The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 22, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    t The Statesman.- Salem; -Oregon.' fridayy- Sept- 22. 1850
Cave Dwellers'
Homes Found
In Aleutians
AD AK, Alaska, Sept. 2MV
Tbe homes of ancient cave dwel
lers have been found by Univer
sity of Michigan scientists on an
unnamed rook in the Aleutian Islands.
The discovery was reported to
the naval operating- base here to
day by Ted Bank, former Univer
sity of Idaho football coach who
beaded a University of Michigan
expedition ending- its second sum
mer in the islands.
He said the tiny Islet with the
caves lies a Quarter-mile off the
southwestern tip of Tanaga island.
The scientists tentatively - have
named it "Michigan Rock."
Bank and two companions reach-
ed the rock after a four-hour struf-
ge through tide rips In a ruDoec
re raft from their field camp on
They found several ancient Al
mt.t hiirUl sites on the rock, bat
said their big discovery came when
they entered the cave ana reamcu
Ik had been used as a permanent
dwelling place by many genera
tions by cave aweiiers.
They said more recent Aleuts
used caves usually as storage or
burial vauns, dui uvea u u
underground sod-covered huts.
"Conditions in the cave sug
mted it will nrove to be extreme
ly- old," Bank said. "The discov
ery is more important than the
several ancient burial sites we un
The exnedition members, dig
ging into the hard-packed floor of
trie cave, xouna cusnncx layers ot
organic material, including sea
urchin shells, fish bones, sea otter
bones, whale bones, grass matting
used for wrapping mummies, and
parts of wooden boat frames.
Bank said top portion of a
human skull, unusually thick, also
was .found.
Specimens of the various earth
layers. ' indicating successive oc
cupations of the cave, will be
analyzed this winter In laborator
lea in an effort to determine how
long ago' they were laid down by
amaen. man.
t. NEW YORK, Sept. 21-P)-Film
Actress Madeleine Carroll was
f married recently in Spain to the
o-year-oia publisher of Life
magazine, Andrew Heiskell, a
spokesman for the magazine said
1 2-7823
Now! Starts at Dusk!
-Cartoon Carnival!
' Diana Lynn .
v-. CSicrdes Coburn .
V- ! Oiarlotte
- Greenwood -
In Technicolor
Vincent Price
Dies Dnw
"Bazoo of Arizona"
Stalls Wedding
Wedding bells won't ring for
Nellie Ferguson and Joseph Mon-
dell here tonight because he is in
a McMinnville hospital recuperat
ing from an emergency appendec
tomy. ,
Confronted with the prospects of
a churchful of guests and no
groom, the bride's mother Mrs.
Charles Ferguson of Salem ap
pealed to The Statesman last night
to inform friends that the wedding
has been postponed.
The groom is a resident of eu
GI Prisoners
Identified in
Korea Photos
.-- i' V
Mac neturns
To Tokyo After
War Survey
By Russell Brines
TOKYO. Sept. 21 -V Assured
the Seoul front, was stabilized,
General MacArthur returned to
Tokyo tonight from Korea.
He appeared weU satisfied with
the progress of the drive on the
Korean capital, and a spokesman
said the general was not called
back to Japan by any emergency.
MacArthur visited briefly aboard
the battleship .Missouri before re
turning to Japan in his new Con
stellation plane, "Scrap" name
taken from his title, supreme com
mander of a'lied powers.
Upon leaving the mighty Mo he
said he had a "funny feeling," but
did not explain It. It was on the
Missouri that MacArthur accepted
Japan's surrender Sept 2, 1943,
Unarmed flans
The general's plane, unarmed
and unescorted, flew over 120 mi
les of enemy territory on the trip
back to Japan from Kimpo air
field. 12 miles northwest of Seoul.
As the big wing winged home
ward, UJ5. marines were reported
fighting their way into Seoul and
Brig. Gen. Courtney Whitney said
the front was stabilized.
MacArthur visited the Inchon.
Kimpo and Seoul fronts after di
recting last Friday's beachhead
landings from offshore.
Back at the Tokyo airport, the
general greeted his troop com
manders and embraced Mrs. Mac-
Arthur. . He walked to his car
with an arm around his wife,
smiling broadly.
Ashland Crop
Loss Laid to
Rain Preventer
ASHLAND, Ore- Sept 21 (JP-
A local grain farmer, charging
major crop loss because "rain had
been shot from the sky to prevent
hail damage to pear crops,'
threatened court action today.
H. i. ciaycomb. farmer and re
tired businessman, said he was
circulating petitions asking for
funds to brine suit against any
"individual, company or corpora
Hon responsible for this great
He claimed that pear-growers
were robbing the area of Its na
tural rainfall by sending up plane
pilots to break up cloud forma'
tions before they reach the Rogue
river valley to prevent hail storms
which has caused serious damage
in years past
Ciaycomb estimated Lis damage
at $4000 and said 500 others de
pendent on rainfall for their crops
had suffered similar damage.
His petitions called upon farm
ers, stockmen, dairymen and lum
bermen to estimate their losses
and contribute funds on a com
parative basis. The best attorneys
available would be hired, he said.
Rainfall has been light In the
area this year only 2.85 inches
from April to September, com
pared with an average of 4.31 in
ches. -
But ' pilots who succeeded in
Dreventina hail storms in the re
gion the past two summers denied
they were responsible for the lack
of rain.-1 - .
"The fact is, that most rain fell
during June, the month when we
were busiest fighting hailstorms.
Harvey Brandau, a former navy
pilot, said. "There was a total of
1.27 Inches that month, nearly
twice the normal June rainfall
He said material used for seed
ing clouds does not prevent rain.
but merely checks the growth of
Two grange organizations in the
region are on record opposing any
aerial operations against the
clouds. But another favored hir
ing its own rainmakers to "milk
the clouds.
RainmaJdng experiments are to
be. conducted in three eastern
Oregon dryland counties this fait
NEW YORK, Sept 21-(flVFirst
photographs described as from a
North Korean prisoner of war
camp gave new hope today to
a number of American families
that their missing men still are
Families across the nation
huddled around the pictures and
recognized a son or a husband
who officially is listed only as
"missing in action."
The photographs were distrib
uted by the Associated Press. They
were obtained from Eastf oto, a
New York: picture agency, which
said it received them from the
China Photo Service in Peiping,
China. -
Captions on the pictures, mail
ed from Peiping the second week
in September, gave purported
names and hometowns of some
of the prisoners. - The Associated
Press showed the pictures to the
families in the United States in
an attempt to confirm the iden
tifications. 'Yes. that's Billie," said Mrs,
William H. Stansbury, of Kansas
City, Mo- viewing one of the
Her son, William, 19, was re
ported missing In action July U
- "It's a relief to know what hap
pened to him," she said. "You Just
anything. It's a lot better now."
Her husband declined to con
firm the photograph as that of
Billie, but other members of the
family shared Mrs. Stansbury's
Mrs. Ruth M. Soria, of San
Bernardino, Calif- said she rec
ognized her son, Edward, 19, in
one photograph. He was reported
missing July 3.
"It's wonderful." she said. "He
looks good."
Hailstones Break"
Indiana Windows
LOGANSPORT. Ind.Sept 21-
(")-Hailstones bigger than golf
balls broke thousands of windows
and piled up on the ground like
snow here late today. .
So many leaves were knocked
off trees that sewer drains were
clogged, flooding streets and base
One vegetable greenhouse re
ported 3,000 glass planes broken.
The temperature dropped from
80 degrees to 58 in 20 minutes.
3 Men Hurt
In Car Crash
Three men were Injured last
night when the car In which they
were naing crashed into a power
pole while making a turn from
Silverton road to Lana avenue
north of Salem.
Harland Miller. 20. 1965 N. 5th
st, received leg injuries; Harold
Snead, 39, 2505 Brooks ave- in
curred broken ribs: and Lawrence
Fisher, 19, Sale mroute 6, box 42 1A
sunered racial cuts.
The car was demolished. Power
to the area was severed for a short
time due to the accident ;
Draft Notices
d to him," she said. "You Just I fi 1 l 1
STSS S 2 5 Prepared for
25 County Men
Flees Whistler
PARADIS. La.. Sept 21-4PV-An
1 8 -rear-old -girl bride-to-be. ter
rorized by a phantom whistler who! have moved without leaving for-
Selective service notices will ro
to 23 more Marion county men
within the next few days, for in
duction October 4, the draft board
announced Thursday.
The board also reported orders
for 244 men to take pre-lnduction
physical examinations during Oc
The induction call aPDarently
will affect mostly 22-year-olds,
since the 38 men due to report
septemDer zs will be 22- and 23-year-olds.
These are the first two
calls received by Marion county.
Groups bound for physicals will
comprise 86 on October 6, 86 on the
12th and 72 on the 17th.
.Thursday was the day for "in
duction" of men listed by the board
as "delinquent" because they have
not returned questionnaires or
has threatened to kill her, fled her
home tonight hoping for a night
of untroubled sleep.
The unkown whistler, who be
gan serenading Miss - Jacquelyn
Cadow with eerie funeral dirges
last February, has vowed to stop
her October 1 marriage to 26-year-old
State Trooper Herbert
Belsom. .
-But the girl's mother. Mrs. Clif
ford Cadow, told reporters tonight
my daughter is going to get mar-
riad October 1. She is going to
have a big wedding and nobody Is
going to stop her."
She said Jacquelyn had fled the
house and she refused to divulge
the girri whereabouts.
warding addresses. Only 20 Marion
county men remained on the list.
out of 45 earlier i noted. Their
names were turned over to the
federal bureau of investigation.
TOKYO, Sept 22-UrVThe
South Korean government an
nounced the execution of South
Korean Col. Choi Chang Six,
former chief of the republican
army engineer corps, on convlc
Hon of negligence leading to
large losses of life and property.
-.- --- t t '-Trr. MtllITHtttlll1IIV WfV, .
kwuui ijau r&iiE . - . , f opinion is anewreoora sua
Hahn, manager of the Prlneville
Land and Livestock company, said
today he had hold a block of near-
purebred Rambouillet ewe lambs
for 35 cents a pound. This in his
Watches Battle
During the flight SCAP passed
over a battle at a bend in the
Naktong river, near Taegu. Lt
Cot Anthony Story of St Louis,
MacArthur's pilot explained that
"the old man wanted to take
Whitney said the general re
turned to Japan to tackle problems
of SCAP and the Far East com
mand, as well as to direct the
southern offensive in Korea.
His key officers expressed the
opinion tonight that the allies have
the initiative and hold-a firm
position in the Seoul area.
. Whether MacArthur will return
to Korea was not clear. It has
been assumed that he would want
to enter Seoul when the city falls.
Lt Gen. Lemuel C Shepherd,
commander of fleet marine forces.
Pacific, predicted that it would be
at least a week before Seoul is
secure enough for a victory par
"They (the North Koreans)
could have made it tough for us.
said Shepherd, "but we're on the
north bank of the river (Han)
now, and we're going to stay
Shepherd also returned on Mac-
Arthurs plane, and probably will
leave Friday for Honolulu.
He did not name 'the Durchaser or
the number sold. - . " .
What astronomers call a local"
star , galaxy) is one belonging to
the same group as the Milky Way.
WASHINGTON, ' Sept 21-SV j
The senate tonight confirmed De- ;
los W. Rentzell of Texas as a mem- .
ber of the Civil Aeronautics board.
Dears Open at 8:45 PJkL First Shaw at 71 PJL
t Mighty MG1I Tachadeeler Bits!
Two tort Stories. ..Four Bif Stars.- c
thi tnie-Gft dnma'of songwriters
Kalmar and Ruby, who hits spanned
8 Rtetime of romance ano lawnonci
nrt tll? niUIfiMUb v1"' s
THAT CiBir .
2nd Big MGM Hit!
"Hin BUly Hare" News
Merles Are BETTER Than Ever!
I Tep-Noteh Treats!
tmii Mil . m ti::ui
: 2nd Ace Hit!
Warner Ni
Color Cartoea Fa
Truman Eye
Price Controls
Mat Dally frent 1 F JL
Nowl HUarlousl
laMM M 1
Co-Hit: More Fun!
Fresident Truman disclosed today
the government , is considering
price controls, but has reached no
He said he is moving cautiously
to avoid the mistakes in the han
dling of anti-inflation controls in
the last war.
The president expressed concern
at his weekly news conference
over the increase in prices. When
reporter observed that most
wages are not rising while prices
are going up fast Mr. Truman
greed this os so and said the
government la working on plans
to meet it
Gee-Gee Runs Second
But Sets a Record
SPOKANE, Sept 21-VKs-
diddle, a se te 1 shot ran second
in the third race today and set
a new record at Flayfair race by
paring $50 M to place. Ten 2
place ticket had been sold. Ka-
diddle paid f 13.40 to show.
Come Sonap won the featured
Tot Coar DAlene purse In 1:12
3-5 for six farlongs. She paid
S1L30, 15 and S3.80. A crowd ef
2,127 bet I95.4M.
Opens 6:45 P. M.
Mow Showing!
Shown to Adults Only)
Tues WedL, Thnrs Frt
2S50S.ComX Ph.3-7632
Winners In the S-point-Ssome
tournament at Oak Knoll golf
course this week were Mrs. Elmo
Bennett in the Class A division.
Mrs. E. F. McGrew in Class B and
Mrs. Philip Andrews in Class C
Tina Second Big Hit!
r Cmuyv Druf'inl
gTood Bnqc
.Next Wed. Only!
; On Stage la Person
Hon Msa
Greet New Western Star!
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Now Shuii" "Ope M 1"
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Dondng 9 to 1 AJM.
. Ada 10 tax lad.
SsJ3ll: fro.
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430 'N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
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