The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 22, 1950, Page 40, Image 40

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    12 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday. Sept. 22. 1950
Tall. E
ediomm to Dairlc F
asier iLiinies bo
eafure MensG
Big Choice
Of Styles,
Taller, easier lines in medium to
dark tones mark. the new fash
Ions for men this fall of 1930. ,.
Lighterweight fabrics have won
the male heart completely and will
carry on to fall along with a var
iety of flannel, tweed, Shetland and
cheviot suits. Lightweights will
also be featured for topcoats with
saxonies, tweeds and Shetland.
. Colors, taking a middle-of-the-road
path, suggest the return of
brown to the conservative male
fashion fold. Browns can be ex
pected to be seen in all shades
from fawn and cocoa to rich, deep
- tones. Blue, too, promises to make
a successful return. And grey,
ever a menswear favorite, will
hold its favored fashion place in
the natural to oxford grey tones.
Many Plaids
Tartan plaids, popular for
sportswear and evening through
the spring and summer months and
prized by the girls, too, will again
be available i for the choosing In
sport coats, caps, sport shirts, belts,
suspenders and any number of
other almost indispensable mens
wear Items.
In keeping with the tallef lines
of fall 1950, stripes are expected to
delight the short fellow and flatter
the six-footer when they really
take over during the coming 'sea
son. Manufacturers plan to pres
ent them in close-set pin stripes all
the way to exaggeratedly wide-set
chalk stripes.
Twe Buttons
Typical of the suits men will
wear this fall are- two-button
styles with lapels a trifle longer
than last year. The 3-button, single-breasted,
narrow lapel suits
men wore so successfully during
the past fall and winter seasons
will also be abundant during the
coming season. ,
Sport coats, in camel hair, clan
plaids and tweeds, promise extra
style-zip with center-back vents
and a many as 3 to 4 patch pock
ets. Other sport models will be
side vented with a flap ticket pock
et placed above the regular flap
pocket. -- i ,
Topcoats for fall offer a more
casual outlook than ever with rag
Ian sleeves, balmacaan collars, and
tweed ! fabrics and ' plaid linings
used very frequently. : .
Bells at her belt, bells at her
toes, this is predicted to become
the most wanted costume jewelry
fashion of the new school year for
girls from grades one through
seventh-and-eighth termers.
Br., U
X W T to
7C4 W f
Suit and Jopcoat Standout
1 I i
p : . j ; : : ; f I
j - "
I ;
Crisp and long-wearing wool
sharkskin Is making Fall fash
ion news In this clean cut,
ingle breasted model. A bnsl-
' ness man's favorite.
Women's Rainwear
No Longer Ugly;
Now Stylishly Slim
To "be fashionable In the rain Is
the easily obtainable goal for this
Raincoats, once ugly necessities
available only in a minimum of
unbecoming styles, are now just as
smart In sunshine as they are be
neath water-shedding clouds.
Aside from water - repellency,
fashion and flattery come first In
the design of newest rainwear gar
ments. Raincoats are stylishly slim, ap
pearing in boy-type styles and 3
way belted designs. Often they
have deep armholes to facilitate
ease of wear over heavy winter
suits. r - - -
Flannel, colorful plaids and
tweeds stress the trend to up-the-minute
fashion rainwear. And vel
veteen is used, just as on dresses
and suits, for collars, cuffs and
matching hats.
' To complete a perfect ralntime
ensemble, water-repellent hats are
more and more replacing the hoods
expresses the fashion
Men's wear fashion leaders have
chosen this new coat of fine
wool covert as a leader for Fall,
1959. It has modified square
Glasses Are No
Handicap Now
Strictly historical are those un
lamented days when girls removed
their glasses at parties to squint
nervously for a seemingly endless
Now, glasses are treated as cos
tume accessories. A minimum eye
glass wardrobe consists of deep
amber frames for tweeds, speckled,
striped or plaid frames for day
time woolens, and dazzler rhine
stone studded or gilded frames for
party life. Just for looks, anyway
you take it, are tiny glasses stolen
straight from an eighteenth cen
tury scholar. They promise to sit
on the noses of the smartest col
legiennts this fall.
Glasses are toted In fashiony
cases of lame, mock fur, red plush
and jet beaded black satin. ;
Sport skirt news for fall Is the
reversible skirt of wool with a
olid tone on one side and a modish
plaid on the other.
playing light
end shadow on a bonnet
profile of f In
ftlf. Forerunner
cf tht rising fashion
of Jewel CKcenrt.
Appearance Major
The College Man of 1950 real
izes that one of his important as
sets is his appearance and he in
tends to make the most of it.
This conclusion was arrived at
following a recent survey of 20
colleges In every i section of the
country . by manufacturers of
men's furnishings. .
The survey Indicated some in
teresting changes in the college
approach to attire. Most notable
is the fact that color has at last
officially "arrived. not the color
that shrieks, or the purple shirts
ana-pmk-tie type of combination,
but color used tastefully and har
moniously. 1
Regional : difference were, of
course, apparent In the results of
the survey turned up, but there
were several basic universal.
Our Store Is Known
Dy tho Company It Keeps-
Louis Both
Ipper Craft
m .
0 twr
. . .LA
la leW
in Success
College boys almost unanimously
favor single-breasted suits, grey
flannel In the east, blue gabardine
in the mid-west, , brown ' tweeds,
mostly herringbone in the west,
and tropicals in the south. .
Favorite topcoat, ' the country
over, is the fly-front,' flap-pocketed
covert.-The classic V-neck,
long-sleeved sweater was also a
national winner. . : -i :
The survey also . discovered a
trend for longer and narrower
ties, with the new "streamliner
shape the most popular. Dress
shirts will sport stripes and the
traditional button-down collar
oxford shirt t will continue' Its
great popularity. - " r - '
Most exciting news In the shirt
department Is the ever-growing
popularity of sport shirts,
Clipper Craft
. . a. iie
Campus oCadj
- - v ; i
BROTHEB .ACT .'. . Junior can
fat husky corduroy slacks and
w LjnJ w
. XT :
60.00 i . A. . a V
: ---7- . , W :'
39.30 " ( 'I - At I'- .v "A .
We extend a cordial ' u
U Invitation to everyone - ' 11
to visit our store
during Fall Opening! V ,
i wi . i mi na v ...... . pi
iv ........
for JPialdst
dress Just like Big Brother this fall,
washable shirts In bold lalds.
More Ease in
Latest of Slacks
More comfort, style and fabric
interests are the features men call
for most in their slacks, according
to a recent survey by David Lewis,
menswear, fashion authority.
And that Is just what the new
fall and winter slacks offer.
Waists that can be adjusted te
both pre and post dinner propor
tions, rubber strips to- keep shirt
tails firmly out of sight, the elinv- -ination
of the belt and the con
sequent nied-in-the-middle" feel
ing, all add up to greater comfort.
This year's slack fabrics vary
more than ever before. They range
all the way from the staple gab
ardines and flannels to irridescen
worsteds, corduroys, nylon-wool
blends and Imports. ; v . :
Tremendous pockets are an ab
solute must and often "make' thie
fall's coats.
Open :
hi & Mon..
TilL.9 P.M