The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ora 7eds ssiaryv ' Lr-rrt S3, K!3
1' A . ...... I,
Breakfast Will
Fete Autumn
- Ufs. Robert Q. Brady and ber
daughters. Miss - Carolyn Brady I
nd Mrs. Robert Siddoway of
Portland, will be hostess for a
breakfast on Sunday morning In
onTcnliment to Miss Patricia Sue
Arrowsmith of Portland, bride-1
-, elect of Jobs M. Fltzmaurica,
whose marriage will be an event I
ef September 23.
The 10 o'clock breakfast wQ be!
at "Half Pint Farm," the country
W-t 1 A.L- m. I
place oi un craay uu ui
TtnaA Tables will be arrensed in I
the gardea and e miscellaneous I
-hower will fete the bride-to-be. I
Bidden to honor Miss Arrow
smith are her mother and sister,
Mrs. Herbert Thomas Arrowsmith
nd Miss Mary Ar.ewsmlth of
Portland, Mrs. Robert M. Fltx
maurice. Miss Joanne Fitzmanrlce,
Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mrs. Rob
ert Strebig, Mrs. Robert Steeves,
Mrs. William Eah, Miss Barbara
Sundet. Miss Jo-Anne Gilmora,
Miss Suzanne Huggins, Miss Eo-j
berta Tussinr. Miss Katie Sier-
mtrntL Miss Marian Carson. Miss I
Patricia Wilson. Miss Gloria andl
Fnne Baum. and Miss Vkzinlal
Huston. .
fc -V I 1
' Do you know how to plan a
small bedroim so it's as un
crowded and useful and hand
some as a big one? To be as
uncrowded, the room must con
tain little furniture. To be as
useful, there must be plenty of
storage space. And to be as
handsome, the furniture there
is must be particularly well de
signed. The best single problem
solver for the small bedroom is
a Mr. and Mrs. dresser like
this. It knows very well how to
make square inches do the work
of square feet. The top drawers
are exactly' spaced for ties,
gloves, jewelry and accessories
Sliding: tambour doors conceal
shirt trays on one side and lin
gerie compartments on the oth
. er. Because every inch is 'used,
the single large piece -of furni
ture is more useful than sev
eral 1 less ' efficiently planned
small ones, and the single piece
means better, smoother arrange
ment lor tee room.
Mr. end Mrs. KenneSi
Storey (Eareen Van Dear
Bosch) -who "were ' married
on August 6 at the First
Presbyterian church in Dal
las. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Van DenBosch of Monroe
and the groom is the son
of the G. W. Storeys of
BatfletjroundLi Wash. (Abel
Photo, Dcdlcts?.
Fashion Show,
Benefit Slated
One of the first fall fashion
shows of the season has been set
for Saturday, September 16 with
the Spinsters as hostesses for tne
benefit affair. '
A one o'clock dessert luncheon
w&l be served with the style show
following with fashions from the
Towne shop. Bridge win be In
play later ia the afternoon.
Miss Sally Ana Barr neaas tne
directorate for the benefit. First
plans for the affair were outlined
at a business meeting ox tne spin
sters Monday night at the home
of Miss Suzanne Huggms. Mrs.
Roger M. SchneH is in charge of
reservations for the. fashion
I luncheon,
October Wedding
Date Is Set
IMiss Stewart,
Mr. McDowell
Wed Tuesday
Miss Muriel Patricia Stewart
and Edwin Robert McDowell ex
changed their marriage tows at
an evening ceremony on Tuesday
rjht at the Free Methodist
church. The bride is the daughter
of the Rev. and sirs. J. 2L Stew
art and her husband is the son
of ISx. and Mrs. Emer HcDoweH
of Centralia. ,
The bride's father officiated at
the SOS : o'clock ceremony with
her uncle, the Bar. W. H. UcCor-
rdck of Portland, assisting. lrs.
Wade Poet sang for bar sizteri
wedding smd Llrs. James Gwyrm
was the organist lighting the
tapers were Miss Verla Uav Gil
lespie ef Seattle and 13ss Eeanor
Stewart, a cousin, el New West
minster. B.C
reff her wedding the bride chose
a traninonai white saua gowa
made entrain and fitted bodice
with buttons to the waist la front
and a Peter Pan collar. A lace
headdress bald ia place her fin
gertip veil and she carried a bou
quet of yellow and white gladio
luses centered with a white or
chid. - . j .
Precede the Bride ' 1
Miss Nettie Zook ef Gresbam
was the maid of honor and wore
a yellow taffeta frock. Brides
maids were Misa Grace Stewart,
the bride's sister, and Mm Lmnr
McDowell, a sister of the groom,
who wore 'blue taffeta dressy.
They carried bouquets of yellow
gucaoruses tied with contrasting
ribbon. Junior attendants were
Beverly Bussard and Donald Poet.
Donald - Bussard of Centralia
served as best man for bis neph
ew. Ushers were Werner Johnson
of Bo then. Wash, a cousin of the
groom, and Donald Spears of Cen-
iraua. ? .
. reception followed fa, the
church parlors and presiding? at
the bride's table were toL Ro
land Stewart. Miss ptrrm
lOss Ida Beth. Johnson of BotheO,
afrs. Phil McHarness and assist
ing were IQsses llarv Stwi
i-aunne zoo, June and Jean
White, Patricia Kepptnger. Mil
dred McCormk. Mary- Lea Hpa-
cr, ataruyn uoates, Uenevievt
llorgan. Mrs. Wilbur THesmajr
Everett Poet and Mrs. Wade Poet.
massing aream cakes were nieces
or the bride, Sharon, Yvonne,
Nancy and Judy Poet.'
For traveling the bride changed
to e navy suit with grey bat and
navy and grey accessories. The
couple win nVe ia Seattle, where
both win continue with their
Mr. and Mrs.
hare as their bouse guests Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Thomas of Peoria,
m. Mr. llsple and Mr. Thomas
left Tuesday for a -fishing trip
an mm Mfftrnne.
Lean hew to make slipeerers
that reaDy rtt tm Biabtth Hillyert
kMklct. SUFCOVn MA61C-OI
BAST WAT.. ASdrcM SUu HlQyer at
ttis acwipaper sad eaclest IS teats
la cola, please, wit a stamp,
elf-addremeS wntoM aaa jmmt
(Coprrisht USS ky Mtm T. DO C4
To Attend Convention
V ir. and Mrs. J. Al Head will
be in Portland this week to at
tend the 23rd national conven
tion of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity 1
opening today with headquarters
at the Heathman hotel, air. Bead I
is national seeretarv of rha fra
ternity. Mrs. Thome Hammond of!
Portland, formerly of Salem, I
beads I the women's committee on
entertainment for delegates' wives
ana. women visitors to, the con
vention, which will include lunch-
eons, dinners, a. formal ball and
sogntseeing tours.
Announcement Is being made
of the approaching marriage of
Miss Delores E. Hill, daughter of
Brott a clrto, n 'oTlta " S"" Pflc CoUeJ,
Alice Card en.
The wedding will take place on
October a at the First Christian
church with a reception follow
ing in the church parlors. 1 .
Delta Gammas to
Give Silver Tea
Plans have been completed for
in Portland oa Sunday. Au
gust 27 in the Lambert Gardens.
Hours are from 3 to 6 o dock and
all interested persons are invited
to attend. Tickets may be pur
chased at the gardens. Funds de
rived from the tea will be for the
new - chapter bouse ' at Oregon
State college.
Tea will be served in the formal
rose garden and punch in the in
formal gardens. Assisting will be
active members from the chapters
at Wausmetta tcolveiuty, Oregon
State and the University ef Ore-
At a 9 o'clock nuptial mass on
Tuesday morning at St. Joseph's!
Catholic church Ml is Eettyann
Boetticher, daughter of lirsl Pau-
T 1 1 m
bride of Jame M. aschko, eon of j
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rascnko.
Father Theodore Bernards offici
ated before a setting of gladiolus-
in shades of pink and white.
Mrs. Anthony Becker, aunt of the
groom, sang and Mrs. Raymond
Barton was the organist. . Patrick
Rasrhko served at the mass.
Miss Patrida Sommer,"
daughlar -of Mrs. L. E.
Marsh of Salam, wfaoee ea
cjagemenl to John F. Grei7,
sen of Mr. end Mrs. WH
Baza Grelg o! Erxiwjfield,
has- been revealed. No
wedding dala has been set
Shower Fetes
Miss Lamkin
Miss Germond Ijmkin, Septem-
bride-elect of Kenard Adams,
Is the incentive for much enter
taining prior to her marriage. Mon
day night the bride-elect was Hon
ored, at a miscellaneous shower
when Mrs. Ralph Eyre, Mrs. Wil
liam Fawk, Mrs. Francis Wonder-
ry and Mrs. Arthur Peters enter
tained at the Eyre noma on-North
Capitol street. A late supper was
served and a mock wedding was
feature of the evening. Thirty-
five guests attended the party.
Friday night Mrs, M. D. CocbeB,
Mrs. Kenneth BSlfiker, Miss Gladys
Ayer and Miss Connie xuekey win
be i hostesses for a - pre-nuptial
shower at the Cocneu home
North 2tth street for the pleasure
of Miss Lsmrtn. A late supper
will be served following aa In
formal evening. . :
Bidden to honor the bride-to-be
are her snomer. Jars, waiter S.
TjmVin. her sister. Miss Sharon
Tamkin, Mrs. K. K." Adams,' Miss
Diane Rlggs, Miss Lorna Kigf,
Miss Darlene Gorbnaker, ; Mrs,
Oifford Klemen. Mrs. Jack Stel-
ger, Mrs. George Mman, Mrs. Carl
Beach. Miss Lois Stevens, Miss
Helen Snider, Miss Barbara Sen-
ter. Miss Inez Hovey, Miss Evelyn
Kllfiker, lOss Sabra Hlsnkmthip,
Miss Virginia Betmer. Miss Lottta
Taylor, Miss Frances StuL.
Carol Kkmcn. Miss Phyllis Le-
Rnd, Miss Maureen Kingman, Miss
Leota - Nuttbtwk, j Miss Wanda
Meyden, Miss 'Eileen Lang, and
Miss Pamela Wilkinson.
' i -
Mrs, Taylor Hawkins win " be
in Portland a few days this week
to visit her nephew and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurrav.
and their son, William Robert, III,
wno arrived from iowa City, Iowa
on Tuesday, for a vacation of sev
era! weeks at the senior Robert
Mc Murray noma In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs Mauriee Saffron
and son, John, have returned
from a fortnight's sojourn at Sea
Miss Boetticher lRe5?e?0,1,s Wtla,e
, . ' v t Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 neld
Vidrned at a
its regular meeting with Mrs. Lu
ther Melton, noble grand, presid
ing. -Mrs. Leah Schei. Schuyler
lodge No. 18, Dayton, Wash., made
a fraternal visit Mrs. Gladys Mil
ler, Mrs. Ralph Spenst were ini
tiated Into Salem Rebekah lodge,
also Mrs. Myrtle Stewart of The
lia lodge,' Hubbard. Announce
ments were made that the Three
Links club will meet Friday at
2 pjn. at Mrs. Lloyd Wood home,
75 Dearborn st. The Ladies Auxi
liary Patriarchs Militant will meet
Thursday night at S pjn. There
Cenard, Pyre, daughter ef the
David JEyres of Portland, is spend
ing the week in Salem with her
grandfather, David W. Eyre, and
uncle and aunt, the Stewart John-
will be a rummage sale Thursday,
August 24 over Greenbauma, .
Preceding the bride to the altar
Miss Martene Rascnko, sis
ter of the groom, as the honor
maid, and Mis Judith Marie Boet-1
Hftha liaise lalnai-ai 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 1 tarhA I
uuivta uca aaaavwav m v iwbii sea a9 vmi
wore Identical frocks of pale pink
organdy with deep pink velvet
sashes. Their pink horsehaid braid
picture hats were adorned with
pink velvet ribbon with stream-
They carried basket bouquets
of pink roses and daisies with the
handles of pink satin. Ridde Sko
pll, son of the junior Otto Skopils,
was ring bearer. ;
Bride Wears White Fade
Of white taffeta faille was the
bridal gown fashioned with scallop j
detail at the waisume ana on toe
bodice with a deep yoke ef Chan-1
tCbr lace edged with a ruffle of
the lace. The full skirt ended in a I
train and she wore long, taffeta
mitts edged with a lace ruffle. Her
French illusion fingertip veu cas
caded from a ChantUly lace cap
bordered with a lace ruffle. She
carried the crystal rosary belong-
ing to the groom's. mother and a
white prayer book topped with a I
white orchid and stephanotis.
Ralph SkopH gave bis niece m
As is a traditional custom fori
former Marylhurst . students thai
bride's bouquet was taken to the
chapel at- Marylhurst college.
As A APr 131 v I
guests i
where It was placed oa the altar.
Attend the Groeaa
Michael A. -Raschko served a
best man and giww aman was
WOlard Boetticher; Robert Lebold
and Vernon Raschko were ushers.
. The bride's mother chose a black
crepe gown with three tiered skirt,
black velvet and felt sat. Mrs,
Raschko's gown was of navy blue
with navy and pink accessories.
Their corsages were of pink rose-
buds and stephanoua.
The newly weds greeted their I
at a reception at the Chi
sorority house. Presiding I
at the bride's table end assisting!
were Mrs. Anthony Becker, Mrs.1
Tun Farren of Whittier, CalifJ
Mrs. Marie Schneider of Portland.
aunt of the bride, Mrs. WiUard
Boetticher, Mrs. Raymond Fritz,
Mrs. Robert Skopfl of Eugene, Mrs.
Jackson Hazelett, and Mr. Jo
SUaiuufJord of Portland. 1 .
. When the couple left oa their
wedding trip to Portland the new
Mrs. Raschko donned a dusty :
faille suit with navy coat and navy I
blue accessories. After September
10 the newlyweds wDl be at home
In Forest Grove.
Machines hare been devised that
not only win dean eggs but alsel
sort them aa to i
Orisa peel
Does Is sats
erics! f Msetk
Octseisn peist.
ri Per
Parker pre-
- ' cTiicataoarjl
PGifior "51"
- -
gQtfiif poist.
Stainless cap.
flsest at say
Awe awtficlak
Systtau rla-
ftatsrts. 0c
Uiisn peisb
Metered lak
State and liberty . the
rians nave oeen compietea zori f. T ,
S?SSun1nv2db Loilcjwcanng Luggago Is a
Lrood tovectmont r dvor Mghtwoight
By 8m Gardner
This is the time of year when
many young people are plan
ning for college, and adults are
planning fall vacation trips. The
Cjuesoon of sag
tonney Clan Itecnion
The Bonney dan, descendants
of Dr. Truman Bonney. met at
the Laurelhurst park in Portland I
on August IS tor the list re
union. Norman Howard, presi
dent, and Mrs. Louis Shields, sec
retary, were - reelected to sexv
another year. The group voted to
cnange the meeting date to the !
first Sunday in August and to
meet at the woodburn Settlemeief
park in 1051. A no-host-dinner
was servedr ; .
On Etiquette
By KeberU
Q. If a sales person has been
exceptionally courteous and pa
tient about showing one e display
of articles, is it proper to thank
him? . - ; -
A. Yes. and whv etot? A rinw
thank you" is never out of place.
Q. Who should cut the wadding
A. The bride cuts tint iOm
The rest ef the cake is then cut
by one of her attendants. '
Q. What would be a suitable
phrase for a wife to use when in
.troducing her husband to another
woman? .
A. "Mrs. Barnes, may t present
soy husband;' .
Mrs. .Robert Erecfcter arrived
in the capital Tuesday from South
Pasadena. Calif, to be a brides-
mail for Miss Jean Weger at her
wedding on Thursday when she
becomes the bride ef Robert L.
Bfstrom, Jr. Mrs. Krechter is the
zormer soary uxnnor and re-
sided here unta her marriage.
' Past riiililnita r Wmwi aw
Carre wtU Mra. W. C. Waikar. leu
gjaga is an im
portant one and
if you are in thm
markK for a
caw set or for
Individual piec
es to complete
year current
collection, the
thing to rem
ember is that
you ir a a t
sturdy. , long-
,- wearing lug
gage If yea are going to get the
most out of your investment.
Very often, you are swayed '
: bvyour choice by a gay set,
without regard to . its lasting
Quality. If you are planning to
make many trips, it is better to
' buy less and buy hardier pieces
with good plywood and strong :
censtruction. A 2T pnTlman case -will
take care of a good deal
of your wardrobe and when coo
, pled with a small case for the
train, you have practically all v
' your needs provided for in two
piecrs. Leant to pack wisely and
eliminate duplication ef costumes
rather than spreading all you
own over many pieces which
will be bard to handle ia travel
ing. . -.,
When in doubt about the color
of your torxage. choose a neutral
shade such as black, brown, grey
or beige. Even dark green, or
blue is fine hr beckxround lug
gage pieces. Then, If you want to
add some colorful high style
pieces, they will blend with the
original ones.
Even if your present trip is not
by airplane, it is a good idea to
favor lightweight rather than
beery types ef luggage. You can
not always have a porter when
you want one, and If you can lift
and carry the pieces yourself it
will be a great convenience.
Check the locks oa your luggage
when - you select it the swing
types will be easier to handle as
a rule, and also make sure the
luggage will not warp or Jam
when you want to close it Be
tween trips, if you do not make
them often, pieces of . baggage
will make good storage boxes and
will help solve any space prob
lem you may have in your clos-
rCorrleht. 195.
al features Corp.!
Ctrea - ltoad KetghknrhaaS. cinh
ramir Trieme at eaaaMr konw ec ttte
w. a jueharaaooa on the AMqia. .
e ;-
ray '''r
Erer-Tlte Frameless Sereens
We also wash, retape. paint and
re-slat your old Venetian blinds.
CUAZ2. the t::nd f.Un
- Ca3 Anytime
Tor Free Estimates
Pbea 1-7321
UZSZmznCt. TVest Sales
We Give SXII Greea Stamps
( 1
Ox jOmm eaa-
1 iI2AHl!:3
fsa Cie Zenl'Jh. Mlniatve at
t .''s LTsarirg All Center
Current Clviiand 2Vi
ci r;:i
; 142 Sa. twtrfy
11 Clrett
.12. CD.
I -
yC ivy gGP 116
k. . f buk-vytdbooi styles before yoa outfis
s .yesir vouasseera for sclwolf ,-
) reafart
7 V )
V-. Cr i r A TTT TTM1
. . ; X 1 rWa Ba?-e V II II 1 J I II I
. -v i 1,1 u v I ( I II II v II t . t 1 I
' - - miDlUlblMlii!! tO iiiiiiibo
IXotber, be sore to see -our wood erf ol
selectioa of bread aew Boater Browa
lar!as the mmtiom-mii Doscer Browa
School Days Jamboree, we ere fearoriag
cotsplete atodbs of aopjuaIirjr Besteg
Ctvwss school
Crlsj yoctf chili rea la today and let our
fit tbeam ia
Voa caa depead oa Custer Erowa quality
. aad tOxtj are actus!! economlcst
tbey wear loeetv and give ,
s!l-crocad sbct rgf inaction. See ocr ssodj
te the Coster Crown CaicSe few
' every leturdqr
Cpca JFrfday rr-!;f
aa f trr lOOL.-
Ol S7AT3