Late Selling Giecks Stock Cain Efforts By lUdar Whiffet NEW YORK, Oct 5-P)-Stocks tried valiantly to get ahead today undr the leadership of motors and steels but the market fell vic tim to last minute selling that forc ed losses running to around a dollar a share. . Steels alone stood higher among the major groups. Motors were unchanged. Lower were rails, oils, metals, motion pictures and utili ties. That doesn't tell the whole story of the day of the 15 most active Issues, only two ended lower. And number of individual stocks showed Independent strength bas ed on corporate developments. Prices with the, exception of steels and motors started sinking before the end of the first hour and continued throughout the session. It was only the close of the final hour that selling spread its heavy hand to motors and erased all their Sains and cut back the peaks of le steel rise. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks fell back 50 cents to $34.00. The industrial component was off 50 cents, rails 80 cents and utilities 30 cents. The volume of business was 2, 490.000 shares, a contraction from yesterday's 220,000 shares when the market was advancing briskly. Corn Slides, Others Hold By William Ferris CHICAGO,'Oct 5-(fl5)-Corn made the only price change of even minor importance on the board of trade t o d a y, sinking around a cent on steady commis sion house selling. Wheat closed unchanged to I cent lower, corn lower, oats unchanged to 4 lower, rye 1 1 higher, soybeans higher and lard 8 cents lower to 18 cents a hundred pounds higher. Except for a little hedging, noth ing of any importance developed In wheat i At its peak the Portuguese em pire included territories in Bra zil, East -and West Africa, Mala bar, .Ceylon, - India,' Persia, Indo China and Malaya. ir f rxmmj D DRS. CHAN Dr.G.CIuaJ O . . . LAM CHINESE HEIBALISTS X(l North Libert? Upstairs tkm Jan's, 331 N Lib erty Office eeea Saturday only U u to 1 ml, te 1 P-sa. CoBsott Um Bioed areare and erine testa are free of charge, Practice a ce WIT. f - .1 "! I Hew York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct S .-CP)- Today's Ad Corp Gen Foods Al Chem 32 58". 37 . 11 Gen Motors Goodyear Tire Al Chalmers Am Airlines Homestake Int Harvester Int Paper Johns Man Kennecott libby McN & J. Lockh Aire Loew's Inc Long Bell Am Pow & Lt. Am-Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Anaconda Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane Bore Warner Burr Add M , Montg Ward Calif Packing Can Pacific Caterpillar 51Nash Kelv 20 NY Central 43Vi North Pac Celanese ;, 38 17 150 65 35 133 17 Si 35 70 Pac Am Fish Pac Gas & FJec Pac Tel & Tel Chrysler 82 28 16 Con Edison Cans Vultee Packard Penney . Penn RR Pepsi Cola . Philco Rad Corp Raynonier Ray Pf d Crown Zellerback 43 Curt Wright 10 Doug Aircraft 85 Dupont . 81 Eastman Kodak. - 46 Emer Radio 18 Gen Electric 47s,4 ULBEKT - Louis Ulbert. late resident of Marlon county, in this city. October 1. at the am of 75. Services will be held Friday. October 8. at 10 ajn. at the W. T. RiKdon Chape L. Interment at St. Bar bara cemetery. The Rev. A. J. Celinaa will officiate. BREWER Mrs. Winnlfred Brewer. late resident of AumsviUe route 1. at a local hospital. October 4. Shipment has been made by the Clough-Barrick company to Macey funeral home at McMinnviHe for services and interment. NISSON Anna Nisson. at a local hospital. October 3. Shipment has been made to Macey Funeral home at McMinnviHe by the Clough-Barrick company for services) and interment. GILUNGHAM Edward N. GUlingham, late resident of Ml Kingwood dr.. in this city. Oc tober 3. at the age of 71 years. Survived by wife, Newtonia H. McCauley Gilling ham. Salem, also by nieces and neph ews In Washington. California and Texas. Member of the Elks. Masons and Order of Eastern Star. Services will be held Friday. October 8, at 3 pjn. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with concluding services in I OOF cemetery. The Rev. George H. Swift will offi ciate. .-; . . - GEIGEB John Geiger. late resident of 660 Thompson ave at a local hospital. October 4. Survived by wife, Leah Getter. Salem: also by two brothers and five sister in Germany. Set vices will be held Friday. October i. at 10 ajn. at St. Joseph's church under di rection of the Virgil T. Golden com pany. Interment at Belcrest Memorial perk. MELGAARD Ethel Granger Melgaard. at the resi dence at Salem route 3. October 4. at the age of 57. Survived by husband. Oscar Melgaard. Salem: three sisters. Mrs. O.-G. Watts. Minneapolis. Minn.; Mrs. H. R. Hall and Miss Belle Grang er, both of Chicago; two brothers, Os car Granger, Havertown. Pa., and Roe A. Granger. Aberdeen. S. D. Services win be held Friday. October . at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rigdoo chapel with Dr. Chester Hamblin officiating. Concluding services at Belcrest Mem orial park. Friends are requested to omit flowers and contribute to the cancer fund. ULEKT Walter Daniel TJlery. at the resi dence. 820 Fairview ave, October S at the age of 73. Survived by two daugh ters. Mrs. Eva Marie Briggs of Salem and Mrs. Ada Lanier of Venice. CaU a son. Clarence E. Ulery of Salem; a sister. Mrs. Blanche Fultz of Alham bra. Calif-, and by three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. An nouncement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Salem Obituaries 0 0 0. Now in its One Hundredth Year of publication The Oregon Statesman enjoys high nrestige among papers of the Northwest. With its roots in pioneer days The Statesman has been a great constructive force inthe develop ment of the Oregon country. Its character as a re liable newspaper is universally recognized. Gener ations of children have learned their letters from its headlines. Generations of Oregonians have been guided in their thinking by its editorial pronounce ments. ? MCE The Statesman of 1950 does not coast on the ........ r laurels of its near-century of publication. Its young, alert staff are diligent in making it a better paper, rendering better service to readers and advertisers than ever before. The Statesman is now a Seven-Day paper, pub lished every morning of the year, the only paper printed and delivered throughout its area the day of publication. Only The Statesman gives complete end fresh news coverage Every Day of the Year, Qe Q5rcjaou0tate8taatt i i . i . closing quotations: 47 53 62 39 31 45 y 46 Repub Stl Rey Metals Richfield .... Safeway Sears Roebuck Soc Vac South Pac Std Oil Cal 63 8Y4 31 18 27 64 20 16 23 Std Oil N J Studebaker Sunsh Mn 1 Swift and Co Transamerica . Twent C Fox Un Oil Cal Un Pac . Un Airlines -Un Aircraft - Un Corp US Plywood US Steel L Warn Bros West Un Tel West Air Br West Elec Woolworth 17 32 103 4 64 19 Vi 9 48 18 42 y4 Slocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Oct. 9 BOND AVERAGES 20 Ralls Net change A.1 Thursday , 87.4 Prev day 912 Week ago 97.1 Month ago 97.4 Year ago 90.9 STOCK AVERAGES 30 10 Ind unch 101 a 101s 101.8 102.3 102.6 10 uu A.l 103.7 103 103.1 1043 104.0 10 Fn . A.4 72.7 72.3 72.0 , 70 J 70.0 13 13 60 Rails Utils Stocks D.8 DJ D.9 54.9 45.5 84.0 S3.7 45.8 84.3 83.3 4S.4 82.4 SOJ 443 79.0 38.0 41.8 68.8 inaini Net change D.5 TO... .4 lift A Prev day 115.5 Week ago 113.1 Month ago 108.3 Year ago . 94.0 Salem Market Quolalicns (As of late yesterday) RUTTERPAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER Wholesale JU J59 JM .70 .73 Retail LIVESTOCK (Valley Packing Co. quotauons Feeder lambs $19.50 to $22.50 Ewes $ 2.00 to S 9.00 Fat dairy cows - 916.00 Cutter cows . $13.00 to $15.50 816.00 to 817.00 $25.00 to $27.00 $21 to $24.00 Dairy heifers Good veal Bulls EGGS Burins) (Wholesale prices range from to 1 sent ever buying price. Large AA , ,' ". M Large A . .50 Medium AA .47 Medium A .42 Small A .23 POULTRY Leghorn hem Leghorn fryers , Colored hens Colored fryers Old roosters Roasters ja .23 .33 JS M TURKEYS (Yesterday's prices to producers on Portland market) . - Hens I JSC to 40c Toma ; 29c to 30c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Oct. 5-(AP)-Ca grain: OaU No 2-38 lb white S3 JO; barley No 2-43 lb B.W. 51.50. Cash wheat (bid) Soft White 3.11: Soft White (excluding Rex) 2.11. White Club 3J1. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 3.15; 10 per cent 2.18; 11 per cent 3.19; 13 per cent 2.93. Hard White Baart: 11 per cent 231; Uper cent 2.23. Today's car receipts: Wheat 12; bar ley 10; flour 7; corn ; oats 10. Mill feed a. o o o 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales BIG PUBLIC AUCTION. MACHINERY AND BUILDINGS TRUCKS. TRACTORS. HAY BALER. THRESHING MACHINE and RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT. Known as the former T. A. JJvesley Lakebrook Farm, T miles northwest of Salem, turn west at Keizer school and 3 miles north. Tuesday, Oct. 10th -" AT 10 AM. SHARP The new owners of this large farm, have called this auction to dispose of this fine lot of equipment and buildings. This sale will be one of the larg est ever held in this part of the country. 18 Buildings 4 Apartment Houses. S story. 23x30. 5 Bunk Houses, 20x12013 com partments 10x14. 1 Bunk House. 7 compartments. 3 Bunk Houses, S compartments. 3 Dwelling Houses. 25x30. 9 Single Bunk Houses. SlfcxlL 1 Ice House, 12x13. 12 W. P. A. Toilets. Restaurant Equipment Montgomery Ward vCo. refrigera tor. 40 cubic feet, A-l. Oil restaur ant range. One Star Master food server, steam table. 1 two unit Chef Master steam table. 3 com part dish washing trays. 10-ft. meat refrigerated 'ase and ma chine meat sheer. Two 220-volt electric heaters. 2 show cases. 2 hot water tanks, 82 gallon. 200 folding bunk beds, steel. 90 single mat tresses. 1 roll top desk. 1 execu tive desk and swivel chair. 1 vege table show case. 4 wood counters. 4 single wood beds. 1 coll spring. 1 small scale. 1 three compartment globe filing cabinet. 3 small filing cabinets. 13 hop scales. 100 camp stoves and pipe. 13 galvanized sinks. 100 wood picnic tables. 800 ft. in. galvanized . water pipe. 150 ft. 1 in. water pipe. 300 ft. l 1 and 1!4 Inch water pipe. Machinery One 8-nozzle Ha wry Berg hop duster. 3 gas pumps. Two 7',i h.p. motors. One S h.p. motor. 3 water tanks on wheels. 30 water kegs. One 6x6x8 ft. metal house. 1 Piper post hole digger, fits D-2 Cat. 4 DONT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS BENEFIT LUNCH H. C. ROBERTSON OF AMITY, Col. Ernest E. Scott, Salem, Auct. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oct. 5- (AP)- Butter fat Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to JS to 1 oer cent acidity delivered in Portland. 66-69c lb: first quality. 63 -66c; second quality, 59-82c. Butterfat Wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 65c lb: A. 92 score, 84c; B. 90 score. 61c: C, 89 score, 98c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 37 'a -40 Vic lb; Oregon S-ib loaf. 4Z-43C. Text To wholesalers: A grade, large. 54-56'ic doz; A grade, medium. 47 48'ic doz; B grade, large. 40-42c. Live chickens (No. 1 quality. F.O.B. plants): Broilers under 2V lbs. 30c; fryers. 2V-3 lbs. 32-34c; 3-4 lbs. 32-34c; roasters. 4 lbs and over, 33c; light hens under 4 lbs. 19-2zc: 4 lbs and over. 20-32C Heavy hens, all weights. 22 23c; old roosters. aU weights, L2-13C. Rabbits A verare to growers: Live white. 4-9 lbs. 25-27e lb: 5-8 lbs. 21-23c: colored, 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks, 11-1 5c lb; fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 55-58c; some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, good. 500-800 lbs. $48- 53; commercial. $47-50; utility. 843-48; cows, commercial. 841-44; untility, $38 840; canners-cutters, $35-38. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quar ters. 856-60; rounds. 854-56; full loins. trimmed. 875-ao; tnaneies. no-; square chucks. $47-50; ribs. $60-85; fore- quarters. $43-44. Veal: Good. 848-51; commercial. $44 46: utility. 835-39. Calves: Good-choice. S46-90; com mercial. $37-44. Lambs: Good-choice springers, sso 52: commercial, $45-48. . Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down, $28-30. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. 855 58; shoulders. 15 lbs. down. $43-45; car casses. $35-36; spare ribs. $45-48. Wool: Valley, medium grades, 60-63C lb average at country buying points. Mohair: 60c lb on 12-month growth. r.O.B. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Veal: Top quality 41-43c; good heav ies 36-38c. Hogs: Light blockers 29-31c; sows, light. 28-31C. Lambs: Top grade springers, 43-43 Ibc best yearlings 35-40c. Mutton: Best 20-22c; rough heavy bucks, ewes. 14-16c. Beef: Good cows. 34-37c lb; canners cutters. 34-38c. Onions: Large. No. 1. 1.75-83 per 50 lb sack; 50-lb sack Walla Walla med., 1.50-85; Calif., Idaho whit wax, large, 2.25-50. Potatoes: Ore. white rose 2.25-50: Rus sets. No. 1A 2.50-75; No. 2 bakers 2.25: Wash, russets No. 1. 3.50-75; 25-lb 80 85c; 10-lb 40-42c; 50-lb No. 2. 75-85c. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered carlots F.O. Portland or Puget Sound markets, $32-34 ton; Wil lamette valley grain and clover hay $26-29. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Oct. 5-(AP)-(USDA) Cattle salable 290; holdover 100; mar ket rather slow but generally steady: steers limited: odd common slaughter steers 23.00-26.00; common beef heifers 20.00-23.50; cutter-common dairy type heifers 18.00-19.00; canner-cutter cows fairly active at 1S.00-1S.50; odd head 17.00: shels down to 12.00: bulls steady weak but some bids lower; odd good beef bulls 35.00; common-medium sausage bulls 20.00-23.00; cutters down to 18.00. Calves salable 50; market active, full steady: good vealers and light calves 29.00-30.00; odd head 31.00; medium grades up to 461 lbs 25.00-27.00; lighter weights to 28.00; common calves down to 19.00. Hogs saable 125; market fairly active, mostly 25c lower: good-choice 180-230 lbs 22.25- 50: few 250-270 lbs 21.00: rood 350-500 lb sows 18.5O-19.50; lighter weights to 20.00; feeder pigs lacking with market uncertain. Sheep salable 150; market Steady; good wooled and No. 1 pelt lambs mosuy za.uv; xew iota carrying cnoice lambs 25.50: medium-good shorn feed ers 23.00-JO; good wooled feeders quot- aue to 24.00; good yearnngs 22.00-23.00; good slaughter ewes 1L50-12J0. CALL FOR BIDS County of Marion. State of Oregon, is asking? for sealed bids for trading graveling, providing drainage, and sur facing with O-II Penetration Oil, 18 wide on Pioneer Drive, Marion County, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the County Engineer, Courthouse. Salem, Oregon. jaioa win oe opened or ut county Court Chambers at the Courthouse in Salem. Oregon, at the hour of 10 US A. M. October 14th. 1950. The county reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids in the nest interest or Marion county. BY ORDER OF THE MARION COUNTY COURT. O 8 300 Personal 312 Lost end Found ' ! LOST 9 Trva ami Am Ma ..- ial No. 906934) en key chain. Leave LOST: Wed. S un. Sml. brawn nun. Court brn. Capital At 15th. ph. 3-4389 eves, or leave with matron at IDiUM. 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales coiled heaters. S rubber tired wagons. 1934 I"ord V-8. dual wheel, steel bed truck. 1948 Ford truck, hydraulic lift, flatbed and sides. 5-ft. McDeering hop disc. Interna tional Oliver ditcher. 4-eec. spring tooth harrow. 3 platform scales. 1 steel wheel wagon with box. 3-see. harrow. John Deere saw and man drel. 1 hay rake. 3 6-ft. steel roll erf. One 2-13 Inch Oliver orchard plow. Concrete mixer. Champion mower. 6-ft. drill. Road scraper. 2 , galvanized vats. 1 Star litter car- . rier. One 10 Inch walking plow. Two 14 inch walking plows. 3 wagons. 6 hop training buggies. 4 seta harness. Gas engine and pump jacks. 1 twin cylinder air compres- or. 1 VI kins air compressor. 1 John Deere gas engine with mag neto. Wire and cable. Bale hop twine. 2 wheel trailer. Two 1948 Eord tractors with hydraulic lifU Fordson dozer blade. Two 14's Ford plow. Model B 1939 Johne Deere tractor. D-2 Caterpillar, bought in "Nov. 1949. A-l. Allis-Chalmers threshing machine. McCormlck Deering hay baler. McDeering Farmall duster. John Deere potato digger. 2 manure spreaders with power take-off. 1 John Deere 2 row corn planter. 1949 Model H International Farmall tractor. Cora picker (Food machinery). 1949 In- ' ternational Super A Farmall trac tor, hydraulic life and cultivator attachment. John Deere 4 bottom 18 inch plow. International com bine, self propelled, with a dry pea attachment. John Deere 13 ft. grain drill. John Deere 10 ft. disc. 3-ec. roller. 12-foot. International corn planter with fertilizer attachment. 2 sets cultivators for Ford tractor. Fertilizer spreader. 1948 li ton Chev. cabover. flat bed. dump truck. Many, many small tools. Shovels, hoes, too numerous to mention. BIG SALE. TERMS. CASH. ON GROUNDS. AND 0. E. KURTZ OWNERS Nina. M. Scott. Clerk, 316 Personal IF LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade, an oia renaDie ciud. Jox 607. Vancouver. wasn STANLEY Home Products. Ph. 43882. ' ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, ph. 3-9133" PO Bx 724. YMCA Wed. FrL 8 JO pjn. 400 Agriculture 402 Lrrostock WANTED: Fresh and Springer cows. fnone 4-zei7. FOR SALE: High producing milk goat. rure auncn. wnie ior particulars. LUa ft. Gower, RU 1, Box 38, New- oerg, v ?. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer gj B" MCTjannmn iin s th Ph 3-6147 BUNUKO livestock Duvet Claude W" KT B POt TOE n 3-1144 BULL Service any place. Ph. 4-2949 BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Som- mer. ziju cnemawa Ha. Ph 42817. LlCEN SRll l.lvMtmk hnu.r M C ;eti 1840 LamteT dr pn 2-1S43. FOR SALE: '4 or whole young white tace Deer. rn. 3972a iw. K. Stanton 404 Poultry and Rabbits FRYERS for Sal. Ph 3-3481. 2161 N. 87 (VIII.. NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches every Tuesday Fox's Hatchery. 3830 State St Phone 3-4969. EW Hampsmre Chicks. Weekly hatch es. East Center St. ph. 3-2861. Lee's Hatchery WlNGS RABBITRY needs rabbits, pick up service. 3B5 state, 4-3318 YEAR old Parmenter hen Ph. 2-7312. ROASTER ducks, rabbits 8c rabbit hutches. Pr. 2-2709. HENS live or dressed. Ph. 2-7353. . H. McNall, RU 8 Box 777. 408 PA- MOORE'S Tropical Fish equipment supplies. 3 ml. from Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Rt. 5. Box 483. P. 2-7321 PART toy water spaniel puppies. Cheap. 138 N. 23rd. 410 Sda and Plants DAHLIAS - order now. McCain Dah- 11a Garden. 1491 7 St.. West Salem. EASTER lily bulbs. Ace & Crafts year lings $8 hundred bulblets $2. K. Pick ens. 693 N. 17th. Ph. 3-7322. 412 Fruit and Farm Produc Apples Apples For Sale: A 30 acre apple crop con sisting of Jonathans. Spitzenbergs, standard Delicious and Yellow New tons. Estimate 800 boxes or more. Best offer takes all. Buyer furnishes own boxes and pick. Crop in fine condition for dealer to handle. For appointment to see crop contact owner. R. Crawford. 791 Zdgewater at., w. aaiem. pn. a-54zo BLUE Darasen plums and petite prunes ready now. Puritan Cider Works. W. ALL KINDS of apples. Paul Schaad", pn. 4-1315. CAMPBELLS Early grapes 5c lb. Bring containers. R. H. Wacken. Rt. 7. Box 357. Ph. 2-3169.- 1V mi. right at iotem oie on 99E ,i ml. right. GRAPES 6c U pick 5c. Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 278. Frank A. Johnson. SNOW APPLES for cooking and eat ing, fliont 4-3065. EASTERN Oregon Alfalfa Hay for sale by ton or truck, ph. 4-3887. GRAPES U-pick 5c. Picked 8c. Rt. 1. Box 290. Salem. A. E. Pelker. 414 Farm Equi pmon) t INTERNATIONAL Farmall Model A tractor - with power lift. 1 bottom piow, power mower, a-ioot A very disc. John Deere D tractor. Inter national 8-tL disc, 2 bottom Moline plow, Moiine drill, spring tooth nar ' row. mike tooth harrow. Mrs. Henrv C. Stafford, Gervais. Ore, Rt. 1. Vi miie west oz W aeon aa. mone saiem 4-1309. , 425 Auction Sales , Anction Every Thurs, T JO pjn. Furniture and household articles. We invite you to bring your consignments to us, EAST SALEM AUCTION 1029 Lancaster Drive - Ph. 8-1221 450 Merchandise 455 Honsshold Goods Far Sals MONTAG ' wood circulator. Kenmore oil circulator, dinett table, 4 chairs. two beds, spr & matt, waL bedroom suite, davenport, mahogany 8c cane bed davenport, sect, bookcase, many other tbinxs. Must be sold this week. i3a w. cottage, FRIGID AIRE, chest of drawers, dinette set. piano, radio Ac hassock, ph. 2-O503 COLEMAN oil heater. 2 drums. Copper Tuning S35. pn. S-Q673, 8" FT. DELH freeze like new. Ph. 2-7120, 8 FT. KELVIN ATOR refrigerator,. very good. sua. cash, rnone 450 Itlfirchandise 455 Household Goods For Sals ELECTRIC range $50, din. rm. set $50. nun micniiw a, oaa cnairs S1.DO ea. Misc. furn 8t dishes. Ph. 3-9674. 1-UftJiITtrRft ma fii A-B.C. elec. washer. 74 ft. Zenith ref. SHELF booDatase $25. 5 solid oak din ine chairs $3 ea., library tables 85. j - - -r - '. -g-. 1 Charles of London liv. rm. set. 1 Eastern wood breakfast set. 1 daveno, 1 G, range. 1 $',-ft. ref rig. l washer. 1 writing desk. 1 walnut buffet Num erous other items. This furniture is nearly new and in excellent cond. . Ph. 2-5078. i uprary xapie sa. yn. x-eyza Linoleum S3.95 VALLEY FPRN CO 285 W COM'L Used Fura- Cheap TRADE - TERMS Valley Furn Co 185 No Coml 2-7472 OLDER model Gibson refrig $85. 3416 Williams Ave. 456 Wcmtsd. honsshold Goods GOOD Used furniture wanted. If you have what I want 111 pay you -the highest price in town. Trader Louie. rn, jnoaa. GUKN WOtlDRV Ph ssna OaiJ rUKN . immediate appraisal highest prices.. Valley Furniture. 283 N Commercial Ph. 27472 458 Building Materials HARDWOOD front doors, top quality, $15 ea. Povey Builders Supply, 501 "uw vve., uaiias n. za, OAk FLOORING. We have it in stock for immediate delivery. Best quality . No. 2 random length. Also 2 ft. shorts. Priced right. Ted Muller. ph. Salem FOR SALE No. 4 Common Lumber, 1x4 to 1x8 $35 per M. 2x4 to 2x12 $35 per M. F.OJ3. Mill, will deliver at cartage cost. Independence Lumber 8c Manufacturing Co. Independence. "ret-none n 18" No. 1 side-wall shakes. $16.50 per sq. with undercoarse. Colors green 8c wnixe. uniy 100 sqs. at this price. Call Ted Muller. Salem 2-1198 Eves. CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING, al uminum & galvanized steel, all sizes. Saffron Supply Co, 325 N. Coml. Ph. 2-4189. Red Cedar Shingles No. 1. 2, 3, & 4's. Any amount Check our price. Sidewall shakes. Large amount of oak flooring available. AU grades. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem z-ii8. call evenings BETTER BUYS IN BUILDING SUPPLIES Cedar Siding 'i; C RL ; $70.00 M V2X8 C RL 80,00 M 4x$ C RL $5.00 M v-eaar snakes IS" Blaln Nn t . 14.95 Sq. . 19.75 Sq. - 75.00 M - 95.00 M .09 Ft. J4 Ft. . 8.15 Sq. 18" Painted No. 1 Flooring 1x4 E ix4 D Wall board W Tyle-board. Reg. 36c Roofing. 3-tab 210 Lbs. Chrome Bathroom fixture 25 Discount Window Frames 50 Discount SERVICE LUMBER CO. PH. 2882 707 McClalnc St. Silverton PAINT Green, gray, brown paint. Ideal for uuusc. iuicc, oarns, cmcxen houses. You furnish container. S2M Ph. 3-5821 or 4-3139 - 1 Ml. N. of Keizer INSIST On. and enjoy Better Cabinet dj me ceavercrait cabinet 6c Fixture Shop. 775 NJ Lancaster Drive. Phone 3-9414. rt costs no more. LUMBER At MILL WORK Pre-Inventbry Sale Cedar siding. ix8 $85 M Plywood sideing tile 5c q. ft. uoors. several patterns aa low as '. ea an Hardwood veneer, choice of ma- nogany. prima vera, gum WOCld UU mm Mouldings At casetngs. snort lengths, standard patterns 50 off Windows, standard sizes U pat terns, up to 40 off Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front & Court SU Salem 460 Musical lnztrumsnts SMALL ORGAN for sale $2230. See at uauas Auction House PIANO and bench, small upright, beau- iuiu tone, rnone 2-YWta. 462 Sports Eqalpmsnl 14" BLYWOOD boat, good cond, $65. toy neiiyer on 9E at Brooks. WINCHESTER VS. M 1917 30.06 porter. new concuiion, sung, case, ammo; to trade for 348 Winchester M 71 in equal condition. Ph. 2-8251 after 9r NEW model 99 300 Savage deer rifle 8c dot ammo, sizp. rn. 4-Z4Z9 WISH to buy 32-40 caL Winchester rifle. Phone 2-2041 SEVERAL used military rifles. 112 Market St. FOR SALE: Martin 4',j h.p. "40" out board motor. Priced to sell. Phone 2-2041.- 464 Bicyclss BOYS 24" bicycle, good cond, 1088 7th St., W. Salem, ph. 4-1557. 466 Trads, Miscellaneous IF YOU have old valuables like Jewel ry, guns, lamps, curiosities, etc, which you no longer need, swap them for things you do need. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. 168 For Rent. Miscellaneous" HOSPITAL BEDS Valley Turn. 285 N. Coml. Ph. 27472 UOOU Downtown waraoouit spaee fot rent. Inq. H. Stiff Furniture. Pb 39185. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOh RENT Blan kets furn 197 g Liberty Ph 3-9082 ROOD USED Piano H L. Stiff TRAILER space $10 mo. On Oxford St, south side of Paulus Cannery, Chil dren welcomed, but no pets. Raths Trailer court. 470 For Sole. MceJlasteousT . Clodies Dryers Immediate delivery, terms on Whirl pool 8c BUckstone. We will install. Call 2-6672. Ask for Mr. Marvin. Marion Electric. 2697 Portland Rd. "Bargains by Woodry" 160S M. Summer Fine refrigerator $88 M on tag elec. range, like new $148 -$29.75 at IhrlS Wool ni( Wood circulator $23 at Singer aewine machine S37.50 e Playpen . 96J0 e Walnut piano -$120 mace aesx Goo 11 Washing machine sxi aunun noa e Automatic 12 gauge shot gun $55 e Breakfast table M50 Best values are at the Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer Terms. TTaaes rrw nrmni 36 SIX FT. refrigerators. 9122 ea. Will sell one jod 101. noDert wnm Associates. 7535 N. E. Clisan. Port 8 tl . BOY'S bicycle with new tires, $20. land. 160 BEAUTIFUL black Persian lamb coat Slse 16 to 18. Worn one season. Rea- fa fecT CLOSED bUKk. CHEAP, m. Jim. 1' a- BEAUTIFUL cab. Zenith radio, push .m m. .KnW a, standard hands. Like new 875, F 78S before 8 JO or after a 30. UayaA washer, used. Pb. 3-9945 Mmm S M m SMALL size Duo Therm heater. Phone 2-OOBZ. Oil Circuia tura at rU reduced tester AppBance Co, 375 Chemekets St - fiAtks j. "Linings fob : h. 1 r Ctnalt Stoves OTWM V. ' - Valley Furn. 285 N. Coml. Ph. 27472 SEWING MACHINES NEW ANU USED TEAT arruanva w n tn Tba Staiegnian. Salem, Oregon, Fridar. October 8. 1350-81 450 Merchandise 470 For Sals. Miscellaneous USE ' : ORGANIC FERTILIZER. 9 The right way to re build the soil. Free of weed seeds. 9 Odorless. 6 sacks 5.00 Buli;lton.... 10.00 2 tons .....L... 17J50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 BATHINETTE, elec. bottle sterilizer. nursery scaic, ec usea UUajQl ciotunc. rn. i3AM bELUXE model elec. range & refrig. eKera, pn. a-aaan TRASH burner, like new. Paul Schaad. EIGHTEEN Indian head pennies dat inn from 1874. Ph. 4-3758. HAMILTON Ctothea dryer, like new. Ph. 4-3660. 6 YR. CRIB. $15. 310 Bellevue. kviTT USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS rT ., APPLIANCE CO. 379 CHM NEW 4 wheel trailer, trailer house. no e ut am movco, zurmnire. rn. a-oj PLUMBING fixtures, check with Cap? ital Bantata House. 143 Center. 30-30 Lever action Winchester rifle 943.00. Apt. range with oven. (13.00. Nearly new folding baby buggy $20.00. rn. x.ves. a-esHBi. ANTIQUE spool bed and books. Ph. 2-7038 after 4 pjn. LADY'S suits, coats, dresses, sizes If- io. rn. z-703a arter 4 pjn, KRESKY auto. oU burning furnace suitaoie zor oasement or utility room. Complete with controls. Priced to seu. rn. 3-7, USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEAtEH APPT.TANftc rr tin mmM ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS YEATER ftrrijlAWLE CJ. JI3 CHEM. WRECKING A HOUSE at 324 N. Cap ital, ah materials tor sale. NOW AXING REQUIRED with PLAS- ii-isuii tn ceuopnane-UJce Cnisb for floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co.. Tia Chemeketa St. USED RADIOS AND RECORD PLaY- Jks zai jut Ai-ruANCS CO. 373 nw HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze i aw ana ap x eater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. 'Crashed Rock For roads ft driveway. Cement. Ready- mix, concrete caroen Sand. Buu dozing. -traiaage and ditching. i yd shovel 8r drae Hne Phone 3-9249 Hay For Sale 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA. P 663. alitVEHTOW. UOOL Used pianos. S75.ea.lLL' Nnrroni co CHEST TYPE freezer.. 14 cu. ft Used USKD Electric washers 319.93 and up Tester Appliance Co. - 37a cnemeketa St. MILLER'S (Formerly Andy's) clean top sou. river sut, nu cm 6c pit run gravel. Phone 2-7329. . 472 Wanted. MlsceOaneoas X wai pay spot cash for the following nena ; e Wood ranges Electric ranges i Wood circulators Washing Machines Radios 1 e Baby cribs s Used beds ! Davenos , m Rugs r e Bed sets Chest of drawers Dining sets ' Refrigerators ' Cheap piano What have you? . . Ph. 3-5110 for immediate results. GOOD CARE for your piano in my nome. rn. z-von.. - MAGAZINES and newspapers. City waste raper to. zaua oiiywooa vr. Z-ZS73, WALNUT and filbert drying ' wanted Ph. 22881. Lee's Hatchery. OLD JEWELRY. curiosiUes. lamps, etc Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. 850.UU PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24- to 40- small Douglas Fir logs suitable for piling. High prices paid for barkie. poles and piling call Al bany 1287 or write Standard Pole A Piling Co, for price lists. . 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide State & Com Ph 3-3311 WANT TO Buy used cameras 8c lenses Mccwan Photo Shop, 433 State, 478 Fnel OAK WOOD. 4 ft. $13.50. Cord delivered 2 cord loads. C. H. Jordan, Rt. 1, Box 131. Brooks. Tri City Fuel Hand picked IS In. mill wood. Fresh cut screened sawdust 12 in. clean inside wood. ASK FOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7443 3 CORD LOAD 16'rslab wood Jli PH. itaroiq Anoerson. i-iin. West Salem Fuel Co. la-m. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER4 ENDS Old crow- block wood 19 ta. timm se bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pbone: Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgtwatst . St. W Sale . Summer Prices on hand picked 18 In. slab and old Br block wood. Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. rnone 3-7721 or s-eoat LARGE 16" dry or green- core wood, for furnace if desired. Also dry er wood for cook stove, R. H. Al- len. 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph. 22382. Bay Winter Fuel Now Pivwood cores, lo ends. Ph. 36491. GOOD 16-in. green edgings. $3.50 toad. aouoie toma aio. OREGON FUEL CO: 3087 Broedwsy Pbone 35533 "MAUI B0J1 Ph. S-S453 203S 8. Ut 15" Old Fir Veneer Coree Highway Fuel Co t Clean sawdust, wood free er dry. Store-Diesel oils. Ask (or Penny Urn flta M Ph. SR WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 2427t rOB SALE: Dry Cherry ' heater. Phone 2-207L wood ior 500 Busmess & Finance 102 Bus ineee Oppoctan! ges FOR LEASE: Newly remodeled stulu station. Major company. All Utilities, equipment supplies furnished. Ph. a-4703 Mon. tnru m. w to a, GROCERY STORE, gaa pumps, cabins and pkg. Deer on Hiway n. wne frontage and excellent location. Do ing nice business. Ph. 24313. Rt, T. Box 1U. 500 Business & Finance S02 Busk tess Oppbrtm aiflss SERVICE STATION for rent, HoDy a obi rn. tax. asoore. East U0O, Portland. 510 Money to Loan CASH THE SENSIBLE WAY L Your choice of repayment dates and ' amount. . . convenient payments ax- ranged. X. Charges only for the time you keea the money. 3. Loans as little as 123. to 3300 en Auto up to 8300 on Salary and Furn. iture. Personal said -yes" to over a million customers last year. Come in or phone. WE LIKE TO SAY'TES ' New Location PERSONAL ' Finance Company " f of Salem IDS S. Rieh St TM. t.ui ' tic. No. S-122 M-188. C. R. AHen. Mrtfr' Atrrvk mAMm .WILLAMETT8 CREDIT CO. MS S. Church at. Ph. 3-443T Parklmf Aplenty Ue7Bls-S184 . . FARM and C1T LOAHt . - - 4, and Your ewe terms of repayment wirkte sn ior neaj Estate i ri tracta and Second Mortrsges. CAPITOL SECUaJTILS C CO. 687 Court St. Ph. ' Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes , Loos or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 8 Commetrte St Phone S-S181 PRIVATE money to loan. 2-07947 $ CASH S i - Hollywood Finance Co. " 19M lisreuads Road Rext to bank. Free parkin. rV 2-7032 Lie i No. M36S-S2SL i Flovd Kenvon Mrr . r CASH-NOW $25.00 to $500.00 . Salem's largest and oldest home-ewaw ea wen company off era money wbeat -you need it! . : Tou can pay anytime to reduce net -costl - No endorsers.' or heto from- fiiendsl On ears, trucks, trailer homes to 8500j0e on xurmture. i livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to 33001)01 i Phone or visit our office today I Hear -Top Trades' 12:03 daily KSL1C General Finance Corp. : Lie No S138 and M33S PHONE 3-9181 135 S COMT ST. . CASH Up to $1500 Call or pbone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans US S Liberty Ph. 4-3303 600 Employment 04 Help Wanted. Mais WANTED Experienced Real Estate. iar ior larms. rienty or good lands, and a real opportunity. Answer Sta tesman, box 76. WANTED: Dairy 8c Farm hand, also v carpenter neiper. wonn noftmaa s. WANTED: High School student Pi' utg personality, ambitious, willing : worker to learn retail clothing busi i ness. Must start at bottom, early ad-. ., Vance ment according to ability. Per 7 mancnt position if you can qualify. Must be Salem resident with good, character reference. See Mr. Joseph son. J Se 1 Clothes Shop. 387 State St, PROOFREADER for night work irve . shifts weekly; must be intelligent. alert and able to meet public, answer ' phones, climb stairs. Apply in writ ing only to Box 74. car of States man. EXP. MACHINIST it mbly man. Salem Auto parts. 3 Young. Men 18-24 travel TJ. S. leading cities. Musi , be neat, aggressive. New cars furn ished. Immediate drawing acct. 8500 yearly bonus. See Miss Horwitz. Sen a tor Hotel B-l pjn. 5-7 p.m. HAVE opening for p. energetic farm agent to handle farm sales. Must navet complete working knowledge of real estate transactions. See B. C Cal bath, between 1-2 for interview. Colbath Land Co.. 1683 Center. WANTEO: Non union man for piaster trig, steady work. Phone 2-7344. YOUNG man, IS or 17. Must be eour teous for occasional work after school siiumiTi. Appiy a.m. ooiy. Bradley Furniture Mart. 1978 N. Cap- itol. - - - SERVICE station salesman. Regular pay advancements up to se per ' month. Excellent working conditions. Apply Buckleys Mobil Service. North uaiias jet, f none Z587 uaiias, oreei WANTED: Young married man for ml around farm work, hr. or by mo. No smoking. Box 31. Statesman.' CP -A. has opening for - accountants with income tax experience. Please write box 73 eo Statesman for Inter. view. YOUNG men, 17-42 needed by railroads throughout America as station agents and telegraphers. Trained men start at $308 monthly plus benefits. Must be sincere and able to finance self during . training period. Our plan wont Interfere with present employ ment. Vets and non-vets. Write fully giving street address and phone. Un itrdllailways Institute. Box 73 ce v Statesman. , . SOS Help Wanted. Female YOUNG LADLES is-IS no exp. neces sary. Pleasant work. 850 a week to start. Personal interviews only. Call Mrs. Mares. Hotel Marion for ap-, WE HAVE an opening for a fun time saleslady interested in a permanent uon in a congenial aunospnere experience helpful but not Please aDDlv in Derson to Mr. Marcus at Reeda Millinery. I 80S state st. HOUSEKEEPER St maid, can be over 50. 8125 mo. Ph. 521 Jefferson. T WANT young lady to work , days in real estate office. Must have typing , experience. See B. C. Colbath be tween 2-4 for Interview. Colbath Land Co.. 1883 Center. WANlilb experienced pantry lady and waitresses. Nurht work. Ph. 3-7832. COMMERCIAL Placement Agency . 153 N. liberty Ph. 2-148S Steno. exp.. shorthand req. 318S Sec, expL. Dallas 82e Sec. dictation req. . 820Q Bkpr. typist Typist, filing. 25-30 .4190 WOT Al . POSITIONS LISTED GIRL, or woman for hsework child care, mod home. priv. rm good wages. Ph. 3-8440. WOMAN or girl to care for 3 childaen. 3 jJn. to midnight. 3350 Livtogatotw Off Lansmg. EXP. waitress, mornings. Apply Bic4 & White Coffee Shop. is4 . . Cap ttot No phone calls. GIRL wanted for genet offaae worC Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Box 89. Statesman. GIRL wanted. 13-30 for hosiery mend inc. No exp. see. Apply Mer's basement. Friday morning. GIBX. or woman for hsework etkild care, mod home, private ram, good wafts, rn. J-ww. CISXt to assist with housework it care of 2 children. No cook g. Priv. room. automatic waaner. oryer as P 4-S70S. 610 Salss Persons Vctsd GOOD opportunity to man who can sell mail subsci UHiona in rural area. Must have good personality. Experience) helpful but not essential. See Mr. Clark (Ore, Dept.). The SU teams