The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    Th Statesmen, Solan. Pagan. Friday. Sptonh 15. 1930
-.--. - . . ,t . f , ... : . ' - r ...
I Visitors Hold
j This Week
By Jerrne Encflsli
I r Statesman Society Editor
r Early autumn news c e nt er i
i around numerous visitors In the
I and informal parties plan-
ned In their honor.. Vacationists
still hold the inneiignvwnn inauj
Hns durine i the fall
Tmm t-m. Visitor
Mrs. Paul Theodora Karschnia
(Carroll Jean Gragg) has sent out
invitations to an Informal tea for
which she will be hostess on Sat
urday afternoon at the North
fnnital street home of her par
ents, the Albert G Graggs. in com
pliment to Mrs. Donald O. Wells
of Modesto, Calif-, wxo has been
vicitfn in the capital since July.
Mrs. Wells and son, Steven, plan
to leave for their home the end of
the month. While here they have
been guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C Lester Newman. The
hostess has Invited fifty or Mrs
WelTs friends to call between 4
and 5 o'clock.
Lnneheoa Tharsday
Mrs. Robert Maldock of Port
land was in Salem on Thursday as
the overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Ronald Hudkins. On Thursday
afternoon Mrs. Hudkins enter'
tained a few friends at luncheon
at her country nlace on Cunning'
ham Lane in honor of Mrs. Win
ston Williams, : who recently re
turned from Germany, and Mrs.
! Baldoek.-
, Here from Seath
i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferguson of
; Long Beach, Calif, formerly of
; Salem, are guests for a week of
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown. They
are spending a few days at the
j Brown's beach home at Neskowin
and this weekend Mrs. Brown and
t sors, John and Clifford, will join
i the visitors at the beach.
Ifese4 North
t Miss Marian Carson, daughter
ef the Allan Carsons, is leaving
I today for Everett, Wash- to en'
i roll at Everett Junior college this
ffalL She formerly attended Ore
; j gon State college and Willamette
! university and is a member of Pi
1 Beta Phi sorority. Miss Carson
j will be accompanied north by her
mother and Mrs. David Bennett
Mrs. James Sewall and daugh-
i ter, Martha, of Pierce, Idaho, f or-
; merly of Salem, are visiting: In
; Saem for a week at the home
of Mrs. Frank H. Spears. They are
ec route to Idaho- from a several
, weeks stay in California.
K Trvel TWblU
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnson
and son, David, are leaving today
for a two weeks motor trip to San
"; Francisco, Los Angeles, Mexico,
Grand Canyon and Reno.
r Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Macklin and
' i their daughter, Donna Jane, have
'recently returned from a three
weeks trip to Chicago and vicinity
where they visited friends and
relatives. Miss Macklin left Thurs
"day for Lewis and Clark college,
? where she is a junior. She is -a
'! member of Theta Kappa sorority
c and Mu Phi Epsilon, national wo-
, mens music honorary.
i - . ' -
-- "t . .-
Hostesses Fete
! Miss Hoy t v
i Ion Hoyt was complimented with
i bridal shower at the home of
rMrs. Drew Michaels,' with Mrs.
; Oliver Sargent as co-hostess. Pas
j tel garden flowers were used in
: a mixed bouquet on the table and
; was flanked by a miniature bride,
i Bridegroom and bridesmaid.
i Miss Hoyt is to be married to
Don Forster Saturday, September
18. Honoring her were Mrs. Fred
Roberts and Beverly, Mrs. Arlie
: Bean, Mrs. T. E. Mercer. Mrs. O.
A. Fluitt. Mrs. Myrtle Clemens.
Mrs. Robert Kunzlie Mrs. Elmer
Cook; Mrs. Earl Burk, Mrs. Junior
j- Eckley,Mrs. H. R. Treat, Mrs.
j Robert Forster, Mrs. A. J. Shea,
and the hostesses Mrs. Drew Mich
aels and Mrs. Oliver Sargent -
' Gregerson will be hostess at her
Monitor home Tuesday night to
; members of Calvary Anomi socie
, -v ty. The group meets at 750. Im-
" manuel Women's Missionary fed
' eration will meet at the Fireside
room . Thursday at 2 Im-
, : manuel parish - hall with Mrs. H.
J K. Funrue, Mrs. Norman Hyhus
and Mrs. Ivor Myron as hostesses.
On Etiquette
By Roberts Lee .
- Q- Should a boy or girl who is
i entering college ask a fraternity or
a soronty member for a recom
; xnendation to any group? '
A. Never. Such advances must
; be made by a member of the fra-
ternity or sorority. To make such
request would be the same as
; asking for an invitation to some
Q. When one receives an an-
nouncement of a birth, should
. note or card of congratulation be
; sent? ) - -
t A. Yes, and as promptly as pos
- sibie. It is also customary to send
' a gift to the baby, depending, of
course, upon your wishes in the
; matter. t
Q. How far in advance of the
; wedding should the invitations be
mailed? ;
:l A. These should be mailed out
; two or three weeks in advance.
,1 '
- 4
r-V S
Kir. ana Mrs. Norman E
who were married in August
The bride Is the daughter of
and the groom'ls the son of the
Girls Assist
In Campaign
A large number of Camp Fire
Girls gathered at the 339 Court
street headquarters to assemble
Community Chest workers kits.
Groups included: the A-O-Wa-Ki-Wa
group under Mrs. S. A.
Randle with the following volun
teers; Ina Randle, Susan Shaw,
Joanita Hart, Suzanna Biwer, Gri
McAllister, Pamela Llndholm,
Marilyn Zeller, and Virginia Mc-
In the Metopew group. Mrs.
Myrtle Sprong, director; "Vicky
Schmidt, Cathleen Wilson, Rose
mary Sprang, Janice Edner, Glor
ia Koch, Jeanette Sprang, and
Helen Lambert us. Volunteers
from the Odaka group, Mrs. Ray
Rhoten, director, were: Rosemary
Rhoten, Kay Elliott, and Deanna
Walker. The Tacinca group help
ers were under Mrs. Robert Keu
deU and included: Lynn Johnson,
Susan Wilson, Susan Merrill, Bar
bara Jen Keudell, and Kathleen
Doner. Misses Lauris Kolsky and
Mary Clark assisted for the Tsi-
gaysha group under Mrs. Helen
Kolsky. Under Mrs. FJdon Scott
the Jolly Bluebirds who contri
buted their time were:. Barbara
Holloway, Kathleen Schmidt,
Judy Baker, Carol Scott, and
Carol Smith. The Elutanda Wapi
group under Mrs. Jasper Button
included: Janice Button and San
dra Eyerly. The Butterflies group
headed by Mrs. Dons Willis, in'
eluded Donna KasseU and Lynne
Shultz. The Okyiasin group un
der Mrs. Willard Day were: Pat
Irwin, Sally Roper,. Jeanine Day,
Barbara' Bacon, and Lala Kapper-
Hear Reports
MT. ANGEL Convention re
ports at the American Legion auxi
liary meeting Tuesday night were
given by the president Mrs. Dora
Gores, Miss Elizabeth Unger and
Miss Loretta Dehler,. all of whom
were delegates to the Grants Pass
The importance 6f child wel
fare and rehabilitation were stres
sed and the need of keeping an
active Poppy program to help fi
nance the work urged. President
Gores awarded the certificate for
post publicity to Loretta Dehler.
Plans for membership work, fu
ture hospital parties, and junior
activities were discussed. The an
nual fall covered dish dinner was
discussed but no date set
j itftyscaTGU
K..not on Kim
stays c:i n!3 o:n
1 Toot come off oa dishes, glasses,
cigarettes, teeth.
X Want come off when yea
lust cluldrea, rdathrea, sweetheart.
S Washes off easily with soap & water.
4 F.riting fashioa-right colors.
5 More econoaucsll Lasts 4 to 5 times
looser! Ouhr SI clus Ux! Get Hasd
. " Bishop's amazing aoa-smear lipstick
m any Orag or
i? ii
hayward ltma,e-in Miller)
at the Scio Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Miller
E. H. Haywards, all oi Scio.
Daughter of Union Veterans ,of
th Civil War. with Mrs. Reva David
son. 499 North 34th street. Z DJn.
fast Matrons, uca. dinner at uoioen
foeasant, saw pan.
AAUW luncheon, Marion hotel. II
Bethel 43. jobs Daughters. Masonic
iniMc, VJU, mnon Business scs
PEO council and reciprocity lunch-
on. 1 pjn. Golden Pheasant.
JOO s uausrnters. Bethel 35. lnltls -
non. Beaver hau,
Central WCTTJ meet at First Meth.
oust cnurcn, I pjn.
Salem chanter. 181. OES. first ru.
lar oo-faost luncheon, noon. Masonic
Ward Are Parents
EAST SALEM Congratulations
are being extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Ward of 3170 Lansing ave.
on the birth of a son, Gilbert Alan,
born September 8. Grand narents
are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. I
and Mrs. Roy Blanchard. His great
ErandDa rents are Mrs. Merida.1
Johnson of Redmond, Wash, and
John Blanchard of Garden road.
He is the 28th great grandchild
for Mr. Blanchard. -
Mr fins HTr Tlannhar wat
mad mnHiurmti tnr hm fmrrih
w1 sm iita is a - nbAss
and fifth ttm in nn vok Si in-
day, a daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Shearer (Dorothy
Blanchard) at Hamilton, Montana,
It was their second daughter.
Michaels and Mr,. OUver. Sargent
entertained with a bridal shower
on Thursday night for Miss Marion
urday to Donald Forster. at. the
formers home on Gehlar Road.
Honoring Miss Hoyt were Mrs.
Fred Roberts, Beverly Roberts,
Mrs. Arlie Bean, Mrs. T. E. Mer-
cer, tors. u. A. rluitt, Mrs. Myrtle
Committees to
Be Entertained
The cublidtT committee of the I
YWCA will meet at the home of
the chairman, Mrs. William C
Crothers, 4235 Shoreline Drive, on
Monday morning for a 9:30 coffee.
Special guests will be Mrs. A. A.
I t j . it.. vnrnA
board. Miss Gertrude Acheson,
executive secretary, miss Joyce i
Lamoreaux and Miss Norma Wal-
Members of the committee in
clude Mrs. Bruce Pickett, Mrs.
Harold Rosebraugh, Mrs. Glenn
McCormick, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger,
Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs. Harold
O. Schneider, Mrs. J. Wesley Sul
livan and Mrs. Crothers.
The public affairs committee of
the YWCA will be entertained to
day at a noon luncheon at the
home of the chairman, Mrs. Rob
ert E. Gangware, 2640 Pioneer
Drive. Plans will be made for the
coming year.
.Miss Norma Wallace, program
director for younger girls of the
YWCA, will take twenty of the
Y-Teen girls to a fan : planning
retreat at the A. A. Schramm cot
tage on the Little North Fork of
the Santiam on Saturday and Sun
day. .
Mrs. Hillpot
Honor Guest
Mrs. Waldron Hillpot, Jr., was
honored at a shower , Tuesday
night at the home of Miss Ela
Lovre. Assisting hostesses were
Mrs. Lenard Turnbull and Mrs.
Donald Dimbat. Autumn flowers
were used in decorating and a
late supper was served.
TTonorinff Mrs. Hillnot wpri Mm.
E. Woodruff, Mrs. Waldron HU1-
pot, sr, Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Fred
Viesko, Mrs. Dwayne Hewitt, Mrs.
Weslpv Goodrich. Mm. Evprott
Norflett, Mrs. Robert Hjort, Mrs.
E. Sebring, Mrs. L. Lawrence, Mrs.
Ray Bairy. Mrs. John Meier, Mrs.
Toeves, Mrs. Ray Ritchie, Mrs.
Clara Eckhout, Mrs. Christine
Mumm, Mrs. Amanda 'Anderson,
Mrs. Blanche Cupp, Miss Wrigles
worth. Miss Millie Toombs, Miss
Emma Belt, Miss Hester Hillpot
Miss Bantan, Miss Bernlce Ettner.
Miss Neta Fleming; Miss Janice
Eckhout, Miss Sarah and Miss
Bertha Lovre.
Chanter Honors
SILVERTON Ramona chan
ter of Eastern Star held its first
fan meeting Tuesday night with
Mrs. Clinton Weiby an Edmund
Jackson as worthy matron and
1 wnrth mhmi mwiti..
I XT. A ir m
u . uu jxu a. x uvula Wulusey,
wno naa ooserved tneir .golden
wedding anniversary durin th
I ..., , v ' i
1 . . uui "iw
special degree at the Tuesdav
night meeting by Mrs. Weiby and
air. jacKson.
tor. jaexson also renorted on
sf v . a -
the supreme, assembly of Rainbow
neia in LongvieW, Calif, this
summer. Attending with Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson-were their daughter.
Donna, and Mary Anne Wbodard
from Silverton.
Announcement was made of the
I Installation of officers Mondav
night for Ramona Assembly, Or-
der of Rainbow for Girls at 8:30.
I Installation plans are in charge
of Mrs. W. P. Scarth. mother ad-
vr. ana Mrs. w. Dale Lamar,
associate mother advisor. To be
installed are Diana Hobart worthv
advisor; Louise Smith, associate
I worxny aavisor; Faula Scott
Cnarity; Shirley Greenfield, Hope;
Mary Anne Woodard, Faith: Nettie
I 01X, tTeaSUTer. BUd DOIUM Wol.
I.. ' - -
lard, secretary.
social meeung OI Ra-
j "1 chapter will be September
f,3 f cnarge will be Mr. and Mrs.
f; A. Fish, Mrs. Harland Loe and
airs- 7 joeuuer.
I Mriu ErwIn Bahlburg entertain-
SiFfJ hS?
k cVmTw-iT
at her Hih stret
Clemens. Mrs. Robert Kunzlie.
IMrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Earl Bruk,
Mrs. Junior Eckley, Mrs. H.
I Treat, Mrs. Robert Forster, Mrs.
(A. J. Shea and the hostesses.
Sttadreds oIErgnd Buys ia
Eves7 leparllEiisnS!
I Girl to Morrises
Word has been received in Sa
lem by Mr. and Mrs. XL J. Williams.
1424 North Winter street, ol tne
birth of a daughter to their son-
in-law and daughters-Mr. and
Mrs. C Gordon Morris in-Medford
on Wednesday. September 13. Pa
ternal grandmother is Mrs. C Mor
ris ox Cave Junction. The mother
is the former Velora Williams.
, i
JEFFERSON Wedding vows
were exchanged at a home cere
mony September 8 by Miss Carol
(jnarmaine Amnion, oaugnte oi
Mrs. Mary Ammon, and William
Bruce Muller, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Muller of Tangent. Rev. Fr.
Bernard Neumann, SDS., read the
double ring ceremony in the gar
den at the Ammon home.
E. N. Ammon gave his sister
In marriage. She wore a dress of
embroidered organdy with large
white picture hat and carried a
bouquet of white gladioluses cm
tered by an orchid.
The bride's only attendant was
her sister, Mrs. L. D .Allen wear
ing a lavender street length dress
of organdy and matching picture
hat. Stanley Muller, cousin of the
benedict, was best man.
Orin O. Hornbach was organist
and Marvin Martz. soloist.
Presiding at the bride's table
at the reception following was
Mrs. O. E. Smith, sister of the
bride. Serving were Mrs. H. A.
Stupka. Mrs. C. H. Ammon, Jean
and Linda Smith.
Leaving on . the wedding trip.
the bride wore a white pique
dress and -picture hat and orchid
corsage. They will be at home In
Procjir1ont rTi
r A3i,ac;ii- KJil
D, Tvtir.
Mrs. Arwin Strayer, department
president of the Veterans of For
eign. Wars auxiliary is making a
tour of many of the Oregon dis
tricts, speaking on the VFWna
tional home at aton Rapids,
She attended a meeting of dis
trict 1 Wednesday, will be in Clat-
skanie on Friday lor district
meeting, at Cave Junction Satur
day and Portland Monday for dis
trict 23.
She made two radio appearances
in Portland this week, speaking on
the national convention and na
tional projects of the auxiliary.
now enjoy mm qHEEra
All Us 2fara$ Love Striped Dairy Qvn
In Cones, Quarts and Pints
Now enjoy Dairy Queen in new colorful FLAVORS!
Striped thru and thru with peppermint or chocoUte
you'R lova every bite. Have a cone, take home
quart today! A Delicloaa
IS i -t
2715 Sew
(Some! Save!
Nuptials Read I
On Thursday
The First Presbyterian church
was the scene of the wedding of
Miss Daisy Marie Parsegian,
daughter of Mrs. Arlene Schaeffer
of Gervais,' and Eugene R. Wicke,
son of Mrs. Mary Bowers of Gales
Creek, Oregon, on Thursday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock. Dr. Chester
W. Hamblin performed the nup
For her wedding the bride chose
a floor length gown of sea green
crepe and corsage of pink carna
tions. '
Mrs. Deran Parsegian, sister-in-
law of the bride, was her only at
tendant and Ray Bowers was his
brothers best man.
After a wedding trip along the
coast the couple will be at home
in Forest Grove.
Shower Given for
A shower In honor of Miss Lu
ella Olsen, whose marriage to Leo
Bobbins will be solemnized Sep
tember. 23, was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Calla
han on Nebraska avenue Monday
evening. Games were enjoyed and
refreshments were served at a late
Those present were Miss Olsen,
Mr. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow
Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rob-
bins, the Rev. and Mrs. Roy wor
thington and daughter, Doreen,
Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan, the
Rev. William Lucas, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Santee, Mrs. Goldie Lewis,
Mrs. Orval Vogan, Mrs. Glen
Shryock, Mrs. C. G. Abbott, Mrs.
T Rnvio Mr TT T.iinr. Mn.
Schmidt, Mrs. Helen Miles, Mrs.
IS. W. XJunn, jxuss naze wgaus,
Miss Amanda Wicklander, Miss
Mjrni uoyce, buss uoromy onry -
ock. Miss Katherine Santee, Miss
Carol Schmidt, Miss Darlene Ber-
i -Bar. i srH niii t ri I
lahan and Michael and Judy Cal-
Hill Unit Meets
HiU home extenslcm unit, WeUnw-
M7- . - . . -
.u ..u
Araiea nouse meeting wmcn sne
naa anenaea ana irs. xjjtw xiunt
reported on tne publicity meeting.
iced Milk . QUARTS PINTS
1412 Ne,
BeU Autumn
Fall Fruits Make Good Salads;
Here's Some Enticing Suggestions
i .. --.-.$?' ' ; - ' :
!- V By Maxlne Bnren '
SUtesmaa Woman's Editor
Though we never thought such a thing could happen to us.
we-are getting just a little tired of tomato - cucumber - lettuce
onion salad. j- ' i, ;,, .
' Tossed green salads have been ours, and no doubt your most
frequently served dish, though looking at many figures on won-
ders how a summer diet of salads can produce such buxom in
dividuals. . - . .
- Fall fruits and vegetables can be gathered together to make '
some pretty enticing salads.
Melons, water and cantaloups combine to make attractive sa
lads. We note that water cress is in the market, and combined
with the varied colors of the melons, it makes for good looking
dishes. ' . : .
Avacados, tomatoes and melons may alternate to make an
other pretty salad. Cut in wedges and lay on endive ex lettuce end i
top with French dressing.. :
Onions and oranges make a salad welcomed after a summer
of vegetables. Large, late mild onions and oranges blend well la
flavor and the color's interesting.
Artichoke hearts, either-fresh cooked or canned, when ar
ranged on a green with pickles and thousand Island dressing make
a dinner salad or buffet special. - -
Grapes are one of the best salad makers for falL Dark or
light, seedless or seeded, they go alone or with other fruits of
melons. - c - . . .
iFill the center of a small melon half with fruit cocktail or
use an avocado half as the container.
There's wonderful variety in greens In the fall, which for
tunately can be. employed to vary the salad fare. Cress Is coming
in, chlckory (or endive as ifs sometimes called), occasionally and
some real French endive, red and Savoy cabbage. .
If you've some nasturtiums in the garden, ycraH find them
attractive for garnishing and good to put into green salad. The
flavor is spicy and adds much to the somewhat pale flavor of late
summer lettuce. The nasturtium seeds are nippy for vegetable
salads too. , i ,
And going deeper into the garden, you may find some of
those largish clover-like leaves one sometimes brings in with wild
ferns or flowers and which Is called sour grass. It, too, gives in
dividually to a salad. -
Peaches, plums and pears make salads too,' we must npt for-
get them. If the fruit darkens, dip in the French dressing before
arranging on the plate. '
Don't misunderstand us about the tomatoes and cucumbers,
, ! we love them, but one does like a change now and fnn.
i . T v T 1 1
MNOrma iiamillOn
i .
Tqt7' AflVlOr
j IN t? VY y iOUl
Nonn Hamilton, daughter of
I Mr. ana juts. Kaipn iiamuion was
I elected worthy advisor of the
Chadwick chapter. Order of the
0kt-tKt-m flliA m at ea rnsaawf ntT tf-an
i,lSrV3C: y7T 1
I r TPaltH. ShirW Jones is out-
. worthT advisor.
- pMc Installation will be held
I c.nMnhr 9
Announcement was made at the
Elastic hip panels and front
got ... for pre-war comfort
fine figured batiste firms yotf
front and back for that stream
lined look. The lower half of
the dainty lac bra' Is reinfor
ced for never-ending . upCft
support. Average and tall
average types. n0
Priced from
Fittings by
Miss Billie Rogers,
Portland Salem '
480 N. Capitol T Phons 2-0341
In ths Capitol Shopping Center "
a M.
1' ff r.v .aV M
g-gf,' t ' ' ' ' '''7 1 -R
meeting of the picnic to be held
near Taylors Grove on the north
fork of the Santiam and the search
for the treasure which was hidden
in the early years of the chapter
and never found. This picnic and
treasure hunt are set for Septem- -ber
24, weather permitting. Girls
wanting to go should contact Mrs.
Wayne Henry, mother advisor. ,
Traveler to Speak
St Paul's Episcopal Womana -auxiliary
will open its winter sea
son with a meeting today at 130
at the parish house. Mrs. Phillip
Allison will talk on her European
: !
$1 Men. A
If FrL Till
I rM.