fl Tk StategmcmSqlem, Oi Wednesday. October, llj 1950 New York Slock Qnolalions NEW .YORK, Oct. lHSVTod ay's closing quotations: 48 Repub SU -52iRey Metals 59 Richfield 38 Safeway 31 Gen Foods, 57 Gen Motors 36 Goodyear Tire 10Homestake IT Int Harvester Ad Corp : Al Chem Al Chalmers Am Airlines Am Pow & Lt Am Tel & Tel lSOVilnt Paper . Am Tobacco ;, 67 Johns Man Anaconda 35 Kennecott Atchison . 132Libby McN & L Beth Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner Bur Add M 31 Sears Roebuck 44Soc Vac 42Lockh Aire 35Loew's Inc 68HLong Bell 13Mont Ward Calif Packing 48Nash Kelv Can Pacific Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler Con Edison Cons Vultee 19N Y Central 44 North Pac 16 Packard 424 Penney 9Penn RR 85 Pepsi Cola 81Philco ; Eastman Kodak 46Rad Corp . Emer Radio . : 18Raynonier . Gen Electric 48 Ray Pfd 38Pac Am Fish . 80 Pac Gas & Elec 32 28Pac Tel & Tel 102Un Corp 44 South Pac 64Std Oil Cal . 8Std Oil NJ . 31Studebaker . 17Sunsh Mn 25 Swift and Co 64Trasamerica . 20sTwent C Fox 16Un Oil Cal 25U Pac 16Un Airlines Un Aircraft 40 31 45 32 52 23 60 75 85 34 9 39 16 23 31 97 16 Crown Zefrback Curt Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont 4 U S Plywood 64US Steel 19 Warn Bros 10 West Un Tel 46West Air Br ... 18West Elec 41Woolworth 30 4 30 391A 13 39 29 .32 46 Salem Obituaries KOSCHMIDEK ' . . Frank Koschmlder. at the residence at 285 S. 21st tU October 7. Survived by sisters, Mis. Emma Tiedt of Iowa and Mrs. Minnie Sheldon of Amity. brother, John Koschmlder of Iowa, and several nieces and nephews. Services will be at 1:30 pjn. Wednesday, Oct ober 11. at enough-Barries: chapel, with the Rev. Louis White officiating. In terment at Belerest Memorial park. HARVEY : : David R. Harvey, at the residence. 175 Salem Heights ave October 9. Sur vived by his wife. Mary Inez Harvey; two sons. Dr. Harmon T. Harvey of Salem and Dale R- Harvey of Neb raska City. Neb.; five sisters. Mrs. Jen nie McPherson, Mrs. Margaret Ross and Mrs. James Ferguson, all of Fre mont Neb.; Mrs. Anna Walker. Pon tlae. Mich.: and Mrs. J. W. Nodacker, Mitchell. Neb.; a brother. Andrew Har vev. Fremont. Neb.: and five grand children. Private services were held Tuesday. October 10. at Mt Crest Ab bey mausoleum. Shipment has been made to Lyons. Neb by the Clough Bar rick company for Interment. GOOD T7" - Archie D. Good, at a Portland hos pital. October 8. at the age- of 65 years. .Shipment has been made -to Ashland by the Howell-Edwards chapel for ser vices and Interment. niNK - ' ' . Miss Lois Louise Fr ink. late resident of 835 Shipping sL. at a Portland hospi tal. October 8. at the age of 28. Sur vived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Frink. Salem: two sisters, Mrs. Henry Sprick. Salem, and Mrs. Walter Scheffe. Brooks: a brother. Car Frink. Salem; and several aunts and uncles. Announcement of services later by the Virgil T. Golden chapel.. . ; lrras " - - r Mrs. Mary B. Myers, at the family residence at Independence route 1, Oct. 10. at the-age of 77. Survived by two daughters. Mrs. Laurel Gooding. Bill ings. Mont- and Mrs. Isabel Owings, Arcadia. Calif.: a son, Virgil Myers. Independence; four sisters. Mrs. Huldah Batttson. Mrs. Dora Blevin and Mrs. Margaret Dunham, all of Seattle, and Mrs. Jesse Ayres in Missouri; two brothers, Taylor Grove. Hartmountain, Wyo.. and George Groves Seattle: four grandchildren and three great grand children. Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Slocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES Oct. 10 Net change Tuesday Prev Day Week ago Month ago Year ago 30 15 15 60 Indust Rails mils Stocks D.9 D.2 D.3 . D.5 54.5 54.7 54.9 52.0 36.9 114.4 115.3 114-2. 110.0 84.4 45 3 45.6 45.5 44.6 42.0 83.5 84.0 83.6 80.3 67.4 BOND AVERAGES 20 Rails Net change Tuesday Prev day Week ago Month ago Year ago unch 97.3 97.3 - 97 J 97.9 10 10 Ind UU D.2 unch 101.7 103.6 101 J 103.6 101.8 103.6 102.2 103.9 91J 102.6 104a '10 Fgn unch 72.7 72.7 72.3 70.3 70.0 Salem Harkel Qnolalions (As of late yesterday HUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER Wholesale Retail - .68 .66 .60 .70 .75 LIVESTOCK (Vallvv Parkin v Co. ouotationsl feeder lambs : 819.50 to 822.50 Ewes 2.00 to 8 8.00 Fat dairy cows sie.oo Cutter cows , Dairv heifers Good veal Bulls ITEGNER Mrs. Maude P. Sterner, late resident of 1887 N. Cottage St., at a local hos- Sital. October 10. Survived by husband, t. B. Stegner. Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Priscella Guy. Florence: two sisters, Mrs. Royal Greene. Columbus. Ohio., and Mrs. Harry Wiedner. Salem; and four brothers. M. E. Maurer. San Fran cisco: Harold Maurer. Hauser; George Maurer. Salem: and John Maurer. Sa cramento. Services will be held Thurs day. October 12, at 10:30 ajn. at the Clough-Barrick chapel with the Rev, Seth R. Huntington officiating. COTTER " Clare Cotter, at a local hospital. Oc tober 9. Shipment has been made by Clough-Barrick company to the Howe Huston funeral home at Lebanon for services and Interment. CAMP " Wayne A. Camp, late resident of Sa lem route 7, at a local hospital. Octo ber 9, at the age of 40. Survived by three brothers, Paul Camp, Salem: Lee Camp, Plankenton. S. D.; and Dr. Dale Camp. Mitchell. Ind. Services will be held Thursday, October 12, at 1 :30 p.m. from the Clough-Barrick chapel with the Rev. W. H. Lyman officiatitng. In terment in City View cemetery. BLACKMAN . Emmett Clark Blackman. late resi dent of Salem route 7. at a Lebanon hospital. October 8. Survived by mi wife. Grace Blackman. Salem; two daughters. Gay Blackman and Mrs. Kenneth Ballweber. both of Salem; four sons. James, Lyle, Vern and Ray Blackman. all of Salem: a sister. Maze Woodlay. Themopeles. Wyo.- a brother. Ruel Blackman. Hysham. Mont.: and two grandchildren. Services- will be held Wednesday. October 11. at 3:30 p.m. from the dough-Barries: chapeL Interment, at Belerest Memorial park. 13.00 to $15.50 .816.00 to 817.00 .425 00 to 827.00 821 to 824.00 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Oct. 10-(AP) - (USDA)- Cattle:-Salable 250; market rather slow but mosuy steady; steers umiteta; xew show rejects unsold; loaa low gooa around 1100 lb fed steers late Monday 29.50; few good show rejects 30.00-50; odd common stteers todsy 23.00-26.50; cutter-common dairy type steers and heifers 18.00-20.00: canner-cutter cows 15.00-16.50: few 17.00; shells down to 13.00 or below; " few common-medium beef cows 18.50-21.00: good bulls mostly 24.00: common-medium sausage bulls 20.00-23.00. Calves: Salable 100; market active. fullv steadv: aood vealers limited few 29.00-30.00; common calves and vealers i7.oo-23.oo: medium Z4.oo-2a.uo. Hogs: Salable 200: market mostly steady: good-choice 180-230 lbs 23.00-50; OCA-Oon IK. AU41 An 1U IK. 91 IW- good 400-550 lb sows 18-50-19.50; lighter weights to 20.00: good-choice feeder Dies auotable 25.00-26.00. Sheep: Salable 300: market mostly steady: good lambs largely 25.00; few good-choice lots 25 JO: two doubles good choice 93 lb range j lambs Monday 25.75: llrhtlv sorted at 24.75: cood feeders $24.00-25; good slaughter ewes 12.00-50. 400 Agriculture 410 Soeds and Plants. DAHLIAS - order now. McCain Dah lia Garden. 1491 7 St. West Salem. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous- READ THIS! 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tool Inq. FOR SALE: 2 ' man power saw, 1905 s. lztn. rn. ziBoi. ROTOTILLER. Choice of either 20 or 26 inch foot.' In top shape. Howser Bros., 1410 s. 12th TWO 3 h.D. walking tractors with equipment. Priced to sell. Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th. . j 455 Household Goods For Sals HOT POINT elec range, auto oven. $35. Call 25331 after 6 p.m. ; MED. SIZE oil stove for sale. Can be Ave. after seen at 3465 Fairhaven 6 p.m. EASY washer. Ph.- 25156. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Oct. 10 -(AP)- Cash grain No. 2-38 lb white 51.50. Cash wheat (bid) soft white 2.11'i; soft whitte (excluding Rex) 2.11',,; white club 2.1H4. ' Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.15: 10 per cent 2.15; 11 per cent 2.17; 12 per cent 2.20. Hard white Baart: 11 per cent 2 JO; 12 per cent 2.22. , Today's car receipts: Wheat 68; bar ley 19; flour 3; corn 5; oats 13; hay 1; millfeed 7; flax 1. Linoleum $3.95! . VALLEY rURN CO 283 N COM'L Used Furn., Cheap TRADE TERMS i Valley Fum C6 285 No Coml j 2-7472 EGGS (Baying? (Wholesale prices range from to 1 ant over buying price.) Large AA Large A i. Medium AA Medium A Small A WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 1Q0.3; KEX 92 J Kilocycles: KSLM 1398, KOCO 1490. KOIN 970, KGW 20, KEX 1190 (Editor's nets: The Statesman publishes la good faith the programs and times as provided by the radio stations, but oceans offtlmes programs ara chaaged without notification, this newspaper eaautot ba responsible for th BOCR 6:15 AS 6 KSLM KOCO KOM KGW KEX" News jrtmek Timekeeper News JKOIN Klock Hodge Podgo T Hodge Podge Farm News iKeep Smiling irmrm News IN West Melodies West Melodies (KOIN Klock IKOD Klock I Farm Time . IFarm Tim IKeep Smiling Keep Smiling ; JM JSO .47 .42 .23 pnri.TRT Leghorn hens , Jl Leghorn fryers 5 Colored hens 32 Colored fryers - Jl Old roosters . JJ Roasters JO TURKEYS (Yesterday's prices to producers on Portland marxet) Hens .38c to 40c Toms zstc to aoc Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oct. 10 -AP)- Butter- fat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to J5 to 1 per cent aciaiiy ueuvtrea in Portland. 6S-69c lb: first quality. 63-66c: second quality, 60-63c. Butter Wholesale r.u.a. duik cudcs to wholesales: Grade A A. 93 score, 65c lb: A, 92 score. 64c: B. 90 score, 58c. Above prices strictly nominal. - Cheese selling price to t-oruana wholesalers: Oregon singles, 37-40'ac lb: Oregon 5-Ib loaf. 42-wc. Eggs Ta wholesalers- A grade, larger 54-56 'ic doz; A grade, medium, 4a-431ic doz; B grade, large. 40-42c Live chickens (No. 1 quality. F.O.B. nlants) : Broilers under 2V lbs. 27c: fry ers, 2 'i-3 lbs. 36c; 3-4 lbs. 30c;. roasters. 4 lbs and over, 3zc; ligm nens unaer 4 lbs. 19-20c; 4 lbs and over, 20-21C. Heavy hens, all weights. 22-3c; old roosters, all weights. 12-15c. Rabbits Average to growers: uve white. 4-5 lbs. 25-27C lb; 5-6 lbs. 21 23c; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, ll-isc id; xresn dress ed fryers to retailers, 55-58c, some Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt: Beef: Steers, good 500-800 lbs. $48-50; commercial, 846-49; utility. 843-45; cows. commercial. S39-4Z: utility, aja-w; can nM-B-rattra. S35-38. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quar ters. 150-60: rounds. S54-50: luu wins. trimmed. 873-77: triangles 844-46; square chucks 842-49; ribs, seo-es; xorequaners. 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Andv Parker KOIN Klock Old Songs News . OBreak. Gang iKOCOKlock IMcLeod News Old Songs . (News (Break Gang News - v. jGoss News (News -IBob Hazen ! Top Trades KOCO Klock Babbit Show News I News 0 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Cecil Brown Music (Family Altar IMU5UC Bible Inst. Bible Inst. (Hawaiian Echo Fiesta Tim consumer news v ana Mews iGrana Slam I Rosemary Scandia Music IScandia Music IJack Berch' I Dave Garroway Break.. Club I Break. Club i Break. Club I Break. Club KSLM Barg. Counter (Garden Guide KOCO Melody Time (Melody Time ' KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny KGW Second Cup JSecond Cup' KEX News IStars of Today Pastor's Call IRise. Shine Stars Sing I Vfyrt & Marg Helen Trent I Gal Sunday Tune Test I Tune Test Quick at Flash Quick as Flash 10 KSLM Glen Hardy KOCO Mac's Melody KOIN Big Sister KGW House Party KEX Lunch, Club fTello Test Mac's Melody IMa Perkins 1 House Party IE. C. Hill I Concert Mac's Melody I Dr. Malon Break Bank I True Story IMusic Read. Preview IGuid. Light IBreak Bank (True Story Veal: Good. 848-51; commercial. 844- 46: utility, 835-39. -Calves: Good-choice. 846-50; com nrr4l S37-44. Lambs: Good-choice springers, 848- 50: commercial, 845-47. Muttnn! Good. 70 lbs. down. 828-30, Pnrk raUr Loins No. 1. 8-12 lbs 840-53: mhoulderm, 15 lb dawn S39-4S carcasses, S31-S3: spareribs. S4S-4S. Wool: Valley, medium grades. 60- 83c lb s vera re at country buying points Mohair. 60c lb on 12-month growth, F.OJB. country shipping points. rVitintrv -killed meats : Veal: Top quality. 40-42c lb: good heavies 3 8-sac. - Hogs: Light blockers, 30-3ie ids; sows. light 27-30C. Lambs. Top grade springers. 43 -45c lbs: best yearlings. 38-40c. Mutton: Best. ie-iyc; rouja neavjr bucks, ewes. 14-16c. Beef: Good cows. 33-sec id; canners- CUtters. 32-34c. Onions: Large, wo. l. i.v-oa per ow- 1b sack; 50-lb sack Walla Walla roed.. 10-65; Calif.. IQano wmie wax, iara 2.25-50. PoUtoes! Ore. wnite rose, a-to-ao; russets. No. 1A. 2.50-75; No. Z 5ers. 2i5; Wash, russets No. 1. 2.50-75: 25- lb. 80-85c; 10-1D, 4-izc; oo-io o. 75-85C. . Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots F.O.B. Portland or Puget Sound markets, 832-34 ton; Willamette valley grain and clover hay 826-29. 11 KSLM Ladies Fair Ladies Fair Queen for Day 1 Queen for Day KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Ivfac's Melody KOIN Mrs. Burton (Perry Mason INorah Drake I Brighter Day K5W Doub. Noth. Doub. Noth. (Millionaire Millionaire KEX Betty Crocker JLlndlahr IN. Westerners N. Westerners 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO H wood Musis KOIN News KGW News s KEX News : N W. News Gav 90s Music H"WOOd Muslo I News IPhilosnnhe I Come Get It (House Party (House Party Road of Ufa Pepper Younc (Happiness News i IMod. Romances Mod. Romances 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KXX Wed. Music - I Wed. Music agon IChuckl Maaie Melody Marie Melodv IMaeic Melodv Nona Nowhere! Hilltop House (Strike Rich Backstage Wlfet Stella Dallas I Lor. Jones Art Baker I Kennedy -- I Kay West (Chucklewagon Magic Melody Strike Rich IWidder Brown I Kay West 2 KSLM News - I Dick Hayrrtes (Bob Poole (Bob Poole KOCO Marie Melody (Magic Melody Magic Melody Maele Melody -KOIN Kirkham IKirkham - (Chicagoans ITunefully KGW Girl Marries j Portia (Plain BiU I Front Page KXX To Hollywood !To Hollywood I Life. Chance IWhitehouse KSLM KOCO 1 KOIN W KGW - KEX H. Turner " Tony Fontaine INews 3ing Sings Magic Melody - Magic Melody Maeic Melody News Kirkham- I Art, Godfrey " (Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey Travelem ' I Travelers " .(Aunt Mary I Love. Learn Today j Holywd iHannibal, CobbiBarney Keep I Barney Keep 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Fulton Lewis " Hemingway . . IBehind Story (News Music ' , J Music Star Parade INews Art. Godfrey jArt Godfrey lArt Godfrey (Curt Massey Woman's Sec (Life Beaut Dr Paul - lMr. Buttons Dr Crane Squirrel Cago Squirrel Cag (Firefighters 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Mark TraC 12th St Hr. News - '-, Mr. Buttons (Mark Trail J12th St Hr. (News (News Yukon I Yukon Bing Crosby . (Sports News INews ; Songs of Times (Peterson Jimmy WakelylJimmy WakelylBlack Hawk I Black Hawk 6 KSLM Gab. Heatter iN.W. News (Answer Man (Sam Hays KOCO Candlelight ICandlelight INews ' (Tune Time KOIN Harold Pearr (Harold Pearv I Bin Crosbv ( IBinr Crncbr KGW To Be Advised ITo Be Advised I Crime Not Pay Crime Not Pay ISA rTogress-nep. mome taiuon uuest simx I jo. Stafford ' 7 KSLM : Rocket Rid in 1 Rocket Ridin "iaa Kid (Cisco Kid KOCO Commentary IMusic JackDOt Sports- ' I Sports KOIN DollarMinute I DollarMinute IMusic HaO ' t Music Hall KGW .Big Story (Big Story (Dick Powell Dick Powell KXX Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger IDr 1 Q. Or. L Q 8 KSLM . Name of Song 'Name of Song i Concert I Concert KOCO Liberty Sports iLiberty Sports (Liberty Sports (Liberty Sports KOIN News IJack Smith IDr. Christian iDr. Christian KGW I Man's Family "News of World Gilders)eeve IGildersleeve KEX Detour I Detour (Press Gents Press Gents 9 KSLM Glen Hardy I Fulton Lewis Queen for Nite1 Queen for Nlte sutu . uDerry sports luoerty sports irews IU. N. KOIN Mr. Chameleon Mr.. Chameleon Beulah - IClub 15 ' KGW . Groucho Marx I G roue ho Marx IDist. Attorney I Dist. Attorney KEX N.Y. Maharaja In.Y. Maharaja (Orchestra - (Orchestra - . 10 KSLM News KOCO Dance Bands OIN S Star Final KGW - News i KEX ' News INewsreel , (Dance Bands lYou. WctIO flarmonaires Intermezzo News 1 Dance Bands I Orchestra Sports News ' , INatl Guard I Dance Bands (Orchestra - . Current. Choice ISymphonette 11 KSLM Net News KOCO Nocturne KOIN Organ KGW News KEX , Concert Hour KOAC 550 K.C. Wednesday. 10:00 ajn. The News and Weather: 10:15 Es pecially for Women: 11 K)0 Oregon School of the Air (The Sur Club); 11:15 The Concert Hall; 11:30 Music Yo Want; 120 The News; 12.15 p.m. Noon. Farm Hour; x 10 Ride 'Em Cowboy- las Oregon School ef the Air;. 1:38 Organ Moods- 1:45 Mel- od?-'w.a': t09 Growing To ward Maturity; 1.30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Oregon Sciwot of the Air- Melodies Melodies Melodies -r ' Nocturne . I Nocturne INocturne Organ Bandstand Bandstand - Wax Museum Wax Museum IWax Museum I Concert Hour 'Concert Hour (Concert Hour LEAVING sUte. chest of drawers, baby pen. Bxiii rug, Houywooa bed, on paintings, . all very good cond. 2125 N. Liberty. t FT. Frtgidaire, 650. Ph. 3-5529 300 Personal COMPLETE houehold furnishings. A-l con a., practicauy new. en. zmwg. zob4 Maple Ave. . 310 Meetinq Notices SAVE 175 on $275 new blue Frieze Bilt- well davenport & chair set Call at 1425 Trade after 5. SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF 6c AM Wed, Oct 11 F.C. degree 7:30 p.m. 456 Wanted, household Goods 312 Lost and Found GOOD Used furniture wanted. If you nave wnai i want x u pay you tne highest price In town. Trader Louie. Ph. 38558. ' t cat. LOST: Stub-tail calico female Little girl's net. Ph. 24578. LOST: Brown St white Collie. Answers to name "Tip." 375 N. 23rd St. LOST: Black Cocker GLKN WOODRY Ph 35118 Us&D URN . immediate appraisal highest prices Valley Furniture 285 N Commercial Ph 27472 m os. Re- OS T: Black Cocker pup, 6 mo ward. Don Zollner. 2475 Ferrv. LOST: Washing machine lid near Lin- coln Store Sunday morn. John Love. Rt 1. Box 677. Salem. PRIVATE party wants living rm &-din- mg rm. furniture Ac washing machine. Ph. 2-9987 after 4 p.m. TWIN size coil bed spring. Ph. 27720. 316 Personal I will not be responsible for debts other than my own. Anton Biro. I will not be responsible for any debts other than my own.1 Nelson Packe. IF LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade, an old reliable club. Box 607. Vancouver. Wash. STANLEY Home Products. Ph. 43882. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 3-8133 ru tsx 74.- ihca weo. rn. s:30 pjn. Plywood - Wallboard All thicknesses interior plywood at lowest prices. Car load quantities to choose from, also large supply " & '" exterior plywood. 1 Water proofed hard board 4 x 8' sheets, 7 Vic foot 82.40 per sheet C. G. Long Ph. 25821 or 43139 1 Mi. N. of Keizer 400 Agriculture 402 Ltrestock BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer McCandhsh 1127 S th Ph HimuiiiJ iife.tot-a' nuvei Claude EO wards. RtJ. Box 899 E. Ph. 4-1113. t C 3-8141 BULL Service any place. Ph. 4-3176. BONDED livestock buyer A. F. mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Ph Som- 42617. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. B. Srethn 1940 L)weater ph FOR SALE: or whole young white face beef. Ph. 39725 W. R Stanton FOR SALE: Good Guernsey cow. Just fresh. 12 Romney Ewe lambs. Whites luncn, i mue east irom iTarner. 404 Poultry and Rabbits TURKEYS to roast or frv. Ph. 27103. COLORED FRYERS and hens wanted. ' Top prices. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery, NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every Tuesday Fox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Phone s-4ye. NEW Hampsmre Chicks. Weekly batch es. East -Center St ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatebei" " . ' WINGS RAbBlThtt needs rabbits, pick up service, awn siiate. 408 Pets IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON UK xna. COUNTY OF MARION Department of Probate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN WILSON. UJudAaUJ. No. 13764 CITATION To MARY WILSON. Woodway Park. Rout a. box 30. LomoiKB. wasn- lnrton: PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE, Seattle. Washington: LKTITIA WILSON KNARh 269 Bersen Avenue. Jer sey City, N. J.: EDITH WILSON CAMPBELL 9516 76th St.. Ozone Park, N. Y.: SEATTLE DAY NUR. SERY ASSOCIATION. Seattle. Wash ington; and WALTER J. PEARSON, STAIE u fttn, oaiera, ure- mrm. ' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby commanoea to aDoear before the Honorable Cir cuit Court Department of Probate, of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Marion, at the Court House In the City of Salem, on the 13 day of Nov, 1950, at the hour of S:15 o'clock A. M. of said day to show cause, if any exists, why the facts should -not be found and orders en tered herein: (1) amending the Inventory of said estate so as to exclude there from the real property described as the S'.iof Lot 3 and the N4 ' of Lot 4. Block 71. City of Salem. County of Marlon, State of Oregon. (2 redetermining the inheritance tax due the State of Oregon In ac- cordance with such amended In ventory, (3) redetermining administrator's fees and attorney's fees. 4) directing the United States National Bank of Portland (Ore . gon), as administrator, and as ancillary trustee, to make account ing to Mary Wilson relative to re ceipts and disbursements in respect to said real property, and to de liver custody and possession to her. and to file an amended accounting herein. and an amended decree entered herein directing distribution of the assets of said estate, other than said real prop erty hereinbefore described, to the ancillary trustee under the Will of said decedent. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court affixed this 23 day of Sept. IQA ... H. A. JUDD, . -Clerk of Circuit Court By R. J. STANTON. ..." Deputy. . ----- , S. 27-0. 4-11-18-25-N. J 3-00 News: 2:15 Music of the Masters 4:00 Oregon Reporter; 4:15 Favorite Hymns: 4:30 University of Chicago Round table: 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:15 On the Upbeat; 50 550 Sports Club; 6.00 News; 6:15 Dinner Melodies; 70 Farmers Union; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8 0-Radio Shorthand Con test; 8 JO Guest Star;-:45 The News and Weather: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Meditations; 10:00 Sign Off. - t ' - Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fall ase out Chinese remedies Amazing saeeess for 6006 years In China. No matter wttb what ailments yon are afflicted disorders, sinusitis, heart longs, liv er, kidneys, gas. constipation, alters diabetes, rheumatism, gall and blaaV der fever, skin,, female enmnlatnts CHARLIE CHArP T CHIN Its R HERB CO.- tU H Commercial' Phone t-1838 SALEM. ORE. office Hears to . Taee. and Sab only. ... i g ) k 0 Kl iJ TO GIVE away, female Boston terrier Call 595 N. 14th. after S D.m. REGISTERED Dalmatian pup. Rt 3, Box 917. Roberts hod Yard. FOR SALE: 3 Collie Shepherd pups. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. MOORE'S TroDical Fish equipment supplies. Z mt xrom Lancaster on Mac eav Rd. Rt. 5. Box 483. P. 2-7321 PART tov Water Spaniel puppies. mos. old to a gooa nome J.ao, ijb m. z.n-q. TO GIVE away together or separate young pussy, good ratter, kittens, 1 amber. 1 calico, rti. 27382. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce" EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa Hay for sale bv ton or truck, oh. 4-3887. GRAPES U-pick 5c. Picked 6c Rt. 1. pox zo. saiem. a. k. pemer. TOMATOES U-pick. SI bu. Leonard Zielke. Ph. 43033. GRAPES 4c lb. U-Dick. brma con Tamers, fn. zozosi. uiwara anara 2265 Blossom Dr. 425 Auction Saies Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WED., OCT. 11 AT 10 AM. & 7:30 P.M. 9 piece walnut twin bedroom set e 6 piece blond bedroom set Walnut console radio-phonograph combination Walnut dresser: Walnut bed complete Twin mattresses St box sprlnn Blue tapestry davenport St chair walnut cedar chest White enamel washer 5 piece blond dinette set - 3 drop head sewing machine 2 9x12 wool rugs At pads Coil springs Chest of drawers Coffee & lamp tables Floor 8c table lamps Breakfast table Ac cnairs Corner China closets Wood & oil circulators Wood ranges Hospital bed Veg. fruit & potatoes ; 4 used water pipe 9 length 8 inch tUe Allis-Chalmers tractor Cover crop disc Tandem disc Chickens & rabbits m Calves St veals Pigs. . Several cows, heifers & bulls al' ready listed. Lane SudtelFs Auction Sales Yard Located 1 blk. West of Lancaster Dr. on Silver-ton Rd. Ph. 3-6098 Auction Every Thurs. 7:30 pjn. Furniture and household articles. We Invito you to onng your consignments to ua. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1029 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 r3 Yrs ir Y.T I Jim.N D Dr O.Chan.N D DBS. CHAN . . .v LAM CIILNESE HERBALISTS Nertb Liberty - Opstairs above Jan's, 137' N Lib erty Office open Saturday only 16 a.na to I p.m. 6 to 1 p.m Consulta tion Biood pressare and nrine tests are frso of charge. PracUeed since 1911 WESTINGHOUSE refrig. Maytag washing mach. G. E. portable lroner, dinette set davenport & chair. Ph. 42931. . - Armless daveno, very good cond. .849.50 -835 Montag trash burner, white enamel, adjustable legs 8" table saw Ac t h. motor complete with table like new 4 drawer chest , , Oil heater 412.50 .855 .$10 4 pc. Walnut bed suit e Swing rocker -874.50 -810 Occasional chair . $ 6 Oak library table, very good - S6.50 Wood circulator 839.50 5 pc. Breakfast set $15 e Rockers . .$ 8.50 Hassock . $ 3.75 e Small gas range $10 Floor Lamp $ 7.50 e Club chair, wood arms $10 Large pressure cooker $ 5 e Used windows , , , , ., t 1.50 e Console radio Bridge lamp e Hoover vacuum Clothes rack- -$20 -$ 3.75 . $ 9.50 I 1.50 WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer St. Ph. 35110 450 Merchandise "7R Fue.1 604 Help Wanted. Male West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD ' DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 In, clean ! 1 - bo bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone. Sslem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at iS2S Edgewatst ' St. W Salem OAK WOOD. 4 ft $13.50. Cord delivered Jordan, Rt 1. 2 cord loads, C. H. Box 131 J Brooks. Summer Prices on hand picked IS In. slab and old fit block wood. Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. Pnone 3-7731 or '3-6024 Buy Winter Fuel Now Plywood Core - Ph. 36491. backs Ar f.iMiicr:: rnn Wood Circulators Ac Cook Stoves Valley Turn. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472 SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 CHEM NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for floors 'or linoleum Yeawr Appliance Co. S75 Chemeketa St USED RADIOS AND RECORD PLAY- HOME Freezer genuine deemreeze $129 50 and up Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa 1 uuuu Stiff U&ED Electric washers $19.95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St 36 SIX FT. refrigerators, $122 ea. Will sen ' one job lot. Robert coates & Associates. 7533 N. E. Gllsan, Portland; USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced ortces Yeater Appliance Co. - 375 Chemeketa St. LADY'S suits, coats, dresses, sizes 14- ELECTR1C ROOM HEATERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 CHEM. 458 Building Materials Walling Sand & Gravel Co Crushed Rock for roads St driveway Cement. Readv- mix- Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing, -lrainage and ditching yd shovel At dras line Phone 3-9249 Hay For Sale 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA PH 4663. SILVERTON. USED oil circulators $20. Duotherm and others. Judson s 279 N. Coml..- Red Cedar Shingles No. 1. 2. 3. St 4'f. Any amount Check our price. Sidewall shakes. Large amount of oak flooring available. All grades. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Call evenings. TRADE IN VACUUM CLEANERS Ac SEWING MACHINE. $5 . up. Sears. Roebuck At Co. . 45 TO 50 gallon oak barrels, $3 each. Phone 20289. Edward Sahara. 2Z69 Blossom Drive. USED sawdust burner $12. 30 gat h. w. tank with fittings. 486 N. 14th. BETTER BUYS IN BUILDING SUPPLIES Cedar Siding . Vaxs C RL. x8 C RL ,ix8 C RL. Cedar Shakes 18" plain No. 1 18" Painted No. 1 $70.00 M . 80.00 M . 95.00 M Flooring 1x4 E ix4 D Wallboard Tyle-board, Reg. 36c Rooang. 3-tab 210 Lbs. Chrome Bathroom Fixture Window Frames 14.93 Sq 19.75 So 75.00 M 95.00 M J09 Ft .24 rt. 8.15 Sq. FLOWERS for all occasions. Weddings. funerals, openings, corsages, flowers telesraDher. We specialize In dish ' gardens. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 29946. BULBS FOR your fail planting. We specialize in aisn gardens. Lge sel ection plants Ac planters. Pember ton's Flower Shop Ac Greenhouses. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 29946, 25 Discount 50 Discount SERVICE LUMBER CO. PH. 2882 707 McClaine St. Silverton 15000 ft of No. 2 common oak flooring, Kanoem length. 8210 per M. : Any amount aeuvered. : Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton ltd. Th 22084 LNS1ST On. and enjoy Better Cabinet work Dy tho Beavercraft Cabinet Ac Fixture Shop. 773 N. Lancaster Drive, Dhon 3-9414. It costs no more. 6AK FLOORING. We have lt in stock for immediate delivery. Best quality No. 2 random length. Also 2 ft shorts. Priced right Ted Muller. ph. Salem 2-1196. CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING, al- umlnum Ac galvanized steel, all Sizes. Saffron Supply Co.. 325 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-4189. Reject Plywood i". Va". and one. See us for best prices. - KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court SU. 460 Musical Instruments PIANO Feecordians. Galantl. Sonranl rtonner-. international. Paramont Solantl. and others. 120 Bass. $100 ana up, otners S39 up. Jaquith Cusic Co. 846 Cascade Dr, Evenings or days Ph. 34641 NEW Alexander Paris B flat clarinet, reasonable. Ph. 41930. PIANOS, new development make piano out of a Spinet. At prices you won't believe. Also used Grands Ac Spinets. . Jaqultth Music Co; 846 Cascade Dr. Evening calls Invited. Ph. 34641 462 Sports Equipment DOUBLE barrel hammer, 18 ga. shot gun & dox ot sneus. sin. rn. 36546, 738 S. 13th. 410 REPEATING shot gun. shells Ac cleaning rod. 1645 Bonnie Way. Ph 21960. MODEL 97 Winchester 16 gauge pump S39.50. Howser Bros.. 1410 s. lztn ENFIELD S porter. Winchester 30-06. good as new, with sling, case, 3 boxes ammunition. $80. Ph. 3-8251 after a, MARLIN RIFLE. 32 special, new $50, Ph. 2-0680. Z720 Seflona after 6 p.m BELGIAN browing automatic 12 gauge 30" barrel like new. Case Ac 12 boxes shells. Phone 29834. Chris. Barber shop, 2545 Portland Rd. MODEL 97. 12 Ga. Winchester shot run. Ph. 38495 after 5:30 o.m. 30.30 WINCHESTER, model 94. Call at 1155 N. 19th. Ph. 28080 after S. '49 EVINRUDE 3.3 h.o. outboard motor, Call 2-1016 before 11 ajn. or 935 Nor- wav St. LIKE NEW, 12 gauge Savage automatic, iz gauge ltnaca pump. 12 gauge Win chester pump. 410 gauge Winchestter pump. Howard Jones 1130 Spruce St, saiem. f none zi4. C68 For Rent Miscellaneous HOSPITAL BEDS Valley Furn. 285 N. Coml, Ph. 27472 IHJUU Downtown warehouae space tor rent. Inq H U stiff furniture Ph 39185. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets turn 197 S Llhertv Ph 2-9062 GOOD USED Piano B U Stiff.. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous KING alto saxaphone. good ease. Ph. 33059. REFRIGERATORS CO. - 37S USED ELECTRIC YEATER APPLIANCE CHEM. PLUMBING fixtures, check with Cap ital Bargain House. 145 Center. . ANTIQUE spool bed, and books. Ph, 2-W3B alter 4 pjn. POOLED ,,"-e""u COLON ..STOMACH eilmMt tUPTURl CHaralaf Tmtaf tUmH IksU Istrtan OiOO mm lOOHUa kMMt ttL UaM t,00 Km W4 M. C fimSI 4k. ' 'ir USJ-IMS TUB DEAfJ CLINIC IN OKI 40th Tlt M.S. Cerae t, BnwMe oad Sraad Avs EAat S9IS eem,,g 4, ERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CHEM. 375 Useo Furn pianos Co S7 ea H 16. Ph. 2-7038 after 4 p.m. COCA-COLA bottle cooler. Perfect cond. Grand Theater. MIIJ.ERS (Formerly Andy's) clean top soil, river silt, fill dirt Ac pit run sravel. Ph. 2-7329. v PLYWOOD cuttings ,' to i, 8c lb. Salem WMlamette-Sunnlv. 582 MiU STROLLER, like new. Teeter-babe, 67 for both. 3875 Midway Dr. Ph. 24394. 6 YEAR crib with Beauty rest mattress. 1 twin bed complete.- Reas. Ph. 20Z2T. SMALL 2 wheel trailer. Medium size gas circulator. Ph. 33515. CHILDS Tricvele. Call 42633. WESTERN Holly Butane range Ac 50 ;al bottle. Maytag washer, a 72 Pi. -lnertr. Apt. 3. ! ELMER BOJE, Ph. 3-9453 - 2025 S. 12th. 15" Old Fir Veneer Cores Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood - green or dry Stove-Diesel oils Ask for Penny Saver Stamps Ph 36444 Oregon Fuel Co. Hand picked green Ac: dry 16" slab Green Ac dry edgings Fresh cut sawdust Cafeteria service if you haul from $1 up. Also briquets Ac coal. Phone 35533 3087 Broadway WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 2427$. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities Restaurant One of the finest restaurants in the valley. Completely modern and fully equipped. -Is doing the biggest res taurant business in a very good val ley town. This cannot be overlooked by anyone wanting a real nice and profitable business - at a very rea sonable price.-. . t Geo. W. Hubbs Co. ' 100 S. Water St - Phone 823 Silverton. Oregon GARAGE business. Good stock of parts, well equippea. kocc nonom nriw. Call Hanson.- Mill Citv 1988. FOR LEASE: Newly remodeled service station. Major company. Ail utilities. equipment supplies rurnisnea. rn. 3-4703 Mon. thru Frl. 9 to 5. GROCERY STORE,, gas pumps, cabins and pkg. beer on mway w n. wiae frontage ana exceuem im-aiiun, wir ing nice business, rn. zui. . SERVICE ! STATION , for rent HoUy- wood dist ' Ph Mr Mm. re . East uos Portland. TAKE equity in good home in Salem in trade on Moaern orocery sum. Grossing $17,000 per month, good lease. Box 78.. Statesman.-, .,. 510 Money to Loan PRIVATE money to loan; 2-0794. ' CASH THE SENSIBLE WAY L Your choice of repayment dates and amounts. . onvenlenfpayments ar- 2. Charges only for the time you keep tne money. - - 3. Loans as little as $25, to $500 oa Auto un to 8300 on Salary and Furn iture. Personal said "yes" to over J a million customers last year. Come la or phone. WE LIKE TO SAY YES- New Location -PERSONAL Finance Company of Saleni 10S S. High St ' Ph. S-3464 : Lie. No. S-122 M-163. C. R. AUen. Mgr. f00 EmpToyment WANTED. YOUNG '' MAN HIGH SCHOOL ' GRADUATE TO LEARN JEWEL RY TRADE. Browns Jewelers 184 N. LIBERTY t : COMMERCIAL . . Placement Agency 153 S. Libertv Th 9.1 Atm Acct income tax exo. nnsn Cost accountant . ... ?k ooen-. 3 Young Men 1S-24 travel TJT. S. Must be neat single. -KuiTOive. iransp. furnished. $180 month drawing acct. $500 yearly Mr. HorwiU. Marlon Hotel. a-i. o pnone calls. EXP. DRIVER wanted. Small Invest- requirea. 100 t potentiat 378 0'- Bker" L,MU 06 Help Warned, female WArrRESS -for Sat Ac Sun. only. Cole's oar, r-ortianq q. CAR HOPS lor Sals. & Suns. Transp: iuu uuinc. farmers unve-ln. in. i i n oalem Lmve-in Theatre. WANTED experienced pantry lady and waitresses. Night work. Ph. 8-7632. CAR HOP days. San Shop Portland R COMMERCIAL Placement Agency 155 S. Libertv Ph s.ii Steno, exp.. shorthand rxj ' Ttna Sec exp.. Dallas -S20O -8190 See. dictation req. Typist filing. 25-30 ; personnel-payroU elk. $200 uo Billing, filing clerk ...- . $140 , NOT ALL POSITIONS LISTED NEED reliable woman to care for 1 child In my home. Ph. 21435. WAITRESS for week-ends. Must be ex' oerienced Srnvhat Cat Oh t.sm EXPERIENCED beauty operator. 4 Cor ners Beauty snop. EFFICIENT, reliable woman for hsat work, in country. 3 children, room. ooaro v salary, rn. Z7Z09. GIRL wanted for general office work. "vnowiewe 01 Dooauceepins: helpful. Box 69. Statesman. 608 Pickers Wasted FILBERT pickers wanted. " Turn right vnui oiu racinc nignway at IZtn St. Junction. Drive l'a miles to Rosedale road. Turn right 1 mile. A. W. Bur eovne. Phono 42R21 FILBERT pickers 3c lb. 7 mi. out Sil- verton mway, turn right on old hi way. 1st rd to right. 4th hse. H. P. Hansen, Rt i. Box 397, Salem. 612 Work Wanted, Male WAREHOUSEMAN Ac shipping clerk. 23 years experience wants work. H. A, Woodard. RU 6. Box 434E. Phone 43022. 814 Work Wanted. Female. IRONING can & deliver. Mrs. James, co Hill 29213, 7 to pjn. S15 Situations Wasted ICE CREAM cabinet used for deep freeze 675. Ph. 22282. ; NEW 16x650 tires & tubes. Ph. 41700. GOOD used toilet Ute model (20. Phone 25387 after 5:30 o.m. GARAGE equipment for sale, building for lease, rn. yoa or write pox ta. Mill City. DOG 6 mo. Doberman female, well bred. Rt. 3. Box 907. Ph. 44018 (also 45'xlOO lot on McGilchrist at Sum mer St. 4500). GREY steel office desk, call 28877 after 5. 19 FT. HEAVY garden lattice. 137 ft. new S ft. poultry netting. 4 new win dows, double sash. 3 used s.p. doors, frames Ac hardware. Sundry odd lengths 8" shiplap, 1 pair new h.t lsced hiking boots, size 9E. See above at 180 N. 21st. 3 HEAVY aluminum garage doors, com- plete with hardware, size 8x9 ft Ph. 25573. H. G. CLETRAC crawler tractor 7' Oli- plow. All for $800. ver disc. 2-14" Phone 38F3. SPRAY PAINT machine complete $150. Phone 38F3. K'EW auto floor furnace dual wall register. Phone 23371. LAWN MOWER, bicycle, hot plate electric mixer, card tables. Baby Ten- da, high chair, play pen. stroller, boys fishing rod. batthlnet frame. ana radio Ph 25n7. EASY Spin washer $90. Phone 33498. FRIGIDAIRE deep freeze. $95. Port- Die aaaing machine, 835. 1453 Si. loxn. rn. jmds. GOOD USED furnace and pipes. 324 N. i-apitai at. maason wrecking Co. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANTED for cash AM Household Effects Such As Tools Sporting Goods ' Beds Davenos Rockers Sewing Machines Radios ..Small .appliances Refrigerators Ranges Wood Circulators Anything of Value Phone Woodry Furniture Market 35110 for Action WANT to store piano for use. Good care. Ph. 37785. MAGAZINES and newspapers. City Waste Paper Co., 2595 Hollywood ur J-2975. OLD JEWELRY, curiosities, tamps, etc! Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. sao.OU PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24' to 40' small Douglas Fir logs suitable for Diline. Hish prices paid for barkie poles and piling call Al bany 1287 or write standard roie et WANTED: SO tons cood cast iron, scrap. W. W. Rosebraugb'Co eeo s. nin WALNUT and filbert drying wanted Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatcnery. WANTED FUbCrt and walnut drying Nn need to nhone. Just .deliver. Claude McKenney, 1 mile east of Lancaster Dr. on Auburn Rd. Ph. 4-1998. , i. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES . . -. - .. Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repaw DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTISf" Adolnh Bide State Ac Com Ph 3-3311 WANT TO Buy used cameras Ac lenses McEwan Photo Shop, sap sua 476 Fuel . Tri City Fuel I; Hand blcked 16 In. mill wood. , ' Fresh cut screened sawdust j. . ' 11 In. elean inside wood. " ASK FOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 -1 CORD LOAD 46u slab wood $11 Pit Harold Anderson, .2-7 au - AUTO LOANS - WILLAMETTI CREDIT CO. ICS S. Church St Pb. 9-4S1 Parking Aplenty Ue uist-tm FARM and CITY LOANS u and 6 Your own term of repayment wlthlai reason. Cash for Kesi traw vw tracts and Second Mortgages, . CAPITOL SECURITIES. CO. 687 Court St. - Ph. 4-2ZW3 Private Money ' On Cars. Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short. Terms Payments . Roy H. Simmons 3fl S Commercial si Phone S-tlsi $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. PI 2-7032 Lie No. M369-S291 Flovd Kenvow Mar CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own ed loan company sdi nmu wu. vmi ned lit You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! r Mm amamam ne'-heln from frtendst On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock., equipment salary or other personal proper a etnnnni rm... uiclt Aire 'AfflcO todavl ' Hear "Top rradea- 12)5 dally KSLM 1390 KC'SII General Finance Corp. Lie. No S133 and M33$ PHONE 3-9161 136 S COM! ST CASH Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans US S ! Liberty Ph, 4-2203 600 Emnlovment 602 Help Wanted rypt'nii:nrm men or women to make - appointments for our salesmen in tne 'appliance dept. The earnings are far above average. Ph. 25364 for appoint- tnATlt EirSnK KEEPER wanted. Must be able to take some dictation, give rexcrencm. Box 79, Statesman. end Mlo Wanted. Mole SET OF experienced f aDers Ac buckets with nower saw. can eves. iu Schaefer. Star Route, Boxl 51, SUver ton. ' ' ' "' -; - riir. Kumer A furnace man $73 week ly. Must have reference, uono P"""- Apply MOliano. lunww vw v - 117 A MTrn hivrntATELY 4 MEN age 25-50 who are mechanically inclined for local wo. espDaio-w this area, the .work is nara oui tne . i nt. After oualiflcation the Job will be permanent on a C day per WK. oasis, .no wpenraw vnu mial hive transportation At be - hi to work S hrs a day. See Mr, Bailey at Senator Hotel Thurs. morn. LOT boy for used car dept. Experienc- eq preferreq. poic na. co jmrm.u. PROOFREADER for night work five . shifts weekly; must be Intelligent ' alert and able to meet public, answer ' phones, climb stairs. Apply in writ -Ung only to Bo 74, care of SUtes- man. , ikfiNTfri' Vnun married man for all around farm work; hr. pr by mo. No - smoking. Box 31. Statesman. V6UNG men. 17-42 needed by railroaos . .v,M.,Kn,. AtTLmrlea mm station aSentS and telegraphers. Trained men start at $300 monthly plus benefits. Must be sincere and able to finance seU during training period. Our plan , wont interfere with praent employ- mn Vets and non-vets. Write fully mwmm .hhivm mtiA Dhone. Un ; Ited Railways InsUtute, Box 73 co . Statesman. ra ,s WANTED: Ladies & chOdrens sewing. ' crocheting Ac knitUng. Ph. 24505. 1461 ; Ferry;-;- - -r - CHILD, CARE by week or month my home.-3339 eef Ave. Ph. 28279. LADIES c children's sewing in my - home. Making, over ft alterations. Ph. 4-3901. ; Painting & decorating. 1 A. C CHAPLIN Ph.3-7552 IRONING. 1616 Waller St. CURTAINS washed stretched. 23448, CHILD CARE 183 S 18th Ph 2-687' 7S. AY Work fast, efficient nh. 3-6.16 ELDERLY LADY, baby sitter day or nirni rn. aajza. - LAWNS: Also leveling, light tractor on rubhe with dozer etc Ph. 2-8137, PAINTING'- PAPERING 5edgwick Phone 3-5919 - YOUNG WOMAN with 1 small son de sires a position as hsekeeper. Wants to live in. Small aalarv. Th. XS838. tRONING done reasonably, my home. rn. ZHV3. ' - - - SEWING At ALTERATIONS $2 50, Suits $13, skirts. $3, blouses dresses $2 Ac un. Ph. 35652. CARE foe children in my home day aayj Call time. New home: love children. 28279 after 5:45.- FARMERSI Have your locker bed dressed at borne. Exp. packing hs. butcher. Call eves. 2-5615. 620 Day and Contract 'alem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental , 15 B- yds 10 B-45 yds D-7Cat At Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer ' See us about ditching by the Phone days 3-940S Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon ' BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING. PLOWING , L. e MITCHELL. PH. S53S7 AUTO PAINTING just a shade better by Ray ETTES. Call Shroeli Motot Co. 3-910L . 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING rm for 1 or 2. Ph. 34335. 799 - n. ctiurcn. ROOMS for 2 emp men or 3 emp wort en, kitchen prtv, prt bath & ent 2059 Myrtle Ave. (Hollywood). For gentleman, close In, 832 R. Winter. Call after 5:30 or Sun. CLOSE IN sleeping rm., adjoining batiS, use oi retrig. cob center. NICE front heated sleeping room wlta hot com water in rm. zsa center. PLEASANT slping rm. for gentleman. 1050 Norwav. rn. mm. ftM.. refrig hot plate. 2131 CenterT SLEEPING ROOM. Inquire H. L. Stiff), rurnmire. pnone -yiss WINTER rates at the Bel view Ho' Reas. Kitchen orivil. 148 N. Coml NICELY furn. heated rm, men only. 653 N. High. 2. LARGE sleeping rooms. Month dr week. 679, N. Cottage. 703 Wanted Rooms. Board WANTED by man. single room with hot plate. Close in. write statesman. Box 81. v: ' . . . 705 Apartments For Rent 3 RMS fum. ground fir, close Ar sleep rm. Ph. 34469. 2 B.R. UNFURN apt except stoverConv plete redec. Children welcome. at 7B3 t. intn si. iner a .jo. Call PRIV 3 RM partly furn court . Clean, adults. $50 mo. 2560 Port! Rd apt and ' 1 Ac 2 RM. apU. Refrig. nr capital bldg emp. lady. 666 S. Summer. - 3 RM. furn. grd. fir. Bath. Also small one up.-10 N..4th St. ' EXCLUSIVE new court apt range, re frig.. 860. Adults. PH. Z7071. " i fURW. ROOMS, Ige. hskpg, prtv. ent Ph. 2-7554 W. Salem. ; LARGp APT., , good location, com p. . fum. Inq. H. L. Stiff Fum.. 3-9185. 1411 STATE. Furn 3 rma Ac private bath. ROOM furn. apt. Redecorated. Prt bsth. prl. ent 195 Court NICE 3 RM. furn., apt, priv. bath At ent. No drinking or pets. 200 S. 22njt ROOM with home privileges if de- sired. Couple or emp. ladies. Pn. ' 34606. ' ' - NICELY furnished, clean. Excellent apts. Centrally located. Call at 444 . N. CotUge. Ph. 21887, business hours 39121. NICELY furn. 3 rm. apt Priv. batU, : close in. Ph. 35985. - I SMALL furn. cottage, priv. bath, walii ing aisi emp. iaay. rn. a-wm oa 3-4530.