Most Grains Advance in Day's Trade CHICAGO, Oct. 27 Most grains wound up with advances Salem Obituaries KSTKEM Mrs. Nellie K. Estrem, at the resi lience. 160 N. 21st st October 26. at the age of 76. Survive i by husband. Nels Estrem of Salem daughter, Mrs. Lenn Davis of Salem, and a sister. Mrs. Richard Hansen. Tacoma, Wash. Ser vices will be held Monday. October 80. at 1:30 pjn. from the W. T. Rigdon Chapel with the Rev. M. A. Getzen daner officiating. Concluding serv i Ices in City View- cemetery. rOSTCB . Mrs. Gertrude Foster, late resident pfPowell Butte at 1503 S. High si.. October 28. Survived by husband. Frank Foster of Powell Butte: daugh ters. Mrs. Esther G. Erickson and Mrs. Dorothy McClain. both of Salem, and three, grandchildren. Micky McClain and Peter and Arthur Erickson. all of Salem. Shipment has been made by the Virgil T. Golden chapel to Red mond for services Sunday, October t. at 230 p.m. at the Community Church in Redmond. 1KWETT Frank G. Jewett. late resident of 17S 8. 19th St.. at a local hospital October 25. Survived by wife. Mrs. Huldah A- Jewett of Salem: daughter. Mrs. LeRoy Robinson of San Jose. Calif., and a brother, Charles A. Jewett of Denver. Colo. Services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden chapel Saturday. October 28, at 1 J30 p.m. with Dr. Daniel H. Sehulze . officiating. Ri tualistic services by Salem lodge 4, AF & AM. Interment at City View cemetery.! KEEK Mrs. Elizabeth C. Neer. at the resi dence at Turner route 1, October 28. at the age of 79. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Nina Caldwell of Turner; three on. Ralph Neer of Chenalis. Wash.. Thomas E. Neer of Corvallis and Clayton K. Neer of Turner; eight grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Announcement of services later by the Clough-Barrick chapeL Joseph Benner. lata resident of 23 Claxter road. October 26. at the age f 75. Survived by sons, Esthel J. Benner and Moody A. Benner, both of Salem; daughters. Mrs. Vivian Garrison Of Salem and Mrs. Helen V. Moore of New York. N. Y.: brother, William S. Benner of Salem; sisters. Mrs. Amelia a i Eus-ene and Mrs. Lou Smith of Gladstone, and by five grandchil dren. Member of First Prebyterian Church in Salem. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Satur day October 28. at 10 BJti. with con Cludinaservices at Belerest Memorial Park. Dr. Chester W. Hamblln offici ating. ACNE ' ' ' "ry Jane Hagner, lata resident of Qt J?- l rt- at local hospital. October 27. at the age of 70. Sur- fived by her husband. Ollie Hagner. alem; two daughters. Mrs. Hazel hute. Salem, and Mrs. Viola Ohern. Auburn. Cauf.; three .sons. Leonard Hagner, Salem: Amos Hagner. Ger Tais: Eugene Hatrner, Brush ; Prairie. Wash-: a sister. Mrs. Victerine Gardi er. Atchison. Kan.; and 11 grand children. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. today after session of rapidly shifting price trends. In contrast, wheat ended lower after' early firmness. The bread cereal went into an abrupt tail spin in the closing minutes. Wheat closed Vi-T's lower, corn l-2 higher, oats unchanged to Vz higher, rye unchanged to IV4 higher, soybeans unchanged to 2 Va higher and lard 10 to 30 cents a hundred pounds higher. The reversal came in the closing minutes. Wheat suddenly dropped, pushed over partly by a report by Broomhall, international grain au thority, that the French minister of agriculture had set an export goal of 33,000,000 bushels for this season. This brought back wheat's bugagoo: The surplus. Stocks Regain Some of Loss Of Thursday NEW YORK, Oct. 27 -JPy- The stock market, in a grudging ad vance, regained a small part of Thursday's sharp losses today. Steels, rails and motors acted as the market's main supports. Gains ranged to a little more than $1 a share. A substantial number of shares, at the same time, backed down a trifle but losses were small. Trading today was considerably more sedate and volume dropped to 1,800,000 which Is still a good day's business. Two pieces of corporate news were credited with playing a large part in the recovery: Bethlehem Steel's $2 a share dividend an nounced after the close yesterday and General Motors Income for the first nine months. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced 50 cents to $83.20. The three major groups industrials, rails and utilities all moved up with utilities making the smallest contribution. The market narrowed to 1,154 individual issues from a near record 1,234 yesterday. Of these 557 were marked up and 329 de clined. , Aumsville Girl To Head Athletic Club Statesman News Service AUMSVILLE Janice Riches was elected president of the Cas cade Union high school Girls Ath letic association at a recent meet ing. Other new officers are Lucille Speer, vice president; Margaret Fry, secretary, and Nell Foster, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gower have purchased the Connie Roberts property. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts soon will move to a farm near Caldwell, Idaho. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kuecyclc.: KSLM 13M, KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620, KEX 1190 u - . Pacific Standard Time FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1: KGW 100 3- Tnrv i ZLl:i T5i"? - f 'alt the aroma, ... Chaatxed with.Bt tfrWMT . aeeauss ffttases pregrasas are Vtr'ili mauanttm "- cannot be fir HOUR 00:00 00:15 08:30 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOI KGW KEX N News Padgc Podge Dawn beat . 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Hningway iBreak. Gang Minstrels IMinstreJ. KOIN Woe (News Hear This Hear This Roundup Boys IM. Agroosky (Timekeeper (Farm News INewa KOTO srw. 12JL ! Net News fJZtJZ" 'Vf?1" 'Ho5 Podia Dawnbeat Dawn beat Dawnbeat Break. Gang J Navy Band (News iNews I News 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Crusaders Radio Kids News A. -Andrews Hits ! Crusaders J Radio Kids (Let's Pretend I A. Andrews Hits Top Trades I Ex. Service. I Cons. News (News I Coffee Tuna 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I Haven Rest. (Proudly Hall (Junior Miss ISmilin' Ed Home Demo N.W. News Science ' Theatre News New Releases Hsvea of Rest Proudlv Hail I Junior Miss ISmilin' Ed Parade Stars Farm. Home Defense Theatre Public Affairs New Releases 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. News Aunt Sophie Stars Hlyd. Cathedral Stars . . , Pastor Can I Dick Havmea -H Club Music Room I Grand Central (Grand Central ncaaing is run New. and IToyland Toyland Jerry & Skyc Aunt Sophie Stars Hlyd. Cathedral I Stars College Choir iCollee. Choir Net News IBand Give Ac Tak. I t. r.b. C riita-rl TlmvA r . . . . 'Stars j Stars 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barn Dance Army Football Family Party Mary Taylor Grid. Frolics I Bands. Bonds I Army Football Barn Danr ! Army Football Family Party Music Girl. Mrr Taylor (Y. Oregonians UCLA-Purdue ! UCLA-Purdue 12 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Bands. Bonds Army Football Music Girls I 1. irrcgonians UCLA-Purdue W?w!SS5fl?lw-w- tMn on Farm I Man on Farm Z ":: lArmyrootban I Army Football FfwitK.II It- - IGotham Oiiar Trv.ik.1l '"T-Home I Farm-Home IBand on Mall UCLA-Purdue lUCLA-Purdua luCLA-Purduc 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KCK Man on Farm Army FootbaU Football Guest Star UCLA-Purdue (Frvr.fh.ll Band on Man UCLA-Purdue Man on Farm Army Football FootbaU News UCLA-Purdue Band Concert Sat. Matine. Football Before Whistle After Game OSC-Montana Sat. Matin. rootbaU I Oregon-USC After Game 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX OSC-Montana Sat. Matinee FootbaU Oregon-USC Tea and ! OSC-Montana Sat Matinee ' (FootbaU '.Oregoo-USC Crumpet. I OSC-Montana Sat. Matinee IMortn Downey I Oregon-USC I Tea and 3 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX OSC-Montana ' !OSC-Montana Souvenir ISouvenir N (Lake Success Oregon-USC ! Oregon-USC Jun. Junction tJuau Junctioa lOSC-Montana St. Matinee Mortn Downey ! Oregon-USC Fasc. Rhythm OSC-Montana rowernouse ArtKirkham Orrtn-tTr 1 Bill Watson 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX OSC-Montana Hemingway News Chin-ti Sat. Chase (Sat. Chase Oregon-USC lOregoa-USC Rex Koury ISquirrei OSC-Montana Powerhouse Art Kirkham Oregon-UEO BUI Watson IBanditand (BandsUnd Curtain Cans I Curtain Calls Uohnny Spot (Johnny Spot I Bands of Land Band, of Land - (Future Faith 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Review Stand (Review Stand Chris. Science Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Tropicana : Music Barnyard Danger Ahead Band, of Land IFtb. Wdupjc."std Band Box IFtb. Scoreboard Blue Snorts ! Sam Hayes Sports News E. Peterson Club Time 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Cat Vespers , Candlelight J Hi Sports Dixie Jazs Natl Guard CaL Vespers (HawaU Calls music isews Memorlea r Ritiknii Dixie Jam IDennia n iHome Edition (Your Business IffawaU Cans I Assembly Cod r av. Husband Dennis Day R. Nathan 7 KILM KOCO KOIN ' KGW KEX Take Number (Take Number (Ramblers Playhouse I Tune Time (Les Brown Sing H Again (Sing It AgsJa Sing It Again '""J vuajr wanova I Ola Onrv inia rtnrw Mer. Go Round Mer. Go Bound! You Top This (You 7 (Ramblers 150 vd. Lin. I Sing It Again op This 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Reserve Salute Dance Party . V. Monroe Cass Daley Lone Banger 1 "... mAj X U Dmnc Pvtv Irt.. t-. Cam Daley IHedda Hopper Lon Ranger (Barn Dance Square Dance I Dance Party I Gene Autry IHedda Hopper I Barn Dance 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Dance Party Hop. Csmidy Hit Parade Gypsy Rose ' (Pop Edwarda I Dane Party Hop. Caaudr Hit Parade ICypsy Rose I Hoos. Hotshots (News lGangbusters (Ufa of Riley Visiting Tunc 'Bill DeSouza Sonny Kaye Gang busters Life of Riley Visiting Tune 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX M. Whales Reserves Night Final News News Dance Orch. Dance Orch. I Terr. Lea ltntermesce N W News , uance Party Ray Anthony Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Dance Party -Ray Anthony Orchestra Orchestra 11 KILM Open Bouse KOCO Dance Party avoiif ueo. riaher Onia Rmiu - ln n m . fe! ,5nc PrtT Dance pSSy KGW W.V Ma W,Tm.,S!!1. IB.nd5t.nd KM t rm iii7. ' ""nm 1 wax Museum tra trance iLeta Dance (Let's Dance I Let s Dance KOAC is ta. U-0t a.m. The News end Weather: U:13 Especially for Women; 11:00 The Concert Hall; 12 .-aa The News: 12 Ol Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride "Em Cowboy; 1:M FootbaU OSC-Montana: 40 Pacific Serenade: 4 JO Here ss Australia: :U ChUdren's Theater; 1:13 Take It on Upbeat; 3:50 50 Sports Club; M News: S:is London Letter; tM Din ner Melodies; :4S Report from Saudi Arabia: T"00 Grand Opera: la.t News and the Weather; $M Dance Parade: is no sign off. Hew York Slock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct 27 -)- Today's Closing Quotations: Ad Corp Al Chem Al Chalmers Am Airlines Am Pow & Lt Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Anaconda Atchison Beth Steel . 29 Gen Foods . 56 Gen Motors . . 35 V Goodyear Tire . 11 H Homestake . 17 Int Harvester .151 Int Paper .68 Johns Man- 37!Kennecott Boe Airplane Borg Warner Bur Add M Calif Packing Can Pacific . Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler Con Edison .. Cons Vultee Crown Zellerback Curt Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont ! Eastman Kodak Emer Radio Gen Electric . -127 - 47 - 36 Vi - 67 y4 - 14Vs - 47 - 18 - 46 - 37 77 29 15 42 8 Libby McN Lockh Aire Loew's Inc Long Bell Montg Ward Nash Kelv NY Central Pac Am Fish .. Pac Gas & Elec Pac Tel & Tel Packard Penney Perm RR .. Pepsi Cola 80'Philco 45Rad Corp 18 Rayoruer 49 Ray Pfd - 48 50 - 58 - 38 - 31 - 45 43 67 L 8 - 30 - 17 - 26 - 63 - 19 - 16 26 - 19 - 32 102 3 - 65 - 19 - 9 - 44 - 17 43 Rjepub Stl Rey Metals Richfield Safeway Sears Roebuck . Soc Vac South Pac Std Oil Cal - Std Oil NJ Studebaker Sunsh Mn Swift and Co Trasamerica Twent C Fox . Un OU Cal U Pac Un Airlines Un Aircraft Un Corp .. US Plywood US Steel Warn Bros West Un Tel West Air Br West Elec Woolworth Portland Produce PORTLAND, Oct. 17 -fAP)- Butter fat Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to J55 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. 66-69c lb: first quality, 63 66c; second quality, 60-63C. Butter Wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers; Grade AA. S3 score, 65c lb; A. 92 score. 4c; B. 90 score. 61c; C. 89 score, S8c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon single J71,k-401,jC lb: Oregon S-lb loaf. 42-43c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large, 54-56 lie dox; A grade, medium. 51 S2bc dot: B grade, large. 40-42c. Live chickens No. 1 quality. F.O.B. plants): Broilers under 21, lbs, 36c; Fryers. 2'-3 lbs. 29c; 3-4 lbs, 29c; roasters. 4 lbs and over. 29c: light hens under 4 lbs, 19-20c; 4 lbs and over. 19-20c. Heavy hens, all weights. 22-24c; old roosters, .11 weights. 12-15c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-9 lbs, 25-27c lb; 9-6 lbs. 21 23c; colored. S cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. ll-15c lb; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, S9-58c: some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, good. 500-600 lbs. X50 49; commercial. S46-48; utility, S43-44; cows, commercial. $39-42; utility, $38 39; canners -cutters, $34-37. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quar ters, $56-60; rounds, $54-56: full loins, trimmed. $73-77: triangles. $44-46; square chucks. $47-49; ribs. $60-65; forequarters, $44-46. Veal: Good. $46-50; commercial. $44 46: utility. $34-37. Calves: Good-choice, $46-40; com mercial. $36-42. Lambs: Good-choice springers, $4S 60: commercial. $45-47. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs. down. $28-30. Pork cuts: Loins. Mo. 1, 8-121bs. $30 94; shoulders, 16 lbs. down. $40-42; carcasses, $31.50-32.50; spare ribs. $46-51. Wool: Valley, medium grades. 60-63c lb average at country buying points. Mohair: 80c lb on 12-month growth. F.03. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Veal: top quality, 42-44c lb.; good heavies. 35-40c. Hogs: Light blockers. 30-31c lb.; sows, light. 25-28C. Lambs: Top grade springers, 43-45c lb: best yearlings. 36-40c. Mutton: Best. 16-20c; rough heavy bucks, ewes. 14-16c. Beef: Good cows. 33-36c lb; canners cutters. 31-34c. Onions: Large, No. t, 1.75-85 per 50 lb sack; 50-lb sack Wall. Walla med.. 1.50-65; Calif, Idaho white wax. large, 2.25-50. Potatoes Ore. Gems. Russets No. 1 A 2.00-225: 25 lb. 77-aOc: 10 lb. 38 38c; No. 2 50 lb. 80-85c: Wash. Rus sets No. Is 2.25-2.35; 29 lb. 77-BOc: 10 lb. paper bags 27-30c; 50 lb. No. 2 75-85C. Idaho Russets No. 1 A 2 65-2.73; 25 lb. 72-85c; 810 lb. sk. 2.00-2.05. Hay: U. 5. No. 2 green alfaUa. deliv ered carlots F.O.B. Portland or Puget Sound markets. $32-34 ton; Willamette Valley grain and clover hay $28-29. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Oct. 17 -(AP)-(USDA) Cattle salable Friday 60; steady on limited supply. Tor week salable $.415. Market uneven on continued light re ceipts, generally steady-strong, in stances 28-50 higher on medium steers and beef cows; canners -cutters sag- ed at mid-week but closed strong; ulle strong. Medium-low good short fed steers 27 JO 29 JO, Utter for 2 loads around 1.053 & 1.060 lbs.; med ium frassers 27.00-28.00; common steers 22J0-26J0: feeders scarce, odd head 23.00; Medium heifers limited at 26.00-27.80: common beef heifers 20.00-24.00; cutter-low common dairy type 16.60-19.50. Cutter cows largely 1J-50-17.00; common - medium beef cows 18.50-33.50: young cows to 23.50 24.00. Good beef-sausage bulls 24.00 25.00; common - medium sausage bulls 20.00-23.00- cutters down to 18.00. Carves Friday 25; steady: odd good calves and vealers 29.00-31.00. for week salable 670: market strong -1.00 higher. Odd high good vealers 31.00 32.00: bulk good up to 400 lb. calves vealers 29.00-30.00; medium 24.00 28.00. Including stock ers at 28.00; com mon down to 16.00. Hogs salable Friday 125; one load unsold; odd head 223 lb. - butchers steady at 22.25. For week salable 1.475; market around 50 lower. Good-choice 186-230 lbs. 22.00-25. early top 22.50; 240-300 lbs. 20.50-21.50: Good 350-550 lb. sows 19.00-50. lighter weights to 20.00. Good-choice 60-123 lb. feeder pigs 1.00 lower at 24.00-25.00. Sheep Friday none: market nomi nal. For week salable 1.220; market strong. Good-choice but mostly good woo led lambs 26.25. few head 26.50: other woo led lambs 26.00 down; good shorn 25.50 down: good feeders 24.00- 50. Good slaughter ewes 12.00-50; com mon down to 8.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Oct. 27 -(AP)- Cash Kaln: Oats, No. 2. 38 lb. white 94.00; rley. No. 2. 45 lb. BW 51 JO. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 212'i; soft white (excluding Rex) 2J3; White club 2.13. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.17; 10 per cent 2.19; 11 per cent 2.20; 12 per cent 221. Hard white Baart: 11 per cent I JO; 12 per cent 2.22. . Today's car receipts: Wheat 28, bar ley 24. flour 3. corn 2, oats 4. mill feed 6. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE Is hereby given that the final account of the Pioneer Trust Company, as administrator of the estate of PUTNEY E. PERKINS, de ceased, has been filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mar ion County, and that Monday, the 20th 5u?vfNv.'mber' 195- at $30 a.m. In the Court Room of said court to the Court House In Salem, Marlon County. Je?n- has been set for the hearing of objections, it any, to such final account. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, STEVE ANDERSON. Attorney for Estate. 500 Pioneer Trust Blrtr Salem.Oregon. O 21-28. N 4-11-18 Salem Harkel Quotations fA of late veterday BUTTEKrAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER Wholesale Retail JU .68 .60 .70 .79 (Valley Packing Co. quotations) Feeder lambs $20.00 to $23.00 Ewes $ 2.00 to $10.00 r ai aairy cows S1B.00 L-uner cows . Dairy heifers Good veal Bulls . $12.00 to $15.50 $ 13.00 to $17.00 .$24.00 to $26.00 .820.00 to $24.00 ir.OI IRiKlmi (Wholesale prices range from $ to 1 ant over buying price.) Large AA JS9 Large A . JO Medium AA .47 Medium A .42 Small A J8 POULTRY Leghorn hens .1$ Leghorn fryers , .19 Colored hens Jl Colored fryers 31 Old roosters J3 Roasters ,- 7 TURKEYS Yesterday's prices to producers on Portland maraet) Hens . 46c to 47c Toms . 36c to 37c 450 MercEandise 451 Mac nery and Tools MODEL SC Case tractor. 1943. Call Corvallis 1759-J or write Ted Hau ler. 112 N 8th. Corvallis. . 455 Household Good for Sola 450 MercKandise 470 For Sal. Mcecmous NEW Electric range, never unpacked. aiso iirepiace set ana screens, fh 4-4119 BfcDSTKAD and coil springs. 310 oenevue. Am. z. pnone 2-8628 GUIBERSON oil heater for S or rms. useq a years. 860. 3740 Hollywood Av, USED RUG 9x12. 815. -020 Maple 2 NEW Venetian blind, outside irurt.1 lation, off-whie, one yellow tapes. S3',i incn wiaui by 35 inch height. ,$5.60 each. See Ralph Hassing. Birch at., mi. Angel WILL bL my equity in a brand new 50 model Kirby cheap. Leaving town. nan rer-v after B p.m 4 PC. LIVING room set In knotty pine Reasonable. Phone 2-3989. Used Furti., Cheap TRADE TERMS Valley furn Co M5 No Coml 2-7472 Linoleum S3. 95 VALLEY rURN CO 285 N COM "L Slocks and Bonds Complied by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES Oct. 26 .30 IS 13 60 . Indust Rails Utils Stocks Net change . AJ A.4 A.l A.5 Friday 115.0 53.3 45.3 83.2 Prev day 114.1 52.9 45.2 82.7 Week ago 116.1 55.6 45.4 84.6 Month ago 113.4 33.8 45.4 82 7 Year ago 96.0 36.0 42 8701 BOND AVERAGE 20 10 Rails lad t v Oct. 27 Net change . unch A rrldav i Prev day Week ago Month ago i ear - ago 1940 hifh . 1950 lnw. New 1930"low' 96.7 96.7 97.1 97.1 91.0 96.0 92.5 101.6 101.3 101.6 101.7 102.3 102.8 101J 10 Fgn 1 D.1 A.l 103J 73.4 103.3 103.4 103.6 104.1 105.4 103.2 73J 73.4 72J 69.9 75.4 6SS 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found FOUND: New sweater In my car at Sears Monday. 1985 Breyman ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 8-0133. PO Bt 724. YMCA Wed. Frl 6 30 Vm. LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade7 aa old reliable dub. Box 607. Vancouver. Stanley Home Products. Ph. 43ft: rmif tWJ a. - l v - VPAL iUn'g Psychic Reader clrcUi wed. 1 JO and k pjn class lectures Tues, Friday 8 pan. 678 N. Cottage St, Phone 2-2960. 400 Agriculture 402 Urwartock WEEKS old weaner wrd. Rt. 3 Box 939 iND Martin W. McCandh-h un . Zltk, Ph. 3-fl BONOEU livestock Paver CUudVf w-iuj xo we. rn. 4-III3. BULL Service any place. Ph. 4-3176. " " . . c hit pi.t.T. rn. -ji a. BONDED livestock buyer. A. t. Som- mer. 3130 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 42617. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. C Snethen. 1940 Lancaster dr nh 2-1343. 404 Pcmltrr and Rabbin NICE N. H. & Pm. pullets $U3 ea. ,1895 Blrchwood Phone 2434? STARTER HAMPS. baby chicks. Also day old. Every Friday. Gehring Hat. '""J. fliivtnon. r-n. BUCK 193, COLORED FRYERS WANTEb. ' Top nrices. Ph. 22881. Lee's Hatch err NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches IT?7 eS?1 r' Hatchery. 3830 NEW Hampshire Chicks. Weekly hatch es. East Center St. ph, 2-2861. Lee's r m it rirrw j-DRESSED Roasting hen.. Order in jriVr ' fluywooa Ave. Phone 50 N. Hamp pullets. 6 months. Laying J wviu ruURf at IX 403 Pets AT THE service of dog and cat owners ..u i i fr trauung Ken nels. Rates reasonable, free Pick-tip ""'.new rn. -ItB3 or 4-2248. MOuHs Tropical iah equipment -supplies. 2 mi. from Lancaster on ..... rtq. wi. a. pox 483. P. 2-732 1 iMArV:- rtendly male terrier. PUREBRED Black cocker spaniel pup uivuain, rUOIHj -dZSP. 412 Frcdt and Farm Prod ncs FOR FREEZING, fresh picked while you wait. Broccoli 10c lb- brusseU sprouts 10c lb. Cabbage 24e SbTMe hama Gardens, Highway 222. EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa Hay ior sale t. ' -m. P-RFEC Rome" beautv anrl cnit- -: R-l Dr. YJXaaa.NJB.Dr. O. ChajL, NJD. DM. CHAN ... LAM " CHINESE IIXZBAJLISTS 241 Nartlt Ubertr tTnstalrs itm Jnit m sr fA. arty. Office open Saturday only 10 vf, I- w P-m. L-onsuna-non. Blood pressure and urine teats J enarge. PracOced since WALNgis filberts. or on TV, 7;,, r ro.ooent. t. j. Box SchooU Straight west Kelzer 450 Merchandise 451 Macldnrr and Tools Y9,H? nd effort demands good &o Hou" Why Suffer Any Longer Wkem etkers fan, km ear Cfclaese S1 for seas what auaaeata yen are afflicted Wforders. stamsttls, heart, hugs. Mt er, kidneys, gas, eeaurttpatlea. leers. ittT i reaaaie CIjIARLIE CHAN CHINESE HXX. B CO. 234 N. CeaasaerelaJ Phone 2-1836 SALEM. OKX. Office Ble-urs 9 6,' Only GOOD Coldspot refrigerator $60. 2011 commercial rTione 37V84 EASY Washer, good condiUon $23 rnonfjow SINGER Sewing machine. $98 353 esue 456 WcmtsKi. Pjonswnold Good USED FURN, Immediate appraisal nianest prices, vaiiev rurmture 283 N Commerrlal Ph 4T GLEN WOODSY Ph. 33116. 458 Building Mat rkiLa ' Birch Front Doors 3" Mold Casing 4' Mold Base Base Shoe -821 4c ft. -6c ft. -lc ft No. 2 Randem length Oak Flooring Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silvrtnn TM Mum, MU 5h6p kElTk BROWN F6R THE b5 nuza in luwn 3 panel. Inside doors $7.50 8 lite 1 panel outside doors 2-8x6-8 only $13 winnows 20x24 cm. .sa.s . Cedar siding. "4x8 L$8S M W . 11 Ue ft. ' 14C ft 18ic ft 22c ft. 25c ft. '2 31'4C ft. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Front and Court CEDAR SIDING SPECIAL Cedar Siding $37.00 and up Widths 6" 8". 10" and 12" CEDAR SHAKES. No. 1 $13.50 sq. PLYWOOD. 4x8-" it ft ROOFING. 3-tab. 210 lbs. . 8.15 sqT WINDOW FRAMES ... 50 Discount SERVICE LUMBER CO. Ph. 2882 707 McClalne St. Silverton INSIST On. and enjoy Bexter Cabinet wor a py me Beavercraft Cabinet & Fixture Shop 775 N. Lancaster Drive. onone 3-9414. It cmrts no more, CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING, al uminum 6c galvanized steel, all sizes. Saffron Supply Co 325 N. Coml ' Ph. 2-4189. PLYWOOD ,i" lie ft. 14C ft. V." 18c ft. .." 20c ft. 4M 23c ft. -$3.52 sheet -$4.48 sheet -$5.76 sheet -$6.40 sheet ..$7.36 sheet Car load supply, pick your choice ' of sheets. Lowest prices on '" and " exter ior plvwood. floorinf plywood. 174e ft. New glass doors. 30" & 32" wide .$12.30 ROOFING 3 tab comp. roofing, 210 lb., choice of colors $723 sq. WALLBOARD Hard, smooth, waterproofed wall board. Takes enamel finish. Ideal for bath and kitchen walla. Can be used as floor covering. Only 71,ic ft. C. G. LONG Phone 2-5821 or 4-3139. 1 Mile North of Kelzer. SHINGLES SHAKES No. 1 red cedar $13. No. 2 $8. 3 $5. 3 and 4 83. Painted sldew.U shakes IS in. No. 1 with undercourse $16.50. so. 5.000 ft. No. 2 R6 oak flooring 190 P.M. Call Ted Muller evenings. Ph. Salem 31196. A QUANTITY of plaster board for sale. Also plastic gloss screen. Phone 38801 430 Mumkxd GOOD used C Melody Conn Saxa phone. 2130 Lansing Ave. 468 For Rant MlaeJlaxi)ui" BABY stroller, Babee-Tenda. good condition. 3-9997 after 5 p.m. CHILD'S coat size 1, wicker baby bug gy. baby stroller, ladies dress form, size 14. Ladies coat size 16. wire gate. see at aiBO Moony Ave. Phone 37265. ANTIQUES China and glass, also hand-knit cover let and valance. Used before 1825. r-none 34028 The ale-man, Salem, Orwoon. SaiardaT. OdoSf S3, 19 S3 $ 500 Business -: Finance . 602 Hlp Wantod - 502 BntdneKM Opporhuitfl WI -Aa-kB. ,4 VI WUVSC TUU11K WillttZ face beef. Phqne 3-6725. W. R. SHALLOW well pump $35.00. elec". range with oven SIS 00. Sn-h doors 2-6x6-8 $15.00, l--2-8x6-8 panel at glass aoor ss.uo. nearly new fold- mg paoy puggy. rn. eves, a-amre USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. 375 (.HEM. LSH) RADms AMn mfrAnh oi av ERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 tJrir.M. hOMfc Freezer genuine aeeptreeze $129 50 and up Yeater Apoliance Co to i:nemeiceta fiouu Uaea pianos tla ea H L" jiiiTr urn o uoKL biectnc washers 819.94 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 373 cnemcketa St USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER ArrLIAWCE CO. 375 CHEM OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED YEATER APPLIANCE CO NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-Uke Cnisb for doors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa SI Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads 6t driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing, -lralnage and ditching. yd shovel & drag Hne Phone 3-8249 Hay For Sale 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA PH 4SCT. SILVERTON. Fertilizers, well rotted " manure, cedar fence posts. Phillips Bros- ph. MII.T.ERS (Formerly Andy's) clean top sou. river sm. nu oirt c pit run a-ravei. rn. z-isz) backs & iInIngs For Wood Circulators 6c Cook Stoves Valley Fum. 285 N. Coml. Ph. 27472 NORTHERN Muskrat coat size 12. like new. Reasonable. Phone 37894 PHONE 3-5110 TO SELL YOUR e Furniture e Appliances e Tools e Lamps e Radios e Or what have you. WE PAY TOP CASH PRICE. -WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1805 n. Summer DELUXE G. E. automatic washer. Ex cellent condition. Phone 44025 CHEAP by private party. Electric 8iee guitar ana amplifier, snick double head electric razor. Small radio. Portable phonograph. Banjo. All in good condition. Make an offer. Call 25432 "a-c-i . V ail SSst GIRLS Columbia bicycle. 455, Ratclif. unvf. rnonf mm X NEW Wessix portable 4000 watt neaiers. see to appreciate. Phone 37058 HOUSE SOLD. Now selling my furni- lure. some very goon, some not so f ood. Li vm groom chairs and rockers rom $6.50 to $40.00; 2 bedroom sets (less mattresses and springs) $23.00 and $85.00 one with twin beds, silk padded head boards: garden tools, lawn mower $10.00; garden hose. Rub tired wheel barrow $5.00; OF FICE 3x5 ma hog table $20.00. 3 sec book case for books or agate display like new $2500; China closet for rate display $30.00; 3 Pc wicker porch set $25.00. Automatic Elec Sump Pump $30.00; Variety of ladies Eve ning Formals size 16 & 18. $10 8c $12; Coldspot $160.00; Kenmore Elec Range $160.00; Kenmore Washer foo.00. All day Sat. Sun. Mon, at 2041 b. nurcn ai. Tavern & Cafe Nice clean building, good equipment, living quarter, if desired, large lot 100x190 on 99E In a very good loca tion. Business is good. Serious ill ness forces owner to sell immediate ly, will consider offers. , Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph 23849 960 S. Com! Eve. 25260 GROCERY Store, package beer, gas pumps and cabins on Hiway 89-E. 165 ft. frontage. Priced to sen. by owner.- Phone 2-4319. RL 7 Box 145, Salem NICE Small, busy going grocery store. moaern jiving quarters, terms or trade for' Improved' acreage. Nortlt Side Grocery. RL 1 Box 73-B, Sil ' Verton. Oregon COTTAGE COURT $22,000 TERMS. Beautiful Cottage court, $59,950. Apt. hse. tc other income. $20,000 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 37113 Salem EQUITY In small grocery store & station. Phone 506 Jefferson. MODERN Service station for lease. Major Oil company, products. Na tional credit card tie-up. 3210 Port land RrJ. Restaurant $500 Down Comp. equip, sm. liv. quarters. 1 to I 3T. lease. Price 81905. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 231 N. High Phone 3-5838 day or night 510 Money to Loan PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 818 State - Room 123 Uc. - S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. 450 Merchandise 172 WanlsxL MiaeOanotxs ' $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid zor av to r small Douglas Fir logs suitable for piling. High prices paid for barkie poles and piling call Al bany 1287 or write Standard Pole 6c Kiiirjir f o. tot once Ha ta WANTED Filbert and walnut drying. no neea to pnone. Just deliver. Claude McKenney, 1 mile east of Lancaster Dr. on Auburn Rd. Ph. GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rent. Inq. H. L Stiff Furniture. Ph. 39IB3. 0 DRiVi Trucks or XnT 6i.n- kets furn 197 8) Ubertv Ph GOOD USED Piano. B. U Stiff. 470 For Sola, Miificmsxms WESTINGHOTJSI Electric roaster, new condition, 833. Phone 4-2934. SAWDUST Burner 6c thermostat con- trols. $25. Call 2020 N. CapltoL Phone Z-S1BZ 5000 CHRISTMAS Trees. SeU whole sale. Phone 2-4966 after 6 p.m. GAS Heater, like' new at used price, 83a. Khone Z-7ZP7 QUAKER Oil circulator, $15. 1655 N. capttoi. rnone z-bvb LIKE New Monarch Paramount gas range with trash burner. $123. 274 senate St.. w. saiem DUO-THERM oil circulator with tank. laundry trays, sew o St. Phone 2-0884 DUO-THERM oil heater. 60 gal drum. 25 ft. tubin. fittinn. S70. Ph. 2-8382 A. B. C. Washer In good condiUon $35. Also new (tru suit size 12 also blue dress size 12 reasonable. Ph. 24649 eve, pn. zay? 12-8 FRAME colonies bees with crop. and complete 4fraroe power ex tracting outfit except motor $173 cash. Must be moved. A. B. Black, 2270 Chemawa Rd 1936 CHEVROLET Coach, baby buggy. infants car bed. 4000 JJurDin Ave. Phone 20091 For Converting Your WOOD FURNACE Delce diesel oil burner. Gun type, like new. save 9tr. f none 397 w. WESTINGHOUSE table top electric range, new elements, pnone J-9813 ai- ter 8 p m GAS FURNACE, used only 1 season. Make me an offer, cash or trade. You may own this furnace for less than you think. Trader Louie. 3053 Portland Rd. GOOD autor radio for sale, $15. Phone 2-5409. 6 TUBE Phllco car radio. 1985 RoyaTsT USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER The right way to re- huild the soil. Free of weed seeds. O Odorless. 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton ....10.00 2 tons .... 1730 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 i s-JE&K&pLAtfJl ior Baby Shoes, puts out 3 volts Ac X amp. Excellent condition. See at Avek Plating Caw Z4S U.K. AMY uddle in good coneition. $13. Phone 8-3269. WALNUT and filbert drying wanted. rn. Z2O01. Lee s tiatcnery. WANTED TO BUY Rough Green Douglas Fir Clears tn any quantity, thickness or size In C8t Better. By truck to our plant at Hayden Bridge about 3 miles NX at Springfield on Mohawk Highway or by rail to Hendricks on Southern Pacific Al Clements Lumber Co Eugene, Oregon. P.O. Box 908. Phone 474 MlscallaMOtzxT Dental Plate Repair i TWO-HOUR SERVICE Cf MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bide State & Com Ph 3-3311 WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses raccwan rnoto snop 439 State FREE old shingles U-pick up. 1740 Ferry St. 476 Fuel OLD Fir 16" will deliver. Kampster's Wood Yard. Rt. 4 Box 288 Ph. 4-4186 GOOD clean sawdust for furnace and sawdust burners, can be used for humis. nursery 6c berries. $8 S unit load. Kiln dried ahavings. excellent for animal bedding or fuel $82 unit load. Independence Lumber 8c Mfg. Co. Inc. Independence 42 collect. Tri Citv Fuel Hand picked 16 in. mill wood. Fresh cut screened sawdust. 12 in. clean inside wood. ASK TOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS fHUHE Z-7443 WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 24276. GREEN or dry plywood cord wood split for furnace If desired. R. H. ALLEN Phone 22382 1260 Candlewood Dr. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER CNDS Old growth block wood 16 taw clean , ne berk ' SCREENED SAWDUST - RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pbozsa: auuean 8-4631 Alee pick up wood at 1529 Edaewatet at. w OLD fir log-ends and cores. Phone 3-3386. R. M. Aahcraft. 844 Mill. .Summer Prices on hand picked 18 In. slab and eld fix block wood. Capitol Lumber - Fnel Co. - Phone 8-7721 or 3-6024 ELMER BOJZ Ph. S-6453 - 2023 8. 12th, 15" Old Fir Veneer Cores Highway Fuel Co. Oeaa sawdust, wood green or dry. frteve-Diesel oils. Ask foe Penny saver stamps ph. 38444 OLD and second growth fir. SL 3. Box 156. Phone 26312 after 6 SECOND Growth fir. oak. cherry and slab. All is dry wood. Phone 24276 anytime - buy" wefflis ruiL n6W Plywood cores, log ends. Ph. 3-6481. Oregon Fuel Co. Hand picked green 8t dry 16" slab Green tt &rj edgings Fresh cut sawdust Cafeteria service If you haul from $1 up. Abo briquets 6t coeL Phone 35533 3087 Broadway 2 CORD LOAD 16" slab wood $12TpH1 Harold Anderson. 2-7731. CASH THE SENSIBLE WAY 1- Your choice of repayment dates and amount. -u. convenient payments ar ranged.. ' 1 Charges only for the time you keep the money. X. Loans as little as $23. to 8500 on Auto up to $300 on Salary and Furn iture. Personal said "yes" to over "'a million customers last Fear, Come tn or phone. WE UKK TO SAY "YES" New Location ; PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 10S S Rlh St dv i.ui Uc. No. S-122 M-163. C.JL Allen. Mgr. ADULTS to harvest bulbs. 80c per hr, Take first gravel road turning left PVJ, 'ak. Follow to rlghr M10 miles. John T. afajeskt. Phone 606 Help Wcmtod. Fttii1 GIRL Interested In learning labora tory analysis. Inquire Hendrie Med- If. I T ml - . i j . .w. ... IjlTTgIT ciar. r A IT" n rcn r : i WATTR p-Q C.n Ck t"i ' l sr-1 " " rwmna riq. WANTED experienced pantry lady and ( waitresses. Night work. Ph. 3-7632. 608 Pickers Wanted ' 230 ACRES Walnuts. Skyline Orchard. 4 miles S. W. of Liberty. Ph. 22031 FILBERT pickers. lVt mi. straight west ' of Keizer school. Rt. 2. Box 152. H. M. Broadbent. WANTED: Filbert pickers, franquet walnuts. You pick 10c Phono 41331; 610 Sales Persons Wanted EXP. Sewing machine "i Yea--ter Appliance Co. 615 SittKxnorjs Warn ted KFJ.F.R Pre-School kindergarten has piace ior several more youngsters between 4 and 6 years. Phone 2-5836 DECORATING. Phone 35522 R1DV GiH. A M1 ' LANDSCAPE. Pruning, lawn wkll LADLLS' a I-hllrir.n'i uwln ITT" home. Making over alterations. Ph. 4-3901. CEMENT work, prompt work. 2 -031 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th Ph 2-687 ay Work fast, efficient ph. 3-63o4. Nancy's Nursery Age 2-8. 7:30 to 90. Ph. 2-4946. desire EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper half ll wnrtr Pttnn. fwr i J -- ,J1. MAN 28 Dairy herdsman truck driv ing or misc. Phone 15142 EXPERIENCED cajring for aged and! chronic, live in, steady. Morris HoteL Room 1. 3-8133. CHILDREN caned for. my home. moot. Week, day or hour. Phone 8-6628, 620 Day and Contract AUTO PAINTING )ust a shade better by Ray ETTER, Call Shrock Motor Co S-9181. CASH - NOW S25.00 to S500.00 aalem's largest and oldest home-own- w wan company oners money when trnat nw ll . . Too can pay anytime te reduce net No - moAarmmrm mim KTm .. . " .-. On ears, truck, trails- hfm in eenn m On furniture. - livestock,, equipment salary or other personal piopeity up as eawiMVI Phone or visit our office today! daily KSLM Hear "Top Trades" 12X3 U90 KC 81I General Finance Corp. Ue No 8138 and M338 PHONE S-8161 138 S COMT. 8T PRIVATE money to loan. 2-07B4. Private .Money On Cars Trucks 6t Trafler Bomea Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S CommerclaJ Sf - Phone 3-8161 $; CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I860 Fairgrounds Road V Hex to bank. Free parking. Fh. 2-7038 Lie No. M36-S2l Flovd Kwitob. Mgr CASH . to $1500 or phone today PAanc Industrial Loans CarP i 116 S Lfberty Ph 4-8368 FARM and Cits' LOANS " . 4-iValul 8 ,. Your own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. ' CAPrrra. sFnTrrtv5s r-r-i 687 Court St. Ph.4-2283 - i - AU IV LOANS I WTT.T.AW iri-rr. mmiT ev 182, S. Church St. Ph. 8-2437 y - - Parking Aplenty . Lie. M156-S134 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Mole LOCAL HeaUng company wants exp. iumace instauer. pnone 2-6662 or write box 111 co Statesman EXPERIENCED -Janitor. San Shop. Portland Rd. P CARPENTER FOREMAN, WANTED Thoroughly experienced In layout and running crew on concrete Class A building construction. Wages no ob ject is qualified to handle larger work. Send complete facts as to ex perience. age and Qualifications. Splendid opportunity for reliable man. All . correspondence strictly connaenuai. cox loa co Statesman. WANTED: .Young married man for all . around farm work, hr. or by mo. Ne smoking. Box 21. SUtesman. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. ' Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ac Basement - ' Equipment Rental . ,15 B-tt yds 10 B- yds D-7 Cat 6c Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the foot Phone day 8-8408 Evenings 8-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon . " 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Robrni. Board SINGLE or double sleeping rooms. Hot, -wt4 - acre avr in i , s-w-i weifcerr. TO1 re. nig H rOR GENTLEMAN. CW In. 631 IT. winter, cau after 8:30 or Sunday. HM refrl. . hnt nt.t. SLEEPING ROOM, Inquire H. L Stiff, WINTEH rates at the Belview Hotel. , , ------- k . - . is . LARGE sleeping room. Heat, hot wa- ier. ai fx. oxxage St. DOUBLE or singleroom for men or SLEEPING rooms for 1 or 3. 7S0 f?. -nurcn, r-none PLEASANT sleeping room for gentie . man. 1050 Norway. Phone 2-4547. COMFORTABLE, clean, sleeping rooms ' near Capitol bldg Willamette Uni versity, after 6 pan. 1227 Court week davs. ROOM in pleasant home, kitchen prl --lenes. near anopping center. pioygq MOT, J-On I . ROOM. ' separate entrance and bathl . employed man. Phone 2-7707. HfA.TSDV,IUCJJr iuxnished. Men only',' 653 N. High. ... . - - 705 Apartmenni For Rent 3 ROOM Apartment, fully furnished, newly decorated. private bath, Uehta. water, furnace heat furnian tSi 3Lblock" from Saving Center. 9? i. rnone - nam COZY , 2 room furnished apartment. r? iiorui, aw. rreter woman. 2 ROOM Apartment, also 1 room and nicMinn, ootn - surnisned. close in. moat a-zat ROOM Apartment with hath -E . iiiuiiui. q r rom NEW Unftirnished i room ic bath. private entrance., utilities, walking distance, adults, wired for range. i o. v-apiioi St S43 Ai'iiA Large 2 bed room aoarU r ment. ground floor, range and re frigerator, no other furnsshteas. Very dean and modern. Eastridge HUUIh 1U3J JLXJ1.L HUPT 3 ROOM Apartment. 895 S. 12th7 furn; IS HUD. bath. Frta. j oupie- reaaocutble. tional Mnnlamrf mii r-none xiwi garage op- FURNISHXD 1 room and kitchenette. , uo-tairs. adults. 694 N. ComracrciaL ' VERY dean and neat furn. 1 BJL up- starrs, apt. only 855 per mo. Cloe to : state hospitals. See Colbath Land v.o.. pn. z-4552 eves. 4-1868. ,o. on. z-taaz eves. 4-iBoB. -3 ROOM furni-hed apartment. $37. 12c7 f N. Commercial. . CLEAN, Quiet warm 1 room apart- ' m.n VTiHHl .n4 1... - Ms w . , S ROOM court apartment. Electric stove no raxigeraior ior couple, loot S. NEW Spacious 1 bedroom apartment, ranfe. refrieerator. SrSO arlnlta S70T1 LARGE APT- good location, comp. furn. Inq. H. L. Stiff Furn, 8-9186. FURNISHED a rooms, bath. Ground lloor. Criiinren 2310 N. 4th. SMALL Furnished apartment. Pri vate Data, aauns. 1383 s. Commer cial ROOM Modern . an-xtment. ' KewlV - decorated. Very close In. With den. balcony and fireplace. 468 N. Winter FURNISHED 4 rooms, heated, private entrance, zna floor. i4ii court PARTLY furnished apartment, private entrance, iw xtroaaway. . - 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate . . . . DONT OVERLOOK THIS ONE 3 bedroom well kept home. 4 ml East. L41 acres land, fruit 8c nuts, (rage. barn, chicken house. If you want room you will enjoy this one at 89850. Call for Hedstrom A; FINE HOME IN A FINE DISTRICT - 1 2 years old, large liv rm. din rm. kitchen. 8 bdrms down, master bdrm up. nice bath, hdwd firs, fireplace, utility, piped onl furnace, double Sarage, fine lawn & shrubs, some fruit tt nuts. M acre ground. 83000 . own. Call Mr, Hedstrom HOLLYWOOD DIST. NO. S "ZONE One of the better older homes. 3 bdrms. nv rm. din rm. kitchen end den. fireplca. fuR basement., piped oil heat, 84000 down. Completly furnished. Call Mr, Byrkit. READY TO M0VK INTO ' New ranch style 3 BJL home, liv rm. din rm. kitchen 8c honk. Hard, wood firs, fireplace, piped oil furnace, lot. 74xl7L Price 810.890. CaK Mr. Byrkit ; ED BYRKIT & CO. 413 N. High SL Eve. 2-6496 Phone 3-3101. Salem A Good Rental : If you are thinking of a rental for Income, see this neet t bedroom bouse, hardwood floors, attached garage, utility room. About 6 yean old. In excellent repair. Price at 86300, Terms. . V. Suburban Acreage .. -:- - Completely remodeled t bedroom home, wired for range. S ear garage. ' stupendous view. UnUndted water supply, fruit and nut trees. House km 1 ,?kin P00 o $8300. You get extra 23 acres Und. 2 acres tilUble, ballance wood and pasture. 1 miles from Salens All for f8500. Terms. - ' ! Englewood v 'f ; --'r ',. THril Wa Ll? (! bou, Nort afarket ta , Englewood District that we would be Pleased to show and talk about, . ' - Listings ':- - ' We 'are iff feed of listings from an parts of the dty. Give us a trlaL f A. A. Larseri, Realtor ''. ". Ml S. Hlfh Ph. X8S29 Andy Ealvorson Ph. Xlia A. X. Beckett Ph.24flt v.r - i