The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1950, Page 5, Image 5

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    (DMy Mows DBpfieffs
Salem Lions club has .scheduled
for its Thursday noon luncheon
In the Marion hotel a talk by
Robert O. Boyd, Portland attor-
tKa Voa mAvnrmA s a neutral
referee in railroad labor disputes,
tinder: the national' mediation
board.' .
Painting & decorating, Ph. 37552.
Accordion - Marimba - popular
Eiano, classic piano, Hawaiian
Guitar Snanish Guitar. We rent
' accordions, , Marimbas, Guitars.
14fW M&m mm.mwmuamw .
Studios, 1630 N. 20th, ph. 3-7188.
, Johns -Manville shingles applied
by Mathis Bros, 164 C Com'L
Free estimates. Ph. 3-4642.
PFC Harlan J. Ennis, son of
Mrs. Ivan Whitley and a Salem
high school graduate of 1949, has
left for training at a California
marine base. He is a recently mo
bilized marine reservist. . . , . .
When Appliances Are All Aflutter
Call 2-4587 for John Clutter. - .
Spencer corsettere. lit guaranteed.
Ph. 35072.
Fresh killed younc turkeys 39c lb-
Kahv Hwf fnr vmrr locker 49e lb.
we have a few lockers available,
Orwigs Market, 3975 Silverton Rd.
Ph. 2-6128. ; .:
Henry R. Razmus, 494 Wayne
dr., has been promoted from cap
tain to major in the marine corps
reserve, according to word re
ceived xuesoay zrom tusinci ma
rine headquarters in Seattle.
Regular meeting cannery workers
union, local 670, WedV Sept. 27,
Hall 1 Labor Temple, 445 Center,
night shift 1:30 pjn, day shift
8:00 pan.
Rummage sale, Thurs TrL, Sat
220 N. Com!, Salem Memorial
Hosp. Aux. . ,.
Donald Kronser. 12. of 2476
Fairgrounds rd., incurred a four
inch gash in the back of his head
Tuesday when he fell from some
horizontal bars at Parrish Junior
high school. He was treated by
Salem first aid squad members.
Regular meeting cannery workers
union, local 670, Wed., Sept. 27,
Hall 1 Labor Temple, 445 Center,
night shift 1:30 p.m, day shift
R-nn n m
Bendix dryer with exclusive power
vent to effectively remove heat,
moisture & lent still available at
$199.95. Ralph Johnson Appliance
Co. 353 Center St Ph. 3-3139.
75c for haircuts is still our price.
Stephens Barber Shop, 291 Che-
meketa. -
An assumed business name cer
tificate for the Viennese Dancing
club of Oswego was filed with the
Marion county clerk Tuesday by
Cecil J. BlondeU of Oswego.
Let us sing your wash day blues.
Launderette 1255 Ferry.
Dr. R. Pinson, Chiropodist, foot
care, Oregon Bldg. Phono 20704.
Drawing house plans. Ph. 3-9621
Roy B. Hamilton, Salem route 1,
filed a notice of retirement from
Home Insulation company with the
Marion county clerk Tuesday.-
Rummage sale Wed. 9:30 over
Greenbaums. Knight Memorial
Hurry! Rummage sale Thurs, Fri
& Sat 419 Ferry 9 ajn. to 6 p.m.
. -
Rummage sale over Greenbaums
Thur., 28th, by Westminster Guild,
rresbytenan church.
WOOD To Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Wood, Jefferson, a daughter,
Tuesday, September 26, at alem
Memorial hospital.
STARK To Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Stark, jr. Independence, a daugh
ter, Tuesday, September 26, at
Salem General hospital.
BROWN To Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Brown, Salem route 8,
a daughter, Monday, September
25, at Salem General hospital.
Sedan FlattenedVnder Oil Tank Trailer
f) :r-'-V
Final Rites
Set Thursday
For Mrs. Coe
Mrs. Mary Alice Coe, 73, a mid-
Willamette valley resident for
more than 60 years, died Monday
at her residence at 760 Hood st
Born Mary Alice Shapelle, Sept
i, . 1877, ! in Wisconsin, she came
to the St Louis district with her
parents in 1886. She was married
Dec. 16, 1914, at Woodburn to
Roth Lee Coe." The couple lived
near Woodburn until Coe! death
n 1822 when Mrs. Coe moved to
Salem. !'.' . . . ,
Mrs. Coe had been a member of
the Church of God for more than
50 years..'; . t- , .
, Survivors Include three daught
ers, Mrs. Carol E. Allen and Mrs.
Maxine M. Spangler, both' of Sa
lem, and Mrs. Dosis F. Cook, Mc
Coy; a son, Lee Coe, San Fran
cisco; a sister, Mrs. S. A. Hoefer,
Woodburn; a brother, Henry Sha
pelle, .Woodburn and ,11 grand
Funeral services will be held
at 1:30 pjn. Thursday from - the
Howel-Edwards chapel with the
Rev. J.. J. Gillespie and. the Rev.
Oral Clemens officiating. Con
eluding services will be at Belle
Pass! cemetery at Woodburn.
This sedan was squeezed and flattened under the trailer of an ell tanker an the Pacific highway at Hayes
ville Monday night bat all five eenpante escaped serious Injury. The trailer skidded ever the sedan
when the track driver, D. D. Clam, Portland, braked the track as the sedan started to turn eff the
' highway. The passenger ear was driven by L. M. Rlggs, Salem rente 2, with four children In the back
seat Ronnie and Carolyn Rlggs and Joan and Ernie Yveldon, Jefferson. (Statesman photo.)
Your Community Chest .
Mounting Relief Load Faces
Catholic Charities in Salem
State to Open
Bids on North
"Whether they be home folk or
transients down on their luck, we
always try to give a prompt and
helping hand," said Mrs. D. J. Mc
Lellan, executive secretary of the
Catholic Charities of Salem, in ex
plaining some of the uses of money
received from Community chest
The chest goal this year is 81 11,-
000. General soliciting campaign
opens next week.
'Our direct welfare work is with
local people who have suffered re
verses and transients who need im-
e North Santiam highway 01 O
taken at state highway HlflVerS
on meetings Thursday and J
County TB V
Move Slated
Marion County Tuberculosis
and Health association will move
Its headquarters from the Masonic
building to 1345 State st, C A.
Schaefer, association president
said Tuesday. - ,
The move will be made October
1. Office space will be nearly
tripled and the headquarters will
be on the ground floor with free
parking in the vicinity. Additional
space has been needed for several
years to accommodate a growing
number of volunteer workers, es
pecially for the Christmas seal
sale campaign, according to Mrs
Ruby Bunnell, executive secre
tary. - .-
The single room which the as
sociation "will vacate in the Ma
sonic building will be taken over
by the adjacent Marion county
department of health. Office sec
retaries at the new location will
be Mrs. Lillian Zinn and Mrs.
Bessie Edwards. .
Another step In- the moderniza
tion of the North Santiam highway
will be ta
Friday In Portland. I TT? O
Bids will be opened for grading T Or OliprCalie
a stretch of fehrtiit nine milM K I I
tween Mehama and Mill City. At ffYkll- rTonrin cf
Mehama the new grade lies about VUlll I llCilrllll'
uwiuuru ieiuc liurui 01 uie pres- i a.
ent road, crosses the Little North 1 hearings of two men under death
Fork of the Santiam and proceeds J sentence for, first - degree murder
southeast along the north side of have been set by the state supreme
the Santiam to Mill City.- court for next week. Both murders
The grading is to provide a 38- were committed in Portland and
foot roadway constructed to mod- 1)01,1 Pleaded insanity as a defense
era standards and is to be com- 1x1 theu Multnomah county circuit
pleted ' by mid - summer of next .courts.
vpar rvinsti-urtinn f a n hriHo. ' A case of Robert Edgar Carver,
across the river is expected to be- nvjea iu wwunj mu ab-
pin in 1951 1 ii uunng a noiaup wan. a, min,
The highway commission also I wm Dearu ne luesuay. a wo
wiU receive bids for construction I o t h e r men participated in the
r strurtiiral tl tmn nf th. nra crime, pleaded guilty to second-
Center street bridge across the Wil- aeree muracr ana receivea me
bmott. in m inf km riii I senxences.
be asked for placing about 37,000 weanesaay xne coun wm
cubic yards of gravel material in near tte aPPeal f Morris Leland,
embankment within limits of the ex-state hospitel inmate, convicted
Dronosd new relocation of the Sa- ' beating and stabbing 15-year-
lem-Dallas highway in west Salem, wd Thelma Taylor on Aug. 5, 1949
The material will be used for I . , . .
roadbed construction in connection I Justice Belt Memorial
uvn w-b uvs w. v . - - v v M
street bridge approaches and for Service Set UCtOber
the proposed -new highway route
through west Salem between Edge-
water street and the river.
Civil Defense
Meet Slated
. . A meeting to select a central
civil council for Salem will be held
at .the R. L. Elfstrom store office,
340 Court st Thursday at 10 a.m.
Charles Barclay, acting head of
the civil defense program for Sa
lem, has called the meeting of uti
lity heads and other business men.
The council to be selected will con
sist of about 10 men. ; -
Each member will be responsible
for a certain section of the defense
set up, such as transportation,
communication, ' electricity, water
supply and others. ;
Repair Project Closes
Silvefton-Salem Route
" SILVERTON The SUverton
Salem highway is closed "at Brush
Creek for repairs. A culvert is be
ing replaced at the Krug place and
the fill win be made there as well
as at the Brush Creek curve. The
road is being widened.
Silverton - Salem motorists are
taking either the old Scanty road,
past Bethany and coming out the
regular Salem highway near Cen
tral Howell or going out the Wal
do Hills road to go to Salem via
the Garden road.
lEdith Wkerson
Taken by Death
In Pennsylvania
Mrs. Edith Farrar Wilkerson,
79, native of Salem and sister
of John F. Farrar and Dee Farrar
of - Salem, died at her home in
I n tt n n fr J a.
mpdJflt hln hpfnr. thpv ran m- ver r hlix, iuousikw
- w t m 1
cure work. In this work we should - . ,
mention the fine cooperation given , ,0, u.
us by the Salem police. Sometimes ftiAJ2hV.fSf
they find deserving people who are SLS-52S -fc
turn never fail to respond to their HSST and moved Pennsylvania
suuuuvua, I orltK Van tiicViM at tViq iimn
i nma ua. Myawwiivi k iiw mmiv
r-very cooperation is oiierea m witvr.nn ttnH
other agencies engaged in social L, Uzh gchool In Salem, and
ana weiiare worit. we maae reier- wa8 a well known singer during
rals to Christie Home for girls, St ner youth. She was a member of
wary s scnooi ior Doys ana wnen tjie Presbyterian church.
we have children under five they Alio surviving Is a brother,
are sent W Uur Lady of Providence Herbert E. Farrar of Oakland.
home. These institutions are finan-1 Calif. Funeral services' will be
ced under the-state chest program, held in Beaver Falls.
"We make a specialty of seeking
other foster homes for dependent
children. This Is one of our most,
important programs under . which'
we handle only Catholic children.
This work Is not connected, how
ever, with the chest
"As an indication of where some
of the ehest money goes I might
cite the records dealing with relief.
In 1948, we served 667 persons, in
1949 we helped 940 and in the first
10 months of this year, 127 i have
received help. Despite our prosper
ity, the relief load ' grows. And
when we give aid it is justified be
cause we check every application
Th Stat man. Scdem. Oregon. Wednesday-. Sept 27, 1350 S
Surfacing Bids
To Open Oct. 7
Bids on improving Brink avenue
and Hager street will be opened
October 7, Marion county court
decided Tuesday after holding a
hearing on the two streets. -
Hager street will be oil mat
surfaced . at an estimated cost of
$8,707 averaging about $2.28 per
ownership foot Brink avenue is to
be graded and gravelled at a cost
of about $1,788 or about $2,485
per ownership foot
Hagen Ordered
Held for Jury
Fred Hagen, Salem tow-boat
man, was ordered held for grand
Jury action on an involuntary
manslaughter charge when he ap
peareck for preliminary hearing
Tuesday i in Marion county dis
trict court -Hagen
previously had pleaded
innocent to the charge which
stemmed form a one-punch fight
with Roy Peterson in a Salem
cafe on . September , IS. Peterson
died later In the day at a local
Bail for Hagen was reduced
Tuesday from $5,000 to $3,000 on
a motion of his attorney. He was
being held in the county JalL
Four-Unit Building
Authorized Tuesday
A $16,200 permit for a fourplex'
dwelling topped three permits for
new construction issued at the city
engineer1! office Tuesday.
Enoch I. Maerz obtained the per
mit to build the fourplex at 960
Gaines st Other permits went to
Ralph Simpson, erect dwelling at
1315 N. Commercial st, $5,000, and
C W. Prigge, erect garage at 830
$2,100,000 and World War I veter
ans state aid bonds to $4,375,000.
of higher education bonds . out
standing will aggregate $7,154,000
and World War II veterans bonds
$25,000,000, and Oregon district in
terest bonds $415,320. -
The pasque flower is South Da
kota's official flower.
Bond Paym
Set by State
On October 1
State Treasurer Walter J. Pear
son, on Ocober 1, will deposit with
the fiscal agency in New York City
$977,853 with which to pay $137,
500 In principal and $34,421 in in
terest on Oregon state highway
oonos ana svuuuu in. principal
and $105,931 in interest on World
War I veterans state aid bonds.
He also will payet his office
$164,067 in interest on World War
II veterans welfare bonds.
The principal payments will re
duce outstanding highway bonds to
from the film
Andrew Prenin, Plane
. with rhythm accomp.
MGM Recording directly
frm Mond track
-45-7$ RPM
Open Friday Nights Till
Downstairs Oregon Bide.
State and High
Iff ! CO-MW. M
SMMlly.pftc 4
i1m Marias
See the Zenith Miniature at ,
Salem's Bearing Aid Center .
nonnis optical co.
444 State Street Phone S-S52
River Basin
Data Gathered
Just how much information is I
available on the river basins of
Oregon will be answered at a meet
ing of Gov. Douglas McKay's ad
visory committee on natural re
sources Wednesday.
The governor explained his group
wants to avoid any unnecessary
expense in surveys. Wednesday's
meeting will be attended 'by rep
resentatives of the federal produc
tion and marketing administration,
forest and soil conservation serv
ices and the Berkeley, Calif- of
fices of a federal survey group
which has been working on an
over - all study of the Columbia
Memorial services for the late
Justice Harry H. Belt for many
years a member of the state sup
reme court will be held here Oc
tober 24. The memorial service will
be in the supreme court chamber.
Justice Belt died August 6 and
Was succeeded by Justice Harold
Warner of Portland. : r ,
"Just Good Furniture
Pleasingly Priced"
1978 North Capitol
You Ara Vary Walcom
to Look Around
Ciyje Carlton 6:45 a. m.
Frank Hemingway
Cedl Drown 8:00 a. ia.
Bill Exlina 9:00 a. m.
The first American, glass com
pany was built in Jamestown, Va., I
m 1607. - - .
Glenn Hardy 10:00 a, m.
Bill ExDna - 12:15 p, in,
Nothing Dews Pay Monthly
V i a I HI i Mm
, . . . , - - -
Ever-TIte Framelesa Screens
We also wash, re tape, paint and
re-slat your old Venetian blinds.
ELMER, the Blind Man
Call Aaytlme -'
. For Free Estimates
Phone 3-732S
1425 Rage St West Salem
. We Give S&H Greea SUmae
1- 75 Cords Per Day ' ,
Small Saw logs x
Diameter 6" to 18" Length V7T -
Turner, Oreson . :'. Phone Turner 1125
Fulfcn Lewis; Jr. 4:00 p. m.
Frank Hemingway :
4:15 p. m.
Sag Hayes ' 4:45 p. ni.
Gabriel Hcattcr 6:00 p. ra.
IlilLKI rb Johnson 6:15 pvrx
Scrn Hayes 6:45 p. nu
CHI Henry 6:55 p. ro.
1390 On Yovr Dial
xca, many of today's engine have been
ttepptd-np I they call for more powerful
gasoline! Now Shell ghrea yow the moat
powerfal gaaoUna yow car can e Shell
PfciBinfik Iff "cthated." ' i
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get mora
power for today's mora powerful engines
kSo yoa get a gasoline that's activated"!
Get a tsnkful ofacdTatcd Shell Premium
today. Your 'Shell Dealer Is the sun to tee
Ffoaa a coadouiaf Impfcrtkl atudy of seoatblr
gasoUee purcbasee over a peno4 at 17
l.t..t i
G!:na Ifcrdy 9:00 p. ix
Fullcn Lewis, Jr. 9:1 5 b. m.
: ' I
5-f.linute Rnal 95 p. m.
is ii i
llZTTliCit 1COO .
Shell edeodsts, awng the inest
available orade, acdrate the saole
cake by tpUcdas aad teamn ..
log them according so Shell's
Jbftaala for a perfectly balanced
gasoline. The resak Shell Pre- ,
tinea, the saost powerfal Sso '
tlee yoee car can eeai
, i i;uu p. ck B
i-. 'sWk.'..J