The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    r n n
' ;U CiLilJli
Ready toy Greet? PortlctndFpein Shrine
- V.
nee three Upstate Iloemen five an example ef how they Intend I
tt p.Hi..4 . jEtnrd nlrht In the Third Annual I
Shriners Hospital Benefit f ootbaD classle In Portland's Multnomah
atadlam. From left to richt the players are Johnny GrenUch, 190-1
Main Stymies Sa lems,
Jim Rawlins, one of the aee
Softball hnrlers of the area, re- .
members vividly the I o n e s t
homer ever socked off him. A
gny named Luke Easter deliver
ed the blow. ... The wallop
which will never be forgotten by
Rawlins came back in 1942 when
she present flrst-sacker of the .
Cleveland ' Indians ' was belting
the bic Pill around In his spare
moments off .a shipyard Job in
Portland.' On this particular day
Jim, then hurllns; for a Vancou
ver outfit, had twice gotten biff -Luke
with his rise ball speclaL
When Easter came to bat for
the third time, Rawlins catcher
figured another rise ball was, the
thinr to call for. Okay. Lake
let 'er go by for s strike. The
guy behind the plate again call
ed for the Rawlins special but
Jim was a bic dubious. Variety
la an Important thing- when yon
have a mighty stiekman up there
at" the plate. However, Rawlins
finally threw 'er in for another
caUed strike.
Then Wham!
Despite his success thus far,
Mr. Rawlins was ready to rebel
when his receiver called for the
rise balL After weighing the
situation for a handful of mo
ments, Jim, with considerable
snlsgivings, again threw in his
l Sunday pitch. Blam! There she
went on a long, scorching lino
high up against the eaves of a
school building comparable in
distance tto that between In deep
deep right field. As Rawlins re-j'
call, the distance was about the
same aa between Leslie's home
plate and the building in left.
The Easter wallop struck the
building with such force thai It
rebounded clear back to second
base before Luke had gotten
Bloodied GTable Snatches Win
In Hot Armory Go with Wallict
Lee Grable has himself a badly
has a mat win over Leo Wallick and what revenge he might consider
that goes with it. The two had at their grudge in Grade-A fashion
last night at the armory in the main that was suddenly stopped by
Referee Harry Elliott when Grable
came up from a wild scuffle on the
floor with a severe gash in his
bead. The wound bled profusely
and a medico had to be called to
patch up the curly-thatched gladi
ator, vv (:.;.
1 Grable had taken the first fall
f the rugged brawl with an ab
dominal stretch hold. He had the
same hold on again in No. 2 when
Wallick suddenly flipped both him
self and his tormentor through the
ropes and onto the floor. Between
taking swings at irate fans and at
the fallen Grable, Wallick some-
' how split a long gash in Lee's head.
When Grable finally crawled back
Into the ring, decidedly dazed, El
liott called a halt to proceedings,
- grabbed the public address micro
phone, informed the large crowd
that he had had enough of Wal
lick's tactics and gave the whole
shooting match to Grable who was
bjr now bleeding like a stuck hog.
i In the special event Ruffy Sil
yerstein convinced his third
straight local victim he's the great
wrestler that he is by flattening
Irish Jack O'Riley so severely that
the Aussie couldn't come back for
the. deciding fall. O'Riley did man
age to win the first fall with a
atom per ' arm lock the first fall
Silverstein has dropped in ' the
Northwest But Ruffy came back
strong, gave O'Riley a couple of
Lis pet standing back-breaker holds
and left him so banged up he had
to be helped from the premises.
In the other two battles Georee
Eusette woo over Cowboy Ace Ab
v J.
much beyond first. He got a
grounds-rule home out of it any
how. ...
Need it be said that Mr. Raw
lins will always have respect for
Mr. Easter's hitting ability.
Dutch Like Baseball
Dan Moses, former Salem res!
dent and graduate of Willamette
Kawlias Woat Ftrgrt Rim
who has spent much of the past
ten years In Europe and the mid
dle east, reports. that American
sports are gaining a bold in a
. number of countries on the other
side of the Atlantic. Moses says
that baseball and basketball have
been enthusiastically embraced
by Holland in particular. The
, (Con'd Next Page)
cut forehead today, but he also
bott via disqualification, climax
ing a touch-and-go tilt in which
Dusette looked good as ever, and
BiU (The Body) Melby used on
abdominal stretch to gain the only
fall over Bob Cummings. .
Ilalicnal League
030 000 001 4 11
000 120 000 S S
Roberts, and -Seminick: JUffenaber
ger and Pramewu . . --v.-
10 Ml 003 S 16
000 001 000. 1
St. Louis
Blckford and Cooper: Boyr. Hun
ger U). Martin (8) and u. Rice.
203 410 00010 I 1
: Bin it m 14 a
CampanelU; Queen. Lombardl (3),
Plerro 3. Dickson (4), MacDonald
(t) and McCuUough. l
New York
. MO SOS 000 10
000 300 110 a s
Hearn and
CalderoBe. Yvart );
Rush. Vandermeer 46), Oubiet (S) and
uwto, A. walker ).
Table of lastal Tides
Tides for Tart. Or son. Aurust. 1SS0
compiled by UJ5. Coast At Ceodetie
Survey. Portland. Oreeoal.
Partite Ktaadard Th
Aug. Tim HU Time- Ht.
Z3 10:11 ajn. 4.5 ; 3:15 ajn. -OS
- 32 pjn. liv lilpjn. U
24 , 111 p aa. 4a 4:13 ajn. -OS
2 11:44 un. 5.1 5:04 ajn. -la
10 33 pxo. 10 4:42 pjn. 2J
20 1I:1 pjn. $ 4 . 5:44 ajn. -1.0
11 JS PJK. . S:34 pjn. 2.2
27 '- U:4S PJB. " SjS 2S jn. -O S
aa pjn. IS
- ;VUv, :
- 1'" t
12:13 aja, .J 10 ajn. 4.4
1:11 pjn. IJ ' 1XS pjo. Lg
ponnd roard from LaGrande; Leo Parker. 230 pound of Medford hlfh
tackle and Pete Sehaffeld. 195-ponnd tackle from Vale.. Beth teams
are pntttnc the finlshlnc touches to
- -
Set Tonight
The sudden inlay of rain Tues
day washed out - the scheduled
Salem-Vancouver Western Inter
national league series opening
double bill at Waters field, and
tossed a heavy load on the two
second division clubs. In order to
get in the remaining games on
their schedules for the seasons the 1
Senators and Caps are faced with
playing a doubleheader tonight and
another Thursday night.
Tonight's rescheduled pair will
get under way at seven o'clock, but
the two of Thursday night will
start at 6:30, after famed- Baseball
Acrobat Johnny Price gives with
his sparkling exhibition. - ;
Manager Bill (Bull) Brenner'
has named George Nicholas and
Lefty Bud Beasley as his mound
nominees for tonight's pair. They'll
be countered by Long Bob Cos-1
tello and Johnny (Butch) Tierney
for the Salems. Nicholas is the
unlucky righthander who has lost
no less than nine games by one
run this season and who was vic
timized by the 1-0 no-hitter Vic
toria's Aldon Wilkie flipped up
last Friday night .
Beasley Is the eccentric "Clown
Prince of the WIL" he of the
Lgoofy windups, etc., who teaches
school at Reno, Nev. The 42-year-
old Beasley leaves the Vancouver
club for Reno later this week.
Following Thursday's double bill
the Salems hit the road to Spokane
o finish out the week. .
Huskies to Lose.
Sprint Luminary
SEATTLE, Aug. 22 -4Ph Craig
Weisman, star University of Wash
ington sprinter who . burned up
Northern Division tracks last
spring, will not be back next year,
The sophomore from Colfax,
Wash- announced today that he
has enrolled in Cornell university's
hotel management school.
Egyptian Makes It
Record ;SiiDpp3d. as 9 : Suim Cliansiel
By John Roderick -
DOVER, Eng., Aug. 22 -OP)
Nine swimmers conquered the
English channel today. An Egyp
tian army officer and a French
electrician brake the all-time
record for the 19-mlle creasing.
Seven ethers including - two
women, crawled ashore behind
them la a snass race sponsored
by a London newspaper.
r Never, since Matthew Webb
swam across the first time back
In 1875, has there been anything
like today's steady arrival f
swimmers on the Dever coast
from France. Only five persons
Swam the channel all last year
and only 29 had done' It In the
75 .years since Webb, up to to
day. ' - v;
Hassan -. Abd-D Rehlm. a
strapping ' 41 -year-old Egyptian
army lieutenant, wen the race
and a prlie of 1.C8 (J2.EC0)
from the spenscring London
Daily ' Mall by churning across
the channel la II boors, 53 mln
ntes, the fastest time ever re
corded, lie sprinted the last few
handred yards to overtake tiring
Eager Le Morvan, 2S, Paris elec
trician, and beat him to shore
by It minutes. The Frenchman
had led a field of 24 starters
from Cap Gris Ncs to wUhln
the shadow of Dover's . white
. cliffs.
Bat the tn-swand Egyptian.
sparred on by she-ats 1 sis ssp
porters n land and sea, thcrc?-
drills this week,
Fuchs Again
ESKILSTUNA. Rweden. Aug.
22-OP)-Bir Jim Fachs, shooting
for the coveted 60-foot mark,
edged a bit closer today when
he heaved the 18-pound shet 58
feet 19 23-32 Inches. ,
The prodigious toss was the
longest ever recorded in the
event, bettering the listed world
record by around 10 Inches. It
also topped the best i previons
efforts of Fuchs, who has beat
en the world mark unofficially
several times during his pres
ent tour.
The world record is 58 feet
6 Inch, set in 1948 by Charley
Fonville of Michigan. . .
Vilts' Future
What's In" the future of Salem
high school's athletic . plant, like
maybe a stadium?
The school board doesn't know,
right now; but it's going to caU
on a civic committee to help in
planning ahead for public school
athletic facilities." ' ; '
That was decided' Tuesday
night at a board meeting, when
Chairman Harry Scott asked Sup
erintendent Frank , B- Bennett to
form an outside committee repre
senting sports fans,' press, labor
and . business. . This group would
survey-needs and recommend de
velopments in planning sessions
with the school board.-
School officials emphasized that
the school district has no immed
iate plans in mind ' for athletic
plant. ... i - -
Cardinals Launch
Drills Thursday
Coach Don Vandevort of Sacred
Heart Academy .will greet a squad
of thirty aspirants including six
lettermen, as the Cardinals launch
their 1950 football practice at the
SHA field Thursday night start'
ins at & o'clock. Vandevort urges
any other interested boys to turn
out 1
: ! '-J-
Hold Stadium?
in 10 Hours, 53 Minutes
: '
hands as be made shore and
shouted: "
. MAllah, Allah, a record."
Bis time was It minutes fast
er than the generally recognised
record of 11 hoars, five min
ates, set la 192S by Georges
Michel of .France. Le. Morvan's.
official time was 11 hoars, three
' Eebim b the first and only
man ever to have swum the
channel three times. He did It
first In 194S and again last year.
The winner of the Mail's
!, (S2409) prise for the
inquire Abnl Onr lTsu
-Ki. '-'iti!3-CcIIidcn Policy- ;
Our policy iwcjulraa Hurt you pay ihm clacluctlbU ennourit
OrJCE. Tneroafler you bar FULL COVOAGS ct no ln
crsxao) fa cost lor (hs balance) of dm policy term. V7 wriia
the) broadest lull eyaracjo) cuto policy la Salam and wo
era txdurirt) cgaoi for tila cortraQaw -
evoy tozis
212 XX. Och L
Upstate Squad
Tentative Lineups
Set for Shrine Mix
PORTLAND,' Aug;' YL-i&t-Tb
Oregon All-Stars, will carry a
night's, third annual Shriners bos
pilal football game
land All-Stars. ,9
Tentative starting lineups in the
forward wall,- announced .today,
give the Staters; a Jine averaging
195- pounds against -180. for f the
Portlaand'-'teami -;v.V '
Listed in the probable starting!
lineup for" .the Oregon -team were
Den Hedgepeth, 185, 'Grants Pass;
left end: Jim ' Doerfler," 210, Al
bany, left-tackle;. John. vGreulich,
160, La Graande, left guard; David
Lo we, z I Q, gsm, center, jun
Pifer, 180, Hilkboro. ngbt guard;
Leo Parker, 223, Medford, right
tarlrlA anil TVn RimmtinH. 100
tackle, and Don Siegmund, 190,
Eugene, 'right end. ;
The two biggest boys on the
Portlaand team will be the ends,
Len Berrie of Grant and Swane
Helbig of Roosevelt, .who weigh
195 and 190, respectively; . .
The teams' tooTc". advantage of
Tuesday's. , showers' ' td practice
haandling the wet ball in their of-
t !.. rn,i.--v v 1
game,- however, is forbear skies,
Tnmnfrnw the : teams will driU
In the morning. In the afternoon
they will be guests at the Shrinerr
hospital for 'crippled children,
which institution receives all net
proceeds from the game.
mage and then brush up on signal
amis ana aeiensive assignmenu. 1
Shopping Gals
In 2nd Round
The Salem Capitol Shopping
Center girls' softball team clashes
with D and F Plumbing of Port-
and tonight, 8:45, in a second-
round game in the annual State
Women's Softbalr tourney being
held at Portland's Normandale
park. The Salem girls hurdled
their first-round foe. West linn,
by a 12-2 count Monday night be
hind the tight hurling of Lil
Jackie Gardner - will probably
start for the Shopping club to
Bevos Rained;
Oak Lead Gut
- By The ' Associated Press
Rain last night washed out the
scheduled opening game of the
Pacific Coast league ' series at
Portland between the Beavers
and Seattle. The teams will make
up the wash-out with a Thursday
night twin-bilL
The red-hot San Diego Padres
again shaved the lead of the Oak
land Oaks. The Padres dumped
Sacramento, 5-4, to move within
4ft games of the Acorns who
bowed -to Los Angeles,1' 4-2. Hol
lywood edged out a 4-3 decision
over San Francisco's Seals.
San Francisco . 120 000 000 2 T 1
Hollywood Oil 010 20x 4 1
Johnson and Orteig; Lehman, Mal-
tzberrer (2). Woods (8) -and Paepke.
Los Anceles . 100 003 000 4 7 0
Oakland . 000 010 010 2 5 1
Besse and Novotaey; Shoun. Behr-
man 49) and Noble. 1 .
San Diego 010 003 001 I 11 1
Sacramento 010 111 000 4 13 1
Embree. Jurialch , astd Moore:
Grove. Uerma (7). Cables (S)
Stelner. v .
American League
Detroit 001 000 041 11
New York 304 111 03x 13 14 0
White. Stuart 43). Connelly 46) and
Robinson. House (7): Reynolds and
Berra. .
Cleveland 011 120 000 9 11 0
Washington . .... 001 000 000 1 t
Feller and Hegan; Bearden. Sima ()
and Okrie. Evans 49).
St. Louis 100 012 010 S 11 0
Boston . 100 008 OOx S 10 1
Johnson. MarshaU (). Dorlih (6) and
Moss; Nixon. Kinder (7) and Hosar.
first woman to finish waa Eileen
Fenton, a 21-year -aid English
school teacher. Ia her first try
at the channel she made In
crossing in 15 boars, 31 min
utes. ' She . placed sixth In the
race, behind five men. The oth
er woman finisher was dennie
Kammersgaard. - 3L a Danish
lingerie designer.
The women's record IX
hoars,. 29 minutes was set
just two weeks age today by
'Miss Florence Chad wick of San
Diege, Calif.
or n:cu3Ai;cs
Clcd 3-43IS
-;v t i- - By Harold
1 MINNEAPOLIS. Au if. 22-iF.Frank Strnnahan nA Willi-.T,,'
esa -squirmed past rugged opponents late today to Join defending
Champion Charles Coe in the third round of the golden anniversary
National Amateur, golf JournamenC ; ri- -. - -.r:
" . . . . -
All WI Action
j ...
.. sy , im Avsqitea .tress
. iuua. last., uuuv wawea-wu-uw
X- A 1 1 A. 1 , ' .1
" W,
w u-
tiono to Vancouver at Salem, were
Victoria, at. Tacoma,. Tri-City at
Spokane and Yakima - at Wenat-
chee. Doubleheaders are due on
all four fronts tonight . - .
J5 ear 8 LinKSterS
Slate Flayoff
As a climax to the summer-long
series of Sears links tournaments
twenty-nine men will today fire
qualifying rounds in which they
1 will seek to gain berths in a four
man playoff set for Friday evening
I at Salem Golf club. Ray Roach is
the defending champion.
Hawaiians Ousted
YAKIMA, Aug. 22-0P-Billings
tourned the table on Hawaii in
a third round 11th regional Amer
lean Legion jurnior baseball tour
nament game here this afternoon,
the Montana titlist defeating the
Honolulu entry, 8-6. The . loss
loss dropped the Hawaiians from
the tournament. Billings will play
Lewiruvon, Ida., tonight for the
right to face unbeaten Yakima in
the finals Wednesday night.
, W LPct. , WLPct,
Tacoma 7S 48. 619i Victoria SS 71 .450
Yakima 78 SO JS09I Vancouvr 93 71.427
Tri-City 69 97 34SI Salem 92 79 .409
Wenatcn S9 ss .9431 spoicane 4 ts ja
Tuesday results: At Salem-Vancover,
rain: at - Tscoma-Victoria, rain; at
Spokane-Tri-Clty, rain; at wenatcee-
Yanma, rain.
W L Pet. ' W L Pet,
Oakland 90 SO J300I San Franc 73 78 .490
San Diego 89 M .571! Portland ' S7 78 .462
HoUywd 81 89 J40i Los Angel M 82 .448
Seatue 76 73 J10 Sacrament 87 S3 J80
Tuesday results: At Portland-Seattle,
rain; at Hollywood 4. San Francisco 3;
at Oakland 2, Los Angeles 4; at bacra
men to 4. San Diego 9.
WLPct. W L Pet.
Philadelp 71 49 J12iNew York 98 94 .518
Brooklyn sz 47 jwi cntcago so
Boston 81 91 .545 1 Cincinnati 47 49 .420
St. Louis 62 52 .5541 Pittsburg 4174.357
Tuesday results: At Cincinnati 3.
Philadelphia 4: at St. Louis K Boston
8: at Pittsburgh s. Brooklyn 10: at
Chicago 9. New York 6.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Detroit 73 40 .646: Washingt SO 62 .446
New York 72 44 J521I Chicago 46 71 .393
Cleveland 72 46 .610! St. Louis 39 74 .343
Boston 70 48 .9931 Philadelp 40 77 .342
Tuesday results: At New York 13,
Detroit 6: at Washington 1, Cleveland
5: at Boston 9, St. Louis 8- at Phila
delphia-Chicago, rain.
The answers to everyday
insurance problems' if "J
By Sid Boise
QUESTION:' The amount of fire
insurance on our house hasnt
been changed for' some years
although the house has doubled
in value. Is this increase in
value automatically taken care,
of by the policy or should we
increase our insurance?
ANSWER: The Insurance Com
pany will pay a loss only up to
the face amount of rour policy
so you'd better increase your
insurance and- the , sooner, .the
better! - ' :
If youll address your own
insiirance cruestions to this of
fice, well try to give you the
correct answers and there will
be sva charge or obligation of
any kind. '
373 N. Chareh v llime 3-9119
- : Repreaeatiag t; -Ccnerxl
f America .
4 V. ' I
Stranahan, twice British amate
ur champion but never a major
thUeholder in his own country, de
feated James McHale of Bethle
hem, Pa., a fellow Walker Cupper,
up, alter reaching the turn all
even. Turnesa, whose game sup
posedly is made to order for the
6,655-yard .Minneapolis Golf club
course, hurst the bubble that was
Richard Allman of Philmont, Pa
and z. - .-. ; : .
Coe, despite 'some poor putting
and the strong winds that swept
over the par 35-36 71 course in
the morning, mastered Al Clasen
of St Paul, a determined public
links ahotmaker, 3 and 1.
But while these established
players were grabbing headlines.
the younger stars were solidifying
their positions and making this
tournament- the USGA's 50th
one or ine most youtn minded.
Gene Littler, still 20 and from Se
attle, Gene Kesselring from Kit
chener, Onu, and even younger,
Fred Wampled of Indianapolis and
Al Mengert of Spokane, all won
(Continued on next page)
Red Athletes
Tested Today
letes of 23 nations are all set to
go far the Europeaan games which
j ,p "WW'0 j ;
Rotcrts 7inl7th; ;
Feller, Beats Solons '
' By Jee Falls .
New York Yankees." sparked fcr
Yogi Berra's smoking m trim
med the Detroit Tigers, 13-6, to- -day
and cut their American leagna
lead to 2ft games. . - , .
uerra powered six runs across
the plate on two singles, a tripWr , .
and his 14th home run. 'A crowd
of 39,602 saw the world champions-
ciuo a trio or Detroit pitchers lor
if nits, including homers by Geno
Woodling and Johnny 1 Mize. , :
Allie Reynolds went the distancst
for hi 11th victory, although the
Tigers jolted him . for four runt ,
in the eighth inning. Johnny Groth 3 . .
capped the belated rally with r-three-run.
homer. Starter. Hal -C
White suffered his fifth loss. - '
The seconod game of the vital
three-game series will be resumed
tomorrow, with Vic Raschi (15-;)
of the Yankees opposing Detroit' .
Art Houtteman (16-9). . -'-
The loss was a costly, one for ,
the Tigers, as both Boston and
Cleveland won night engagements. ;
The Red Sox exploded for eight
runs in the sixth inning to whip -the
St.: Louis Browns, 9-5.' Clever . 1
land, behind . Bobby Feller's tight '
Six-hit hurling, downed Washing
ton, 5-1.'- . - - v. i ! -
It was Boston's eighth straight
victory and 16th in 17 games . with "
the Browns this season. The Sox "
are now 5H games behind.;
Feller's 12th triumph boosted
the Indians to within 3ft games of
the Detroiters. Gene Bearden, a
former Indian, suffered his sixth -loss,
third as a Senator. .
The Philadelphia Phillies main-
tained their 5ft game lead in thd
National league by edging Cin
cinnati, 4-3, on Del Ennis' ninth
inning single. The blow snapped
a 3-all tie and gave Robin, Rob-
erts the nod over veteran" Ken ,
Raffensberger. It ..was Roberta '
17th victory against only five de-'
feats.' - -
(Con't Next' Page)
start tomorrow in Brassels Heysel
stdiam. -
Chief interest of the 7i,00 crowd
will be the pert ormaances of aha
Soviet team of 19 men and 10
women in a rare appearance out
side the Iron Curtain. The track
and field meet la which Europe's)
best, will compete finishes on Saa- -day.
' ; "i '
THE nnovj
' ci a LU til citst J. UUi