C Th CtcrSssaaga, Sclsn, Orsw SO C I ETY C LUBS Garden Club to Hold Annual Holiday Show i Annual event of the Salem Garden club, the Christmas Greens show, will be held at the Xzaak Walton League building, corner of S. Cottage and Bellevue streets on December 12 and 13, from 1 to 10 pm. each of the two day, reports Mrs. Ben Maxwell, Garden club president. The show Is the largest event of the year sponsored by the club and always Attended by hundreds. Mrs. Maxwell has asked Mrs. Albert J. Walker to serve as chairman of the event, with Mrs. Jack Hennlngsen as co-chairman. 1,11st Edith Schryver will stage the show. The show Is divided Into three divisions: displays, sale and ba zaar and silver tea. The dis play section Is divided into six separate divisions: Madonna ar rangements, mantel arrange ments, table centerpieces, winter bouquets, gift wrappings and ta ble settings. Further plans for the show will be discussed at the Monday af ternoon meeting l the Salem Garden club on December 4. This will be held at the Salem Wom an's club house at 2. pjn. Hostesses Will Fete Clubs Several bridge club gatherings " are on the agenda this week. Mrs. W. Wells Baum will preside at a bridge luncheon today at- her Ben Lomand park home for members of her club.- Mrs. Roy S. Keene wQl be over from Corvallis for the meeting. Mrs. Earl Cooley entertained at a dessert bridge Wednesday night at her Center street home for mas bers of her club. Mrs. Glenn McCormick wQl' be luncheon hostess today at her Xingwood Heights home in honor of her bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen are entertaining at bridge tonight at their North Church street home for their club.'-" - : ' - Mrs. Earl Bogardus will be a luncheon hostess on Friday after noon at the Court street apart ment of her mother, Mrs. George Maurer. for members of her club. Mrs. Roger M. Schnell will be an additional guest. Trinity chapter, OES. will meet Friday night at the West Salem city hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Nellie Lamb is chairman of the refresh ment committee and assisting will be Mrs. Muriel Hudson, Mrs. Dor othy Anderson, Mrs. F. Idleman tod Mrs. Dana Billeter. RUTH HUSSEY coUrring in -Mr. Music a Paramount Picture Thursday. Norrabw 3& 19S0 i ; I : i I - s . Mrs. Joseph Traeqer (Maureen Ariz) whose marriage took place on November 18 at St Mary's Catholic church in ML AngeL The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Artz of Salem and the groom is the son of the Joseph Traegers. The couple will live in ML AngeL (Artz Photography). CLUB CALENDAR THURSDAY Keizer Ladies scwinf club, all day. no-hoat luncheon at noon, with Mrs. Roy Mlson. Lansing Neighbors Scwinf club with Mrs. Vincent T. Krtmer, 2190 Lansing ave.. 1 :30 p.m. Merry Minfflcra witb Mrs. Xeroy Barker. 1 p.m. St. Elizabeth's Guild meet at St Paul'i Episcopal parish house. 1 p.m. Rainbow Girls dad's dinner. Masonic Temple. 6:30 pjn. Tri-Y-Teen mothers club, coyered dish luncheon, noon YWCA. rSIDAT Barbara TrletchJa Tent. DUV. cover ed dish luncheon at Salem Woman's dub. noon, meetinir at S bjo. Trinity chapter, OES. meet at West Salem city hall. S pjn. Hal Hibbard auxiliary. United Span-H tan war veterans, wtta acrs. Harry Ross. 233 North S4th street, X pjn. Gift exchange. Woman's Bibl class. Tint Metho dist church, with Mrs. Bertha Cook. 1444 Terry street S pjn. SATURDAY Bethel 43. Job's Daughters, pubUc Installation. Masonic Temple, T JO pjn. Chemeketa chapter, DAJL guest day, Salem Women's clubhouse. 1 p.m. Ainsworth chapter. Order of Eastern Star. Beaver Hall. pjn. and S pjn. MONDAY Hanna Rosa court. Order of Ama i J - I : , MUSIC f 4 th ranth, regular meeting. Masonic Tem ple. 8 p.m. Past Oracle club with Mrs. Stanley quamme, izm saginav, Christmas party, 1 JO pjn. TUESDAY Missouri club with Mrs. Ray Os born. 4140 State street. coTered dish dinner U JO, gift exchange. Committees Named Salem Rebekah Lcxlge No. 1 met with Mrs. Luther . Melton, noble grand, presiding. Mrs. Georgia Heuer of Placerville, Califs made a fraternal visit. Committees were appointed for the Christmas pro gram. Refreshment and candy committee, Fred Sharer, Mrs. An na Dwane, Mrs, Lloyd Hamby; program committee. Mrs. Estella Hess, Mrs. Marlow Simmons, Mrs. Victor - Koop; decoration, .Mrs. Keith Rebo, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bressler. Announcements were made that the FL club will meet at Mrs. Marlow Simmons Thurs day night at 2004 N. 4th. J oU several world-famous coffees In M. J. B. Choice rare varieties with the finest flavor and fragrance obtainable, Blended together they are in such per- feet flavor balance that you can brew M.J.B strong, mild, in-between and get perfect results every time. x V So good Around Town.. By JerrBte English TO SQUARE DANCE ... A group of Salem dancers will mo tor to Gresham tonight for an evening of dancing with' dinner preceding at the Recreational cen ter. ... Included are the Floyd Seamsters, Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk, the Denver Youngs, the Bryan Good enoughs, the . John Hargers and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halvarson. . . . They will be guests of Mrs. Seamsters brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Harden, at their square dancing dub. ... Visitors of note. ... Here from Claremont, Calif, this week is Mrs. W. Irwin WUllams,- for merly ef Salem, who Is the house guest of Mayer and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. . . . Dr. Williams was former pastor of the First Presbyterian church here. ... The family bow op erates a, lemon farm and Dr. Williams has pastorate near by. . . Mrs. Williams came north with her daughter, Bar bara, (Mrs. Lee Reed, Jr.), who is at Fert Lewis this week with her husband, who has been called back to active duty. ... she will return south with her mother this weekend. ... . Here from Monmouth . . this week is Miss Maud Ma pherson, who ts the house guest of Mrs. Frank H. Spears and Mrs. Russell Catlin. ... Temporarily ... In Stockton and living in a quonset hut are Lt. and Mrs. Rodney Vandeneynde and little son, Peter. . . . Peter, who has been with his grandpar ents, the Gene Vandeneyndes, the past month, went south with his mother last weekend, who had come to get him. , . . After sev eral weeks in Stockton the naval officer expects to be in San Fran cisco and then San Diego before receiving further orders. ... Soon to leave ... for Port Townsend, Wash, will be Mrs. Harlan Judd and children, Anita ana Barry, who will join Major Judd at Fort Worden this week end . . . they will have living quar ters on the post ... They hope to return often on weekends to see about their new house now under construction on Cunning ham Lane. ... Newcomers ... being wel comed in the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atherton and daughter, Nancy, who recently eame here from Ontario. ... They have taken the Heaaer Lyon heme en Gardner Read while the Lyons are in Cali fornia, where he is stationed at Ft MeArthnr. ... Mr. Ather ton is the new manager of the Salem branch of the First Na tional bank here, having been president of the First National bank In Ontario for many years. : . . . Both were active in civic and community affairs in On tario. ... Moving note . .. . Au revoirs are being said by their many friends to the Edwin McEwens and sons. Craig- and Ralph, who will be leaving on December 10 for Walla Walla to make their home. . . . It will be like going back home for the McEwens as both Elizabeth and Ed attended schools In Walla Walla and their families still reside there. ... Ed ROTH HUSSEY KNOWS n n n crsi M.J.B does not roast all of Its coffee beans at once, "Individual bean roasting' brings out the maximum flavor of every rare, rich bean in the luxury blend. And highest possible vacuum locks in every bit of thia precious goodness and extra ' flavor until it reaches your cup. we guarantee ypull libs if Mrs. Donald O. R. Sell wood (JuHa A. Johnson) , whose marriage took place on November 18 at St. Mark Evangelical Luther an church. The couple will live In Klamath Falls. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs, Ador Johnson of Sa lem and the groom is the son of William A. Sellwood of Portland.- (Farquhar photo). Dean Lemon Is Guest Speaker Oregon State Mothers club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. C Gerald Richards with Mrs. William Wiedekehr presiding. Co hostesses were Mrs. H. H. Henry and Mrs. C B. Anderson. Dean E. B. Lemon, dean of administration of Oregon State college, explained legislation affecting institutions of higher learning in regard to mili tary training and its effects on the future plans of the school. A short business meeting was held at which time a profit of $102 on the rummage sale was reported. Plans were made for Christmas giving to the "Little Beavers' at the veterans village of Adair. The next meeting of the group will be held on the afternoon of January 22. is field representative for the Al- lis-Chalmers Co. Busy days ... at the Univer sity of Michigan for Geraldlne Schmoker, daughter of the B. F. Schmokers and a Willamette university graduate ... she Is playing first violin with the University of Michigan orches tra, which is presenting three concerts this week en the cam pus. ... Geraldlne is studying for her master's degree, which she hopes to complete work en in the spring. . . . She writes that her studies and musie keep her ae busy that she never has mere than an hour a day for herself. ... Welcome heme ... for Mrs. Russell LnFountaine, a former Sa lem resident who has returned here to reside . . . temporarily she is with Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, her longtime friend. ... She has lived in California for many years and this summer returned from s Eu ropean trip . . . her son, Bennet Ludden, former member of the Willamette university music fac ulty, is now at Columbls univer sity. ... Cashing In , : Nut Crops Now Come in Handy for Christmas Gifts to Eastern Relatives "' ' . - By Maxlne Buren Statesman Woman's Editor It now comes that time of year when Oregonians cash In on the home crops and make them do for Christmas gifts. Especially I mean walnut and filbert-crops. " , Back yard trees more than pay their way when it's gift giv- lng time, particularly for eastern and mid-western relatives who appreciate products from the northwest. Back yard trees more than yap their way when If s. gift glvETAO Walnuts or filberts can be sent in the shell of course, when they are nicely dried and look good, but many persons with a tree or two find that their drying methods produce some which are mildewed or otherwise unusable. It isn't always easy to tell the good from the bad so they shell them out . Shelled nuts are. just as much or more appreciated by the recipients and of course the freight Is less but the work greater. . The shelled nuts can be shipped plain for cooking and eating purposes or can be candied or spiced. Here are some recipes for candying the nuts, they do for either walnuts or filberts. , SPICED NUTS 1 cup sugar . teaspoon nutmeg 4 cup water Y teaspoon each cloves and 1 teaspoon cinnamon ginger 1 cup nuts Cook all but nuts together to 238 degrees or to medium soft ball (so it holds its shape) when tried in cold water. Add nuts and heat over a slow fire until syrup starts to granulate, stir gently. Separate nuts on cookie sheet and let cooL ' " Then there are glazed nuts that have no spices and are a dif ferent consistency: ; GLACE NUTS 2 cups sugar teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup water , Nutmeata Boil Ingredients except nuts, without stirring, until syrup cracks when tried in cold water. (305 degrees). Keep sugar washed down from the sides of the pan. Remove saucepan from tire at once, place in larger pan of cold water to stop the boiling. Re move from cold water and place in hot water. Dip nuts separately on toothpicks, place on tiir sheet to cool. To salt walnuts, boil the kernels in water for SO seconds. Drain, arrange in a shallow baking pan and bake at 425 for 10 minutes. Add butter to pan and bake another 3 minutes. Sprinkle liberally with salt. 1 You can make another nice confection using walnuts, and that is stuffed dates. Merely remove the seed, replace with a half walnut meat and dip in powdered sugar. If you've a rather large (or small for that matter) amount of shelled nuts to store, keep them in tin or glass Jars In a cool dry . place. They will keep for considerable time and remain fresh, but be sure they are thoroughly dried so they won't draw the mois ture. One pound of walnuts ordinarily shells out to about one-half pound or two cups. SILVERTON Invitations are in the mail for the wedding of Miss Vera Bailer, daughter of Sam Bailer, and Wallace Satern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Satern all TABLE SERV-A-MATIC Automatic Waffle Iron Handy-Hot Pop-Up Toaster Electric Fan Heaters frorn rSri Lamps Galore -Cl T rfSW FLOOR LAMP 5 k ' LZEi i.v. 'ft93 (feat!zd:;a FLOOR LAMP O T"" 1 1 i i Fi?5? bridge $203 I . Tucle-Lsn:? - Jf I 1 rj ' AVTr 11. T. XT-TP - I "" . TABLE m. $03 QrSiSiSSf' t 1 W O LAMPS from e5 ' THt"-" - ,V METAL SO 95 - 8hBBAr 4 j" BED LAMPS Cm SZ?1' are straight instead el t . PlajilerLanp'SppeT'C" ZST tlliniiliiiis f?5Sr Ono Group JS ' ' ' 5', 539.88: , V TABLES 9 WalnuJ and Mahogany finish. i $4.98 $(oS88 f Metal Frame - Double S. r- , . Braced - Metal Legs lesk Ouxlrs from T7e Give "S&n'' Green Slanps S Clirislnas Lay-A-T7ay Plml mm wm mmi m. , m i , V ::l:r' :;'Vu--:r a 9 a of Silverton. The date has been set for Saturday night, December 9, at 8 o'clock at Immanuel Lu theran church. APPLIAIICES $7.93 SI 2.9 5 SI 0.50 f 1 Amomafic Toasters Sunbeam. Toaslmastor. General Dectrlc, etc. Food Mbcers Sunbeam. G-E Irons Smibeom, G-E, Proctor Heaters Thermador. LaSalle, Arvin. G-E cosco TABLE 57.75 S-Shelf Enamel Table Hagazine Baskets Walnut and " Mahog. Finish $4: frots SoUd Grysfdl1 Huntington TellsTroth , Surprise romantie news re vealed at the Gamma Phi Beta " sorority house on the University of 'Oregon campus Wednesday night was the engagement of Miss CrVStal HuntinTfnn YitnM -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollig tTf TV 1 a m . nunungion, to Henry Hadley Dixon, son of Mrs. Genevieve Dixon and Dr. Henry Dixon of Portland. The wedding Is planned for June. The popular brunette bride elect told her "sisters'' of the be- trothal at, a fireside when she passed the traditional box of chocolates. ; Miss Huntington is a Junior at the University and a member of the Salem Spinsters. Her fiance Is -a graduate of the Unlversity of. Oregon and Is now taking his first year at the University of Oregon Medical school. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi frater- ' nity. - Engagement Announced Announcement is being made of the engagement of Miss Velma Wichman, son of, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph A. Wichman, to Samuel J. Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy . Barker. No wedding date has been set Miss Wichman is a graduate of Sacred Heart academy and her Q- ance is a graduate of Salem high . school and- attended Willamette university. The bride-elect is env ployed at the Willamette Grocery Co. and Mr. Barker is with Breit haupfs... EAT FRIED PORK NO INDIGESTION? STOW thanks to tba STSteral raUa BeBss) tablets brin toe hMitbon. ni sad acta maifcsaoa. inovsanas tnjer UM foods tbf h. BSUVANa contain U last vcttm taedicUMs knows to doctors. 2S, ovorrvhor. Stools lor IIEEBLEFOIIIT ' Maheony Finish ' 5675 083 59c3 Sewirg Baslxeis - Mahecany Finish 1 '"SSL-. 3t- '430 Fleer Model. S6.7S 39 Mahogany Basket !' -ft ft M ;.--. .. .