The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Statesman. Salem. Ore Thursday. December 14, 1950
Auxiliary Plans
Holiday Events
Jown .
By Jeryme English
- ununAY PARTIES . . . Invi-
tatinne arc in the mail to a holi
day tea for which Mrs. Dwight
n;conVu.rr will be hostess at
w Fairmount Hill home on Wed
nocriav. December 20 lor the pleas
ure of her new daughter-in-law-to-be,
Barbara Hendrickson, who
will be married to Perry Dwight
Chiipnherrv. ir. two days after
i-hritmas .-. . . Guests have been
hidden to call between Z and 6
o'clock ... ;
At home . . The Arnold Krue
gers will be hosts for an infor
mal holiday party on Saturday
nicht at their Klnrwood Heights
residence for a small croup of
their friends . . . with calling
hoars between 7 and It
'clock . . . ;
" : To come north . for the hol
idays will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy H
Simmons, who are leaving their
winter home in Palm Springs on
Fridav ' . . expecting to arrive
hr on Monday to spend the
Christmas and New Year's holi
day with their daughters and
families . . . Jim and Betty Haley
nd Chuck and Mary Jane Bar
elav ...
New arrival ... a little girl,
who tipped the scales at seven
pounds, fourteen ounces, was born
to Dr. and Mrs. Otto F. Kraushaar
on Tuesday at the Salem. Memor
lal hospital . . . there are two boys
In the family, Danny and Johnny
. . . the grandparents are Mrs
Emma Kraushaar .of Pasadena,
who has been visiting here at her
son's home for several weeks and
Mrs. Frank Casey of Oakndge,
; Tenn. ...
To Portland . . . Dean and
Sirs. Melvin Geist and Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Johnson will be
dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Egbert S. Oliver, formerly of
Salem, on Friday night at a
dinner and bridge party for
'hlch they will be hosts ...
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reed will
j te in Portland Saturday night
to be chaperones at the St. Hel
en's hall . Christmas formal .
; their daughter, Diane, is a senior
at the hall and will return next
V week to spend the holidays
ere ...
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn
will motor to Portland Sunday
, to be guests at the holiday open
house for which the tatter's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.,'
and Mrs. James I McGinnis,
will be hosts . . . The Shinns
will remain over until Monday
with her mother, Mrs. W. J.
Kerr ...
; Sixth birthday . . . Phyllis Jenks,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win
stanley Jenks, will entertain a
group of her young friends at a
party today at the Alice avenue
home of her parents in Canda
laria Heights i . . Wishing Phyllis
happy birthday will be Susan
Fisher, Cathy Sprague, Susan
Mohr, Nancy Smith, Martha
. Moore; Ann Froman and Phyllis
Hill ...
OUTSTANDING ... the Salem
Garden club's annual Christmas
Greens show . . . Tuesday and
Wednesday at the Izaak Walton
clubhouse . . . the large hall
proved a grand place for the ex
hibits and displays . . . the doors
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Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth Takayama (Emi Kiyokawa)
who were married on November at the Asbury Methodist
church in Hood River. The newlyweds are now at home at
Club Party
The Salem Toastmistress club
will hold its regular meeting and
Christmas party tonight at the
Golden Pheasant at 6 o'clock. Spe
cial guest will be Martin Ribera,
seven year old student at the Ore
gon School for the Deaf. Other
guests will be members of the
Chemeketa Toastmistress club.
Mrs. Marshall Swearingen will
be toastmistress and speakers will
be Mrs. Elmer Berg, Miss Marge
Graves, Mrs. George Beane, and
Miss Ruth Haynes. Serving as hos
tesses will be Miss Freda Cher-
rington. Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mrs.
O. K. Beals and Mrs. C. E. Jaqua.
Special music will be provided
by Mrs. Edward White and act
ing as general evaluator will be
Santa Claus.
Dinner and Program
Insurance Women's association
will be entertained at a Christ
mas party by the Insurance
Agents on Friday night in the
Cave room of the Senator hotel
at 6:30 o'clock. A social hour will
precede the dinner and program.
The next regular meeting of the
women's association will be Jan
uary 18.
TIME . ,
if Let Us
II Your A
FURS for Jj
y ; Christmas :fj
Labish Garden club with Mrs. Jos-
eDh Hennv. 1:30 dessert luncheon.
Dine and Do club wiuv Mr. K. K
O'Connor, no-host luncheon, 12 JO o.m
Christmas party.
Keizer Ladies sewing club regular
quilting, no-host luncheon, gut ex
change with Mrs. Nick LaRud.
faculty women s Christmas party,
Baxter hall. 8 p.m.
Sojourners, salad luncheon, Salem
Woman's clubhouse. 1:15 p.m.
DeMolav Mothers,, noon luncheon
Masonic Temple.
Hanging of the Greens, at YWCA,
7:30 p.m.
Barbara Frietchie Tent. DUV. with
Mrs. Sarah Cutler, 2270 Maple avenue.
2 p.m., Christmas party.
Past Matrons association. OES. din
ner meetinr. Golden Pheasant, 6:30
Nebraska club Christmas party and
turkey dinner, Mayflower hall, 6:30
Salem Rotana club Christmas din
ner party. Four Corners Community
hall. 7 p.m.
Community Square dance. Popcorn
scnooinouse, a p.m.
Bethel 43. Job s Daughters, meet at
Masonic Temple. 1:30 p.m.
ridells class. Jason Lee church, cov
ered dish dinner and Christmas party,
at church, 6:30 p.m.
A Christmas party combined the
business and social meetings for
December for Salem Unit 138,
American Legion auxiliary Tues
day night at the Salem Woman's
club. There was a decorated
Christmas tree with gifts for mem
bers and guests.
Members of the rehabilitation
committee were hostesses with
Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and Mrs.
Walter Esplin as co-chairmen. As
sisting were Mrs. Robert Taylor,
Mrs. Donald Rasmussen, Mrs.
Wayne Keeney, Mrs. Milo Aesch-
limann and Mrs. Earl Ahlers. The
committee announced that 70 dol
lars worth of gifts had been sent
to the Veterans hospitals in Rose-
burg and Portland. Several aux
iliary members plan to attend the
Portland Veterans' hospital open
house party on December 17.
Mrs. Jack Simkins, chairman of
the child welfare committee, an
nounced that there are several
veterans' families in need in the
Salem area and that used toys,
children's clothing and food items
will be presented to them at
Christmas. Members are asked to
bring these items to the home of
Mrs. Ted UHaKKo or Ivirs. Clayton
Earl O. Bushnell, civil defense
director of Salem, gave a talk and
told of plans for this area, the
type of warfare we may exper
ience in the event of an attack
and plans for evacuation and care
of the people.
Mrs. Wavne Keeney, chairman
of the national security commit
tee, reported that a number of
auxiliary members have been
working in the civil defense' pro
gram and shortly there will be a
need for more typists and clerical
Post 136 is giving a children's
Christmas party at the KC hall ,on'
December 18 and unit members
are asked to assist.
Guests at Tuesday's meeting
were Mesdames Willard Wilson.
Glenn Palmer, Earl Phipps. Ken
neth Decatur. Edward Maerz.
Clarence Nelson and Dennis Tyler.
Trinity Chapter to Meet
Trinity chapter. Order of East
ern Star will hold Its Christmas
party and gift exchange on Friday
night following the regular meet
ing at the West Salem city hall at
8 o'clock. Presiding will be Mrs.
D. M. Ebv and Stanley Brown.
Mrs. Harry Phillips heads the re
freshment committee. On Sunday,
December 17 the chapter will hold
installation of new officers at 8
o'clock at the hall. Mrs. J. E. Van
Wyngarden is the new worthy matron.
Barbara Frietchie Teat. DUV
meeting slated for Friday after
noon has been postponed until De
cember 22, when it will be held
at the home of Mrs. Jack Cutler
Kimsey and Berg
Are Winners
William E. Kimsey and Elmer
O. Berg were over-all winners of
the double master point tourna
ment conducted by the Salem Elks
Bridge club at the annual Chriit-
mas party at the Colonial House
Monday night More than 50 mem
bers and their friends from Cor
vallis, Albany. Shedd and Brown
sville participated. Arrangements
were in charge of a committee con.
sisting of Mr. Khnsey, Walter M.
Cline, Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. Mrs.
Arthur Binegar, Mrs. Lenore Park,
ana Mr. and Mrs. EUis H. Jones.
Other tournament winning teams
it ... f
were Mrs. Milton D. Parker and 1
Mrs. ElUs H. Jones, Mrs. Walter
M. Clint and Mrs. John Pugh of
Shedd, and Mrs. Arthur Binegar
and Mrs.' Edward E. Roth. Those
with high scores Included Mrs.
Ellen GabrieL Mrs. Dorothy Rem-
my of Brownsville, waiter M.
dine, Mrs. Dewey HowelL John
Pugh of Shedd, Mrs. Elmer O.
Berg and Mrs. Charles T. Foulger.
WUlajnina , The Friedihlp
club held its annual Christmas
meeting and dinner this week at
the home of Mrs. Frank Smelaer.
Secret pals for next year were
drawn. Guests were Mrs. SmeUer,
Mrs. Clufi Rufg, Mrs- Bessie
Lamson. Mrs. W. C. Tremblay.
Mrs. Karl Laetx, Vlra Xl Bki-I
ardaon aad Mrs. O. K. Brock sr.'
At Tour Local Deeds
... If You
Bring Them In Now!
Factory on Premises
and windows all garlanded with
cedar . . . one huge silver tree
adorned only with fuchsia balls
and matching reflectors ... A
variety of wreaths ... of holly.
cedar, walnuts, della robbia and
ornaments . . . one that caught
our eye . . . ol silver ana decorated
with violet, mauve and pale green
grapes and tied with a green and
silver bow ... and made by Mrs.
Ben Maxwell, the club presi
dent ...
Decorations ... on either Lide
of the huge fireplace, where
there was an adorable children's
mantel, two doors Identically
decorated by Miss Edith Schry
ver ... of red cellophane ar
ranged diagonally and centered
with a gold star with a cluster
of apples, carrots, and sugar
cubes tied with gold string . . .
Striking . . . was Mrs. Phillip
Allison's and Mrs. William Phil
lips' Madonna arrangement . . .
a red paisley shawl tor the
background ... in the center
was the hand carved limewood
Madonna, which Mrs., Allison
purchased in Oberammergau last
spring . . . flanked by brass can
dlesticks holding blue tapers
and at the base blue wine glasses
with blue candles and on either
side two large blue vases filled
with greens ...
Causing much attraction . . . the
two tables of all types of minia
ture Christmas trees made by
members of the Friendly Neigh
bors Garden club ... To mention
a few ... a plastic clothes line
tree, a cigarette tree, one of white
crinoline ... a cone, one of dod-
corn, a paper doilie tree ... a
Merry-Go-Round tree with rein
deer ... An adorable Swedish
tree . . . one made of: tin cans
. . . also one frame made of a
coat hanger . . . plastic trees
. . . Hundreds attending the two
day show . . . including a large
group from Albany .and several
dozen down from the ; Wayside
Garden club in Portland X .
Altrusa Club Dinner
Altrusa club members will meet
at the Hotel Marion tonight for
a Christmas party and dinner. The
social hour will be from 7 to 7:30
o'clock with dinner following. In
charge of arrangements are Mrs.
E. D. Nelson, Mrs. George W.
Sumpter and Miss Minnie Just.
Kells will entertain the Little
Garden club of Salem Heights at
a dessert luncheon at 1 p.m. to
day at her home on Mountain
View drive, with Mrs. Ralph Cart
wright and Mrs. R. D. Cooper as
sisting. There will be a gift ex
change and group singing. Mrs.
Lewis Judson will read "Christ
mas Carols."
Costume Party
For Juniors
The Salem Junior Woman's
club annual Christmas party will
be held at the home of Mrs. Rich
ard Criswell on Kingwood Drive,
December 18. Plans were com
pleted for the affair at Monday
night's meeting. Mrs. Margaret
White is general chairman. There
will be an exchange of gifts and
members are to come dressed as
a title of a book, movie, song or
play and prizes will be awarded.
The club voted to purchase rec
ords Tor theBlind school and to
give gifts to two girls at the Tu
berculosis hospital as its Christ
mas charity work.
At the business session Mrs.
Wesley Vorhees was initiated. A
committee appointed to take
charge of collecting stamps for
wounded veterans includes Mrs
Wesley Goodrich, Mrs. William
Judson and Mrs. Richard Jen
ings. The project is being carried
out by Junior Woman's clubs
throughout the state.
Miss Betty Jean Bergner. dance
chairman, reported that the club's
benefit Valentine dance has been
set for Friday, February 9, at
Crystal Gardens with Bill de
Souza's orchestra playing.
The youth conservation comb-
mittee with Mrs. O. T. Mansfield
as chairman was in charge of the
evening's meeting. Mrs. Lena
Smithson, superintendent of Hill
crest, was the speaker and Don
Barrick showed the movie of
Dickens' 'Christmas Carol."
$100, $200, $300, Saving To You.
Savings Up to
Our entire stock of New Grands, Spinets and used Uprights Go
at Bargain Prices.
and up
$50 Down
Small Monthly Payments
on Balance
A Small Deposit Holds On for Christmas Delivery Pianos Are Going Fast So Shop at
Tollman's Now Open Evenings Lots of Parking Space
395 South 12th Street
Be sure ft
sugar sure with C-H
r j t ifLc:u i r. j
155 N. liberty
Phon. 3-3191
Men 4 mm
I Brent's coHor with its
rck -conforming fH ond its
CcoNor od" look svits his
nm of sryfe.
Th totrtailord
body 1ho fits wirhovt
bvtge or wrirtkl pUot
his sens of i
rr has DEcor.iE or:E OL?
3 Th Iwttrovs finttli
of Bront's fino'tvatvroo1
brooddofh oppools to m
nS lor of JtMwry.
4 l ' rvogd
onstrvOion sotifM Wis oW
for sonric oao bf
last yoor untoowrv-frMS yoor over a holf million
The shirt that off en a new high in toforirtg
at fH prico.Topor-totlorcd kxxfy and foco-Bettering
"collar od" conor. Roe Sanforized mercer
ized brooddoth In White. SoCdt, Srripev 3-Sor
Breftfs mota highly-esteemed ChrisSma gifts.