,12The Statesman, Salem. Oregon, WdndaT. Sept 27. 1950 SJqcIjj gr Bonds Hew York Siccli Quolalions Compiled by the Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 26-0?VTo day's closing quotations: . a w nil Ad Com 29 4 Gen Foods 4&vriepuo ou Al Chern 57y4Gen Motors 84Rey Metals 34iGoodvear Tire 60 - Richfield lOHomestake Al Chalmers Am Airlines - Am Pow & Lt - 16Int Harvester Am Tel & Tel 149Int Paper Am Tobacco 68 Johns Man Anaconda 34Kennecott Atchison 131Libby McN & L Beth "Steel Boe Airplane Borg Warner Bur Add M Calif Packing i Can Pacific -Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler . Con Edison Cons Vultee 41Lockh Aire , 324Loew,sInc . 66Long Bell . 13ViMontg Ward -. 51 Nash Kelr ,'19N Y Central . 43 North Pac 39 4 Safeway 30 Sears Roebuck 44Soc Vac 47 South Pac 63Std Oil Cal 8HStd Oil NJ 297sStudebaker 17aSunsh Mn 27 Swift and Co -61Transamerica . 20y4Twent C Fox . 15Un OU Cal 23MU Pac 37 Pac Am Fish 70 Pac Gas & Elec ieUn Airlines 32 ViUn Aircraft .15 Packard Crown Zel'rback 41 Penney Curt Wright 9 Perm RR Doug Aircraft 82 Pepsi Cola Dupont: -78Philco Eastman Kodak - 48Rad Corp Emer Radio 17Raynonier Gen Electric 48 Ray Pf d .. 29 Pac Tel & Tel -101Un Corp 4U S Plywood 63U S Steel 184 Warn Bros 8Y4West Un Tel . 43 West Air Br 18 West fclec . 41Woolworth . 344 r -J- 37 31 45 31 49 23 Va 60 Va 76 82y4 31 9 -39y4 16 24 32 , 98 16 29 4 30 37 13 ; 38 28 32 43 Sept. 26 BOND AVERAGE S 20 10 ' Rails Ind Net chance D.l D.l Tuesday 97 2 101.7 Previous day B7J 101. a Week ago 97.5 101.8 Month ago 97.4 102.3 Year ago 90.7 102.6 10 UU Al 103.7 103.S 103.7 104.4 104J 10 Til D.l 71.7 71.8 70.9 71.0 70.0 STOCK AVERAGES Net change Tuesday rrev flay Week ago Month ago Year ago 1850 High 30 IS 13 60 Indust Rails Utils Stocks . D1.5 D1.7- D.l DM -111.4 52J Ail 81J 112.9 63 9 45 J 82.5 -112.7 52 J 45 0 81.6 108.6 49.7 44.5 " 78.S 91.0 34.6 41 A 64.9 114.2 53.9 47.7 82.8 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Sept. 26 (AP) Butter fat tentative sublect to Immediate change: premium quality, maximum to JS to 1 oer cent acidity delivered In Portland. 66-69C lb.: first quality. 63-66c: second quality. 59-62c. . Butter Wholesale r.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade A A. 93 score. 65c lb.: A. 82 score. 64c: B. 90 score. lc: C. 89 score. 58c. Above prices atrictly nominal. . . ,, . Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 37ls-40tc Vb. Oregon 5-lb. loaf 42-43C, Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. M-56V2C dor: A grade medium. 47-48ttc; B grade Urge. 4-42c Uve chickens (No. 1 quality. F.O.B. plants): Broilers under 3 '.'a lbs. 30-32e; fryers. J'i-3 lbs. 35-37c; 3-4 &s. 35 37c: roasters. 4 lbs and over. 3S-36c. light hens under 4 lbs. 19-22c: heavy hens, an weights. 22-23c; old roosters, ail weights. 12-15c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-5 lbs. 25-27e lb: 1-6 lbs. 21-23c: colored. 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. 11 -15c lbs: fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 55-58c. Some higher. . . . . ' . Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwtl: , 1 . Beef: Steers, good. 500-800 lb, $48-53; commercial. $47-50: utility. $43-46; cows, commercial. $40-42: utility. $38 29: canners-cutters. $35-38. Beef cuts good steers): Hind quar ters. $56-60: rounds, $54-56: full loins, trimned. $75-80: triangles. $40-43; square chucks. $47-50; ribs, I60-C5; forequarters. $43-44. ..... Veal: Good. $48-51: commercial. $44 46: uUlity. $35-39. Calves: Good-choice, ' $46-50; com mercial $37-44. Lambs: Good-choice springs, $50-52; Commercial. $45-48. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs.-don $26-28. 'Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. $55-58: shoulders. 15 lbs. down. $43-45; carcasses. $35-37; sparerlbe. $45-48. Wool: Valley, medium grades. 60 S3e lb average at country buying points. Mohair: 60c lb on 12-month growth. F.O-B. country shipping points. .Country-killed meats:. Veal: Top quality 40-42c: other grades according to I weight-quality, good heavies 36-38. Hogs: Light blockers J2-34c; sows, light 28-30C. Lambs: Top grade springers 43-46c: best yearlings 38-4 0c: mutton, best. 20. 22c: rough heavy bucks 14-loc. Beef: Good cows 34-37c lb.; canners- cutters 34-35C. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Department of Probate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF. JOHN WILSON. DECEASED. No. 13764 CITATION To MARY WILSON. Woodway Park. Koute 3. Box 3044. Edmonds, wash ington; PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. - Seattle, Washington: LETITTA WILSON ESNARD. 269 Bergen Avenue. Jer sey City. N. J.; EDITH WILSON CAMPBELL.. $516 76th St.. Ozone Park. N. Y.: SEATTLE DAY NUR SERY ASSOCIATION. Seattle. Wash ington: "and WALTER J. PEARSON, STATE TREASURER, Salem, Ore gon. IN THE NAME Of THE STATU OS OBGON, you are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable Cir cuit eourt, Department of Probate, of rr9iK& County of .Marion, at the , crt House EEe UJoSS " f , Nov" 195b: at the hour" of 9:15 PotatoST Local triumphs. 28-lb lugs ocloc A. M. of said day to show whites. No. 1. s.oo-: no. . t.rH h.r-i. . m. or w h.m hiiiwti 12 mm nu: I " central Oregon Russets No. 1-A, $2.75- on . h' n S. No. 2 ereen alfalfa, deli vered carlots F.O.B. Portland or Puget Sound markeU. $32-34 ton: Willamette valley grain and clover hay $28-29. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Sept. 25 (AP) (USDA) Cattle salable 300: holdover 100: market rather slow but about steady with Monday's close; scattered lots common grass steers $23.00-26.00; few medium 830 lb. stocker steers $26.00; common heifers $21.00-24.00; cutter and low common dairy type heifers $17.00-20.00; canner and cut ter cows mostly $16.00-17.50; shells down to $14.00 and below: common and medium beef cows sis.uo-zz.ao; good bulls $2530: lighter sausage 125.00; with common-meaium graoes 1 omer wan said real prop- 121.00-240. I erty hereinbefore described, to the Calves salable 100; market about 5nt under the wm ot "ld sxeaay; lew gooa vcaiera ana ugni WITNESft m . . u .K.Vf.".M, o 1950. (1) amending the Inwntnrv nf said estate so as to exclude there from the real property described as the SV of Ldt 3 and the N of Lot 4 Block 71. City of Salem, County of Marion. SUte of Oregon, (2) redetermining the inheriUnce tax due the SUte of Oregon In ac cordance with such amended in ventory. 3) redetermining administrator's fees and attorney's fees. 4 directing the United States National Bank of Portland Ore gon), as administrator, and as ancillary trustee, to make account ing to Mary Wilson relative to re ceipts and disbursements in respect to said real property, and to de liver custody and possession to her. and to file an amended accounting 400 Aerfcnlturo 425 Auction Sale i Auction As I am Discontinuing dairying on my farm I will sell at public auction my complete herd of cows. t THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28 At 11:30 P.M. . On the farm located 6 miles north of Corvallis on highway 99W, ft mile west of Lewisburf . Farm is known as the old Dickenson farm. Watch for sale arrows. LIVESTOCK L Brownie. 8 years old. t gal, a day, freshened. 2. Queen. 7 yrs. old. Fresh 3 weeks. - Giving 4 gal. Open. 3. Geresy, 4 years old. Heavy springer, 4. Beaut: IV $. Peaches, 9 yrs. old. Dry, Due to sauty. 10 yrs. old. 2V gal. now. area asay a. freshen Nov. 6. " Bell. 5 yrs. old. Due to freshen Feb, 7. Daisv. 7 vrs. old. Due to freshen Feb, 8. Anna. 8 yrs. old. Dry. Freshen In Feb. t 9. Bessie. yrs. old, 2',4 gal a day, Freshen in Feb. 10. Nancy. 7 yrs. old. Springer to freshen soon. 1L Josephine, 4 yrs. old. Dry. Due to freshen icd, 12. Almita, 6 yrs. old. Duo to freshen NOV, 13. Hansey. 8 yrs. old. Dry. freshen In Feb. 14. Tillie, 6 yrs. old. Dry. Freshen In reo 15. Cherry. 8 yrs. old. Heavy springer. 16. Susie. 6 years old. 3 gaL Due to freshen reo. - 17. Nellie. 5 yrs. old. Dry. Freshen in Feb. 18. Lucy, 5 yrs. old. Dry. Freshen In reo. 19. Essie. 4 yrs. old. Dry. Freshen In . eo. 20. Joe. IS yrs. old. springer. 21. Mable. 3 yrs. old. 3 gaL a day, Fresh X mo. Open. 22. Paddy, 8 yrs. old. Milking. Bred July. 23. Babe. 1 yrs. ' old. Milking. Bred July. 23. Cream. 2 yrs. old. Milking. Bred Julv. 25 Blackic, 8 yrs. old. .Milking. Bred July. , Jersey heifers. Coming S yrs.- old. Freshen in April. S heifer calves. 8 to 10 mos. old. 1 registered Jersey bull. 2'i years old. 3 Goats. unit Surge milker. Complete with pipe ana stall cocas. 18 ten gallon milk cans. itKMS UASH. BERT GOODSPD, owner Emery Alderman, Auctioneer 2145 Fisher Road. Salem Dorothy Alderman; Clerk LIVESTOCK FURNITURE AUCrfOTI 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise - 500 Business & Finance 458 Building Materials 470 For Sale. Mlsceflanwons 1 510 Money to Loan 620 Par and Contract INSIST On. and enjoy Better Cabinet I 30.40 CRAIG deer rifle. 4 600x16 used work by the Beavercraft Cabinet & Future Shop. 775 N. Lancaster Drive. nhon 39414 ft pfxt nn mnr OAK FLOORING. We have it in stock tires. Ph. 28723 after 8:30 p.m. US&iJ RADIOS AND RECORD PLAY-I 373 for immediate deliver. Beat aualitv No. 2 random leneth. Also 2 ft. shorts. f'ifS1 rlhU Ted MuUer. ph. Salem UlL crcuialora at greauy reduced ERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. PHEM iXJCl'KlC ROOM HEATERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. 2-1196. 18" 18M BETTER BUYS IN BUILDING SUPPLIES SHAKE SPECIAL Unpalnted Painted $14.93 So, AU Shakes No. 1 Western red cedar. Wall board !'4" M Ft. Flooring 1x4 E " 75.00 M Flooring ,x4 D it on J4 ceaar aiaing -5 2X8 C Shts ixS C RL ortces - , Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Cbemeketa St. kCHJUSTMAS CARDS for sale by box On furniture or pnniea name, uamena - anioer. IB40 N. IStn. Pn. 9B7M. SEWING - MACHINES NEW AND USED YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM i . 4xio c shtr Tyle-board Baked .Enamel S-Tab Rfg 210 Lbs. wmaow Frames .. . 3730 M J35.00 M 6730 M J4 rt. 8J5Sq. . 50 Discount 2U(VICE LUMBER CO. PH. 2882 -. 707 McClaine St. ' Sllverton FOR SALE No. 4 Common Lumber. 1x4 to 1x8 $35 per M. 2x4 to 2x12 $35 per M. T.O.B. Mill, will deUver at cartage cost. Independence Lumber & Manufacturing Co. Independence Ore Phone 42 BUILDING SOMETHING - Waterpropf wall board 7ic ft. Is" Insulation board B'aC ft. Csn use for rock lath. '" plywood 24e sq. ft. fig. plywood 17,c so. ft. ifZ P',ywood. 18" jc sq. ft. ?f Z Plywood ,- 15c sq. ft, Va plywood .. 12c sq. ft. Mahogany entrance doors -J (24.50 Overhead garage doors $52.50 Screen doors : $7.75 Naitej 811.00 C. G. Long Pn. 25821 or 43139 1 mi, N. of Keizer ISO Musical Instrument FOR SALE: Story tc Clark. Spinet u 1411 u. so3 mill sl Mrxspsr 1 nm UPRIGHT piar40t food cond. Call 462 Sports Equipment 280 ROSS. 2 boxes, shells. $83. Call 22895 after 3 p.m. rOR SALE: 25-35 Winchester carbine! I like new. 889 Oak St Salem. rOR SALE: 257 rifle and 2 boxes of shells. $40. Phone 25952. 72 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANT piano to store in my home. Will give excellent care. Box . 56 co Statesman. MAGAZINES ana newspapers. City Waste Paper Co., 2595 Hollywood Dr. Z-Z975. WALNUT and filbert drying wanted. Ph. 22861. Lee-s Hatchery. OLD JEWELRY, curiosities, lamps, etc. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland; nd. SM1.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid tor 24' to 40 small Douglas Fir logs ' suitable for oiling. High prices paid for barkie poles and piling call Al- - cany izai or write stanaara poie a . puing co. tor price usta. ( CASH . NOW ' S25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own eo loan company offers money when you need it I You can pay anytime to reduce net costi No endorsers, or helo from friend On cars trucks trailer homes to $500.00 n furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to $300001 .V , Phone ot visit our office today! Hear "Top Trades 125 daily KSLM wo Ktran - ' General Finance Corp. Lie. No SI 38 and M33S PHONE S-9161 I3A S COMt gT 11$ CASH Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 8 Liberty - ' - Ph 4-2203 SOUC0 to loan Pit 20794. 600 Em plo vment '1 Mlftceilapeous WANTED!! Sewing machines O. Dishes m Cooking utensils Dining sets Bedroom suites Lamps Washers t Electric ranges Refrigerators . Garden tools Davenos Piano j Trailers 1 I, Sporting goods And what have you? Phone 3-5110 NOW Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTaST" Adoloh Bid State St Com Ph 3-M11 WANT TO Buy used camerua & lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 439 stat. 1602 Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY for qualified person to advance with urge business con cern in Salem. Experienced book keeper for permanent position, must be good tvnist. ton salsrv. fllvm ref erences in application. Box 57, co aiaiesman. Help Wanted Men & women. Women between ages oi io-43 omy. can be accepted. Shifts will run from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. irom a P.m. to ll cm. Please regis ter Immediately. Paulus Bros. Packing Co. 14th k Chrford TO Did and plant bulbs. Ph. 21286 after pjn. U40 Chemawa Rd. (Keizer). 04 Heip Wontsd, Male 476 Fuel l: J?d:mw".d decree entered herein W?V?2?yr-i!n2 frir-to? ' Pm KRAG sporter. good condiUon $35. s bulls I directing distribution of the assets of 48 Gibson refrigerator I liu s.rinaw fter s--m nm - - grades I said estate, other than said real prop- imnorted custom snnrtr calves $29.00-30.00: medium grades less I .aid Court fJ J? k ? . tn f1 active at $24.00-28.00. . SSCourt " day of Sept, Hoes salable 150: market active most ly 25 higher than Monday; good-choice 180-230 lbs. $24.25-24.50: few 250-270 lbs. $23.00-50: good 170 lbs. $2330: sows scarce odd good 318-400 lbs. 121.50- 22.00; feeder pigs lacking; good-choice quoted f25.oo-26.oo. Sheep salable 200. holdover 350. mar ket practically at standstill; scattered saws ana mast dios irouna fi.uu jower I a ... on slaughter spring lambs: few good- I OIU MSfOnq If OUCM cnoice wooiea springers sola at vujg, some held around $26.00; good shorn I arc. :w rji. H. A. JUDD, Clerk of Circuit Court. By R. J. STANTON. Deputy. ; S. 27-0. 4-11-18-25-N. 1. 300 Personal ewes ewes Quotable S11J0. - A dress- made of mineral wool, I 312 Lost and Found first exhibited at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, is still reposing J.v Sl'V? ." ?Tnd, lighter com in good condition in a museum. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS HEr bination Scot. 23 at Hniivw tk... rmoer p lease return to Theatre, "w xoum asaeu, 1U newara. 8 pc. blonde dining set 8 pc. walnut dining set s pc. oak oining set Meivuie-ciarx uorignt piano Maple occasional chair Maple chest It vanity Hotpoint electric range 7 ft. Colds pot refrigerator S ft. Kelvlnator refrigerator Maytag washer - Table lamps Beds, coil springs and mattresses 2 5-pc. breakfast sets 2 dressers End tables and coffee tables Several white enamel wood ranges Onions, vegetables at fruit Farm machinery at trailers Allis Chalmers tractor 2 child's saddles ' Chickens rabbits Calves Si veals Pigs ' . Cows, heifers a buns In Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard Located l blk. W. of Lancaster Dr. on Silverton Rd. Ph. 36Q9S. BEAUTIFUL imported custom sporter i mm. paenmayer mount & K2J scope. The same in 8MM with SUth Master mount 6c K2J scope. Enfield 08 Sptr.. Redf ield mount 6c K4 scope. Truly fine pieces. 1565 No. 24th. 32 Special deer rifle. $60. with 2 boxes ammunition $65. Ph. 2-0894. FOR SALE: Deer rifle 30.06 savage super sporter sling, scope and shells. 2110 State SU Richfield Sta. SEVERAL deer rifles, cartridges for foreign and odd caliber rifles. 1510 S. Winter. SPRINGFIELD" 30.06 Also Enfield . Ph. 27549. Sporter Sporter. 1445 $65.00. Ferry Pacific Standard Time l' Til: Megacycles KOEN 101.1; KG W 100.3; KEX 92JS KDocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. K.OIN 970. KGW C20, KEX 1190 (Editor's neU: The gutesmasi pabllshes In good faith the programs and times as provided by the radio stauoas. hot because effUmes arograms are caaBged without noUflcatioa, this aewspaper cannot be respeaslkle for the accaraey herein). STANLEY Home Products. Ph. 43882. ALAJOHOLICS Ananvmmi. OK ui smca wea. m. g 30 pm. 400 Acriculture 402 Lhreetock UOCR 9:00 0:15 0:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News News Hodge Podge Farm News . rnmekeeper (KOIN fClock IHodge Podge IKeep Smiling (March Tim IN West Melodies (KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock Farm Tim .jFann Tim I Keep Smiling ItCeep SmiUng West Melodies West 7 KSLM Hemingwav :- (Break Gang (Break Gang KOCO Andv Parker (KOCO Klock (News KOIN KOIN Klock IMcLeod News Goss News KGW . Old Songs Old Songs I News KEX News News I Bob Razen (Top Trades KOCO Klock Babbit Show News I News FOR SALE: Four grass fat white face steers. Ph. 42523 Salem eves. Also saddle horse. FOR SALE Calf $42.50. 1895 Birch- wooq. rn. Z4345. GOOD family black Jersey cow, $135. Rt. 3 Bmr (ton R 5 YR. OLD mare, also Western saddle lnexcel cond. CaU after 4 pjn. Ph. 42073. 5 YR. OLD ',i Arabian mare. Plenty of ciassi van arter o. pn. ZBI70. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer C C" McCandnsh 1127 S 23th Ph .3-8147 166 Trade, Mlecellaneons WOULD you like to trade my equity In small house 'i acre of ground for good used car. Out S. Com L to Dick son's Mkt. Take eld hiway, turn on Idlewood Dr. behind Texaco Sta. Sth hse. on left. Rt. 9. Box 112. IF YOU have old valuables like Jewel ry. guns, lamps, curiosities, etc, which you no longer need, swap them for things you do need. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland-Rd. . 168 For Rent Miscellaneous , GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rent. Inq H. L. Stiff Furniture. Ph 39185. - U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- REP4?v.IP--Usn--rCnAb,i?I GOOD USED Piano A L. Sufi. T Auction Every Thurs. 730 p.m. Furniture and house noia arncies. we inviie you w bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCllun 1029 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 450 Merchandise - 455 Household Goods For Sale Tri City Fuel Hand picked 16 in. mill wood. Fresh cut screened sawdust. 12 in. clean Inside wood. ASK FOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 - FIR Limbs, ph. 22129 after 6 p.m. 16 Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to 4alem $12.00 For orders please call collect ' - Independence 42 Independence Lumber and . Manufacturing Company Indeoendwre Oregon 1 C6RD LOAD 16" slab wood 111 Ph. Harold Anderson, 2-7751. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-tN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 ba, ate bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Prom: Salem t-4031 Asm pick up wood at IS25 Edgewater ex w hiss. BOYS, 16 yrs set pins, clean. An win ter joo, gooo pay. a a a sowung, 3085 Portland Rd. YOUNG MAN, draft exempt, interest- ea in learning sporting gooas ousi ness. Permanent employment, good salary. Give background la first let ter. Box 55 co Statesman. ttoys 17 years or older as WANTED door men. Apply Capital Theater, This Is It If you are between the ages of 21-50 & have a good car. are making less than S100 per week, vou are inter ested in a position with a top na tional organization wnere you never have to worry again about unem ployment, wonderful promotional op portunities. You might be the man we are looking for. Drop in & see Mr. Bailey at Senator Hotel Wed Sept. 27. 7:30 pjn. sharp! WANTED too const, millwrights and one night foreman who must know lumber. Call Tea Baicn. saiem ezisi after S TJ.m. WANTED: Young married man for all around farm work. nr. or cy mo, no smoking. Box 31. Statesman. EDGERMAN wanted, night shift, steady work, unlon wages. Apply lnoepen dene Lumber at Manufacturing Com pany, Independence. Oregon Summer Prices $15.00 WEEKLY plus auto . allowance for IS hours work selling eaucaaon. Courses available to veterans. Full time man also considered. Write Amer. Tech. Soc, SA, 850 E. 58th, Chlongo, UL on hand picked IS In. slab and old tlx block wood. Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. Pnon 3-7TO1 or - S-6024 LARGE 16" dry or green core wood. 1 08 Help Wanted. Female auut iui iui iii;v u uszsss m, ui r i - - PUne,rJX '.r, COi,,t?,V,"- 5 IJvAi" USHERETTE and candy clerk. Apply In ten. 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph. I - r.rimi Theater. gy. other housenom items, uneap. tia 12th. ant. 2. DUNCAN Phyfe Uble It 4 Harp chairs. , $45; Small oil circulator zu; sz-sai. gas not . water - neater. oi; stroller $5. All in good cond. Ph. 44147 B.R. suite with new Beautyrest springs 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous SILVER FOX fur coat, size 16. 3630 Brooks Ave. ' . ll "f. buUt-in cupboard, very good Rnv Wintpr FiipI Now SlLK PRESSER. must be 1st class. ouy w inter ruci iiow i stMd iAtm tlM nr. Moiaiia Plvwood cores, log ends. Ph. 38491. I Cleaners. 3162 Molalla. Ore. GOOD 16-in. green edgings. $5.50 load, I NEED reliable woman to stay with oouoi loaa iu. 13 year old child days, my not OREGON FUEL CO. I 9.14.-U 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 I 7rnt. m,n f, light ha.kn. eood shane. reas. 4575 Niles Ave, mattress, set of bunk beds. 10x12, USED Singer elec. portable sewing ma- 8 KSLM Cecil Brown (Family Altar KOCO - Music iMusic KOIN Consumer News Vaile News KGW Break Bank I Break Bank KEX Break, Club I Break. Club BONUtU livestock ouyei Claude Eo wrn Kt 3 Box BP9E Ph 3-1144 9 KSLM Barg. Counter I Garden Guide Pastor's Call IWaltz Tim KOCO Melody Tim (Melody Tlrno Stars Sing Myrt & Marge KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny Helen Trent I Gal Sunday KGW Scandla Music (Second Cup (Second Cuo INews KEX News I Stars of Today (Quick at Flash Quick as Flash KSLM Glen Hardy ITeUo Test IRuss Morgan ITell Neighbor KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody !tead. Preview KOIN Big Sister . IMa Perkins I Dr. Malone (Guld. Ught KGW Tune Test TTune Test I House Party 1 House Party KEX Lunch. Club IE. C Hill I True Story iTrue Story KSLM Ladies Fair Ladles Fair Queen for Day lOueen for Dav KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melodv Mac's Mhviv Ivrao'a Mirwt KOIN Mrs. Burton I Perry Mason (Norah Drake I Brighter Dav rW Doub. Noth. IDoub. Noth. ' IMlllionaire Millinnir . KBX Betty Crocker ILindlahr JN. Westerners N. Westerners' Bible Inst. Bible Inst. (Grand Slam I Rosemarv BULL Service any place. Ph. 4-2949. I Jack Berch I Dave Garroway I tMJNUtu livestock buyer A. F. Soro- iBreak. Club I Break, dub I mer. ZISO cnemawa Rd. Ph. 42617. LICENSED Livestock buver. H" . y.retxen 1940 Unrnter 1r nh T-1M!t rug. chUd' table set. elec. heater. 100 chick elec. brooaer, lawn mower, gar den tools St fruit tars. Ph. 42931. ELEC RANGE in good condition. 2125 Myrtle Ave. MONTAG enamel wood range, wood Hrnilatnr. 2083 N. Sth. SEVERAL pieces of Duncan Fife, dav- enport & cnair, aesx. cnairs. reing ehlne. chain stitch, black leather earrvtne ease. Good condition and guar- - anteed. Free sewing lessons. Bargain $34.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co, 130 N. corni. i i-RM. CXB1KS. $350 each, 2 1-rm, $150 ea. All in good condition. See at AumsvUlfr Pavilion or writ 'Aums- TllMEmBOJar . Ph, 3-9453 - 2025 S. 12th. 18" Old Fir Veneer Cores Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny ItimM PH M444 WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 2427s. cook. Live in. 695 N. Liberty BEAUTY OPERATOR, guarantee phis comm. Ph. 20992. Call 36Z12 alter s EXPERIENCED hosiery .6c lingerie sales girl, capable managing depart ment. Compensation according K ability. Applicants interviewed Fri day. Sept. 29th. 10 a.m. to 3 pjn. Fred Meyer Store. 148 N. Liberty, COMMERCIAL . ' miS-rrttcle."'!.;0 jWnV"Su 2 DEER RIFLES, 351 automatic, good ville Pavilion. 1390 Chemeketa. Salem. 500 BuSHlCS & FittanCC ure. Placement Agency . 1490 Chemeketa St. 10 .11- OTT. heater cheaD. oh. 3-7113. FOR SALE: .' or whole young white I COLEMAN floor furnace, used Tace peer, pn. 3g7Z5 w. R. Stanton IXXTKER BEEF on hoof. Wt. 300-400. can 22861 or see at Lee's Hatchery, ai. a, oox loo, jTuiuana ho. Ki S89 or best otter, also samion t Plate, portable phonograph and auto, neater, pn. z-wzi. GOOD davenport and matching ihape. pricedright: also b fiat silver S02 Bttslneee Opportunlttee clarinet, call miter e pjn. ra. Box 440 Fairvlew Ave. L t. Cnn Ti 1 1 SJFI- lavatory I xxcstauxaill wunu . J 2085 FuU eauiDDcd. sm. Wv. Quarters. 1 to Tl'vU w ' I i . i i v. a I - i - i a Tear lease, laae traucr in m TWO 155 S. Llbertv Ph. S-1488 Sec. exp shorthand req. SI 75-200 Camp. Oner. Gen off $175-1190 Clk-typist $150-$160 Bkpr. sec. typst , sis 600 -Employment alem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer A Basement . Equipment Rental -15 B-i, yds 10 B- vds D-7 Cat ii Dotes- D-4 Cat V Dozer See us about ditching by th foot, , Phone days 3-M0t Evenings 3-824S or 2-440S - SflgsWrs Ot ejeofj BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING. PLOWTNO L. C MITCHELL. PH. 35337 AUTO PAINTING ust a shad Oetleg oj nay c 1 1 lm. uu snrock Motor Co J-B10L 700 Rentals 702 Seeping Rooms. Board BASEMENT SLEEPING rooms for cm. pioveg men or students, 761 Mill St. ROOM, good locaUon, couple or ladies. xiouscaeeping, pnv. u desired. Ph. ONE GOOD clean room, breakfast "AT oinner pnviieee. pn. SS38S. FOR GENTLEMAN. " prlv L Pn" 14427. RM.. refrig, hot pUte. ilSl Center? fliiT a ' ; " . .if .i . - WILL boacd child 3-8 yrs. In my coun J uoroe, near scnoou tors. U. JJ. Brttton, RL I, Box 249. Dallas. Ph. VERY comfortable sleeping rmt, ladJeZ w winon at apitol. SLEEPING ROOM. Inquire H. L SUfT. uiwiufc, i-non a-viao. - 705 Apartments Far Rent CLEAN t rm. spt gas range. $30 ma. 1397 ti. Coml Ph VlMI A HOME tor particular people. Adults ""'7- no pets, no aruuung, inquire) 480 N. 24th. NICELY furnished 2 -room apartment tuiaDie i or z. iNew remgerator ana excellent range. Laundry facilities. Private entrance. Bus nast door. 3S. 2030 No. Commercial, after 11 ajn. i RM. lt. hskp. apt, only $23. CloTeTn. cican ana ail um turn, mo smoking or drinking. $23 N Coml. Ph. 23STf 2 RM. furn. act. 1165 Court. BASEMENT APT. 3 rms. a bath, fumZ heat, lights a water. 653 N. High. 1 M .A.. J..H n-m- turn, apt. yy s. lZln St. NEWLY decor. 2 rm. apt. Utilities, prlvl eni. Aouns; no orinaers. S40 s. Capl tol. UPSTAIRS 4 rm. apt, elec stove and reing.. locatea north, S40. ph. 2-213 2-2128. RM. furn. 13201 Adults Kh.rJ patn. utilities turn.-Ph. 35Z22. NICELY furnished new decor S room apt. uon in. 310 Bellevu S. Ph. SMALL furn. apt, $30 mo.. utiL paid. coupie preierreq. 3W g. wasmngton. LGE ROOMS with amall kit. Pri bath, front ent on grnd floor. Aut heat. 670 V. fhiiroh CNFURN, Hv. rm, kitchenette, bath. stove, remg, wall bed utilities -furn. Near University. Pn. 29221 after 1 D.m. 450 S. Canitol WORKING GlRL will share very nice an eiec. cottage witn another work ing girl. Ph. 41860 all day Sat, Sun. or after C pjn. weekdays except Wed. or see at 2173 Maole. 3 RM. court apt. Elec stove and refrig, - for couple. 1664 S. 13th St. ONE RM. & kitchenette, utilities, adults, no orinkers. srw s. capitoi st. LARGE APT, good location, com pi furn. . Inq. H. L. Stiff Furn, 3-9185. LOVELY furn. S rm, priv. bath, refrig, garage, close In. $50. Ph. 3-3000. CLEAN, quiet warm 2 rm apt. Middli aged lady preferred. 645 Ferry. AtTRACTIVE modern-apt. Very close in. for cpl or 1 or 2 girls. 468 N. Whiter. , 707 Houses For Rent FURNISHED 2 B.R. ' home on Croisaa . Creek. $62 JO mo. See Colbath Land Co. Ph. 24552. : . SMALL HOUSE for 'couple. No- peia. 1042 Park Ave. FOR LEASE: 1 BJL homo furnished south. $80 mo. Call 33101. sVROOM house, 7 mile northwest "9 Salem. Phone 26172. 3 B. R. uniurn. hse. in Silverton, $54. Inq. 1097 S. 13th. Salem, ph. 3-7901, 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS hatches for S75 rash. Phone 33948, S PC BEDROOM set with Simmond Mattress. Also wasning macnine witn pump. Both 4 yrs. old. Ph. 4-1196. chair DRESSER base chest $5. oak library I trade. Price $1995. , a -eif & 6Z -fd Allen C. Jones, Realtor klv hutch. s. East Center St- ph. 2-2861. Lee's 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO H'wood Musi KOIN News KGW News KEX News IN. W. News I H'wood Musis iCoroe Get It I Road of Ufa (News Gay 90s Horn Run (News I Philosopher I House Party I House Party I Pepper Young I Happiness Mod. Romances! Mod. Romances NEW Hampsmre Chicks. W es. tut t Hatchery. 408 Pots ...lr t. nn ieir no so. Swine rock- ai wool rues. S29.75. book case desk $10. lavenport $8, RCA viotne niiah button radio. $20. Wood- ry Furniture Market, 1603 N. Sum- electric range, radio. Canned fruit. I f. rm. oil circulator $40. auto oil I DSotoar'togood cTndiUon: only 1WtB5,?w BT" 8165 ml. on It. 990 N. Church. I , rvu k.ln w. renalr ir S CONE elec Wesix heater, chrome I "Vfr Anrfirn Corner First & $7 a nw sai a A.d.G? Pce dog.l5-i, FOOT FRIGIDAIRE. $25. PH. 38F3. 1 -..'l M hrch svTe..l.jr"v" -'-,.. . .... "ONTAG wood range, very good con-1 eTrrt, dothea oosts completely in- 1 KSLM Baseball 1 Baseball Baseball Baseball MHC Melody Magic Melody iMagic Melody Magic Melody KOIN ., Nona Nowherel Hilltop House Strike Rich Strike Rich KGW Backstage Wlfe Stella Dallaa I Lor. Jones IWidder Brown KEX Art Baker I Kennedy Kay West Kay West FOR Sale; Cocker puppies, RU 1 Box ROLLER CANARIES. Reas. Ph. 25929, 2 Baseball KSLM Baseball Baseball koco Magic Melody no in Kirxnam KGW Girl Marries I Portia i I Plain Bill KEX : To Hollywood !To Hollywood ILife. Chance Baseball Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody IKirkham iChicagoans ITuoefuIly I Front Pag iwmtenouae dition. Rebuilt and guarantee. Free aei ana easy terms, sjv.su. ne as Hogg Bros, 115 S. Com! St. or call MOORE'S Tropical Fish equipment a, 39149. suppues. a mi. xrom Lancaster on I umivciual wooa range, au urey por Macleay Rd. Rt. 5. Box 463. P. 2-7321 I eel a in. High back warmer oven, Re- , built, guaranteed. 834.50. Fre del. Easy terms. See at Hogg Bros, 115 S. Coml or call 3-9149. KENMORE oil heater, used 2 winters. gooa conaiuon. tan o seen at pro- 3 4 KSLM Baseball (Baseball Scoreboard IBing Sings KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody News KOIN Kirkham . Art. Godfrey (Art Godfrey (Art. Godfrey KGW Travelers I Travelers I Aunt Mary I Love. Learn KEX 'r Today Holywd I Hannibal Cobb! Barney Keep IBarney Keep KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX 5 K8LMV KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Hemingway IN. W. News INews Magic Melody Magic Melody I Magic Melody I Magic Melody Art. Godfrey lArt. Godfrey iCurt Massey iLitoe Show Woman's See. ilife Beaut Dr Paul )Mr. Buttons Dr Crane Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage I Firefighters rr 410 Seeds and Plants DAHLIAS - order now. McCain Dah lia Garden. 1491 7 St, West Salem. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce muiiriK w,v.. i-i, . i i . George Asner on Grand Island. LJnOieUni O.VD iitTT2i..i.T:n!rvi2, 1 VALLEY FURN CO 283 N COMX. tailed, cement, wire 6c everything furnished. $20.50. Ph. 2-8656. n . r. n . rut,.- mu4.I .amI b . new. Gas or Butane. Will sU for of cost. 298 S. 23rd St. 1 WALNUT dining rm set with 6 chairs. 1 bullet, l new re-conaiuoueo w am ine machine. 2 occasional tables. 1 bed 6c springs. 1 overstuffed chair. 3 floor lamps, lzia n. itn. REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 35638 day or eve. GROCERY STORE with living quarters, all goes, lock, stock ok barrel, clean St neat, price $2500. . - BUSINESS BUILDINGS Located tn Mill City proper, good In- vestment. Price szsso. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center Ph. 24552 FOR LEASE: Newly remodeled service station. Maior eomnanv. All utilities. equipment Si supplies furnished. Ph. 3-4703 Mon. tnru rn. a to a. clerk . 840 wk ADDITIONAL LISTINGS BOOKKEEPER Experience in all phases of bookkeeping, age 25-35. Good salary, transportation from Sa lem can be arranged. Apply Inde pendence Lumber 6c Manufacturing Co.. Independence. Ore, LADY to work in our office with accts. rec. dept. Typing 8k shorthand neces sary. Permanent Position, Apply Hove Bros.. 260 State. GIRL or woman, general housework. ciuiaren. room, ooara & salary. Phone 2-0747. WANTED experienced pantry lady and waitresses. Night work. Ph. 3-7632. LADY TO care for child (2'i yrs) in my home. Ph. 39864 after 5:30 p.m. WAITRESS, over 21. apply Malt Shop Cafe, 157 8. coml 610 Salee Persons Wanted EE Gas A ippUanc Co!, 349 "iSf SC NORGE , cUxulaUng oil heaUr. mod COMP. Hotuehold furn. 1595 No. Cot- Tti2iea.on, i3S? jSTSRSl GARAGE Business. Plenty of work. Parts at inventory. Equipment rea sonable. Call Hanson Mill Citv 1988 GROCERY STORE, gas pumps, cabins ana pag. w?""; "V" SELL 'MOST WANTED' APPLIANCES ETSK p RLJ.IW. .re offering an outstanding future BOX 145. DISTRIBUTOR for household unit It is new. different, no one has it every body wants it. Well advertised at fair. Big comm. Small Investment. Write box 58. statesman Make me an offer trade or cash, I SERVICE STATION for rent. Holly- Mark Trail 12th St. Hr. Hews Mr. Buttons (Mark Trail J12th St. Hr. News INews Yukon Bing Crosby (Sports News News Songs of Times I Peterson JYukon ' sale bv ton or truck Inari PVi 1AVX GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn 20c doz! l. u. Egbert, silverton Rd. (2a mi past rairgrounos) look for sign. SPINACH for freezing St canning, ph, nwm or eves, z-jmii Used Furn., Cheap TRADE - TERMS Valley rum. Co. 285 No. Coml S-7471 fcu. picked. U-pick $1.50 bu. 3 mi. on iv.ii T suit 905S Portland Rd HAS YOUR phonograph had a lube lob lately? Call ana as aoout a ire estimate or cleaning, adjusting and lubricating. Expert repairs on all makes of radios. Pick-up and delivery service. MONTGOMERY WARDS wood dirt. Pn. Mr Moure East 1106 Portland. FARM and CITY LOANS 4U and I Tout own terms of repayment within reason, cash tor steal utai t-on- tracts and Second Mortgsgs, CAPITOL SECURITIES IM , it. -J b. w-u I Service Dept. Ph. 3-3191. m St toes 81-73 w wanisu. aawmwnwM ww I WASHING machine In gooa conaiuon. I AITTO LOANS WTLLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ph. 4-22B3I Jimmy Wakelyf Jimmy WakelylBlack Hawk (Black Hawk 6 KSLM Gab. Heatter IN.W. News I Answer Man ISam Hays KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight INews (Tune Tim KOIN Ignorance Pavs I Ignorance PavslVfusle ART". IvfiLin mr. KGW Brian Donlevy I Brian Donlevy Crime Not Pay Crime Not Pay KEX ' Progress Rep. I Horn Edition iGuest SUr I Guest Star AAA XT rnHl.. Ph. S-1M7 Wallace rd.. l mi. toward river on I GOOD Used furniture wanted. If you I MONTAG wood, range. High back in nave wnai a want a u pay you uic highest price tn town. Ph. 38558. gravel rd. Vera Pelker. to a sales-minded man who wants to sell world-famous Maytag. Easy. Frl gidaire home appliances. Our prod ucts have established huge consumer demand and in addition you will align yourself with a reputable dealer of long standing. Salary plus commis sion. Transportation furnished. Apply Hogg Brothers. 115 S. Commercial St. GOOD opportunity to man who can sell mail subscriptions in rural area. Must have good personality. Experience helpful but not essential. See Mr Clark (Circ Dept.). Th Statesman. see ftaeal Piter COLON. ..STOMACH I pay y Trader Louie. top condition. Rebuilt and guaran teed S28.B8. ree oeu easy terms, sec 7 K8LM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Concert ; Twilight CBS Feature Big Story Lone Ranger Concert Pisco Kid Music Jackpot IStar Parade l una Feature I Big Story I Lone Ranger Music Hall (Dick Powell I Dr. L Q. (Cisco Kid (Sports t Music Rail Dick Powell IDr. L Q. r 1 RLKN WOODRV Ph SSI IS USED FURN immediate appraisal, I PRINCESS wood range one piece side highest prices, vaney rurnitur. zas lEf S. Church St Ph X-2437 Parkiag Aplenty at Hogg Bros, 115 S. Coml St or call I i;,i .. Wa' 39149. ' mu inMnHlna- stock. Call 20071 .. . . ii r'JWiili cV I CAKE lor chuaren. my nomc iota rara 615 Situations Waated N 8 KSLM Nam of Song iNam of Song Behind Story (Orchestra KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1490 I Track 1490 (Track 1490 KOIN News I Jack Smith IDr. Christian I Dr. Christian KGW 1 Man's Family News of World 1 Gilders lee ve (GUdersleeve KEX - Louis-Charles Louis-Charles (Louis-Charles Louis-Charles KSLM ; Glen Hsrdyr I Fulton Lewis- Queen for Nitel Queen for Nit auvu iracn iv i iTacK iaho - mews Piano Patterns KOIN "Mr- Chameleon Mr. Chameleon Beulah IClub IS KGW To Be Advised To Be Advised! Dist. Attorney IDist. Attorney KEX Chandu IChandu lOrchestra I Orchestra 9 KUrTUtf (Hemic Traatsi litittl Issstsj Isnsnsi Wi00 nta 5,00 Mo.MmMk M. Uil 00 Mac.WML.rn. C Dm.H.B PflPI" - - - OmrF r 81 Writ. . M UU-194 THE DEAN CLINIC in oet 40,h t$ai M.E. Cemer t. BerasM ad Creed Ave. TslsshsstA18tl6 PerHead 14. Ore. Commercial- Ph. 27471 458 Boildlng Materials 4i FT. by 10 ft. view window tn frame marginal lights witn 3',i ruts n. cen ter plate glass. Ph. 25467. griddle completely rebuilt and -guaranteed. Free del and easy terms. 4.95. See at Hogg Bros, lis s. convi nr fair 39149. FOR hard-to-get plumbing items check Bargain Mouse, iu Ave. 510 Money to Loan with Capital Center. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Red Cedar Shingles No. 1. 2. 3. At 4's. Anv amount. Check our Price, bioewaii snakes. Large NO w AXING REQUIRED with PLAS- i wuui w ""V.""" Tl-KOTE. th cellophane-us nnun USED YEATER USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE UP. J7 CM EM. Getting a LOAN e .1 e . lO lor tne nrsi time; MIDDLE-AGED woman wants steady work by Oct. 1st. Bernlcc Margeson, 1S25 Center. ' INFANT CARE in my home, will pick up. Ph. 43217. IRONING don in my home. Reas. Ph. 27129. APPLIANCE CO. 3lAt personal' there are no hard and SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharf f Bros. Ph. 2-5568. All grades. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Call evenings. 10 KSLM News KOCO Night Song OIN 5 Star Final KGW News KCX News INewsreel Music Music lwn ami - iv. lassies iciassics I You. World (Orchestra I Orchestra ' Harmonaires (Sports ' Current. Choice Intermezzo (Concert . Hour I Concert Hour 11 KSLM Net News KOCO Nocturne , KOIN ' Organ KGW; News KEX i Concert Hour U. N. . I Melodies : .-- Melodies' - I .Vocturn (Nocturne ', Nocturne Organ Bandstand Bandstand Wax Museum JW ax Museum (Wax Museum lunccn tiour latemos ll KOAC 550 ' K C Wednesday 10-00 Sum. The news and Weather; 10:13 Ea peciaDy for Women: 110 The Con cert Hour- 12 KM The News; 12:15 Noon Firm Hour; 1 .00 Ride Em Cowboy; 1:15 Variety Time: 130 Melody Lane; 2:00 Especially for Listening;- 2 JO Memory Book of Music: 3 DO Newt; 3:15 Music Masters; 4:00 Oregon Re porter; 4:15 Kern and Sloop; 4 JO Uni versity of Chicago Round Table: 5.-00 Children's Theater; "8:15 On th Up beat; SM 550 Sports Oub; $M The News: 8:13 Dinner Melodies; I .-00 Farmer's Union; T:13 Evening Farm Hour;- 80 Artistry in. Classics; 8 JO j ouest star: 8:45 -News and Weather: 8:00 Music That Endures: 6:45 Even ing Meditations; 18 $0 Excursion in Science: 10:15 Serenade: .10:45 News- earner; nam sign Off, Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall. s ur Chines remedies. Amazing race ass tar Seat years m caiaa. n matter wnx what ailaaenu ya are atfuetea disorders, sinasitis. Seart, langs, liv er, kidneys, gas. eoasdpatloa, alcers. aiaeetes. raeamansm. rail and bud- Mr lever, saus. issssis easapialata CHARLIE CHAN CBTNESB HERB CO. . t$4 N Commercial . Pheae 2-U36 -. SALEM, OU. -Offlc Beers S to S Tnes. and Sat, oauy. 4VsawBsS) 4BMt - 4m .nr.sSs V v J . -- " ' mi .1 . A; lr T.TLamJ4.D Dr.G.CaaaJIJ) DKS, CHAN . . . LAM CIXXNESX 11XXBAUST8 S41 Ncrth Liberty Cpstairs above Jan's, 131 H. Lib erty office) open Sataraay aly 11 aas t i swam. S tm t P-sa. Cesualta- UesL tUeed eisssne aad aria test are free of eaaxte. Fraettced stac un. for floors or linoleum. - Yester Applianc Co- 275 Chemeketa St. Painting & decorating. Ph. 3-7552 Hay For Sale 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA. PH. 4863. SILVERTON. HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze $129 50 and up Yeater Applianc Co S7S Chemeketa - - Eloise Walery palntin 6t paper hang- Ins. Free entimstes. Ph. 2-2555.- I .ruliKiio nnmlnf. lawn wk. P. 42831, CEMENT work All kinds Ph 8-4850 GOOD Stiff Used Furn pianos Co 875 oa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready- mix concret. Garden nan, tuui- dozing drainage and ditching. yd. .CHEST TYPE freezer, 14 eu. ft. Used 1 vr. S280. Ph. S-4Z84. UafcD Eiec trie washers 81SJ5 and up Yeater Applianc Co. . 875 Chemeketa St. MILLER'S (Formerly Andy's) clean sou. river silt, rm em at pn run fast rules. You tell us what you have In mind and well do our best to meet vour desires. Borrow as little as you need $25 up to $500 on Auto and up to $300 on Furniture - Salary. Aitlw (nr the ntimttM of dava vou keep the money. Phone or come In. j fRQNTK'g. 1810 waller St. Asa. zor am xa iimu, a. vui . Mon.-Tues.-Tnurs.-Fn. am. to S pm. Wed.-Sat. t anu to 1 pjn. PERSONAL . Finance Company of Salem SIS State St . Rm. 12S Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. ' loan ratrerauada load Next to bank. Free parkins. P 2-7032 Ue No. M36S-S291 Flovd Kenvon Mgr Nancy's Nursery See 1- Phone 2-4940 I WtRtAlNS washed a stretched. 2344S, CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th PH 2-a76 w PAINTING - PAPERING Sedgwick Phone 8-5PH t unllcruinfiv w.tiIm). Ph. I-S901 .JWW... w.... , iav uinric fmat. efficient Dh. s-e3&t. LAWNS: Also leveling, light tractor n mkh. with rfnver ete Ph. 2-8127. SIDEWALKS, patios, patching, prompt I Private Money Oa Cars. Trucks U Trailer Home Loos or anon inw rajum. Roy H. Simmons 191 S, Commercial SL Pbons S-0U11 service. E. Drake, ph. 2-0313. " stirrtci a. lirtftinnKS Suits $15, skirts. $3, blouses ELM. dresses $2 St up. Ph. 35652. IRONING or housework by th hour. Phone 85652. ELDEKLV LACY, baby sitter day or Bight. Ph. 25322. LOWER half of duplex.' 2 B. r.- k shower, partially furn. with garag. call 3-4139 during business hr. LOVELY upper duplex. Uufurn except refrig, gas stove. Garage, Adults 'onlv. 1284 Court. PARTLY furn, liv rm. B. R, kit Jb bath. Keizer Dit. S30. FRANK GRAFF REAL ESTATE 3891 N. River Rd. Ph. 28248 or 2014S 3 BJL HSE. oU heat, double garag, beautiful view. 2750 S. 12th evenmal contact Ted Mesch. Marlon Hotel. SMALL HSE. for rent. Pn. 1580 Ced ter. 3 RM. HOL'SE partly furn. Not moderC SuiUble for 2. $25 mo. Ph. 34S42. 2 BJL HSE, oil hi, close in K.. S$ mo. ft. M. Perrv. 345 S. Vtew PI FOR RENT: AH electrie 1 bdnn. bousi. 1173 6th. Ph. 20966. FOR LEASE: 1 yr.. 2 BJL house. Ea? ment. gar. inq. la s. i4tn trailer neo Ph. 20313. 2 RM. house, furn. Lights. waUr. n4 patn. azo. fn. zhtsk. GOOD 3 bedroom home, full baaemeaC lurnacc, zirepiace, inq. luua n. capt-taL 709 Wanted to Rent EDUCATOR, wife, yearjld child deaire) uniurn. a Deo room nouae or court an Salem. CaU 458 Monmouth collect. LIST with Colbath Land Co. to rent or lease your property. W get the) renter and take care of collections tt desired. Phone 2-4552. 710 Wanted To Rent, Houses CPLE. with 2 yr. old child need S BJL uniurn. house. Close in. reas. rent. Ph. 39076. EMP. CVLE, 3 mos. baby need 1 BJL rise, witn range at reing. Near Holly wood. 37620 or 23867. B R. HSE, 3 adults, 1 chtldTPnT . good 3 BEDROOM suburban house, references. Permanent renters. $50. Ph. 27238,. 714 Business Rentals STORE and office, ground floor rentals in new ultra modern buiMing witn large parking area. Excellent location on Center SL See Colbath Land Co. Ph. 24552. STORE or office located on busy street. 405 S. 12th St. .""' 'V SMALL office suitable for Real Estate or Accountant on 99E North, w. J. Davies. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 38511. FOR RENT: Beautiful suit of offices on Liberty St. across from 1st Natl bank. Perfect lor professional men. Inauire Sally's or ph. 3-3711. .uiKllukM Mwwn M I. SDR STORE 6ft OFFICE located on bus street. 405 S. IZtn ST. FRONT "ROOM suitable for office or small shop. Cronis Studio, 43S Court St, upstairs. . - 800 Real Estate A. Good Buy e - New S bedroom horn near Hollywood and parochial school. AH large spa cious room. You will love this for a home, only $1500 down. $50 per mo. Full pric $1100. " For Sale or Trade Almost new 1 bedroom home, all hd wd firs, all electric heat, insulated, well : located, to trad for 3 BJL horn. Only $7900 .terms. ' Fine 4 Bedroom Home Largs spacious rooms, hardwood floors, auto gas forced air heat. In a nice suburban residential district, built for a large family home. Only 110.850 terms. , Call us for other good buys. , :. . Wm. Bliven & Co. -REALTORS . 1 41 W. High St. Ph. 236 IT Eves S-29S Van Greer ; . top soil. Cgravel. j Phone Z-73Z9. .