rv mi . m t m . Renting? Buying? Selling? Trading? Use Statesman and Cet Results The Same Day' "Wheu cannon were first Intro-1 Early orthodox Moslems regard-1 Aft t . . . v muav C4 Y AwrA in nrfn hn wm m-1 ed coffee as an intoxicating UU Aim nil Ifn r - I A.tZ.fi MM.t..MJ!.. I OftSa T t s- . . duced in warfare, they were op- crated by private individuals who were employed by the armies on contract. ADMINISTRATORS FINAL NOTIC NOnCI IS HEREBY GIVEN that Walter Gnseafelder. the administrator C.f the estate of Melvw Gruenfelder. dsceestd. hM filed hia Final Account as such, ana try order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon to- Mar lon County, January 30. 1991 at 10:00 e ctecK n tn Iorenoon of said day and Courtroom af aaid court has been fixed a the Una and place for bearing- of DDjenim ma unai account ana the settlement of said estate. WALTER GRTJENFELDER " Administrator of the estate. . Melvin Gruenfelcer, deceased Herbert W. Carter Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon Attorney for estate first Publication: December 19. 1950. .Last Publication: January 16. 195L D. ' f it -i Statesman Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Classified Advertisdn per word. 1 time Per word, 3 times i'a Pe- word, T times I8e Per ward. 1 Montk n Minimam ten words. Extra charge for "Blind sds 21 Headers In city briefs: Per Minimus tea words. No Refunds, r Jit The daasTwn for fled ana wader advertising is S: p 'tnaJly Only emergency "lost" ads will be accepted after that hour - Tha Stateatnaa reserve the right w reject ejuestionable advertising. t.ti.furJ,yilMW rtht to ptae staJflSS .T1", .Hie Statesman assumea no tm 2 .JfPenatbUJty - tor error, which may appear In advertise wta ubke4ta ltaurnnTSd 5 5S.,ri,er " PP teat faun win reprint that part of an advertisement in which tha type? Jraphical mistake occurs. . stIS5. Al-'n containing !.?U.,,m. box number for an rSj!i.,0-t5 Protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The States. mformaUoa aa to tha Identity of n adverttser using a "Bund ad. j5?5a! ed coffee as an intoxicating bev erage and its use Is prohibited in tne Koran. 400 Agriculture 402 Llr lock BULL SERVICE, reasonable. Nelson's I IlYTlBfiBB anvrttnat I at a. xwn ar aaw ja niJJiiiHT l iavn NOTICE HEREBY 13 GIVEN that rhe I BONDEft Uw..l k l a - mtnistratrU of the estate erf HiT.Ti- w '' rn Fantz. deceased, has filed inthVoii: I "i2?Jhr y buyer. . H. E cult Court of the State of " ' ' w 7-tS45 VLAccounCand rY? 1 designated the 12th day of Jannl Scottya Auction House. 3 miles east I Csnitnl Tnmk V1 r iksi. at the hour of ten o'clock Tm I Center St, Salem. J ' " - uu 450 Merchandise 476 Fnat DRY WOOD Prompt service. Phone UH VVood. Second arowth fix and o. mow m-WJ or -MV Special - While It LasU aTurTLaifB ft Kaaai4aei aatAaol akat atA ui LA 20 ClVaiM ranr .iM Hit I tCT. ,:rw,.ww --. tp IIS each. Also aJce treah cow. f L" I0r 800 Real Estate 800 Real EftUte McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Realtors You Can Buy This for S5.900 . BVtM 1 II II I I JMim - - M. Close ta suburbaa. , Lars a. th! h""1,? mt j5"- oreeon. 404 Poultry caad ftobbtts setUement of aaUeSateTat which Chick. Weekly hatch- said time and pSS aUperoi abjee? R,teheCenteT St "h in shall appear and show ca !( r..T. ,r . any there be. why said account 2oild "EW UAMPSH1K CHICKS hatches not in all things be allowed andai- V.P u1,y Fox'1 Hatchery SO. provea, me saw estate settled and I J,ott t rnone 4wa. closed, and the administratrix die- I RABBITS & Hutches. 19 does. 1 bucks I Ch-. v..... be? offei. Rt. L . - vuuusnea mis 12m I vrervais. yi mile E.-SI. lOUls on day of December. 1950. I Gervais Rd.) AJ PAUUNE A. FANTZ TV""1 ? Jhe Estate of I 408 PtS 306 Pioneer Trust Bldjr. Salem. Oregon Attorney for Administratrix ' D. 12-19-28. I. Phone S-Tm ne unu BUY WINTER FUEL NOW riTWIHkfl esr LkM - - - w i ' wiroaj. rn. J PrMB BOJlc - Ph. . ks f " r tt veneer Cores. Only S1.500 Do ism i2tiS?20-!!! Wn-1ly 1 acre; Urtna' Hichway Fuel Co. sawaian. srood arren ar n S.V!L p UKtEN or dry plywood cores spilt .luitei-e IT oesTTea. H A1.I .VM Phone ?23n 1360 CandlMmri rv. room, fc Mi I ten A Good Bay am none arias 1 Sanaa. Aa all stectrtc Home With Extra Lot ireaac 'Zmrtim noro x. room, kitchen with nook nr. . "as. uD4j yean oio. Extra lot worth $1100, " ' " I By tuba or dumnMi (wm ., i.r.rrgj - m 4isna or ZZ4B. I . ''Tr T 'o. vry Kitctven ""'W" r UEL. m. PHONE 1-5133 T T C. 1 t SAWDUST dJOO S-BEDROOM uu irooicai fish eauioment t supplies, a mi rrom Lancaster on Macleav Rd Bt 5. Box 483 P 3-7321 REGISTERED Cocker puppies. Reason- NOTICE TO mrnirnua Notice is herehv vtv.n .v. h. .v.- . oersiKned has been appointed as Execn )SIJL ftft of Mildred Ferguson rnf...- the, ficurt ifJ!,wCount,T;.sittm m probate, and hil 431 Macblnsry and Tools duly qualified as such t- -nfT" 450 Merchandise West Salem Fuel Co. U-TN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD r-lMMfJt ENDS Old growth Mock wood II ta. dean no oara SCREENED SAWDTTST RURAL DELIVER HES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL r-none: MKn 2-4031 -r noma wra aa extra bedroora la tdea - McKILLOP'S Pet Barnwell S-7M1 Offics Phone 3-aa2t Erentngs Joa Hlmmel J mi Ramaev W(v a.k. "-oi A-isas -M REAL ESTATE - LOANS INSURANCE 43 Center at High Brca 1410 S 12th to present the same, duly verifierf m S Qre laSidtosSffii OOtlLLER sales. parU. and service within sScWrnS- ffom" Th,5V I Bro- Ph- "K4- l""- me first nnhiu.ii . : " . . l v?te5 ttSaem. Oregon, and first Jet published this 28th dav of mTIw 00 195n d Goods for Sols v,nes cerguson Hagemann. I RADIO. Divan and chair. Washlne 3f,ef"tir- 01 th .Estate of I machine, chests, lamps, tables, misc. MUdred Ferguson Hagemann. Ronald C. Glover. - - Attorney for KniM 205 Oregon Building. eweu. urexon. M 2s, D 3. 12. 19. 28. Iff Wan)' Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 912. 0C For orders please can collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon 6 IS SlracrBona TOoausd . Phone 36350 PUBLIC SECRETARY typing, dicta won. mimeographing, accounting. mmm accurate acrvice. SHIRLEY'S l.rniii tons 179 Center St. Phone 4-lsoi days T S .kM. BABY SiUmx cvnuis after irhtiAi 300 Personal 310 Maattnq Notiess ATNSWORTH Ledge No. 201. A i. special met Dec. m. as. neeree yan as Used Fnrn Cheap THASE Trniura TaDey Furn Co 885 No Com! , 1-im Linoleum $3.45 VALLEY ruHN. CO 283 M COsTL. 456 Wontaxt f.a.h,j Qoi USUI I URH . lmmHto nrmtl hhrhest prices Vallev rvrnlture tS9 i nmmerr.a. V"n TJ477 ai-Efc WOODSY Ph 111)1 5CM Buainriw & Finance I u!l '"uH'Jl-"'-.77 I ."Vf week, or month. Phone 2WT9 illLD CARE .V Lodge Ma. 4 AT ac AM. I 458 JSnlldlBfl Mrisrll. npo 1! I Salem Sand & Gravel Co. ilo PvTBonaT STANLllX Home ProducU Ph. 4S882T 400 Agricuiture 402 Livestock nnvnvn 1 1 McCandUsh 11 27 S h Ph m2i ' "f'" J.J:-ll'cx ouvei ClaudeEd weroa. box B99E. Ph. 4-1113. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS , , Eadfic Standard Time Kilocycles: KKT.M Han linen him .w,. - " ;u. HGW 2. KEX 1190 gacycies - KOm-101.1: KGW 100-3- mnr nTT tee, a. pr.y.d7d PragrainT aaaagea aaearacy DOUR SHOP KEITH BROWN FOR THE Stained Shakes with ttndercourse . fr 9; .;v:--: -: -$14.50 o iacii lu n unea hm 1 X 8 E. Rustic Hn itoK m panel aoors. z-u: 2-4- Z-0; Dy 6-8 -' 7 sn Just a few more unclaimed windows ana irames. arasticallv reduced. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Where narktne is not problem CALL 2-1196 Salem, eves. Lower prices xjumoer. amngies. snakes, hardware. I ftoortng. building material. Ted j MuDer. WANTED: GREEN LBR. Besaw cants, dimension and one Inch. S?rBl P- t-aus Oliver Bacon wire. a.ve. zzavo. 4S8 For But Miscellaneous 0 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- aers turn 1B7 a Uhertr Ph WWO USED Piano B L. Stiff S02 Bnsrnesa Oppui tiinMas 6500 Gallons ta NYner. Filling station ac garage. Ti. . ' " aeairso. wrila atoz co statesman. Spare Time Business OPENING in Salem and surrounding 4T.V.1 w , v moving very prof- no ha: ly in few hours weekly. SmaB cash hit. nq. iwz Ui. 510 Money to Lorrq FARM and CITY LOANS our own terms of repayment within I Z IOI aatats Con- CAPITOL KryTTrTrsr m np tjourt St Ph. 4-2283 PRIVATE Money tn 1. Ph tjmi AN EXTRA $100 FOR DECEMBER 183 S. 18TH. PH 3-rm. "u S1 " nur c" fTactical i ' ' W fJ l A. A.V. 8lll,r- ty or nmlC Mrs. Leia Frarler. Phnn. CURTAINS Washed and" Phone 23448 stretched. and Contract Contract WnrV Roads . Clearing . Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Jtental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-MOS Evenings 2-44O0 aaiem. Oieaon Co. by Ray ETTES, Call Shrock Motor Mill ISAAK'S BEST BUYS Sweetheart of Englewood Very spacious. 1 bed rooms on oaa floor. Bevel drop eeiSags. FbpUoa. Hardwood floors throughout. 14 by It living room, targe dining room. In- uiaico ana weauterstrlpp nice. ToUl terms. pries pped. Realhr tlSJOO. FJLA. 700 Rentals ttewpe, S'SP - 14VU for olo. Miscellanoou, 00:00 00:15 00:30 6 7 SSLM KOCO ROIN KGW KEX 00-45 Jfew Summary Music. Timekpr Farm News News Hodge Podge Farm News Koto Klock Hodge Podge Keep Smiling KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway asinstreis TWest. Melody !IN.Oin K.10CK Warm Time Keen SmiUng J News II I O A UT'fl W Tl A n uvnxAXMn - n,ir way -vacuum sweep er ana attaenments. Kenmore wash- Kig macnine. Rt. 3 Box 904, Salem. iwiictu Break. Gang iwiinstreis INet Nm jkoin Klock rarm Time Keen Smiling 22 HI Standard Cross- Station. L. Lester Target pistol. 1120 Break. Gang Koin Vl.fc i.r:,""'.. ILr. namDlin Muillpr j-,. lAf r1 "w Rioss News wiueuer News Old Sanaa Kbmn.u sirstEoiuon IM. Agronsky 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Kneass Nu.-a IBob Hazen 25r2n IJamily Alter WildW. Chureh iTrsila mi ConsumrNews fVaile News Top Trades KOCO Klr-lr IH. Babbitt iSam Hayes vrarred News 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KXXV Rest Haven (Trails West Scandla ZZtl7' OTMSUm BreakT Club BS " .w8 i a VIUO SJNewa JMuate Net News Stars Stag Wendy WarrenAunt Jennj Crosby Frnds. Uack Baker Wew ISUrs Today Rest Bam Tabernacle Kosemary Garroway Break, club LOCAL CHARIS CORSETIERE. MARY c mvLja. ma 5. 12th. WESTERN Red cedar XkDhon. and electric poles, fence posts and special owe" Phillips Bros RU t Box 118. Phnn. -3nitt STURDY, attracive nobby horses (3 to a. a reai gin trom Santa 3275 S. commercial or nnone Z-Z5T7 NEW and Used Yeater Amtliance Cn. eta Sewinc Machines. . 313 Chcmek- For shoooine- i . -extra Purchase aa little as "i 3w on Auto up to 8300 on Salary or Furniture. Come In, or phone first. Let us try and arrange your loan the same Persona' "id "yes" to over a million customers last year WE LIKE TO SAY "YE3" PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 10S S. Hleh St m. .... v 1 - cn. . "c- "- -iZ2 M.l C. R. AUen. Mrr UAbU - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem 'a larrest and Mmi Knm. hmu company oners money when you need it I Yo" ca Pay anytime to reduce net cost ! no enaorsera or feain ... ... XT V cks trailer nomes to 8300.00 un furniture, livestock. mhI nmant "laIT.0,oth personal property up Phone or visit Atl uS. - tUUITI near "Top Trades" 125 dsiw Vet u 8 'Kin Br-.n rOR LEASE-Large W. Salem ware house ana 2 blags, with plenty park- aa iss.. Mod. office, beat aV Rehts ut CkM tn basement for stars. large uncial rs warehouse with vator. Long term leases available Larsen Home & Loan Co. NICE Clean trailer house for senile man. mice location, close In. For IKA1LER HOUSE sleen 4 linih . irauer court. 1740 Oxford. 833 702 Slaeping Rooms. Board FURNISHED Warm sleeolna opacious ana nice. Reasonable, laa it. irinicr. j-093 705 Apartmenbi For Rant iyuu warm furnished apt. Close in 3 7904 "auiw. t-nvaie entrance. COZY 1 room apartment. 37l Marion 10 11 rs? ms esfe. g$sw KGW Brit n-M-.JpS.rkin". . ,'Pr- Malone SEE - LuTiheorhTh u 'Tla lreaBank -" muii 1 x rue story lEastor-s CaD Music '.f,110 Patterns iMyrt. Marge ?.elenTInt Sunday ."Test ITuneTest Quick rtash Quick Flash K8LM Ladles F1k KOCO Mac s Melody ears. DUTtOn Music Macs Melody IGuid. Light Break Rank rmie Story 12 1 em fair It-Viiaa rv t Z &y lcT MTiody iSaMv Dnuh n. MMh rC:..C ..". !'.rn wraka Brtehter n.i REX Betty CroekeV lijESEi.'? n?ir'. tollionalre ' ""Msniii 1 1 Jia vin amttw I KGW KMX KBLH Tots "rVakfaM rXTH 2Fm HoUywd. MuslclHollywd. Music irS- ""l04!. fews ICome Get It lrV" Koaa of Life "Ttrrs 1 noon Edition J. Kirkwood IJ. Kirkwol Magic Melody iMagic Melody Nona Nowhere JHilltop House Backstage wife (Stella Dallas Today's Tops Kay West I David Amity Pay KTs News House Party Pepper Young a. a KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Morgan Music t-niiosopher House Partv Haonins IMod. Romances 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX " ews IMusie f-r. t . . . KSi"rf Melody Mag' MelST i newiiiurKnam nwi ri-.ee i 1 viiivoiua r is 1522Sa.M,!S? IJuesday Musie BACKS & LINWGS FOR Wood Circulators Ar ranlt Stno Vs!Jev rurn. 285 N CoraT. Ph. S74T 1 GARDEN Fertilizers, rotted manure ana compost, natrock and ornamen tal rocks for garden and walls. Split cedar picket fences, rose trellis and TKV,1" 2roer made trom cedar. Phillips Bros. Rt. 6 Box 118. Salem rnune -oue l PING PONG ARtJte Portable, ton Sc stand pomnlt. V . .4 1 . . ""-assamoiea without ki lae"' Ior wora table, sewing . JO lu7 iaoie. cmiy szj.90. ivaaxii bkuwn LUMBER YARD Front Ac Court where Parkin Is No Problem DEEPFREEZE and Westlnanouse Home rreczers. x eater Appliance Co.. 375 -1 1 r 1 1 1 tr i e m KLECTRIC Heaters. RarUant and Fai iMicr Appuance (.0. 373 Chemek- i Clal OIL Circulators. New and Used. Yea" r iEi "ppuanre lo.. 3s Chemeketa 1 usea pianos S7s m u i t'u r urn FOR SALE: face beef. Stanton. General Finance Corp. D LJc- No S138 and M33S PHONE 3-8161 M S COM! n Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons ' s commercial St Dfc ste. 3 ROOM Furnished apartment Private pTranoe. wrm 8 lrth ROOM Court aaartanent. elwirlc rexngeratec. adults. 1664 S. fUAiiwnLu z ana I rot-m iptn. Mrrilll ZJIU rw slTn fMAMa 1 Tllia e. s- - m.i I,, i a ioorn iurniaUifi irurimni aiiyuirw fvw. yt winter. No peU or rh Mnhi LE APARTUEKTS. Union .1 Winter atppucanooa are now being taken for Studio, one and two womm apartments. SMALL Furnished a see Mr. Hammer on rUnent. All uu E. Waah- Apartllieata iterliallv turnkk. oT swaqteon. Z-34&3 urnianed aoart tttea ttirsistieal. art se HOlXV ed. AUTO LOANS 182 S. Church St PhT 2-24SI I NICE Furn. apt. lo?5 M. Capitol. Ph. Ins Anlntv I 3-ITTOS Lie. Parking Aplenty c. M159-S154 nTTrT LOVELY a room ana bath. All electric vestments ,4 or wnoie young white 3-8725. Pbone W. a Girl Marries Hollywood IPortia I Hollywood 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Plain Bill (Life Chance 4 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ch. of Comm'ce pi. of Comra'ct INews Wrkham Ne w. iArT Goalrev' YETr 1 Travelers lA.m. (Jay Stewart I Barnev ic.r. Magic Melody iimeniii Ifront Page rUfeChanot ruuti.i-A.UTJL Heauires na U'o.m. for your flc-ors or linnlnm v..... Attention Investors -U"VlKr 5 Paper Or S-overnment bonds into 10 or better net earn ings. We have an income property mrriwtm IVirt . . . w jier monin. uwner will sacrifice his equity for $43,000. Will accept good first mortgage or con tracts and some cover. What have uur Nelson & Nelson Multlnle T. let in nt. sua Pi . riigh t.VM appliances furnished Phnn. I.Tan 4 ROOMS At bath. Unfurnished excepl '"', icing rravor. in s. CapttoL . 11 inui. Travelers Jay Stewart Fulton Lewis women's Page United Art. UOdfrev Art rnw- Woman's Secrt (Life Beautifiil Hemingway nauoni Veteran. Behind Story IKostelanetz (News rt Godfrey Love. Learn narney Keep ISam Hayes in ec news ICurt Massey 600 Employment KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW f KEX lArt Godfrav Tbe Stars Sing' ESSST iSUS? fe E. R. Murrow (Goss News aa-U?1 fPter News Merrie Circle (Merrie Circle Appliance Co.. 375 Chemelrta Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock wrLFmXZFy .cntent, Ready CM T7-l iTlr '-uDurvT.e uaroen sand. Bull- I uuibu vd I COMMERCIAL Placement Agency shovel A drag line Phone 3-9949 WAattiAU Machines. New and Used. Zr nwBt i.o an Chemek- REFRIGERATORS." SEVERAL APTS. good location, com p. fum. Inq. H L. Stiff Furn 3-9183 NICELY, turn. apt. Close In. priv bam oath. 130. Ph. 3SCTS KCLUSIVE spacious garden court apartment. Rime ninoninr Adults. 2701. " 3 ftOOM unfumiabed apartment. 1363 woaoway. Water paid. $39. WU1 lease 1 Fear. One month free. Phone l-vii-j or 3-8643. 9 ROOM unfurnished apartment. 1363 Broadway. Garage. Water paid. 849. Win, lease for 1 year. 1 month free. Phone 3-5432 nr 3 ROOMS furnished, let door. YZ 849. 797 S. 25th. I 3 ROOM modern apt. with electric Heat ana COOklng. 738 B. Uth Phone S-948 after 1 p. m. Economy r5r v..yp.Jho,ln' U loeaUon. freshly redecorated Inside. A bucket f psdnt oa the outstde wtD. make Sdom- The total price at Near St. Vincent AU. a, a, . - nawwm ta very good cond1Uon;Corner lot. Garage. Paved T ' j "". xws home has f rI-a?2d ! wta A Gold Mine ims a mnr a snoaey maker cafe. Very low overhead. Doing enormous busfpasa. ThelocaOonU ZecoaTto IWU " amase when we SjfT you 'i? returns on this taveat-J-menxTha total price la Mr. Investor aL 500 food lockers. Bldg. almost nejv. Fast growine loeaUon, Income $8738.00 per year. Very little expense. CAJJ- Z?R kl. VAN KLTXCK. SAAK. EVE. PH. 43533. Happy Days in the Country Very nice home. Close to school. Own l,h" the city. Very ansious to seU. Total price $14,500 for 16 acres or owner will consider selling appro fr 112100 YouH be prid to invite your friends Into this one. 15 Acre Special. etodern home Barn. Garage. Chlrfcn bousaifor 800 chlcaaiis. DrfTtedSS. "w. i nuamtea frssa BOO Real Estate tC8 Hotrawe For Sole B50.Aatomotlve tSl Dead Cars For Sole A aJU3UFBCZ are lewsl wtth LI acre room bouse, etectrtctty. high w. mau ana weu at eg Stevtaa. M of Korth SanUen &tla2 ooor. Five cwaUy ovvrtLaiiiai at Ores on WaoaeO. LOW tnt Feed New Bunsilow a aa is. e . - ,f! ifT.rnV. rwxn. Att. gar. u i 11 as. SAcataa U tAee a mJT far 4 mo. T- isrr 18 Cfcee. $, 2001 fin. FJIA. aw-rtWe i.' IZi . . 1 :: 11 - - 2 C 4S. Jost ttmpteted Urre S BJL buns-.U- an. uniMi. nne ri u ansa. CaU east Caserr. TTa EAST TTJQO Walter Mussrave Realtors BB '41 CUEV. tuuHm upstairs. 1 acre other bolidtng lftalS !SAQ. esaa Sunany A' land. 1 End of Year Snecials abaawa a m SgWIUl f $545 rwv. saony not fizuatt. Att. 1 "yma siaatiu. am. - - in LfTF 8 B. a. bom. w. Fteori." Asrtasnauc hast. Att. Catted Caraea. ACROSS bn Waablngtea) SchTFlaa Hi. IMWML JLM fataBBsatsnsyeM - - Jr.b. eacnar 1st, raeaej - lav. M A WT toad cwupe ta ears Se t ess.. aUtteau Bteeasrtty liialnifl, ctesat ta- McCALLS TTT1 State r a ,Ote ffTf, ITiii Time IT. HUDS01NI ifk' Shroci; Motor Co. Kama nr tla rta nyrereta Srta Pai aUtcben. Att. Carmea. iT-.iT anenta MW a T YT r v.s av. x. iuereami or tA n,- i. c.i n " Bw 1, v - i M W AS veUC UIT . ill. iilfl ann R4ifnM I ITonmmeisiMi in S. Comm-I p AJCES AUi1001 UWDCT 1 nnsf erred T? F- r - s . & iMsiiBai 1 iiulI sa a k f n ar- essst Mwd. firs. down, ftreptece ta base- I -CTTeUl-UWeiia n Back yard. Prinal - TXAQE1 um is e .-... Joe ISToon chester SJU.T. rrriTT - nftot Ph. 3-0101 Ivsl 118 Wqpted. Recfl aUlaui tiaaa DOWN. We bev mora foOn TL, "!! ' type tbaa we ft ern r. . t.-r"mm 1,111 w- 1 . W 111 IU IW . JEEPS! 4-VHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES fA" CAFF RaAL EarTATE LiM wiu Calteia Land Cev' to as3 use w jl trade, tree aevrstaal wnbewt HAVE abb. b bvyers tor arrsaaia Se T. T. Aikoaraaa. mu Colhath Land Co. 883 Center 8-4U8 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Real ROOM furnished 4utpned. gJI N Call Portland TTt NICE Ctean. BaiVasd IS tarsal at "Ma 1 1 a - SLvLTlt oHtgs. ss an ft rn arranged. 5 Acres East wf 7 T from "". 80 x 88 Only 2 floor rhlrkea rT-vmHJk1- Couid be anatte P of tbas one is CFO, MR. LXAVZXS . MORTGAGE LOANS Al laak & Co.. Realtor wa PortUnd Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 2-7830 -asa or a-aue 700 Rentals 705 Aportnaemia For Reel rwjVATE 2 rooms tkarQy famhsSed "T;. fv . Adaute 849 707 H Far Rami t-tean modern ac warm 2 B B uniurn lined. aU electric Children dui no pets. 170. Also sTP-ms60, K,y" Bl 4371 su aVa1lABL i'or leese. very nco 4- owuunf. en crotaaa Creak. T basement automatic oil heat, 1 per month to imwaM lhu hom PecUUy good care - iifct to aTsiesman Bfv ITT 1 1 circulator, reft irei a tor. garseeT Pets or children. Refere ALL Electric 1 bed" mnnhM 11T ex. . iiS room n nath. partly fu? cvmpteteiy mooera. 147 M v i int 1 1 . NEW Modem- haUlae aUasasa aS 3. . SS2lfl.SliVmi,ii Prt neat- (MS I a . DaUy and Sunday Woea-dare OaJ Suadars Only ' ' rrU " L28 aaoatb LB mtmt Jt T , ,t ' BT man te Cregea. aJ"rmoa, ZZ t 1 la advaace) gj rear . uxt H asf. Aas raar i f U USA leaasra 1 . 71IZfr Oregon tSe Sts toas. I I TZTTia-a. ; 'te adv.! - lAaa year iu 155 S. Libertv F Steno. exp. 6 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX . KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW . KEX Gabriel Heater News Llfe-Lutgi Llfe-Luigi Hedda Hopper Hedda Hopper " uMumici mome dltlon lei., vi .Crosby !spru Huntlev New. M. Fanny Brica iFannv Brt. superman Sunermr N.Ul f T . . . i - mAA . .j i eater Annliance r 9711 r-v,. u I r cmmi.' gta I r - W. IC1. Phone 2-1488 4200 F Gen. off. elk. eta Before Doctor T K. Gram Swing Music Hall " , Maisia S. Armstrong Time Sanaa Music Jackpot Music Hall iMaisie IJ. Armstrong (Answer Mn .tNews Truth or Cons. IFlbt- Mrrf-. bannlbal Cobb 1W.C. Rambtera ix wiiignt Meditat. Time People Funny Top This? 0 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Liberty Song Liberty Sports Lowell Thomas 1 Man's Family Met Auditions ISam Haves itt Keys Truth or Cona. looer luccee nememoer IWjC Ramble-. Mid-Court uard Show eopie Funny Top This? fLfbertySong tConcert r.R? ILiberty Sports Jack Smith World News (Met Auditions 9 KSLM , Ciena Hardy KOCO k Liberty Sports KOIN ' Mystery Thtr. KGW "BobHopa KEX Town Meeting Fulton Lewis Liberty Sports Mystery Thtr. Bob Hope Town Meeting Da vid Rose Liberty Sports Wr. Mrs. North tSaddles-Guna ISaddlea-CMtte Mr. Mrs. North :-avaicaae JDetective news JBeulah JBig Town IMonitor News 10 5iM tv Mystery INewsreel KOCO FromCiro's (From Ciro's KOIN $ Star Final U & World IDetecUve Barbershoa IClublo Blg Town rVoices in Song INews Music U Want fTex Beneke hooopius IMusic-U-Want Mcenne , oympnonette ISymphonette l lfsiln? ioltfe"810 rna- ta, 1 1 5 ksrs Concert Hour IConceTHou? CncertHou? tgo'n'ce ffJggTZZ&'E: i-ffi 2P World Review" Women; 11:00 Oregon School clth, A Th- s is nnSfV,.ChUdrcn' Women; 11 -00 The Concert Hall: lEbo SDorteT!l,,h- si Pbe-i 550 fews; P m. Noon Farm Hour; 1 :00 Robertenint?1. 6:U Woe Em Cowboy; l:i5 Errand of CaSL. lLA:3!,-.,;RoujaCI the fUrcy; 1:30 Melody Lane lTtt Read- ucatw!iS 455? cPe of Ed- Inr for Fun; 2 .-00 The World is Our aSaL.I:1iir!nm . Farra Hour; Affair; 2:30 Memory Book of Mud? fj Human Adventure; 8:30 Electricity M0 The NewsiTu M c4 teeMas StllL.aNw" ?1d Weather 8 $0 fara: 40 Oregon Reported 4 aSFayoT- iteT'l Osig'offf Kwnto Mcd' I SVl PAWte! 11 mi "--iis- Kanges. Mew and tri Yeater Appuance Co. 375 Chemek- I F Bkkpr, gen. off r Typist, exn. finrl comptometer odd SOUS I S5p"- mach- PP j'pi.i., un, tip, $173 up I $160 -9166 I -Business Directory- A littfM1 star e Astrrveae 1171 tin I jnriyni.iEB 111 ALL MAKES adding mac tunes and $183 Wontad. MlaceDrrn" renodts $170 a us typewriters sold, rented, repaired Hoen. 456 Court. Phone 3-773. $200 NEED FURNTTUBF. I f Sec-bkltpr, WW cash.Immedi.te appraisaL lSZSr:.?l.?J !?! toe uiena Woodry Furni- I '" saiary or comm. APPUANCK 6KEV1CK CTutter's Appliance Repair 2-4i87 Ranges Waterheaters Washers sura aurt. or Ph. ana PHONE US NOWtt . we buy anvthine n v.i.. Uif i...... . MnuAincA ana 606 Help YY anted, fermrfe Hotpoiat wiST'SLS- ",nd "5P".Prs- City I HOUSEKEEPER. Phone 2-7209. 22975. . weuwu ior general housework I AuTOMOBrLK ft vir "l ciuia. new home. All modern Mnvmimm n. 2-5390. ttendis. Kel vtna tor and saiea and Service. Ralph i pnance, J5 center St. Phone 2-2188. V EATER Appliance Cu 78 Cstatssu Pr. er-4311 . WANTED TO BUY any Quantity, tbickaesa ar .1. i llSafeSi 3S&Z&ft& Sllb ai Persons Wantect bVTTu Tl Sionaw Hwthway or Euwne. Oregon P.O. Boraorphoe REPAIRS Complete Chevrolet ssi stea. Dssiim iwcr.av .nevroit ca.. N. OomX ELECTRICAL IUVICI Electrical Wiring or Serrioa. Vlbbert EJectrtc Phone S-gOJl. . ki . r,''J" ogs ; . f"inx. nign puces paid ph. Y5"Lr" standard Pole A .... ,r nnr iikts top fs.h . . ,4.J1 J' .,plfce oia tor logs and hlr rrlimber.- Wert Salem Lum ber Co Phone 3-9583 evenings 3-6734 74 Miscellaneoiie Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE CT MOST f A era D-J .. .. ' DR. H s"pVv 2IllU2 1 4.1.1. -i,rrri- "'"."si OS State. 476 fuel PERMANENT POSITION Nationally known opening in local store for to train as sales represenUtive. Only apply if you are willing ta work for a definite future. Startine ui. ary $50 per week. Apply AM. at Singer Sewing Machine Co, 138 M. 612 Work VVcmtaML jvlale CARPENTSrr work. Any kind. Reas- vamatw, sBacseay steam. Pbooa 42054. . m 616 Siruanons Wasted Nancy's Nursery Ph. 24940 i-fcULD Care. Pbone 38024, UM &hio- I FCRNITPatK 8tEFTJrigWJt61 specialists at refmsshmg eat 8t antlmie fum lee Bros. Ph a-TOCl. HKATTNO Judson s. 279 N. Com! Ph. 1-4141. " WOPSFWOLB PW-OetJCTS J. R .Watkias C& nroAtMrlm. 11X4 a Coml- Bakem. Ph. S-ajn. Free deL IVat'StAWCS Joe W. HutchM Ph 23828 fire. ante. SabU wNMownts aHAJiPKMl W aVr v w SfHttt 147 Sa ComT ta Call t lowTTwo rrrrrmi Miems exclusive UghUif store. 8M waiTRgaggs PAINTING PAlNttNG L mates. H. 3-jWn7 PLASTfcltrNg brhangiAg. Fsee estT- " Wood worth, Pbone SPECUU2L tn repair work. Free rrU- Pi ceneraT wB..uuvi. repair ana seseana. tTa cstvr A Maer 870 S Cowl Ph 1 rrrV Judnini ITS . .---t EZ 1 . 1 - J - - ..w. . -ii. AMI) AND AiAtfL WAUutNU bANb and .uaI1'i V? Crushed rock For roads and drive way. Cement RMd.nn Garden sand BuUdozfaa drains e A pf-. tu snwet and drag line j r OKTAAIAL " LA V Iff aauneosraDiuna. diruim counting. Sbirlev's Letter Shop. 471 v""T, r-none siwoi SKtTU TANKS VA.t.VUM Pumptna. No nuieaae Chaise CaU us colled. Tadda Septic Tank omr.ee, m-m Larsen gt ft. 8-4T34 ggamworkk Phony aUKarS beptai harrma Tanas mteeei Kotarv aa t w aa e a -as. w g y sa Kiee Rotary aerrtee oa as era aretna Blade. tanks, vacuum J'" "mre. MKrJUI Sana. IM Ma 'LS.VTHliLSi PMiNU A decorating. First fter A MJft PAiNttNo pArrarNO l.JLiW A linn tin oV.T!T. !iTrr I A"iiv A decoratina. First class JERRY JOHNSON. PHONE te34l STQU. ' ' """""""I X2rr- Low as 913 per room. Phone PAINTING .na paperhanams. Free 'AiNiiNb and paperhanama. Fi estimates $57 Shloouig. Pb. e-a31X Cwttma euvtea. Septic t. L. Howard. lem. PlL 8-63TT. i-UMPLATS Repair oervws All aW Free estimate - Work Guaraateed Raloh JfthiHm s.n. AJi reoeireA t-LMrjt The Blind biaa rS a-Tia"" wu DrUitng - lAiwisstis. imisttua tadustrtal B. A -"-irn is 8aia at WILL liinJTwlT A. Kneed A teona. liui firaaka SU X-4oa. Stnos 1801. all electric I nan;v r i.ii 11 an m . Baxr55m rc water beater, wired for ranae. Inoulre 1S4 M mk aEDROM"iurnisrW house at iiiT TZIi .Tfl ar "emawa SchooL 1 . J imi Mm v . FURNISHED eotuis lis tnTC uuiauea. 827 N. Liberty at. 3-7rst7 701 Wonted1 to Rest LIST wtth Cotbatb Land Co to rent row property. e grt the of collections rantel and take rare raoae 8-4933. 714 Bnsdnaeta .Mtrr,, Jeee wttA TvM IHrimlnisai Tee. nr paasL U42 Jes wttfe ma cioOj Tarn. 1848 Jeep wtra Steal cab. tMI tTOtys atedae Mm. NEW WILLYS nd a ryL Stettea Wagaaa i rataaiie and Jeeps Immediate Delivery While They Last it ELSNER MOTOR COMPANY ass w. mew sr. PHONg .tK "We Are in the Market FOa LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO- ru at-et BTCSrxESS Bteaea far rrat. Busy atreei. I TSi.-rr .Z xrmm - "T.TJ inmrtre 9 MMrtea PL I u.UiT l oupe, read vA 8H- cmacslra I "TL ' 'I4- 4 aaa A u. aart 9-4oas ar 9-iau ewe. TOontatesmaa saTifiTTi or na axsxxatto rxx&s Tea AasaeUted FTtaa ta eaUUed eidsolrtly to the awe leg rrnUlcAtiae aU tee lecal ae-wa prtalad la teJa aarwaaeycr. aa wa M AT erwa 'fVra. MTsTETl rACXTXC CO AST DmiKM OF BCIXAC OF An f La iixxxQ arWtWna tlBdaeillsHne Wart-OrtgUlJ Ca Nr. Tart. rhUnv ft" .mrr tuncxao or csacuLATioN SLRSClUmON EATXa DAILY CROSSWORD ACJtOSS t-Hgrolrs 5. Kind of moo t. Fainoug xniiatoii (Tax) 10. iAnruishea IT Twist out of aha pa U. Part of an hour 14. PoJrnealaa drink 15-Cartlnr vehicles lLProeotn lT.BhaJry lNottrUhc4 20. A cream, fined, trusted cake 2LQ&Mrue 22. A comic aectloa 2LMu8lcal Ingtrameat 2trortlrnera 29. Before St. YB?oelavisa eUstrlct SLBtBrr CNcsstxve reptjr 8. run of X. As Advocaia liA. gmj XlacMgrooa Sac 450a,rTlag lf.Vartet7of cabbage U.1 XL) 7. Sky rod 23. Scheme CBAbyU SCSaika. chapel t.Cofiadoua 1L Shabby lXWomaa ruler oCa family ttkrl ti .Tti rjttAf&klii't itlllJ sOfif'poaa.) 2S.Oortaoea 27. A deep-black tneulalkrj 2AVahiataa rer S3. Packliix tarxts Tsateraafs 22. Blase 2X Period Of tine 14. Seaman lBJ&eB0U sx: SXElrdWak SAIlastof faaaBy SAKarrats ST. Trap SAKladof tavaad SAOrxxna caTsirht 48. Toe DO Wit LOfthaEUri I 3 wf 11 " u Mi BT pS- y-1 WrTW. ue