I ) 600 Employment j& Ths Stcrtenaan-Sqfoin. Otwoon. 450 Merchandise 482 Sport Equlpmemt NEARLY new 22 Winchester pump rifle. Ph. 2-3024. fEVLRAL deer rifles, cartridges for foreign and odd caliber rifles. 1910 S. Winter. - 23.06 RULE model 12. Remington . 12 gauge. 3S1 Remington auto. E. V. Hammer. Rt . Box 359 (4 mi. out Sirverton Hd.. I mi. on uwon tia.t fO.06 SPRINGFIELD Sporter $65.00. Also Enfield Sporter, 1449 Ferry Ph. 21549. 4S4 Eicrdosj FOR SALE: Girl's bike $32.50. Starbuck Motel Cabin. No. X 468 Trad. Miscellaneous WOULD you like to tradJ my equity In mall house 4k 'i acre of ground for good used car. Out S. Com 1. to Dick son's Mkt Take old hiway. turn on Idle wood Dr. behind Texaco Sta. 8th hse. on left. Rt . Box 112. . .'HAT Will you trade for a $385 ladies LeCoultre Continental wrist watch f This is a most unusual design. IT jewel, solid gold case, set with dia monds. One you will be proud to own. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. IT YOU have old valuables like jewel ry. guns, lamps, curiosities, etc, which you no longer need, swap them for things you do need. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. ft ILL TRADE 2 of the best building lots in Dallas for automobile. Phone 2-5750.- - 163 For Rent, Miscellaneous TRAILER SPACE. Across street from Paulus Bros. Children welcome, no pets. $10 mo. Roth Trailer Court. 1740 m uxiora. fcouD Downtown warehouse space for rent. inq. H. L. stiff Furniture. Ph. 39185. O DRIVE TRUCKS FOR LENT Blan- keta fum 197 S Liberty Ph 2-9061 GOOD USED Piano. B. L. Stiff. 470 for Sale. Miscellaneous Sew & Save On these bargain priced rebuilt St guaranteed sewing machines. Edison. Portable elec. New Home. Portable elec ' Damascus, treadle Universal Portable (New. full size. $119) New Queen, straddle Burdick. treadle Honeymoon, treadle M. W. treadle . 2 Singer treadles Terms If Desired RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center Phnne !U3Vm MAPLE dinette set, good condition, rea sonable. 3336 Fairhaven Ave. POOL TABLE in good condition. 1879 Childs Ave. ' TEETER BABE $2. Training chair $2. Buggy $5. Bathinette $7. Persian lamb fur coat, size 12-14. 525. Man's blue tweed suit, size 38. $8. Ph. 2-4433 or see at 1163 Waller St. TWIN MATTRESS, pract. new. $15. Car radio. $18. Car heater. $5. 8 ton hvdra- 11c pack. $7.50. 2-steel folding chair. $3. Ph. 4-2010. BARGAIN. Diamond wedding set, Ph. s-34 y. ----- ' D66DLEBUG SCOOTER 1935 N. 24th. - LTV. RM. DRAPES, dishes, pottery, pressure cooker, deluxe refrig, 18 ga. Winchester shotgun, leather case and shells. Ail gooa as new. pn. 20603. 874 Cascade Dr. mS Dewalt radial saw, $150. liS3 N 5th St 8" TABLE SAW. IS" floor drill press. 237 N. Cottage USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. Additional QassifieH - Ads on Page 17; SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Klleycle$: KSLM IS JO, KOCO 1490, TM; Megacycle KOIN 101.1; KGW 100-3; KEX 82.3 (Kl tar's atote: The Btatesmaa sakHshes' m imI faith tka innuu ad ttsaea aa prartfled ay the radio stations, -ehaaged wtthont. aeUfl cation, this newspaper cannot be responsible for Ue senncj scrnai. , noes 7 KSLM KOCO - KEX 00:15 I- Church of Air (Church of Radio Pulpit IRadio Pulpit lEter. Light Eter. Light B. Box Revue .B. Box Revue IB Box Revue iB. Box Revue 8 KSLM First Baptist ' (First Baptist (News KOCO River Bora t News I Fellowship 80DJ Tabernacle - (Tabernacle - (To Learning KGW Church Home Church Home Music KEX Mews - (Morning Song There's Music 9 KSLM Bible Class I Bible Class I Prophecy (Prophecy KOCO Bible (Lutheran I Ave Maria - I Ave Maria JOIN People's Plat Peoples Plat H. K. Smith iNews KGW News I Folk Songs J. DiMaseio U. DiMavrio Choirs IChoirs 10 KSLM Hardy News Organ Moods ILnttaerans fLutherana KOCO Wildwd Church! Organ Loft ISacred Heart IW. King KOIN Syncopation Syncopation (Columbia Pops 'Columbia Pops kutt urin uriu - Musie Festival IMusie Festival I Vespers Vespera 11 K8LM Concert Hall KOCO Sun. service KOIN Choraliers KGW NBC Th-ata KEX Foreign Rep. 12 K8LM - New Cunningham lHash Knife IHashknife KOCO Seren.de " Serenade (News U. N. KOIN Date. Musle I Date. Musie I Date. Musle I Date. Musle 5GW K'w" - - I Mr. Fix-It IQulx Kids IQuix Kids KEK Hour of Faith (Hour of Faith (Parade Hits Parade Hits 1 SJkM , Hop. Cassidy Hop. Cassldy Martin Kane iMartin Kane ROC0 Showtime - . I Showtime (Daydreams jBlessings Music Date Musle Data Symphonette (Symphonett KGW Truitts Truitta lAdventure Adventure KkX - Revival Hour I Revival 2 KSLM Shadow - I Shadow KOCO Evelyn Knight ISt Francis KOIN Serenade INews KOW Falcon Falcoa KKX Prophecy VolceiProphecy 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Roy Rogers Serenade Rate Mate Hardy Family Lutheran Hr. Ror Roeers Serenade Rate Mate -Hardv Famfiv (Lutheran 4 KSLM 1 KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News ICongress ' (Bible Hour (Bible Horn- News - (Don Stewart - Don Stewart (Don Stewart Jack Benny (Jack Benny iMarvest Harold Harvest Harold aiuuu newara iwu newara 1 ne saint The Saint Research (To Vets (This Week 1 Around World 5 KSLM Bobby Benson I Bobby Benson J Murray Show Murray Show KOCO Ministerial ; (Serenade . (Serenade, ISrnaH KOD Orchestra Orchestra aw , v.au aae MiumiLiu ie Maaami rneater j Theater KKX Stop Musle - (Stop Musie t (Stop Musle (Stop Musle 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Roundup!News Roundup Ted Dale I Ted Dale Corliss Archer) Corliss 1 neater , nneaier WincheU I Lou Parsons 7 K8LM Your Dr. I Songs of Times 1000 Plus - 12000 Plus KOCO Sunday Salon (Sunday Salon INazareno - jNazarena KOIN - - Contented (Contented I Whistler whitti KGW Take-Leave It (Take-Leave It (Meet St LoulsfMeet St Lcula svEA uinny aimms lunapei OKSLM . 20 Questions . 20 Questloos .Theater Theater KOCO Nazarene Naxarene , (Orchestra Orchestra KOIN - Miss Brooks Miss Brooks J Orchestra Orchestra KGW Pescha Kagan News Symphony Symphony KEX -, Drew Pearson Headlines . ' iWlncheli (L. Parsons 9 KSLM News I Editorially Guest Star INews KOCO i Reverie t 1 Reverie Reverie (Reverie ' KOIM Orchestra , Orchestra uack Benny Jack Benny KGW . Symphony Symphony (Orchestra New Frontier 1 KKX , - Think Fast Think Fast iOrchestra U. Robinson - 10 KSLM KOCO Moondreams KOIN Sur Final KGW News KKX ': News kOCO Baseball I Baseball KOIN U. N. Action Curbstone KGW Catholic-Hour Wax svex Nocturne - (Nocturne ! NOTE: Snaaays radio prograsaa are Ugtaadard tlaae. Listeners win find tuae ckaagea in regnlar pregraaas Sunday Sptonber 24. 19S0 450 Merchandise 470 For Salev Miscellaneous 300 SAVAGE new. never out of pack ing case. $ iza casn. pn. attavo. Used electric ranges yeater APPLIANCE CO 375 CHEM. ENCYCLOPEDIA 1948 late edition of Encyclopedia Brit- tanica. Excellent cond, iti. 1 sox no. S. G. Shipler. NO WAXING REQUIRED Wltl) PLAS- Tl-KQTE. the ceuopnane-uxe onisn for Doors or linoleum . . Yeater Appliance Co. 875 Chemeketa St ffnv For Sjlf. 1ST GRADH EASTERN ALFALFA. PH. 4663. SILVERTOH, HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze $129 50 and up Yeater Appliance co 375 Chemelceta . GOOD Used pianos $75 ea H. L. Stiff Fum Co Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement Ready- crux. Concrete Garden Sana Bull dozing, irainage and ditching. yd shovel & drag line pnone s-vzas CHEST TYPE freezer. 14 cu. ft Used 1 yr. 1280. pn. 3-otB4. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced ortces i Yeater A pp lis nee Co. 375 Chemeketa St COMP. new Americana set $95. West- inghouse elec. range. $25. one oaoy bueey. Ph. 20804, USED Electric wasners SIB 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemelteta St MILLER S (Formerly Andy s) clean I top soil, river silt, fill Cin & pit run - -. 1 Vl OS rie)A I rravel. Phone 2-7329. Used radios and record play ERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 379 CHEM. ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS YEATER j APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. WOOD furnace free to party paying for this ad. Ph. 3-5037. HAS your phonograph ever had a cleaning and lube lob? Does your radio need attention? Call 3-3191 for repairs on all makes. Pick-up and de livery service. MONTGOMERY WARD Service Dept. Farm Store Bldg, USE . "ORGANIC .FERTILIZER O The right way to re- build the soil. O Free of weed seeds. O Odorless. 6 sacks ......$ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton .... 10.00 2 tons ........ 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 30 GAL. galvanized hot wtr tank. Fer fect cond. 85. Ph. 33866. 3 . A. pulled dry prune trees .free to party wno wui cut tt nam, ph. 2331 b. LACK wool coat, like new, size 18. presses size 40. i860 N. 6th after 5:30. 300 SAVAGE nearly new. Scope it ammo. Ex. cond. $125. 670 N. Church eves. CHRISTMAS CARDS for sale by box or printed name, w marietta snider, 1840 N. 18th. Ph. 28758. SEWING MACHINES TRT VSED YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 CHEM. KOLN $7$, KGW 0. KEX 111! hat Because efftimes ere r rams ara 1 00:30 00 45 I Melody (Melody Air I Church of Air Church of Air Mutual Muiio Fellowship To Learning MUSIC There's Musle I Mes. of Israel Mes. of Israel Mem. Musle 1M em. Muxla (Concert Hall Gospel Singer Wash. Report iSun. Service I Sun. Service . (Sun. Service I Choraliers (Rom. Hi-Wars News .NBC Theater NBC Theater NBC Theater irranK-u-nesx iMusicGirla IMusicGlrls Hour (Revival Hour I Revival Hour . I Detective (Detective IShowcase (Showcase (Sunday Chase Sunday Chase IMysterv (Mvsterv VolceiGreatest Story IGreatest Story Nick Carter Nick Carter Sunday Musle Sunday Musle Molly Memo Mouy Memo News Music Comedy Hr. Serenade serenade CBS News room CBS News room Gab. Heatter IF. Elliott (Tropicana News1 Archer) Horace Heldt 1 Horace Heiai Music Album I Music Album led Malone ' iTed Malone Mr. Malone (Mr. Malone I Moondreams Moondreams I News Univ. Exolorerf Our Nation (Our Nation Mary Mercer line, but True (Catholic Hoar I intermezzo orcnestra . ajrenestra (Baseball 1 t Baseball Cods Curbstone Cods! Bandstand SIS Museum I Wax Museum I Wax Museum , Nocturne - Nocturne If they nave changed their clacks hack te Standard suae effective S assay Oil mart & CsTaria Rsltnm lem can be arranged. Apply Inde VM ajsu - j Willliari a vaUUI ncaiiors 1 penne. Lumber St Manufacturing 45Q Merchandise j 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous no YOU LIKE BOOKS? . We are selling our private library of w?vot , ch.urrb.'nte. Complete: Shakespeare, Browning. Tennyson. Poe. Lewis Carroll ana others. Historical novels, non-fic- tion. anthologies, children's classics. boys' books. Mystery: Complete El' lery Queen, Leslie Charteris, many others. Westerns: 59 B. M. Bower, 40 Zane Grev. etc Fantasy: MLR. 'SS&Stftt'SSSRl try; psychology, etc. Also nuge coi lection of Science Fiction magazines. Tea ucy, 4886 Kickman - Kd. out Front turn right at Keizer School. turn right at i emu s Nursery. Anj time except Monday evening. 1 9il uVtJ beams car Its. 173 S. Libertv COMBINATION Console radio Ac 1600 ft shake mould, mitre box 6c saw St other tools, rubber tire wheel bar row. S040 Madison NO MORE KIDS I Anyone want a bath- inette ana a strouer lor $2.30 ea.7 Ph. FISCHER grand niano. Ph. 34641. UNUSED baby scales, bassinette and bathinette. Reasonable. 824 Cade St. 1 SAMSON, toaster, like new,-$11. Ph. 33588. REMINGTON Gamemaster .32 cS. Mo- del 141. White Westiirghouse electric stove witn 3 ovens a s owners. Mea. size drag saw. 1980 N. Liberty. Z Wonted. Miscellaneous MAGAZINES and newspapers. City Waste Paper Co- 2595 Hollywood Dr, 2J975. WANTED at once: Medium size cat to i?T2oo M.0ft2n",rowthxcontact Ernest Parcher at W. Salem Lbr Co.. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593 dayi. 28134 eves . WALNUT and filbert drying wanted. aaa 1 Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatcherv. OLD JEWELRY, curiosities, lamps, etc rraaer ixmie. 3055 Portland Hd. $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24' to 40" small Doualas Fir logs I suitable for piling. High prices paid I for barkie poles and oiling call Al bany 1287 or write Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price lists. 474 Miscellaneous WANTED!! Sewings machines Dishes Cooking utensils Dining sets Bedroom suites Lamps Washers Electric ranges Refrigerators . Garden tools Davenos Pianos Trailers Sporting goods And what have you? Phone 2-5110 NOW WANT to buy complete household of furniture, will Dav too market once. Ph.3-5110. EXCH. Hawaiian guitar lessons for I what-have-vou. Ph. 20804. Dental Plate Repair CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg State & Com Ph 3-3311 WANT TO Buy used cameras St tenses McEwan Photo Shop. 433 stale. 476 Fuel 18" OLD FIR. One cord IS" applewood on ground, pn. 31533. Tri City Fuel Hand picked 1$ in. mill wood. Fresh cut screened sawaust. 12 In. clean Inside wood. ASK FOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 fTO Ltmbs. phT 22129 after 6 p.m is wooa Old and Second Growth Fir 1 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect ' Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon S CORD LOAD is" slab wood $11. Ph. Harold Anderson, 3-7751. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRT OR GREET SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS la. clean a nark SCREENED SAWDUST SURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND 8TOTE OIL Pboaa: Salam 2-4031 Asm pick up wood at 1525 Edgewate et w Summer Prices on hand picked 18 In. slab and old fir block wood. 1 Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-8024 LARGE 16" dry or green core wood. SDitt fnr rurnace 11 aesirea. suso ory planer wood for cook stove. R. H. Al- ten. 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph: 22382. Buy Winter Fuel Now m j 1. oh ioi . 1 GOOD 15-in. green edgings, 85 JO load. double load Sio. OREGON TUTL. CO. 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 ELMER BOTE Ph. 2-9453 - 2028 8. 12th. 15- Old Fir Veneer Cores rr:i . t?..i r i-LitLii r ay i uu xvr. 1 Clean sawdust, wood green or cry. 1 Stove-Diesel 01 is. aik tor penny ot Maa WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 24278. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities COMPLETE New Free List of Bud- "5JSieS5X "to Calif. Ariz. Nev. Orec. State Loca tion and Business desired. Write United Listing. Santa Barbara. Calif. WAHtNE-kEPAlR Shop This operating business is located In a town about la nuies xrom saiem, rich farming country. $10,000 and on terms buys the business, equipment AND THE PROPERTY. Ask for "Ed" Bristol E. A. McGlauf flin Broker 387 N. HI eh Ph. 2-8611 - 3-8814 FOR LEASE: Newly remodeled service stetion. Major company. All uUUties, Muinment St suDDlies furnished. Ph. 3-4703 Mon. thru Frt. 9 to 5. GARAGE Business. Plenty of work Parts at inventory. Equipment rea- sonahle. Call Hanson Mill Crtv 1988 Here It Is!! a chance for a sound investment In this 11 -unit almost new apartment house. Very little upkeep and ex pense. No furnace worries. $600 per montn income, price soo.uuu. locaiea North. If inflation continues, this property will appreciate.' MX. 2564 Money Maker!! Restaurant established 15 years In downtown location, netting approx $2000 per onth. - Everything for $7300. Terms to right party. No phone Information, please. Mi 1545. Reimann for Real Estate 201 So. Hlrh St Ph. 3-9203 GROCERY STORE, gas pumps, cabins ana pxg. neer on wway w n. wrae fng" mJ.,'UVll TV ". - - Box 145. I SERVICE STATION for rent. Bolly- wood dltt Ph. Mr. Moore. East iioe. Portland. tAVERM - RESTAURANT This la a very well equipped, up and foing nusuiess, near a live town. 18,000 buys the business and prop- enyat is yr rundown. Ask for "Ed" Bristol E. A. McGlauf flin Broker 267 W. High - Ph. 2-8811 3-8814 Septic Tank Service A big money maker. 1 man can handle. taii ju iorenz.' rt court ft. 2-4118 500 Business & Finance S02 Business Opportunities INVESTORS - APT. SEEKERS - ATTENTION . tll " umi jn . wu. structure. New refrigeratora and electric ranges. Loca tea in ouy- wood district Monthly Income of $625.00. Price $51,000. liberal terras. Owner may consider soma trade. Shown by appu . ROSTEIN & ADOLPH. INC., 110i N. Commercial St Phone 3303Q - Eves. 28846 - Live Wire Broker Want to step Into the best Real Estate ana Insurance location in saiemr If . so, drive out to 3365 Portland Road and talk to W. 3. Sullivan of the Sullivan Realty Co. No phone information. - FARM ana CITY LOANS 4tt ad 5 Tour owe terms of repayment wtthla reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 687 Court St. Ph. 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 181 S. Church St Ph. 8-537 Parking Aplenty Lie M18S-S154 SMALL knit Sc cift shoo. Good loca- tion. $950 including stock. Call 2007 N. CaDitol St. This down town Salem Shoe Repair hop is a going paying business. uooa lease, no pnone into, piease. EJ A. McGlauf flin Broker 367 N. High Ph. 2-86U 3-8814 S . t. w T""F uooa eaSBSBBSSSaSSSBBBBBMaiSBSMSSSaBBBBnMaai CASH - NOW Ofr AA trt CtTAA AA wuuu.uu Salem's largest and oldest home-own- ed loan company offers money when you need it I You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or helo from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $5004)0 On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today! Hear 'Top Trades" 13:03 dally KSLM. 1390 KC sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No 8138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S COMX ST CASH Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans Ill S Liberty Ph 4-2203 6000 to loan Ph 20794. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road " Next to bank. Free parkins. Fk. 2-7032 Lie No. M369-S291 Flovd Kenvon Mer Private Money On Can Trucks & Trailer Home Long or Short Terms Paymenta Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Phone 3-8161 600 Employment en? U1n MUrmimA OU eip Waniea Help Wanted lien tc women. Women between ages of 18-45 only, can be .accented. 5 runs wm run xrom 7 a.m. to a pjn. xrom 3 p.m. to it p.m. Please regis ter immediately. Paulus Bros. Packing Co. Mm & oxiora b04 Help Wantea. Male EXP. lumber grader. Brooklyn Lbr. Co Ph. 1125 Turner. - EXPERIENCED MAN to manage men's ana noys aepartment in a department store. Salary and commission. Opp. for future advancement Apply Rob erts Bros.. 177 N. Liberty, Salem KITCHEN HELP dishwasher. Steady. San Shoo. Portland Rd. ! BIDS wanted on labor for building of a duplex and garage apt Ph. 27708 or 2015 Myrtle. MAN with car wanted for route work $20 to $25 in a day. No age limit For information or Interview write Mr. IN MAN, 2423 Magnolia Street Oakland 7, cam. VEGETABLE Preparation man. NoK Restaurant. tfAjK S20 day I SeU SUybright Brass Name Plates for front doors. Write Hubstamp, S55-D Congress. WANTED - Men to lay aluminum roonng. uooa pay ny souare. per- Preferrsble. Call 28058 EXPERIENCED Resaw man. Contact O. U. Snider at West Salem Lbr Co.. low waiiaco tia. pn. 39583 days, 23973 eves WANTED top const, millwrights and one mgnt foreman wno must know lumocr. (Jail Tea Baicn. Salem 427l after 8 p.m. FURNACE INSTALLER. Top wages. Year around employment for right man. Write and give name, address, phone no. Personal Interview will be granted. Box 36, Statesman. WaJnTUI): Young married man for all around farm work, nr. or by mo. No smoking, box 31. statesman. WANTED: Experienced automotive parts counter man. top wages, do not appiy unless experiencea. soar ai, statesman. GENERAL skyard helper, must have some experience around livestock, rough carpenter ability, drive trucks tractors. Age between 28-35. Prefer ably married, steady year-round em ployment, pension plan. 8 hr. day. Apply Valley Packing Co. stock yards Mon Tues. or Wed. afternoon, 2-4 o clock. EXP, shingler. Ph. 4-2321 after 8 "pin EDGERMAN wanted, night shift steady work, union wages. Apply lnaepen dence Lumber a Manufacturing com pany. Independence, Oregon. cne u 1 U),. . 505 Help Want BO. female I EXP. Burroughs calculator opr. Write P.O. box m. SELL DRESSES FROM NEW YORK $5.95 up. Fifth Ave, N.Y. firm desires Lingerie. Hosiery. Seen "Vogue," "Mademoiselle.' Good commissions. Write for sample book. Modern Man ner. 260KM Fiftn Ave., wewjforic. Christmas card sallspeotlxt BIGGER EARNINGS WITH THESE BETTER VALUES Make top profits with sensational Name-Imprinted line 50 EMBOSSED Cards $1. Many other fast sellers. Amaxinc 21-Card $1 Assortments pay Sou $50 for selUng only 100 boxes, eligious. Gift Wraps, MetalUcs. Flo ral Stationery, many others. BIG CASH BONUS. SUrt earning now, cet TTir.E Imorint Sample. Assort- ments on approval. S T Y L A R T CARDS, U10 Santee, uept. mi Angeles 75. cam. -la jtiAMi' CHJUSlMAa uuuia I Earn $$ taking easy orders .for Xmas 1 and everv Qav and everyday cards. MeUllics. plas tics, A humorous. sUtlonery. wraps, novelties. Featuring the Harry Doehla line. Personal Imprints low as 50 for $1.00. Samples on approval. Imperial Cards, Dept. 1. ue a. tain, uom T22 T Commercial Placement Agency 153 S. Liberty Ph. 2-1488 NO REGISTRATION FEE Seey: 25-35, exper. . 9185 to $200 Steno, exp. $ 175-$200 Clk $140-8150 BOOKKEEPER Experience In all : phases of bookkeeping, age za-as. t Gooa salary,- transportation xrom za 1 v Co. Independence. Or. 606 Help Wanted. Female WOMAN for fountain St floor work. I Apply in person. Wiles urug store i AMBITIOUS GIRLS 18-24 TO TRAVEL CALIFORNIA and other western states. ALL TRANSPORTATION paid. STEADY year-around employment, NO EXPERIENCE necessary. CHAPERONED groups. GUARANTEED $175 per MO. to start. IMMEDIATE EXPENSES advanced. Mr. Hatfield. Senator HoteL v 10-12 a.m. AodIv In nerson. WOMAN wan tel for kitchen work. Whites Lunch, 1138 S. ComX No phone calls. ' LADY to work in our office with accts. rec. dept. Typing 8c shorthand neces- I sary. Permanent PosiUon. Apply Hoeg Bros.. 260 State. I EXPERIENCED waitress needed, neat efficient. sUrt 75c per hr. Participate I m oonus plan, call Arlington 270, l - Happy Canyon Coffee Shop, Arling. ion, uregon. - INVOICE Clerk, age 20 to 30. Trans porta turn from Salem can be arrana ed. Apply Independence Lumber and Mf. Co..- IndeDendence. Oreeon. GIRL or woman, general housework. cmiaren. room, board Phone 2-0747. salary. VANTkb experienced pantry lady and waitresses. Nigra work. Ph. 3-7632. 610 Sales Persons Wanted DISTRIBUTOR for household unit It is new, different, no one has it every- body wants it Well advertised at fair. Big com. Small investment. Mr. Hel- I man, Marion Hotel. No. 325 Tues, I Sept 26. ENJOY earning $85 weekly selling shoes direct. Experience unnecessary No I Investment Advance commission, bo- SMALL furnished house, suitable for nus. Free outfit Samples. Paragon either elderly or young married cou Shoes. 716Y Columbus. Boston. Mass. pie, no pets. South 12th St corner of INVENTION LONG NEEDED. Estab- lished company offers exclusive ter- ritory, big profits. Huge list of pros- nects. Easv demonstration, Free outfit Write Red Comet Inc. Dept 27ZB. Littleton. Colorado. Sell UNION LABEL Book Matches di- I rect from factory. Daily commission in advance plus merchandise bonus. FREE hi sellin Catalnv . n I after page of full color covers, cuts. I seuing .information that show your I customers vou renrenent a biff mm. I pany. W tell you who to see-what to say for big profit orders. ' 74. Monterey at TuUy Rd, San Jose. California. COMMISSION salesman wanted, flood aelling. Must have car. See personnel manaeer. Sears Roebuck t Cn Rulem APPLIANCE salesman for famous nam ed Maytag. Easy, Frigidaire, home appliances. Aoolv 115 S. Coml. St. GOOD opportunity to man who can sell mall subscriptions in rural area. Must have good personality. Experience neiprui but not essential. See Mr. Clark (Clrc Dept). The Statesman. 615 Situations Wonted CHILD CARE or baby sitting. Your nome or mine. Any time. Ph. 21945. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568 EXECUTIVE Secretary, bookkeeping S5Er...Snw rSM?hZ graduate. Excel, ref. Available im mediately. Rox S3 Statemsn. WOULD like to care for children in my home in W. Salem, days. Ph. 2-4638. CARE for children by day, my home! Ph. 24835 Painting & decorating. 6NING. 1610 Waller St. Eloise Walery paintinc & paper hang ine. Free estimates. rh. 2-2555. Landscape, pruning, lawn wk. P. 42B31. CEMENT work. All Kin da Ph. 2-4a5q Nancy's Nursery Ate Phone 2-4940 CURTAINS washed . stretched. 23448. INSIDE, outside, painting. Free est 27 339. CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th Ph 2-6878 PAINTING . PAPERING Sedrwick Phone 3-8918 HOUSEWORK wanted. Ph. 2-99017" ilAY Work fast efficient Bh. 3-MR4 LAWNS: Also leveling, light tractor on rubbe with dozer, etc Ph. 2-8117. Sidewalks, patios, patching, prompt service. . uraxe. pn. z-osix. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contrast Work Roads . CJearmg . Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'V yds . 10 B-4S yds D-7 Cat ft Doxer D-4 Cat St Dozer Bee us about ditching by the toot. Phone dy J-0408 Evenings 2-8248 or 8-4400 Salem Oregon BULLDOZING - LAND CLEARING. PLOWING L. C MITCHELL. PH. 35327 XUT6 PAiNtlNG lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor sm. , 700 Rentals TRAILER Space for right party In Deautuui country setting, auio laun dry, bathroom facilities etc In ex change for Dart time work. - trans portation and some salary. Box 43 & talesman 702 Slsepinrj Rooms. Board' al CaDitol St University. 740 Chemeketa CLEAN comfortably furn. rooms for adults, a Bed rooms, a closets, garage, on bus line, utilities paid. No pets. No drinking. Ph. 36258. CLEAN light hkpg. rm, pri. ent 735 N. Church. NICE furn. room for teacher or student 1040 N. Cottaee. Ph. 2-1578 eves. WILL board child 3-8 yrs. in my coun- try nome. near school Mrs. c u. Britton, Rt 1. Box 249. Dallas. Ph. I Z03. NICE ROOM for gentleman, outside ent. $4 week. Ph. 3-5768. CLEAN attractive slping rm, pri. bath. close in. lso s. istn. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. Phone 4357S VERY comfortable sleeping rms, ladies., wo Marion a capitoi. SLEEPING ROOM. Inquire H. L. Stiff. Furniture. Phone 3-8185 BOARD St ROOM for working girl $60. Call afternoons. 325 S. 16th. Ph. 37818. 703 Wanted Rooms, Board QUIET Huch School boy desires resi dence for Room and Board. Phone a-9uj 703 Apartmemts For Rsnt 3 rm. turn, apt. PB. 28424. ' 4 RM. furn: flat, close In. Priv. bath, $85. Ph. 22532. LARGE 3 rm.' apt, well Xurn, close in. seu. 99 n. cottage. UNFURN, liv. rm, kitchenette, bath. Stove, refrig, wall bed 8r utuities furn. Near University. Ph. 29221 after fur&mAPT. t rS'pr'iv. b.th. refrig, ..Kg1,1?!: 4? if- l3t.h ,- . ' ; . NICE 2 rm. furn. apt, incL gas, heaX water, aw. ow a. i.puui. DEPENDABLE woman to share rent of SS LSI Pl water, su. ow a. pitoi. me. Call at 1528 24. Cottage for Miss Hsu who win be movmr soon. WORKING CIRL Will share very nice all elec. cottaee with another work ing girt Ph. 41860 all day Sat, Sun. or after 8 p.m. weekdays except Wed. or see at 2173 Maple. 1 RM, court apt. Elec. stove and refrig. for couple. 1664 S: 13th St S RM Furn apt refrig, priv bath, garage. 1475 N. ComT 2 RMS. Close In. Adults. Ho drinkers. Inn. 740 Chemeketa furn. Ina. H. L. Stiff Furn- 8-8183.' 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent NICE turn, apt Close in. Adults, fh. -'' w Juason. - ; LOVELY turn. 3 rm.. priv. bath, refrig, - garage, close tn. $60. Ph. 3-3000. fURN. Apt, for rent. 2860 S. Com'l. LARGE Furn 1 rm for 2. Lge closet an utilities rurn. sjo. 340 K, wash NICE Fum aptl Redec. good ioc Adults 107S N rn(tol Ph M7M VERY desirable apartment 2 rmi., bath. umuro, n.w. neai, garage, seo. fa. NEW 2 rms & bath. Partly furn. 1065 Madison Ph. 28067. 3 RM unfurn apt Elec ranee, utii rni.0wnr "f4 Urger home. Thia one av. uq. ipi no. l, aou a. lain. pn. 26396. 3 RM. apt furn, grnd fir. Priv bath At ent 2310 N. Fourth St ijnj e- U nouses TOT Item FURN. COTTAGE. UtiL pd. Ph. 29829 or 23212. - 3 km. HOUSE partly furn. Not modern. Suitable for 2. $25 mo. Ph. 34842. 3 Bit. HOME, insulated, fireplace, gar. Partly furn. or unfurn. Ph. 22335. RANCH STYLE 2 B R. hse. . suburban location in S. Salem. Partly furnished. Available in October. No children or Bets. 85 mo. Ph. 25355. HOUSE FOR LEASE. Close in. nice dis- irict, 11 rooms, 2 complete batns. 2 kitchens, all newly remodeled. Full basement. Must give reference. See owner. 255 Center St. FOR RENT: 4 B.R. house, close in. Gd. location. Fireplace, furnace, dble. garage, on comer, pn. 3-8121 in dus. t-. e M i L. firs, atiooi nignw anu oun, LGE 2 B.R. HOME. Immed. possession. $60 mo. Located 915 Jefferson St See Ben Colbath Realtor. Ph. 24532. fOh RENT: Lee hse partly furn.. $65, May be seen btwn. 1 : 3 pjm bun dav at 1369 S. 13th. OaK Hill. Ph. 2-6247. Mrs, miioro 5 RM. turn. hse.. 140 K. 23rd near state institutions, vac. Oct. 1st. Call 2-9835. j 3 B.R. HSE oil ht.. close in N.. $60 1 mo. H. M. Perry. 34a a. view pi. CAtt CVt. .11 .1.-4.1- 1 t.OT. tnII7Z I frnn f-,.JLLJ t. 1. r r,r ttmnt 708 rarms. IraCtS gar Item 50 A. suitable for mint. Call at 290 W, Hoyt St or ph. 3-8652. in a WmtaH tn Rant 7Ua Wantea to Item 2 BEDROOM house by steady employed man 81 wife with 1 child. Inside city limits. Phone 27903. refrir. fum. Employed epie wiiu 1 .m.lf hnv. Ph. 25198 after 5 gMTfATflR, wife- yearjld child desire unfurn. 2 bedroom house or court in Salem. Call 458 Monmouth collect. LIST with Colbath Land Co. to rent 1 . ... nmn.rtv Mil Vet thS rrr, SSi! coUecttoM 710 Wanted To Rent Houses I ADULTS would like permanent rental of suburban house and acreage, rea- sonable, references given, rn. 714 Business Rentals R KENT: Be.uttful suite of office. on Liberty 5t across irom isj ri i 1 bank, Perfect xor proie.on FRONT ROOM suitable lot office or small snop. wroou omuiu, - St.. upstairs. sToRBoft orricE located on hmf mjsiN;ss Koom m l. on 800 Real Estate BBssBsswsssssssse"eBB1,",",,", Englewood - . -m ith it.lnriv In to un . TT w - " ,. nruanea room, IU". -""- "IT- - . Hth irenlce. din tag rm. on large lot close to Engle wood school. This won't last long at $8,500. gooa terms. . Enelewood Lot Corner lot Very choice location on Madison street. xv. Good .Family Home - t lu.lntf rm and dining rm COnY Mi.aw -::r r... t v...it4n. KLJ i.Til 50x150 FuU "J"K' ,V MoiV-TneTudin stoves. price only h,uu. ukiihuui $1,000. will nanaie. East Moreland One of the finest 2 bedroom homes we a ii-i.J 1 eiavtA l7lga llVe I F1YV llliCU SIS "Vlirc a-aasawi. in rm with fireplace, dininf rm. Kltcnen witn nxw. on uwii .MtrfnnMl mil inaulated. An eXCCP' tlonaUy well buUt home, priced at 81100. o. lyrocery oiorc I TViwntnwn market handling groceries IS mode nJlw 'gZJZ good buy at 5.5O0. plus inventory of aoDrox. $3,000, JMURPHY & KENT u.rt..TjuTu.Iiiurinet Phone 4-2293 Eves: Anderson 2-1'; Mumpnreys 2-(oo Permanent Rentals I owner anxious to- sell lovely s unit i cottage courts, rawucm ..-uwu. Terms arranged Modern 2 B. R. home, nice lot Near mmmgm- . -v " Grade 8c High School. Trade on larger borne. Attention Kmvm m number of farms to trade on Income property, wnat nave you ATTENTION Have parties wanting 3 bdrra home. North end sio.ooo to iz,uw . Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE Ph. 20103 day or eve Cheerful Suburbans a Bdrm Ranch style home. Brick flower boxes across front xwo gar age. Fireplace. Dining room. Gooa lanriaanin ncKaibilitiee with back yrd pool fSuttu RtfuL lli2 It's A Treat to Eat In the kitchen of this 3 Bdrra. ranch J. v,. -t - rinn..Hvin vn FireDlace. 'Trees. Large lot Good garden soil. North off River Road. tunm -rrrvfrr A Tvr,V T 1. CjU VY J. U A V-1V, XtCdllUl 228 N. Com! St Off. 2-5211 Eve. Sc Sun. 2-8058 - 2-888S 804 Suburban rWALD AVE: 3 ACRES, Ideal for Subdivision, City water and electricity avauaoie. $2500.00 rash. Ed D. Potter, Realtor j$ g High St Ph 3-3830 "WE HAVE heavily wooded homesite, wonderful west view oetween - an - deleria Hts. and city, about ne acre, private road for 1. to one piece. bity watef. Mr. Mrs. C. S. Emmons, pyjt HW! n.i kw iij i vmvui 2 B.R. Suburban 8 yr. old. 900 sq. ft Mv space, att gar. Range St refrig foes. Lge fir trees on back of ft A. lot $7000 takes It $2000 down. Walter MusgrW Realtors "P'tw Ph. 351W eves 38904 SI 1 " UUUUlvaii Owner leaving, has reduced price to S00.1 Brm.K.. with nook. Oil T"--- - f-r ,3 ?v,e-flTwIi lanuscapcu. oe mm ' C W. Reeve Realtor 80 S. Commercial " Ph. 34590 - - Eve. 39536 or 31142 I f wiAt m niSTRICT J Attractive 2 bedroom bungalow, dto Ing room. Hdw floors. Insulated, corner lot (100x120) Garage, pave ment 2 blocks to Bus. Price Is rea sonable at SW3W.UV icrna. I ' 17 J ft " T I 211 S sllga S . r 800 Real Estate ISAAK'S BEST BUYS Large Family -" $ B Jt. on main floor, older type, tn good cond Insulated, weatherstrip ped. 3 Blks. to school, new oil furn ace, prtcea at only $8500. $1500 down will buy this one. , Just Listed has a basement X ear carace. toaved st, fireplace, furnace, hdwd, firs. uie price is oruy $B5W. Terms avail able. r Worth the Money Almost new. close to Highland & St Vincent 'scriooL. owner leaving state. uom 01 storage room upsUirs. As a matter-of fact the upstairs can be used for bedroom. This home beinr offered at the appraisal price of $7800 riLA. terms. Call for Mr. Dan Isaak. eve. ph. 4-3533 or tax., van jucecs eve. pn. 20911 Farms and Acreages 83 Acres of Willamette silt soil, mod. 3 B Jt. home, close to prosperous town. 30x40 barn. ' 24x90 chicken house, well. S acres nuts, 4' acres boysenberries. We believe this is a good farm & worth the money. Total price ais.ouu. Terms arranged. 18 Acres Close In -Mod. 3 B JL home. Willamette soIL several lge, out buildings. This place has many possibilities. The price Is oniy sio.eao. terms arrangea. Central Howell 73 acres Willamette soil, good mod. home. Ike. outbuUdinffs. extra 3 rm. I nome. tuu line or farm macnlnery can be bought, good well, asking price oniy sjj.750. UDerai terms. ' near small town, house, barn, vMf keiL,hou';, fre".,15w. b7rlefc " .. wm v&wv uuw u. ioiai once mhuo. Call for Mr. Leavens, eve. ph. 3-4739 Mr. Investor 40x138 store building, choice location. trJflv.:"rri!Il room for another apt, alley, the price iS; oniy sju.uuu. Apartment Very fast growinr district No. a rnn we oeueve tnis locauon is one of the best Owner will to sell this property ivr amy u,uuu. Motel w umu piua uvihjj quarters, in units furnished, good t route fishing on adjoining property, owner m uesperate to seu. i ne price nas been reduced to $18,000. Owner will ac cept otner property as part payment lung ior Mr. ueii. eve. pn. 2-7674 Al Isaak & Co., ffealtor roruano ta. fit. a-YKzu or z-t39e t Eve. Ph. 2-0511. 2-7674. 34735 or 3-3558 gQ2 Businesa Premsntw DUBmwl Property "'' " mi. gooa location, living quarters and lease, sauuo nius inventory. Box si Rttsnistr-- UcKSMITrt & .Welding shop, in town. Would like to sell shoo & equip, by Oct 6. Box 64 co 0 UNIT Court located 1240 Chemek 1 eta St each nouse has 1 BR nlr I LR. with flrplc and hdw firs. Kit 1 wim noox, oatn, elect ranges & I reiriaeraiora. tenants n h..t a. lights, income 8520.00 per MO price uvw, uoerai terms arrangea. Larsen Home & Loan Co.,DR ha,Tf- i!!? m s rnmi cf ntr sma v ..... $4500 Terms Small hse. on back of lot N. fnm. merciai at. Kent lor 930. per montn. punaoie ior cus. prop. C. W. Reeve Realtor 880 S. Commercial Ph. 84500 r-ve 39938 or 3II42 Office Open Sunday WILL SHOW Tmrs a, nrirnm MOD. AUTO COURT. TERMS. $26,500 New Apt. Hse. $52,000 Have other lower priced rentals WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE "oerty Phone 37113. Salem 806 Houses For Sale" Office Open Sunday WILL SHOW THESE & OTHERS New Mod. 2 Br. Hse. $6850 Easy Terms North want a INew Homer For $7779. Small dn. pay.1 153 s. ma . . J II A. MOD 2 tonsiaer $iduu un. $6850 MODERN 1 BJIM. HSE. About A. North, dose in. Bus Sc Sen. ftiifc. Oir Hm LOVELY NEW HOME NORTH $8500 aaou, 9 rms. Terms, north $4750 WII.I.WMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. Salem ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BETTER value? see una late built 2 BJt I home, oak floor, nice livin rm. uti. i mis xuie. onir ujou. Temu. 1 $1750 down, bat like rent. 2 yrs. old 5 rm. house, attic, paved street, re. strictea district, immed. nossession. $7350. ' 3327 Neef Ave. Tivelv 1 R1L tuun nice iiv, ana am. rm., n.w. xioors, fireplace, lots of closet space, base - ment furnace, finance to suit the buyer. Call for SDDointment - N. Salem. Good 4 BJt home. Just rite xor tne growing lamuy, urepiace, cun. T000: !"r't " rurnace, i block to school. $8,950. 4 loan. R. E. MEREDITH or B. M. MASON 178 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 3,i BJt mod. home in beautiful setting among large oax trees, l acre, cnicx. en nouse, xruit trees, paved streets. $8950 with only $1000 down and $53 per mo. FRANK GRAFF REAL ESTATE I 5891 N. River Rd. Ph. 28248: eve. 20142 2 ACRES OP STRAWBERRY LAND Keizer. A good buy. $5200. FRANK GRAFF REAL. ESTATE gg1 jZZT SV4 IT' f I BY OWNER: 3 BJL house 6 le. lots. ?T1"L ot Cherry and Pine. Terms. . . f, , ' 2 BJt HOME. 8 yrs. old. attached ga I rage, auto, hot water beater, jfire- I place, ven. blinds, Iioor rurnace, Iioor ed attic, lot 80x160. 813 Edina Lane.) Ph. L2292. NEW 2 BJt mod. home, large rooms. hardwood floors. Price $7350, good terms. L. W. SVARVERUD REAL ESTATE 535 Hood Phone 3-7628 $1900 SMALL 2 rm. hse, lights, water. no batn. some xurn, pavea. iw b. 20th. $200 worth of lumber. $400 down. Inq. 549 N. cottage. I fs'EW 2 BJL house, reasonable terms to 1 rieht person. Call 2-6672 or B33 Mill st I LiJOO 3"Bd home SE. S H$&nd School. $1,500 I ej sooi.ooo down. 2 hoi ' . t i r . diocks xrom down. houses ea one lot On a rented for 135.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. (Realtors in S. Kirh Phone 5-4121 vtevdwj honj. r fmg. tlttO.dn., Aasume FJlA. I loan an mwraui. iw " i mj p.nr. j. t $8.750-A ttracU ve modern 2 Lii borne , cloje StVtocont SchooLBa nr.,r. nreoiace. xerma. aVSwVer ciia 1'BD home with 'rTZvinii o tA Mrnim. Corner KtT HW 'floors, fireplace. Mob Hill we r tt fioo down. BaL $50 per mon. 3 rm home McKinley -School Dist Basement furnace, unfin. attic, gar age, corner lot - Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors'" 153 S. High Phone 2-4121 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale MOD. SUB. 4 B.R. "home, hdwd. flm utii. rm. Lge. liv. rm. din rm mea. Kit Ideal loc. Close to school tc bus. 2150 Lansine Ave. Ph. 23180. I CARPENTER BUILT 3 bedroom unfin- ished home. Located 3656 Midway drive wnich is ust east of Hawthorne ana one block south of Center street Car penter work completely finished out -side and prime coat of paint i on. Plumbing roughed in and shower and natn tun tn place, tiectrie wiring in. Only $4700. and nearly 1200 so. ft floor space without figuring the ga rage. Lot 70x162. - OLAF THONSTiD REAL "ESTATE ' Phone 3-7903 841 N. Capitol Street Possible $1000 Down BUYS THIS EXCELLENT. X bdrra Home with LR. DR. Hdwd firs. Fire- puce, unxinisned upsUtrs. attached garage. Located just off Center St Price $7950. Terms $1000 down and $50 month. . , $850 Down : NEW 2 Bedroom Home with 4 acre or ground. Meeds some finish work done on the inside. Price $5000. Possible $1000 Down BUYS NEW 2 Bedroom Home on large lot north. Hdwd firs, auto heat ex cellent kitchen. Attached - garage. Price $6950. . ' r- - Possible $1000 Down Older type home located on "B" St witn upstairs apt. rental. Good lo cation close to High School. Price $5850. ... SEE THESE NOW - - Eve. Phones 25219 or 41868 COLBATH LAND CO.. REALTORS 1683 Center St Phone 24 FAIRMOUNT HILL AI.I. VIT.W IWluf reception hall, sunken LR. f with beam ceilings, fireplace, Lge.1 view windows with spacious decky DR jut nook. 1 nice bedrooms cn one floor with plenty of closets. Lgo. -basement with recreation room, fire place, view windows, entrance to patio. 2 car gar. Secluded bv Oaks. THIS IS SALEM'S MOST EXCLU SIVE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. - tro"- ANOTHER, FAIRMOUNT HILL ALL VIEW HOME for $24,000. KTNGWOOD DRIVE VTEW HOME. S nit. lr4 Fireplace, extra lge. DR beautiful grounds with patio, fire, place, trees. 'secluded. $19,850. Pose. Oct 1. - 1 4 HIGHLAND AVENUE 2 BR. Large LR. witn new narawooa xioors. base ment in excellent condition, $6500. Terms, immediate possession. ACRE ON DALLAS PAVEMENT only one mile from bridge, $ room hse 2 BR. down. Oil floor furnace, lge. garage, chicken hse. Oaks and fruit trees. This la a bargaa for $8000 cash. v. Atiu suuia in nr Grove. Z BE I . home newly decorated, plumbing. t smx. Electric Water beater, all new. only $4200. , ; Larsen Home & Loan Co. I W1...J.,. T I : . . . , I , ; i ' c tif ? e. ii. , .Sf 1 VKm 1 j-qjoj Don't miss this. Located on N. 14u st. a aun nome, targe living room, fireplace, double- plumbing, full basement plus rental income of $53. .per month. Close to Hi -sen, Capitol Shopping Center, Sc bus. For only 4 BDR home. S down and 2 up, H.W. urs. urepiace. full basement nice lawn, bus bv door, dm to Keiaaw , ach. Price $13,500. 1 - - 2 BDR borne. H.W. firs throughout. ii replace, run casement, nicely la no scaped, with about , acre of ground. Bus by door, close to Keizer Sea. Price $11450. GEO. W. HUBBS CO. , 1853 N. Capital St. ' Bus. Ph. 33031 , Eve. Ph. 26862 - Eve. Ph. 23868 J. Zees. Mer. - $7,850 Clean modern 2 BD home 1 mgn au Auto ou rurnace. Earge lot Close to schools. Fruit St Nui trees. Immed. Poss. Terms. ' Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S. Hirh - Phone 2-4121 MILL STEAM 6 rm. home Sc 3 b.r. Afa tractive, comfortable. Elec heat fire nlace.' Closets. 1498 Marion. Ph. 36771. $5.000 '.i Acre with Small neat 2 ETJ nome East. Elect, neat Bus at doo. Immed. Poss. , STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors Phone 8-4121 BJL furn home. Lota et water, berries, fruit, nuts. Sell equity. Will take late model car. Ph. 23024. $13.000 Clean late built 2 BD home' exclusive out. Auto oil furnace. Beautiful garden. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors - 153 S. High Ptione 5-4121 i B kT home. lse. lot reasT terms to reliable party 3810 Monroe. CHEAPIES $1350 Full Price I uniwunLu a oarm wot vm 1 large lot north. $90 . down wtd I nanaie. I .. eirt T-.li T?. I QLyJJ I Ull mce i New 2 Rm house on Urge lot north. l LighU and water. Some furnitur foea in sale. Frontage ea Silvertosi Road. TERMS. $2450 Full Price 2 Bedroom house and 1 acre with highway frontage 8 mile out LIB ERAL TERMS. $2750 Full Price I jT., . ,BEHOOM HOME Witt north. Terms $750 down. SEE THESE NOW Eve. Phones 25218 or 41888 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1883 Center St. Phone 24552 . $5900 With Terms 4 rm. old house St gar, furn, close ts s. in bus. zone. Res. or. nus. pa. owner. 2-1810 days $15,000 & Worth It PTAII-I ll'ITT. W1VRRTN : RlDnM wovcr. AND YARD.- 2 or. h-. d.r k lge unhty Sc att garage, ouuid firepl. nice shrubs. Shown by app. '.. only. . . $11,500 Well Spent FOR THIS HOUSE ALSO In Manbrta garden. Lot 80x140 nice fenced la ack yard. 1 lge br. Lr, d.r, ear. peted waU to waO. Elec heat and at gar. rou wxu dii uua piwv. $10,500 in Englewood 2 yr old 2 br home Lr, firepl. dinette, k. att gar. auto oil beat - E. L. Gray Real Estate . Phone 27892 1318 State St. Eves 24351 Mrs. Lindsay 34094 or A. Gowen 418S1 pjucE REDUCED FOR ; nTTtnV C A T t? I j;i VJAVXa. i3ALij II uo . jr.t-. AMmIm1 Jre 2f- Leeli nTcic yardT Lo? , cated In fine neighborhood. This 18 ; an ideal small family home. Prlcf : Is now $10.OuO. Terms. Shown by appt Ask for Max. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH. INC. U0t K. Commercial St Phone gy;tO gves. 28848 BT.owyia-4 kouss - - J?. On 1 lot newly redecorated. See and -' compare with any buy in town; Ph. 2-1422 for details. -. . ' , . ' ' - - 8 9 1Fi -is f - ii--- , Jk