f 2Ths States-nom, Salem, Ore- YrsK-nesdcrf. Sept, 13, 1950 New Ycrlx Sleek Qnolalions S NEW YORK, Sept. 12-(AP)-To day's closinj quotations: Ad Corp ' ' 27 I Sen' Foods AlChem : 56 Al Chalmers - 33 Am Airlines 11 AmPow&Lt 16 Am Tel & Tel 154 Am Tobacco 64 Anaconda 35 Atchison 130 Beth Steel . 41 Boe Airclane 36 Bore Warner 67 Bur Add M 13 Calif Packing 48 Can Pacific 19 Caterpillar 41 I Celanese 37 Chrysler 69 Con Edison 28 Cons Vultee 16 Crown Zellerbach 39 Curt Wright 9 Doug Aircraft 86 Dupont ..r. .... 80 Eastman Kodak - 43 Emer Radio 16 Gen Electric . 46 Sen Motors Goodyear Tire 61 Homes take 35 Int Harvester 31 Int Paper , 54 John Man .; -,. 42 Kennecott - 64 Libbv McN & L 7 Lockh Aire 32 Loew's Inc f.... .. 16 Long BeU ., - 27 Montg Ward 57 Nash Kelv 18 NY Central ,V . 15 North Pac, ,, , ,. 23 Pac Am Fish 16 Pac Gas & Elec.. 31 Pac Tel & Tel 103 Repub Stl -38 -v31 . -45 32 y Sears Roebuck . 48 Rey Metals Richfield Safeway Packard. I Penney Penn RR . 'Pepsi Cola Philco Rad Corp, . Kayomer . . Ray Pfd 4 63 19 9 39 -17 38 . 34 Soc Vac South Pac Std Oil Cal Std Oil NJ Studebaker Sunsh Mn Swift and Co Transamerica , TwentCFox. Un Oil Cal U Pac Un Airlines Un Aircraft Un Corp .. !US Plywood US Steele Warn Bros West Un Tel West Air Br West Elec - Woolworth 22 61 74 85 30 10 38 15 21 32 99 16 32 4 30 38 13 36 28 32 46 Sden Ilarlrel Qcslaiicss . (As ef UU yesterday) BUTTESFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 Binrm - , Wholesale Retail r J3 - JT r, .71 EGGS rBaytnc) 1: . . . (Wholesale price range from to 1 mi am burin price.) - Large AA Large A . .48 Medium AA Medium A - . Small A POULTRY Leghorn hens Leghorn" fryers Colored hens Colored fryers Old roocters LIVESTOCK (Valley Packing Co. quotations) Fat lambs MM .44 J .21 .28 J2 JU M Feeder lambs Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers Bulls Veal .11930 to $21-50 8 2.00 to f 7.00 sn.oo to ii7.oo -S13.00 to 816.00 .816.00 to $17.00 $20.00 to $23.00 S25.00 to 826.00 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Sept. 1J-(AP)-(USDA) Cattle salable 300 market active, steady; supply mainly cows and heif ers: only scattered lots of steers in cluding a few-medium 62 lb. grass steers at 28.00; common light steers 220-28.50: cutters down to 20:00 or below: cutters and common dairy type heifers mostly 20.00-21.50; com mon beef heifers 21.00-4.50: part load high medium mixed cows and heifers 25 JO: medium 1081 lb. cows . 24.00; caaner and cutter cows - 17.00-18.00: few 18 JO; shells downward to 14 J and below:- ball strong- to unevenly higher, one . outstanding beef - bull . 28 JO; common-medium sausage bulls 11.00-24.00: cutters down to 18.00. Calves salable 100; market active. strong; good "calves and vealers up to 400 lbs. zs.ou-JU.uo; odd cnoice vealers - 32.00; medium grades , 24.00 27 JO: common down to 18.00; culls down to 14.00. - Hon. salable 150: market active, steady: good-choice 180-230 lb. butch ers 25 JO: few choice lots 25.75: 240 260 lbs. 24.00-50: few good choice around 150 lb. weights 23.00; good 330 390 lb. sows 21.5O-J.00; one lot food choice 119 lb. feeder pigs 27.00. - Sheep salable 400; market active, mostly steady; yearling strong to 58 higher: good spring lambs mostly 28.00-50: -lew good-choice lots 28,75; medium grades 24.50-25.00; feeders scarce; good 108-112 lb. yearHngs 28.75: medium grades 24JO-25.00; feeders scarce; good light ewes tip to 11:00; medium grades down to 8.00. I trimmed. S7S-S0: triangles. 840-42: square chucks. $47-50; ribs, , $60-65; Veal: Good. $48-51: commercial. $40 4: utility, S34-39. Calves: uooa-cnoice s if, com mercial $37-42. . Lambs: Good-choice sprinters, $40 48; commercial. $41-44. : Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down. $25-27. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1. 8-12 lbs. $60 62: shoulders. 15 lbs. down. $48-47; carcasses. $37-39; spareribs, $47-50. Wool: Valley, medium grades. 60 63c lb average at country buying points. Mohair: 80c lb on 12-month growth, r.03. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Veal: Top quality. 40-42c lb; other grades according to weight-quality with lighter or heavier 37-38c. Hogs: Light blockers, 33-36c lb; sows, light. 28-30c. Lambs: Top grade springers, 43-45c lb; best yearlings 35 -38c; mutton, best 16-18c; rough heavy bucks, 12-14C. - Beef :- Good cows, 34-37c lb; canners cutters. 34-35C. Onions: Large, 3. -00-29 for 50-lb sack Walla Walla med 1.50-65; Calif, Idaho white wax. large. 2.25-50. Potatoes: Local triumphs. 28-lb lugs No. 1. 1.50; small. 1.00; Boardman long whites. No. 1. 3.00-25; No. 2. 50-lb, 1.00 10; Wash. Gems, Russets, 2.50-90. Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, deli vered carlots F.O.B. Portland or Puget Sound markets. $32-34 ton: Willamette valley grain and clover hay $26-29. , Portland Produce ' PORTLAND, Sept. 12-( API-Tentative, subject to immediate change: pre mium quality, maximum to J to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Port land. 63-6c lb; first quality, 60-64c; second quality. 59c-62c. - Butter Wholesale F.OJB. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 9V score, 62e lb; A. 92 score. 61c: B. 90 score. 59c. C. 89 score, S7c Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalert: Oregon singles. 36',i-39lAe lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 41-42e. Ergs To wholesalers: A grade, large. 50-5,'ic doz; A grade, medium, 42 44ic; B grade. Urge. 40-4c. live chickens (No. 1 quality. T.03 plants): Broilers under 2',i lbs. 30-32c; fryers. 2V-3 lbs. 35-37c; 2-4 lbs. 35 37c: roasters. 4 lbs and over. 34-36c: light hens under 4 lbs. 18-21c: heavy hens, all weights. 21 -22c: old roosters, all weights. 11-14c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-5 lbs. 25-27e lb: 5-6 lbs, 21-23c: colored, 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. 11 -15c lbs; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, $5-58c. Some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers; dollars per cwt): Beef: Steers, good. 500-800 lbs. $48 51; commercial. $46-49; utility. $43-45: cows, commercial. $40-42; utility, $38 39: canners -cutters, $35-38. Beef cuts good steers): Hind quar ters. $56-60; rounds. $54-56; full loins. MODIFICATION OF "FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS OF THE - ORE GON 8TATE GAME COMMISSION WHEREAS, The Oregon State Game Commission at its stated meeting held on January 13. 14. 27 and 28. 1950. respectively, pursuant to- the provi sions of Sections 2 and 3. Chanter 275, Oregon Laws 1941. as amended Dy sections z ana 3. Chapter 163. Oregon - Laws 1945. as - amended bv Chapter 39. Oregon Laws 1947. after neartng made and adopted written findings - and determinations mm to what, if any. game fish may be taken, caught, or angled for. of what species or kinds, in what numbers, quanti ties or bag limits. In what places, in what manner and what regulations, and at what seasons or times as will not affect injuriously the supply thereof, and WHEREAS, the general own uitnn for angling for sturgeon was fixed as the entire year for the whole state, with the exception of the Umpqua River and its tributaries which were closed to such angling, and WHEREAS, in the judgment of said Game Commission it is in the best interest of the state that said findings w moauiea Dy closing tne Willamette River above the Ore con Citv Falls in Clackamas County. Oregon, to angling ur Biunccgn, ana WHEREAS, notice of a hearing for the purpose of modifying such find- uiKs was, i or at least two weeks prior to the date hereof, published in the - Ores onian and h nninn Journal, two newspapers of general circiuauon mrougnout tne state of Oregon, printed and published in I0illan, Multnomah County, Oregon. ORDERED, that the findings and determinations of the Oregon State Game Commission adopted at its stat ed meeting held on January 13. 14. 27 and 28, 1950. respectively, fixing and determining the general open season for angling for sturgeon be and they 7, mouuiea oy closing to angling for sturgeon " the Willamette River above the Oregon City Falls, located in Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of September 1950. s. 13-14 400 Agriculture 408 Per. MOORSTS Tropical Fish equipment ' supplies. 3 mi. from Lancaster on Macieay na. Kt. s. Box 48a P. -73zi. BOXER PUPPY 4 month old. partly trained, should make a good show and stud dog. Ph. 2-4407. 410 Seeds and Plants DAHLIAS - order now. McCain- Dah lia Garden. 14S1 7 St West Salem. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce U-PICK Thornless blackberries. Be lb. 5 mi. S.E. Vi ml. W. of Pen Annex. O. Distel. Kt. 4. BOX B58. V ZUZ48. CUCUMBERS 2c lb U-pick. Arthur Evans. Rt. 2 Box 284, Salem (at Clear Lake) BALED wheat straw. S mi. wJLon Sa-lem-Dallas hi way. near "Y" taf . C C. Brunk, Kt. 8. BOX 7ZO. tl 1 CTl LI "I' D.r mnii f:r,vntin apples. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem ALJA FESCUE hay. cheap. In field. R, Weltv. Rt. 6. Box 4Z7. - GOOD canning apples $1 bushel. 1073 Elm W. Salem. Call before 8 after 5. GOLDEN CROSS SWEET CORN Sil verton Road. 11L miles bevond Fair' grounds. Look for signs.. Priced rlffht I., D. Eebert. EASTERN Oregon milk fed baby beef. PETTIT PRUNES, now ready. River Rd. Ph. a-2i. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time FM: Megacycles KOLN 10L1: KGW 100 J; KEX 92.3 Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1499. KOIN 979. KGW (2VKX ns ' (Editor's mote: The Statesman smaUihes tm goed faith the precrams and ttoaes as provided by the ra.4.1 stations. kt feeeaue of fttsaes procsaass are chanced - without Botlflcatioa. this Btewspapes cannot bo rcspoasiklo for the accaracy herein). . , LOST: Black loose leaf notebook con- j catue registration papers. Interstate Health certificates. Lost State Fairgrounds ft Woodburn on 98E. Return to Roger Dumdi. Rt. , ' van 'twin. LOST: Package towels, pillow slips. Ph. L6st: Black male Cocker puppy near IIOL'R 08:09 00:15 00:39 -1 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News tTimekeeper (March Time (News f - West Melodies Wert Melodies News KOCf iOock (KOIN Klock 1KOIN Klock Hodge Podge . I Hodge Podge I Farm Time Farm Time Farm News (Keep Smiling IKeep Smiling IKeep Smiling 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Andy Parker KOIN Klock Old Songs . News Break. Gang I KOCO Klock iMcLeod News Old Songs News Break Gang News Goss News News ) Bob Hazen )Top Trades KOCO Klock Babbit Show News I News 8 KSLM Cecil Brown (Family Alter KOCO Music lMusic KOIN Consumer NewsVaile News KGW Family Show IFamily Show KEX Break, dub I Break. Club Bible Inst Bible Inst. (Hawaiian Echo Fiesta Time Grand Slam I Rosemary Jack Berch IScandia. Music iBreak. Club I Break. Club 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barg. Counter I Garden Guide Pastor's Call I Waltz Time Melody Time I Melody Time I Stars Sing JWyrt 6c Marge Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny Helen Trent I Gal Sunday Scandia. Music tSecond Cup I Second Cuo INews -News IStars of Today (Quick st Flash Quick as Flash 10 KSLM Glen Hardy Cello Test tRuss Morgan ITell Neighbor KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Read. Preview KOIN i Big Sister IMa Perkins I Dr. Malone IGuid. Light KGW Tune Test (Tune Test (House Party j House Party KEX Lunch. Club (Carol Douglas (True Story ' I True Story 11 KSLM Ladles Fair Ladies Fair Queen for Day I Queen for Day KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody KOIN Mrs. Burton j Perry Mason INorah Drake I Brighter Day KSW Doub. Noth. (Doub. Noth. (Millionaire - Millionaire KEX Betty Crocker U. Kennedy IN. Westerners N. Westerners 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Top Trades H'wood Uusie News . . News '- , News N. W. News H'wood Musie iCome Get It Road of Life News Gay 908 Home Run (News I Philosopher I House Party House Party IPepper Young j Happiness. Mod. Romances i M od, Romances 1 KSLM Baseball Baseball KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody KOIN Nona NowherelHilltop House KGW Backstage Wife Stella Dallas KXX In Hollywood (In Hollywood (Baseball ' Baseball (Magic Melody Magic Melody I Strike Rich Strike Rich I Lor. Jones rwidder I Kay West I Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO. KOIN KGW Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Magic Melody (Magic Melody Magic Melody Magie Melody Kirkham iKirkham IChicagoans ITunefuUy Girt Marries (Portia I Plain Bill (Front Page Jay Stewart (Jay Stewart I Bride. Groom Whltehouse - 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Baseball - (Baseball Scoreboard iBing Sings Magic Melody Magic Melody Magie Melody News Kirkham (Art. Godfrey . Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey ' Travelers (Travelers I Aunt Mary I Love. Learn Today Holywd (Lifetime Ch'nce, Barney Keep (Barney Keep 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KXX Fulton Lewis Music U Want Art. Godfrey Woman's See. Dr Crane Hemingway IN. W. News Music U Want Parade Stars I Art. Godfrey iCurt-oiassey Life Beaut Dr PauT Squirrel Cage (Squirrel Cage INews iPiano Patterns INews I Mr. Buttons (Firefighters 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Mark Trail iMark Trail lYukon JYukon . 12th St. Hr. 12th St. Hr. Bing Crosby (Sports News , lUttle Show ' News. INews ? of Us News ISongs of Times I Peterson Jimmy Wakeryl Jimmy Wakelyl Black Hawk I Black Hawk 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Gab. Heatter IN.W. News - (Answer Man (Sam Hays Candlelifht Candlelight (News (Tune Time Ignorance Pavs Ignorance Pa vs tfusfif A RfTa IutikIa inr Crosby. Friends! Crosby. Friends! Crime Not Pay Crime Not Pay Progress Rep. (Home Edition Guest Star IE. C. Hill 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Concert (Concert Twilight Musie Jackpot Magic Melody vresi. ineaire j w eix. tneatre l music Wall Cisco Kid (Cisco Kid I Magie Melody iMuste tiaii Big Story IBi Starr mirk Bnw,n . rvir-ir T-.n Loosi Banger (Lone Ranger I Dr. X. Q. . IDr. L Q. 0 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Name ef Song iName of Sonf I Behind Story Track 1490 iTrack 1490 Track 1490 ' News . IJack Smith I Dr. CJinatian t Man's Familv (News of World ICIVUmIm Detour . (Detour (Walter Kiernan Orchestra Track 1490 Dr. Christian Gildersleeve - Walter Kiernan 9 KSLM Glen Hardy (Fulton Lewis Musie ' (Music KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1490 (Track 1490 (News KOIN Mr. Chameleon Mr. Chameleon Beulah IClub IS KGW Break Bank (Break Bank I Dirt. Attorney IDist. Attorney UX Chandu (Chandu (Orchestra (Orchestra 10 KSLM News -KOCO Night Song oin star Final KGW News KEX News iNewsreel -I Night Song lYou. World JIarmoDalres Intermezzo Musie Music I Classics - - ii. lassies , 'Orchestra (Orchestra - SDorts Current. Choice I Concert Hour I Concert Hoar 11 KSLM Net Nc KOCO Nocturne KOIN Organ KGW News KEX Concert Hour V. N. I Nocturne Organ ; (Wax Museum (Concert Hour I Memos (Melodies Melodies Nocturne (Nocturne Bandstand Bandstands (Wax Museum IWax Museum I Memos KOAC 650 K.C Wednesday 100 a.m. The news' and Weather; 10:13 Es pecially for Women: 11. -00 The Con cert Hour: 120 The News: 12:1S Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Variety Time: 130 Melody Lane; 20 Especially for Women: J JO Memory Book of Music: 30 News; 3:15 Music Masters; 4:00 Oregon- Re porter: 4:15 Kern and Sloop: 4:30 Uni versity of Chicago Round Table: 5 KM Children's Theater; 5:15 On the Up beat: I JO 550 Sports Club; 9:00 The News: 6:13 Dinner Melodies: 7:00 Farmer's TJrdon; T1S Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 Artistry in Classics; S30 ? ..e- Co-V7a.. a.4 U7ak-Kaa,P 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Lift Up Thy Voice: 10:00 Excursions in Sci ence: 10:15 Serenade; 10:45 News- Weather; 11:00 Sign Off. every Thurs. 1:30 p.m. Furniture and Mouse noia arncies. we mviie you w bring your consignments to us. FAST SALEM AUCTION 1023 Lancaster Drive Ph. 9-12TI STAYTON AUCTION Mkt. consigned this week: 4 head fresh cows at neix fers, really some nice cows. Come see them and you will buy them. Also an extra choictv lot of weaner and feeder pigs.- If you want to buy quality worth the money eome to Stavton Auction Mkt. 300 Personal 310 M ttnq Nottcts SALEM LODGE No. 4 A JT. Ac wea. sept. 13th. E A de gree 7J0 p.m. . ilZ Lott and Found Grant sch. Ph. 37513. LOST: Sat. in Woolworth. 2 sweaters, sch. supplies.' 560 Hansen Ave. lajst: Mans brown billfold at Fair frounds. Ph. 4-1849. Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WED.; SEPT. 13 AT 10 AM. & T TM. 7 pc. walnut dining set S pc.-walnut dining set with china . closet . S baby beds complete Walnut office desk Cold Spot refrig. , Apt. gas range - Console radio. Walnut dresser 2 chests of drawers 3 treadle sewing machines 2 six-way floor lamps Cherrv table Antique spool bed Beds & coll springs Wicker lawn furniture Several mattresses . One lot of potted plants - Davenos and davenports Keivmator remg. 3 washing, machines " 13 in. throat band saw - 3 rockers - 7 standard doors et frames Wood furnace . One lot misc. used finished lumber 3 well pumps Composition shingle St roofing paper ' ESTATE OF FRANK WALKER. MT. ANGEL 1943 A Ills Chalmers tractor on ' rubber - Mohne tractor plow on rubber. xourteen men ft. John Deere tandem disc 10 ft. grain drill 3 section spring tooth harrow 4 section drag harrow Wagon New 4 ft. cover crop disc Cover crop seed Chickens Ac rabbits Calves & veals Pigs Cows, heifers & bulls BE WISE. -BUY OR SELL THROUGH LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION, SALES YARD. LIC. 6c BONDED AUCTION- Lane Sudtell's Auction "Sales. Yard Located 1 blk. west of Lancaster rd. on suvenon ra. rn. s-eues. rsonal STANUTV Rmu Pivwti,n m. joo- T- ... - .ww.vo. m 11. UOIH, u LONELY, writo Ruth I. WA- u reuaDMi ciuo. oox 07. Vancouver, ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 3-9133. rv u w. zmca wed. Frt. I JO pjn. 400 Agriculture 02 Lirestock RED Pol Guernsey cow, freshen Can! WaaVW k i m cow. 18 N. Hamp. 1 yr. laying hens. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer C C wcvanousn nn s Z5th Ph 3-1147 Bon UU livestock buver Claiulo Ed. warns m 3 box B99E Ph 3-1144 RT TT T . .Qprvir nnv nl,. Dk . icia n BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Som mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd Ph 49n LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. j---tnm lyw unrmff IT pn Z-134! SALE; I'm Itr whnl. .mm. u..it. peer, rnone a-4o3B. u. w, ureen FOR and ewe lambs. E. B. Henningsen. to t ii i vroa iaiootj. fnone 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW Hampshire Chicks. Weekly hatch venter &b pn. s-zoei. Lee' naicnerv NEW HAMPSHIRE CHJtKS katc-hoa every Tuesday. Fox's Hatchery. 3830 w4iic ov. riiunty stfoy CORNISH CROSS baby chicks. Every i, oennng Hatchery. Ph. 408 Pets REGISTERED pedigreed English setter puppies, aoaies 2U. females 815. 3483 Adams at eall 9ofi.-M) vm BEAUTIFUL thorobred. Cocker pups. Th6r6UgHBRED red to blonde cocker vuppro lur saie. uu jungwooa Ave. YELLOW Canary singers. Very rea gonapie. rnone FEMALE Siamese. 125. Ph. 3-33357 PDILGG nnntsmi - r-n f. f COL ON... STOMACH I eilaaMk) . I lUrrUU (Hersfe. TrsstaaRksst MMniaiMMM.niM.kM. UolM fcOO Moa.Wos.rn. CJ.D-m.IL THE DEAN CLINIC IN OVI 40" TIAI W-yCorast s. moids so Oood Ave. Tsli CAst 111 irrlsa 14,0ra, - L M at Y.TXajnJf J. Dr.O.ChaaUS D DSS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS XU North Uberty i Cpstalrs above Jan's. 131 ft Ub erty Office opes) Saturday only is a-sa te t p.av 8 te 1 pat Censulta tioL Biood pressors and prise tests are free of charge. Practtced since IS17. special this week 45c. Ph. 3-8147 274S N, 425 Auction Sain Auction 450 Merchandise 453 Bufldlnq Materials INSIST On, and enjoy Better Cabinet work by the Beavercraft Cabinet tt . Fixture Shop, 779 N. Lancaster Drive, i phone 3.9414. It costs no more. ; Rc4 Cedar Shingles I. 2, 3. St 4s. Any amount.' Check No. our price. Side wall shakes. Laxse amount of oak' flooring available. All grades. Ted MuUer. . Ph. Salem z-1198. Call evenlnes. . i , vr Special. - "';;)"' Floorinf & Siding. New shipment, 1x4 it 1x4 E flooring Ac Erustic sid ing. . . . All kiln dried material ,j. . Cheap as shiplap. - ! . KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front fc Court Streets. Salem i FOR SALE No. 4 Common Lumber, 1x4 to 1x8 S35 per M. 8x4 to 2x13 835 per M. F.03. Mill, will deliver at ' cartage cost. Independence Lumber St Manufacturing Co.. Independence. Ore Phone 42 INSIDE door jam sets $3-50 8c 84 SO. Phone 4-2792 day or eye. j ' LEFT over building material. 1070 ES- cust St. Ph. 25013. BETTER BUYS IN - BUILDING SUPPLIES - 4- Wallboard V . .09 Ft. Flooring 1x4 E , ;, 75.00 M Flooring ix4D 100.00 M Cedar Siding - ; . - - 4x8 C ShU 35 JO M r ,ix8 C ShU , 37.50 M SixS C RL 135.00 M -12 JO Sq.- t 48.50 Ea. 83.00 Ea. ixl0 C ShU Cedar Shake Special , . . 18" Western Cedar .. Aluminum Garage Doors 8-0x7-0 :, M8-0x7-0 Tvle-board -1 Baked Enamel - .24 Ft. 3-Tab RfK 210 Lbs .- S-U Sq. Window Frames .. 50 Discount SERVICE LUMBER CO. : i PH. 2882 ! 707 McClalne St. , ,. .. . . SUverton 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel .Tri City Fuel : Hand picked 15 in. mill wood. I -Tfesh cut screened sawdust. " 12 In. clean inside wood. ASK FOR S. AND H. GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 . part is" wood : Old and Second Growth Fir i UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 812.00 Tot orders please call collect - Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon West Salem Fuel Co. tS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER WS Old growth bloc- wood IS taw. eteea bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELTVERIEl DIESEL AND STOYE OIL : Pbone: Salem 4-4081 AkM pick up wood at 1525 Edgewetar St. W Sals . EARN Money at home.', full. time, box bos statesman WANTED experienced pantry' lady and waitresses.- Nlcnt worn. Ph. 3-7632. XfERlNCD WAITRESS. Nohljxen's 440 state. - EXPERIENCED salad woman for cafe- teria. Permanent. Apply Nohlgren s, 440 State. GOOD Christian lady for light hsekeep- tng and some wsges. see n. bummer. EXPERIENCE! waitress wanted. Ap- Blv in person. The Soa. 382 State St. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift. No Sun or holiday wory. Court St. Dalrv Lunch. 347 Court. A RELIABLE woman or girl to help with hsework Ac children. Live in. Good wages. References. Ph. 3-9440. CAR HOP or waitress. Ph. 2-0224 be- ' t' Summer Prices on hand picked 18 in. slab and eld fir block wood. . Capitol Lumber - Fuel Co. - Pnone 3-7721 or 3-8024 Highway Fuel Co.. Clean sawdust, wood green Stove-Diesel oils. Ask lor ' Saver Stamps Ph 38444 dry. Penny Buy Winter Fuel Now Plvwood cores. Io ends. Ph. 36491. . WOOD and also wood sawing. Ph. 24276. 460 Musical, liis-rumants WELLINGTON PIANO. Small, excel lent cond. Ph. 23100. Kt. 8. Box 301N. OLDS trumpet, like new. Reasonable. 462 Sports Eqtilpmsmt FOR SALE: 8 M-M. Mauser with Ly man Alaskan Scope, 145. 939 Electric St. after 8 p.m. t TRADE' Model 721 A rem. 300 mag. like new lor model si - Kern, auv auto. Sale 12 gauge pump nearly new 850. 1124 Edgewater St, ph. 3-8183 - 30.06 S PORTER, excellent cond. Rea- sonable- 1 Enfield. 1 Springfield. Ph. 2-7549. 1455 Ferry St. ! 30 .0 SPRINGITELD S porter. 1985 Roy al St. ! NEW Winchester 12 gauge single. Call 2-5738 after six. 450 Merchandise 452 Wanted Machinery. Tools 869.50 for power hand saw, 1 h p. mo tor, vaiue usea less than one mo. Top condition. Rt. 5, Box 235. Ph. jii. 455 Household Goods For Sal MONARCH wood burning kitchen ranee. John Soraneer. 2373 State St. RUG, 8x14. good condition, 85. RlT-, Box 381 KM Ph. 22968. oil circulator with fan. Excel. cond. 850. y60 Rawlins Ave. Linoleum $3.95 VALLEY FURN CO 283 N COM1 Used Furn., Cheap TRADE TERMS VaDey Furn. Co 285 No Coml f-7472 THOR Automatic Washer. Looks like new. only S69.50. Phone or see at Hogg Bros.. 115 So. Com!. BED . DAVENO, refrigerator, coffee table. 433 N. Winter. OLDER TYPE Bendlx Automatic washer. 849.50 or make offer. Free Delivery. Terms. Phone 3-9149 or see at Hose Bros, lis s. cnm'i. LAUNDERALL Automatic Washer, Completely rebuilt and ruaranteed Installed free. Delivered, terms. Only 874.50 Can 3-9149 or see at Hogg Bros. 115 S. Coml. PR. BED SPRINGS 85. dresser 84. iron oeasteaa si. lone unemeneu. ' '- USED RUGS: Two 4x8 fawn color; two rxS1,.' fawn cojor maicning; one 4 xs green. Can bo seen at 328 North Commercial btreet days only. 456 Wanted. Household GLEN WOODWY Ph 831H USJ-D FURN Immodiato appraisal. highest prices. Valley Furnituro. 888 m. ummtRu. ra. Z747X 458 Building McrUKtalT Building Something? i" plywood 24c .sq. 'ft 4." flooring plywood 17 lie ft. i" plywood 12c ft. Waterproof wallboard 7',ic ft. White asbestos siding $10 sq. One panel 8c flush doors $9.50 Mahoeanv entrance doors S24JM Metal overhead garage doors 852.90 tatnni-, toueta, wasn basins or path sets, low priced. . Screen Doors $7.75 . C. G. Long Ph. 25821 or 43139 1 mi N. of Keirer ONE Panel doors. 89, X 4 r. 1. cedar Bomj s per h. u x I a x cedar siding shorts to X, $30 M. Epping Lumher Co. 3740 SUverton Rd. Ph. 22054 Windows t lot standard size windows available for limited time at way below reeu- larprice. Real value while they last. SXITU BROWN LUMBER YARD front & Court Streets, Salem Why Suffer Any Longer when etnera ran. ass ear Chin ess remedies. A ma ring success fee years u luu. mo aaatter wttk wnas auwsu yo are airucted disorders, sinusitis, heart, Insra, liv er, kidneys, gas, constipation, sleert dlabetee. rheumatism, gall and kUd der fever, skin, feaaale eoaaplalats CHARLIE CHAN CHTNKSR HEXB ca 04 N Cemneretal Phoee 8-1138 . SALEM. ORE. office Boars t to S. Tees, aaS Sat. only. LARGE 16" dry or green core wood. Split tor rurnaco u aesirea. aiso ary planer wood for cook stove. R. H. Al len, 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph. 2238;. Ph. 20774. 186 Trade, MisceIlanous t HONTAG wood elec. range, 8 mos. old. like new. Will sacrifice. See eves. 3745 Brooks (out Cherry Ave. - to Snady Lane). - - 468 For Rant MiscUmous GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rent. Inq. H. L. stiff runuture. pn 391B5. - GOOD USED Piano H U Stiff j U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT lan. keU furn. 197 S. Uberty Ph 3-WU 470 for Sal. Miscellaneous CROSLEY rrostmsster. cu. ft. Rebuilt case. S65 Ph. zciso. CliRiSTiJAS CARDS for sale by box or printed name, wtiimetta snider, 1840 N. 18th. Ph. 38758. ' USED elec. light, rotary sewing ma chine, good cona- guarantee., ra. 39743 after 6 DTn. 2 MO. OLD Kenmore oil cin. ator. ba- by buggy, strouer. child s car caair rinnA onnd. Ph. 37072 after 5 DJTI. f 1KU to be moved . GARAGE 12x16 H fnml FlN Piano L bench, reasonable, 1690 S. Cottage . KEWINrt MACHINES NEW AND USED YEATER AfFl-UVMC-i WJ. 375 CHEM. HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreexe 312950 and up Yeater Appliance co S7S f hemeketa NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- TI-KOTE. the ceuopnane-uxe unisn for floors or linoleum Tester Appliance Co. 179 Cnemeneta St. USED Electric washers 819.95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St ! Walling Sand & Gravel Co. - Crushed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement. Ready- mix. Concrete Garden nana nun dozing, drainage and ditching. Vt yd shovel A drae line Phone 3-9249 CHEST TYPE freezer, 14 cu. ft. Used 1 vr. szbo. pn. 3--b. OIL Circulators at , ereaUy reduced prices - - Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. MILLER'S (Formerly Andy's)- clean top soil, river silt, nil airt at pit run travel Phone 1-7329. tJSED RADIOS AND RECORD PLAY ERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CHEM. 375 GOOD Uaed Stiff Furn pianos Co 875 ea. H. DRY Poultry (eruiizer. Ph. -23tiU Lee M-tiht-v iECTRIC ROOM HEATERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 uncm. Hay For Sale 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA. PH. SUM. STLVERTON. lis FJl FLECTR1C REFRIGERATORS YEATER APPUANC W. Used execric ranges yeater appliance co. 375 chem. NEW 30-30 Winchester carbine, taken on I trip 55. Ph. i-eos7 50 HOTPOINT. 8 Cu. ft. used 3 mos. 271 Magnolia court, w. saiem alter 6 p.m 300 Business & Tihance 502 Business Oppctunltt $600 Mo. Income New apt hse. 850.000. Part ash or Uke modern Mmt or amauer v-ww prop. t Apt; Hse, 2 Cottages 8c UPPER AND LOWER FLAT. 822.000 Part cash. Close to btate mags. WTTJ.AM-TTf. REAL, ESTATE 175 S. T.lhert- - Ph. 37113. Salem SMALL knit k gift shop. Good location. S9S0 inciuaing stocs. u ami n, Capital St - ' SERVICE STATl6tt ior rent Holly'. wood dirt. Ph. Mr. Moore. East 110S. Portland. FARM and CITY LOANS - 4U. and 1 Your own terms ef repayment within looaim casB for Real tnai tracts and Second Mortgagee. rAPrroi. si-URrrirS CO. Kn Court St. Ph. 4-2283 AUTO LAJAW3 I8B Church St. - Ph. 1-3487 - Parking Aplenty tu, ktisa-siM CU1II. irnit ilr ift shoo. Good loca tlon. S9S0 inciuaing siock. wo awf M Canitnl St. - unaTH the MONEY. 20 A. Lancaster Dr. 3 blks from 4 corners, i ba mod. home. 800' hiway frontage. Ideal for cottage court or suooiv-uon. 17'AWRENCE REAL ESTATE - Loans 8c insurance - , 404 S. High Ph. 3-7508 510 -Monry te Loan" cash ; , Up to $1500 ; CaXt or phone today ' pacihc Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty 600 Employment 60S Help Wcmtoq. f ernal 707 Houses For Rent rURNISHEri eotUf es, utilities paid. PK 3-4815. - 1 - - S BJL HOUSE, sawdust furnace. Engie-; FURNISHED 2 bedrm home, complete with new elec range At refrig. Newly redecorated. Garage. Fenced la back yard, lawn. 8100 month, 450 S. 18th, St.- . . 2 BEDROOM hse, 840 mo. RU 1, Mrs. ti, fore 1 pjn. B03 Pickers Wanted THORNLESS blackberry picker Thurs. ana m r-n. sisoo. ibu cnemawa Rd. 1 mL E. Keiter sch. A. E. Oldenberr. HOP PICKERS wanted. Picking NOW. call by teiepnone for information on street pick up. LONG RUN. Phone Blue 213. Blue 212. Green 202. Ernest StadelL Rt. 3. Box 129-A. Silverton. BEAN PICKERS wanted at Bishop's South River road, for Information call 3-8137. by 10 ear- or evenings. 610 Sales Persona Wanted ATTENTION college trained men, ages 27-40 interested in sales A sales per sonnel contact Mr. Basset, Oregon State Employment Service, 710 Ferry between 9 A 11 ajn. Wed. GOOD opportunity to man who can sej mail subscriptions in rural area. Must have good personality. Experience helpful but not essential. See Mr. Clark (Clrc. Dept). The Statesman. SALES PERSON man or woman. We have a good deal for Hustlers, u you have a car Ac the willingness to work early 8c late. Room 1. 341 State St. 9:30 to 12 noon, . , 612 Work Wanted. Male WANTED: Temp, work In suitable em ploy, py young man. pn. s-zzs. 615 Situations Wasted MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes wort at residence for home coo King or man agement of apt. Well qualified as tak ing care of summer -borne. Wishes work during winter. L-an uogg ens. tnr further Information. CARPENTER work, new repainr 22063. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired, schartt Bros., pn. s-oace, Eloise Walery palntine Ac paperhang Srt m r Mtlmiin. on. z-3. WANTED SEWING. Tailored skirts; , dresses, blouses, children's clothes. dress dolls. Nadine sjum. i n Landscape, pruning, lawn wk. P. 42831. CARPENTER W6rK- any kind." reai sonable. 4240 Macieay Rd. Ph. 4-2054. Nancy's Nursery Ave I-S Phone 2-4940 CURTAINS washed stretched. 23448. INSIDE, outside, painting. Z7335 Free . est CEMENT work All kinds Ph S-4B50 CH11J3 CARE 183 S. 18th Ph 2-S878 PAINTING V PAPERING Sedgwick Phone3-591 HIGH SCHOOL Senior wanU part- time job. room Ac board, near Sliver. ton, write pox i co amesman. : HOUSTOORK wanted. Ph. 2-9901 IRONING done reasonably in my home. Ph. 2-1475. 1AV Wort fast, efficient oh. 3-34. LAWNS: Also leveling, light tractor nn riihh with dnrer etc Ph. 2-8127. SIDEWALKS. -patios, patching, prompt service. E. Drake, ph. 2-0313. 618 Education Ph 4-2203 . ; Private Money On Cars Trucks At Trailer Horn as Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmpns 4SS 8 Commercial St Phone 8-9181 Pre-Schdol Age . Children may enroll for classes In piano, painting at expression. . 13-1 Market. Ph. 3-459S. eeooo to loan -Ph 20794. Getting a LOAN for the first time? At TersonaT there are no hard and fast rules. You tell us what you have In mind and well do our best to meet your desires. Borrow as little as you need 825 up to 8500 on auto and up to 8300 on furniture - salary. Pany only for ,. the number of days you keep the money. Phone or come in. Ask for the "Yes" man. C. R. Allen. Mon, - Tues. Thurs. - Fri. ' 9 AM. to 8 PM. Wed, - Sat. 9 AM. to 1 TM. PERSONAL Finance Company ' of Salem 818 State St.. Rm. 125 Ph. 1-3484 tic. No. S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen, Mgr. CASH-NOW j $25.00, to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need Itf You can pay anytime te reduce net cost! No endorsers, or help from friends! On ears, trucks, trailer homes to 8500.00 On furniture. livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to 3300.001 Phone or visit our office today! Hear -Top Trades" 12:05 daily KSLM 1390 KC'sfl General Finance Corp. Lie. No 8138 and MS38 PHONE 3-9161 136 S CO MX ST BARGAIN on used upright vacuum cleaner, floor lamp and misc. nouse ' hold goods. Phone 2-8107 after 6 p.m. HOT POINT elect, range. 3 burner side oven, girls E-gin at men s woria Bi cycles, knee action, fine cond. 1 tan rug 11x116" fair. 3 bridge lamps. 868 S. Summer. UNIV. APT. elec range used .only short time. Teal davenport c cnair. excel, cond. Woman's bicycle. Ph, 3.TM4 AUTOMATIC hot water heater, used one yr. 1240 Fairgrounds HO USED ELECTRIC portable sewing rna- chine, good condition, S34.ao. rree I 16 hour sewing course. Singer Sewing ? Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'f. WOOD burning circulating beater, uaed 7 mo. At oil burning cook steve. Ph. 3-7890. CHAIRS, beds, table model radio, elec tric clock, bicvele, library table, Rt. 8. Box 170. Ph. 2-1109. CHEAP. Good wood range coil At tank. Phone 2-3838 evenings. . blSTlLLED White pickling vinegar for all pickling purposes. Also pure apple cider vinegar. Bring jugs. . Puritan Cider Works. W. Salenv 472 Wanted, Misceaaneont 850.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24' to 40 small Douglas Fir logs suitable for Piling. High prices paid ' for barkie poles and piling call Al- oany izor or writ standard role St Piling Co. for price lists. Trader Louie needs thousands of Items odds snd ends or complete house hold. Ph. 38558. .3055 Portland Rd. 474 MlsceBax-eovis Dental Plate Repai TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MC lair - i most: CASES Brlnf or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg Syite At Com Ph 3-3311 wwit TO Buy used camenta At lenses McEwan photo Shop. 435 SUte. ; 476 fuel GOOD 16-in. green edgings, 9H) load. aouDie toad 510. OREGON FUEL. CO. 3087 Broadway Phone 35533 EL.MH BUJI Ph. 8-M53 - 2029 S. 12th. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. " 1980 Fairgrounds Road : Next to bank. Free parkins. PI 2-7032 Lie No. M300-&28L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. S12 Loons Wanted PRIVATE PARTY wants to borrow vi nnn nn new dwelling, eooa securi ty.. Will pay S Interest. Box 20 co statesman. . 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted HOUSnCZIPER or couple wanted for fruit farm. Must Uke cnuaren. sepa rate lodging. Salary and transportae PIN SETTERS wanted. Capitol Bowl ing Alley. 488 rerrv. tX?uENCD folder for flatworl lroner. saiem ia unary oj s. win. 664 Help Wanted Male HELP on dairy farm, wages, rent or snare. a. viirar am. .w m 1 mi. west Penn Annex. WANTED: Beverage distributor for Linn c Benton co. i. ppw Bottling Co. 1095 N. Liberty poxTiinr o. 1 -ij i.t. A-l JOURNEYMAN sheet metal man. ku installation experience requir ed. Apply 2303 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 9Aanv Top 1 a wTrro vr.r.noed. Too pay ateady. San Shop, Portland Rd. SiNGLE MAN on grade A dairy. Must be experience-. rnon . 60S Help Wanted, femcU GIRL or woman, general housework. children, room, ooaro et aa-vr Phone 2-0747. COMMERC-AU ' Placement Agencnr tea T - Phone 2-1488 oTTAf.rrfro APPLICANTS NEEDED , fOR ADDITIONAL LISTINGS. NO REGISTRATION FEE c.,. mnr 8195 to I avC 'Bkkp? r , , -.; !!" Accta. Rec Cierx. irp ? fiw-fiov SiWI Exp. kkkpr. Gen off elk steno 700 Rentals wood dist SMALL 3 rm. hse. Call 23905 after 6. 1854 N. Winter. 'Sweartnen. 6 RM. house. Inquire 2310 Lee St. Ph. 20656. ' - - - - ' , FOR LEAE: 3 B.R. home Eoslewoo-. call 3-3101. SM. 3 BJ1. HSE. 865. permanent rent ers, recommendation exchanged. Box : 22 co Statesman. - - SMALL unfurnished bouse. 825. Phono 2-8778. ' 4 ROOM house. RU 8, Box 170, phone s-iiw. . , . - ... - .. 703 Wanted to Rem LIST WITH COLBATH LAND CO. To rent or lease your property. We get the renter and take care of collec tions it desired. Phone 2-4552. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses BY 1st of Oct. 1 BJL unfurn. hse; in city limits, not over 5$0 for couple : vear old child. Ph. 2-3341. MEAT CUTTER, sit A 2 small cruT- dren desire 2 bedroom nouse. rea sonable' rent. Ph. 25390.- BUSINESS MAN, wife. 2 children want 2 or s U.K. -unrum. nouse. r-n. va. WANT TO RENT hse not over 5 by. Oct. 1st. Will consider- suburban North. Employed cple. Pn, 2-2588. . 714 Business Rentals STORE 1349 State, splendid location for Jeweler. ladles or gents reaay te . m . Dk aia FRONT ROOM suitable for office or small shop. Cnmue Studio, 3 courc St. uortairs. uu-OM---. Hoom. B. L St-tt. - 800 Real Estate 620 Day and Co-nracT 'ilem Sandi Gravel G. i Contract Work Beads - Clearing - LWtcning - Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental : 18 B-ti yds . 10 B-i yes , D-7 Cat t Dozer D-4 Cat At Dozer See us about ditching by the feel 1 Phone days 3-8408 - Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 ' Salem Oregon - ' ' BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING. PLOWING U C. MITCHELL. PH. 35337 'AUTO PAINTING, just a shade better by Ray ETTS v can snrocx asoior Ca 3-810L 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board CHOICE sleeping room for gentleman. 478 N. Cottage. FOR GENTLEMAN, close In. 832 N. Winter. Ph. 37054 after 5:30. CLEAN' Light hskp rm 735 N. Church. Ph. 78849 ra ent. LIGHT Hse keeping room for lady. 685 N. Church LGE Newly dec. room. Students, menu, a?n r r-nttave pn. z4:i ROOM and board at 495 N. Cottage SLEEPING ROOM. Inquire H, L SUfi. Furniture. Phone 3-9185 SLEEPING rms. gd beds, furnace heat. close in. 846 N. Capital. Ph. 3-8253. FOR EMPLOYED ladies or reasporuubie couple. Rent room At share my nome. 4S reenter. NICE ROOM for lady or 2 school girls. Ph. 3-5768. ; MAN'S ROOM, private entrance. 602 N. winter ROOM for gentleman, near bath, prl. enu 745 IS. capitoi. "NELSON NEWS THREE BLKS TO HIGH SCHOOL THREE BDRMS Ac DEN r. - An unusually well built, all masonry. - double insulated home, convenient to high school, dty ana foruana oum. "and Capitol shopping center. Com - bination living room, dining room with glass front circulating fireplace. New type clean economical electrie heat (less than oil). Three bedrooms, abundance of closet apace. Partially covered and wind sheltered patio, utility room, -unfinished multi-use - room (14x20) for hobby shop, rum pus room, etc Double gang- Un derground lawn sprinkling system, backyard garden. This S year old home, which - would , cost . about 820.000 to reproduce now is available for 816.650. Detailed descriptive sheet " on request. ''"' CLOSE-TN 88.82S - : Are you looking for e good Invest- . inent? Borders business zone, in apt. " cone. See us on this one before you ' Invest. Price onlv 86.825. : BETTER THAN A SALARY Sounds too good, but we have a close in restaurant that really shows e , good profit for owner. New. ' good location.' If you understand the res- . taurant business and have MJXM in cash or real iwroperty to trade, call NEW.IOCKER PLANT v ' 164 units, serving isolated area. Equip ment. building and land. Owner win sacrifice 816.000 value for only . 816.000. Consider trade for acreage or "what have yon.' ON WAY TO DETROIT DAM Good 3 bdrm home. 8 acres right on Detroit Road, rplaee. wired r elee ranee, etee water WHJ2 wall rug. Use. boysenberries. 813.008 : about half down. . , . FINE STOCK FARM 147 acres ideal for sheep, cattle, and chickens. 3 bdrm home with fplace. ; elec water heater, wired , for eJee ; orange.' Barn. ,. cnicx rise. a goo springs, so so. isv cuiu nt . 8304)00. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors . 702 N. High - - r-n. ACRES LOCATV) A FEW Mlixf FROM SALEM Near school and store, good home. barn, trees, creex. Owner wants to leave by October 1st. TOTAL PRICE - 36.300. 8 ACRES. SOUTH. 2 B. R. nome. Poultry building, creex. large sro n fie n nak trees. - S8.000.00. 3 B. R. HOME, ROOM FOR 3 MORE- MODERN. DQUSL- liASAUl, a toif, paved street, e good value for 8900 with at 000 down. - ' . ACRE on DALLAS PAVEMENT only one mile irom onaxe, - room nuu, 2 B. R. down. Oil Floor Furnace, large garage, chicken house, oaks and fruit trees - - - 89500. HIGHLAND AVENUE 2 BR Large t r witn new narawooa iioors, pe ment, in excellent condition - - 87500. Terms, immediate possession. 81500 down, balance 850.00 Der mo. t ACRE SOUTH In Fir Grove, 2 B. R. borne newly aecoratea. piumoins, -sink, Electrie Water heater, all nevr - - - only $5750. $1500 down, baL $45.00 per mo. . ; NELSCOTTv INSPIRATION POINT, Duplex, eacti nas J is. K rirepiace. also nice home with basement 8k study. Lovely ocean view very de sirable. 816.000. WEST SALEM BUSINESS INDUS TRIAL. PROPERTY. Hignway front, age.-( 3 new buildings suitable foe any business - - - 510,500. ; Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service ' 164 S. Coml St. fn. eve: ru-va 705 Apartments For Rent SMALL furnished spt Private bath. Adults. 1595 S. ComT.U RM. furn. apt no pets or children. Tno 494 N. Winter. Rk iurn. apt, close In, $U M Union. ONE and 2 rm. furn. apt, uta, also 3 rm. Sj bath unrurn aduita, no drinkers. 840 S. Caoitol St. MALL furnished apt. for couple and daufhtcr. Will nav to 8100 per mo. Call Mr. Lachow. 20012 before 8:30, after e call -eo4. one of finest, new conditio-, un 7 furnished spU for rent Ph. 1535J AWkAt'l'lVE front apt, Wichen, din- ette, liv. rm, bdrm, pain, jaunory faculties, hest water furn, 860 mo. 2152 S. Com- Call Independence 19F3 for further details. . m. J X ! J1- nMnl 1 a nn 111 uro. p. ii uw.. prlv. en l, auto, ou neau ece ui-r w am. at 1437 N. 4th. f URKlSHED I rooms & bath. Uose to State House, fn. z-uu. X ROOM furn, apt. Private bath A ent. ground floor. 845 S. 12th. J B.R. UNFURN. apt, garage, close in. H.W. heat. 860 mo. Ph. 2-1565 be- tween 8:30 a.m. Ac 5:30 p.m. WILL SHARE small furnished all elec- trie cottage .with working glrL Ph. 4-1 80 after t ZO. PARTLY furnished noma. 125 Leslie. k - CJUM KlcE tiJRN. apU Redec Good ioca- f.tion. Adults. Ph. 38706. 1079 N. Cap! ONE LARGE room furnished apt. for MnUMi la4 1 -Art Vj. . t AW. LARGE 3 room wafurnished apt. adults. : U40 East Ave. 707 Houses For .Rent $ RM. furn. cottage. Bollywood dist. 2125 Myrtle Ave. - fURN. garage hse. iiii N. 6th7 is A. ground with small house, all elec - witn eiee. neater turn, 1 plk. , ana 1 mile E. of Swegle school. 1st road S. Inq. house on right hand side. CLOSE IN house. 5 rm. flat first floor. S apts X garages (now rented). Fine proposition fog reliable em p. couple. Ph. 24811. End wood Mod. 2 BR - home. Fireplace. compL furn. Elec radiant neat. Close in North : Mod. 2 BR home. Lge. corner lot. Gar age. Full price 88-o, terms errangeo. ' Joe Noonchester REAL. ESTATE Ph. 2-0103 Days or Eve. CRYSTAL BALL 2 Br. South $9800. Lr, Dr. kit nk. full basemen! witn Auto gas rum. nvwiy aw rated, 82800 dn. bal 865 mo.. Suburban East $5000. 2 Br, Lr, and Urge kit Tun batn. rooa aeep weu who sv pump. Lot 80 x260'; This Is a good Buy. - f . New 3 Br. $12,500. l- Dr- kit and sk.' Hdwd. iioors, auto ou xorc a sir uio. - tractive fireplace. DbL gar.' Suburban South V 810,700. S K. Bedrma, Com. Lr. ana Dr, Me. six ana n, noire Fireplace, and elect, heat. Att gar. all Ins. snd weatherstripped. Extra Ig. lot. - : - i -t . J. E. LeCLERC ' Real Estate 474 Court St. prt 3E-7TS9 Eve, ana sun, pn: mot or , Outstanding Values ACREAGE TRACTS JUST OFT LANCASTER. ONLY $40per acre. I ACRE ON LANCASTER WITH PLENTY GOOD BUILDINGS As NICE HOME. Price $8500. New houset with hdwd firs. Close te school. Price 86950. 2 Bedrooms. 8 Bdrm Home with LR 14x14. A nice place and e good buy 84950. $90 down buys new unfinished bouse on large lot NJC. Price $1350, $750 down buys new I bdrm house oa large lot north. Price $27 50. $900 down buys large New S bdrm home not quite finished on the In side located oa 4 acre on corner - lot north. - - - $. acres S blocks from dty limits. Good buildings. Price only 10.5OO. FAMILY HOME LOCATED ON COR NER LOT CLOSE TO ENGLEWOOD AND HIGH SCHOOLS. 3 Bdrms, ' basmt. excellent location. Price Is 810,500. - 1 OSCAR SEDERSTRQM, EVE PH. 2521t DENSE-, THAMES. EVE PH. 4186$ COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 U", ;01d fir Veneer Cores Exp. legan steno $179 to $200 4 (ii '. V , - ' i - .' 1 i ,,,', r Jf t . n 41 i(