The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1950, Page 5, Image 5

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    (Crnly Mews KBimeffs
.-Isolde Zitzewitz, daughter of
Mrs. Augusta Zitzwietz, 1267 N.
Commercial sL, has been promot
ed to sergeant In the women's
army corps at U. S. army Euro-
B:an command headquarters in
eldelberg, Germany. A graduate
of Salem high school in 1941, Miss
fcitzwietz has beenin the WAC
all but one year since 1944. She
Is assigned to the medical division.
Eewing machines for Xmas, small
down payment will " hold any
sewing machine in store for Xmas
delivery. Ralph Johnson Appli
ances, 333 Center Street
Twelve cases of mumps in Mar
ion county, all but one of them in
Salem, led last week's list of new
communicable diseases reported to
the county health department, it
reported Tuesday. Others listed
were two casesof ringworm and
one. each of; scabies and scarlet
Johns - Manville shingles applied
by Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com'L
Free estimates. Ph. 3-4642.
Examination for appointment
as telephone operator, paving
$2,450 to $2,640 per year, with
various federal agencies in the
northwest, was announced Tues
day by U. S. civil service commis
sion. Additional information may
be secured from W. H. Fischer,
civil service secretary at Salem
Spencer corsenere. Fit guaranteed.
Ph. 35072.
Appointed Zone manager on the
business staff of. the Oregon
Daily Emerald, student newspa
per on the University of Oregon
campus, is Jeanne Hoffman,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. S.
Hoffman, 515 Rose st. Miss Hoff
man is a junior sociology major.
Drawing house plans. Ph. 3-9621.
For a discussion on dating con
ducted Monday night by Dwight
Edwards Junior Hi-Y club of Les
lie school, resource leaders were
Joyce Frost and Barbara Kernel
meyer, Willamette university stu
li G. Prescott, jeweler; has open
ed shop 'at 1717 Center St and is
ready to do' watch, clock & jewel
ry repairing. Also has complete
Speaker at the Salem Optimist
" club luncheon Thursday noon in
the Senator hotel will be Dr. Wil
lis Gates, ; prof essor of music ap
preciation at Willamette univer
sity, on "20th ' Century Music"
Pvt. Ray L. Comstock, son of
R. B. Comstock, 1710 Trade St.,
has completed his air force basic
indoctrination course at Lackland
air force base, Texas.
Fresh killed young turkeys 39c
lb. We also sell turkeys by
piece. Orwig's Market, 3975 Sil
verton Rd. Ph. 26128
The Salem Life Underwriters
Training council's class will meet
Monday at 9 a.m. in the fireplace
room of the public library, Win
ter and State streets.
3 discount to fuel oil users.
Tweedie gives 3 casfy discount
on furnace & stove oiL Standard
U dealer. Call 24151
A free lecture on Christian Sci
ence, erroneously announced for
last night, will be given next
Tuesday, November 14, at 8 pjn.
by Arthur C. Whitney, C. S. of
Chicago,, at Parrish junior high
school. ' -
GROSS To Mr. and Mrs,
Isaac R. Gross, Jefferson, a son,
Tuesday, November 7, at Salem
, General hospital.
MICHEL To Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur S. Michel, Albany, a son,
Tuesday, November 7, at Salem
General hospital.
TOLLEY To Mr.' and Mrs.
Perry E. Tolley, Detroit a son.
Tuesday, November, 7, at Salem
General hospital.
Mrs. Andrew Silbernagel, Stay
ton, a son, Tuesday, November 7,
at Salem General hospital.
BROOKS - To Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Brooks, Hoskins, a daugh
ter, Monday, November 6, at Sa
lem General hospital. .
MIND EN To Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Minden, Sublimity, a
son, Tuesday, November 7, at Sa
lem Memorial hospital
DURGER To Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Durger, 425 E. Ewald ave.,
son, Monday, November 6, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
Call 3-7721 and order Initial supply of Union
76 Fuel Oill
Receive free MILLER'S
Gift Bond. Make one
call . . : 3-7721
that's sill Constant
check, .full-level serv
ice from then onl
George Barza
LeRoy Evan Beals, Silverton
route 2, was Charged with follow
ing another vehicle too c'ose
Tuesday, according to city police.
Officers said Beals was involved
in a bumper-to-bumper collision
at Fairgrounds road and Hunt
street at 11:10 a.m. No injuries
were reported. Beals posted $10
line of Montana Agates.
Acting toastmaster at the Thurs
day night meeting of the Capitol
Toastmasters club in the Gold Ar
row restaurant will be Everett
DeWeese. Slated speakers are
Harry Ewing, Marion Curry, E.
A. Bradfield and Richard Rei
mann. The meeting is slated to
start at 6:15 o'clock.
Dont miss the pie and cake!! First
Methodist Church Bazaar, Wed.
Nov. 8. Lunch 11 A.M. Dinner 5
Speakers for the Dale Carnegie
club meeting tonight at 6:15 at the
Oak Pit barbecue will be Robert
Thorn, Dick Rogers, Fred Car
stensen and Bill Knoke.
To Leave for
Arabia Soon
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Char
boneau, 1365 Chemeketa st., will
embark this week on a 10,000-
mile air trip to Dhahran, Saudi,
Arabia, where Charboneau will
become district office manager
and accountant for the Misr Con
crete Development company.
Charboneau until recently was
office manager for the Mountain
States Power company at Nel
scott and was an accountant for
the public utilities commission in
Salem for five years prior to that.
His wife, Martha, has worked for
the Willamette river basin com
mission for the past three years.
The couple will stop at Wash
ington, D. C, New York, Paris,
Rome and Cairo during the air
journey. The stopover m Wash'
ington is necessary because they
have been unable to obtain visas
in Salem.
The Charboneaus have spent
the past month finishing up busi
ness affairs and attempting to
reduce their necessary belongings
to 66 pounds each the maximum
allowed during plane travel.
fThey have also been busy tak
big necessary innoculations, vacci
nations . and medical tests. They
will also carry with them photo
static copies testifying they are
Christians. They must carry these
copies with them at all times dur
ing their stay in Arabia because
of that government s law.
Awaiting the Salem couple In
Arabia is a modern, air-condi
tioned home furnished by the
company. Charboneau considers
himself and his wife fortunate be
cause their first three, months in
Arabia will be during the rela
lively cool period from Decern
ber through February. The tern
perature hovers near the 100
degree mark the rest of the -year.
Charboneau will travel between
Dhahran on the Persian Gulf to
Jidda on the Red Sea in his
managerial position.
Shepard, Zumwalt
Buy Newmyer
Farm Supply Store
Paul Shepard and Bob Zum
walt, both native Oregonians and
grandsons of Oregon pioneers,
have bought the Newmyer Farm
Supply store at 324 N. Commer
cial st.
Shepard is the son of Ralph
Shepard of Spring Valley in Polk
county, and Zumwalt is the son
of W. Lynn Zumwalt, prominent
dairyman in Lane county.
The two men are opening the
store under the name of Shepard
Zumwalt Equipment company.
Shepard was for four years ag
ricultural fieldman with the First
National Bank at Salem and Zum
walt has been customer-relations
man for the Salem Credit Bu
reau. Nothing Down Pay Monthly
- ' - - ' m m m
Ever-Tite Frameless Screens.
We also wash, retape, paint and
re-slat your old Venetian blinds.
ELMER, the Blind Man
Call Anytime
For Free Estimates
Phone 3-7328
1425 Rage St. West Salem
We Give Sill Green Stamps
3& to Leave
For Induction
Next Week
Thirty-three men for induction
and 43 for pre-induction physical
examination will leave Salem
next week, Marion county selec
tive service board announced
The inductees will report at 3
p. m. Tuesday, following at 1:30
farewell party at the YMCA, to
be given by Associated Services.
Refreshments and a program are
In the induction group will be
William J. Harris, Roger Emery
Loe, Hubert Duane Grahm, John
Henry Singer, Floyd Howe, Ellis
Elmer Sanders, James Wesley
Hilborn, Everett Albert Schroe
der, Paul Richard Widowsky,
Vergene Robert Luke, Richard
Bennett Richter, James - Leroy
BasL Norbert Joseph Schaecher.
Oscar Clinton Meyer, Albert Ed
ward Salchenberg, James Leroy
Abbott, Even D. Gregush.
Theone Joseph Pieser, Allen B.
Craig, jr., Leroy Clifford Mur
phy, Gordon Ardell Just, Daris
Gerald Olson, Richard Alvin
Montgomery, Eldon Burl Jordan,
Richard Dale Mase,-Robert Edgar
Purdy, Lloyd Ralph Egli, Rodney
Monroe Province, Robert Carl
Graham, Leroy E. Beals, May
nard Merl Windsor.
Those leaving from here also
will include Francis Dale Salis
bury, transferred in from Taco
ma, and Roger R. Wilson, from
St. Johns, Ariz. Herbert D. Ford
was transferred to Medford.
New Episcopal
Church Plans
Expected Soon
Plannine will nroceed imme
diately for the new jSt, Paul's
episcopal church In south Salem,
but construction will await stabil
ization of the building situation.
officers said Tuesday.
Completion of purchase from
the school board is expected this
week, as the deed is in escrow
and the church vestry has the
?3u,uuu price in casn. ;
James Payne of Salem has been
secured as architect, according to
Donald A. Young, chairman of the
building committee, which in
cludes Dr. W. .W. Baum and Dr.
Charles D. Wood.
The new site, bounded by High,
Liberty and East Myers streets,
was occupied formerly by the old
Lincoln school. The church will
erect a church and parish house
and prepare parking facilities.
Much of the fund for the project
is already on hand. ,
The Church's nresen nrnnart
at Church and Chemeketa streets
wiu not be sold until the congre
gation knows when It can move
to the new edifice, said Young.
Willamette Basin project com
mittee has been raited tn
here December 6. Elmo Chase of
Eugene will preside with speak
ers including uov. Douglas Mc
Kay, Ronald E. Jones, president
of the Oregon Farmers Union,
and CoL D. S. Burns, district
LeRoy Evan Beals, Silverton
route 2, charged with following
too close, posted $10 bail.
HUare A. Hoodley, 560 N. 19th
st, charged with reckless driving,
John Temple Houser, Salem
route 8, box 868, charged with
reckless driving, posted $75 bail.
"Just Good Furniture
Pleasingly Priced"
1978 North Capitol
You Are Very Welcome
to Look Around
Electric Water Heaters
Other Slxot and Styles Available
mm m w
School News
; by Gilbert Bate son
- Jim Humphrey and Bob Riggs
will, represent Salem high school
in the city "I Speak for Democ
racy" contest to be held in the
KSLM studio at 3 p. m. Wednes
day. The speeches are five min
ute radio scripts written and read
by the contestants telling of the
desirability of democracy.
The two speech students were
chosen as a result of inter-school
competition. Winner of the city
contest will represent Salem in
the state contest.
Senior Council Meets
The senior class council of Sa
lem high held its first meeting of
the year Tuesday. Class Presi
dent Jim Kleen announced that
senior graduation announcements
from three companies will be on
display in the near future. The,
class will vote on the style of
announcement to be adopted.
Kleen also told the group that
class pins and rings are available
and that a movie sponsored by
the seniors will be shown Janu
ary 11. Activities suggested at
the meeting were a dance and
F.S. Bynon, jr.
Succumts to
Long Illness
Frederick S. Bynon, Jr., 47,
well-known Salem businessman,
died &t his home on Wallace road
Tuesday following a lengthy ill
ness. Bynon was born Nov. 16, 1902,
in Hollywood, Calif., but spent
most of his life in Salem. His par
ents, ; Mr. ariti Mrs. Frederick- S.
Bynon, sr., moved here with the
family in 1908. The deceased at
tended Salem public schools and
Willamette law school.
Bynon was a veteran of army
infantry service in world War II.
He was a member of the Amer
ican Legion, Capital post 9. He op
erated a farm at Salem route 1,
box 308 and was engaged In the
insurance and collection Vbusiness
here. '
He is survived by his wife, the
former Eunice Helen Frewrog, of
Salem; a son, Frederick S. Bynon
III, of Salem; daughter, ftlrs.
grand worthy advisor of Rainbow
Girls, Seaside, spent Friday and
Saturday as a guest of Karleen
Drager. Miss Hardesty is spending
a two weeks with Mrs. Sue Tuel,
mother advisor of Acacia Order of
Rainbow, at Stayton. Saturday
night and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs,
TueL Rae Hardesty, Karleen Dra
ger and Shirley Hennies made a
trip to Cottage Grove and Drain
where they attended meetings of
the Rainbow Orders at those
With this PIN
I you can
! a Din drool
... It's the new movable
! microphone of the new
I SflVnTflVP mnA Innta
I like a lovely jeweled J
I brooch. No dangling out- I
side cords! No muffling
clothes-rub noise.
Certified Sonotone Consultant
will be at
Salem. Oregon
Thursday, November 9,
t a. m. to 7 p. m.
Investigate the "Movable Ear"
Hearing Improvement
js"" j- ; ( (
' r ... .. . ' I
f ' 1 v ::r-i f. , ' I
i V7i7 ' v'
4M;-' -1
I 1 ' '
I) iV-v
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& . ' !-.. '
i:v" . - .
Turninr from their votinr booths where they had just marked their
ballots are Harry V. Collins, candidate' for 8alem mayor, and Mrs.
Collins. They voted at the Center street grocery, polling place for
precinct 27. (Photos by Don D11L Statesman staff photographer.)
Edith Wells of Seattle, Wash.;
mother, Mrs. Fred S. Byron, sr.,
of Salem; sisters, Mrs. F. C. Von
Gortler of Seattle, Mrs. L N. Stew
In r i x ni rrC I ; ;.-
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Mayoralty Candidates Cast Ballots
art of Klamath Falls and Mrs.
Charles X. Low of Brookings, and
a granddaughter, Mary Louise
Wells of Seattle.
! l I I V
The gtotesmaaj Salem, Oregon.
Handing In ballots after Yotlnr Tuesday are Alfred W. Lo ticks.
dldate for Salem mayor, and Mrs. Leacka. They voted at preelftet
4L KeceiTing the ballots here is Mrs. Clifford Harold, (left). 1(20
fir st election board chairman.' Leacka Is the next 8alem mayer,'
election returns indicated Tuesday night.
Funeral services will be held
Thursday. November 9, at 10:30
a.m. at the Clough-Banick chapel
with the Iter.' Lloyd T. Anderson
Wednesday, Noti t lS50-y. . . f,
- V'c' '.'.tit
- - .
offl elating and with Capital post
in charge. Private concluding
services will be held at Belcresi
Memorial park.
- ,
5 '