f The Stcrtestaum. Solent, Oregon. Tuesday. October 31. 1950 Iff! m4i& Wwitim SOCI ETY CLUBS .Around Town Several Events Highlight Week By Jeryme English WELCOME HOME . ; . f or Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and daughter, Bobbe, who returned Sunday form a month's trip south . . their main destination was Houston, Texas, where they at tended the National Retail Lum berman's convention ... with headquarters at the famous Sham rock hotel ' . V . the Meyers .were the only Oregonians at the con vention . .. A post-convention trip to Mexico City was enjoyed by the Meyers and eighty others . . . Enroute home the Salem travelers stopped off several days each ' in -Los Angeles , and San Francisco . . . ' It's a boy . . . for Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mils ... . he .was born at the Salem General hospital Monday morning . . . the little lad who has been aBwd Charles KnUIcr. has two sisters, Martha and' Barbara . . . and his grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuttler of Davenport. Iowa '. . . Mrs. Kuttler is here to welcome her . new grandson, having arrived several weeks ago . . Party time ... Mrs. Robert De Armond and Mrs. Lester Carter will be hostesses for two parties this week at the former's new home on North 23rd street . . . They have invited sixteen guests on Wednesday and Friday after noons for one o'clock dessert lun cheon to be followed by bridge . . .The hostesses will use the au tumn motif in decorating ... Busy days ... this week for Governor and Mrs. Douglas Mc Xay, who are making their head quarters in Portland ... Monday night the McKays headed the re ceiving line at the public re ception following , the opening concert of the Portland Sym phony orchestra . . . and on Mon day afternoon Mrs. McKay was the honor guest at a tea for which Mrs; Carl Tegnell was hostess at her S. W. California street home . . . today Irs. De Etta I. Hurley will be a tea hostess for Oregon's first lady . . . also on the agenda re speaking engagements, din ners and luncheons . . . in fact When Mrs. McKay left here Sun-, day she took practically her en tire wardrobe from suits .to , for mal ... as she will be attend ing from three- to four affairs each day . . - Receives appointment ... Mrs. George Koosman was the sly Balem woman to he named department head by Mrs. B. M ZeU, president of the Ore Federation mt - Women's r CCXSVCKANDCQ U - ft: V Plenty 'Free Parking ' , ... -: I- , j I vl . Miss Ellena Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Johnson, whose engage ment to John Howard Gil bert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilbert, route one. Turner, has been announc ed. The weding is planned for early spring. clubs, who anounced her ap pointments this wekend ... Mrs. Ross man will bead the literature and poetry division of the fine arts department of which Mrs. Myra Weittenhiller of Barns is chairman ... Mrs. Willam Chandlee, the immed iate past state president, will be in charge of the penny art division for the 2 year term. From Stephens college . . . comes news of Sharon Hamilton, a sophomore and daughter of the Ralph Hamiltons . . . she was one of 14 students attending a two day Campus Radio clinic at Lin denwod College in St Charles, Mo. ... the girls, who are staff members of KWWC, Stephens ra dio station, presented a drama, special feature and news broad cast ... the clinic was the first of its kind held in the area, with 19 universities and colleges from seven states participating. All packed ... and ready to be shipped to The Netherlands are 35 dolls made by the Salem .Jun ior Woman's club . . . the past week the dolls have been on dis play at the First National Bank, Margwen's and Lambert's . . . this Is a state-wide project and every junior club member in the state has made a doll . . . They were packed Monday night at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Richard Klover . . . they will be sent to The Netherlands Woman's club in Amsterdam, from where they will be distributed at Christmas time. Cold wealhor ahead time for neatly Save by sowing them yourself with fabrics. Wash it it stays bright and new! Pussy -soft, lustrous gracefully draping . . it's truly a marvel fabric for the entire family's wardrobes! 15 smart colors in light and dark shades ... all washable, wonderful! 36-in. It's a 4-star Feature, sold only by ' Sears! Hard finish. Practical fall shades. Herringbone or sharkskin finishes. wide. Cotton velveteen 5 W. 1 Ul.l MX IB UIC IUI IIJIC I spotlight now! Rich, soft firm ! tvtnr ... Incfrnni hMn Use it for smart trimmings or for fashionable suits and dresses for college-bound gals! 36-in. wide. A gabardine that's espe cially firm and crease re sistant, soft and smooth- draping. Wide variety colors. 41 -in. wide. STORE HOURS Monday and Friday, 12:30 to 9:00 P. M. Tne, Wed, Thurs., Sat, lfcOO to C:00 P. M. 550 II. Capitol - Phone 3-9191 MUSIC Nuptials Are Performed Monday Gold and white ehrysanthe mums flanked by white tapers provided the setting in the fire place room of the First Presby terian church for the wedding of Miss LaVelle duBuy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis duBuy, and Allen Craig, ir son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Craig, on Monday night. . The 6 o'clock nuptials were performed by Dr. Chester. W Hamblin before members of the immediate family and a few friends. Ronald Craven was the soloist. For her wedding the bride se lected a blackberry suit, the fit ted jacket styled with a peplum and a straight skirt She wore a dusty rose hat with black veiling and feather and black accessories. Pinned to her suit was a corsage of orchids. Miss Jeanne duBuy was her sister's only attendant and she wore a forest green suit with black accessories and corsage of pmk roses. Leonard Martin stood with the groom as best man. Ush ers were Joseph Mapes and Rudy rrykberg, cousin of the groom. Mrs. duBuy attended her daugh ter's wedding in a grey suit with gold accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Craig wore a rose beige suit with black accessories and corsage of pink carnations. A reception followed, at the duBuy home on North Capitol street Mrs. Glenn Gordon of Gates and Mrs. Donald Miller of Eugene, aunts of the bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Leonard Mayfield, also an aunt from Coos Bay poured and Mrs. Leonard Martin, sister of the groom, presided at the punch bowl. Assisting were Misses Marilyn Reay, Marilyn Linser, Virginia Beall and Mrs. Frederick Sproule. After a week's honeymoon, the couple will return to Salem to reside temporarily until the groom reports for army duty later in the month. Mrs. J. R. McCready of Forest Grove, state organizer of PEO, will make her official visit to members of Chapter G, PEO at a dessert luncheon meeting on Thursday afternoon at the Fair mount Hill home of Mrs. Estes Morton. Mrs. Homer L. Goulet will en tertain her club at luncheon this afternoon at her country home. FABRICS tailored suits and coats. these dependable Fairloom vashoble pinuale corduroy yard Rayon Suiting C) yard 39-in. velveteen in colors .11 . 1 L3 Yard Rayon Gabardine yard Brides-Elect Honored at Showers Early November brides-elect are sharing in much of the entertain ing this week. Sunday morning Miss Rita Lan caster was hostess for a breakfast and bridal shower at the Marion hotel in compliment to Miss Bar bara Albrich, who will be mar ried on Saturday to James Bru nelle. ' . Covers were placed for the ho nor guests, Mrs. Thomas Morley, Mrs. Gene DiLoreto, Misses The resa Thomas, Miriam Rom, Kath leen Emmons, Mary Toohey, Rita Schwartz and the hostess. Miss Gloria June White, who will become Harold Littke's bride on Friday, was feted at two show ers last week. Honor Miss White Miss White's great aunt, Mrs. Nona White, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower at her Mill street home on Friday night. Honoring the bride-to-be were Mesdames E. B. White, M. Jarvis, Thayne Olson, A. J. Trojan, Albert Halseth, Charlotte McWain, A. L. McDowell, M. A. Dierks, Phillip Littke, William Franzwa, Henry Tate, Frances Ramsden, Oren Kel logg, Sylvia Shreve, Robert Far ris, Kathleen Caplan, Miss Hazel Shutt and the hostess. Miss Eleanor White entertained with a miscellaneous shower at her home on the Liberty Road for the pleasure of her sister, assist ed by her mother, Mrs. L. R. White. Feting the bride-elect were Mes dames Clarence Cherry, Leonard Crisler, Emel Ped, James Zwasch ka, Clyde Gardner, Sidney Smith, Robert Wall, M. C. McClanahan, William McElroy, Geraldine Jar vis, Clyde Green, Louise Parker, Misses Patricia Thompson, Betty Stettler, Ardith- Comb, Charlotte Graber, Clara Lou Miles, Patricia Halseth, Lorraine Battles, Delores Battles, Ruthe White, Roberta Klempel, Evelyn Woare, Sharon Hoxie, Violet Lasale and the hos tess. To Sing with Choir Tacoma Mary Holmquist of Salem has been chosen by Gunnar J. Malmin to sing with the Choir of the West at Pacific Lutheran college, it was announced Satur day. Miss Holmquist is a fresh man at the college. In March the group of 55 voices will make an 18-day tour of the west, going as far south as San Diego. J V me' P IV 1 0W0 M 1 M O cr-p n u coJg:y7 j SPECIAL! ! a i 1 1 PLASTIC KNITTING BOXES IN COLORS.. . . . VERY POPULAR FOR HOME ...CAMPUS... SHOPPINGI These round boxes while made for carrying your knitting, are very widely used for many other uses . . . even for carrying lunches. You cannot afford to miss these for the low price of $1.00. See them in Miller's liberty street window. Also ... in each box a postcard offering free monograms by the man ufacturer. Notion dept., main floor. C1 nr l. -.". ' : : - 1 1 . L " Professional and amateur flower growers cf Oregon are receiving special recognition in Oregon , this week as National Flower week Is being observed throughout the nation. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, thought the observance was a good one she .received two dozen long-stemmed Oregon roses from Mrs. B. O. Schucking, left, owner of the Eola Acres Eorist shop. Statesman photo). Anniversary Meeting The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service of the Leslie Methodist church will be hostess to the Tur ner society at 1:30 Wednesday for a program and dessert luncheon to be held in the parlors of Leslie church. The meeting is in observ ance of the tenth anniversary of this organization in the Methodist church and a birthday cake will be featured with candles to be lighted in recognition of the pro gress of the society. Hostesses for the social period are Mesdames T. O. Adams and Letha Stripling. The program topic is "Health in A Rural Community" and will be presented by Mrs. Arlie Largent with Mrs. C. W. Stacey in charge of the devotional period. 1 nr : i l!! UVUO I asfr caw STORE-WIDE BARGAINS! it' hi- If I la A 1 Stephen Epley's Fifth Birthday Stephen Epley celebrated his fifth birthday at a party on Satur day at the home of bis parents, the Keith- Epleys. The Halloween motif was used in th tablt ap pointments and favors. Special guests were Stephen's grandmother, Mrs. Joe E. DeWitt, who assisted, and Mrs. F. L. Epley, an aunt. Youngsters attending were Sheri Anderson, Joy and Ric Fortune, Bobby, Ivan, Connie May and Dixie Phillips, Mike Simmons, Mike Scott, Billy Whitmore, Jim my, Florence and Gloria Epley and Marlee Jo Epley. n r .0 T vj-. J 4 Supervisors'bf Music to Meet On Campus Willamette University Some 200 elementary, junior and senior high school , music supervisors throughout the state will arrive in Salem this Friday for the an nual fall meeting of the Oregon Music Educators Association to be held on the Willamette university campus this weekend. ; . New on the agenda this year is the banquet scheduled to open the convention on Friday even ing, ? o'clock, in the' University's Baxter halL Featured speaker will be Dr. Stanley Chappie, Dean of Music at the University of Washington, Entertainment will be the Uni versity of Oregon string quartet, composed of Music School fac ulty members: George Boughton, Mrs. Mary All ton, Edmund Cyk ler and Milton Deterick. Josephine Albert Spaulding, well-known contralto of' Salem, will sing a group of . numbers, accompanied, by Mrs. A. A. Schram. Dean Melvin Geist of the Wil lamette Music School, will serve as toastmaster for the banquet, and women of the Willamette chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, na tional music honorary, will be hostesses. Karl Ernst, program chairman and supervisor of Port land Public School Musics is ar ranging for informal singing. . Saturday's program for the OMEA meet will include the an nual business meeting, with elec tion of officers for the. coming bi-annum; a general session of vital interest to all Oregon music educators; sessions on music ap preciation in the secondary class es, and marching bands; and a concert by the Benson Polytech nic band of Portland, with Nor man Street conducting. Afternoon session for elemen tary teachers is planned around problems of, homeroom music, with demonstrations by Louise Grant, of Pasadena, California, who is being sponsored by ' the Boston Music Company in a ser ies of clinics and workshops throughout the western states. Miss Grant was former music sup- i ervisor at Schenectady, N. Y. and later taught music education at New York University. . , . it Exclusive smooth-top Sertq construction guaranteej thrilling new sleeping com fort I "rl Sl..rn Mottrots Spine is ghrea healthful, levtt support recomnroded by leading doctors. Permits complete relaxa tion, more restful sleep. . You Sleep ON AvtooMtk Comfort Adjwstmeitt Regardles of your size or weight od justs to your comfort seeds. Sorto Smooth-Too (Toftloss)- Coo troctloa No bumps, buttons, otrctcb, ooo-sbih, oon-sag. Perfect Sleeper, America's Creotest if Watfress Ydst "OitrBSS Oar .SkS. --h Saat ftitt . St HtTltNAllT AltttTIStt SENSATIONAL EXCLUSIVE SERTA FEATURES - jr VV. "Ual-Metlf Vltollxod BSSSjSlSi rle' Too. Csklon(iian 2S 2S I Gire resilient Patented "Ribbon riF I ?togH . "all-over- sup- Steer coils in ceo- Ufl C2S I jpT port front head to ter section aire rtsH I defects caused by faulty materials. worle t nanship or construction.' SEE the differences FEEL the differtntt Jedcy rt Hostess Fetes Mrs. White Mrs. Larry Wagner was hostess : for a shower in honor of Mrs. Wes ? . ley White at her home on the Gar . den Road. ' " - - Attending were the honor guest, -Mesdames Lillian Schmidt, Ethel Sundlie, Arthur Roloff, Boyd Hill- V esland, Eldon Bradfield, Leonard Cain, Rebecca' Burnham,- Edna: Grant, Bernice Gwynn, Velma Law verty, Kathryn Toycen, Emily Van 1 Santen, Jesse Jones, Misses Caro- line Going. Alice TurowskL Sadie I Roth, Evelyn Smith, Gladys Tip- ' ton, Shirley Payne and the hostess. LeGario's Delicatessen V Ready to Serve You Again at t ! 10 a. m.r Wednesday, Nov. 1 We have moved down tawa - - New Location is 453 Court Street Where yaa can enjoy those good home cooked meals at reasonable - - sensible pri ces - - - , ' We will servo our popalar noon day loaches aad eve ning dinners. AISO . Prepared foods to tako out thoso wonderful chick on pies, homo made cinna mon rolls - - salads - end pies. We always have roast tur key - baked ham pork and beef to sell by the pound. We will be looking for you - - we appreciate the many calls asking when we wlU be ready to serve. Open Wednesday, 10 a.m. 453 Court St. Phone 2-1403 ' liidlvMoolly ck.l.rf Coflfr-. "Soft" mattress often causes mus cle strain, backache. "Form it, ting" springs confine beat, ctuM restless sleep. It... Not IN It! "Vitalised Cathl.niMf Patented "Ribbon Steel" coils in cen ter section girt more resilient comfort 1 fM t row Sorto-Form Swoar Vill BOt tag or break down. ScloRtrftcolry m rayalSoSihif Gives ideal sup port, protection aad matching comfort. Dustless. BOrseless, I 1 ' 340 Court Street Salem. Oregon tmatatmtv USA (Vna t n