The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 Tha StoAeamaau Solent Oraqotu Friday, Dehorn ror 1; 1950 . . '
Nation s Lawmakers Divided
On Truman s A-Bomb Statement
(Story also on naze 1.11
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30-P)-The nation's lawmakers split to-
day on President Truman's statement that if necessary the United I Uft-r lOOCied Olenwood
States would use the atomic bomb against red Chinese hordes in
Korea. . j
In general, there appeared to be cautious and qualified approval.
But some voices were raised in dissent.
Asks Emergency' Status
Move to Boost
Some members of congress said
it would mean World War III.
Others said it would invite Russia
to launch a retaliatory atomic at
tack against the United State.
One suggested that if A-bombs
. A move to enhance Salem's -attraction
as a trading center for the
mid-Willamette valley was organ
ized Thursday night by a group of
merchants and other Salem Cham
" ber of Commerce leaders. ,
To further this objective a 15-
member committee will be formed,
reoresentinc the chamber board
ftetail Trade bureau, Capitol Shop
ping center and the business and
civic interests centering in each of
the south Salem, north Salem,
State street and westside areas.
' Discussion among the business
men at last night's informal ses
sion at the Marion hotel pointed
toward a probable increased retail
emphasis, within the chamber of
commerce. Among possiuic uew
mmmi! Kiiptfested foE the commit
tee study were a merchants' divi
sion secretary functioning along
with the chamber, larger quarters
for any such combined offices than
the present chamber headquarters
in Senator hotel and aggressive
" planning to boost the economy of
the city at large as well as the im
portant' retail business segment.
Leaders said the' committee
would be brought together within
a few days to start a thorough
ciirlr of the various proposals and
to survey tfcte present membership
and activities of the Salem cnam
ber.;; j : : ,
Case Re
In 22 Years
- - ' :. : i 1 4
Heavy Snow
Storm Sweeps
By The Associated' Press
The Inland Empire got a taste
of things to come last night as a
neavy snow storm swept over
parts of the region and left a maze
of sliDoerv hishwav.
EUGENE. NOV. SO-fAV-CiOZenS The ibta tutrnl it Snnkan uld
of nearby Glenwood have asked I visibility was zero at Davenport
Gov. Douglas McKay to declare in eastern Washington. It was
the town an "emergency flood snowing hard and the wind was
area." blowing at Sandpoint. Idaho.
ine Glenwood Businessmen's snoruy alter aarK.
association, asked for a study by Much of the snow melted as it
a state engineer of its nmmsals I hit the eround but the rtatml talH
are to be. Used, they Should- U to eliminate flnoH Hiimm in the nrivinff conditions were hauntmif
dropped dn the Kremlin in Mos- area between Springfield and and probably wouldn't improve a
iw. Kueene. . ereat deal tnriav
Typical comments follow: I There was a strange weather
Senator Brewster (R-Me.): "Wei ' ' T7 Quirk at Spokane. The Geiger
ought to use the A-bomb against X ITI V ICHJTl Field weather station,, six miles
Chinese troop concentrations and J west of the city, reported a heavy
ammunition dumos. I think it "a f -" snowfall at 8 p. m. But downtown
would save a thousand of our JT MXCiTC only a few scattered drops of rain
troops in the next two weeks." I leu., ine snow was expected later
c i j o in i a am- iu iuwu
of saving the lives of our men ?"
fighting in Korea, then we would ROSEBURG, Nov. SO-tfVTwo- ms, WaUa Walla. Enhr-W maw,
have to use it. But the A-bomb I month-old Patricia Davis, whose Lake or Ellensbura: in a weather
should be saved as a last resort." rare disease brought offers of o ,-..,
Kena.Ur milllKin IK-I nln 1 -it uuireui xiuiii iu wit as Wh nirtnn h9H nr tn tkru
. : r . . : . .- .(,, v l. -; jij - k.t.i - -Q, -"-
snouid not be used snort oi dire "vv "ull" i es during the day yesterday.
npoessitv. It ma v b that have I nere louay. . . I TVin tnnhiM it
the dire necessity. It should not be Th aa"?"" Mr. na the height of the storm at Geiger
used impetuously." Davi? Roseburg, was Fieid but was expected to drop
Senator Maybank (D-S. C.): irir. V 10 an overnight low of 25. A high
:et?mr rery consideraSon ?l.??"as.' i1!?.. of 35 to 40 is forecast for Spokane
hrnlH h Hven to use of the! . , , . . .. : I lOUay,
- l a locai Dnvsician nan nvm tn a m . ..
atomic DOmO. rh-M .m Ph.n t K . " ",ulmu?. 5UUW"U
s.. Fi.r. R-Vt ? i w V:,; ; "iXV.'' 111 apome was virtually wasted
WULUU XCI V Ul uui( Afc ogauui wit i micu oAVlvcd 11 LUC COU1Q
Chinese invaders only if the be brought there
United Nations assembly should I Such a trip was under cons!
order and approve of it." I deration when she died
SntAi Rum fn.P.i "It l a
military decision and must be I Wf-V, f. A7 li'
made by the mUitary leaders. If Old It? 9 J. X1
we do, it means a world war,
The house ways and means com
mittee voted today to increase cor
porauon taxes sj,400,ooo,ooo a
year by an excess profits levy
reaching back to July 1. 1950,
This sum is considerably less
than the $4,000,000 In new revenue
requested by President Truman to
help meet vastly increased mili
tary costs.
The bill may come up for house
passage next week,
Briefly, it would do this:
Corporations earning more than
$25,000 a year would be subject to
an additional tax of 75 per cent on
all over 85 per cent of their "nor
mal': earnings. But -all federal inr
come taxes together could not exe
ceed 67 per cent of a firm's profits.
Still subject to final committee
I I aMVMMta1 awniwtit 4 Ka
Fiery-tempered Rath Roman reacts Yolcanlcally to Hews Imparted by ZW 4.V trV-JlSr t: Z'Z?
T I J r,tm 1. I I - . m-
"Three Secrets," United States Pictures production by Warner Bros.
which starts today at the Capitol theatre.
Tax Bill Gets
Committee Nod
Hospital- Arrest
Jbollow Accident
Reginald William Rum at -
1351 Sadnaw st was hasrritaii--f
and then Jailed following an auto
accioeni a mue north ot Indepen
dence Thursday, according to
state police.
Busey was treated for a broken
fincer at a K1m Knm!.i -
his car flipped end-over-end, then
confined at Polk county Jail on a
charge of being drunk on a public
highway, state police said. No
other vehicles were involved la
the accident
Azalea Interest Increasing
In Pacific Northwest Area
tures were said to have been adopt
ed by a strict party line vote with
the 15 democrats again over-rid
ing the 10 reDUblican members.
Republican sentiment has been
for increasing federal revenues
through a straight rise In the reg
ular corporation Income tax rate.
Jiivenile Home
Escape Found
Snow which.' lies two to three
inches deep in Some parts of Seat-
ue ana western wasmngton will
give way to rain Friday, the on the Atlantic coast and in the
a.1 i ' m 9 I emit act th-ri it hoi tirfc rr t na
By Ullle I Madsen-
Garden Editor. The SLatrxruan
Interest In azaleas is going to increase rapidly on the Pacific
mast Dr. J. Harold Clarke nf T)nff Rearh Wach -nU mnr than 7S
rhododendron and azalea enthusiasts Thursday night at the meeting A' K3C'irl-3rin'
of the Salem Rhododendron and camellia society. The group met at I -MX JLftolUlJ.LyC
mc irav-A wim iBViu wamciuii, ;icmucui, yicaiuuis. I t.i TTTV,H- 17 Urf-J V 4.f.
weather bureau forecast
a ugnt snow Friday nieht
southeast than it has here on the
west coast, but this is rapidly
eastern or western Oregon.
s lav a b uuua ea w vi au v- I . .
Senator McMahon (D-Conn.) I Ta3arl:k6 T .SfViT
airman of the senate-house auY X-iC ?
atomic committee: "Many grave i -y "'
and important factors have to be 1 1 I Iptl 0pr
taken into account military, dip- vwlvjliC1J.
lATnoTin can, nevrnn rion r3 1 i innpr i r
the law, the decision has to be PORTLAND, Nov. 30-P)-ton- f7nl i fLinl
made by the president ..of the stitutionality of Oregon's fair TT OrlQl VuJllirCIl
Leader Raps
A-Bomb Talk
nrobablv turning tn rain wa rr- changing with the many new var
dieted for the western half of the ieties bein introduced, he said.
State. Temperatures will range "e aaaea uiai garaeners in xne
from a low of 30 to a high of 45 east were learning to select var
degrees. ieties perfectly hardy in their
No snow wasjorecast for either climates and suggested that west
Oy Ken Davis
coast gardeners learn to study
those varieties best suited for
their area.
In keeping with this. Dr. Clarke
and a group of other rhododen
dron and azalea growers met
Thursday afternoon at the Ru
dolph Henny gardens to work on
rating rhododendrons on quality
and hardiness. The result of their
rating will be published. Dr.
Clarke said, in an early issue of
the American Rhododendron bul-
PORTLAND, Nov. S0-(iP)-Th
state Board of health today report
ed Oregon's first case of, leprosy
In 22-years. f
The -victim was identified as
17-year-old Japanese"- American
man. who recently came to ure
gon from' Los Angeles. Born in
Seattle, he went to Japan at the
age of 3. returning to this country
when" 16. a
' The board said 11 new polio4
eases were reported lor the week
ending Nov. 25, a 40 per cent 'drop
- from the week before.
TTnitMl Stat- - I trades law was challenged In dis
Senator OTKahoney (D-Wyo.): S? by attor-
I'm glad the president; made the "S? S'
-tatement There has never been " violating me
. . - : j . t . ir I aci.
any qoudi in my miuu uiai ivir. i rp. . .
Truman and Secretary of Defense r er tnaT The art i tXj V
Marshall wiU exercise every miU- JfJfS yijftj
tarv Dower oi tne unuea oiaics .u,.4uH. nm. j - rm
to defend those men we sent to Luther was not if. CLEVELAND, Nov. 30 -(P)-A
Korea." ' llfZ" colder of Protestant opinion on IeV?J
Senator Rassell (D-Ga.): "The 1 : 6 ca world affairs bluntly declared to-
world situation is so cnucai xnai - The fair tod t prohibits -TT "in "k"" orcd slides of pictures he had tak-J&F2-&
' commodities at less than I .L1!.0,! I - in England while at the Rho-
DUiuuiir ui uicvvuuiix ure i met nine k to rtr i - '
world, from being destroyed by The charire m-.-w ,t f . I PslbIir- .
the forces of communism." fee mice war in whlh TA- . Vr ae ? mla- .. .,. v..: i -
Senator McClellan (D-Ark.): "If was slashed to 59 iint 7 rw, aeipma' uaison omcer for the - . ua",CS3 ""s
e rio -tin usinff the atom bomb. ?n ??? World CouncU of Churches to the nominees for officers were named
-w uuu uie wnoiesaie 1 tt:j t-.: i .i ..... I nnth vtinn tn ra rl1 In 1 -
i viubcu Aiauvua. uiauc uic &ipdur I -
ment in a nrenared address to the I cemoer. names juonuura were
Dr. Clarke, who was introduced
by Rex Pfeffer, also showed col
Portland School
BoariJ Asks More '
Time for Building
.PORTLAND, Nov. 30-tfVThe
Portland school board has decid
ed to ask the state' legislature to
give it additional time to use the
present Lincoln high school building.-
The building was to be turned
"Over to the state for use as an ex
tension center for higher educa
tion by next September 1. But the
board said its new building would
not be completed by that date.
The board voted to ask the le
gislature to approve a bill permit
ting a five-year continuing levy to
enable the voters to authorize a
tax levy for any number of. years
; up to five. It also will ask the
legislature for changes in tenure
laws. . ; j .. ' "
we do start using the atom bomb, 20
I hope we will have enough in I price,
reserve u. uie ikuuiuu vlumuuo.
Rep. Steed (D-Okla.): "Before. T 1 . "T .
we suffer a major disaster, 1 think UCiegate Denies
it snouia re aone. M.y preierence i-t c t o i.
in using the atom bomb would be U .O.-OlTltain oDllt
on top the Kremlin as the source r
first general assembly of the Na- Ernest Iufer and Lewis Judson
tional Council of Churches of ior presiaent: i m. oimon ana J.
Christ In the United States. I A. Pankratz for vice president;
It came hours after President Ellen Quail and, Mrs. Wanda &!
Truman announced at a news con- lord for secretary.
Terence in Washington that use of Announcement was made of the
SO-flVA I the atom bomb in the present Ko-1 annual Christmas Greens show
sponsored by the Salem Garden
Rep. Wicker-ham (D-Okla.) : ' 'l?r "lI Y1?1
wtl. v. ,,- -K1 I. I "uw wiukxii I iraui vriaus a uemjf cuusiucreu.
io TottT; ZZSr LJL JJ&&&. cluVDeVem-ber 12 Sdllat ttS
Senator Brewster told newsmen ZV"S" l" "u umiea """f0" U1,.u!etnue3 on ,1 Isaak Walton league building,
. c-w- wuvivd -.asiaii wui'
ternational affairs Of the world Ernest Tuter wa armointed tn r.
wulu, suu w spoae m an inai-i range " for the rhododendron so-
a t a.
n.T w?if? aDOUl s- munist China;
tne A-bomb. Rua aii he.had .T Retys Thtry at show
Ko-V ,K o- tnrn- aU m uie.rea Uimest 4u atK. cui Jiwiaua!
tiTo-rTnui tatr py rnakmg any concession, to the present cnUcal situation."
"We might as well have a on-ct- f k tpi:v :,
fM'Ste oZTESN Seeks
Se'serd: V Raid Shelter
I amnrftb itn of Mtato and" he
I S.V I United States, are the same-to
:'r.rr";r ' cneck aggression.'
Brewster quoted Dr. Compton
Announcement was also made
that Norvell Gillespie, nationally
known garden writer and radio
commentator, will speak at Salem
on February 15 at theBush
schooL He is being brought here
under the auspices of the Salem
Garden council.
PORTLAND, Nov. 30-01P-Some
400 Portland engineers will be
asked to make a study to deter
as saying that the belief Russia -UCUaiTaiX FrODOSCS
has the A-bomb is based upon o . c .
pure assumptions that have not Senate -Security Bill
been established.
Caravans crossing Tibet gener
ally travel only in the morning to
mine whether 83 public buildings avoId cold 8ale which arlse bout
here are suitable as air raid shelt
Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee
A proposal to give the senate ludi.
Some lead carbonate crystals ciary committee $100,000 to keep
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 -fflV said survey is to be made to
locate the best shelters in the east
and west side business districts in
tiara th ririrti-noA ot iitamonda I a constant watfh m iwnmiinici I case of an air attack.
but are not hard enough to be tactics and enforcement of the A similar survey is planned at
used in jewelry.
Salem Ovation Greets Brilliant lSSTJfSt
Performance fry Polish Pianist
new internal security law was laid chools-
Deiore me senate today.
1T nmmirt i .. ia t 3
SEVAILLA, Spain, Nov. SQ-lJft
communist control act sponsored -Movie Actress Rita Hayworth is
a-- v luiuug aaa laijuiauicii alt
tonio Cansino, a Se villa resident.
the resolution.
! ' By Maxine Baren j
Statesman Woman's Editor
Maryla Jonas, heralded as the
finest woman, pianist of our -day,
commanding and brilliant proved
lust that at her concert in Salem
high school auditorium Thursday
night; , -. :,
Powerful yet poetic in style, the
artist caught and held the audi
, ence's attention with emotional
intensity. Her interpretation of
the Bach" ' Italian concerto was
magnificent and her playing of
Schumann's "Carnival" excellent
Tf me her most beautiful number
was Schubert's "ImDromDtu' No.
S inr. G minor which she played
with poetic beauty.
Deviating . from her program
med numbers. Miss Jonas includ
ed for the Chooin croun waltzes
in G flat and B- minor, two ma-
zurxas ana nocturne, j
Ewf Sarurday Nlxt
r v - - ' -.
i To fh Musio of
Old-Tim Orchostra .
- .
(You czskad for tt JoXIcf.
Har It it)
Ckaxch cd Hood Stf, ;
For encores the pianist chose a
TOKYO LIKES TRUMAN TALK Miss Hayworth and her husband,
TOKYO. Frirtav tw --in. I Prince Aly Khan, are making an
"Bolero and Gallop- dedicated to Headquarters sources today were I tended.tPur' v111 Portion of
her ny the contemporary Italian piainiy gratmed by President I
composer, Cassella. The final I rruman s expressed, support for
numoer wu iuusic uox oy vu- vreucim inucAruiur. ameers re-1 Rn-nna Aires ia tha eanital nf
la-Thne fncef tn 1 .-DUenOS Aires IS U CapilSl 01
Tha Ti4an-a nana hA ,t--.(rt I nVia4Vi. t 1 l . .1 jmuu-i
yM , u u y I I vtumv&v UIC tttUiU wum WUU1Q oe
what amounts to an ovation in our
Had the lighting been more
favorable, justice might have been
done to Miss Jonas appearance.
She is a handsome -woman, though
in her face is reflected some bf
the tragedy of the war years spent
in occupied Poland. She proved
gracious and warm to those in
charge of the concert and to the
admirers who went backstage,
used in the Korea war. Mr. Tru
man at his press conference said
the dreaded weapon would be
used li necessary.
Billy Eckstine, the popular ballad
singer, was recuperating in French
hospital tonight from a sudden ill
ness i which prevented htrn from
appearing as the featured enter
tainer at a San Francisco hotel.
do Pour's Infantry Chorus
Presented by
Associated Students of
Sun., Dec 3
8:30 p. m.
Salem High Auditorium
Reserved Seats 3.00
Gen. Adm. 1.80
S rodents 12Q
Tickets on Sale at
. ' Stevens Jewelry
Salem Reese Shop
Will's Marie Store
ndder'a y
Capitol Theatre's
Bugs Bunny
Tomorrow Morning
A great Show! Loads of Fun!
i "Thunderhoof"
: A story of a horse
A Great Serial
"Batman & Robin"
' Pins a Big'
! 1
Prises! Fan for Everyene!
- ChJIdrm - 16c
-Doors Opon at 9:30
Fearlessly Told!
Daring drama of
, s '
93 m "
I home, Portland, was apprehended
ui oaiem jLnursaaT.
State officers said Miss white
and another girl escaped from the
Portland institution Sunday by
sliding down a sheet from a sec
ond-story window. A supervisor
suffered facial scratches when the
escape occurred, according to state
Officers reported Miss White had
Koutney Wins
Damage Suit
A Judgment of $4,000 was award
ed by a j Marion county circuit
court jury to Lade V. Koutney, 445 her left foot in a cast as the result
Columbia ; st., plaintiff in an acci- of an Injury during her escape,
dent damage suit, Thursday night They said she was located at a
, routney brought suit against private Dome here.
Loman C. and Cecil
Brooks, driver and owner of a car OA T'lnlr-ta CivPn
with which Koutney's motor scoit- KU AlCiVCUj VxlVCU
Sd-gSittf 1SW " After Concert for
An original request for $40,000 tii 1 Tl 1
damages was pared down to a Illegal JttlTKlllfi.
llO.OOO-request at the trial. Kout- D
ii a ... -i m , - t
"7 ne sunereci a iractur- .City police Thursday night con
ed skull and a brain injury from tinued a damp-down on motorists
.vuutuu -ucjuxjr was qu ap- parked In restricted zones near
proximately iyx nours m arriving Salem high schooL
.v... rmM. t a . .
Iuiacers saia 2u cars were laggea
while their owners attended a con-
WASH1NGTON, Nov. 30 -(JFj- t the school auditorium. They
ine air rorce announced today that I aia 11 was xne xnira recenx oc-
it will give second lieutenant com- casion on wmcn a numoer ox parK
missions in the regular service to tickets had been issued in that
"several thousand" In tha net area. . xasx rugnra violators were
seven months. These vacancies parked mostly on 14th street
have been created by the current Tha police desk reported one
expansion of the air force and will comnlaint from a resident In the
oe met, in large part, from KOTC area who said her husband couldnt
graduates and air reserve second I move his car away from their
lieutenants desiring flying or tech-1 house due to the congestion and
mcai xraimng. had to call a taxi.
Rain Expected
Today in Wake
Of Wet Month
T 1 ' .
iioraaoer, wetter ana w aimer
than usual, blew off the calendar
in a rain sauall Thtn-i.- -ut wm
weather bureau predicted Decenv-
dct wouia .eaa on with mora
showers today. 4
GustT Winds -vmlnr-wf - K.I.
inch of rain around Thursday
A I t A . .
ujw.uuia out aej caa caimea to
uc vanisnmg point at rxudnlght
Novemher'a total rainf.n f arr
inches was more than SO per cent
aoove normal. And nearly sis
inches of that total fell in three
days at mid-month to make the
weather top news in the mid-val-
The temperature hit a high ot
64 decrees on Novemb-r -4
dropped to freezing on six nights.
ine iow was zi aoove on Novem
ber 13.
The month's averam nuan tm.
perature of 4&J degrees was LS
aoove normal out nearly j degrees
below November, 1949. The high
readings averaged -54 degrees; tha
average low was 19.5.
November had three clear and
three partly cloudy days inter
spersed with 24 cloudy days.
Ex-GoTcrnor Pierce
In Salem Hospital
Walter U. Pierce. 89. formeV
corigressznan and governor of Ore,
gon, is confined at Salem Memor-
ial. hospital where his condition -Thursday
night was reported as
1-11 .
Pierce has lived in tha Enla Hla.
trict since 1943 when he quit poli-
uo aner ten years in Washington,
j. mm aemocranc representa
tive in congress. He was governor
from 19?3 to 1927.
2-7 Z23
i ' I
" Exira!--.
Colsr Carteeai if W;
1 1
fsmv Mm
jjebobah m ; mm granger.
with RICHARD CARLSON and a east af thousands
Added Treats!
Color Cartoon, "Tractured Leghorn" k News
Opea at (:4S P. M.
Starts at 70S P. M.
Betty Grabla -
Daa Dailey
"Mr BIno Haaven"
Richard Wktxnark
Tanle la Streets"
Closing Sat. Dee. 2
For The
Dance Every Sat. Ilile
Tommy Kizziah
And His j
West Coast Ranilcn
Tna.Bost la Waatara Music end SInqftvi
Dcmdng 9:30 to 1
Ada. 1X0 Tax Inc.
Mat. Daily
No wl Tha Comedy
Prix WlniMfl
Jaha Carrall
Marie ICcDoaald
Ht Parada of 1951"
Nowl Filmed on
Oregon's Own
mystery co-nm
a ' 1 eaa 1 1 - . .aaaa-Baa-w
Mew Shrwtng Opea :43
Peataral !