Po Rite Of Interest Of titcrcct to Cakm friends cf the croom-elect Li the approach-, inj marriase of Miss Anne Irene Karma, CivZisx of llr.and tin. 7iHiam J. lianna, to Howard Du puy, Jr., son of Ma' Lola Dun ham - Dupuy and Howard. Dupuy of Portland. The ceremony will take place ca Saturday morris 2. August 2$ art AH Saints Catholic church at 19 a. m. with a recep tion following at noon In the Italian room- of the Mallory hoteL Miss Hanna wiH continue with her studies at Marylhurst college and Mr. Dupuy at Portland uni versity. ' Among those-attending the wed ding from here will be Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips, aunt of the benedict-elect, who will cut the cake at the reception, Mr. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, jr., Don Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Olson and Mr. . and Mrs. John Martin. - p.- - -" . I r -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van derburg (Gay Slick) who 'were married on August 12 at SL Joseph's Catholic church. The bride is the 'daughter of Mrs. Grace Sick and the groom Is the sen of Mrs. Geneva Cooper. Committees Named : WTTIiAMTNA Twenty mem bers of Primrose Rebekah lodge were present for the meeting this week, at which Noble Grand Sadie Brock presided. Ann Denton was voted into membership by transfer from the Sheridan Rebekah lodge. Geraldine McNamar and Alice Rudig were appointed to the civil defense committee for Willamina The noble grand appointed Kath ryn Parrett, Dorothy McNamar and Mrs. Haake to the fraternal press committee,- and also appointed Amy Fox, Gold Ramey and Thel ma Edwards to investigate the v Theta Rho dub. Thelma Edwards, who with Hazel Olson, was a dele gate to the state convention in Astoria, i read the program the tale president presented. i Mrs. Genevieve Olson has re turned from a two months bus trip which took her to Chicago and Morris. I1L, where she visited with relatives for ' a fortnight. : She went south to West Virginia and Atlanta, Georgia, where she visited a brother. The traveler re turned home by way of San An- tonio, Texa to visit her son, Stan ley P. Olson, - who is stationed there at the Brooks air base, and , enroute north stopped in Sin Francisco for a week's visit with her other son, Charles Olson, and his wife. ' Shirley Bier of Spokane has been visiting in the capital at the home of her grandmother, - Mrs. A. B. McKUlop. i i. Mrs. Bruce Beols, the for mer Delores Mctrek before her marriage on July 16 at the First Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mo rale and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beads of Silverton. Reccx3 CrowS at , Annual Festival The tenth annual Oreron h!:e- cpeare Festival at Ashland which ends Thursday ha been acclaimed by association board meters -as the most successful f zsSvil in its hi tory. , There are two days remaininc and this rear's box office record showes the highest count ever with capacity crowds each evening. . People from every state in the nation and from four foreign coun tries have witnessed the fes tival play of King Henry XV, Part One, Comedy of Errors, As You like t, and Antony and Cleo patra. Festival - officials predict over 20.000 people will see- this year's Ashland event. The festival has received, national publicity with writeups in Quick Magazine, Sunset, Theatre Art, Opera and Concert, Chrysler . Events, and re views in the San Francisco Chron icle and Seattle Times. In addition to Oregon newspapers. ' Angus I Bowmer. founding pro ducing director, stated the talent this year has been out tending and that the festival is growing rapidly with a sound financial foundation. . Marriage Announced Mr." and Mrs. Arthur R. Perry of Turner are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Donna Marie Perry, to Archie E. McDonald on Saturday, August 19 at the home of the bride's par ents near Turner. The couple will make their home in Dallas. ReXir - Cs!a. Pro, VTedaesdrr. JIggt tX IZZ3 Shall Ccr.3 Dsrm As Seen As Ska Rr.hh:s I!:r CcriVs il " CURLY'S Your Friendly Horn Owned Dairy Ffcna 3-0703 rv? LZir IIQQP hrofiatia (poora!! Harrest time brings with it income from die year's worflL Pal those harvest dollars Into a sayings account at The United States National Bank where deposits mote emm 30 r tnU morsi ' The new hrteresff rote of 1 Vs ! peM e 3 swvtngs tfeeesits vp te $1 0,000. 1 Is poJ4 ew thet portion ! ewcewit buexcess $1 0)00. Zjtt citb hcrtdsed interest at The United States NarJonal Ban3 f.build yourself a cash reserve for the future. Tberr Is no sub fdsut for the feeling of securitj that comes from having mooej IAOD t BUSH-SALEM BXANCH a. w. wm........Mtmttm. BOY NSUOM.. LCtMira... sacoaficasa. e. rAcs.....AMi. Win SALEM BXANCH Hit S..IOSTtAat....JbAl 0M t" WAiro i lAWUNai "HlW.MlM. I , ! Pn J " V I J:50 DAY 0 ODD PIECES SPORTSWEAR VALUES TO $7.95 . . famous brands of denim, knits, etc, such as skirts, halters, shorts, slacks, caps, bras, boat shirts, short jackets. Odds. For quick sale ... 2nd floor. i . RUFFLED MARQUISETT8 CURTAINS Reg. $1,981 v ' . Plastics and cotton- scrims with novelty trims. Kit' hen style or short casements. Downstairs. "FAMOUS CRANI SCISSORS" Reg. $1,751 ' Notion department feature en dollar day Is this back to school sale of fine quality extra hard steel scissors. All styles. Tor school or home use. NYLON GIRDLES AND PANTII GIRDLES Reg. $5,001 Buy them now and save. Tour favorite saay be bare at a groat saving. These are light summer weights of wall known brands. 2nd floos. i ... MEN'S ODD SPORT SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR Special table of odds! Here's good pioUng for meal Stock ua aai eavo! .... r : : - - ' - ' . : :. RAYON CREPES, PRINTS, SHEERS Reg. $1.98 yardt Excellent quality fabrics for your utility frooks, f ormals, ote. Here's opportunity to sow and really save! ... " , DOLLAR DAY SALE OP WOMEN'S ODD BELTS Reg. $2,001 Novelties . . . that extra dross, perhaps Just the belt to park vp suits or slaeks. save haul t for WOMEN'S HANDBAGS IN FABRIC, STRAW, ETC Reg. $3.98, $2,981 Dark shades and beige. Tabrise, plastios and seaaet straws in box and pouch stylo. Downstalse. WOMEN'S SATIN GARTER BELTS A quick closeoutl Not all sizes but extra values iav this dollar day sale. Downstairs. RAYON JERSEY KNIT J PAJAMAS Sizes 6 to 14 years! ' . ; -v r Blue, yellow In odds, mostly irregulars. A groat bargain! Downstairs la I're-n-Teen shop. UTTLE GIRLS TREBOR KNIT BRIEF PANTIES Reg. 35c pair 1 ' lfade of fine quality eottoa knit Terf durable. White with novelty motif. Sisos only 1, i, 4, 9 years. Bownstairs. 4 for SIX CUP ALUMINUM COFFZ3 MAKER 'J..- A "BITTY BRIGHT styled eoffee saabar ef six eup capacity. A very speolal dollar day bargain, Downstairs housewares. jaccu:u::3 coainAf j DRYSINSST t R3. $2j5! Newt Introductory bfforl Skisi lotion. eloanelng cream, and nsaaonat am Tet- Plus tax. All for , ; KBT CHOICER PEAHLS FCFALL y '''V :V A special purchase of fine choker style pearls for thiasale! Uoss green, taupe, burgundy and natural pearL Main floor. 0- r, 9 rs i ii T7. If rntln'rt Quails -. l l ... f I If fl Oo.r DeyJ , jj Pajamas ll III Re9 $3,001 - I Ryon sflp. ao. - I I ll firs"- vy 1 imer Rsr. to $i6 95 -vorusi t HAMBRAYSI ! '""AAlSl i??11 dose bu ... . er'' vaclr'0 ,n ft" cotton merr sty. fcJ.Vac,too war TOrron 'rodesf 'r nd ha f,f2f f ""re der!9 1 Cotton Drcssos ' .- ! lb close ovtl K Dollar Day tpedal In the Pre-rvToon shop downstairs. fixes 10 to 14 years onlyl A mar velous bargain for around home . wear. ' m fri tiMilt Iimimm rpeea ' ..... . . a U O I I O O II - ft A U K t 1 I V I ii o t O I 10. O H