perry Mason Doub. Noth. ILindlahr KOCO KOIN KEX 12 KSLM Top Trades J N W. News KOCO IT wood Musio I H' wood Music KOIN Macleod News ICome Get It KGW Foster News I Road of Life KEX Baukhage I Noon Edition 1 KSLM Jack Kirk wood Jack Kirk wood KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melodv KOIN Hilltop House IBarnyd. Follies KGW Backstage Wlfei Stella Dallas KEX Today's Tops IKay West 2 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News (DickHaymes ITenn-Jamboreel Tenn-Jaiborea Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Kirkham NewslKirkham News'Howard Orch, ITunefullir Girl Marries I Portia iPlatn Bill I Front Page To Hollywood !To" Hollywood iB. Rubin Show B. Rubin Show I KSLM High School ITony Fontaine INews KOCO News I Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Kirkham News' Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey 7 KGW Travelers ITravelers I Aunt Mary KEX Surprise Pkg. I Surprise Pkg. IBarney Keep 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway IBehinStory KOCO Silver Strings I United Nations Star Parade KOIN Art. Godfrey I Art. Godfrey lArt. Godfrey KGW Woman's Sec 'Life Beautiful !Dr Paul KEX Talk Back ! Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM Mark Tral! (Mark Trail KOCO 12th St. Hr. I12th St Hr. KOIN E. R. Murrow IGoss News KGW Mr. Buttons I Foster News KEX Merrie Circle I Merrie Circle 6 KSLM Gab. Heatter iN.W. News KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight KOIN Harold Peary (Harold Peary KGW Counterspy I Counterspy KEX West- Headlines! Home Edition 7 KSLM Ray Block IHlHilites .KOCO R. Gram Swing! Music Jackpot KOIN Wayne King I Wayne King , KGW Big Story. Big -Story KEX Lone Ranger (Lone Ranger 8 KSLM ' Name of Song iNama of Song (Concert H I Sports I KOCO W. U. MonUnalW. V. Montana,' W. U. MontanaiW. U. MonUna KOIN Lowell Thomas I Jack Smith I Dr. Christian - I Dr. Christian KGW 1 Man's Family (News of World IGUdersleeve MGUdersleeve I KEX Fights iFlghU IFighU S FUhU i 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Glen Hardy t Fulton Lewis Queen for Nit I Queen for Nita W. 17. Montana W. U. Montana! News i i J Barbershop Mr. Chameleon Mr. Chameteon Beulari t 1 4 Club Hi Groucho Mane IGroucho Marx IDUt Attorney IDist. Attorney Fat Man . (Fat Man (Ljwrence WelkiLawrence Walk 10 KSLM I Love Mystery INewsreel KOCO From Clro's (From Ciro's OIN S Star Final (You & World KGW News - Harmonalres KEX . Final . Edition (Intermezzo 11 KSLM John Steele J Music Cue (Melodies, Melodie KOCO Nocturne Nocturne (Nocturne - ; Nocturn KOIN Organ ' Organ . Bandstand f Bandstand KGW . News (Wax Museum Wax Museum I Wax Museum Good Listening I Good Listening I Good UsteningiGood I.trrtening KOAC 100 am. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air; 11:15 The Concert Hall; 12X The News; 12:13 Noon, Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy; IdS The U. K. Story; 1-JO Claasroom Broadcast: ' 2.-00 Growing Toward Maturity; 2 JO Memory Book f Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the ur; j.w -i ne News; 3:13 Music or the 4.-00 Pathfinder Playhouse: Wdn dar Fobruarr 131 Clackamas Roads Closed to Track! OREGON CITY. Feb. 6 iuPt- Clar-kamas rountv roads, with the exception of ihose under the Juris diction of the state nignway ae partment, were closed to heavy truck traffic today. f Only heavy vehicles permitted were school busses and someSmilk trucks. I The county court banned all tr-iplcs weiehin? in excess of 15.000 pounds. Truckers wishing to travel country roaas witn neavier equip ment, must get a special permit from the court. I CARD PARTY SET f MILL CITY - The American Legion and Auxiliary will hjbld a card party in the American4 Le gion hall at 8 p.m. Thursday. Everyone is invited to attend. SALE NETS $7 MILL CITY The Junior made about seven dollars at candy sale in the Mill City school Thursday. class their High Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES Feb. 7U At ! W Indust Rails Utils Stocks 30 IS 15 60 Net change Tuesday Prev day Week ago Month ago . Year ago D.3 D.l A3 .128.1 ..128.4 125.4 ..121.9 -102.9 72.0 72.1 68.6 63.5 41.6 47.5 96.7 96.8 94.1 90.7 73.6 47.3 475 47.1! 44.7, BONO AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Ind Net change A.l linen Tuesday 100.4 101.8 Prev day 100.3 101.8 Week ago 100.1 101.9 Month ago 98.9 101.6 Year ago 95 5 102.6 1950-51 high ...100.4 102.8 New 1950-51 high. 10 Utl unch 10 Fgn unch 72.2 72.2 72.0 71.4 73.1 75.4 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.fi: 105 3f 105., Portland Grain PORTLAND. Feb. 6 -(API-grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 60.00. Cash 64.00; Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.35; 2.35; soft white (excluding Rex) White club 2.35. Hard red winter: Ordinary 236; 10 per cent 2.36; 11 per cent - 2J9; 12 per cent 2.45. f Hard white Baart: 11 per cent 2.35; 12 per cent 2.39. Today's car receipts: None. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Feb. Z -AP)-( USDA) Cattle salable 200; market active, steers, heifers mostly steady: f cows strong to 50 higher; few lota good around 890-50 lb. fed steers 33.00-34.50; few commercial steers 30.0O-32JD0 in cluding heavy Holsteins up toi 32.00: utility down to 27.50; commercial heif ers 30.00; utility 25.00-26.50; tanner and cutter cows 21.00-23.00; odd head 23.50; shells downward to 19.001 util ity cows 24.00-27.00: utility! bulls BROADCASTS KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 7 00:30 0045 IFarm News (News I west Melodies Net New, KOIN Klock iKOIN Klock IKOIN Kldek (Hodge Podee IFarm Time Farm Time I Keep Smiling I Keep Smiling IKeep Smiling Gang iBreak G.me I Dr. Hamblin I Top Trades I KOCO Klock IBabbit Show ISam Hayes ! IBob Carried : News JOoss News IKneass News I Bob Hazen Bible Inft. ITabernacle I Rosemary I Da ve G arro wa y IBreak. Club ejody IBob Eberly I Concert Mac s Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Mel I Dr. Malone IGuid. Light House Party IBreak Bank IBreak Bank 'Sweeney, MachlTrue Story (True Story Jueen for Day Mac's Melody I Nora h Drake Millionaire Nth' westerners I Queen for Day Iviac's Melody I Brighter Day Millionaire I N. Westerners Gay 80' ' Music f jNews ( I Philosopher (House Party i I House Party IPepper Young I Happiness IMod. RomancesIDavid Amity IMUSie IMusic 'Magic Melody Magic Melody I strike Mien strike Rich i Lorenzo . Jones (Widder Brown IKay West . IKay West I IMusic Magic Melody (Art. tioajrey I Love. Learn IBarney Keep Sam Ha lies Net Nejs Curt Massey Mr. Buttons Jerry Clyde Beatty Clyd Beatty iBing Crosby ISpom i ! Hunt lev News INews ! Songs of Times I Peterson! I Black Hawk (Black Hiwk I Answer Man I ISam Hayes (News , : i 1 88 Keys 1 IBing Crosby i IBing Crosby I Crime Not Pay Crime Not Pay 'Rich. Wallace I Rich. Wallace VJisen Kid; : ICisco Kid Twilite Song ; IMid-courf I (world orum i I world Fdrum I NBC Theater NBC Theater lAmer. Agent (Amer. Agent Mews Music 0 Want (John Steele Music U Want Flanagan Orch Flanagan Orch Sports Final Current i Choice Good Listening Good Listening! 4:13 On the Upbeat; 4:43 Oregon Re porter; -S.-00 Children's Theater; 5:13 Chicago Round " Table; 4:45 Oregon Legislature; :00 The News arid Wea ther; 0:1S V of O Music Faculty; S.-45 Oregon Lefrislature; 70 Farmer Union; 7:13 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 Radio Shorthand contest; SOtThis la Forestry; .-45 The News and Weather: I .-00 Music That Endures; i:44 Even ing Mediutlans: 10:00 Sign Oft Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Feb B-OT-Today's closing quotations: Ad Corp Al Chem Chalmers Am Airlines Am Power & Lt Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Anaconda Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner Bur Add M Calif Packing Can Pacific Caterpillar Celanese . Chrysler Con Edison Cons Vultee Crown-Zellerback Curt Wright . 26 . 64 46 151 19 154 . 68 . 4iy4 .174 . 58 44 . 67 . 17 . 57 Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodyear Homestake Int Harvester Int Paper Johns Man Kennecott Libby McN Lockh Arc Loew's Inc Long Bell Mont Ward Nash Kelv NY Central . 26 . 53 . 49 North Pac 35 Pac Am Fish .. 19 Ya Pac Gas & Elec 33 Pac Tel &: Tel..105 . 7BS . 30 . .18 54 Packard Penney llPenn RR Doug Aircraft 100 Dupont 89 Eastman Kodak 46 Yt Emer Radio 14 Gen Electric 54 Pepsi Cola Philco Rad Corp Rayonier Ray Pfd 25.00-28.00: commercial bulls 29.00 29.50. Calves salable ZS; market active, .-...- orwH insUra 3 On.-IA Oft- Arid head 39.00; medium 30.00-34.00; com mon downward to .uu. Hogs- salable 250: market active; .25-. 50 higher than laic Monday or as much as 2.00 above week ago; Rood and choice 180-235 lb. 26.25-2S.75, highest since mid-September; good and choice 160-175 lb. 24.50-25.00; 260 310 lb. 23.50-24.00; odd good 650 lb. sows 21.00; light sows up to 22.50; feeder pigs lacking; good and choice Monday 26.00. Sheep salable 100; market active: tnt, rwvrt n n H V nir 117-110 lh UUU jv . ..w.v - fed wooled lambs up to 334.50; new record high ana ; aoove monaay top; good ewes quotable up to Monday top of 17.00; odd good 264 lb. bucks 15.00 with a 1.00 dock. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Feb. 6 -(AP)-Butterfat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 78-81c lb.; first quality. 76-79c; second quality, 74-77c; valley routes and country points 2c less. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, S3 score. 73c lb.; A. 92 score. 71c; B. 90 score. 70c: C. 89 score. 69c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 47Ia-49',iC lb; Oregon S lb. loaf. 48'i-51',ic. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. 49,jc doz.; A grade, medium. 48' 2c; B grade, large. 45-46 ','aC Turkeys net to producers. FOB farm on a New York dressed style basis) : Grade A young hen mostly 38c; A grade young toms mostly 33c lb.; to retailers. New York style dressed: A grade hens mostly 48c lb.; toms, 40c. Live chickens (No 1 quality. FOB plants): Broilers. l-2' lbs.. 29c; fry ers, 2l-3 lbs.. 31c: 3-4 lbs., 31c; roast ers, 4 lbs and over, 33c; light hens under 4 lbs., 24-2Sc; 4 lbs. and over. 24-2Sc; heavy hens, all weights. 30-31c; old roosters, all weights. 14-16c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-5 lbs.. 25-27c lb.; 5-8 lbs.. 23 -25c: colored. 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. 10-12c lb.; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 56 60c; some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers; dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs.. $52-55: good. 50O-70O lbs., S52-54; com mercial. $51-53: utility, $48-49; cows, commercial. $48-50; utility, $45-48; canners-cutters, $44-45. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quarters, $60-64- rounds. $60-62; full loins, trimmed. $78-82: triangles, $50 52: foreauarters. $50-52. Veal: Good. $60-62: commercial, $56 58: utility. $49-51. Calves: Good-choice, $o6-63; com mercial, $51-56. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. $49-51: shoulder. 16 lbs. down. $39-42.50; spareribs. $45-48; fresh hams. $53-55. Lambs: Good-choice. $55-57; com mercial, all weights, $53-54; utility. $48-49. Wool: Graded scoured wool FOB Portland: Fine. $2 75-85; '2 blood. $2.60-75 ; 38 blood. $2.30-45; . blood. $2.15-25. Mohair: 80-85c lb. on 12-month growth. FOB country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Hogs: Light blockers, 31-32c lb.: sows, lights. 26-28C. Lambs: Too grade. 58-60c lb.; lower grades. 48-50c. Mutton: Best. 28-30c; rouRh heavy bucks, ewes. 18-20c. Veal: Top quality. 52-54c; good heavies. 48-50c: others. 45-48c. Beef: Good cows, 43-45c lb.; canners-cutters. 42-43C. Onions Western Ore. Yellows, medium No. 1. $1.65-85 : 50 lb. sacks No 1 large to $2.25: Idaho yellows, 3-in. min.. $1.75-2.00: southern Ore. yellows, large. $2.50-65; mediums $1.50-65. Potatoes: Ore. Russets, No. 1. 1A. $2.85-3.00; special brands as high as $3.15: 25 lbs.. 65-70c: 10 lbs . 30-33c: Boardman Dist. No. 2. 1.00-10: Idaho Russets. No. 1A. $3.20-3.50; 25 lbs. 90 $1.00. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots, FOB Portland. $32-33 ton; Willamette valley grain and clover hay. $26-29. Salem Obituaries ERTLE Mary M. Ertle. late resident of 1620 State St.. in this city, January 29 at the age of 91. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Henry Marnach of Portland and Miss Theresa Ertle of Salem; brothers, George and Mike Roesch of Ada, Minn.; sister, Mrs. Christens Heringer of Ada, and bv six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday, February 7. at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Interment at St. James cemetery, Mc Minnville. REX Lydia Rex. at a local hospital, Feb ruary 5. at the age of 76 years. Sur vived bv brothers, Edward Rex. Mon roe, Arthur Rex of Salem. Henry Rex of Junean. Wise., and Emil Rex of Haricon. Wise., and sister, Mrs. Clara Price of Everett, Wash. Member of Evangelical United Brethren church. Services will be held at the Howell Edwards chapel Thursday. February 8. at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Wilmer Brown officiating. Interment at City View cemetery. KFTl V Hannah K. Neely, late resident of 156 Gerth St.. in this city, February e. Survived by sisters. Mrs. Lena Evans of Spalding. Idaho. Mrs. Elizabeth Devich of Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, Mrs. Wilhemina Merta of San Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Rose Gordon and Mrs. Emma K. Haley, both of Salem. Member of Willamette shrine 2. WS of J. Services will be held Thursday. February 8, at 10:30 a.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with Interment at Bel crest Memorial park. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Ritualistic ser vice by Chadwick chapter 37. Order of Eastern Star. DLeo 3. Davis, late resident of La fayette, at a local hospital. February 4. Survived by mother, Mrs. Nancy Davis of Lafayette; sisters. Mrs. Mat tie Watt of Oakland .-Calif.. Mrs. Elsie Heaton of San Diego, CaUL. and Mrs. LaVern Coville of Mill - Caty. and brothers. Otis Davis of Tacoraa. Wash, and John Davis of Lafayette. An nouncement of services later by the Virgil T. Golden chapel. . NEWTON '- William ' Leonard - Newton, at the residence at 1310 Elm street. February 5. Survived by two sons. Gerald U Newton- of. Pilot Rock and Wallace E. Newton of Dallas. Tex.; sister. Mrs. Lydia A. HfrnumtW of Glendal. Calif.; brothers. A. L Newton of Sa lem. Charles E- Newton of Hoquiam. Wash, and Fred O. Newton of Seat tle. Wash, and by four grandchildren. Announcement of services - later - by Uva Virgil T. Golden ehapeL . Repub Stl 48 43 57 37 54 28 .... Rey Metals Tire Richfield Safeway Sears Roebuck.. Soc Vac South Pac - . 73 . 98 .101 . 33 . 13 . 38 . 16 . 23 - 37 -108 - 28 - 34 . 4 . 40 - 47 - 12 . 43 - 34 . 38 - 46 iw & L 9 Std Oil Cal Std OiJ NJ . 39 V Studebaker , 18Sunsh Mn fc a I M J -S "t 35 71 22 . 24 wni ana aj Transamerica Twent C Fox Un Oil! Cal . U Pac Un Airlines . Un Aifcraft . Un Coj-p US Plywood . US Steel Warn Bros West Un Tel . West Air Br . West Elec Wool worth 5 69 24 11 24 54Vi 37 Salem Market Quotations (As of lata yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium i No. 1 j No. 2 i BUTTER I .80 .78 .70 .79 J4 Wholesale 1 Retail j EGGS (Buying) cents over buying price) Large AA L .48 .45 .45 .41 .32 .25 .31 31 .19 .14 .33 Large A Medium AA i Medium A i , Small POULTRY Leghorn hens Colored hens . Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Old roosters Roasters . LIVESTOCK rvilln Parkin ComiUT Quotations) Fat Dairy cows j. .21.00 to 22.00 Cutters I -20.00 to 21.50 Bulls 24 00 to 27.00 Dairy heifers Good veal 23.00 to 25.00 ..28.00 to 33.00 31.00 to 32.00 24.00 to 28.00 8.00 to 14.00 Fat lambs Feeders Mutton .300 Personal 310 Mooting Norlc Salem Lodge No,' 4 AT. it A3. Wed.. Feb. 7. i Stated communi cation 7:30 p.m. i 312 Lost and Found LOST: Ladies Elgin wrist watch. Capi tol Shopping Center or Senior High. Wednesday. Reward Phone aiaoa LOST: Small brown and white dog. LOST: 18th and Bellvue. Male red and white cocker j spaniel. Answers to "Lucky." Reward, fnone 3aeto LOST: Party who stole money at Tele phone office return to 710 Breys Ave. to avoid prosecution 316 Personal METAPHYSICAL Library 1 Sincere help with your problems, uy ap- pointment oniy. none zoajo LEARN Swedish massage. Personal instruction. Lynn p. LeBaron presi dent of LeBaron College of Mas sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 26392. Enroll now ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph. 3-9133 PO Bx 724 yMCAIWed Frj 8:30 p. m STANLEY Home Prjxiucts Ph. 43882T- 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock BULL SERVICE, reasonable. Nelson's anyplace anytime.! Phone 43176. BONDED livestock buyer A. F. Som- mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Ph 42617 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandlish, 1127; S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock" buyer. Claude Ed 899E. PH. 4-1113. wards. Rt. 3. Box LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr. Pr. 2-1345 1 RED Milking shorthorn bull. 3 years old. Phone 41991. 993 S. 12th 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every Tuesday Fox's Hatchery. 3630 state st. Phone 3-4m DAY-OLD and started chicks. E. Cen ter Street. Phone 22861. Lee's Hat- cherv CHICKS - Jennings 'Rhode Island Reds. Excellent layers i less than 50 Broodiness. Jennings Poultry Farm, Rt. 8 Box 70. Salem NEW Hampshire pullets, ready to lay soon. Phone 22238 408 Pots Canaries, 3-8668. TROPICAL FlSH AND SUPPLIES. C", L. MANN. BATTLECREEK RD. TURNER. OREGON U(X)HF.'!s Tronirii ! Fixh eauiDinent & supplies. 2 mi. from Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Rt. 5. Box 483. P. 2-7321 412 Fruit and Farm Produco FOR Sale: 20 ton good oats and vetch hay. No rain on it. Call 26387. Rt. 5. Box 465 . ! CLEAN Wheat & oats straw. W. Blum. Rt. 1, Box 20 Stayton FOR Sale: 5 tons good clover hay. $25 per ton. Duane I. Felton, Rt. 1 Box 84. Brooks, Oregon. Phone 3274 Ger- vais. 414 Farm Equipment FOR Sale: Sears Farm Master single unit milker. Complete $75. Duane I. Felton, Rt. 1 Box 84. Brooks. Phone Gervais 3274. j 425 Auction Sales i Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WED.. FEB. 7. ATI 10 AJ. & 7 P3I. o 5-pc. bedroom set 8-pc. blond dining set o Good roll-top desk o Coffee and end table o Davenports and chairs o 1 pr. bunk beds complete o Kenmore vacuum o Breakfast sets j . o Inner spring mattresses and box springs o Floor lamps I 2 wardrobe closets good Wedge wood gas combination range (white) j o Table radios j Kneenole desk; o Solid maple drop leaf : table and 4 chairs o 2 chests of drawers 2 drop head sewing machines o 4 Roll-Away bed, complete o Several washing machines t Many miacellaneous articles o Potatoes - apples - onions o Trailers . - -i j - ... Chickens and rabbits , Calves and veals - I 1 sows j . ! a Coat, heifers and bulla o When selhng. I moving, or buying seo us first before disposing of : your furniture, livestock or misc. - Open every day. -. !.... . Lane SudtellV Auction Sales! Yard! J Hi ML X. of Salem oa Sllverton Rd. Phono; S-M9 ; -. 45V4 31V4 72 39 36 54 55 450 Merchandise 451 Machlnory and Tools YOUR time and effort demands good tools. Rent or buy them at Housei unro jBa j ia .i,,,. x ROTOTILLEH sales, parts, and service Howser Bros.. uPh. 3-364. 1410 S Bros 1418 S 12th FOR Sale or trade for car or house trailer, wood working power tools and some wood. Box 234 co States man. FOR Sale or trade. Complete, set of garage equipment ana toots tor late model car or trailer house or what have you ' I can use. Box 238 co Statesman 455 Household Goods For Sal Used Funi. Cheap nint TERMS Valley Fura Co 285 No Coml 2-7472 KIRBY Vacuum cleaner, like new. Complete with attachments & pol- Isher. pwone -zz4B DAVENPORT and chair, RoD-a-way bed. Simmons Beauty Rest Springs and mattress, dinette set. table model combination radio-phonograph. All excellent condition. Phone 101-J In- dependence. 89 Log en Dm at KOEHLER Davenport. 4 years old. Reasonable. Phone 36317. 754 Ferry USED Furniture. Bedroom sets, break fast and dining sets. 2190 Lancaster GOOD White enamel electric range and trash burner, combination, lights, timer and deep well cooker. $75. 375 N. 18th St. 458 Wanted, Household Goods m.EN woodrv Ph nsne USED FURNITURE VALLEY FURNITURE N. Coml Ph. 27472 289 458 Building Materials 90 LOANS on remodeling, garages, rentals, roofing, painting etc. Free estimates gladly given. E Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2054 PAINTED Cedar wall shakes with dry under course $16.00 per sq. No. 2 shingles $7.50 sq. No. 3 $3.00. Clear oak flooring $295.00 5000 ft. No. 2 oak $195.00. No. 1 Pecan $250.00. Se lect Pecan $275.00. Common Lumber good Quality $30 per M. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 WANTED: GREEN LBR. Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch. Market Price. End trimming not necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189. Eve. 22576. Salem Lumber 8c Manu- Manufacturing Co " SHOP KElTH BROWN FOR THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1x8 D, Boston pattern. Fir rustic sdg. $150 M 4"x8xli" cedar faced plywood 19e sq. ft. 3 panel interior doors $7.50 ea. Sash cord .01.i per ft. Iinside door latch sets, chrome $1.80 ea. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Front and Court Where Parking is No Problem BUILDING BARGAINS, reject ply wood, full sheets or cut to your sizes. Asphalt roofing of all types. Ceiling tile and sheetrock. Insula tion and paints. Asphalt floor tile and tile pattern Con row all. Let us help with your building problems. Monthly payments if desired. PORT LAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. V, mile north of underpass. 2-0974. 24 BUNDLES No. 1 cedar shingles. 4945 Delight (West of Kelzer) 164 Bicycles BICYCLES. 1 man's. 1 woman's light weight bikes. Good condition, $20 each. Cottage 21 Chemawa 168 For Rent. Miscellaneous U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 2-902 DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Sinner elec portable sewing machine $6 per mo. Free pick up Be delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l Ph. ai512. : GOOD USED Piano H L Stiff 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous ONE 18" Craftsman band saw with 1 horse motor, used 1 month. Willam- ette Valley Roof Co.. 30 Lana Ave. ELECTRIC Ranges. New and Used. Yeater Appliance Co; 375 Chemek- eta ; PLASTI-KOTE Requires no Waxing for vour fhors or linoleum. Yeater Aoplianc Co. 375 Chemeketa FOR SALE: 1936 Chevrolet sedan, new battery, food tires and motor. 50 Oak Posts. 2 wheel trailer. Lyman Cain. P.O. Box 157. Turner. USED Singer combination electric cabinet sewing machine. Good con dition & guaranteed. Bargain $59.50. 130 N. Com'l FOR Sale: Locker beef Va or whole 2 year old grain fed steer. Phone 34858. O. W. Green PRACTICALLY New Sterling model Smith-Corona portable typewriter. Latest model. Quiring Printing Co. 1005 Seventh St. W. Salem Phone 24072 2 PAIR Girl's roller Chicago shoe skates with cases. $10 pair. Call days Marion Motel. Cabin No. ELEC Range & refrig. like new. Priced to seU. Jayhawk Trailer Sales, 2640 Portland Rd. WHITE Treadle sewing machine in very good condition. 435 Jefferson PRACTICALLY New 6 room Coleman oil heater. Fan included $75. Gas water tank $5. 2 burner hot plate $1. 1395 Marion SEAT COVERS Large stock of beautiful patterns, famous quality, fibre and plastic seat covers. Fit almost any make or model from 1930-1949. $4.98 Up MASTER SERVICE STATIONS 365 N. Commercial (mult Used pianos 7a ea H C gfiff Furn Co , WASHING Machines. New and Used Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemek eta Linoleum S3. 45 gAI.I.EV FURN CO 185 N COM -REFRIGERATORS. New and Used. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemek- eta Something New Has Been Added! PHILCO o RADIOS e RANGES O REFRIGERATORS o FREEZERS ABC Automatic Washers See the 1951 line now Green Stamps - - - Easy Terms Master Service Stations 365 N. Coml Ph. 34183 DEEPFREEZE and Westingnouse Home Freezers. Yeater Appliance Co- 379 Chemeketa OIL circulators. New and used. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. I Crushed Rock Tor roads & driveway. Cement. Ready, mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. BuQ dozing, -rat-age and ditching. yd hoTel & drag tne Phone 3-924 NEW and Used Sewing Machines. Yeater Appliance Ccv 1 Chemek eta ROOFtNG materials. Willamette Valley Roof Co- 30 Lana Ave. !' EJ-C"fRlC Heaters. Radiant and Fan. . Yeater Appliance Co.. 37S Chemek -e ' - ' , BUTANE Gas range, good condition $50. 294 S. lth St- : COLUMN Allen St Wales adding ma- ..--... all ,- m , -w eta NEW Hoes. Gold Crow. 7 B Jc '. B. Both for sio. raone 34a TWIN CoU springs, i Good conditio-. $10 for both. 1680 Jefferson rOR Sale: Older model electric wash er. Mechanically good $20- Older model clectrie sto e. Legs replaced by A-l plywood cabinet 45. Spark oil heater. S rm size, like new $70. Phone 24048- after 8:30 S-OUTON Coat, dresses size 12-14. Wool coot, sue z -'none am - ; 450 Merchandise 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous ) NEWSPAPXRS, . magazines and rags. Prompt pickup. Phone 35072 j 1 - - ; WANTED IO BUY 1 Rough I Green Douglas Fir Clears In any - quantity thickness or siao In cftcBetter. By truck to' our plant at Hayden Bridge about 3 miles NX. of Springfield on Mohawk Highway or by rail to Hendricks on Southern Pacific. Al Clements Lumber Co. Eugene. Oregon P.O. Box 90S.? Phone 5-331 1317. MAGAZINES and newspapers. City Waste Paper Co, 2595 Hollywood Dr 22975, trader Louie paYs spot cash for used furniture, appliances, rugs, tools, etc Ph. 3-8558 474 Miscellaneous - WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 245 N. High. Dental f Plate Repair TWO-HOUR t SERVICE IN MOST I CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State 4c Com Ph 3-3311 476 Fuel BUY WINTER FUEL NOW Plywood cores, log ends. Ph. 3-6491. BOX Wood. Immediate delivery. Fne- sen Box Co. Phone 39189 GREEN or dry plywood cores split for furnace if desired. R. H ALLEN Phone 22382 1260 Candle wood Dr. DRY Second growth Fir and slab wood. 2-3943 or 3-8443 -- Oregon Fuel Co. Sawdust by tube or dump. Prompt de livery. Good handpicked dry or green slab Phone 3-5533. 3087 Broadway. Special While It Lasts Fur ace or heater wood $6.50 a load Double toad for $12. Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny ' Saver Stamps Ph 36444 TRI-CITY FUEL The Best Fuel at A Saving Ask for S & H Green Stamps PHONE 2-7442 . ANDERSON Bargain. Clean hand pick ed slab wood. 2 cord $12. Phone 27751. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 Tot orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 1 in. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgewater St. W. -alem ELMER BOTE Ph. 3-9453. 2025 S. 12th. 16 Old Fir Veneer Cores Split for Furnace if desired. SOO Business & Finance 510 Money to Loom $$ Money FHA Loans 20 to 29 years repayment plan "CONSTRUCTION . LOANS" H JtYW S S 'm percent farm loans '7CtfV Personal. Furniture. & Auto Loans "For all your money needs" State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Uc S216 M222 Tel. 24121 Private Money On Cars Trucks St Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons i Commercial St Phone 3-9161 WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty l.lc M159-S154 PRIVATE Monev to loan. Ph. 2-0794 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need ttl You can pay anytime to reduce oat costl No endorsers, or help from friends! On carsi trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 . , Phone or visit our office today! Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 dally KSLM 1390 KC'sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No S13S and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S COM! T Start 1951 with a n rm suite Pay off your bills with a convenient "BILL CONSOLIDATION" loan Fast, friendly service. Typical Plans I 13 Mo. Amount Payments 150.00 12.00 380.00 30.00 760.00 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans 119 S. Librty Phone 4-2203 Monthly Payments Too High? Reduce the amount you pay out each month by consolidating your bills and paying them In a lump sum with a PERSONAL loan. Then have Just one reasonable payment monthly. Dont borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan is the best solution to a money problem, see me. I say "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan. Come in or phone today. C. R. Allen. YES MAN Personal Finance Co. . of Salem 103 S. High St. Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-122. M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. $1500 on 1st mortgage. 31$ Masonic Bldg. Fhone 36733 F.HA. 4V2 Loans 20 YEAR REPAYMENT PLAN Also 4V Farm Loans If you need monef to build, purchase, or refinance. cell-Mr. Kent for a free inspection of your property, j - - MURPHY & KEIST 458 ft. Church - Phono 4-2293 PDILG0 C2X.9K2-r.3t FCZE "" THE DEAN CLINIC ., - . its est 4011 vsao at. Ate 1911 14. tUriUtf CHenrfa. -- 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan FARM and CITY LOANS , f - and $ -: ., J four owa terms of repayment withie reason. .Cash for Real Estate con ! tracts and Second Mortgages. I CAPITOL KECURITI CO. 607 Court St Ph. 4-228S I ; fiUtl kHiployment t02 Help Wanted MANAGER for small hotel Southern Oregon. : Prefer . middle age couple or tingle person. Only honest, bond able non drinking -need apply. 303 N. Jackson, Roseburg, Oregon :- &04 Help Wanted, Male SOMEONE to put up sUo in vicinity oz nsw or Aumsyie. rnone iw WE ARfi A NATI6NAL COMPANY Expanding ta this territory and need 4 ambitious men to represent us in Marion and Polk Co. Our company has a AAA 1 rating with Dunn and Bradstreet and has been in constant operation since 1914. The men aei lected must be from 23 to 50 draft free, own a car and local residents. We will have a factory representa tive In Salem to interview and train you. Training: period takes 3 days after which you start earning. We will consign you equipment and set you up in business of your own. at our expense. Our men earn irom $400 to $1200 per month. See Mi Murdock Wed 10 a.m. sharp Fe 7th at Senator Hotel ARE Vnu over 45? and have a ca Public service organization: (Only one of its kind In U. S.) baa opening in this area for full time field rep resentative. Substantial . earnings for right man. State last 3 years record to Box 239 Statesman j J 4 Sfifi Help Wanted. Female EARN Money at home, fuIL part time. Box 125 Statesman LADY tor general housework. 2 adul Phone 35043 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for country home. Must be over 30. like child ren, drive car. - Board, living ouaiv ters. transportation Jc good salary;. Phone 42821- 'i GREETING CARDS 23 for $11 Fastest money-makers out I No esij- perience needed. 1 1 -card AU-occa-sion Assortment sells fast. You keep up to 100 profit! Many more, as sortments plus Name-Imprinted val ues. FREE Imprint Samples, Assort ments on approval. STYLART. 1310 Santee. Dept. 4S-V. Los Angeles. CaluT. CAPABLE Secretary, experience re quired. Good starting saury, a aay week. Permanent. University of OreW gon. Eugene. Phone 31311 exten sion Z8I EXPERIENCED Sales help in ladies ready to wear. Capable or selling coats, suits and dresses. Also lin gerie tt sports wear. Salary unlimit ed to right type sales personnel. Ap- piy Anita's ot state st HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. Stay nights. Phone 24823 - Good Jobs M-Price elerk. heavy hdw. out of town exp. F-Bkkpr. Typist, exp. F-Gen. office typist. 9 aay : F-Sec'y. genl off- S day , $190 F-Secy 18-23, excell. opp L iiOpen F-Ass't. to cost sect. $173 F-Steno.. genl office, exp :.Open COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 155 S. Liberty Ph. 2-1488 9 612 Work Wanted. Male WANT Work anywhere in brooder house or incubator. Also ail around bandy man. 840 Trade, Cabin 3. 3794 614 Work Wonted, female WANTED Day work bv the honr. Ex perienced, reliable. Phone Black 183 Uverton . 615 Situations W anted CARPENTER Work. Reasonable. Re .modeling a specialty. Phone 2-487. WILL keep children day or niht in my home. Best of care given. Close to Blue Lake Cannery. 1037 Third St. W. Salem. 3-9017. . Nancy's Nursery 2-4940. BABY Silting evenings '.after, school and weekends. Capable. "Phone 27093 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18TH. PH 2-6876. INCOME tax bothering you? Dial 26010 before 1 after 5. We pick up. fill out & deliver. Individual . Federal & State returns. $4 each. Don't take la chance on errors. 1 INCOME tax returns prepared- Yeur home. ; Reasonable - Rates. Phone 4-2033. -S MICKENHAM'S t A Y N U BS E B Y PHONE 27896. CHILD CARE 443 N. 23rd. Phone 26811 COMPETENT Structural engineer. OS C. graduate desires position. , Phone ONLY First class carpenters - employed f mi rnnH.lin H.nartm.ni. Work guaranteed. Willamette Valley Roof co. saiem - - i REMODELING and carpenter work 1st class workmanship. Phone 396&4 ENERGETIC. College student. 23. mar ried, desires full time Job until March 26. Typing 60 w.p.m. and ac- counting experience, ynont zeupo; JOB Driving caterpillar or work as diesel mechanic. Phone 35337 CARPENTER & REPAIR WORK WANTED. PHONI 21459 :. , 620 Dot and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel C Contract Work -Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer it Basement " Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 2-4400. 3-8348 Salem. Oregon . AUTO PAINTING ust a shade better by Ray E TTERV. Call Shrock Motor Co J-910L . i 700 Rentals FOR Rent: Garage 355 Union $4 month. Fhone 22474 9 to 3. , 702 Sleeping Room-. Board t ATTRA CTI V JS Room, private ' home. Gentleman. 983 N. Summer. Phone FURNISHED Sleeping room on Edge water St W. Salem. Phone 33424 pr a-eism. i ROOM for gentleman, .close in. 432 N. Winter ... ' .. ! SLEEPING Rooms, kitchen privilege. Convenient to State House. 754 Terry. PLEASANT Quiet room, for employed personJ Close to CapitbL Also down town, rnone Z4i7 . .! i 705 Apartments r or Rent I FOR Working couple that wants elite little furnisheff bouse, asow ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom court apart ment, unfurnished except stove, re frigerator. Storage space, laundry facilities. 386 S. 17th After 9 P-m. weekdays, all day Sunday . j " in. T.T Iota, NJI.Or. a,Cma-.NJD. DKS. CHAN . . . CJ-M CTX-NZSE nTKBALlSTS" 241 North liberty J . I WW. M , ' " . erty. Office open Saturday only 19 a e. to i p t . e to m pjn. Jtmmuim- n ttoa. Blood pressuro and urine testa H are tree ox cnargo. rracuceo auwe ii WIT. . 1H S C i.a-skhw wi r i hi 700 Rehtslj 70S Apartmen-i or Rent VERY Deslresbl 3 room apartment. Hdwd firs, partly furn. Iiot - water neat. $50. Ph 38413 f ROOM Apartment, close in, retrUre- EXCLUSIVE Spacious garden court apartment, nange, rezrigerator. $o. adult. -TrtT ROOM Court apartment, furnished or unfurnished. 1664 S. 13th. . WELL Heated 1 B. R. unfurn. at-C eiec. stove inciuoeq. Mil w. 4tn OWN TOWN 3 room furnished apart - ment. 2 or 3 business adults. - Also one , bedroom furnished apartment f with' sleeping porch. Available Feb 15th 359 N Ohertv Csll 4 n 1 - m i ROOMS, private bath, furnish-, re- rngerator small, child. Pbone 5247. Inquire 1188 N. 4th basement apart ment 3 ROOM Partly furnished, court Dai ment. all electric. Phono 23997 or i win -Jti vv fcj m : in 1-33 ROOM Unfurnished apartment 1219 8th St. W. Salem w ira spanmini on ugte water St. Phone 33424 or 38198 FURNISHED 2 room. bath, close, girl or bachelor. 20714 2 BASEMENT Rooms, furnished, elec- tric ranee, washer-, automatic neat, .all utilities furnished. Employ . man prererreq. 1W4 uaic st. LARGE 3 room partly f umiahed. WiH accept smau child. 1053 dgewate t : For Rent Brand new. $65. Nice location. 1 apt. $30 par mo. Al Isaak & Col, Realtor 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eye. Ph. 2-0511. 4-3533 or 3-3558 i SEVERAL APTS. good location, tomo. iurn. Inq H. L. Stiff Furn- 2-9183. FURNISHED 3 room apartment. S-k W. Church 3 ROOM . modern apartment.- ( uge . closet tc dinette. Hot water heat, Bendix washer, electrie dryer. Very cioee in. 46B w. winter. FULLY furnished apartment. Suit 3 adults. Near State 8c Capitol. Phone 39037. ATTRACTIVE private apartment for 1 or 2. All electric. Completely furn- ished. Inauire 27830. 3 ROOM Furnished apt. $40. Utilities - furn. 404 S. High. Phone 37506 i ROOM Fully - insulated apartment. Range, refrigerator, electric laun- dry: Phone 38347 3 ROOMS Furnished. Elec and water furnished. $35. Adults. Phone 35222 3 ROOM Furnished apartment. Lights, water, heat furnished. Close in Oniy $40. 340 Union 3 ROOM Furnished apartment. Auto- matie heat. Hollywood umm-- m. iivny -vw m . m 3 ROOM Duplex, shower, electric heat. 4 vM4 US.. C.Um PKmi m WO Phone 43647 3 ROOM Furnished apartment. Near State Mouse, rnvate entrance liuu ties furnished. . Phono 3505$ . 707 Rouse For Rent FOR Working couple that wants elite little furnished house. 350C3 NEW 3 bedroom home. Close to bui . and school. $85. Ph. 25422 ' 3 ROOM house. $45. Inquire 960 Broad wsv or 857 Gaines. Call 3-8968. COURT Cottage. 3 large rooms U bath. Partly furnished, modern fao i,i-mCT. og- o-j vmmi v ( $ B. R. Modern bouie. unfurn. Engle- cihties. 1947 N. Churcn WOOd Dist. inq. r . i.iurn- . . mi it AVAILABLE Feb. 3. 2 bedroom, elec- trie heated nouse. jus S. side of Paulus Bros Cannery. $45 month. Roth's Trailer Courts 119 S ROOM Duplex, garage, basement. eiecinc waver iicaici, w 1 . T 7 Near 3' shopping Centera Atcupltol buildinxs. Walking distance to town. 1 Very clean. 36178 MODERN Insulated one bedroom, netian blinds, automatic beat, -ttach-ed garage 4125 Silverton Road 2aeT3 1 ROOM modern furnished cottage. Phone 26619. ?: 800 Real Estate ISAAKS BEST BUYS A neat Home Keizer district. Almost new. At- ga la1L i. To k t un .w.. - - age. Oil heat. Paved street. Insula Flowers, shrubs ana some trees tal price only sszau. - - .. 3 Bedroom I AU on one floor. East Enflewoorf n.i. 9 '-.--.r olfr Fireclii disv ute blocks to school. Very well buJlL lrv A athsratrinDed. Oil heat. FHA terms. Total price $13650, 4 Bedroom Englewood district. This home has ha exceptionally good care, forced $ oU furnace. Att. garage. Vi eathejjV . stripped and insulated. FHA termo available. Total price only $1000. Home in Independence 4 bedroom all one one floor. Paved ft Garage. Older type homo In god condition. Bargain price, of - only $5500. If you want a gapd large bornO at a low price, this It. f CALX, FOR MR. DAN ISAAK - EVB. PH 4-3S33 OR MR. VANKLlXl?. XVE. PH. X-0S1L i . Tavern . Very well equipped tervjutod restaurant. Vell established, t Good lease. Reasonable rent. Everj thing goes for $500. Terms. . . Large Bldg. J Could be converted Into a roller- rink, dance hall, home or what have ycl WeU located. Total price only $3501 Investigate this one! . - v Unusual - 3 nice. 2 bedroom homes that are really, nice. Both kitchens and bath rooms beautifully tiled. 3 garages. Business bldg. Highway frontage. -Both homes have forced air oil fur saces. Total price for everything - $33,000. RING FOR MR. BELL. EVE. PH. 2-3S6S. ACREAGE AND FARMS ; Really Hot! 3 "Acres with an excellent 4 bedroom home. Furnace. Goad barn. Several - walnut trees. .Very cloee to - imsu .tow. Tour price only $7850. Terra or will exchange for Salem t.cme. 86 Acres' No bldgs. Antrlty soil near town. Liberal terms. The total price is'$ll,5O0. 50 Acres . , 33 under cultivation. Modern 4 bed room, home. 40xSO barn. Machine shed. 3 ear garage. Only 7 mile from" . Salem. Owner's equity $54(C Will - exchange for city homo. Total price $10,900. CALL FOR MR, IXAVENSrJTVE. PS. 3-473S. - Mortgage Loans Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 er 3-71Qt Eve. Ph. 20511. 4J533. 34733 cr 33;'8 OR TRADE: Five acres view rropetty in Liberty district. Consider late model car - or down payment oo house. Ph. 3-7443 eves.' Why Suffer Any Longer Wkmm others fail, oae ear Chineee resae-les. Aasas-tg seeeess far yean ta Chiaa. Ne aaatter who what ailnteota yeo are offUcted disorders, suiasitis. heart, leags, liv er, kidneys, gas, ea-stipatioa, aleera, diabetes, rbeeasa-aaa. gall and kUd. dee fsver, skio. fata- -i-isiauL CHARLIE CHAN CHCTCfl BX SB CO. 234 MT. Ce-UBerctal - r-ene g-lSM - I1I.IU. nee. - V Office Bears t to . T-es.a-4$at. OalyT . J i