The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    C: n!iT. r.r i r.i::i
Ceremony at
St. Jc
On Sum
Miss Barbara ,
Tells Troth
Taking the romantic spotlight
today Is Miss Barbara Hendrick
son. whose engagement to Dwight
Quisenberry was revealed Thurs
day night at a party for which
Miss Marilyn Bill was hostess at
the South Liberty street home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
The rounx couple have been a
steady duo for some time land
their wedding is planned for this
winter but no definite date has
" been set -.. '
The attractive bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
i L. Hendrickson of Portland, who
resided in Salem until last year.
She Is a graduate of Vltem schools
and attended Oregon State col
lege. Che Is member o$ uamma
Phi Beta sorority.
: Mr. Quisenberry is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry
- and Is also a graduate of Salem
schools. He will be a senior at
Oregon State college this year
and Is taking a pharmaceutical
course. His fraternity is Phi Delta
Theta. '
- A group of the bride-elect's
young friends were bidden to the
party. Bridge was in play with
dessert supper served ny ine
hostess. At each place were minia
ture pill boxes with the engage
ment news hidden in capsules.
A Surprise Dinner
mx. ana sirs. Robert -painter
were honored at a surprise dinner
party on Thursday night at the
Italian villa when their only
daughter, Miss Dorothy Painter
entertained. The occasion was the
couple's silver wedding anniver
sary. The Painters have , resided
here for twenty-three years.
Mrs. Evans Has
96th Birthday 1
SILVERTON Family and
friends gathered Sunday to hon
or Mrs. Catherine Evans on her
96th birthday aniversary.
.Dinner was served under the
laree trees on the Evans lawn on
Maple street with others easing
during the afternoon.
Mrs. Evans was born in Iowa
on August 12, 1834. With1 her
parents she moved to Missouri as
a child. On March 1, 1876, she
was married In Missouri to Al
len Edward Evans a lumber mill
and timber man. He died la Sa
lem In 1921. The family moved to
Oklahoma in 1904 and to the Sa
lem area three years later where
the family made its home until
10 years ago when they came to
Silverton. - - '
There were ten children born
to the Evans, with eight now liv
ing. Ihe latter are Mrs. Ethel Rit
chie and Mrs. Mary Ritchie both
of Salem: Mrs. Al Wood of San
Bernardino, Calif.; Mrs. Blanche
Jones of Brooks, and Don Fred
and Bill Evans all of Silverton
and Harve Evans of -Clear Lake.
Nothing like it! Won't cat off- :
won't bite off?-won't kiss off I
NEW YORK, H. Y. Beauty experts
aad women everywhere axe hailing
cm most exciting newt in cosmetic
history. It's HAZEL BISHOPS anus.
Inglf lasting lipstick the first and
oljr color-true make-up you can put
M tout uts In the monuna or ere- .
sung and forget! for it stay on and parrassmeot another single dayl JugM
so until you want to take it off I - now, go to your favorite drag or ae
Now at last, say goodbye to un- ' partment store and gtt HAZEL
sigbdy "red greas on glasses, china, BISHOPS sensational new I sting
silverware, cigarettes, or teeth. Never ' lipstick. Only Si plus tax. Yoa cause
' agsia be embarrassed br smearing . , be completely unified or your money
your friends, children, reudrei, hmv will be refunded! - -;, ' Adv
band, or sweetheart with your "Vaf
paint" for this sensational lipstick
keeps your mouth looking as radiant
fresh, and colorful as when first ap
plied even when yoa eat bite your
lips, or kiss! - ' '
So don t put up with lipstick
Mrs. Horton to:
Be Honored
At Party
Mrs. John Horton, who is visit
Ins? here from Baker for a few
weeks with her parents, the M.
P. Duffrs. win be the honor guest
tonight when Mrs. Jack trice en
tertains at bar noma on wen
Mrers street.
A dessert supper win oe serv
ed by the hostess with bridge in
nlav following. A shower will
fete the truest of honor.
Bidden to honor Mrs. Horton
are Mrs. M. P. Duffy, Mrs. Stuart
MeEMnnT. Mrs. Dean Bores. Mrs.
William Ean. Mrs. Carl X. Nel
son. Mrs. Earl Fisher. Mrs. Rob
ert EL Hamilton, Mrs. John Kolb
Mrs. Oscar Specht, Mrs. Douglas
Chambers. Mrs. Leland Shlnn.
Mrs. Erwin Bahlburg, Mrs. Otto
J.- Wilson and Mrs Otto Skopll,
Jr. .; 1 :
Garden Ceremony
At Sweet Home
SWEET HOME Miss Wllda Rae
HalL daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hall, and Theron Levi Jen
kins, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Earl
Jenkins, all of Sweet Home, were
united in marriage in a double
ring ceremony held on the lawn
of the bride's parents on Sunday.
Rev Roy Franklin, pastor of the
Nazarene church, read the mar
riage vows. ' j "
, The bride wore sky-blue satin
and carried a white Bible with
orchids. ':
Maid of honor. Mary Jane Jen
kins,' sister of the 1 bridegroom.
was attired in yellow taffeta. At
tendants Betty Howard, Mohel
unne Hill, Calif, and Myrna Met
zentine, Sweet Home, wore pink
taffeta and carried oldfashloned
bouquets of white dallies.
Best man was Merlin Hail
brother of the bride. Ushers were
Elmer and Jean Jenkins brothers
of the bridegroom.
jrouowing ine . wedding cere
mony a reception was held. The
newlyweds left for the coast on
a honeymoon trip. The bride has
been employed at the law office
of Galey it Galey as secretarr
and the groom is employed with
tne Oregon Plywood corporation.
They will be at home to their
friends in the . Thill apartments
on jm street. .
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lee ef Hotly
wood, Calif., art visiting in the
capital at the home of her uncle
and aunt, .the John SL Locheads.
Mrs. ; Jeraldine Beatrice Reit-
renxtein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Reitzenstein. became . the
bride of Melvin Herman Horst of
Albany, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Horst of Gurley, Nebraska, In
oouoie ring ceremony at 4
o'clock Sunday at the SL John's
Lutheran church. The Rev. H. W.
Gross officiated.
The bride, given by her father.
wore a; white satin dress with
round neckline of satin and lace
Her veil was held in place br her
mother's coronet of orange blos
soms. She carried -a bouauet of
paie yellow and white rose buds
Miss Arlene Peper was the
bride's mail of honor. She wore
chartreuse dress and carried
colonial nosegay of orchid, white
and yellow asters, i The brides
maid, Mrs. Lester Eahle, wore a
paia gmn dress and carried
nosegay of yellow, white and or-
cnid asters.
LeRcy Horst of Gurley. Nebras
ka was his brother's best man.
John Winters of Philomath, was
Joann Bohlander of Oreron
City was flower girl and Dennis
Sauer of Eugene was ring bearer.
ushering were Richard and Al
len Reitzenstein. brothers of the
bride, and George Peper. Ir.
Mrs. Keitzenstein chose for her
daughter's wedding a pale blue
crepe dress with white accessories
and a corsage of yellow . gladio
luses. Mrs. Horst wore pale blue
flowered dress with white acces
sories and a corsage of yellow
After a reception In the May-
xiower nail the couple left for
motor trip to the Oregon beaches,
For going away the bride choose
a navy blue dress, hat and gloves
with red accessories.
The couple will make their
home in Albany.
Visitors at Grant Home
Visitors in the capital are Dr.
and Mrs. John W. Phillips, who
came west from Charleston,' West
Virginia, where they have been
making their home the past year.
They are guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Grant, and
plan to be here until after Christ
mas. Mrs. Phillips will be remem
bered as the former Ruth Alice
Grant. In January Dr. and Mrs.
Phillips will leave for Rochester,
Minn., where he will be on the
surgical staff at the Mayo Clinic.
Thursday the visitors left for
month's trip to Canada, plan
ning to spend most of their time
near Banff and Lake Louise.
. . - i
Mr. and Mrs. H. I Brsden
have as their house guests her
brother and niece, E. K. Brooks
and Miss Phyllis Brooks of Paines-
ville, Ohio. The visitors are spend'
Ing part of their time In McMinn
villa with the Brad en's son-in-law
and daughter, j the William
H. Dashneys.
J -.ggjSJSJSjBest -
I white mistlon .'. . Guest having
tea or punch , on the upper terrace
or in the garden ... So cool the
garden which borders the- creek
Pouring one hour . . . Mrs.
Jerald Backstrand in a lilac sheer
with claret velvet sash . . ..Mrs.
Theron, Hoover assisting in 'the
garden -and wearing a blue sheer
.By Jerysoe English
STRmZ2 TEAS . always a
delizht: and a' lor to attend . .
as durlnff the summer months one I with embroidery trim .
doesn't see ones friends as often I Mrs. Donald Mccargar in a
. . jo there is always much remin-1 cue navy ana green nnen wun
isfintf nrl - ormrinn to find out I navy shoes and wide, brimmed
..I - m V . a. W-k.
where one has been or vacation-1 green straw ... urs. modcti ivra
ing ... t Iger In for the day from Nesko-
m. . ravl I win . mum ccquma m xrua uu
kju abiuwuii . . i . . . j - m inn
Nelson's beautiful home . . . guests iLra" L?1 SLSSrSf V LI
called to say au revolr to Mrs. ".tT
TTTim. t v. ri w. w,fn I pine emoroidered organdy, accora-
to Washington this fall . . Mrs. ft. ranherJS;
Nelson, cool-looking in a white I JJJ' llJl
rummer dress accented wun- vioxet i "" " v: r r:
m i . k .irfimany yean. ago. greeting old
a; 'SKA gwjsgs . vMto
IS , - yellow linen ... and Mrs. William
A u l. Phffllps a symphony In pink,
terrace for a glass of punch and! - T
a stroll about the garden adrnirmg, ni.
the flowers and fuchsias . . . InKJrQKiniSt FiOYS
the living room pretty arrange-1 t-i r 1?
ments of rinnlaj In the pink and f Or Meeting
daisies and a mixed summer bou-l SILVERTON Mrs. WITT! am
auet on the niano ... A blue da-1 w
mask cloth on the tea table . . ..ZT . . .
a beautiful centerpiece of yellow ornsiown, incL, nignugnt a
roses flanked by yellow tapers . .'.I the August meeting of the We-
Church Women, explained a na-'
Uon-wide move of this group to
register one million women.
The members of the Sarah
Adams circle, .with Mrs. Winter
as president, arranged the pro
gram and served tea to mem
bers and guests. '
Special guests were- Mrs. Har
per, guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Wayne Grodrian; Mrs. Walter
Hanson, Minnesota, guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Austin Sanford;
lust matching the handsome wall men's Knrfotv nt niritt.n
. i-i..- I,. ,i ii i
pspor wu. wiu jui. 7ew ic at the Methodist church Tues-
AnatheMpreent...From SL
out-of-town . . . Mrs. John Horton Mrs. H. J. Winter was in chartre
De5?nun of the devotional topic, -The PU-
.1Wlt LtZ P" ol the. Earth." mSShI
nn Vr frnrn T l VnTTTl Pdent, and Mrs. E. A.
hf?. 5 ISU tt',; ' Fh' Ant vice president of the
Pretty, blonde Mrs. Halbert Har-1 lnrfll -rmm n
ffVifaH I " - ihuit-
ieret style hatV . . Summer 52 gSS Camp Magruder,
lie. Dean Cummlng, Julesburg,
Colo guest of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ben Sprlck. .
Mr. Eey n, MZ!s has retara
ed from a trip south to Berkeley,
Calif., where he visited his son
and daughter-in-law, . Mr..' and
Mrs, Charles Mills. While in the
south' he saw the stage show,
"South Pacific.' in San Franris.
'co. -J . .
ncinholdl C: Lovns
The Drapsry DeparlmenI
IZO S. 21at SL
O Dnrperlea
O CnrtcdfiS)
O BedsprsKxda
O EnsemHea
O Slipcovers
Pho. ir$Z53
Now o&arlag yon fha z
tt newest and inoct
bsKiuflful labclcs ta the
Tenetlaa BRads sad
WlBdew Shades
vard in a black linen highli;
TkS ItAui
V' IT r1! near Rockaway.
by Mrs. Fred Moxley with her At -V1,0.1! Jff meeting.
JL i i , I Mrs. William McMurrar was
green straw on Mrs. Wolcott Buren oi to
and her summer sheer of white 1" Lri. vacancy ien wnen
ttr v .v. nrti I Mrs. Ben f. Browning BUWMl tn
son smart in a green cotton with I i . Albert Grinde, pre
violet flowers at the waist ... and adent tt local Council . of
anticipating the fall when her re
modeled home will be completed
. . . Mrs. Charles Wood's summer
tan accented by her. charteuse
pleated dress with luggage and
khite polka dot scarf and hat .
Mrs. Paul Hendricks wearing yel
low linen shoes with her grey and
white polka dot scarf and hat
John H. Johnson, assisting in the
dining room, and wearing a pretty
pink dotted Swiss frock with tiered
Velma Farmer and Mrs. Clifford
Farmer were tea hostesses on
Tuesday at the former's home for
the pleasure of Virginia Parr, who
will be married on, August 26 to
Ray Farmer . -. . The honor guest
wearing a navy and white checked
taffeta dress with navy .top adorn
ed with white collar and cuffs
brought from Paris by her mother,
Mrs. Dwight.Parr, who just re
turned last week ... Mrs. Parr in
a good-looking brown taffeta with
brown velvet trim : J . She en
joyed her European trip and would
love to live in either i London or
Paris . . . but has a soft spot tor
Switzerland . .
Gorgeous . . . magnolias In a low
bowl on the tea table .!. . the cor
1 ners of the white cloth caught with
Many New
; Now Available
On 45 RPM
Old Fashion Revival
Hour Quartet
Haven ef Kest Quartet ; -
Lores Whitney Organ -
Rudy. Atweed, Plane -
And Many Others
Open Friday Nights Tin 0
'Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High .
Tin m I' -iski-.P'f wt,.!-. a ear
"You can eft
a let for
to iE!r
Dress up your rooms
with warm-heerted
It Takes
Is Here!
utUCTiA co
in 8x Urtr Oca 4-2237
i V V , ; : '
7 1-U A r
1 11 1 1 W
Phone S4191
z5' ; men, naYori GflDflnDiun !
. J 1217 ' FALL SHADES
Hr t that new Fatl suit you vo wanted i
(at a price so low that you could take two). -
- - -. - i . I - ;---.,..f-:
. A lovely CcHsheen Gcbcrdlne In Mallard
Uv, Lapis Teal, Muscatel Wine or Mink 1
Crown. Fine workmanship, beautifully lined
lackers. Sizes 1 0 to 1 8. See them yourself I
fiiere Uesrs:
1 A. SL- st r. IX.
t') a. iL-i r. ii.
15S North
I liberty
I ft 'I V-rZ
- Tfc
HA) ?,
ii ii
Lb o
m Emm stocei
P,MM and C(OTM
FORMERLY $4 TO $12.90
ju;:ior o r.TissES' o half-sizes
Reap substantial savings on top-notch styles wanted
fabrics! WHfi much Summer weather still ahead wo slash
every Summar dreis In our store.1 All new this season's stock
and every dress priced at great reductions I
- 1 . ,. ! i -. :
CLrrriuS ilvjtd ... co::j eatiyi