lftTne StaUwnggi Salem, Qf7oi. Monday, February 8' 1851 Leo Carrillo " Troupe Due Wednesday Salem merchants are putting out their best welcome mat for Leo Carrillo and his western en tertainers who are coming here Wednesday for a free performance on' downtown State street. A dtywide bargain day is be ing planned by the Salem Retail Trade bureau, according to Presi dent Richard I. Cooley whose board of directors is planning a street parade to greet the famed caballero and his "Dude Ranch Varieties troupe. The mid-morning entertainment Is to be given in front of the Pay-Less drug store which is sponsoring the Carrillo troupe's local appearance with the aid of Salem -Optimist club. . Although Carrillo's Just-starting western tour is by chartered plane and escorted motor caravan, the genial' westerner himself is expected to appear in the Salem parade in a more familiar- pose, on horseback. When the merchants asked the mounted posse and other riders to- appear in the parade, they learned that Carrillo is a friend ,of Lee Eyerly. Salem posse lead' er and other possemen and Saddle club members of Salem. Eyerly said since he has ridden with Car rillo in California on several oc casions, he hopes to return the compliment by having a horse available for Affable ' Leo when he arrives here. The Carrillo troupe Is to be met by special escort in north Sa lem Wednesday morning, in time for the troupe to pay a call on the governor, at the statehouse about 10 a.m. Following this, the parade will take the entertainers from the statehouse through the 'downtown area. The movie and television enter tainers will include, besides Car rillo, Andy Parker and the Plains men, the whip and rope act of Buck Eddy and ChickJe, dancer Marilyn Epperson, actress and vocalist Jane Frazee, comic Bob Sheppard and western ballad sing er Les (Carrot Top) Anderson. National sponsors of the Car rillo tour are the makers of two vitamin products. LEAVE FOB CALIFORNIA PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Lester Myrick, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gabbert, the spring, , "Av'Si V ! , T sm ft Hi Sic, roasters. 4 lbs. and ever, 33e: light ' hens. 4 IDS. ttM UMtr, -x: tarn. ana over. -oc; neiry ncns. mil weights. 28-30c: old , roosters. . mil weights, u-isc. . .. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white, 4-5 lbs- 25-27c lb.; S-S lbs.. 23-25c; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 10-l2c lb.; fresh dressed fryers . to retailers, ae 60c; some higher. Fresh dressed meats f wholesalers to retailers: dollars oer ewti: v Beef, steers, choice, 900-700 ids. ssz- SS; Rood. 500-700 lbs $52-54: commer cial. $51-53; utility. $-48; cows, com mercial. $48-50: utility. 247-49; can-ners-cuutters. $47-48. . ! - Beef -cuts (Uooo steers : him niurtn. SM-S4: rounds. S 60-62: fuU f loins, trimmed. S78-82: triangles. $50- 52: forequarters. S50-52. . . Veal: Good, $62-54; commercial. 80: utility. $31-53. ' Carves: Good-choice. SM-oz; com- Pork cuts: uuu, no. i, int.. S4S-49: shoulders. l lbs. down. Ji-w. spareribs. $45-48: fresh ham. 153-53. : Lambs: : Good-choice. S55-57: com mercial. aU weights. 153-54: uuulity. 848-49. . - Wool: . Graded scoured wool FOB. Portland: Fine. S2.75-S5: i blood. S2.60-75: 38 blood. S2.30-45: i blood. S2.15-25. . ; ; ' Mnhatr- HO-UC ID. Oil 12-monin growth. FOB country shipping points. country-icinea meats: : -. Hogs: ' Light blockers,, J1-32C lb.: sows, lights. 25-28C. ; Lambsr Top grade. S4-S0C lb.: lower grades. 48-soc. -'". Mutton: Best. 28-30c; rough heavy bucks, ewes. 18-20c.. . Veal: Top quality. S455c; good heavies. 48-50c: others. 45-48C.'- Beef: Good cows. 44 -45c lb: can- ners-cutters. "42-43c.-, Onions:" Medium. No. 1. 1.40-50 50 lh. ucki: Idaho white wax. lar?e. 1.75-S.00: S. Ore. yellows, lge. J 00-25: mediums. 1.50-65. Potatoes: Ore. Gems. Russets. No. 1 A. 2.70-85- special brands as high as 3.00; 25 lbs.. 65-75c; 10 lbs. 30-33c. Idaho Russets. No. 1A. 2.85-3.00: 25 lb.. SS-eOc: Boardman Dist. No. 2. 1.00-10. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots. FOB Portland. $32-33 ton: Willamette valley grain and clov er hay. $26-29. Andy Parker and the Plainsmen, shown above, will be In Salem Wednesday with Leo Carillo and a troupe of western performers. They will appear in a free show daring the morning in front of the rayiess urag store, uen to mui, iuduuii. u r j ouu, vj Parker, left, and Charlie Morgan. Wanda, Peggy and Wilma, Ray mond Jackson left last week for their former home in California for the winter and plan to settle at former home in Oklahoma in MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time , Kilocycles; KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1180 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes la rood faith the programs and Cuacs a provided y the radio stations, but because offtimes proirams arc chanced without notification, thlseiewspaper cannot be responsible for the ccaraey herein). HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW SIX News News Ho4ge Podge Farm Edition Timekeeper IFarmNews N.W. News I West. Melodies Net News Koin Klock IKoin Klock IKoln Klock Hodse Podse I Farm Time I Farm Time I Keep Smiling I Keep Smiling IKeep Smiling 7 KSLM Hemingway Break. Gang Break. Gang ; Top Trades Minstrels Minstrels Dr. Hamblin KOCO Klock 59,1!? Koin Klock IMacleftd News IGossNews I Babbitt Show KCW Mueller News Old Songs IKneasx News ISam Haves KEX 1st Edition IM. Agronsky I Bob Hazen iBrkfst. Edition 8 KSLM ' Cecil Brown IFamily Altar KOCO D. J. Rndtable. ID. J. Rndtable. KOIN Consumer News Vaile News KGW Scandia Music IScandia Music KEX Break. Club I Break. Club Bible Institute Bible Institute ITrails West (Tabernacle I Grand Slam I Rosemary (Jack Berch I Dave Garroway I Break. Club (Break. Club 9 5LM News (Gospel Singer Pastor's Call (Bargain Countr KOCO Net News Star Sings IPiano Patterns jWomen'i Page KOIN Wendy Warren! Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday KOW Crosby-Friends I Jack Baker Tune Test ITune Test KEX News Stars of Today I Quick Flash Quick Flash 10 KSLM News k ITelloTest Bob Eberly : KOCO Mac's Melody1 (Mac's Melody (Mac's Melody KOIN Big Sister I Ma Perkins I Dr. Malone KGW Hostess Party I Hostess Party Break Bank KEX Lunch. Club ISweeney. Mrch ITrue Story- Music - Mac's Melody I Guiding Light Break Bank True Story 11 KSLM Ladies Fair JLadies Fair (Queen a Day KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody I Mac's Melody KOIN 2nd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Norah Drake KOW Dble. or Noth. Dble. 6r Noth. Millionaire KEX Betty Crocker ILindlahr IN Westerners Queen a day I Mac's Melody Brighter Day (Millionaire INWesterners 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO Hlywd. Music' KOIN Macleod News KGW Foster News KEX Baukhage Morgan Music (News IGay 90's Hlywd. Music iNetNews I Philosopher Come Get It House Party I House Party Moaa or uie ifepper Young Happiness Noon Edition IMod. Romances David Amity 1 KSLM JackKirkwood Jack Kirkwood Music Music KOCO Magic Melody -(Magic Melody Magic Melody I Marie Melody KOIM Hilltop Houm I Barn Follies Strike It Rich (Strike It Rich KGW Backstage WlfelSteHa Dallas (Lorenzo Jones (Widder r Brown KEX Today's Tops I Kay West IKay West Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX News I Dick Haymes (Tenn. Jamboree Tenn. Jamboree Made Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody IMagic Melody Kirkham News IKirkham News lOrchestra 1 Tunefully Yours Girl Marries I Portia's Life Plain Bill Front Page WeL to Hlywd. I Wei. to Hlywd. IBenny Robin ' Benny Bobin Music (Music (News . ; I Music ' News i IMagic Melody (Magic Melody IMagic Melody Kirkham News (Art Godfrey Art Godfrey 'Art Godfrey Travelers I Travelers I Aunt Mary I Love. Learn Surprise Pkg. Surprise Pkg. I Barney Keep IBaroey Keep 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis I Hemingway Silver Strings United Nations Art Godfrey Art Godfrey Woman Secret 'Life Beautiful Talk Back I Squirrel Cage I Behind Story;- ISam Hayes science i Net News Art Godfrey f iCurt Massey Dr. Paul (Mr. Buttons Squirrel Cage IJerry KSLM Mark Trail I Mark Trail IClyde Beatty IClvdBeattv OCO 12th St. hour 12th St. hour IBine Croibv ISnorts Pim KOIN Edw. Murrow Goss News IHunUey News News KGW Mr. Buttons Foster News IVoice Firestone (Voice Firestone KEX Merrie Circle iMerrie Circle I Space Patrol (Space Patrol 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Gabriel HeaterlN.W. News lAnswer Man ISam Hayes Candlelight ICandle Light (News ' . 88 Keys Radio Theater I Radio Theater 1 Radio Theater (Radio Theater NeroWoUe I Nero Wolfe ISam Spade ; (Sam Spade E. C.Hill (Home Edition (Frontier Town (Frontier TowA 7 8 KSLM Ray Block (Dr.'s Orders Cisco Kid KOCO R. Gram Swing Music Jackpot Twilite Song-' KOIN Friend Irma Friend Irma Bob Hawk KGW NBCSymphny NBCSymphny iNBCSvmphay KEX Lone Ranger Lone Ranger tinner Sanctum Cisco Kid Sports News Bob Hawk NBC Symphony Inner Sanctum KSLM Geo. Do It I Geo. Do It (Concert 5 (Concert KOCO Liberty Sports (Liberty Sports Liberty Sports (Liberty Sports KOIN Lowell Thomas (Jack Smith ITalent Scouts Talent Scouts KGW 1 Man's Family (News of World' Railroad Hour I Railroad Hour KEX Flanagan Orch. (rianagan Orch. I Henry Taylor Les Griffith 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Hardy News Fulton Lewis IStmbt. Jmbre. Stmbt. Jmbre. I uoerty sports lUDenv i ports incws ; iBarberShop Star Theatra SUr Tbeatra IBeulah k Club -IS r Phone Hour I Phone Hour (Mus. Cavalcade (Mus. Cavalcade Frank Race (Frank Race I Piano Playhse. IPiano Play hse. 10 KSLM I Lm Mystery INtwiracl News Wir-Ham KOCO FroniClro- (From Clrols (Music O Want I Music U Want KOIN S Star Final , (You and World (Forum , (Forum KOW News Flashes - IHarmonalrcs I Sports Pace Current-Cholca UX rinal Edition (Intermezzo (Good LlsteniBaT ! Good Listenin: 11 KSLM War-Home JCueforMusia JMldn. Melodies IMldn. Melodies KOCO Nocturne iNoeturn INocturn . (Nocturne KOIN Organ MelodlesjOrgan Meoldies) (Bandstand (Bandstand KGW News (Was Museum . IWax Museum Wax Museum UX Good listening- (Good Listening Good Listening: Good Listening: XOAC 454 kev Monday 10 .-00 The News and Weather; 10 J3 Especially for Womn; UM Oregon School of the Air; 1130 The Concert Hall: 12:00 The News: 12 12 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride Tm Cowboy; 1 :13 Oregon School of the Air; 1:33 Kern and Sloop: 1:44 Fav orite Hymns; IM Northwest Frontiers; 130 Memory Music: 1:0 Oreg. School: 3)0 News and Weather: SUS Musie Masters: Sports Re view: 4 J3 On the Upbeat: 43 Oregon Reporter: SKM Children's Theater: 6:13 Heading for Fun; -30 Errand of Mer cy: S:43 Oregon Le(islatur: S OS The News and Weather: C:U Civil Ser vicer S:30 Flying Time: S:43 Oregon Legislature: 7 :00 General Extention Journal; 7:13 Evening Farm Hour: S.-00 World in Review; 8:13 Campus Recital: :43 Calling Alumni S-00 Music that En dures: 9:43 Evening Meditations; 10. DO sum Off. i VaUeyObituary Lester Skeels PEDEE Services for Lester Skeels, 55, former Pedee resident who was killed Thursday in a log' 5. at Florence. Graveside services will be con ducted at 4 p. m. Monday at Ever green cemetery, McMinnvUle, with the Rev. John Hash officiating. Skeels was born near Dallas and lived at Lobster Valley for many years before moving to Pedee about 1947. The family moved last year to Florence, where the de ceased was a member of Assembly of God church. Surviving are his widow at Flor ence, a son Verl Skeels, Independ ence; daughters, Mrs. Vivian Nus baum, Florence, and Mrs. Esther .- . : j & i Tm .. 1 1 V. King atuucm i r luraitc, ww w mi,. Polifornia- hrnthrs held at 11 a. m. Monday, February T , : Vr X - ; "7" , T VT: . .S r v. ster Valley, Elvis, Grants Pass, and Veldon; five grandchildren. NOTTCTff OS AUMIN151 RA1UR S SALS T Pursuant to order of (Circuit uourt ot Oregon.; for County of Marion, In mat ter- of estate or aauklw u. mccuy, deceased, the undersigned administra tor of said estate will from and after a February 1951, at the office of his attorney in Salem. Oregon, proceed to sell, at private sale, for cash, following described real property r ' - Beginning at the N. EV Corner of the Thomas Moisan D.L.C Is T. S S R. 2 W. of the Willamette Mer- Idian - in - Marion - County, Oregon: thence S. 6S degrees 14' E. 7.73 chains . to an iron pipe; thence S. IS degrees 29 W. 28.74 chains to an Iron pipe in the S. line of the NX. Quarter of Sec ; tion 21: thence W. 8.384 chains to an . iron pipe La the E. line ot said claim . thence N. IS degrees 29 E. along . said E. line iz. cnatns to an iron bar; thence N. 6S degrees 35 W. 4.7S r chains to an iron pipe: thence N. 33 degrees SO C 19.65 chains to the be . ginning: - containing 27.62 acres of land in the N. E. Quarter of Section ' 21. m T. S.. R. 2 W Marion County, Oregon: except 91 acres conveyed to LeRoy. Daley and Mary Daley, his - wife, by deed recorded May 1. 1939, in vol. 238. Page 189, Deed Records. - The said tract of land is further designated as Lot No. 3 hi a plat and survey made ov wuuam J. Knox, Deputy County . Surveyor for Marion County, Oregon ALFRED McCOY As Such Administrator JOHN H. CARSON & PETER M. GUNNAR 214 Pioneer Trust Building ? -. Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator J. 22. 29. F. 3. 12, 300 Personal 310 Mttn(- Notlcos LOST: Engraved M" silver thimble in crocheted hat noider. n. iae btate House. Reward. Contact matron at State House or call 43464 Salem Obituaries LOST: Ladies Elgin wrist watch. Capi tol Shopping Center or Senior Hign. Wednesday. Reward Pnone Z1BQ3 LOST: Gents Elgin movement 4c back of case. Phone 36265. Reward LOST: Brown billfold oil 14th St. near State. Contains valuable papers and some money. Reward. r"n. 4-iim, Salem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER Wholesale Retail EGGS (Buying) cents over buying price) Large AA Large A Medium AA Medium A , , Small POULTRY Leghorn hens Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Old roosters Roasters JB0 .78 .70 .79 M .48 .43 .45 .41 .32 .24 0 J29 .19 .13 .31 LIVESTOCK (Valley Packinr Company Quotations) Fat dairy cows -20.00 to 21.50 Cutters 19.00 to 21.00 Bulls I 24.00 to 27.00 Dairy heifers Good veal Fat lambs Feeders Mutton .23.00 to 25.00 28.00 to 33.00 .31.00 to 32.00 ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED FOUR CORNERS Mr. and Mrs- Roger Wells and sons, Roger and Randy, attended the birth day anniversary party for Mrs. Wells' grandmother. Mrs. "John Weaver of Myrtle Point, who was 90 last week. There were 49 de scendents present. ERTLE Mary M. Ertle. late resident of 1620 State st., in this city. January 29 at the age of 91. Survived by daughters. Mrs. Henry Marnach of Portland and Miss Theresa Ertle of Salem; brothers. George and Mike Roesch of Ada, Minn.; sister. Mrs. Christens Heringer of Ada, and by six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday. February 7. at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Interment at St. James cemetery. Mc MinnvUle. Recitation of the rosary at 8 p.m. Tuesday, February 6, at the W. T. Rigdon chapel. WILSON Mrs. Daisy Mae Wilson, late resident of Eugene, at a Eugene hospital Febr uary 2. Survived by husband. Rev. J. C. Wilson of Eugene; daughters. Mrs Ruth Robare of Albany and Mrs. Lu Lucile Ervin of Albany; son. Leonard Wilson of Beaver Creek; brothers. El mer Busby of Independence and Ra leigh Busby of Eugene, and 10 grand children. Services will be held Tues day, February 6, at 2 p.m. at Clough Barrick chapel with the Rev. Edward Benidick and the Rev. Hans Hansen officiating. Interment at Belcrest Me morial park. BUELL Almon Walter Buell, at the residence at 663 -Cummings In.. February 2. Sur vived by nieces, Mrs. Florence Ter williger of Springfield and Mrs. Grace Shiska of Eugene. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Monday. February 5, at 1 JO p.m. with the Rev. George L. Holmquist offi ciating. Interment In Belcrest Me morial park. Ritualistic services by BPOE 336 of Salem. SUZL Age 5. lost her large, long hair ed veiiow-orange male cat. .neignpor hood 23rd and Chemeketa. Reward. Call 3-9667. METAPHYSICAL Library! Sincere help with your problems. By ap- polntment only, pnone -t.3B Portland Produce PORTLAND, Feb. 4-(AP)-Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to .25 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 78-81C lb.; first quality, 76-79c; second quality, 74-77c; valley routes and country points 2c less. Butter Wholesale F. O. B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 73c lb.: A.. 92 score. 71c: B. 90 score, 70c: C, 69 score. 69c. Above prices stricUy nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 47a 49'4c lb.: Oregon 5 lb. loaf. 48ii-51ic Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large, 49 'ic doz.; A grade, medium. 48'2c: B grade, large. 45-46 ',ic Turkeys (Net to producers. F.O.B. farm on a New York dressed style basis): Grade A young hens mostly 38c; A grade young toms mostly 33c lb.; to retailers. New York style dress ed: A grade hens mostly 48c lb.: toms 40c. Live chickens (No. 1 quality, ryu 9A m f n M DA s!00 to 1400 plants): Broilers. 29c; fryers. 2U-3 lbs, THE Cum -WITH- MISTER MIDNIGHT Your Host 10:35 P. M. to 1 A M. Each Weekday Evening ' i GOOD MUSIC Is yours sach ovaning en KEX. You're Invited to Join the "Good Listening Club." Initiation rtqulremtnrs art asy: just set your dial at 1190 for the J 50,000 ' watts, of KEX bringing you GOOD4 LISTENING. Join the thousands throughout tht western . part ot North America who enjoy GOOD MUSIC on KEX! v - Dial 1190 Vestinghouse cm n Portland SfSCHO Bert A. Sischo. at the residence at 1384 Mission St.. February 2. at the are of 72. Survived by wife. May Sischo of Salem: brother, Arthur Sischo of Wis consin; nephew, Ray Sischo of Me hama and Claude Morse of Salem. Ser vices will be held Tuesday, February 6, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel. Concluding services at City View cemetery. The Rev. Brooks H. noon oxxiciaung;. GREENBAVM Mrs. Eva M. Greenbaum. at the resi dence 2469 State St.. Feb. 3 at the age of 80 years. Survived by daughters. Mrs. Irene Depenbrock, Salem, and Mrs. Leah Medlyn. Oakland. Calif.; son. Adolph Greenbaum. Salem: broth er, Sam Adolph, Salem: and two grand children. Sylvia and Albert Depen brock, both of Salem. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, February 6, at the Virgil T. Golden chapel with the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Interment in City View cemetery. THURSTON Grace May Thurston, late resident of Jefferson, at a Portland hospital. February 3. at the age of 80 years. Survived by children. Clarence Libby, Salem. Arlev ltbv. Portland. Mrs. Norma Skelton. Toledo; eight 1 grand children and 14 great-grandchildren. Member ot the Kebekan lodge at Jet ferson. Services will be held Monday, February 5. at 2 p.m.. at Howell- Edwards chaoel with Interment at Jefferson cemetery. POTVIN Jessie Phvlena Potvln. late resident of 1995 Grant St., Eugene, in that city February 3. survived by two sons. Max Day. Eugene, and Robert Day. Grange ville. Idaho; daughter, Beth Thompson. Springfield; sister. My rue rieyting. Milwaukie. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday. February 7, at the Simon Lounsbury chapel at Eugene. Interment at West awn cemetery, Eugene. BEST . Thomas Best, late resident of 1295 Market St.. at a local hospital. Febru ary 4. at the tee of 76 years. Suvlved by daughters. Mrs. EMe Kenney, Sa lem. Mrs. Norma Ourts and Mrs. Lorna Patch, both of Seattle; son, Glenn Best, Grande Ronde: sisters, Mrs. Ada Mink, Twin Falls, Idaho, and Mrs. Mary Marion. Wendel. Idaho: brother. James Bst- Sacramento. C alix.: six vana children and two great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. rues day. February 6. at Oough-Barrick eharjel with Dr. Llovd T. Anderson of' ficjating. interment at city view ceme tery. BIDS WANTED SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT AT SALEM The Oregon State Highway Com mission has for sale an assortment of used can. dump trucks, mowers, com nresaora. and patrol gr--ers located at the Highway Departr. .at quipmeni Plant at Salem. Oregon. -Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of the used equip ment will be received by the State Highway Commission in Room 328. State Office Building. Salem. Oregon, until p.m Thursday, February 15, 1951. at which 'time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Prcraosal forms and full information for bidders may be obtained at the office of the State Highway Commis sion, State Office Building, Salem. Ore gon, and at the equipment plant at Salem. . OREGON STATE T. 3-5 HIGHWAY COMMISSION Dial 1190 ex. Tiling T Jr -.!' 1 .le.,,"'f tt Dr. T.T.I-m. N J.Dr. G. Cttaa. NJ DES. CIIAN 'j i IVM "' CHVESE HERBALISTS 241 No- Ji Liberty ; - V .. --.-?;, -. , . ' Upstairs above Jan's. S3 N. Lib erty Office open Saturday only 10 ra. to 1 p m- to 1 P-m Constta Uon. Blood pressura and. urtne tests are free of chart- Practiced since 191? Salem Lodge No. 4 AT. & A M Wed.. Feb. 7. Stated communi cation 70 p.m. 312 Lost and Found 316 Personal LkiAKN Swedish massage. Personal instruction. Lynn D. earon presi dent of LeBaron College of Mas sage. 1989 Fairgrounds Rd Phone 3P2. Enro'l now . ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph 3-9133 PO Bx 724 y MCA wed Frt S-so om STANLEY Home ProducU Ph. 43882. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock WZANXR PIGS FOR SALE PHONE 2-0209 BULL SERVICE, reasonable. Nelson nvTilsee anvtime. Phone 43176. BONDED livestock buyer A. T. Soro- mer. 2130 Chemawa Ka. r-n pit. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. McCandlish. 1127 s. Z5tn. rn. E. C. 3-8147 BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. BOX BS3. Ph. 4-111J. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster or. it. z-uwa 404 Poultry od Rabbi i new HAMPSHIRE CHICKS i batches every Tuesday Fox's Hatcncry " State St. rnone a-vn. DAY-OLD and started chicks. E. Cen ter Street. Phone zzsei. ees nai nharv : CHICKS - Jennings Rhode Island Reds. Excellent layers less man wi Broodlness. Jennings Poultry Farm. Rt. S Box 70. Salem 408 Pets TROPICAL FISH AND STJPPUES. C I . MANN. DA 1 lwf T V TURNER. OREGON m wRE'S Tromcaj Fish equipment ot supplies. 2 ml. rrom ancasier on Macleay Rd. Rt. 5-Box 483. p. 2-73Z1 412 Fruit and Farm Produce srtn ?al- 20 ton sfood oats and vetch hay. No rain on. it, tau moi. ju. 5. BOX 465 it a v tnr sAle. 1st and 2nd cutting al falfa in bam. Clark van woy. ane Pine Dist. Terrebonne, ure 414 Farm Equipment A GD Selection of new Sc used garden tractors. Howser ros. iiw a. uu 450 Merchandise. 451 Machinery and Toole YOUR time and effort demands food tools. Rent or ouy intra ai nouiei Bros 1410 5 lZth tx-tTrtTTT.t.TTR ulo. narta. and service. Howser Bros- ri a-cno. isiu. o. 12th. 450 lVIercEancUse 450 Blerchancllso 1 4 158 Building Maiertals 78 Fuel WANTED: GREEN LBR Resaw cants, dimension and one Inch Market Price. End trimming - noi necessary. Call Oliver Bacon 39189 Eve. 2257. Salem Lumber & Menu Mum'fsrtttrlne Co ' " SHOP ktiTH BftbWN EoR ,TH BEST BUYS IN TOWN , 1x8 D. Boston pattern. Fir rustle sdg. ........ $150 Ml 4 x8 XU cedar faced plywood - X70 ea. ls per ft. Snerial - liile It Lasts rurnace ot heater ! wood S6 JO a loaq Double kK-d for SIX ..,!. Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. ! j pnone 3-T771 or 3-cz4 3 panel interior doors sasn cord Iinaide door latch sets, chrome $1.50 ea. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. . 1 Front and Court Where Parking is No Problem Building Something? e 'V- Plywood. 24c ft.: sheet, $7.68 e Plywood. 2ie- ft.; sheet so.73 e First oualitv 1-nanel doors. 89.50 f 1. 2. and 3-lite doors bargain e 3-ft. entrance doors. $160 -s " e IS painted shakes with ux. $14.59 e Asbestos siding, per square $10 t e 500-gaL steel septic tanks. $75 - " - e American Standard wash basin. SIS New soil pipe. toilets, bathtubs. electric water heaters cheap . e Insulation board. 4x8 sheets. $1.93 A -e Fiber glass insulation bargain . e 3 tab composition roof, per sq. $7.23 e No.: 1 cedar shingles. $10.50 Ac $11 .50 e No., 2 cedar shingles, $7.75 - : e No. 3 cedar shingles, $5 : V No. 4 cedar shingles, $3 ' '. i . ' C. G. Long t Mile N. of Keizer Ph. 2-58Z1 or 4-3139 460 Musical trmruments Highway j Fuel Co? 'lean rsawdust wood crceo er dry. Stove-Dtesel ells Ask for. Penny ver tmw Ph M444 - . TRI-CITY FUEL The Best Fuel at A Saving Ask for S H Green Stamps) ' PHONE 2-7442 ANDERSON Bargain. Clean handrUk- ea siao wood. 2 cord $12. Phone 2775L I is wwhi . , . Old and Second Growth fig ; ' i 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered td Salem $12.00 For -orders please call colled K i Independence 42 Independence Lumber and' Manufacturing Company i tnHfHfnrtnrc Oregon - Wesi Salehi Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD UHI PLANER ENDS $ Old growth block wood IS in. clean no oarlc SCREENED SAWDUST s RURAL. DELIVER IES i . DIESEL AND STOVE OILj Phone: Salem l-4n3t 3 ' r Abo pick up wood at 152S EdfSwater .gt. w. ssietw ELM EH RrtiS ' " Ph. S-S453. 2025 S. 12th. 16" Old Fir Veneer i Cores) SpUt for Furnace tf desired- . i - 00 Rniries & Finance SPINET PIANO for nnnild hilinM fasn or terms. Can be seen: in Sa-5I0, MontV to Loan lem. WriU C. E. Matchette. SIS S.W. i ' " L00-. in poruand. Oregon , . ;- 168 For Rent M-iceUaneousT" 1 f. $$ Money , $$ ' 'J DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- kets furn 197 S Lihertv .- Ph : tOS2 tX i OUR' sewing now. Rent a Singer eiec portable sewing machine Se per mo. c ree pica up oc aeuvery. amga Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com Ph. 33512. i uou USED Piano H Stiff. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous FOR Sale one X piece living room suite. Like new Dark blue Velour. Sundays or evenings 340 W. Ewald 7" Speed-O-MaUc saw. $75. 1 folding baby stroller $5. Phone FHA Loans 20 to U Fears repayment plan. ; iCONSTRUC"T10N .- , ' LOANS" ' h percent farm loan Personal. Furniture, ! ' i Aute Loans 1948 G. E. Washer with- pump as ood as new. 180. Phone 44387 SERVEL Refrigerator 6 cu ft. O'keef & Merrill gas range. Rude water heater. All like new. 215 Park Lane "Fori an your .money Deeds" :. -A'- i - j State Finance Co. 133 S. High St. Lie Sttia M222 Tel. 2412 if . ONE 18" Craftsman band saw with 1 hotse motor, used .1 month, wulam- ette valley -Hoot mo., ao ana Ave. FARM and CITY LOANS i , 4W and 8 A four own terms of repayment within reason.) Cash for Real Estate Con- J tracts and Second Mortgages. , CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. ELECTRIC Ranges. New . and Used. Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemes-eta GUN Burner complete. . double utility tubs with stand, tone! complete, isa E. Miller. rnone 3-&. ... FOR Sale: Electric furnace 2.000 de- srree at discount, co Box 4zo-h. r'untfil Prm. Salem PLASTI-KOTE Reoulres no Waxing for your floors or linoleum. yeater Aoplianc Co. 875 Chemeketa sa Court St. Ph. 4-27TM FOR SALE: 193S Chevrolet sedan, new battery, good tires and motor, so oak Posts, a wheel trailer. Juyman Lain. t-.u. pox ioi. turner. fnvate Money I On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes . Lone or Short Terms Payment Roy Hlj Simmons 138 '8 Commercisl, St Phone 3-91f ' i AUTO LOANS T wtLtlamette CRinrr ro 12 S. Church St Ph. 2-24ST rarsung Apienry u j I Lie M1M-S154 " 4 1 PRIVATE Money to loan. Ph.,' 2-07"gl I SEATs COVERS LarM stock of beautiful patterns. famous quality. riDre ana p sue seat covers. Fit almost any make or model from 1930-1949. $4.98 Up MASTER SERVICE STATIONS 365 K, Commercial lutou used ' Stiff Furn' pianos Co $75 ea H L W ASHING Machines. New and Used. Yeater Apoilance Co. 379 t;nenvear eta ' '-: -' . ' Linoleum S3. 45 CASH . NOW. I $25.00 to $500.00 I Salem largeaf and oldest home-O' ea loan company offers money wbee you need itl i, i i You can pay anytime to. reduce net t COStl , ; No endorsers, or help from frlendsl I On cars, trucks trailer homes to S500.se 1 On furniture, livestock, equipment, aaia ry or ovner personal property u to $300,001 - ii Phone or visit our office today I ' Hear "Top Trades" U) daily KSLU, f ..General Finance Corp. 1 Ut. No $131 and M33S ' I PHONE 3-9181 ! 136 f COM l IT, S VAUJTV FURN CO 285 N COM Used. Start 1951 REFRIGERATORS. New - and Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta .. .. Something New Has Been Added I PHILCO e RADIOS e RANGES REFRIGERATORS e FREEZERS ' - . ' with a CLEAN SLATE V 1? -Pay off your bills with; a convenient ' "BILL CONSOLIDATION- loan at, friendly Service. ; - -. Typical Plans ; - ' 13 Mo. Amount- - Payments 150.00 , i 12.00 .... ' 380.00 . , - . 30.00 780.00 ' l ' 60.00 Pacific Industrial Loans US S. Liberty - Phone 4-2203 ABC Automatic Washers See the 1951 line now Green Stamps - - - Easy Terms Master Service Stations 365 N. Com!. PhilMlfl3 DEEPFREEZE and Westmgnouse Home I Reduce the amouat you pay out each monin oy - consouaaung your biua Montlilv PavrriPTiia Too High 455 Household Goods For Sal GOOD Davenport Sr. chair, rocker St S end. tables, pnone zozu. wouia con sider trade for late model refrige rator ; ' PIECE Blonde dining set. Radio. S bedroom stes. davenport and chair, swing rocker, other misc Items. 2190 T anrft.r MAHOGANY Dining set with table. S chairs, buffet, cmna caoineu. rnone 9.S230 - GENERAL.- Electric stove, excellent shape, szoo. aeoa reenter at. Used Forn.. Cheap TSiDI TERMS "allee Furn Co 585 No Coml 2-7472 KXRBY Vacuum cleaner, like new. Complete with attaenmenta ac pol isher. Phone 4-2248. - i . . i&S Wonted. Boueettold Goods COMMUNITY Silver. Bird of Paradise pattern and sewing macron. ooj 522 N. Church SELLING? Moving? Storing? Phone Glenn Woodry 1st. iio xor sausiac tory cash price, spot cash Is yours Immediately. 1 buy appliances, fur niture. guns, trailers, rugs, antiques. anything ot vaiue tt.e:N WIMlORV Ph 381 IS " ' USED FURNITURE VALLEY FURNITURE 1H Vt Co il Ph. 27472 WANTED: Good used furniture. Phone 242 4S " i . 458 Building Mats rials 10 SQUARE Light gray Canadlantna. -247S Broadway. Phone .1-0913. Good Price 90 LOANS on remodeling, garages. rentals, roofing, painting ere. : ree estimates gladly given. Lumber Co. Ph.2-2054 Ei f740 Silver-ton Rd. BETTER BUYS IN BUILDING MATERIALS . rr. xi jt.' M.OO M ,ixS C. RTl. -mi M Shiplap No. 3 & NO. 50-00 M Inmlatinn TRnsrd . 4x8. i- w Sht 4xt 2.C8 Sht Aluminum Garage Doors : n-Hd Comn't willa Harwstre S-Ox7- 570 Ea 18-0x7-0 . 990 Ea Window Frames 50, Disc . ROCKLATH i i SERVICE LUMBER COUP AMY t PH-2 T VrC!lw S -Sllverton r'AXNTED Cedar wall al ea with dry - under course - SK.OO per- so. No. 2 shingles $70 so. No. 3 $3 00. - Clear eek flooring $2S5.00 5000 ft. No. 2 " k SiasJkV No. 1 Pecan $250.00. Se lect Pecan S27S.O0. Common Lumber good Quality $30 per as. xea as ur. Freezers. Yeater Appliance Co-. 375 Chemeketa G. E. Wrineer .washer, good condi tion. M. W. mixer. Shop oil heater. 10 1XK N. J4th. OIL. circulators. New and used. Yeater Apoliance Co. 375 Chemeketa. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock for roads & driveway. Cement. Ready. . - i. c . n Q,.n J dozing, drainage and ditching. vd shovel at drag una mom a-mw and paying them in a lump sum -with f a PERSONAL loan. Then have Juai one reasonable navment monthly. . Don't borrow 'unnecessarily, but if a ! nw mi Desi soiuaon io a money ; problem, sea me.' I say "Yes" to out of S who ask for a loan. Come In or phone today. - C. R. Allen, YXS MART ? -. Ti i -c: r - ? i x crsuiiai x mance l-o. of Salem 10S S. Hirrh St. Lie No.-S-U2. M-: NEW and Used Sewing Machines, t 11 - . -Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemek- j Sift Investments TK .ia 1 163. C. R. Alien. Mgr.: eta ROOFING materials. Willamette Valley '. UNUSUAL INVESTMENT -, 1f T ana rk B , tJrll IN ri N I I w s ECTRlC Heaters. Radiant and Fan, As sound and ; troublefree aa governr Yeater Appliance Co. eta 379 , Chemek- 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous ment bonds, with much greater re turns. Get details from ; NELSON & NELSON ? MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 70S N. High Ph. 2-3669 fCMI Emnlovment i 802 Help Wanted it- NEWSPAPERS. msgsTdnes and - rags. Prnmnt itlrkDit. Phone 25072 GLENN WOODRY nays more cash for anvthln of value, ra sauo to seu appliances . furniture . ruga . guns . I trailers . motors . antiques . lorapes dishes i. bedding . dining sets . bed seta . .dinettes . boats . outboard motors . farm equipment! "What Have V Ph. 35110 today i T " IV ANTED TO BUY Rough Green Douglas Fir Clears in I Many openings available for office. any quanury. iniciuiesa or; ' i clerical, sc sales personnel: secre-' t Better. y wucs io our piini I tarles. typists, bookkeepers, general Hayden Bridge about 3 ml les N.E. of I 0ic at "best saUrles. Register now Springfield on Mohawk Hlghwav or I at by rail to Hendricks on Southern COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT ACENCT Good JoHs Pacificli Al-Clements Lumber Co, Eugenei Oregon P.O. Box SOS. Phone 3-33 IT- MAGAZINES and newspapers. City Waste Paper Co. ZiMS uoiiywooo r. XJ71 . I Trader: Louit pays sp6T cash for used furniture, appliances, jugs, tools, etc. n- a-woa r 155 S. Liberty Ph. 2-148S &04 Help Warned. Mai SOMEONE to! put silo tn vicinity of Ehaw or Aumsviue. pnone 2i74e Salem Shaw or AumsvlUe. Phone 474 Miscellaneooe LOCAL Heating company has opening xor expenencea rurnace mccnariif with pickup or small truck. Apply 1895 rairgrounds Rd. LINCOLN Community center ' wants iiMi.tum. a vnr for nnuai nancr drive. Anyone with paper to give I Outstanding opportunity with eld esw ; Important Job; i call 42072 and pickup wlU be made. lb ANT TO Bui used cameras at lei McEwan Photo Shop. Z43 N.Mign tablished firm for ambitious), .steady young man, preferably 25-30 years o age. married, as local sales represen tative. Must have car and Interest in permanent future. Good salary ana ear expenses. Call 2-1488 for app't. ; ' 606 Help WaniecL f emale ' Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN HOST: . -i- CASES i Bring e MaQ Your Pistes toTKrvtit rA iimiiv cruTTB nVJJTIST Adolob, Bide State t Com, Ph S-3311 1 WAITRESS. San Shop. Portland Rd. j ( ; 1M at home, full, part tint. 17A Fuel ,. Box 125 ststesmsn Secretary RTTV W1NTEH FUEL. NOW Plywood cores, loe ends. Ph. 3-S491. 1 Salem employer wants exp. steno. Able to nanois au-arouc i oioct, jod in cluding thorind. rdmpk) bookkfw tnar, public contact. PlaaaarU working conditions. Convenient downtown lo cation. Salary open. Call 21-8 or ap ply Commtrdal Placement Aiency, 55 S. liberty. BOX Wood, immediate delivery. Frle- sen Box wQ. rnont IS-' FIR Wood. $14 ord. 18" oak wood. SIS cord. Jfrune la ana a is cora. f-Hvered . Wood sawlxif. Also 1931 i rmntar and transmission. 1934 5oo C6RD 'Dry 4 slab woo-. Phone J WAITRESS: Erlencd. Ooldn Ph. Aumsville 234 l sant. 24S 24. Iberty. bm ;S i' . j . . . '. 4 . J; - 6kri fstffn-r. ' IS. in ana iwm r i r'l- tvn tnnnA rV 1 ADY for general ho -wot k. 2 ia. 43081 i Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3 4X very! Gocnln,Md tlt Sfllee Ureone Vccn T 5rEn: or dry plywood cores ' spilt I STARKE of' Portland desires a live ira; saiciiiisu au . - - - for furnace if desired w-. in iM;n Candlewood Dr. Bay Second 'growth Fir and slab I wood. S-aS4S"er S-S44J In this area. Leads furnished. Corn- missions, earnings above aver. Give qualications te rtirrtnet. Write Statesman Box X3 y , f i I i t 1 ' ' : i - a salens a-Jia la. Jill .it iff i . - it ii I t wt ikt t ' i tt , , - .v. , . .