'"'. 1 1 K . -'w.i'i'. :tirrt.i... ...:V,....;i?1' 13-Ths Statesmen, Sdlra Qrii,'SrturdaT Novsnbw 4 ISSff ' The Parables...5 - : ll: - The Wisei and (fifth ef a series ef the Matthew 25:1-13.) "Then the kingdom of heaven shall b compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Tive the -them were foolish and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. A.the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered. But at midnight there was a cry, 'Behold the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are. going out. But the wise replied, "Perhaps there will not be enough for us and you; go rather and buy for your selves.' : - - - . "While they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward the other maidens came also, saying, "Lord, lord, open to us.' But he replied. Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.' . . "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour." Additional Church News on Page ? Korean Film, Report Slated . . - - Recently returned from an even gelistic ' tour of Korea and the Orient, Dr. Bob Pierce will speak at 7:45 p.m. Thursday at Evangel istic Temple. He will show the film, "38th- Parallel," taken re cently in Korea.; Pierce toured Korea for three months last spring and spoke to as many as 60,000 persons at a time. He declared that fDespite the near martyrdom under the Japanese and the succeeding blows of com munism and war, nothing has been able to stamp out the teach ings of the Korean church.", Since returning, he Is on a peaking tour to call the attention of American Christians to respon sibility for persecuted Christians In Korea. Arrangements are in charge of Dr. Frank C. Phillips, director of .Youth for Christ in Portland. . , NEW MATERIAL DETROIT -(INS)- The United Etates Rubber Company has an nounced a new elastic upholstery material made of vinyl plastic for use in automobiles, buses,' trucks and furniture. The material will stretch in every direction; is easy Saflemm CUmraFeUaeo (Sunday school of 8:4b cm. unlet otherwise noted) APOSTOLIC JESCS NAME 445 Center St. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 Jn- S P-m. Sunday. ASSEMBLY Ol GOD evangelistic Tempi Pat and Mar ket. ll,a.m, 7:44 p.m. Sunday. 7s48 aun. Thursday. : CemUal 313 '4 N." , Commercial. Sunday school 10 a. raJ Senrices 11 a. ax. 1:45 p. m. Sunday. ... , Tbs Cased 12th and Leslie. Sua dar school 9:45 a. m. Services 11 - m. 7:43 . m. bunoay ?: p. m. w day. . - BAPTIST Bethel Cottle and D. 11 a. ra. 140 p m. Sunday. -1 Calvary Liberty and Millar. m M 9. m. Sunday . JM p. m. ay. 3 Capital Summer and Hood. 11 a.m.. J30 pjn. Sunday; 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. first Liberty and Marlon 11 i n. 8 p. m. Sunday. 138 p. m. Wsdnteday. ! mtannel Hazel & Academy, 11 i am, 7 JO pjn. Sunday, laO pjn. I w Wednesday. Bible Penewshlp Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. , ratum ic I St. Jeeph"B Cottafe- and Cbemeke ta. Manes t JSO, 8V S. 10. 11 a. m. Bon day. Devotions 7 JO p. m. Sunday and Tuesday J . . St. v latent ae raa jayrue ana wo- rumbia. 0:48, U SJP. Bunda iy confessions o-sw. -s JO pjn. Saturday. 1 ClrUSTIAIt Ce-art Street 17th and Court. 10 JO sum. and S D-m. Sunday. rtrst Center and High. 10 JO a. 7 JO d. m. Sunday. 1:00 p. m, Wednes day. .i CHaUSTIAN MISSIONABT AIXIANCB th and Gaines. 11 a, nv, 7 J4 p. to. Sunday. 730 p. m. wecnesaay. CBTTSiCn OP CHRIST. SCIENTIST Cbemeketa and Liberty. Sunday school 8 JO ajn. Services 11 ajna 8 pjn. Sunday. 8 p.m. Wednesday. Reading room 14s b. tiign. CHTJBCH OP CHBIS Central Cottace and Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 10 JO m, T30 pjn. sunoay; ij pjn. Thursday. cntrtcB or GOD first Cottage and Hood 11 a.m. 7 JO pjn. ajunoay i -Mi pjn. yveonesoay. CHracH op jrtv criui OP LATTER DAT SAINTS Stb and Madison. Sunday school II ajn. Services. 11 JO ajn- 0J0 pjn. Bunday CON GBJtG ATIONAL Plrst Cottag and marlon. ll ajn. Sundav. BJUght Memerlal lStb and rrry la ajn. eunaay. , j EPISCOPAL -' It PauTi Church and Chemeketa. Sunday chool S JO ajn. Services 7 JO and il aun. sunaay. . , ,; i . KV ANGELICAL AKD REPOEMED Betaaay Marlon and CapitoL Sua elav school 10 ajn. Services -11 a m.. S pjn. Sunday. 7:45 pjn. Wednesday. FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 N. 5th. Sunday. Pervicea 11 a.m a D.m. school 10 Sunday. pjn. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. BV ANGELICAL CNITED CBETHEE20 Ea)ew4 17th and Kebraaks. 11 . a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. rint Marion and Summer. 11 aJn 1:45 pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pja. Wednesday. aTK'EMDS" .' L jt'tas ATsawe churcn ftsfl E. u ajzv, iim pjn. auxway, . t P Usaa i ComeyiJ f"4 Fltht Foolish Virgins parables cf Jesus, taken from 3 West Stayton Makes Plans lUUoua Newt Serrfca WEST STAYTON West Stay ton's Community club met Friday at the school for a social evening and business session. '- Trick or Treaters" were out in full force, here Halloween despite the rainy weather. Many residents treated up to 40 children. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stinnett and family have returned from Ari zona. - Two Halloween parties were held at West Stayton grade school. One was staeed bv the fifth and sixth grades and the other by first ana second grades. . Mrs. Minnie Dirkmnn fa teach ing piano lessons after school each mesaay. Sharon Dowers, a newcomer from Silverton, has entered the first trade here. The West Stayton Birthday club met Wednesday with Mrs. Helen Gilbert Mrs. Mabel Odenthal will be hostess -to the club November 15. to tailor and stays permanently soft and pliable. It is highly re sistant to scuffing and tearing, can be washed with soap and water, and will not crack or flake. It Is not harmed by oils, greases, gaso line or aiRaiis. TOM METHOOIST - Winter and Market. 11 a. m., 70 m. Sunday. 73s pjn. wadneaday. XIX GOSPELPENTECOSTAL Calvary Caaaal 1143 N. TJhartr. Sun. day school 10 a.m. Servlcea 11 a.m.. 7:13 P.m.. S p.m. Sunday, 0 pjn, Tues day, rriday. Saturday. Chlltk at CoS BiO . tSnA. lund,? school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m I pjn. Sunday. pjn. Wednesday and Friday. Ptmrsaaara 490 N ltrth n mm 7:45 pjn. Sunday. 7:45 pjn. Thursday. Jesus Naaa Pentecostal 1171 Lewis, Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 - 7:45 djb. Sunday. 7:44 run. Wad. nesday.. Cnlted Peateeostal 441 3T2 a. m 7:45 p. to. Sunday. 7 naay. C7ITTTXTB OP RELIGIOUS SCZENCl 4M N Cottar. Sunday school 10 . m. Scrvic 11 a. m. Sunday. JEWISH Temple Bath Shales aaaaiaon ana Broadway, t CfcurtB school 10 ajn. Services t pjn. Friday. KXNGWOOn BTBLB ! 111S Em at 10:4B am . -.ja nm Sunday, 7 Jo p. aa. Wednesday. LtTTBEKAN Ceatral (Amerlcaa Conferenee) Cepltoi and Gaines. u aja. sunosy. I pa Wednesday. Christ (Amerlcaa Church)! 8th. Sunday school 10 Sjb. ' aja ix ajn. sunaay. St. John's (Missouri Synod) 1J ind A. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services i ana u ajn. sunaay. St Mark EvaareHeal rrTn!trfij N. Church. 8 JO and U ajn. Sand, ;y. METHODIST 1 Tin Church and State. 11 sunaav tao pjn. Thursday. asea Lei if Memorial Winter and 11 ajn. ,7 JO pjn. Sunday. Jeiierson. Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 ara, 730 pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. AiiiLTKiar. West Balsas trA and rUrfh 1! m 8unday METAPHYSICAL CENTER . Cbttage. 1 Jo pjn. S pjn. OPEN BTBLB STANDARD 1133 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 am 7:49 pin. Sunday. NAZARENE First .Center and 13th. 10:30 am. JO ajn. Sunday. 7J0 pjn. Wednesjday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 ajn. 7 JO pja, Sun oay, i pjn, weanesaay, PRESnTTERIAN Plrat CbemekeU and Winter. 841 and 11 ajn. sunaay. i ju pjn. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa. Sundav aatinnl 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn. t pjn. Sunday. SALVATION ABUT S41 Stat. Sunday school 10 am Ser vices 11 ajn. 7 JO pjn. EundAT.Tio AUIUHMf SEVENTH DAT ADTtHTIIV Johasoa Memorial Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school S JO ajn. text less ajn. saiuraay. ; SPIRITUALIST first C0 . Cottaf. Services 7 JO pjn. UNITARIAN PELLOWBHEP ; "n hotel frlllroom. 8 pja. first wi esiuu aB heAaeljr SH UNITED BRETHREN Plrst m (Old Constitution) 11U Waste. Sinv. dsy school io ajn. Service If i.m. t JO pan. Sunday, IMS pjn. TXursUay. WT'LEYAN HYTBOniSY Civic Group Officers SeeK Re-Electionin Aiimsville Poll Statesman News Service ATJMSVJJLLE Candidates for city offices are unopposed in Nov ember 7's ejection. iney are Aieivin uudow, in cumbent mayor; Elmer Tandy, re corder, and Harvey Carlson, W. J. Roberts and Charlie Wright, alder men. The polls will be in the old city halL Misses Arlene and Ardyth Car ver, Elaine Jones, Eileen Erickson and Sally Klein were hostesses for a Halloween party in the city hall Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Way and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carver were chaperones. The Aumsville women's home extension unit will meet with Mrs. Robert Mickey Wednesday, Nov ember 8. Members are asked to bring a sack lunch. Tetanus Victim Dies; First in Five Years PORTLAND. Nov. 3P)-Max-ine Brewer, 11, died in Isolation hospital last night, a victim of tetanus. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Brewer, Portland, she was stricken 18 days ago. The last previous tetanus case reported here was five years ago. Suburban Churches AN KENT COMMUNITY Ankeny schoolhous, Lfberty-Bueaa Vista road. Sunday school 18 A. m. Services 11 a. m 8 p. m. A UMSYILLB BETHEL BAPTIST Aumsrde. Sunday school 10 m. Services 11 a.m., 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. pjn. Sunday, 7:41 ACMSTTLLB WESLEY AN Aumsvill. Sunday school 18 s so. Services 11 a. m, 7:45 p. m. Sunday. BROOKS ASSEMBLY OP GOD One-half block south of Brooks school. Sunday school 8:41 Services 11 a. m, 7:48 p. m. Sunday. ?:a p. m. i nursaay. CLEAR LAKK EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Wheatland Perry rd. Sunday seheal U a. m. Services 10 a. m. Sunday. OLA COMMTJieTTT Eola. Sunday school 8:48 a. sa. Bar vices u a. m. Sunday. rOTJR CORNERS BAPTIST Stat and Hma. Sundav school 8:48 a. m. services Hi. m, T M p. m. nn day. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. TOCTTLAND EVANGELICAL CNITED BRETHREN 8 miles east ct Salem. Sunday seheol io a m. services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. ALBERT MKMORIAL BAPTIST Hayesvill, on mil north ct NX underpass. Sunday school 8:41 ajn. Service 11 ajn. 7 JO pja. Sanday 7 JO pjn. Thursday. KETZER CHURCH OP CHRIST 1030 Dearborn. Sunday school 18 ajn, Services 11 ajn, 7 JO pja. Sunday! I pja. Wednesday. KETZER COMMUNITY XHiabeui and Churchdale. Sunday scnoot .s a. m. pervweo ll sv m. anuaoay. 7: t JO p. an. Wedn- oay. KETZER PATTH LUTHERAN 4508 N. River. Sunday school 8:45 f.m. Services 11 un, 8 pjn. Sunday. :15 pjn. Wednesday. LABISH CENTER COMMUNITY (Evangelical United Brethrea) Uk miles east of Brooks. Sundav school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sun day. LtBEBTT CHURCH OP CHRIST liberty church. Sunday school 10 m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP GOD 878 vista ave. Sundav school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 8 p. m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMUNITY Macleay school. Sunday school 10 MARION FRIEND B Marlon. Bundav school 10 a. m. vices 11 a. m. 1 JO p. m. Sunday. MTDDLR GROVE COMMUNITY Middle Grove school. Sunday aafcoal 10 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North Howell. Sunday school. 10 Jn, Services 11 ajn. 8 pjn. Sunday. I pjn. Wednesday. PBATUM TMMANUEL MENNONTTB Pratum. Sunday school 8Jl a. m. Servlees 11 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Sunday. PBATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday school 18 a. aa. Sar. vices 11 a. m. Sunday. PRTNGLB FRIENDS Baxter rd. west ct WE. Sunday school 1:45 ajn. Services ll ajn. iJO pja. Sanday I pja. Wednesday. ROBERTS COMMUNITY Jtooerta school. Sunday school 18 ROSED ALB FRIENDS Rosedal. Sunday school It a. am. Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. m. Suladay. SALEM HEIGHTS BAPTIST . Liberty and Madrona. Sunday school 10 a.b. Services 11 ajn 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7:43 pjn. Thursday. IUMMTS METHODIST orchard Heights rd. Sunday 0011001 11 ajn. Services 10 ajn. Sunday. - - 8WEGLB COMMUNITY Swtgle schooL Sunday seheol 18 Bwegle school. Sunday school 11 ajn. tALBOT COMMUNITY Talbot Sunday school 10 a. m. Ser vloet 11 a jo. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. S pjn. BURNER ASSEMBLY OP GOD turner. Hunday school 8:49 a.m. Service 11 ajn. 7:45 pjn. Sunday. 7:45 pjn. Wednesday and Friday. STENEB CHRISTIAN Turner. Bible school 8:48 am. Serr. tees 11 ejn. 7 JO pja. Sunday, 1 pja. Thursday. TURNER CHURCH OP CHRI oo?0 ajn. Sunday. aaasoni nau. Sunday sen oemces u ajn. sao pjn. TURNER METHODIST Turner. Sunday school 18 vie u a.m. aunaay. E1NA COMMTJM1TI Eeaa. Sunday seheol IB a. as. REPRESENTATIVE Prom St. Paul, Marion County PA Adv. by Curtis Coleman, Sec "Koch for Rep.- Worldivide rBible Reading .'I Month Starts Thanksgiving The seventh annual Worldwide Bible Reading- program, set for Thanksrivinr to Christmas, was announced Friday by Its sponsor, the Amerlcaa Bible society. Theme this year la The Bible A Usht and Guide." The program originated during World War II as aa effort to bring together la thought each day the men la service and their families, by reading ef similar portions ef scripture. . it has the endorsement of major Inter-chnreh councils and church denominations. President Harry S. Truman is honorary chairman. High point is Universal Bible Sunday on December It, ob served la churches the World over. " ' - Lists of the society's reading selections will appear oa The SUtesanaa church page for each week beginning November 18. School, Troop Stage Parties At Pringle Statesman News Service PRINGLE Girl Scout troop 53 and Brownie troop 56 staged Hal loween parties in the hayloft at the Joe Gray barn Monday and Tuesday. The loft was decorated with pumpkins, corn stalks and colored lights. A birthday cake honoring Juliette Low on her birthday was served along with doughnuts and punch. Pringle school pupils held Hal loween parties in their respective rooms, playing games and serv ing: refreshments. ' . David Johnson was elected president of the fifth grade. Rob ert Kimble is vice president; Jean Klingler, secretary-treasurer, and Martin Doerfler, news reporter. Pringle school reached its Com munity Chest goal this week, col lecting $21.65. Lou Ann Hahn earned an honor roll certificate from radio station KOAC last week. Jefferson Man Receives Call To Active Duty Statesman News Service . JEFFERSON Miss Flora Vaughn received word Sunday that her sister, Mrs. Minnie Yea ger died that morning in Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Yeager was the daughter of Eli and Julia Bates Vaughn, early pioneers In Jeffer son. A native of this city, she attended school here as a girl. Calvin L Bursell, SN member of Salem's organized surface divi sion 13-38 of the naval reserve, Monday received active duty or ders. He will report in Portland Friday for physical examinations and in Seattle December 3 for ac tive duty. He Is a son of Mrs, Lena Bursell. C. L. Donahue of Sdo, ousin Dallas 'Churches iMirouc run Church and Court. Bundav seaooi 8 jo a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. nv sunoay. s p. m. xnursaay. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Birch and Stump. Sunday school 8:48 Say m. services 11 a. m. 1 pjn. sua 1:45 p. m. wean nesday. BAPTIST First Was Kin (ton at Sund ay school 8:45 iy" m. Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. m. Sun- 7 JO p. m. Thursday. CATHOLIC St. Phillip's W. Washington st Masses 8:15 a. m. second and fourth Sundays. 10:1a a. m. erst. third and fifth Sundays. CHRISTIAN Plrst Jeflersoa ana City. Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Services ll a. ra. 7 JO p. to. sunaay. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Shelton and MllL Sunday school 8:48 a. m. services 11 A m. 7:44 pjn, sun oay. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 410 Mill. Sunday school f:48 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. first and uura weanesaays. CHURCH OP CHRIS Levena and MUL uaaay so hool 18 a. m. Bemces 11 a. m. I M p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP GOB 1018 Ash. Sunday school 8:48 a. ra Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP JESU8 CHRIS OP LATTER DAY SAINTS Basement of city library, pun Oay school 10 a. m. Ser :mces 7 p. m. sunt EPISCOPAL St, Yhesaas Cherry St. Sunday school 10 and 11 a m. acmces 11 a. m. aunaay. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and MUL Sunday school 8:48 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 745 p. m. Sua- tay. . FREE METHODIST 134 MUL. Sunday school 8:48 Services 11 a. m. 7:48 p. m. B m. uaday, LUTHERAN Trinity 110 Waihlnrton. Sunday school 10 A m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. MENNONTTB Brethrea ' Washington and Haytsr. Sunday school 8:48 a. m. Servlee 10:45 a. m 7:48 d. m. Sunday. Evans slical Brethrea How St. Sua dsy school 8:35 a. m. Servlcea 11 a. m. 8 p. m. sunaay. urace 207 Jefferson. Sunday school 10 m. services 11 a. m. sunoay. METHODIST PlrsB Mill aear Mala. Sunday school 8:45 a. m." Servlcea 11 a. m. 7:48 p. Sunday. PREBBTTERIAN Plrst Court and Levens. Sunday school 8:48 a. m. Servlc 11 a. m. Sunday. lirtNTH DAT ADVRNTIS Waahlnrton and Jefferson. Sabbatk school 8:45 a. m. Servlc 11 a. m. Sat urday. Supported by Democrats AND Bepnblieana . lavvrence J. "lurry" q ca (Pronounced Cook) for ' t f 1 1 1 of Mary Donohue, died in his sleep early last Thursday morning. Fu neral services were held Monday afternoon at the Scio Baptist church. Burial was in the Jef ferson cemetery. i Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grice and son. Billy, of the Dever com munity arrived home Sunday from uwuiua uip Ml Odll AH gelo, Tex. where they visited a son, Nesbie Grice, and family, and other relatives at Antlers. Okla. They were Mondav cuests of their daughter. Mrs. Arthur Harris in Jefferson. High School ElectsQueen At Amitv Statesman News Service AMITY M y r n a Sutherland was elected queen of Amity high school's annual carnival sponsored ny ine uiris Athletic association. Miss Sutherland received a larva panda bear. Princesses Janice Robertson, Pat Christiansen and Jackie Haberly received costume dolls. Louis Buczvnskl won the dnnr prize and a live turkey was awarded to Mrs. Wesley Benja min. The event raised 4250 for the student body fund. Mrs. Andrew Wakeman, Mrs. wenaau Martin. Mr, vaa Lehman and Mrs. A. W. Newby attended the Central Willamette valley association wnmm'i fall rally at the Ocean Lake Baptist i-uurca auesaay. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Gillespie, teachers at Grand Tslsn .oVii classes ai noon Monday because of high water from the Willamette river. Rising water cut vu. mo roaa 10 tne scnool later In we aay. Council Race Attracts 3 At Idanha Statesaiaa News Service ' IDANHA Four candidates fcav filed for three Idanha council posts to th Tuesday, November 7, elec tion at the firehalL They are Hu- ur xtay, sam Faimerton, Noyes Whltten and Marion AMrmn The American Lesion auxillar wm serv a creamea cmcken and hot biscuit dinner in the high school from S to 8 pjn. Tuesday. November 7. Albert Snyder left Portland by plane Wednesday for Waunita. Neb., where he attended funeral -in . . . . . services Friday for his brother-in law, Ivan SittrelL Silverton Churches ASSEMBLY OP GOD stom sr. aunaav acnoai area m. services 11 ajn. 7, s pjn. Sunday, pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. CATHOLIC St Pairs Pin and Grant. Mimh t. la 1 Sunday, 840 a m. weekday a a m. Saturday. HRISTIAN Ftost Park and 1st. Junday school 848 a. m. Servlees U a. f JO p. m. Sua- oay. CHRISTIAN AJTB MISSIONARY ALLIANCB 80S N. Ind. Sundav aehaal It Services 11 a m. 7: p. m. Sunday. iMOi weanesaay. CHRISTIAN SCTENCR Bra and Lewi. Sunday school 18 A u. services u a m. Sunday. CHTJBCH OP CHRIS V MWA halL Bible class 10 a.n. Hai-r. lees 11 and 11:45 jn. 748 pjn. Sunday. CHTJBCH OP OOD ana and A. Sunday school 18 a. m. services 11 a. m. 8 p. m. Sunday, p. m. Wednesday. CHTJBCH OP JESUS CHBISY OF LD8 Kaifhta of Pythias halL Oak and auu. 11 ajn. aad 1 pjn. Sunday. LUTHERAN Calvary 318 Jersey. Sunday school 18 a m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. J pjn. pjn. weanesaay. -Imaaaaael N. Church st. Sunday scnooi is a. m. aervioe 11 a. m. aunaay tTtaity Ind and A. Sunday sshool 10 a. m. aemces 11 a m. Sunday. METHODIST Main and flak a Sunday sshool 8:45 A m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. Miriiiiw SllvortoB-Marauam high way. Sunday school Ham. Servte U a. m. Sunday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 842 & Water. Sunday school 8:45 A m. Servlcea 11 a m. 748 p. nv Sun day. 748 p. m. Wednesday. IBTINn DAT ADVENTIS Park and Sad. Sabbath school 8:48 a m. Service 11 a nv Saturday, 748 p. at. Wednesday. - "never used such Pr?oo-tJ-flGO,? f cow-so CAPITOL LUI3BEI1 CO. Fhene 1-lttX er -1-4411 imig Manages NewDoolittle Service Station A new Master service station officially opened Friday at Marion and Liberty streets on the ap proach to the Marion street-Wil lamette river bridge now under construction. " - Elmer Suing, who has been as sociated for several years with Master service stations in Salem, will manage the new operation. The original Master service sta tion opened in 1929 at Center and Commercial streets: Frank Doo little owned the station with Har land Brock as manager. A second station was construct ed in 1949 to serve the new Capi tol shopping center and the state office buildings. Bill Kenney was manager of this branch. School Plans Open House At Hubbard Statesman News Service HUBBARD Hubbard grade school will hold open house Mon day, November 6, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. . when all classrooms will be open. I The firemen's auxiliary will meet Monday at 8:15 pan. in the firehalL The firemen will meet at 8 pjn. J Pythian Sisters' of Arion temple will meet Tuesday evening in the KP halL i The Ladies Aid of Hubbard Com munity church will hold an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Lester Will Wednesday, Novem ber 8. t A no-host dinner for vetepans and their; families will be held Wednesday, November 8, at the American Legion halL St. Agnes' - Altar society will stage its annual fall festival in the, city hall Friday evening, Novem ber 10. t Youth Benefit Drive in Polk Cities Gaining DALLAS A Polk county fund drive to benefit youth groups has reached about two-thirds of its $3,840 quota. It was reported Fri- day. T John Greenwood, chairman of the Dallas drive, has announced that about 68 per cent of that city's $3,200 goal has been collected. Of 28 captains In the drive there, 11 captains have reported a total of 27 per cent over their assigned quotas: .. At Independence, drive chair man John Pf af f reported about 65 per cent of the city's $1,000 quota is in. The drive kicked off early this week at Valsetz, Grand Ronde and Monmouth. Funds collected will go to the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls. The drive was launch ed because no Community chest croeram is underway in Polk county this year. Synthetic Rubber ; Worries Planters SINGAPORE Synthetic rubber will eventually force down the .price of natural rubber to around 23 cents A pouna, aeciarea Dr. W. E. Cake, chairman of the United States rubber plantations In tie east. Dr. Cake said the rubber posi tion In the U. S. was very night" Civilian consumption of natural and synthetic rubber, which was around 110,000 tons per month, had been cut to 90,000 tons, he said. However, he added, . synthetic production, which Is now 450,000 tons per month, will rise to 760, 000 by the end of next March. With the price at 18H cents a pound, manufacturers will disre gard quality to buy increasing quantities of it, he predicted. . University Studies Explosion Effects LOS ANGELES -()- Increas ed air pressure or "blast has long been known to kill and injure people in an explosion. Now the University of California is trying to find out just how much, pres sure does what damage. Dr. Benedict Cassen is working with rats and mice in a tube in which' pulses of air pressure can be developed. He says first damage Js bursting of ear drums. Next come lung hemorrhages, then other internal hemorrhages. He says more work is needed before his data can be adapted for hum an use. ; . - fine fuel, . . H. Cherry Ave. , Salesn. . Oregest At Salem Schoolo By Gilbert Batesoa ' . Statesman School Correspondent . i SALEM HIGH SCHOOL Salem high school's 1950 yearbook drew a top rating In national competition with other large high schools, school authorities announc ed Thursday. " ' ; ' - ( ' The "Viking" was awarded one schools in Its class. Lower ratings- schools. . . - V- Pebble DeSart : and Richard Scott were editor and business manager of the 1950 yearbook. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. D. G. DeSart, 1155 Spruce st, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott, 960 N. 5th st, Entries were judged by the Uni versity of Minnesota school of journalism. ; . , .. .' Hl-Y Induction Set .V Members of four Salem high school chapters of Hi-Y will be formally inducted on . November 28 at the First Congregational church. A speaker has not yet been chosen for the induction. Boys to be inducted are: Claude Kells chapter, Dick Boynton, Bob Clarke, . Chuck Currey, Mickey Enyeart, Dave Hunt, Ralph Low ell; Abel Gregg chapter, Robert Bruce, Bruce Burns, Corky Brown, Charles ' Bales, John Gundran, Derald Knittel, Warren Miller, George Watts, Elmer . Winegar; Arthur Cotton chapter, Dick Ad ams, Bob Dixon. Bob Hewitt No lan Jones, Martin Knittel, Norman Lee, Bill Nelson, Marion Putman, Larry Sharp, Jim Verdieck; Har rison Elliott chapter. Gene Bow ers, Jim Brown, Jack Bishop, A Cohen, Stan Freise, Jack- Hart, Willard Moore, Bob Nopp, Jerry Snyder, Sam Triplett, John Tem pleton. Bob Walker. LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH Three Leslie students are at tending a Junior Red Cross con ference in Longview, Washington, this Saturday., They will hear speakers and participate in a workshop. Those attending from Leslie are Shirley Juran, Julie Astrup, Ann Butler. . Recently appointed to the Merit committee which distributes merit points to students were Bruce Pat terson, Phil Webb, Sharon Whit acre. . The Girls Athletic association has inducted a group of new mem bers. They are: Barbara Allen, Mary Lou.. Anderson, DaVeen Benin, Gayle Gustafson, Sandra Kline, Berniece Michalke, Roberta AmUndson, Judith Hopfinger, Kay Knickerbocker, Jeannine Lidbeck, June Lytle, Joanne McCaleb, Gladys Novak, Sharon Olson, Kay Salter, Ruthie White, Carol War ren, Mary Bolton, Marlene Labbe. FAIR WAT LONDON -(INS)- Frederick Francis Fincher, 60, in court on a charge of stealing three watches from a house, was described by defense counsel as a tramp. He in terrupted to say: 'Excuse me, sir. They do not call us tramps now. We are wayfarers." He received a suspended sentence. . . . Mailman Frank Zinri Retires; 30 Years on Doivntown Route A familiar face Is missing from the downtown Salem area these days. ' ' ; - r Frank Zinn, a mail carrier at the Salem postofflce, has retired after 30 years service. And every one of those 30 years was spent on a downtotwn business mail route. Zinn officially retired Tuesday, although he has not been tot) active during the past two monthA 1 A Salem area resident ' since he was a youngster, he started with the postoffice after - serving with the national guard on the Mexi can border and. with the army in France during World War L "I think rd do It all over again If I had the, chance. You dont get rich but you meet a lot of fine people," Zinn said this week In retrospect "And now that it's over." he added, "I'm going to find time for all the fishing I've missed In 30 yean." Zinn recalls many unusual ex periences over the 30-year pe riod. He remembers putting shoes on an elderly resident, every morning for years. He can laugh about the time this same resident returned a letter to him, saying. This doesn't belong to me." The letter was 20 years old. And he remembers the bulldog that used to accompany him on his route the one he had to chase out of the postoffice because pos tal regulations forbid pets in the building. Once a woman, who thought Zinn owned the pup. brought the dog to him in tne building.' She didn't know Zinn had just .chased the bulldog out the back door. Zinn remembers many inci dents and many friends over the long period of service. And It works both ways. He has many friends who miss him these days when the morning mall Is deliver ed. ' Week End Spends . ' Scrt-Sun-Monday only Ked Garden Cnrrants, each . 10c Grow your own frlly stock. Crocus bulbs Dos. 250 Grafted rhododendrons $900 Hedge laurels $00 Dox. I ' , Cm 7 ft. flowering crab - apples, heavy beads s250-$350 .Knighi Pcarcy IlnKcry 875 S. Liberty sL (3 blks. south oi State) Open daSy I 1 5. Sunday 10 ta 5. of 14 Ail-American ratings given were received by 55 other large ' , ' .) V ' ::' : '" State Hospital Patients Get Job Training ; PUEBLO, Colo.-(INS)-The Col orado State hospital In Pueblo has Instituted five occupational ther apy shops for rehabilitating its pa- ' tients. , , Dr. F. R. Zimmerman, superin-' tendent of the mental institution, said patients considered for such therapy must be screened so that therapists can give the patient In dividual help. Each case is han dled by a ward doctor's prescrip tion. .-; i Although occupational therapy has been utilized at the hospital for many years, the shop plan out side of wards is a new idea. Three of the rooms are for women and two for men, and Include leather- craft, woodwork, sewing, weaving, metal work, puppetry, carving and even finger painting. One of the shops makes nearly 700 dresses monthly for female' patients, and takes care of a large amount ef the institution s mend ing. s Dr. Zimmerman explained thai the therapy arouses and develops attention, creates new interests, eases emotional strain, gives an outlet for repressed energies and substitutes encouragement for des pair. It also has physical benefits. that therapy is part of the hospi- , The hospital superintendent said tal's co-ordinated plan of recovery. Modern Pilgrims Draw Protests CANTERBURY, Eng. -(INS)-Modern. pilgrims wandering about Canterbury Cathedral in shorts or bathing suits have brought protests from local residents. " j . One contributor wrote in the magazine "Canturian:" )'''" UI was most distressed by ths chattering, queueing and slovenly dress of some of the visitors to the Cathedral. Many were in bathing costume or shorts." The Chief Verger, Oliver Wood riffe, replied that he had not seen any visitors in bathing costume. "It is impossible to keep a check on every pilgrim," said Woodriffe. "No particular instructions are is sued as to how visitors should be dressed." 11 . .' " ' if . , For tabor Commissioner WILLIAM E. KIMSEY The man en the ob who KNOWS the lob! Oregon labor Press, October s. ItM: "For saar thas 34 rsara. uioa Mrabtr ... h (atthfallr 4iharc8 all ati st sfeKribsa t Ststs law.. .sis ftraoaal tautrity caaaot bs tutstioatd." Oregon Voter, October tt. imsi Klay has ssasa aa tictlleat labor Mmmioioacr. Hs has aot atcd his ! -Acs t promote caatsatioa. While s ' tarda! iaaaectioa laws with Srauteas, . km has aot arbitrary. Klmac has bca s faithful administrator; awl aa afitator, but staadiatt ia duty. Ha . rkhly 8trves r-lti." . -i Stoto Federation of Labor, Eutiv Board. A a rust S. 1950: "Mr. - Kiaucy bs baca sctirt ia-ra tor's rsakt nors thaa IS years. Ht served a Preai. ' 4nt oi tha Tvpocraphical Uaio at Portlaad. Secretary 4 tba Oreaoa Stats : Pederatioa ol Labor, etc. Ia two terms ss Labor Conmistioaer be has admia . iatrated tba affairs taitbfully, eaiorcinf laws aa4 coditioma la iaduitry by - aitthority aader atata laws. His recarw -is aboe reproach." . . . .. Voto end Re-elect William Lilimsey Labor Commissioner Tha Ad. CsaMiirw e tm b? esoMtoaa if C a 0 Caatral llos.. fertw. Ofaa Holly $tl 50 Trees sQi 18 to 24 inch trees Tulips DOS.'. 800 Camellias $O50 Cm up 3 and 4 yr. apple trees Shade trees lG0 w 1