The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 The Statesman Saleny P- jrUrdaTf P!!0!10 l?P t t v
Police Catch
Youth Trying
JTo Open Safe
PORTLAND, Dec. 13-W-Police:
today arrested a 17-year-old youth
trying -to beat open a safe with a.
.. hammer.
Patrolmen Jay Williams and
John Kirkland said two men re
sorted they saw someone trying
to smash open a safe on W. Burn-J
side street near SKyune Douievara.
There they found Edgar R. Mil
ler, 17, a parolee from the state
training school at Woodburn,
Miller claimed he took the 400
pound safe from a service station,
loaded It into his car alone and
drove away, police said. He said
he believed he was far outside the
city, but found the fog had con
fused him.
The safe fell out of the trunk
compartment of his car. Miller
told police, so he decided to open
it there. He was unsuccessful.
Police said they were looking
for an accomplice.
Positions Open
At Institutions
Opening of applications for
houseparent positions at 'four
state institutions was announced
Wednesday by the state civil .ser
vice commission. It also extended
to December 23 the deadline for
applications as state ; penitentiary
The houseparent assignments
re at Woodburn boys school.
Hillcres school for girls, state
schools foe the blind and the deaf.
Starting salaries range from $179
to SZT2 for the lobs, which in
olve supervisory and custodial
work. -
Applications may be secured
from the civil service commission
t any of the institutions involved
or at state employment service
offices. -
v , ' -
SANTA'S ASSISTANTS-SttsanPrkeandHersee
Underwood aid Mrs. Anthony Story (left) and Mrs. Donald Hath
tn selecting Christmas gifts at the Tokyo FX to be sent to the
tomes of children of soldiers fighting in Korea. The shoppers are
iuc uir ctecupna oj whets irom tne
I Opposition to
Air Academy
Site Heard
OREGON CITY, Dec. 13 - (F) -
Some opposition to establishment
01 an air force academy in Clack
amas county was voiced at a
'chamber of commerce open forum
here, but a majority opinion fa
vored any project which would aid
development of the county.
Attorney George Hibbard de
clared that such an academy
would bring about a tax loss to
the county, destroy farm lands
and dispossess many farmers.
The chamber of commerce,
President H. W. Lenz said, voted
to seek a joint meeting with the
Canby Chamber of Commerce to
discuss the project. A later meet
ing of the chambers with the
Portland chamber also was tug
A Clackamas county site near
Aurora south of here was inspect
ed by air force officials last week.
Senators Hear
A-Plan Details
A survey places milk at the top
ex a nst of favorite American bev
WAS .NGTON, Dec. 13 - (Jf
Senator McMahon (D-Conn) out
lined to the senate today a billion
dollar federa' program to build
-huge pi n for the development of
fnew and more effective atomic
- McMahon said the program is
d -signed to keep this country
ahead in the race for atomic su
The Connecticut legislator.
chairman of the senate-house at
omic committee, withheld details
as to tii number of bew plants to
e constructed and tnel. locations.
fie made it clear, however, that
mere will be new facilities in ad
I dition to the projected plant on a
J 250,000-acre site in South Caro-
4 una.
Seek to Avert
Hospital Strike
PORTLAND, Dec. 13-W -The
RL Rev. Benjamin D. DagwelL
Episcopal bishop of Oregon, met
today with union representatives
in an effort" to avert a strike at
the Good & laritan hospital here.
The conference followed a strike
vote by building service union
members supporting demands for
a pay increase, union security and
other benefits.
Dagwell is chairman of the
board of the hospital.'
PORTLAND. Dec. 13-Cff) - Ap
pointment of G. J. Ackerman as
executive assistant to the general
manager, of the Portland commis
sion of public docks was announ
ced today.
Texan Arrives
In Salem as
Navy Recruiter
Navr recruitinf in Salem ac
quired a Texas drawl Wednesday
as Chief Metalsmith Edrar L.
Carr arrived for duty.
carr. on recruiting dutv In Port
land since Mav. ha trxnt n(n
veara in the naw. crfnHnallv nn
cruisers and in submarine repair
work. During World War II he
was in the Pacific theatre and
participated In the landings at
A native of south Tx Parr
was accompanied here by his wife
ana three children. Thev ar liv
ing at 1110 S. 18th it.
The new recruiter replaces Chief
Eugene r. vauereux, who return
ed to. sea duty early this month,
according to Chief Eugene L.
loveiana, siauon commander.
Mrs. Brophy,
91, Succumbs
James O'Gallazher. 22. hu
driver. 1918 Evergreen ave.. and
Margie Riordan, 17, student, 3815
weity st Doth or Salem.
Katharine Bises McKlnnev es.
tate: Sale of real nroDertr con
Mildred Robertson Brooks es
tate: Appraised at $2,281.78.
Gertrude G. Kirkna trick estate:
Hearing on final account set for
eanuary 15.
Alice E. Edmundson estate: Will
admitted to probate, and W. T.
Edmundson appointed executor.
Cecil Ray Woolenr. 2035 Coral
ave, charged with drawing a bank
cnecx with insufficient funds.
neia on souu bail.
Carrie R. True vs Bernard K.
True: Default of defendant en
Jack D. Sphoon vs Bettv
Sphoon: Default of defendant en
Robert Cable vs Anson F. Poley
and Vester K. Johnson: Case dis
missed with prejudice and with
out costs, based upon stipulation
or parties.
State vs Lloyd Johnson: Defend
ant pleaded guilty to charge of
oDiauung money by false pre
tenses, continued to December 22
for sentencing.
State vs Edvin Sisk: Defendant
given suspended sentence of two
years in state penitentiary, placed
on three years probation, on con
dition he make full restitution
on charge of forgery.
State vs Lynn Andrew Drlskill
Defendant sentenced to five years
In state penitentiary on charge of
larceny of livestock.
Carroll Baker. 2420 Evergreen
ave., waived preliminary hearing
on charge of contributing to de
linquency of a minor, bound over
to grand Jury, posted 12,000 balL
Irving Jacob Wagner, 1320 Che-
mawa rd- charged with hunting
migratory game birds at an un
lawful hour, case taken under ad
Charles Hrudka, 323 E. Mad
rona ave- round innocent oi
charge of lending an altered hunt
ing license.
I association have declared a dlri-l A full-fledged rodeo far )amTii
ASTORIA, Ore, Dec ll-VTh dend of tl a share. It was announ- pciffannara only, la htid ai. Santa.! I
imbia Packers Iced today-- - I Rosa, New Uexice Wh J Oft. 'I
Directors of the Columbia
" i ir s
i i h , , noaav!
Floorlamp mm. WH,Us
S6.98 fo " : FINE CHINA
)tirimx lamp T WvcE
Blende -J C i l ASdJ
Automatic ; I Tr I V J
WAFFLE S 1 1 .
512.931 f ,
u Also General Electric, Snn- dV f ) I
t . . beam, Teastmaster and Geo- l m 3S-S: S. sf
eral Mills Toasters. - T y
J Sanbeam. Mlxmaster and V CARD TABLE
a K M Mixer. COSCO IIETAL 15.35 Ol AO
Stso vif" Vcdu 't'ivB
f Sanbeam and t7nlvertaJ c.Tt Dn'aU Double Metal Braces, All
LAMP- 4 n0Clter l( flfr
23 PfBMi V No Sag Springs.
i I i J i Lighter. Other Rockers from 24.88 From 4.39
; t. : : ' . ; 1
1 V '
Mrs. Cassie Brophy. 81. a resi
dent of Oregon for more than 85
years, died Wednesday at a Sa
lem hospital.
Mrs. Brophy, widow of Henry
Brophy, was born Feb. 14. 1859,
in Ohio. She came to Oregon in
1864 and had resided in the mid-
Willamette valley since 1880,. re
siding recently at 335 N. 24th st
Sunrivers include a sister, Mrs.
Nellie Williams. Salem, and a
brother, Charles Neal, Grants
Pass. Funeral services will be ar
ranged by W. T. Rigdon company.
Hospitalized Vets
Need Yule Gifts,
DAV Reminds
An appeal for Christmas gifts
for hospitalized veterans was is
sued this week by Salem chapter
6, Disabled American Veterans.
- Gifts mav be left at The Rhrw
Box. 357 State st todav. Friday
and Saturday and will be distri
buted among patients at the Pert
land Veterans hospital this Sun
day when Salem chapter members
make their annual Christmas vis
it. DAV officers said veterans hos
pitals have regulations on food
gifts and that the DAV chapter
would assist in selecting approp
riate Christmas presents.
Wrecks Claim
2 in Umatilla
PENDLETON, Dec. 13-W-Highway
accidents claimed two
lives in Umatilla county yester
day. Silas Elmer Mayberry, 75, Bur
well, Neb, was killed when the
car in which he was riding crash
ed Into a freight train in a dense
fog on the Umatilla ferry road.
Four others in the car were
Earlier Donald Mumm, Pendle
ton, was killed when the car In
which he was riding collided with
a jeep between Pendleton and Pi
lot Rock.
Wife Cleared of
Murder Charge
Bell Timmons. 38, Walla Walla.
was released from Jail today after
a grand jury report cleared her of
a first degree murder charge In
the shooting of her husband.
Constable George Hays said
Mrs. Timmons told him she shot
her husband. Martin Emory Tim
mons, 38, in a fight Nov. 18 after
he had mistreated her.
They were driving to a logging
camp SO miles northeast of Pen
dleton where Timmons was em
ployed at the time. '
,5 f
Put One In Your Home
for Christmas!
0 M C
. . . So Light, so sturdily constructed
you can readily adapt them to any one
of these uses!
Use for Ping Pong! .
J Use for .Outdoor Diningl
Use as a Work or Study Table!
J Use Legs as Saw-horses!
REVERSIBLE! You can mount the
youngsters1 train trades on the
under side!
Check These Additional Features:
Delivered la Sal
(Train Equipment
Installed at small
additional cost.)
O Only three pieces! Tep Is f VWch pfywrf re-It-forced
with 2 Inch edging. AsiecwbUi cpfcUy en twe
detachable supports.
O Top Is weS-flnUKW In eree enamel or Have It finish
ed to yovr ewa color choice!
O Standard 5 ft. x 9ft. dimensions!
O rioco your order todayl
O Made In Salem by
Call 2-3615 ggjjgp jjjji. I
MADRAS, India, Dec. lS-iAV
A two-engine air India passenger
piano carrying 20 persons includ
ing a crew of four was misisng to
day over the NUgiris Hills of
south Indian on its regular flight
from Bangalore to Coimbatore. It
was feared the plane had crashed.
We Give S&H Green Stamps Open Fridays lo 9 P. II.
s i
inn' i i'm. ,i ii i
Fa"y- y.i ?
tliro CEt!D ft CClSij
iest mm:
ki immm maw
III III i linn 'm TTT''i''''mmmmmmJ