The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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litHjV:s;f jji(iniii:: MiUl""" "'' - 5
t Tho &irt""r Sclem, Oregon.' T7ednee dayy Sept 17,
To See Game,
Social Tidbits
By Jerymc English
FIRST BIQ GAME . . . out-of-i
town this season conies on Satur
day when the University ol Ore
gon and University ol Calfiornia
play at Multnomah Stadium in
Portland. ... A number ol Salem
and Oregon football fans will go
up on Friday night for the pre
game festivities. . . . Ted Cham
bers, a member of the state board
of higher education, and Mrs.
.Chambers will be in Portland for
the game and weekened. ... The
Chandler Browns and daughter.
Vlvienne, the James Waltons and
gon,-Jeff, the Harold dingers and
John Eeltzels will make up a
party at the game and attend
the pre-game luncheon at the
Town club.'. . . :
Mare ef same . . . mile their
kusbands are away hunting this
weekensi tnetr wives wiu oe
Fsrtlaad fer lvncheen and the
game. . . .In the grasp will be
Mrs. Charles Hnrrina. Mrs.
- Mrs. Breymaa Boise. Mrs. Key
H. Simmons. - Mrs. Asel Eoff,
Mrs. Keith Brown. Mrs. Tern
W. Miller. Mrs. Broee Spanlding
mad Mrs. Werner Brawn. . . .
Also headed for the same . .
will be the Robert DeArmonds,
Robert Needhams. Harvey Quis
tads. John Steelhammers, James
- B. Nicholsons. Laddie Gales. Bud
Watermans, Leon Perrys, Ken and
Jean Potts. Charles Woods. Merle
Browns. Glenn McCormicks. Carl
Nelsons. L. V. Bensons, William
L. Phillips, the junior William
Phlllins. Jim and Joan Phiiims.
the John Johnsons, Roger Schnells,
Ilmer Bergs and son. Jerrv,
' Charles Camobells - and John TL
Woods . ... Mrs. Wood to leave
after the game for Yankton. South
Dakota to visit her parents, the
Ralph Aliens .'. . Dr. Wood to
Sain his wife. In mid-October and
ecomoanv her home. ...
Partv Notes
S Yt visiters ... Mr. and Mrs.
B. F-. Ows entertained at din
ner Tuesday n'rfct at the Amer
ican Tviea eV fer Colonel and
Mrs. Elmer T. Woo ton whe are
her from Washinrton.
D. V. . . A few ef teier lon
ti friends were bWden to the
- affr. ... Ceionel Weoten re
turn . the Hen, eanltal en
TorMlv aM Mrs. Weoten win
vVHt wWi re'-HT in Whint
Um d in Portland with her
eVvter for s-verl weeks ...
rtntr te s-iem to say rood
hre Wforejgeln east.
A ries ... of parties planned
h : Mrs.f v Wnhert Brownell and
Mr. Donald Ttr this week . . .
en Tuesdav and Wednesday nieht
with euests b'dden to brldee at
te 'Rrown ell home In Kingwood
A- PM U Meet
etwe . . . Aleia Phi
" at"nne wf" he efficialW or
f"M In Pen eome rne
October S at the CandMarla
-HMs home of Mrs. Bruce
Pickett at Skooil avenue
... Mrs. Piett. whe recently
moved here fr-m Portland, Is
- provincial governor of the
B west district and atted
t .ed fe nation?' convention this
. enninr. ... AM Alnna Ybto in
the eltv' are Invited to attend .
the mating. ,
ATIW trd Meetinc
To state board meeting . . . Mrs.
Xrvin Potter, president of the Sa
lem branch. American Associa
tion o Unlverir Women, and
Mis Eleanor Stephens, state his
torian cha'rman. will attend the
state board meeting in Orvallis
n Saturday ... a snecial truest
will b Mrs. Fith Sherrard of
fhe natiil WasMneton. D
C. . . . Mrs. R. E..McCormick of
CrvjMs is state rreident. . . .
Serrard will talk with of
ficers pvd members, on what Is
bein done bv AAUW branches
resrrifn economic and social
problems. : '
Srnnl Birtrnlay Party
Donald Glen Regehr celebrated
his second birthday at a party on
Sundar when his mother, Mrs.
Don G. Regehr. entertained at
their home on the Wallace Road.
Honoring Donald were Mrs. Mar
Tin Hiebext and Joan of Molalla.
Mrs. Thomas Korn. Joyce, Betty.
i Glen and Robert, Mrs. Warren
Simer and James, Mrs. Robert
Brown and Roger, Denis Mahaf
' s. Billie Musgrave, Mrs. John
Hoff ert. Sharon nd Jonnie and
Mrs. Loren W. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stargess
. ef 857 Plymouth Dr. are the par
ents of a son, David Wayne, born
September L Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. ParkSturgess and
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Gibson of
Culver, Oregon,
For Soilproof,
It's new, it's beautiful, it's Imperial .Wall
paper. It's easy to hang.
y.X -
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Earl Wood (Donna Louise Ahalt)
who -were married on September 9 at the First Christian
' church. The bride is the daughter ol the Victor Ahalls and
her husband Is the son of the A E. Woods. (McEwan photo).
Mr. Leary High
In Bridge Series
William F. Leary turned In high
score as the Salem Elks Bridge
club opened its fall series of week
ly tournaments preparatory to the
big sectional meet here October
28 and 29. Close behind were Mrs.
Stuart Thede and John Pugh of
Shedd with a 60 per cent aver
age. Other high scores were made by
Walter M. Cline, Mrs. C B. Bent
son, Mrs. Walter M. Cline. Sidney
Schechtman, Mrs. Edward E. Roth,
Mrs. John S. Bone, Howard Pick
ett, William Wood, Mrs. Arthur
W. Binegar and Mrs. Jose Moritz
of Corvallis.
The Junior tournaments for du
plicate beginners will open Wed
nesday evening, October 4, alio the
date of the Elks Bridge club
monthly master point competi
tion. : I
Neighbors Hold
Pep Meeting
Silver Bell Circle. Neighbors of
Woodcraft was hostess to district
21 at a pep meeting on Friday
at the VFW hall with over 115 in
attendance. Special guests were
grand captain, Ruth Gibbons;
grand representative, Bonnie
Grov; district captain, Ruth
Beech; district inner sentinel. Nan
Boyd, au or district 21, Portland.
Others from out-of-state were dis
trict representative, Cordia Mor
rison, Amity; district representa
tive. Alma Owens. McMinnville;
district field manager, Ethel Ved
der, Dundee; officers and neighbors
from Amity, Albany, Corvallis,
Dundee, Independence, McMinn
ville, Monmouth, Newberg, Port
land, Salem, Silverton and Toledo.
Salem captains and guards es
corted all grand and district of
ficers to the Camp Fire and were
greeted by Salem Guardian Neigh
bor Peters. Mrs. Opal Bayer of
aiem gave a group of solos. Dist
rict Guardian Neighbor Russell
Winchcomb presided.
The next Pen me tin will be in
Newberg on October 18 and an in
vitation to Portland on September
zb was received.
Toastmis tress Meeting
The Salem Toastmlstress club
will hold its first regular meeting
of the new season Thursday night
at 8 pjn. at the Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. Edward White and Miss Myr
tle Westerholt will serve as hos
tesses. Table topics are in Surge
of Mrs. Mel Clemens. Toastmlst
ress ef the evening will be Miss
Alma Schroeder and speakers will
be Mrs. A. J. UUman, Miss Freda
Cherrington, Miss Constance Wein
man, Miss Brenda Glass, and Miss
Ruth Jaynes.
Greaseproof Walls
WSCS ef First
Methodist church.
silver tea. Carrier Room. X p.
circles of Jason Le Metboam
church meet for dessert luncheons.
League of Women Voters, lunch.
meeting. Chuck's Steakhouse. 12:30 p.m.
k'a Steakhouse. 12 :30 p.m.
htrp at Salra
tnihine club, with Mrs.
sojourners, salad
Women's clubhouse.
Spiritual Sunshine
Amy Pierpoint. 1574 Mill street.
Past Presidents. Hal Hibbard auxil
iary. USWV with Mrs. Ora Harder.
534 North list street. 13:30 no-host
Yomarcos of the First Methwflt
church, with Mr John Harper. 133
uwn afreet. xn p. m. -
Insurance Women
Plan for Year
xa insurance w omens associa-1
non of Salem met for its regular
uuuier ana ousaness meeting.
iXiring the evening pitcures
were taken by Pay Ley of North
west Insurance News and the group I
was entertained dt Mrs. OUver
Huston who showed pictures of her I
travels in lagland, Ireland, Scot-
iana ana Austria.
Mrs. Margurite Kirk. nresidenL
asked for reports from her exec
utive board which consists of Mrs.1
Sid Rising, vice president; Miss
Delphine Cooler, corresponding
secretary, who also cave the reoort
for the recording secretary. Miss
wary uiaoys Turner: Miss Leona I
Teske, treasurer; and Miss Nillal
The newly appointed chairmen
gave their reports and a sketch of
their duties, as follows: budeet and
finance, Mrs. E. A. Guenther; bul
letin, Mrs. Victor Christensen: pro
gram and education, Mrs. . T.
Rogers; employment. Miss Alice
Dahlen; legislation, Mrs. Lucille
Burnett: welfare, Miss Kathyrn
Williams; friendship. Miss Gwen
tliu; contact. Mrs. Waldron Hill-
pot; girl of the month, Mrs. James
Stewart; membership, Mrs. Lorena
C Anderson; and publicity, Mrs.
u. m. isrewer.
mere were plans made for a
card party in November as a means
for raising money and.various oth
er projects were discussed.
Sinpb - A Dash of This
-A Dash of That ...
and Plenty of Curly7!
Your Friendly.
Home Owned Dairy
Fbno 3-0703
Ceremony Held
In Jefferson;
On September 19 at an 8 o'clock
ceremony at the Church of God in
Jefferson Miss Lois Marie Davis,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Davis of Stayton, became the bride
of Gene A. Shamberger, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Shamberger of Sal
em. The Rev. Sam Wilson officiat
ed. Freeman-Davis, brother of the
bride, lighted the candles. , Mrs.
John Shamberger sang.
The bride wore an eggshell lace
gown over satin and fingertip
length veil. She carried a white
Bible topped with an orchid and a
spray of pink rosebuds.
Mrs. Arthur Sandner, sister of
the groom, was matron , of honor
and wore a chartreuse chiffon
gown. She carried a nosegay of
salmon gladioluses. John Davis,
brother of the bride, was best man.
Arthur Sandner . and Howard
Mumby were ushers.
The bride's mother wore a royal
blue crepe gown and black accessories.-
Mrs. Shamberger'a gown
was of grey crepe. Their corsages
were of gladioluses.
The reception was held In the
church dining room. Assisting,
were Mrs. Howard Mumby, Mrs.
John G. Shamberger, Mrs. N. C
White. Mrs. Sam Wilson, Mrs.
Heather Bowers, Mrs. Arthur San
dner. Mrs. Marion Robison and
Miss Marie Busch.
For going away the bride wore
a beige suit with brown accessor
ies. After a wedding trip east and
south to Mississippi the couple will
be at home in Stayton.
Juniors Hold
Rush Party
Salem Junior Woman's club
members entertained with a rush
party at the clubhouse Monday
night with forty attending." Games
were In. play with prizes going to
Mrs. John H. Sullivan and Mrs.
Edward' Nilsen.
Honor guests were Mesdames
Lawrence Rich, Roger Ritchey,
Harry Ewing, Arthur Wilson,
Smith French, Wesley Voorhees,
F. Norman Young, Larry Johnson,
Robert Pranger, Robert Shephard,
Richard Jenning, Wills rd Glaze,
John H. Sullivan and Miss Doro
thy Cooper.
The autumn motif was used in
the refreshments, decor and fa
vors. Pouring were Mrs. Ralph
Atwood, president of the club, and
Mrs. Robert Johnson. I .
Mrs. Tom Bays was chairman
of the affair and assisting were
Mesdames Boby Babbitt, Sam
CamobelL Richard CriswelL Don
aid Freel, Richard Klover, Terry
Randall, Clarence Rickard, Lloyd
mitn, and Wesley Goodrich.
-n T I r 1 '
Chest Workers to
r T" i i ' 1
oe nmenainea
Mrs. Gus Moore, chairman of the
West Salem women's division of
the Community Chest, will enter
tain her workers at a 10 o'clock
mffee nn Thirrertav mnmln at tha
I vi j tr.i.v..i.
'"""J,?? 7?
I .vnu. wn;&u nui w as mui;u
ana rtex Gibson, acuve workers on
the chest drive.
Attendine will be Mrs. Barnev
Van Onsenoord, Mrs. Richard Nel
son, Mrs. Frank Bell, Mrs. Clar
ence Hamilton, Mrs. Harold El-
rttfrt Mr VronV Tr Hnaratti Itm
w t. cwa -mv. u t
Mr. t v jnhnvn ni tut.-. m,,k
I hell Young.
w r n
Corner State
Ill' l un
Glass Designed by
Designer, Adapted
By Sue Gardner
Alban Conway,- an American
designer, has taken a centuries
old technique of brown glass, and
fine, glass ac-fT
cessories fori
contemporary ;
homes. Conway '
visited Italy last j
year and watch-1 j
ed the procc&s ..
of Venetianl .
glass blowers of
Murano. Theyf
were making!
rococo and ba-I
roque patterns
from the days of the Renaissance
in a method that does not allow
the hands to stop until the piece
Is completely shaped.
' Conway studied the process
and then designed a collection of
fine vases, bowls, candlesticks,
centerpieces, decorative flowers
and ashtrays In colorful hues and
shapes. The pieces, all of which
are made In Italy, are in such a
wide range of colors and styles
that they fit into many periods.
The first group is now ready for
distribution in this country and
more will be available from the
Miss Phyllis Ann John
ston, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. P. R. Johnston, whose
betrothal to John Henry
McConville, Jr.,; son of Mr.
and Mrs. John H. McCon
ville, has been announced.
No wedding date has been
set (Jesten-Miller).
HUBBARD The Pythian Sis
ten of Arion Temple met Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Lester Pulley,
MJLC presiding. Mrs. A. F. de
Lespinasse talked on her recent
trip and reported on her attend
ance at the biennial Supreme
Temple in Michigan. Next meeting
win be October x in the rythlan
HTJBBAKD Henered with a
shower of gifts Sunday afternoon
at the Legion hall was Miss Louise
Danskey, bride-elect of John
Strawn. Hostesses were Misses Ar
lene and Betty Strawn, Velma
Barendse and Mrs. Clair Emch.
Games were played and Mrs. Merle
Danskey, Arlene and Velma assist
ed with the gifts. Refreshments
were served to the more than 30
guests. :
and Liberty
.-. GROUP 1. GROUP 2. ,
0 ffljjfyh 5,11 "fcr' ' t Sell for II
fjMm 10.95 14.95 I
i .' ' t t M
. . I t .
for Modern Homes
Italian craftsmen.
A fluted bowl in white glass
with sulphur yellow stripes and
matching yellow vases is among
the show pieces in the Conway
"Well have to use uranium for
this yellow group, so I don't know
how long we will continue it,"
the designer said.
However, he also has available
vivid cardinal .reds, gold and
silver flaked pieces, and pastels.
His heavy glass . ashtrays come
with glass pestles to stamp out
cigarette butts. They are almost
too beautiful to use for ashes, be
ing in shaded tones of red and
amber, or green. For center
pieces, Conway has - designed
shallow glass bowls with Intri
cate flowers. One has white
musk roses flacked with gold,
and these flowers are shown with
matching glass candlesticks. The
Conway candlesticks are made
with a removable shelf just be
low the - candle part and this
makes for an unusual silhouette.
- Many of his larger vases make
fine lamp bases, especially the
carnmai rea ones.
General " riatureaiorp.)
Vows Read
The marriage of Miss Doris E.
Becker and Eueene F. Lieske was
solemnized at the Bethel Baptist
church on September 10 -. at
o'clock with the Rev. Woyke and
the Rev. Frederick officiating.
Miss Ruth Giese was the organist
and Mrs. Christine Cuen ; sang,
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Becker of Bis
marck, North Dakota and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lieske of Salem.
The bride's sown was of -white
satin . and lace and her fingertip
veil was lace edged and held by a
coronet of seed pearls. She car
ried a white Bibl topped with
Miss Jeanette Durant was the
bridesmaid and wore a rose taf
feta gown and carried a pastel
nosegay. 'Joe Ann Losha, cousin
of the bride, was flower girL Wil
liam Lieske, Jr., nephew ef the
groom, was ring bearer.
William Lieske was his brother's
best man and uushers were James
Sheldon and Robert Morris.
The bride's mother wore a wine
afternoon gown wltn grey acces
sories. Mrs. Lieske chose a grey
gown with navy blue accessories.
A reception was held in the
church parlors. Assisting were
Mrs. Florence Fawk, Mrs. Irving
Becker of Olympia, and Mrs. Wil
liam Lieske
After a wedding trip to Wash
ington the couple will be at home
in Salem. For traveling the bride
wore a grey suit with beige ac
Twe mere names te be added te
the list of - pledges recently an
nounced include Susan Perry,
daughter of the Kenneth Perrys,
a pledge of Delta Gamma at the
University of Oregon, and Rob
ert Hamblin. son of Dr. and Mrs,
Chester W. Hamblin, who pledged
Beta Theta Pi fraternity on the
University of Washington campus.
2-0912 A
Music Club'i'
; i i i
Plan Events
Federated Music clubs of Salem
held their first fall luncheon meet
ing on Tuesday at the Marion ho
tel with Mrs. Ronald Craven, pres-
dent, presiding. - Plans for the
coming year were discussed.
The annual tea sponsored by the
group will be December 3 and is
a benefit for the Mrs. Walter Den
ton Memorial fund, The group de
cided to cooperate with James
Sample, director of the Portland
Symphony, in helping to further
Interests of the symphony in Sa
lem. t
The Federated clubs will sponsor
six monthly recitals during the
year with students participating.
The Erst one will be in Novem
ber and one will 'feature ensem
ble numbers.
Mrs. Craven announced her
committee chairmen for the year as
follows: membership. Miss Ruth
Bedford; ways and means, Victor
Palmason; telephone, Frederick
Wilson, . Mrs. Mary Kiely. Mrs.
Victor Palmason; publicity, Miss
Lena Belle Tartar; and December
tea, Mrs. David Eason.
Attending were Mrs. Craven.
Mrs. Clyde Gilbert. Mrs, Kenneth
Rich, Mrs. Nettle Larson; Mrs.
Harvey Gibbens, Mrs. David Ea
ton, Mrs. Fred Rawlins, Mrs. Mary
Kiely, Miss Elma Weller, Mrs.
Adeline Bradtl, Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Miss Alice Arnold, Mrs.
Jessie Bush Mickelspn, Miss Lena
Belie Tartar, miss Kutn ueoiora
and Frederick Wilson.
Meeting: on Thursday
Alpha Epsilon , chapter. Beta
Sigma Phi will meet on Thursday
with Miss Cecelia Greene. 450
Rosemont street at 8 o'clock. Mrs.
Sam Campbell and Mrs. Donald
Stiffler are in charge of the pro
gram which Is to be on literature.
The first regnlar meeting ef
Job's Daughters Mothers club,
Bethel 43 will be the fourth Wed
nesday in October, instead of to
day as originally announced. :
. .i'
mm vmi
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emttrution of this vermtile, yemrg ekeed
heeterl . J
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