The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    KUs Me Cake
Wins Gash for
NEW YORK. An orange "Kiss
Me Cake" turned into a Broadway
hit in baking to win national honor
and $25,000 for Mrs. Peter Wuebel
of Redwood City. Calif., in Pills-
burr's bake-off at the Waldorf.
A baker's wife, Mrs. Wuebel
was revealed as the winner by the
Duchess of Windsor, who present-
. a . ilk -1 1 S OK AAA I
a ner wiui cum. ur ..,wv
signed by Philip W. Pillsbury, j
resident of the flour milling
company, at an award luncheon
at the Waldorf today.
Winner of first prize and $3,000
In the Junior division of the con
test with her "Cherry Winks" is
- 17-yoar old mother of two, Mrs.
Bernard Derousseau from Rice
Lake, Wii. Cured of a polio attack
four rears aao by personal treat
ment from Sister Kenny. Mrs.
ak. mmnm was m AAAmnQrilft
! New York by her husband, a laun
- dry route salesman.
The grand prize winning mix
g as fouawi! - ...
? t cups flour, sifted
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
, Just!
those of I - , ? 1
uaa ma i
u cup ahortanlnf
cup sugar
I eggs 1 1
l large orange preserve juih
for topping; grind rind and
pulp with raisins)
1 cup raisins, ground
1 cup milk ,
' TMmbur I --f
V cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
cup walnuts, chopped
Sift together flour, soda and
salt Cream shortening and sugar.
Blend In eggs, one at a time. Add
ground orange and raisins, Add
milk and dry Ingredients alter
nately to creamed mixture, 'be
ginning and ending with dry in
gredients. Blend thoroughly after
each addition. (With electric mix- PViHctmrTQ Mntp
er use low speed.) Pour into well- 0x1115 imuS IN V lb
Teased and lightly-floured 13x9-It- t rr
M-inch pan. Bake in moderate iOUl jeiierSOIl
oven CSSO'F.) SO to SS minutes. I
Drip orange juice (about cup) I Jefferson Mrs. Emma Whed
M . a la s m 9 t . I
ver warm caxe. opnnie wiw oee leu mesaay oy ou iut nwuii y-, t, .
sugar, cinnamon and nut topping. I Springs where she spent xnc i j- UlllllieS VOrvIlflGr
Decorate with, orange slices. Christmas holiday with her daugh- J
At AUDurn
I Rice Makes
Easy Dish
At Any Meal
Rice is a good food at any time
in the meal, and every meal in the
day. Irs a popular breakfast cer
eal in some households, makes good
luncheon dishes and provides par
ty refreshments.
The rice people suggest the fol
lowing method for making fluffy
white rice: To make S cups rice:
pot 1 cup of uncooked rice, 1 cups
of cold water and 1 teaspoon of
salt in a two-quart saucepan and
cover with a tight-fitting lid. Set
over a hot flame until it bolls vig
orously. Then reduce the heat as
low as possible and steam for 14
minutes more or until all the wat
er is absorbed, leaving the separ
ate rice grains with their full nu
tritional value. This makes very
finfl rice grains. (If you prefer
more tender rice grains,; add H
cup more water and increase the
slow cooking time 4 or 8 minutes.)
Remove the lid, permit the rice
to steam dry to the desired con
sistency and the grains : will be
separate and fluffy. Never stir
rice; lift rice gently with; a fork.
Keep left-over cooked rice in the
refrigerator in a covered con- I r , . . T T 1 1 3
tamer. You win find It convenient iVlUIl JTlUllUUy
ror mazing many quick ana easy
dishes. 1
One of the may possibilities for
rice Is this recipe for
Vt pound soft cheese
2 cups cold cooked rice
1 egg
Salt and pepper
1 beaten egg for rolling cro
Bathroom Accessories, Curtains
Can Be Chosen in Good Taste
Th Ssatetmcm, Solem,
IS. Utt?
By See Gardaer
Bathroom accessories can re
flect the Individuality of the
homemaker if she gives a little
thought to re
decorating this
I counted five
my own
Hrigna on the
shower and
win d o w cur-
tains, four with I
swans and!
three wlthl
identical floral
and bow designs.
I had begun to think It was
far better to make your own
shower curtains and match thoee
for the windows to them, when
I ran across a few unusual pat
terns in a clever French poodle
design, a monkey and organ de
sign, and a floral pattern that
was not only different but in
good taste. One bathroom had
black curtains with gay patterns,
an unusual accessory but too
sophisticated for most home
makers. If you cannot find a pattern
that haa not been "Aertrn tn tath
in many homes, it is better to Boberta, Mrs. La
elect a solid curtain and make
your other accessories the accent
or highlight of your bathroom,
popular priced shower curtains
are usually found in plastic and
acetate taffeta. In solid colors or.
In higher price brackets. In
painted patterns. The most popu
lar colors are white, gold, blue,
green, black and bright red. If
you do some careful shopping,
you might find v modern
plaid or abstract designs that
venturesome stores are putting
in for special calls.
An attractive bathroom can
be arranged with a dark cur
taining, highlighted with a light
pattern, and with towels, bath-
mat and ClOthS In matffttnf two-
Grasrf Ke4e Mrs. Jeha
Johnson was honored Thursday at
bridal shower given by Mrs.
Paul Danielson and Mrs. Morris
Cook. Refreshments were served
to Mrs. Oral SingVtoo, Mrs. Leon
ard Osterberg. Mrs. Louis Jerabek,
Jeanette fUngleton. Mrs.
Lawrence Roberta, Mrs. Frances
Johnson, Jerry and Gene Jerabek,
Mrs. William Talbott. Mrs. Em
and Beckie, Mrs. Don Tatoaa end
son of Grants Pass, Mrs. Ole
Mag en and TJnda, Miss Z2ma
Kenarsre and Mrs. rorrest Mat
ers of Wmamm.
WtZUamlaa Mrs. M. Metcalfe
was honored at a shower fay Mrs.
Paul Kom. Mrs. Metcalfe as the)
wife of the pastor of the SeraBtfc
Day Adrentist church. Later ta
the day a second shower '
which II attended.
Dorothy Gray Creams
General rcabo
'aturea Cory.)
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nie Oas and children. David Stev
en and Diana, arrived from Glr
ard. Pa., to spend Christmas with
his mother, Mrs. P. A. Oas and
other relatives. They were ac
companied by S. P. Moberg of
Scotts Mills, father of Mrs. Ber
Fine bread crumbs or cracker I nie Oas, who has been visiting in
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bell (Janet Miller) who were mar
ried on November 24 at the First Congregational church.
The bride Is the daughter of the Carl FL Millers. The couple
will live in Forest Grove. (Arts photography).
and Randy and Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Finlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Brandt spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan T. Brandt, near
Add one egg. butter, salt and
the east.
Dr. and Mrs. X. A. Teter were
ter. Mrs. Nicholas Welter.
ArHiHn Katiirrtav mnminf DT
train was Mr. and Mrs. J. O. An- J Auburn There were many
rell of Burlingame, Calif, to spend I homes in the Auburn community
?k- rrtTn. waaItotwI with w I where members of the family
Mr. Shielda. and Mr. were gathered around the Christ-
, . i box. ana ran. oiiuu i rfuiuia
Mrs. .Leo Mars of Beaverton r5fV - a,
writes that her father-m-Uw, . A r-T
Hugh D. Mars, living in the Ma-1 fof Mr and Mr, George oud- PJec " fat-
- a c? i.jj... 1 1 some nrane ai oresi, vruv, .a c-ati- vt, nA m nw I wa cnoppea oiuoiis ua too un-
rTr:'.8'- 1" t I been ill with bronchial pneumonia, I . r VTUT c,- I til brown. Stir often and when
stmas lesson by IZTLTZZZZLr I Mr. ana Mrs. Artnur
Women's Society
Pedee The Christmas meet
ing of the Women's Society of
world Service was at the home of
Mrs. Ivan Blankenbaker with
tree and exchange of gifts in
pepper to rice and mix well. Form I hosts at a family dinner at their
cheese into small balls. Cover I home Christmas day. Among the
members of the family who were
present were their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Teter, and
Mr. and Mrs. HJalmer Anderson,
all of Portland, Miss Sue Teter.
who is home from Eugene where
she attends the university, Rich
ard Yunker of Vancouver and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hof fart.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Meyer were
Christmas eve dinner hosts to the
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro,
Mrs. Meyer's mother, Mrs. Rattle
Rogers, his father, L. H. Meyer,
and his sister. Miss Althea Meyer.
Also present were their two
daughters Karen and Mary.
A dinner party on Christmas
day was held at the Martin Han-
nan home. LL David S. Berger,
Just home from Korea, and his
wife, the former Billle Herman,
these with rice mixture on an
sides. Dip In fine crumb, beaten
egg and again in crumbs. Fry in
hot deep fat. Serve with tomato
sauce (which can be bought ready
to serve in 8-ounce cans). This
will serve six. 1
1 cup uncooked rice
2 pounds pork or chicken (cut
in small pieces)
1 bay leaf (small)
Sprig parsley
4 finely chopped onions
2 tablespoons fat
2 quarts meat stock or water
Vi teaspoon tabasco sauce
1 tablespoon chill sauce
Dash cayenne
2 teaspoons salt or more to
Cut the pork or chicken Into
Stowell and daughters. June, and S00 SlkT.rlc
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rehfeld HazeL Mr. and Mrs. John French. r1ow1T bto boiling meat mixture open house to a group of friends
pray and Christmas
Mrs. Frank Sheythe. Mrs. C L.
,i mr jt r I nti-ta!n4 at family dinner I M. mr. t.v nAA vr I Cook over mod era le neat until
SJJ buiuj UICJ AvtfVsT rain sjfj JaUo I .mimv - t i wu . eas iv u m eeawaak sviMsiw. . - . - g?e-J
Gus Jahn conducted the prayer Christmas day with all of their John Goldade, srn Mr. and Mrs.!?1?1 nd rice dne- fnJ CTTT
Circle. The secretary, Mrs. Fran- children and their lamiues. Wilier, Fred and Dorothy; Victor ri"' hJrZ5,
cis Dyer, reported five three dol-1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul VanScoy I Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Johns.
lar Friendship packages to needy I were In Portland Christmas eve I Mr. and Mrs. William Rahtz had
overseas children, had been sent I to be with their son-in-law and I as their guests Mrs. Rhatz mother.
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. 1 Mrs. Bertha Stueve of Montkello,
and their daughter, Judith Ann,
were special guests. Others pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Han
nan and Larry and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Sears and Nancy.
The Martin Hannans also had
and that 12 Bibles and eight pack
ages sent by members to the Red
Bird Mission in Kentucky.
Mrs. Robert Jahn, Mrs. Charles
O'Neal and Mrs. Louie Potter!
were accepted as new members.
)ther members present were Mrs. !
loUie Laeey, Mrs. Rufus Dodge,
Mrs. There Womer, Mrs. H. B.
ackers. Mrs. Fain Simpson, Mrs.
J. W. McCormack, Mrs. Rittie Ker
fcer, Mrs. Jack Wells, Mrs. Sidney
Howard, Mrs. S. J. Yates. Guests
were Mrs. Margaret Hilburn and
Jenean of Coquille, Mrs. Maud
Burba nk, Mrs. A. L. Burbank,
Mrs. J. Jongellng and Johnny and
Linda Jahn, Pedee. -
Grand Ronde Mr. and Mrs. A.
were hosts to the Neigh-
Nine Pinochle club when
club entertained their fami-
and Mrs. Clint Church
won high, and Fred Harrison and
Mrs. Don Gill won consolation.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Mehlhoff, Mr. and Mrs. John
Talbott, Mr. and Mrs. Church, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Gill of McMinn-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mode, Mr.
and Mrs. John Van Sindern. Jim-
mie Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Harrison and the hosts.
M. Gill
lies. Mr
Pierce and children. Christmas
day all were guests at dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T
Pierce In Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
and son. Neil, drove to Yreka,
Calif, where they were guests at
a family dinner at the home of
Mrs. Brown's brother, Harry
Crutchfield. Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Crutchfield of Fresno,
joined them.
Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Feabody
of Eugene were Christmas guests
of their daughter, Mrs. Ralph De-
Vilbiss, and family.
Jake Gilmour left Thursday
morning for Riverside, Calif., to
spend Christmas with his daugh
ter, Mrs. Clair Calavan, and fam
Guests arriving this week at
Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. George Maske,
Rae Ann, Willie, and La - June
Rata, who Is home from Oregon
State college.
Christmas day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Moody were Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Black.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Hanson were at the home 01
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August
Bamberg in Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Yates from
Corvallis were guests Christmas
eve and Christmas day of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McLain and
sons, Arlo and Don, and Mrs. La
Vonne Scott drove to Corvallis to
spend Christmas at the George
McLain home.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Britell and
cayenne, tabasco sauce and chili
sauce. Serve hot in bowls. This
will serve eight to ten.
It may be necessary to add a
little more water to complete the
cooking of rice and meat. The
finished Jambalaya should be Just
thin enough to serve in bowls.
and relatives Saturday night for
the Bergers.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Adams
had as Christmas week-end guests
their son-in-law and daughter,
the Vernon Barkhursts of Cor
vallis and their little son, Scott.
and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Adams.
The Barkhursts arrived Saturday
from Corvallis where be Is teach
ing. '
Mrs. George Steelhammer spent
Christmas eve with the John
Steelhammers in Salem and was
Christmas day dinner guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Carson at
Silverton. Additional Christmas
day guests were Miss Pat Carson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson.
Jr, and their two children.
Two Betrothals
Are Announced
Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Ab-
ner Johnson of Sheridan announce
the engagement and coming wed
ding of their daughter, Helen Jean
Cacy, to Jack Parker Leonard,
son of Mrs. Cleo Leonard of Can-
by. Miss Cacy is a 1943 graduate
of Laurelwood academy and is
employed at Oregon Mutual In
surance company in McMmnvIIle.
Mr. Leonard is e student at Lin-1
field college, where he Is major-
ing in physical education. They
will be married on February 4 at
the First Christian church in Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Lawrence
of Junction City announce the en
gagement of their daughter. Bet
ty Jean, to Robert Joseph Stew
ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Steward of Sheridan. No redding
date has been set.
Grand Eeade TUa Mae Pel-
ley was honored this week on her
17th birthday at a party given by
her mother, Mrs. Buford Policy.
Guests included Eugene, Sharon
and Ronnie Policy, Barbara Scott.
Judy Ayres, Allen George. Dan
nie Zook. Richard Hatuz, Sharon
Bowles, Charles Moody, Lueua
Ayres, Carolyn Mehlhoff and
Janice Voutrin.
: 7
Reg. 2..i. 12
Extra-risk essellitat algal
creasa, leasees the werU over
far reetk, e&ecove Uhricanoav.
Ueel far thta, eVy akia, eg ass
seal akJa. Ue reptWf.
A CO-ary rT7 m tbis I I
ereass-jrvea w? seeasootfcat,
ya0ar-latJag alia. I
Ismaitiissl Osslai es eaaaaal
Capital Drug Store
UmH at Uberff Ow Ike
Deputies Will
Aid in Making
Tax Returns
Marion county farmers who
wish help in filling out 1850 fed
eral income tax returns can get
aid from deputy tax collectors
January 2-15 at the Salem post-
Collectors, who will tour the
rfa tsa HirvfneV Jamiarw crf 11 VkA sav
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John I miJy wir her mother, Mrs. I silverton city hall January S and
Zehner at Sidney are their cous- ow.lgr m' wetx oiayion, iori at Woodburn city hall January .
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Morrow I Chriatmas dinner. . Other mid-Willamette valley
to Beaverton to spend Christmas
in the home of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Darroll
Mr. and Mrs. Elvon Holman and
sons, Fred and John, spent Christ
of Minocqua, Wise. They will re
main for the winter,
Miss Doris Miller of Portland
arrived Friday to spend the holi
days with the Paul McKees and
with her father, Chester Miller,
m Albany.
visits scheduled Include! January
4-5, Lebanon; January t, Sdo,
Monmouth and Newberg; Janu
ary 9-10, McMlnnville; January
9-15, Albany; January 10, Inde
pendence; and January 1L Dallas.
The treasury department an-1
your RQcno
addirosG 5nap7Dntcd
gREE on yooir
Their daughters and famiUes M dma T" parents, Mr. and I nounced that other taxpayers , will
Grand Ronde Miss Marjorle were home for Christmas at the! Merl Holman at Jefferson.
Harper was honored at a bridal
Shower, given by Miss Linda Riley
and Mrs. Adaline Moore. She was
married December 21 to William
Black. Guests were Mrs. James,
Mrs. Lloyd Harper. Mrs. Marvin
Harper, Ella Powers, Venieta
Mehlhoff. Camllle and Patti How
ard, Mrs. Louis Jerabek, Mrs. Paul
Barker, Dorothy Landis. Mrs. Or-
vine Harper, Joann Weaver, Mrs.
Xan Harper and Nina Hines.
WlUamlaa Bonnie Jean Smith
was honored on her, 17th : birth
day this week by Kaye Shetterly.
Carolyn Lewis, Nina Hines, Pete
Reynolds, Gerald Rickard, Roy
and Dick Zimbrick, Lewis Little-
lohn and Ronnie Eggert.
E. S. Gleason home. They are Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Wright and Gary of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Olson of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sarver
spent Christmas with his aunt.
Mrs. Douglas Hewitt at Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finlay
were hosts at the annual Christ- i
mas party and buffet dinner to
members of the Salem Fox and
Mink unit association. Fifteen
guests were present.
Going from here to Portland for
a family dinner Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Red
mond were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. David!
Wied, Ardis and Lynn Brown. Mr.
Wm&mina The Plywood aux
iliary met at the home of Thelma
Stroschine this week with Hazel
Rock as co-hostess for a Christ
mas party. Ardis Hampton was
elected treasurer to fill a vacancy.
The next meeting will be Jan
uary 10 at the Union hall in Wll-
Chaagiag frees the usual day ef
work on special projects for vet
erans, members of the Work Bas
ket club met for a Christmas par
ty in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Johns. For the program
hour William Exline sang three
vocal solos, a vocal duet by Mrs.
Dennis Stevenson and Mrs. Fan-1
I receive assistance in filling out
forms at later dates.
Dowaro Coughs
From Ccnr.-a Cc!i
Tbzt DANG On
0 --ai nTjiTMirnmiiTTTtisrsnss
si sots rtgnt to toe seat of the trouble
to help loosea and exoel
and Mrs. Wifiiam Knight, Nancy I ny Bard, and group singing.
phlegm and aid camrs to soothe aad
heal nor. tender, faflamad broachkl
-eaambcanea. Ooaraatrad to plaaas yoe
or money refuadad. Creomakkat has
stood the teat of sbQBobs of seen.
0 hii yqy !
mmm9 ead eddress ore
ftI ol rW
IWm0 9ftf IMV I
'1bvcr-tD-CFcrc:l Vcb . . . Ea Hero at 90 to
Sharo in Thsso Trtscn&us Savings!
Corner Court J Uberty
CiaftCa 1 I!
-riri In
Mjr.fv III
Your checks, widi your name aod address ttfrxacuvdj im
priated, will be supplied widtouc coat u axry baniias; c&c
of the Fine National Bank of Poctlaad,
Ea'foj all the advantages of paring with cbecka mbkh aervwt
to tdcndij vou. Savg rim and incoovcvicocsi in paying hUls
by maiL Your check sruba are record of opcndicur.roo
cancelled checks proof of payment,
Open your Firsc NaxSonal Checkiag; Accouoc today aad
get your imp rimed checks TREE,