Sprucing Up for Legislature JOflia YflB fesr. to At GrwrA f Or - v KUNDBD 1651 100th YEAR 12 PAGES Tn Oracjoa Slat mem. Salm, Oregon. Tueodcrr. December 28. 150 Pdc Se Ko. Z7S Beath Toll Hears All-Time Record V Holiday Cf When the state legislature convene! in Salem next January t the capitol building will be in apple pie order, ready for any needs the colons may have. T. F. Mailer, 666 S. Summer st, refinishes the senate president's desk as Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry looks en. All the committee rooms, offices of the president of the senate and speaker of the house, and senate and house Jounces are being completely painted and decorated for the first time since the capitol was built in 1937. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photog rapher). - V Statehouse Legislative Machinery 'Oiled', Ready To Start Working Jan. 8 Oregon's legislative plant here is undergoing a complete renova tion Job as plans for the 1951 legislature to open January 8 near completion.. State election bureau officials said all legislative supplies nave been ordered. The secretary of . state reported that assignment of legislative seats and other pre-legislative details probably would be ; completed witmn a wees or 10 days. Virtually all legislators, to gether with legislative employes from outside of Salem, were said to have obtained housing accomodations. Hotel operators said they had received a larger number of room reservations than in recent years probably due to the shortage of Violent Deaths Take 648 By the 'Associated Press Traffic deaths for the Christmas season mc jnted to the highest score in 1' years and threatened to break the all-time holiday record. With the three-day yuletide period coming to a close, at least 506 persons had been killed Li traffic accidents since 6 p.m. Fri day. Miscellaneous accidents such as fron. fire and exposxr-e claimed. 142 addition; lives. The grand total of violent deaths thus reached a staggering 648. The pr. -holiday estimate of a 440 traffic toll by the national safety council was far surpassei. All records were shattered since the all-time high for any holiday of 555 traffic fatalities marred the 1C36 Christina span. M. E. Horner, news directo. of the National Safety Council, Mon Ivacioatedl 10fh Corps Shifts to Sooutlh) Korea ROac Says ffffepsiive ESairedl Top Red Secret: States Ill-Fated Ato Eert I Christmas Gifts toramanuer 01 Drive 'Saved' Korea Task Force Distributed at Takes Over U.N. Forces OtF 0CEI33JO0 TOCDDCg TOKYO, Tuesday, Dec. 26-(rV General MacArthur said today the United Nations November of fensive and subsequent retreat from North Korea had exposed "secret political and military de cisions of enormous scope. The U. N. offensive, which be gan November 24, probably saved his armies from total destruction, MacArthur said. - MacArthur said operations , be ginning with ' the U. S. Eighth armv s attack and ending in with- day night sa:d that "at the rate drawal from all U. N. positions tramc aeauis are mounting, tne in North Korea had exposed "se ar ar ar s : j mz 4. i ... a. i . . . . . .... aao recoru is aemuiei inreai- cret political and military deciS ened. ions of enormous scope. The 1950 yule season greatly The allied tactics, he said. overshadowed that of last year "threw off balance enemy military wnen the most the war. of destroying our force with one More than 1,000 auto accidents mighty, extended blow. took 11 lives and injured 900 'Final Test' of Chinese persons in the city of Los Angeles MacArthur said the U. N. ad alone this Christinas period. Police vance "was the final test of Chin- arrested 362 drunken drivers and I ese intentions.' 1,222 persons for drunkenness. "Events subsequently have dis- An auto crash killed three mem- closed that neither - political nor bers of a Mount Morris, 111., military reassurances cciild have family The parents and a five- had the slightest influence upon year-old son. A four-year-old the momentous decision underly daughter, who was injured, was ing Red China's committment of left an orphan. her forces to war, Two persons died and a third "The Eighth army and affiliated was missing in an early morning U. N. units met powerful enemy t -lo that whipped through the resistance along the enure lin basement of a two story building resistance which unmasked the TOKYO. Tuesday, Dec ll-UPi General MacArthur i quarters today announced signment of Rear A dm. Ralph A. Ofstie, one of the navy's top atomic experts, as commander of task force 77 of Korea.. Ofstie succeeds Rear A dm. E. C. Ewen. He will have under his , command the carriers Princeton, . Valley Forge, Phil ippine Sea and Leyte the fast carrier force that took part in the successful withdrawal of U.N. forces from Hungnam. During World War II he serv ed -on .the staffs of Admirals King and Nimitz HE Institutions Pickets Ask aaowea tnai oi last year "tnrew on balance enemy military . 413 highway deaths made it preparations aimed at surrepti- II r g t A 17 Alii ost tragic Christmas since tiously massing the power capable 1JVC IU xlYUlll 'Nazi' Army in downtown Omaha. 5 Christmas apartments and furnished houses. Tl ... T Rental rates for hotel rooms and DCLOIGS DOTTt ; In Mid-Valley other housing accomodations were reported slightly higher than dur ing the legislature two years ago, For the first time in many years I the state department has on hand I an arieauate sunnlv of tvnewriters Tn W well-known essay on "The i,ii- a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Hamilton, 63Z Catterlin dr., are for legislative use. A substantial Significance of the iTonuer m number of Oregon codes were pur American' History", the historian chased to distribute among legis FV J. Turner quotes from Josiah la tors and law committee clerks. Royce, an American philosopher, Patterson Expected m v vaiu of sectionalism in a c , t.i Dan wiicWn m iint onlr civc variety J';";?,.Z" parent, of the boy; Mr. nd Mr,. opuuon wwti i xo comer wiui onioais ana in-i . -j fai srounds. .attt .homhi., nn A Pr of seven pound-eleven Here in the United States the John Steelhammer, Salem, sched tendency has been toward stand- uled for speaker of the house of ardization and centralization. The representatives, already has in most potent influences have been spected the house setup. It was fiction of 'volunteer' participation and disclosed the massive deploy ment of the Fourth Chinese field army, an important segment of the entire Chinese Communist military strength x x x. EOK Overwhelmed 'Despite their initial valiant re sistance, some of the ROK (Re public of Korea) forces were over whelmed by this massive array, This exposed the Eighth army's right flank and required its with drawal. These withdrawal opera tions, made in accordance with DENVER, Dec. 25-(JV Protest ing the proposed re-arming of western Germany, three Denver housewives today picketed the home where General Dwight D. Eisenhower is spending Christmas. The picketing, by two women of the Jewish faith and one Chris tian, was brief and orderly and was attributed to fears that re arming of the Germans might re store nazl policy and lead to slau ghter of countless Jews. State Institutions of the Salem area paused Monday for special Christmas observances. A big turkey dinner "with com plete trimmings and lots of sweets was in order at most of the Insti tutions: Christmas trees and the tangible evidence of a Christmas spirit and old Santa Claus were In evidence throughout the various state build ings. At the tuberculosis horpiUl most of the patients opened Christmas presents Monday around trees in various parts of the hospitaL Most of the gifts had been given "special delivery" Sat urday when Santa Claus made the rounds with a cart piled high with special gifts. Family members and friends vis ited the hospital by the scores Sunday and Monday. During mid afternoon yesterday a one-hour program of recorded Christmas music was played over the public At Fairview home the big din- I I ner was a special event at noon. It left the evening supper crowd with but nominal appetites, of ficials noted. They said that hundreds of gifts .were distributed throughout Fair view, notably many toys and sweets for the children. Officials expressed their thanks to Salem townspeople and many others whose thoughtfulness made it pos- V ... .V i f r . . Red Invaders Now2HI0es From Seoul TOKYO, Dee. 24-LL Gem. XaitWw XL Kldrway, k ai Mn4 la Tekye Uday U take iwnl f the U.S. EUhth army fKkttsvg U Keeea. (AT HlrepWto) Seeking an audience with the sible that all at the home received military leader who is charged some gifts. with shaping Western Europe's de- The 58 girls at Hillcrest school fenses against Communist aggres- had a good time on Christmas and sion, the women marched in front were -tj tired ouf by t p jn. of the nome or Mr. ana irs. jonn orflcialf there reported. Gener S. Doud, Eisenhower s parenU-ln- ouglty of Salem area folk hered w. i nrovirt arh rirl with t Vratt The placards they carried read: three gifts, supervisors said. "We have not forgotten Lidice. One Salem club sent a scarf for uucnenwaia. uacniu maidcne. ucn girl at Hlucrest: a woman Conferences Call Truman From Vacation Five Christmas babies were born in the mid-V. illamette valley, a check with six hospitals late Mon day revealed. I i.T.' o,.,w t,4 I Czech village of Lidice, wiped out I nof riv Brin!. fmm ru. A boy and a girl were born ri' r"r 3 br the Germans in World War HI ,iVM nift- and to tnree ox me more notorious of Nazi death camps). INDEPENDENCE, Mo, Tc 13- ue- President Trumaa will rut By EeWrt TOKYO. Tuesday. Dee. 24-UT). General MacArthur announced to day the awressful redeployinMi of United Nations forcee try mm from the Hungnara beachhead ittnetere with the U, S. eigheh army in Korea. The U. N. rommander made tne announcement In Korean war turn nunique No. U. He did not eUk orate oo his use of the word uw ' ture." However. UaJ. Gen. Ed ward M. Almond said on ChriwW mas day that his tenth corps troons ' were either at sea off Hungsam r already in the Pusan-Ponang ron. centratlon area" on the eeviheeat ern Korea coast, The communique did not mw$ whether the historic aeaborne withdrawal of 103,000 tenth corns troops from the northeast mm new defense line across the Ko rean peninsula, south of the S?n . parallel. It such a line were briM ' organized It would be snattrr ef highest military security. MuiM Ka4 Breathing fire and vowing to fight anew, the first of the Amer ican, South Korean and mm British troops of the U. S. tenth corps already were ta positk around Piuaa and Pohang, ta Ur southeast Korea. Their last man and last gun. plus about 100.000 atttt-cxnmuntai North Korean civilians, sailed from the demolished port of Hunt- nam on Christinas ere. The tenth corps remained la tact. fighting army wUh its pons and suprCiea. Keeaarkabte Feat The deliberate, orderly retire ment was completed Chrtrtm eve. ILailed as one of the moat re markable aecotcrUshinrets of tnodera warfare. It was announced on C&rlatmaa day fort atx ntontna to tne oay aner the 5ortet-tratne4 These references were to the wnt $25 for gifts for girls who did "hort Christmas vacation and I North Korean army Invaded la&I.yjrZ any such eventuality', were skiil- wuriaunas hi. oicinwi ..11- onrtiirt-rf without Iojm f cohesion and with all units re maining intact. The gallant Second Infantry division and the equally gallant Turkish brigade, being directly ouMe yrwe e boT rSalem ePsed r ap torn through jyf ?fe., SI ROK forces, took the heaviest at tendant pressure, but the enemy Memorial hospitaL The parents opened mas eve between a candlelight service and midnlfht mass. Two hundred thousand re- A crouo of carolers added a armed Germans mean a nazl army. I Christmas towch at the state pen- win you ieaa nazis, r. mku- itenUary. Officials said the carol- hower? en were Dermltted to naia throurh seph Short said the cresldears A Nazi army will not bring the turnkey's office to serenade decision is not due to any specific peace. Do in men and women Inmates. I evenu anon va reponrs wus fly back to Washington tomorrow for conferences with Secretary of State Acheson and Secretary of Defense Marshall on the situs lion La Korea and other defense prob lems. Presidential Press Secretary Jo- centripetal rather than centrifugal. I expected most new ; senat ors and Trudgeon, Jefferson, whose son ? TSSlftS Greater reliance on me represemauves wuum ue hsmk"- was named Kenneth Earl, government, extension of federal ed to seats previously occupied by Mr. and Mrs. D. H. WendeL Al are Mr and Mrs Frank Stott. tendant Pressure- DUt enemy They identified themselves to Otherwise, a big holiday din- snernoon: i want to empnasixe Idlnht" who Mm ed their ot balan.ce ln? of reporter, as Mrs. Lee Wood. Mrs. ner was the mala change from that nothing new or critical has Vrn- . anrt Mr nnri Mn Far! I viBuwu. I HaUS JUmaenauer ana xwrs. OUUD I "wuuin tui uim l,tiv uuniwi. authority into what once were regarded as local realms, unifica tion of thinking and of customs and standards through riodern means of mass communication all have encouraged greater unifica tion. Yet Mr. Justice Btandeis, in -one of his opinions, pointed out the value of having states which weir preucwessors. Dany route l. are parents o' a The senate and house caucuses, seven pound-six ounce daughter, P- Salem to be held Sunday night preceding the opening legislative session, promise to excel in interest those of two years ago. At the senate caucus Senator Patterson is ex pected to present his previously announced nlan to reduce the could permit of experimentation I membership of some committees on limited scale. I and abolish others. The effect of extreme decentrai- Although most legislators lzation. however. IS noted in a narentlv favor this nlan there are Portland i-vomt rmok on the "Greek City-1 nthm nrhn fel tha nrnnnl SanFrancisco k- ValMsan rrumsn Sho I 1 1 Ti S-hlCgO owki ik.wiii.vi . . ... w. ii u 11 1 mo several seuaie uieiuucis takes nine ox tne ancient ciues oi 0f committee chairmanships. the Greek world rrom jvuietus to R..k Joln4 Mtinr A proposal that senate and house tax committees meet jointly throughout the session probably will be presented at both cau cuses. The ways and means com mittees of the two branches have met jointly for many years and the only Christmas day birth re ported at Albany General hospi tals, and the two Dallas hospitals reported no Christmas babies. Acragas in Sicily and tells their story. It is a story of brilliant achievement, yet one of failure to achieve unity. The city-states re mained separate, fighting each other, and subject to revolts with in themselves. Yet Dr. Freeman is exploitation of the break-through which would have imperiled the Eighth army. Forces Divided "Fortunate presence of the Tenth corps on the enemy's flank forced him to divide his forces and thus further weaken his of' tensive - capabilities achieved at that stage of his build-up opera tions against the Eighth army. 'In its broad implications X consider that these operations, initiated November 24 and car ried through to this redeployment. have served a very significant purpose possibly in general re sult the most significant and for- FIRE ROUTS 4 PERSONS tiinatA rif anv ranriurtovi ritirinff I the course of the Korean cam- PORTLAND. Dec. 25--Fire paign. routed four persons from beds In "The might of a major military a two-story house in southeast nation was suddenly and without Portland today. Another suffered warning thrown & pains t this rela- minor burns before the flames Slnca start of weather rear. Sept. 1 I tt j kn omm MintmllMl with riama e ten This Year Last Year Normal " . . " " , .-. - 7V 26.45 for the 1,179 Inmates. Clute, all of Denver. They all "Most of them ate so much that said they greatly admire Eisen- they've got stomach-ache right hower but fear re-arming of now," a captain said Monday Germany. Mrs. Wood said she has night. a 19-year-old son awaiting draft Boys at Wooburn training school induction and "I don't want him had a full Christmas that Included Short said the Washington talks would take place at Blair house tomorrow night and would con cern these three things: 1 The arrangements that are being made for Gen. Dwight D. to be an all of the people who gift opening in the rooming, mo- Esenhowrr! depirturt for Europe hi UK? VPG&tWKjQ New York Max. 31 5 52 20 35 Min. Precip. 41 M 48 trace 45 trace S Jl 25 trace butchered so many millions of our vies in the afternoon and a has- people." Mrs. Lindenauer also Is ketball game at night. Jewish. About half of the youths st the Through one of the military po- Woodburn school were permitted licemen guarding the home. Gen- to go home for Christmas, offic eral Eisenhower elayed word to lals said, leaving 93 at the institu te women: There is nothing I tion yesterday. All received sev- can do. As on Jider. I merely follow instructions." will! eral gifts, visors. Willamette river 4.0 feet. FORECAST (from U. S. weather bu reau. McNary field. Salem): Cloudy this morning becoming partly cloudy this afternoon and tonight. High to day near 54 and low tonight near 39. SALEM PRECIPITATION 13J0 15.91 I without attaining a decision.' tatively estimated at $2,000. not assured that political unifies-1 i;o1;.. ,- K. j; ' UUU WUUXU UAW Ul (WIU for ancient Greece. It might have stultified the development which the individualist Greeks achieved (Continued on editorial page 4). . Animal Crackers By WARREN GOODRICH to take the supreme command ef the newly created combined west European defense force. 2 The requirements for the situation In Korea In the light cf Chinese communist activity there. 2 Problems of studying pre- according to super- I pa redness at home. The presidents secretary said Mr. Truman's decision to put for ward the time of his return to the capital, originally scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, came as a result of telephone conversations with Marshall and Acheson. "The president has only so much time to give to all his prob- san rRANrisrfY tw 5S-s I lems,- snort saia. -ana n was oe- Rear Adm. George W. Bauer, re- de4 that It would be better If Mred. waa fnirvrf AA in hla anart- he could clear Up Some of these Admiral Found Hanged by Noose Of Christ ma 8 Ties South The North Korean tnvaoeea were smashed bock and scattered, and lust one month ego U. aV. tenth corps troops stood on Korea northern border facing Bed Man churia. Today, however, no United Ka tlons forces remained north of tfee ttOx parallel, the old tortn-eoua frontier that split Korea ta half. The vast armiee of Communis China had Intervened, farcing Mm U. 5. eighth army ta the west in ha a hasty Ltd-enUe retreat, and snia sicg destruction of the tenth corn . only because of the historic beech head withdrawal. XI UOm Away Today the red Invaders had edged wiihia 21 mile of SeouL the southern capital, ta tfco pre liminaries of an all-out ofienatv. They had threatened to launch II on Christmas day, but tt failed come. U. N. commanders were luLOami st extricating Cv combat divi sionsthe U. S. First marine divi sion, the U. S. Third and Sereeta, and the Republic cf Korea (ROK) Third and Capital it tri firms from the icy wastes ef northeast Korea against overwhelming numbers of communist troops. Optimism was tempered Christ mas day by the menace of an Im pending ftganOe CMnea Com munist off ensive in the west. U. N. troops braced la their ley foxholes Christmas tor the blow. erated satisfactorily and had con served time. Steelhammer was expected to announce members of the house ways and means commitee sev eral days before the legislative session so they may meet in Sa lem early in January and go over the state budget with the state budget director. 336-Pound Stone of Scone. Symbol of Scottish Nationalism, Stolen from Westminster Abbey m . . i - t .1. - ment today Police said his body I I presumably at night eWsoTS was Hanging in a doom fashioned i .. . I Korean poslttotis. hi from Christmas neckties. s ZZ Bauer. 74. was prominent in San mc"r" preprui By Tom Ochiltree LONDON, Dec. 25-vP)-Thieves Rep. Henry' Semon, Klamath fjed motivated by intense Falls, probably will be selected as chairman of the house ways and means committee, legislators said. He has served in this capacity at previous legislative sessions. Drafting of Bills Drafting of a bill based on the recent report of Dr. T. C. Holy, inVolving a survey of the elemen tary and secondary school systems of Oregon, is now in progress, Rex Putnam, state superintendent of Scottish nationalism stole the an cient stone of Scone from West minster abbey today. The priceless relic is a central fixture in the coronation of British kings. The thieves conducted their get away so well Scotland Yard de tectives and police throughout Britain still were without a clue after an intense Christmas day hunt. Nationalists and even the more public instruction, reported. These moderate home rule advocates in j bills, following introduction, will be referred to the education com mittees of the senate and house. I Holy's report , contained approxi mately 175 recommendations. First bill to be Introduced will Scotland cheered the news that the stone had been removed from the abbey where It had rested since 1296. In removing the 336-pound stone, the thieves broke a large "Manhattan, Martini or Antv-freeser authorize an appropriation rang- splinter off the leg of the corona' ing from $150,000 to $175,000 to tion throne, the oldest piece of aeiray part ox tne legisiauve costs. I furniture in the abbey. Twenty Other similar bills will be Intro-1 seven monarch have been crown- duced as the session progresses I ed on it including Britain's tires and previous appropriations are ent ruler. George VI. I exhausted. I The stone had rested under neath the throne. Its position sym bolized the union of the crowns of England and Scotland in the 17th century. John MacCormich, chairman of the Scottish covenant move ment, said whatever the outcome of the "present adventure he hoped the stone ultimately would be kept in Scotland except on coronation occasions. He continu ed: "The Stone of Destiny (Scottish name for the stone) properly be longs to the people of Scotland. Under the terms of the treaty of Northampton in 1328 the stone. which is the ancient symbol of Scottish nationality, was to be re turned to Scotland, but that treaty was never observed. Nearly 2,000,000 Scots last year signed the Scottisa covenant, a petition for a greater measure of home rule along the lines of that enjoyed by northern Ireland. Supporters of the covenant have made it clear they are completely loyal to the king. However, small extreme group in Scotland desires to cut all ties with Eng land. Between the two groups are other grades of Scottish national ism. , Nigel Trander, a Scottish coven ant leader, said: This venture may appear fool ish and childish on the surface but it will have the effect down south of focusing attention on Scotland's complaints.' Francisco club s dirties. He had served In both world wars and was active in naval reserve work. He hsd been 111 for several months. Helpful Push Breaks Arm Perle Mesta Gives Party for Orphans LUXEMBOURG. Dec IS-0P)- Six hundred Luxembourg orphans today went to a "real American Christmas party." It was given by Mrs. Perle Mesta, the U.S. min ister. The kids came to the "Salle dea Fetes," normally used only for I -f- vy -i. traa Washinrton. Km positions, had said tho Chinese would attack "an Christ mas" and urged South Koreans surrender because they would be outnumbered four to on. Eeds KeeonneUer General UacArthurs neadQua ters announced that host.ie units of undisclosed six recotmotteroC the Sinsan are, only 21 rriTV north of SeouL Other red unit were poised from tl to 12 snOa northwest and northeast of SeouL At this critical Juncture, LL i Matthew B. Rldgeway, the commander of th U. S. Cghfls amy arrived ta Tokyo Monday PORTLAND, Dec. 25 -V A friendly but impulsive motorist gave Carl H. Drake. Portland, a Christmas present: a broken arm. I diplomatic and civic occasions la I ct, T. Gen. Walton H. WaJk- sji a as. e? am ( r BLaiiiru uii axaear v-aj" a a x law rai i la taaa. an auniaii v blaa cu m a - - m -i m evesMf at as naaa an While the theft generally was lumbla river highway east cf her, from orphanages In all parts of lh ' iLlAL believed to be the work of Scot- Drake crawled underneath to in- grand duchy. At Seoul-Ulosely menaced fee tish extremists, the possibility re- vest! gat. , r Santa Claus stole th show as I ZTJZr. w mained that pranksters had re moved the stone. The stone, known to date back at least 1,100 years, measures 26Vi by 16 by 11 inches. A Urge rec- Then th motorist drove up, k dealt out a toy and Items of asked Mrs. Drake if he couidlwaxm clothing to each of the or-1 neip, ana oeiore sn couia sxop rhans. uuu -vtsu yiixiiiia; uimm.m w. Drake was taken to a hospital tangle Is roughly outlined on th I her with a broken arm, shoulder I ITDC COUTLS SPLIT groans when a rightful soverign . . w110?.- IvS An it rmt remaina silent be- cnrvrxK VAIN C. sL Mrs. Barbara Tufts, wife of Actor red fore, th South Korean na tional assembly decided ta journ. It plans to reconvene next month, "probably ta Pnxaa," reliabl source said. Th last man and last vhkl safely Quit th Hungnsrn bearn- head la the northeast at 2-1! pj Uiaua. w asui iJ.au rr; :r:7Z iu , .v; c,m(l.. neneral Almond said neath a conqueror. ..TOKYO. Dec. 2WGenerai norm u, tT7ZA .llaaAAr. England's Edward I brought the MacArthuri neaaquarters saw to- v cvrTT I vwTAdm. C. Turner Jor con. stone to Westminster In 1296 from day th Communist China radio at from her u She said sb XLL inZ 5 old abbeFof Scon. In Perth- Peiplng had warned the United had Ud ZIT rl sstS IhS v. .i v- c.y. c.m mvwm a vart out at Korea aoon would fU Suit to tnd VWIT 1 1 ar x-an, sato. im ""7 oa m mrr 1 iia, arrlaen. 1 w left behind was th aunzs were cmwucu. i m